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OT-PROPHET.filter - jub himself:

jub@Isaiah:2:9 @ And the mean man bows down, and the great man humbles himself; therefore thou shalt not forgive them.

jub@Isaiah:2:20 @ In that day man shall cast his idols of silver and his idols of gold (which they made [each one] for himself to worship) into the caves of the moles and of the bats,

jub@Isaiah:5:14 @ Therefore Sheol has enlarged himself and opened his mouth without measure; and their glory, and their multitude descended into it and their pomp and he that rejoiced in him.

jub@Isaiah:7:14 @ Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel.

jub@Isaiah:8:13 @ Sanctify the LORD of the hosts himself; and [let] him [be] your fear, and [let] him [be] your dread.

jub@Isaiah:19:17 @ And the land of Judah shall be a terror unto Egypt; every one that makes mention of it shall be afraid in himself because of the counsel of the LORD of the hosts which he has determined against it.

jub@Isaiah:22:16 @ What hast thou here? or whom hast thou here that thou hast hewed thee out a sepulchre here [as] he that hews himself out a sepulchre on a high place or that graves a habitation for himself in a rock?

jub@Isaiah:26:21 @ For, behold, the LORD comes out of his place to visit the iniquity of the inhabitant of the earth against himself: the earth also shall disclose her blood and shall no longer cover her slain.:

jub@Isaiah:28:20 @ For the bed is shorter than that [a man] can stretch himself [on it]: and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself [in it].

jub@Isaiah:31:4 @ For thus has the LORD spoken unto me, Like the lion and the young lion roaring on his prey, even if a multitude of shepherds come forth against him, [he] will not be afraid of their voices, nor abase himself for the noise of them: so shall the LORD of the hosts come down to fight for Mount Zion and for his hill.

jub@Isaiah:33:22 @ For the LORD [shall be] our judge, the LORD [shall be] our lawgiver, the LORD shall be our king; he himself will save us.

jub@Isaiah:34:14 @ The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl shall have his seat there and find for himself a place of rest.

jub@Isaiah:35:4 @ Say to those [that are] of a fearful heart, Be comforted, fear not; behold, your God comes with vengeance, with recompense; God himself will come and save you.

jub@Isaiah:37:1 @ And it came to pass when king Hezekiah heard [it], that he rent his clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house of the LORD.

jub@Isaiah:38:15 @ What shall I say? He has both spoken unto me, and [he] himself has done [it]; I shall walk softly all my years in the bitterness of my soul.

jub@Isaiah:40:20 @ He that [is] so impoverished that he has no oblation chooses a tree [that] will not rot; he seeks unto himself a cunning workman to prepare a graven image [that] shall not be moved.

jub@Isaiah:44:5 @ One shall say, I [am] the LORD'S; and another shall call [himself] by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe [with] his hand unto the LORD and surname [himself] by the name of Israel.

jub@Isaiah:44:14 @ He shall hew down cedars and take the cypress and the oak, and he shall strengthen himself with the trees of the forest; he shall plant a fir tree, which shall be nourished with the rain.

jub@Isaiah:44:15 @ The man shall then use of it for firewood; for he will take thereof and warm himself; he will kindle [it] and bake bread; he will also make a god and worship [it]; he will fabricate an idol and shall kneel down before it.

jub@Isaiah:44:16 @ He shall burn part of it in the fire; with [another] part thereof he shall eat flesh; he shall roast meat and shall satisfy himself. Afterwards he shall warm [himself] and say, Aha, I have warmed myself, I have seen fire;

jub@Isaiah:44:17 @ the residue of it he turns into god, into his graven image; he humbles himself before it and worships [it] and prays unto it and says, Deliver me; for thou [art] my god.

jub@Isaiah:45:18 @ For thus has the LORD said that creates the heavens; God himself that forms the earth, he who made it and established it. He did not create it in vain; he created it to be inhabited; I [am] the LORD; and [there] is no one else.

jub@Isaiah:50:2 @ for I came, and no one showed himself; I called, and no one answered. Is my hand shortened at all, that it cannot redeem? or have I no power to deliver? behold, at my rebuke I dry up the sea, I make the rivers a wilderness: their fish stink because [there is] no water and die for thirst.

jub@Isaiah:56:3 @ Neither let the son of the stranger that has joined himself to the LORD speak, saying, The LORD shall utterly separate me from his people: nor let the eunuch say, Behold, I [am] a dry tree.

jub@Isaiah:63:10 @ But they were rebels and angered his holy Spirit; therefore, he was turned to be their enemy, [and] he himself fought against them.

jub@Isaiah:63:12 @ He that led [them] by the right hand of Moses with the arm of his glory, he who divided the water before them, thus making himself an everlasting name?

jub@Isaiah:64:7 @ And [there is] none that calls upon thy name, that wakes himself up to take hold [of thee]; therefore, thou hast hid thy face from us and hast allowed us to wither in the power of our iniquities.

jub@Isaiah:65:16 @ He who blesses himself in the earth shall bless himself in the God of truth; and he that swears in the earth shall swear by the God of truth because the former troubles shall be forgotten and shall be covered from my eyes.

jub@Jeremiah:10:10 @ But the LORD God [is] the Truth, he himself [is] Living God and Everlasting King: at his wrath the earth trembles, and the Gentiles shall not be able to abide his indignation.

jub@Jeremiah:16:20 @ Shall a man make gods unto himself? But they [shall] not [be] gods.

jub@Jeremiah:20:10 @ For I heard the murmuring of many, fear on every side, Report, and we will report it. All my friends watched to see if I would stumble. Peradventure he will deceive himself, they said, and we shall prevail against him, and we shall take our revenge on him.

jub@Jeremiah:23:24 @ Can any hide himself in hiding places that I shall not see him? said the LORD. Do I not fill heaven and earth? said the LORD.

jub@Jeremiah:26:13 @ Therefore now amend your ways and your doings and hear the voice of the LORD your God; and the LORD himself will repent of the evil that he has pronounced against you.

jub@Jeremiah:26:19 @ Did Hezekiah king of Judah and all Judah put him at all to death? Did he not fear the LORD and besought the LORD, and the LORD himself repented of the evil which he had pronounced against them? Shall we commit such great evil against our souls?

jub@Jeremiah:31:18 @ I have surely heard Ephraim bemoaning himself [thus], Thou hast afflicted me, and I was chastised as an indomitable bullock: turn thou me, and I shall be turned; for thou [art] the LORD my God.

jub@Jeremiah:37:12 @ then Jeremiah went forth out of Jerusalem to go into the land of Benjamin to separate himself there in the midst of the people.

jub@Jeremiah:43:12 @ And I will put fire to the houses of the gods of Egypt; and he shall burn them and carry them away captives: and he shall array himself with the land of Egypt as a shepherd puts on his garment; and he shall go forth from there in peace.

jub@Jeremiah:48:26 @ Make him drunken, for he magnified [himself] against the LORD; Moab shall also wallow in his vomit, and be in derision.

jub@Jeremiah:48:42 @ And Moab shall be destroyed from [being] a people because he has magnified [himself] against the LORD.

jub@Jeremiah:49:10 @ But I will make Esau bare, I will uncover his secret places, and he shall not be able to hide himself; his seed shall be destroyed, and his brethren and his neighbours and he shall no longer be.

jub@Jeremiah:51:3 @ [I shall say] to the archer that bends his bow and unto him that lifts himself up in his brigandine, Spare ye not her young men; utterly destroy all her host.

jub@Jeremiah:51:14 @ The LORD of the hosts has sworn by himself, [saying], Surely I will fill thee with men as with locusts; and they shall sing the song [of the winepress] against thee.

jub@Jeremiah:51:44 @ And I will visit Bel himself in Babylon, and I will bring forth out of his mouth that which he has swallowed up; and the Gentiles shall not flow together any more unto him; and the wall of Babylon shall fall.

jub@Lamentations:1:9 @ [Teth] Her filthiness [is] in her skirts; she did not remember her latter end; therefore she came down surprisingly; she has no comforter. O LORD, behold my affliction, for the enemy has magnified [himself].

jub@Ezekiel:7:13 @ For the seller shall not return to that which is sold although they remain alive, for the vision [is] touching the whole multitude thereof and shall not be cancelled; neither shall any in the iniquity of his life strengthen himself.

jub@Ezekiel:14:7 @ For any man of the house of Israel or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel who has separated himself from walking after me and has set up his idols in his heart and has established the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face and comes to the prophet to enquire of him concerning me, I, the LORD, will answer him by myself:

jub@Ezekiel:31:7 @ He made himself beautiful in his greatness, with the extension of his branches: for his root was by many waters.

jub@Ezekiel:33:5 @ He heard the sound of the shofar and did not take warning; his blood shall be upon himself. But he that takes warning shall deliver his soul.

jub@Ezekiel:45:22 @ And upon that day the prince shall prepare for himself and for all the people of the land a calf as sin.

jub@Daniel:1:8 @ And Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's food, nor with the wine which he drank; therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.

jub@Daniel:2:46 @ Then the king Nebuchadnezzar fell upon his face and humbled himself before Daniel and commanded that they should sacrifice presents and sweet odours unto him.

jub@Daniel:4:20 @ The tree that thou didst see, which grew and made himself strong, whose height reached unto the heaven and the sight thereof to all the earth;

jub@Daniel:8:4 @ I saw that the ram smote with the horns to the west, to the north, and to the south and that no beast could stand before him, nor could anyone escape from his hand; but he did according to his will and made himself great.

jub@Daniel:8:8 @ And the he goat made himself very great, and when he was at his greatest strength, that great horn was broken; and in its place came up another four marvellous ones toward the four winds of heaven.

jub@Daniel:8:11 @ Even [against] the prince of the host did he magnify himself, and by him the daily [sacrifice] was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast to [the] earth.

jub@Daniel:8:23 @ And at the end of their empire, when the prevaricators are come to the full, a king of arrogant countenance and expert in enigmas shall raise [himself] up.

jub@Daniel:8:25 @ And with his understanding he shall cause the deceit in his hand to prosper, and he shall magnify [himself] in his heart, and by peace he shall destroy many; he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes, and without hand he shall be broken.

jub@Daniel:11:2 @ And now will I show thee the truth. Behold, there shall yet be three kings in Persia, and the fourth shall obtain far greater riches than [they] all; and by his strengthening himself with his riches he shall stir up all against the realm of Grecia.

jub@Daniel:11:5 @ And the king of the south, and of his principalities, shall make himself strong; and he shall exceed him and make himself powerful; his dominion [shall be] a great dominion.

jub@Daniel:11:8 @ and even their gods, with their princes, with their precious vessels of silver and of gold, shall be taken captive in Egypt; and for [some] years he shall maintain himself against the king of the north.

jub@Daniel:11:36 @ And the king shall do according to his will, and he shall exalt himself and magnify himself above every god and shall speak marvels against the God of gods and shall prosper until the indignation is accomplished, for the determination has been made.

jub@Daniel:11:37 @ Neither shall he care for the God of his fathers, nor the love of women, nor care for any god, for he shall magnify himself above all.