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geneva@Genesis:1:9 @ God saide againe, Let the waters vnder the heauen be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appeare; it was so.

geneva@Genesis:2:9 @ And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the (note:)Who was a sign of the life received from God.(:note) tree of life also in the midst of the garden, That is, of miserable experience, which came by disobeying God. and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

geneva@Genesis:3:9 @ But the Lord God called to the man, and said vnto him, Where art thou?

geneva@Genesis:4:9 @ And the LORD said unto Cain, Where [is] Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: (note:)This is the nature of the reprobate when they are rebuke for their hypocrisy, even to neglect God and outrage him.(:note) [Am] I my brother's keeper?

geneva@Genesis:5:9 @ Also Enosh liued ninetie yeeres, and begate Kenan.

geneva@Genesis:6:9 @ These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a iust and vpright man in his time: and Noah walked with God.

geneva@Genesis:7:9 @ There (note:)God compelled them to present themselves to Noah, as they did before to Adam, when he gave them names, (Gen_2:19).(:note) went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah.

geneva@Genesis:8:9 @ But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters [were] on the face of the whole earth: then he (note:)The raven flew to and fro, resting on the ark, but did not come into it, unlike the dove that was taken in.(:note) put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark.

geneva@Genesis:9:1 @ And God (note:)God increased them with fruit, and declared to them his counsel as concerning the replenishing of the earth.(:note) blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.

geneva@Genesis:9:2 @ And the (note:)By the virtue of this commandment, beasts do not rage as much against man as they would, yea and many serve his purposes by it.(:note) fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth [upon] the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.

geneva@Genesis:9:3 @ Every (note:)By this permission man may with a good conscience use the creatures of God for his needs.(:note) moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.

geneva@Genesis:9:4 @

geneva@Genesis:9:5 @

geneva@Genesis:9:6 @ Whoso sheddeth man's blood, (note:)Not only by the magistrate, but often God raises up one murderer to kill another.(:note) by man shall his blood be shed: for in the Therefore to kill man is to deface God's image, and so injury is not only done to man, but also to God. image of God made he man.

geneva@Genesis:9:7 @ But bring ye forth fruite & multiplie: grow plentifully in the earth, and increase therein.

geneva@Genesis:9:8 @ God spake also to Noah & to his sonnes with him, saying,

geneva@Genesis:9:9 @ And I, behold, I establish my (note:)To assure you that the world will never again be destroyed by a flood.(:note) covenant with you, and with your The children which are not yet born, are comprehended in God's covenant with their fathers. seed after you;

geneva@Genesis:9:10 @ And with euery liuing creature that is with you, with the foule, with the cattell, and with euery beast of the earth with you, from all that goe out of the Arke, vnto euery beast of the earth.

geneva@Genesis:9:11 @ And my couenant will I establish with you, that from henceforth all flesh shall not be rooted out by ye waters of the flood, neither shall there be a flood to destroy the earth any more.

geneva@Genesis:9:12 @ Then God saide, This is the token of the couenant which I make betweene me and you, and betweene euery liuing thing, that is with you vnto perpetuall generations.

geneva@Genesis:9:13 @ I do set my (note:)By this we see that signs or ordinances should not be separate from the word.(:note) bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.

geneva@Genesis:9:14 @ And when I shall couer the earth with a cloud, and the bowe shall be seene in the cloude,

geneva@Genesis:9:15 @ And I will remember my (note:)When men see my bow in the sky, they will know that I have not forgotten my covenant with them.(:note) covenant, which [is] between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.

geneva@Genesis:9:16 @ Therefore the bowe shalbe in the cloude, that I may see it, and remember the euerlasting couenant betweene God, and euery liuing thing in all flesh that is vpon the earth.

geneva@Genesis:9:17 @ And God said unto Noah, (note:)God repeats this often to confirm Noah's faith even more.(:note) This [is] the token of the covenant, which I have established between me and all flesh that [is] upon the earth.

geneva@Genesis:9:18 @ Nowe the sonnes of Noah going foorth of the Arke, were Shem and Ham and Iapheth; Ham is the father of Canaan.

geneva@Genesis:9:19 @ These [are] the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth (note:)This declares what the virtue of God's blessing was, when he said, increase and bring forth in (Gen_1:28).(:note) overspread.

geneva@Genesis:9:20 @ Noah also began to be an husband man and planted a vineyard.

geneva@Genesis:9:21 @ And he drank of the wine, and was (note:)This is set before us to show what a horrible thing drunkenness is.(:note) drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent.

geneva@Genesis:9:22 @ And Ham, the father of (note:)Of whom came the Canaanites that wicked nation, who were also cursed by God.(:note) Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and In derision and contempt of his father. told his two brethren without.

geneva@Genesis:9:23 @ Then tooke Shem & Iapheth a garment, and put it vpon both their shoulders, and went backwarde, and couered the nakednesse of their father with their faces backwarde: so they sawe not their fathers nakednesse.

geneva@Genesis:9:24 @ Then Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his yonger sonne had done vnto him,

geneva@Genesis:9:25 @ And he said, (note:)He pronounces as a prophet the curse of God against all those who do not honour their parents: for Ham and his posterity were cursed.(:note) Cursed [be] Canaan; a That is, a most vile slave. servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.

geneva@Genesis:9:26 @ He said moreouer, blessed be the Lord God of Shem, and let Canaan be his seruant.

geneva@Genesis:9:27 @ God shall (note:)He declares that the Gentiles, who came from Japheth, and were separated from the Church, should be joined to the same by the persuasion of God's Spirit, and preaching of the gospel.(:note) enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.

geneva@Genesis:9:28 @ And Noah liued after the flood three hundreth and fiftie yeeres.

geneva@Genesis:9:29 @ So all the dayes of Noah were nine hundreth and fiftie yeeres: and he died.

geneva@Genesis:10:9 @ He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even (note:)His tyranny came into a proverb as hated both by God and man: for he did not cease to commit cruelty even in God's presence.(:note) as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD.

geneva@Genesis:10:25 @ And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one [was] Peleg; for in his days was the earth (note:)This division came by the diversity of language, as appears in (Gen_11:9).(:note) divided; and his brother's name [was] Joktan.

geneva@Genesis:11:9 @ Therefore the name of it was called Babel, because the Lorde did there confounde the language of all the earth: from thence then did the Lord scatter them vpon all the earth.

geneva@Genesis:12:9 @

geneva@Genesis:13:9 @ [Is] not the whole land before thee? separate thyself, I pray thee, from me: if [thou wilt (note:)Abram resigns his own right to buy peace.(:note) take] the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if [thou depart] to the right hand, then I will go to the left.

geneva@Genesis:14:9 @ To wit, with Chedor-laomer king of Elam, and Tidal king of nations, and Amraphel king of Shinar, and Arioch king of Ellasar: foure Kings against fiue.

geneva@Genesis:15:9 @ Then he said vnto him, Take me an heifer of three yeeres olde, and a shee goate of three yeeres olde, and a ramme of three yeeres olde, a turtle doue also and a pigeon.

geneva@Genesis:16:9 @ And the angel of the LORD said unto her, (note:)God rejects no estate of people in their misery, but sends them comfort.(:note) Return to thy mistress, and submit thyself under her hands.

geneva@Genesis:17:9 @ Againe God said vnto Abraham, Thou also shalt keepe my couenant, thou, and thy seede after thee in their generations.

geneva@Genesis:18:9 @ Then they saide to him, Where is Sarah thy wife? And he answered, Beholde, she is in the tent.

geneva@Genesis:19:9 @ Then they said, Away hence, and they said, He is come alone as a stranger, and shall he iudge and rule? We will nowe deale worse with thee then with them. So they preassed sore vpon Lot himselfe, and came to breake the doore.

geneva@Genesis:20:9 @ Then Abimelech called Abraham, and said unto him, What hast thou done unto us? and what have I offended thee, that thou hast brought on me and on my (note:)The wickedness of the king brings God's wrath on the whole realm.(:note) kingdom a great sin? thou hast done deeds unto me that ought not to be done.

geneva@Genesis:21:9 @ And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, which she had born unto Abraham, (note:)He derided God's promise made to Isaac which the apostle calls persecution (Gal_4:29).(:note) mocking.

geneva@Genesis:22:9 @ And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and (note:)For it is likely that his father had told him God's commandment, to which he showed himself obedient.(:note) bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.

geneva@Genesis:23:9 @ That he would giue me ye caue of Machpelah, which he hath in the ende of his field: that he would giue it me for as much money as it is worth, for a possession to bury in among you.

geneva@Genesis:24:9 @ Then the seruant put his hand vnder the thigh of Abraham his master, and sware to him for this matter.

geneva@Genesis:25:9 @ And his sonnes, Izhak and Ishmael buryed him in the caue of Machpelah, in the fielde of Ephron sonne of Zohar the Hittite, before Mamre.

geneva@Genesis:26:9 @ Then Abimelech called Izhak, and sayde, Loe, shee is of a suertie thy wife, and why saydest thou, She is my sister? To whom Izhak answered, Because I thought this, It may be that I shall dye for her.

geneva@Genesis:27:9 @

geneva@Genesis:28:9 @ Then went Esau unto Ishmael, and took unto the wives which he had Mahalath the daughter of (note:)Thinking by this to have reconciled himself to his father, but all in vain: for he does not take away the cause of the evil.(:note) Ishmael Abraham's son, the sister of Nebajoth, to be his wife.

geneva@Genesis:29:9 @ While he talked with them, Rahel also came with her fathers sheepe, for she kept them.

geneva@Genesis:30:9 @ And when Leah saw that she had left bearing, shee tooke Zilpah her mayde, and gaue her Iaakob to wife.

geneva@Genesis:30:37 @ And Jacob (note:)Jacob used no deceit in this for it was God's commandment as he declares in (Gen_31:9, Gen_31:11).(:note) took him rods of green poplar, and of the hazel and chesnut tree; and pilled white strakes in them, and made the white appear which [was] in the rods.

geneva@Genesis:31:9 @ Thus (note:)This declares that the thing Jacob did before, was by God's commandment, and not through deceit.(:note) God hath taken away the cattle of your father, and given [them] to me.

geneva@Genesis:32:9 @ Moreouer Iaakob said, O God of my father Abraham, & God of my father Izhak: Lord, which saydest vnto me, Returne vnto thy coutrey and to thy kinred, and I will do thee good,

geneva@Genesis:33:9 @ And Esau said, I haue ynough, my brother: keepe that thou hast to thy selfe.

geneva@Genesis:34:9 @ So make affinitie with vs: giue your daughters vnto vs, and take our daughters vnto you,

geneva@Genesis:35:9 @ Againe God appeared vnto Iaakob, after he came out of Padan Aram, and blessed him.

geneva@Genesis:36:9 @ So these are the generations of Esau father of Edom in mount Seir.

geneva@Genesis:37:9 @ Againe hee dreamed an other dreame, & tolde it his brethren, and saide, Behold, I haue had one dreame more, and beholde, the Sunne and the Moone & eleuen starres did reuerence to me.

geneva@Genesis:38:9 @ And Onan knewe that the seede should not be his: therefore when he went in vnto his brothers wife, he spilled it on the grounde, least he should giue seede vnto his brother.

geneva@Genesis:39:9 @ [There is] none greater in this house than I; neither hath he kept back any thing from me but thee, because thou [art] his wife: how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against (note:)The fear of God preserved him against her continual temptations.(:note) God?

geneva@Genesis:40:9 @ So the chiefe butler tolde his dreame to Ioseph, and said vnto him, In my dreame, behold, a vine was before me,

geneva@Genesis:41:9 @ Then spake the chief butler unto Pharaoh, saying, I (note:)He confesses his fault against the king before he speaks of Joseph.(:note) do remember my faults this day:

geneva@Genesis:42:9 @ And Ioseph remembred the dreames, which he dreamed of them) and he sayde vnto them, Ye are spies, and are come to see the weaknesse of the land.

geneva@Genesis:43:9 @ I wil be suertie for him: of mine hand shalt thou require him. If I bring him not to thee, and set him before thee, then let me beare the blame for euer.

geneva@Genesis:44:9 @ With whomesoeuer of thy seruants it bee found, let him dye, and we also will be my lordes bondmen.

geneva@Genesis:45:9 @ Haste you & go vp to my father, & tel him, Thus saieth thy sonne Ioseph, God hath made me lord of all Egypt: come downe to me, tary not.

geneva@Genesis:46:9 @ And the sonnes of Reuben: Hanoch, and Phallu, and Hezron, and Carmi.

geneva@Genesis:47:9 @ And Iaakob sayd vnto Pharaoh, The whole time of my pilgrimage is an hundreth & thirty yeeres: fewe and euill haue the dayes of my life bene, and I haue not attayned vnto the yeeres of the life of my fathers, in the dayes of their pilgrimages.

geneva@Genesis:48:9 @ And Joseph said unto his father, They [are] my sons, whom (note:)The faithful acknowledge all benefits come from God's free mercy.(:note) God hath given me in this [place]. And he said, Bring them, I pray thee, unto me, and I will bless them.

geneva@Genesis:49:9 @ Judah [is] a lion's whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; (note:)His enemies will so fear him.(:note) who shall rouse him up?

geneva@Genesis:50:9 @ And there went vp with him both charets and horsemen: and they were an exceeding great company.

geneva@Exodus:1:9 @ And he sayde vnto his people, Beholde, the people of the children of Israel are greater and mightier then we.

geneva@Exodus:2:9 @ To whome Pharaohs daughter sayde, Take this childe away, and nurce it for me, and I wil reward thee. Then the woman tooke the childe and nurced him.

geneva@Exodus:3:9 @

geneva@Exodus:4:9 @ And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe also these two signs, neither hearken unto thy voice, that thou shalt take of the (note:)Because these three signs should be sufficient witnesses to prove that Moses should deliver God's people.(:note) water of the river, and pour [it] upon the dry [land]: and the water which thou takest out of the river shall become blood upon the dry [land].

geneva@Exodus:5:9 @

geneva@Exodus:6:9 @ And Moses spake so unto the children of Israel: but they hearkened (note:)So hard a thing it is to show true obedience under the cross.(:note) not unto Moses for anguish of spirit, and for cruel bondage.

geneva@Exodus:7:9 @ If Pharaoh speake vnto you, saying, Shewe a miracle for you, then thou shalt say vnto Aaron, Take thy rod, and cast it before Pharaoh, and it shalbe turned into a serpent.

geneva@Exodus:8:9 @ And Moses said vnto Pharaoh, Concerning me, euen command when I shall pray for thee, and for thy seruants, and for thy people, to destroy the frogges from thee and from thine houses, that they may remaine in the riuer only.

geneva@Exodus:9:1 @ Then the Lorde said vnto Moses, Go to Pharaoh, and tell him, Thus saith the Lorde God of the Ebrewes, Let my people go, that they may serue me.

geneva@Exodus:9:2 @ But if thou refuse to let them goe, and wilt yet holde them still,

geneva@Exodus:9:3 @ Beholde, the hande of the Lorde is vpon thy flocke which is in the fielde: for vpon the horses, vpon the asses, vpon the camels, vpon the cattell, and vpon the sheepe shalbe a mightie great moraine.

geneva@Exodus:9:4 @ And the LORD shall (note:)He will declare his heavenly judgment against his enemies, and his favour toward his children.(:note) sever between the cattle of Israel and the cattle of Egypt: and there shall nothing die of all [that is] the children's of Israel.

geneva@Exodus:9:5 @ And the Lord appointed a time, saying, To morowe the Lorde shall finish this thing in this lande.

geneva@Exodus:9:6 @ So the Lord did this thing on the morow, and all the cattel of Egypt dyed: but of the cattell of the children of Israel dyed not one.

geneva@Exodus:9:7 @ And Pharaoh (note:)Into the land of Goshen, where the Israelites lived.(:note) sent, and, behold, there was not one of the cattle of the Israelites dead. And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and he did not let the people go.

geneva@Exodus:9:8 @ And the Lord said to Moses and to Aaron, Take your handfull of ashes of the fornace, and Moses shall sprinkle them towarde the heauen in the sight of Pharaoh,

geneva@Exodus:9:9 @ And they shall be turned to dust in all the land of Egypt: and it shalbe as a scab breaking out into blisters vpon man, and vpon beast, thorow out all the land of Egypt.

geneva@Exodus:9:10 @ Then they tooke ashes of the fornace, and stoode before Pharaoh: and Moses sprinkled them towarde the heauen, and there came a scab breaking out into blisters vpon man, and vpon beast.

geneva@Exodus:9:11 @ And the sorcerers could not stande before Moses, because of the scab: for the scab was vpon the enchanters, and vpon all the Egyptians.

geneva@Exodus:9:12 @ And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he hearkened not vnto them, as the Lorde had said vnto Moses.

geneva@Exodus:9:13 @ Also the Lorde said vnto Moses, Rise vp early in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh, and tell him, Thus saith the Lorde God of the Ebrewes, Let my people goe, that they may serue me.

geneva@Exodus:9:14 @ For I will at this time send all my plagues upon (note:)So that your own conscience will condemn you of ingratitude and malice.(:note) thine heart, and upon thy servants, and upon thy people; that thou mayest know that [there is] none like me in all the earth.

geneva@Exodus:9:15 @ For nowe I will stretch out mine hande, that I may smite thee and thy people with the pestilence: and thou shalt perish from the earth.

geneva@Exodus:9:16 @ And in very deed for this [cause] have I raised thee up, for to shew [in] thee my power; and that my (note:)That is, that all the world may magnify my power in overcoming you.(:note) name may be declared throughout all the earth.

geneva@Exodus:9:17 @ Yet thou exaltest thy selfe against my people, and lettest them not goe.

geneva@Exodus:9:18 @ Beholde, to morowe this time I will cause to raine a mightie great haile, such as was not in Egypt since the foundation thereof was laid vnto this time.

geneva@Exodus:9:19 @ Send therefore now, [and] (note:)Here we see though God's wrath is kindled yet there is a certain mercy shown even to his enemies.(:note) gather thy cattle, and all that thou hast in the field; [for upon] every man and beast which shall be found in the field, and shall not be brought home, the hail shall come down upon them, and they shall die.

geneva@Exodus:9:20 @ Such then as feared the word of the Lorde among the seruants of Pharaoh, made his seruants and his cattell flee into the houses:

geneva@Exodus:9:21 @ And he that regarded not the (note:)The word of the minister is called the word of God.(:note) word of the LORD left his servants and his cattle in the field.

geneva@Exodus:9:22 @ And the Lorde saide to Moses, Stretche foorth thine hande towarde heauen, that there may be haile in all the land of Egypt, vpon man, and vpon beast, and vpon all the herbes of the fielde in the lande of Egypt.

geneva@Exodus:9:23 @ Then Moses stretched out his rod towarde heauen, & the Lord sent thunder and haile, and lightening vpon the ground: and the Lorde caused haile to raine vpon the land of Egypt.

geneva@Exodus:9:24 @ So there was haile, and fire mingled with the haile, so grieuous, as there was none throughout all the lande of Egypt, since it was a nation.

geneva@Exodus:9:25 @ And the haile smote throughout al ye land of Egypt all that was in the fielde, both man and beast: also ye haile smote all the herbes of ye field, and brake to pieces all the trees of the fielde.

geneva@Exodus:9:26 @ Onely in the lande of Goshen (where the children of Israel were) was no haile.

geneva@Exodus:9:27 @ And Pharaoh sent, and called for Moses and Aaron, and said unto them, I (note:)The wicked confess their sins to their condemnation, but they cannot believe to obtain remission.(:note) have sinned this time: the LORD [is] righteous, and I and my people [are] wicked.

geneva@Exodus:9:28 @ Pray ye vnto the Lorde (for it is ynough) that there be no more mightie thunders and haile, and I will let you goe, and yee shall tarie no longer.

geneva@Exodus:9:29 @ Then Moses saide vnto him, Assoone as I am out of the citie, I will spreade mine hands vnto the Lorde, and the thunder shall cease, neither shall there be any more haile, that thou mayest knowe that the earth is the Lordes.

geneva@Exodus:9:30 @ But as for thee and thy servants, (note:)Meaning that when they have their request, they are never better off, even though they make many fair promises, in which we see the practices of the wicked.(:note) I know that ye will not yet fear the LORD God.

geneva@Exodus:9:31 @ (And the flaxe, & the barley were smitten: for the barley was eared, & the flaxe was bolled.

geneva@Exodus:9:32 @ But the wheat and the rye were not smitten, for they were hid in the grounde)

geneva@Exodus:9:33 @ Then Moses went out of the citie from Pharaoh, and spred his hands to the Lorde, and the thunder and the haile ceased, neither rained it vpon the earth.

geneva@Exodus:9:34 @ And when Pharaoh sawe that the raine and the haile and the thunder were ceased, hee sinned againe, and hardened his heart, both he, and his seruants.

geneva@Exodus:9:35 @ So the heart of Pharaoh was hardened: neither would he let the children of Israel goe, as the Lord had said by Moses.

geneva@Exodus:10:9 @ And Moses answered, We will go with our yong and with our olde, with our sonnes and with our daughters, with our sheepe and with our cattell will we goe: for we must celebrate a feast vnto the Lorde.

geneva@Exodus:11:9 @ And the LORD said unto Moses, Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you; (note:)God hardens the hearts of the reprobate, that his glory by this might be set forth even more, (Rom_9:17).(:note) that my wonders may be multiplied in the land of Egypt.

geneva@Exodus:12:9 @ Eat not of it raw, nor sodden at all with water, but roast [with] fire; his (note:)That is, all that may be eaten.(:note) head with his legs, and with the purtenance thereof.

geneva@Exodus:13:9 @ And it shall be for a sign unto thee (note:)You will constantly remember it, as you would of a thing that is in your hand, or before your eyes.(:note) upon thine hand, and for a memorial between thine eyes, that the LORD'S law may be in thy mouth: for with a strong hand hath the LORD brought thee out of Egypt.

geneva@Exodus:14:9 @ And the Egyptians pursued after them, and all the horses and charets of Pharaoh, and his horsemen and his hoste ouertooke them camping by the Sea, beside Pi-hahiroth, before Baal-zephon.

geneva@Exodus:15:9 @ The enemie sayd, I wil pursue, I wil ouertake them, I will deuide the spoyle, my lust shall bee satisfied vpon them, I will drawe my sworde, mine hand shall destroy them.

geneva@Exodus:16:9 @ And Moses sayd to Aaron, Say vnto all the Congregation of the children of Israel, Draw neere before the Lorde: for he hath heard your murmurings.

geneva@Exodus:17:9 @ And Moses said unto Joshua, Choose us out men, and go out, fight with Amalek: to morrow I will stand on the top of the (note:)That is, Horeb, which is also called Sinai.(:note) hill with the rod of God in mine hand.

geneva@Exodus:18:9 @ And Iethro reioyced at all the goodnesse, which the Lord had shewed to Israel, and because he had deliuered them out of the hande of the Egyptians.

geneva@Exodus:19:9 @ And the Lord sayd vnto Moses, Lo, I come vnto thee in a thicke cloude, that the people may heare, whiles I talke with thee, and that they may also beleeue thee for euer. (for Moses had tolde the wordes of the people vnto the Lord)

geneva@Exodus:20:9 @ Sixe dayes shalt thou labour, and doe all thy worke,

geneva@Exodus:21:9 @ And if he have betrothed her unto his son, he shall deal with her (note:)That is, he shall give his dowry.(:note) after the manner of daughters.

geneva@Exodus:22:9 @ In all maner of trespasse, whether it bee for oxen, for asse, for sheepe, for raiment, or for any maner of lost thing, which an other chalengeth to be his, the cause of both parties shal come before the iudges, and whom the Iudges condemne, he shall pay the double vnto his neighbour.

geneva@Exodus:23:9 @ Also thou shalt not oppress a stranger: for ye know the (note:)For since he is a stranger, his heart is sorrowful enough.(:note) heart of a stranger, seeing ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.

geneva@Exodus:24:9 @ Then went vp Moses & Aaron, Nadab, & Abihu, and seuentie of the Elders of Israel.

geneva@Exodus:25:9 @ According to all that I shewe thee, euen so shall ye make the forme of the Tabernacle, and the facion of all the instruments thereof.

geneva@Exodus:26:9 @ And thou shalt couple five curtains by themselves, and six curtains by themselves, and shalt double the (note:)That is, five on the one side, and five on the other, and the sixth should hang over the door of the tabernacle.(:note) sixth curtain in the forefront of the tabernacle.

geneva@Exodus:27:9 @ And thou shalt make the (note:)This was the first entry into the tabernacle, where the people abode.(:note) court of the tabernacle: for the south side southward [there shall be] hangings for the court [of] fine twined linen of an hundred cubits long for one side:

geneva@Exodus:28:9 @ And thou shalt take two onix stones, and graue vpon them the names of the children of Israel:

geneva@Exodus:29:9 @ And shalt girde them with girdles, both Aaron and his sonnes: and shalt put the bonets on them, and the Priestes office shalbe theirs for a perpetuall lawe: thou shalt also fill the hands of Aaron, and the hands of his sonnes.

geneva@Exodus:30:9 @ Ye shall offer no (note:)Otherwise made them this, which is described.(:note) strange incense thereon, nor burnt sacrifice, nor meat offering; neither shall ye pour drink offering But it must only serve to burn perfume. thereon.

geneva@Exodus:31:9 @ Likewise the Altar of burnt offring with al his instruments, and the Lauer with his foote:

geneva@Exodus:32:9 @ Againe the Lord said vnto Moses, I haue seene this people, and beholde, it is a stiffe necked people.

geneva@Exodus:32:27 @ And he said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, [and] go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and (note:)This fact did so please God, that he turned the curse of Jacob against Levi to a blessing, (Deu_33:9).(:note) slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour.

geneva@Exodus:33:9 @ And assoone as Moses was entred into the Tabernacle, the cloudie pillar descended & stood at the doore of the Tabernacle, and the Lord talked with Moses.

geneva@Exodus:34:9 @ And he said, If now I have found grace in thy sight, O Lord, let my Lord, I pray thee, go among us; (note:)Seeing the people are of this nature, the rulers need to call on God that he would always be present with his Spirit.(:note) for it [is] a stiffnecked people; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for thine inheritance.

geneva@Exodus:35:9 @ And onix stones, and stones to be set in the Ephod, and in the brest plate.

geneva@Exodus:36:9 @ The length of one curtaine was twentie & eight cubits, & the breadth of one curtaine foure cubites: and the curtaines were all of one cise.

geneva@Exodus:37:9 @ And the Cherubims spread out their wings on hie, & couered the Merciseat with their wings, & their faces were one towards another: towarde the Merciseat were the faces of the Cherubims.

geneva@Exodus:38:9 @ Finally he made the court on the South side full South: the hangings of the court were of fine twined linnen, hauing an hundreth cubites.

geneva@Exodus:39:9 @ They made the brest plate double, & it was square, an hand breadth long, & an hand breadth broad: it was also double.

geneva@Exodus:40:9 @ After, thou shalt take the anoynting oyle, and anoynt the Tabernacle, and all that is therein, and halowe it with all the instruments thereof, that it may be holy.

geneva@Leviticus:1:9 @ But his inwards and his legs shall he wash in water: and the priest shall burn all on the altar, [to be] a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour (note:)Or a savour of rest, which pacifies the anger of the Lord.(:note) unto the LORD.

geneva@Leviticus:2:9 @ And the Priest shall take from the meate offring a memoriall of it, and shall burne it vpon the altar: for it is an oblation made by fire for a sweete sauour vnto the Lord.

geneva@Leviticus:3:9 @ And he shall offer of the sacrifice of the peace offering (note:)The burnt offering was completely consumed, and of the offering made by fire only the inner parts were burnt: the shoulder and breast, with the two jaws and the stomach were the priests, and the rest his that offered.(:note) an offering made by fire unto the LORD; the fat thereof, [and] the whole rump, it shall he take off hard by the backbone; and the fat that covereth the inwards, and all the fat that [is] upon the inwards,

geneva@Leviticus:4:9 @ He shall take away also the two kidneis, and the fat that is vpon them, and vpon the flankes, and the kall vpon the liuer with the kidneis,

geneva@Leviticus:5:9 @ After he shall sprinkle of the blood of the sinne offring vpon the side of the altar, and the rest of the blood shall be shed at the foote of the altar: for it is a sinne offering.

geneva@Leviticus:6:9 @ Command Aaron and his sons, saying, This [is] the (note:)That is, the ceremony which ought to be observed in it.(:note) law of the burnt offering: It [is] the burnt offering, because of the burning upon the altar all night unto the morning, and the fire of the altar shall be burning in it.

geneva@Leviticus:7:9 @ And all the meate offring that is baken in the ouen, and that is dressed in the pan, and in the frying pan, shall be the Priestes that offereth it.

geneva@Leviticus:8:9 @ And he put the mitre upon his head; also upon the mitre, [even] upon his forefront, did he put the golden plate, the (note:)So called, because this superscription, «holiness to the Lord» was graven in it.(:note) holy crown; as the LORD commanded Moses.

geneva@Leviticus:9:1 @ And it came to pass on the (note:)After their consecration: for the seven days before, the priests were consecrated.(:note) eighth day, [that] Moses called Aaron and his sons, and the elders of Israel;

geneva@Leviticus:9:2 @ And he said unto Aaron, Take thee a young calf for a (note:)Aaron enters into the possession of the priesthood: and offers the four principal sacrifices, the burnt offering, the sin offering, the peace offering, and the meat offering.(:note) sin offering, and a ram for a burnt offering, without blemish, and offer [them] before the LORD.

geneva@Leviticus:9:3 @ And vnto the children of Israel thou shalt speake, saying, Take yee an hee goate for a sinne offring, and a calfe, and a lambe, both of a yeere olde, without blemish for a burnt offring:

geneva@Leviticus:9:4 @ Also a bullock, and a ramme for peace offringes, to offer before the Lorde, and a meate offring mingled with oyle: for to day the Lorde will appeare vnto you.

geneva@Leviticus:9:5 @ And they brought [that] which Moses commanded before the tabernacle of the congregation: and all the congregation drew near and stood before the (note:)Before the altar where his glory appeared.(:note) LORD.

geneva@Leviticus:9:6 @ (For Moses had sayde, This is the thing, which the Lord commaunded that ye should do, and the glory of the Lord shal appeare vnto you)

geneva@Leviticus:9:7 @ And Moses said unto Aaron, Go unto the altar, and offer thy sin offering, and thy burnt offering, and make an atonement for (note:)Read for the understanding of this peace, (Heb_4:5, Heb_7:27).(:note) thyself, and for the people: and offer the offering of the people, and make an atonement for them; as the LORD commanded.

geneva@Leviticus:9:8 @ Aaron therefore went vnto the Altar, and killed the calfe of the sinne offring, which was for himselfe.

geneva@Leviticus:9:9 @ And the sonnes of Aaron brought ye blood vnto him, and he dipt his finger in the blood, and put it vpon the hornes of the Altar, and powred the rest of the blood at the foote of the Altar.

geneva@Leviticus:9:10 @ But the fat, and the kidneys, and the caul above the liver of the sin offering, he (note:)That is, he laid them in order, and so they were burnt when the Lord sent down fire.(:note) burnt upon the altar; as the LORD commanded Moses.

geneva@Leviticus:9:11 @ The flesh also and the hide hee burnt with fire without the hoste.

geneva@Leviticus:9:12 @ After, he slewe the burnt offering, and Aarons sonnes brought vnto him the blood, which he sprinckled round about vpon the Altar.

geneva@Leviticus:9:13 @ Also they brought the burnt offring vnto him with the pieces thereof, and the head, and he burnt them vpon the Altar.

geneva@Leviticus:9:14 @ And he did wash the inwards and the legs, and (note:)All this must be understood of the preparation of the sacrifices which were burnt after, (Lev_9:24).(:note) burnt [them] upon the burnt offering on the altar.

geneva@Leviticus:9:15 @ Then he offred the peoples offring, and tooke a goate, which was the sinne offring for the people, and slewe it: and offred it for sinne, as the first:

geneva@Leviticus:9:16 @ So he offred the burnt offring, and prepared it, according to the maner.

geneva@Leviticus:9:17 @ He presented also the meate offring, & filled his hand thereof, and beside the burnt sacrifice of the morning he burnt this vpon the Altar.

geneva@Leviticus:9:18 @ He slewe also the bullock, and the ram for the peace offrings, that was for the people, and Arons sonnes brought vnto him the blood, which he sprinkled vpon the Altar round about,

geneva@Leviticus:9:19 @ With the fat of the bullocke, and of the ram, the rumpe, and that which couereth the inwards and the kidneis, and the kall of the liuer.

geneva@Leviticus:9:20 @ So they layed the fat vpon the breasts, and he burnt the fat vpon the Altar.

geneva@Leviticus:9:21 @ And the (note:)Of the bullock and the ram.(:note) breasts and the right shoulder Aaron waved [for] a wave offering before the LORD; as Moses commanded.

geneva@Leviticus:9:22 @ And Aaron lifted up his hand toward the people, and blessed them, and (note:)Because the altar was near the sanctuary, which was the upper end, therefore he is said to come down.(:note) came down from offering of the sin offering, and the burnt offering, and peace offerings.

geneva@Leviticus:9:23 @ And Moses and Aaron went into the tabernacle of the congregation, and came out, and (note:)Or prayed for the people.(:note) blessed the people: and the glory of the LORD appeared unto all the people.

geneva@Leviticus:9:24 @ And there came a fire out from the Lord and consumed vpon the Altar the burnt offring and the fatte: which when all the people sawe, they gaue thankes, and fell on their faces.

geneva@Leviticus:10:9 @ Thou shalt not drinke wine nor strong drinke, thou, nor thy sonnes with thee, when yee come into the Tabernacle of the Congregation, lest ye die: this is an ordinance for euer throughout your generations,

geneva@Leviticus:11:9 @ These shall ye eate, of all that are in the waters: whatsoeuer hath finnes & skales in ye waters, in the seas, or in the riuers, them shal ye eate.

geneva@Leviticus:13:9 @ When the plague of leprosie is in a man, he shalbe brought vnto the Priest,

geneva@Leviticus:14:9 @ So in the seuenth day hee shall shaue off all his heare, both his head, and his beard, and his eye browes: euen all his heare shall he shaue, and shall wash his clothes and shall wash his flesh in water: so he shalbe cleane.

geneva@Leviticus:15:9 @ And what (note:)The word signifies every thing on which a man rides.(:note) saddle soever he rideth upon that hath the issue shall be unclean.

geneva@Leviticus:16:9 @ And Aaron shal offer the goat, vpon which the Lords lot shal fal, & make him a sinne offring.

geneva@Leviticus:16:21 @ And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat, and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their sins, putting them (note:)In this goat is a true figure of Jesus Christ, who bears the sins of the people, (Isa_53:9).(:note) upon the head of the goat, and shall send [him] away by the hand of a fit man into the wilderness:

geneva@Leviticus:17:9 @ And bringeth it not vnto ye doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation to offer it vnto the Lord, euen that man shall be cut off from his people.

geneva@Leviticus:18:9 @ The nakedness of thy (note:)Either by father or mother, born in marriage or otherwise.(:note) sister, the daughter of thy father, or daughter of thy mother, [whether she be] born at home, or born abroad, [even] their nakedness thou shalt not uncover.

geneva@Leviticus:19:9 @ When yee reape the haruest of your land, ye shal not reape euery corner of your field, neither shalt thou gather the glainings of thy haruest.

geneva@Leviticus:20:9 @ For every one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death: he hath cursed his father or his mother; (note:)He is worthy to die.(:note) his blood [shall be] upon him.

geneva@Leviticus:21:9 @ If a Priestes daughter fall to play the whore, she polluteth her father: therefore shal she be burnt with fire.

geneva@Leviticus:22:9 @ Let them keepe therefore mine ordinance, least they beare their sinne for it, and die for it, if they defile it: I the Lord sanctifie them.

geneva@Leviticus:23:9 @ And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,

geneva@Leviticus:24:9 @ And the bread shalbe Aaros & his sonnes, and they shall eate it in the holie place: for it is most holie vnto him of the offrings of the Lord made by fire by a perpetuall ordinance.

geneva@Leviticus:25:9 @

geneva@Leviticus:26:9 @ For I will have respect unto you, and make you fruitful, and multiply you, and (note:)Perform that which I have promised.(:note) establish my covenant with you.

geneva@Leviticus:27:9 @ And if [it be] a (note:)Which is clean, (Lev_11:2).(:note) beast, whereof men bring an offering unto the LORD, all that [any man] giveth of such unto the LORD shall be holy.

geneva@Numbers:1:9 @ Of Zebulun, Eliab, the sonne of Helon:

geneva@Numbers:2:9 @ All that were numbered in the (note:)Of those who were contained under that name.(:note) camp of Judah [were] an hundred thousand and fourscore thousand and six thousand and four hundred, throughout their armies. These shall first set forth.

geneva@Numbers:3:9 @ And thou shalt give the Levites unto Aaron and to his (note:)Aaron's sons the priests served in the sanctuary in praying for the people and offering sacrifice: the Levites served for the inferior uses of the same.(:note) sons: they [are] wholly given unto him out of the children of Israel.

geneva@Numbers:4:9 @ Then they shall take a cloth of blewe silke, and couer the candlesticke of light with his lampes and his snuffers, and his snuffedishes, and al the oyle vessels thereof, which they occupie about it.

geneva@Numbers:5:9 @ And every offering of all the (note:)Or, things offered to the Lord, as first fruits, etc.(:note) holy things of the children of Israel, which they bring unto the priest, shall be his.

geneva@Numbers:5:17 @ And the priest shall take (note:)Which also is called the water of purification of sprinkling, read (Num_19:9).(:note) holy water in an earthen vessel; and of the dust that is in the floor of the tabernacle the priest shall take, and put [it] into the water:

geneva@Numbers:6:9 @ And if any man die very suddenly by him, and he hath defiled the (note:)Whose long hair is a sign that he is dedicated to God.(:note) head of his consecration; then he shall shave his head in the day of his cleansing, on the seventh day shall he shave it.

geneva@Numbers:7:9 @ But unto the sons of Kohath he gave none: (note:)The holy thing of the sanctuary must be carried on their shoulders and not drawn with oxen, (Num_4:15).(:note) because the service of the sanctuary belonging unto them [was that] they should bear upon their shoulders.

geneva@Numbers:8:7 @ And thus shalt thou do unto them, to cleanse them: Sprinkle (note:)In Hebrew it is called the water of sin, because it is made to purge sin, as in (Num_19:9).(:note) water of purifying upon them, and let them shave all their flesh, and let them wash their clothes, and [so] make themselves clean.

geneva@Numbers:8:9 @ And thou shalt bring the Levites before the tabernacle of the congregation: and thou shalt gather the (note:)That you may do this in the presence of them all.(:note) whole assembly of the children of Israel together:

geneva@Numbers:9:1 @ And the Lorde spake vnto Moses in the wildernes of Sinai, in the first moneth of the second yeere, after they were come out of the land of Egypt, saying,

geneva@Numbers:9:2 @ The children of Israel shall also celebrate the Passeouer at ye time appointed thereunto.

geneva@Numbers:9:3 @ In the fourteenth day of this month, at even, ye shall keep it in his appointed season: according to (note:)Even in all points as the Lord has instituted it.(:note) all the rites of it, and according to all the ceremonies thereof, shall ye keep it.

geneva@Numbers:9:4 @ Then Moses spake vnto the children of Israel, to celebrate the Passeouer.

geneva@Numbers:9:5 @ And they kept the Passeouer in the fouretenth day of the first moneth at euen in the wildernesse of Sinai: according to all that the Lord had comanded Moses, so did ye children of Israel.

geneva@Numbers:9:6 @ And there were certain men, who were defiled (note:)By touching a corpse, or being at the burial.(:note) by the dead body of a man, that they could not keep the passover on that day: and they came before Moses and before Aaron on that day:

geneva@Numbers:9:7 @ And those men said unto him, We [are] defiled by the dead body of a man: wherefore are we kept back, that we may not (note:)Or, celebrate the Passover the fourteenth day of the first month.(:note) offer an offering of the LORD in his appointed season among the children of Israel?

geneva@Numbers:9:8 @ Then Moses saide vnto them, Stande still, and I will heare what the Lorde will commande concerning you.

geneva@Numbers:9:9 @ And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,

geneva@Numbers:9:10 @ Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If any man of you or of your posterity shall be unclean by reason of a dead body, or [be] in a journey afar off, yet (note:)And cannot come where the tabernacle is, when others keep it.(:note) he shall keep the passover unto the LORD.

geneva@Numbers:9:11 @ The fourteenth day of the (note:)So that the unclean and those who are not at home, have a month longer granted to them.(:note) second month at even they shall keep it, [and] eat it with unleavened bread and bitter [herbs].

geneva@Numbers:9:12 @ They shall leaue none of it vnto the morning, nor breake any bone of it: according to all the ordinance of the Passeouer shall they keepe it.

geneva@Numbers:9:13 @ But the man that [is] clean, and is not in a (note:)When the Passover is celebrated.(:note) journey, and forbeareth to keep the passover, even the same soul shall be cut off from among his people: because he brought not the offering of the LORD in his appointed season, that man shall bear his sin.

geneva@Numbers:9:14 @ And if a stranger dwell among you, and wil keepe the Passeouer vnto the Lord, as the ordinance of the Passeouer, & as the maner thereof is, so shall he do: ye shall haue one lawe both for the stranger, and for him that was borne in the same lande.

geneva@Numbers:9:15 @ And on the day that the tabernacle was reared up the cloud covered the tabernacle, [namely], the tent of the testimony: and at even there was upon the tabernacle as it were the (note:)Like a pillar, read (Exo_13:21-22).(:note) appearance of fire, until the morning.

geneva@Numbers:9:16 @ So it was always: the cloude couered it by day, and the appearance of fire by night.

geneva@Numbers:9:17 @ And when the cloude was taken vp from the Tabernacle, then afterwarde the children of Israel iourneyed: and in the place where the cloude abode, there the children of Israel pitched their tents.

geneva@Numbers:9:18 @ At the commandment of the (note:)Who taught them what to do by the cloud.(:note) LORD the children of Israel journeyed, and at the commandment of the LORD they pitched: as long as the cloud abode upon the tabernacle they rested in their tents.

geneva@Numbers:9:19 @ And when the cloud tarried long upon the tabernacle many days, then the children of Israel kept the (note:)They waited when the Lord would signify either their departure, or their abode by the cloud.(:note) charge of the LORD, and journeyed not.

geneva@Numbers:9:20 @ So when the cloud abode a few dayes vpon the Tabernacle, they abode in their tents according to the comandement of ye Lord: for they iourneyed at the commandement of the Lorde.

geneva@Numbers:9:21 @ And though the cloud abode vpo the Tabernacle from euen vnto the morning, yet if the cloude was taken vp in the morning, then they iourneyed: whether by daye or by night the cloude was taken vp, then they iourneyed.

geneva@Numbers:9:22 @ Or if the cloude taryed two dayes or a moneth, or a yeere vpon the Tabernacle, abiding thereon, the children of Israel abode still, and iourneyed not: but when it was taken vp, they iourneyed.

geneva@Numbers:9:23 @ At the commandment of the LORD they rested in the tents, and at the commandment of the LORD they journeyed: they kept the charge of the LORD, at the commandment of the LORD by the (note:)Under the charge and government of Moses.(:note) hand of Moses.

geneva@Numbers:10:9 @ And when ye goe to warre in your lande against the enemie that vexeth you, ye shall blowe an alarme with the trumpets, and ye shall bee remembred before the Lorde your God, and shalbe saued from your enemies.

geneva@Numbers:11:9 @ And when the dewe fell downe vpon the hoste in the night, the Man fell with it)

geneva@Numbers:12:9 @ Thus the Lorde was very angrie with them, and departed.

geneva@Numbers:13:8 @ {\cf2 (13:9)} Of the tribe of Ephraim, Oshea the sone of Nun:

geneva@Numbers:13:9 @ {\cf2 (13:10)} Of the tribe of Beniamin, Palti the sonne of Raphu:

geneva@Numbers:14:9 @ Only rebel not ye against the LORD, neither fear ye the people of the land; for they [are] (note:)We shall easily overcome them.(:note) bread for us: their defence is departed from them, and the LORD [is] with us: fear them not.

geneva@Numbers:15:9 @ Then let him offer with ye bullocke a meate offring of three tenth deales of fine floure, mingled with halfe an Hin of oyle.

geneva@Numbers:16:9 @ Seemeth it a smal thing vnto you that the God of Israel hath separated you from the multitude of Israel, to take you neere to himselfe, to doe the seruice of the Tabernacle of the Lord, & to stand before the Congregation and to minister vnto them?

geneva@Numbers:17:9 @ Then Moses brought out all the rods from before the Lorde vnto all the children of Israel: and they looked vpon them, & tooke euery man his rodde.

geneva@Numbers:18:9 @ This shall be thine of the most holy things, [reserved] from the (note:)That which was not burned should be the priests.(:note) fire: every oblation of theirs, every meat offering of theirs, and every sin offering of theirs, and every trespass offering of theirs, which they shall render unto me, [shall be] most holy for thee and for thy sons.

geneva@Numbers:19:9 @ And a man [that is] clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer, and lay [them] up without the camp in a clean place, and it shall be kept for the congregation of the children of Israel for a (note:)Or, the water of separation because they that were separate due to their uncleanness, were sprinkled with it and made clean, (Num_8:7). It is also called holy water, because it was ordained for a holy use, (Num_1:17).(:note) water of separation: it [is] a purification for sin.

geneva@Numbers:20:9 @ Then Moses tooke the rod from before the Lord, as he had commanded him.

geneva@Numbers:21:9 @ So Moses made a serpent of brasse, and set it vp for a signe: and when a serpent had bitten a man, then he looked to the serpent of brasse, and liued.

geneva@Numbers:21:26 @ For (note:)For if it had been the Moabites, the Israelites might not have possessed it, (Deu_2:9).(:note) Heshbon [was] the city of Sihon the king of the Amorites, who had fought against the former king of Moab, and taken all his land out of his hand, even unto Arnon.

geneva@Numbers:22:9 @ Then God came vnto Balaam, and sayde, What men are these with thee?

geneva@Numbers:23:9 @ For from the top of the rocks I see him, and from the hills I behold him: lo, the people shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the (note:)But shall have religion and laws apart.(:note) nations.

geneva@Numbers:24:9 @ He coucheth and lieth downe as a yong lion, and as a lion: who shall stirre him vp? blessed is he that blesseth thee, and cursed is he that curseth thee.

geneva@Numbers:25:9 @ And there died in that plague, foure and twentie thousand.

geneva@Numbers:26:9 @ And the sons of Eliab; Nemuel, and Dathan, and Abiram. This [is that] Dathan and Abiram, [which were] famous in the congregation, who strove against Moses and against Aaron in the (note:)In that rebellion of which Korah was head.(:note) company of Korah, when they strove against the LORD:

geneva@Numbers:27:9 @ And if he haue no daughter, ye shall giue his inheritance vnto his brethren.

geneva@Numbers:28:9 @ And on the sabbath day two lambs of the first year without spot, and two (note:)Of the measure ephah.(:note) tenth deals of flour [for] a meat offering, mingled with oil, and the drink offering thereof:

geneva@Numbers:29:9 @ And their meate offering shall be of fine floure mingled with oyle, three tenth deales to a bullocke, and two tenth deales to a ramme,

geneva@Numbers:30:9 @ But every vow of a widow, and of her that is divorced, wherewith they have bound their souls, shall stand (note:)For they are not under the authority of the man.(:note) against her.

geneva@Numbers:31:9 @ But the children of Israel tooke the women of Midian prisoners, and their children, and spoyled all their cattell, and all their flockes, and all their goods.

geneva@Numbers:32:9 @ For when they went vp euen vnto the riuer of Eshcol, and sawe the land: they discouraged the heart of the childre of Israel, that they woulde not goe into the lande, which the Lorde had giuen them.

geneva@Numbers:33:9 @ And they remoued from Marah, and came vnto Elim, and in Elim were twelue fountaines of water, and seuentie palme trees, and they pitched there.

geneva@Numbers:34:9 @ And the coast shall reach out to Ziphron, & goe out at Hazar-enan. this shalbe your Northquarter.

geneva@Numbers:35:9 @ And the Lorde spake vnto Moses, saying,

geneva@Numbers:36:9 @ Neither shal the inheritance go about from tribe to tribe: but euery one of the tribes of the childre of Israel shal sticke to his own inheritace.

geneva@Deuteronomy:1:9 @ And I spake (note:)By the counsel of Jethro my father-in-law, (Exo_18:19).(:note) unto you at that time, saying, I am not able to bear you myself alone:

geneva@Deuteronomy:2:9 @ And the LORD said unto me, Distress not the Moabites, neither contend with them in battle: for I will not give thee of their land [for] a possession; because I have given Ar unto the children (note:)Which were the Moabites and Ammonites.(:note) of Lot [for] a possession.

geneva@Deuteronomy:3:9 @ (Which Hermon the Sidonians call Shirion, but the Amorites call it Shenir)

geneva@Deuteronomy:4:9 @ Only take heed to thyself, and (note:)He adds all these words, to show that we can never be careful enough to keep the law of God and to teach it to our posterity.(:note) keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons' sons;

geneva@Deuteronomy:5:9 @ Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a (note:)That is, of his honour, not permitting it to be given to others.(:note) jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me,

geneva@Deuteronomy:6:9 @ And thou shalt write them upon the (note:)That when you enter in you may remember them.(:note) posts of thy house, and on thy gates.

geneva@Deuteronomy:7:9 @ Know therefore (note:)And so put difference between him and idols.(:note) that the LORD thy God, he [is] God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;

geneva@Deuteronomy:8:9 @ A land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness, thou shalt not lack any [thing] in it; a land (note:)Where there are mines of metal.(:note) whose stones [are] iron, and out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:1 @ Hear, O Israel: Thou [art] to pass over Jordan (note:)Meaning shortly.(:note) this day, to go in to possess nations greater and mightier than thyself, cities great and fenced up to heaven,

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:2 @ A people great and tall, the children of the Anakims, whom thou knowest, and [of whom] thou hast (note:)By the report of the spies. (Num_13:26).(:note) heard [say], Who can stand before the children of Anak!

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:3 @ Understand therefore this day, that the LORD thy God [is] he which (note:)To guide you and govern you.(:note) goeth over before thee; [as] a consuming fire he shall destroy them, and he shall bring them down before thy face: so shalt thou drive them out, and destroy them quickly, as the LORD hath said unto thee.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:4 @ Speak not thou in thine heart, after that the LORD thy God hath cast them out from before thee, saying, For my (note:)Man by himself deserves nothing but God's anger, and if God spares anyone it comes from his great mercy.(:note) righteousness the LORD hath brought me in to possess this land: but for the wickedness of these nations the LORD doth drive them out from before thee.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:5 @ For thou entrest not to inherite their lande for thy righteousnesse, or for thy vpright heart: but for the wickednesse of those nations, the Lord thy God doth cast them out before thee, and that he might performe the worde which the Lord thy God sware vnto thy fathers, Abraham, Izhak, and Iacob.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:6 @ Understand therefore, that the LORD thy God giveth thee not this good land to possess it for thy righteousness; for thou [art] a (note:)Like stubborn oxen who will not endure their masters yoke.(:note) stiffnecked people.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:7 @ Remember, [and] forget not, how thou provokedst the LORD thy God to wrath in the wilderness: (note:)He proves by the length of time, that their rebellion was great and intolerable.(:note) from the day that thou didst depart out of the land of Egypt, until ye came unto this place, ye have been rebellious against the LORD.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:8 @ Also in Horeb ye prouoked the Lorde to anger so that the Lord was wroth with you, euen to destroy you.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:9 @ When I was gone vp into the mount, to receiue the tables of stone, the tables, I say, of the couenant, which the Lord made with you: and I abode in the mount fourtie daies & fourtie nights, and I neither ate bread nor yet dranke water:

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:10 @ And the LORD delivered unto me two tables of stone written with the (note:)That is, miraculously, and not by the hand of men.(:note) finger of God; and on them [was written] according to all the words, which the LORD spake with you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:11 @ And when the fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes were ended, the Lorde gaue me the two tables of stone, the tables, I say, of the couenant.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:12 @ And the LORD said unto me, Arise, get thee down quickly from hence; for thy people which thou hast brought forth out of Egypt have (note:)As soon as man declines from the obedience of God, his ways are corrupt.(:note) corrupted [themselves]; they are quickly turned aside out of the way which I commanded them; they have made them a molten image.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:13 @ Furthermore, the Lord spake vnto me, saying, I haue seene this people, and beholde, it is a stifnecked people.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:14 @

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:15 @ So I returned, and came downe from the Mount (and the Mount burnt with fire, and ye two Tables of the couenant were in my two handes)

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:16 @ And I looked, and, behold, ye had sinned against the LORD your God, [and] had made you a molten calf: ye had turned aside quickly out of the (note:)That is, from the Law: in which he declares what the cause of our punishment is.(:note) way which the LORD had commanded you.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:17 @ Therefore I tooke the two Tables, and cast them out of my two handes, and brake them before your eyes.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:18 @ And I fell downe before the Lorde, fourtie dayes, and fourtie nightes, as before: I neither ate bread nor dranke water, because of al your sinnes, which ye had committed, in doing wickedly in the sight of the Lorde, in that ye prouoked him vnto wrath.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:19 @ (For I was afraide of the wrath and indignation, wherewith the Lord was mooued against you, euen to destroy you) yet the Lord heard me at that time also.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:20 @ And the LORD was very angry with Aaron to have (note:)By which he shows the danger they are in who have authority and do not resist wickedness.(:note) destroyed him: and I prayed for Aaron also the same time.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:21 @ And I took your sin, the calf which ye had made, and burnt it with fire, and stamped it, [and] ground [it] very small, [even] until it was as small as dust: and I cast the dust thereof into the brook that descended out of the (note:)Horeb, or Sinai.(:note) mount.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:22 @ Also in Taberah, & in Massah and in Kibrothhattaauah ye prouoked ye Lord to anger.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:23 @ Likewise when the LORD sent you from Kadeshbarnea, saying, Go up and possess the land which I have given you; then ye (note:)At the return of the spies.(:note) rebelled against the commandment of the LORD your God, and ye believed him not, nor hearkened to his voice.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:24 @ Ye haue bene rebellious vnto the Lorde, since the day that I knewe you.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:25 @ Thus I fell down before the LORD (note:)By which is signified that God requires earnest continuance in prayer.(:note) forty days and forty nights, as I fell down [at the first]; because the LORD had said he would destroy you.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:26 @ And I prayed vnto the Lorde, and saide, O Lord God, destroy not thy people and thine inheritance, which thou hast redeemed through thy greatnesse, whom thou hast brought out of Egypt by a mightie hand.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:27 @

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:28 @ Lest the countrey, whence thou broughtest them, say, Because ye Lord was not able to bring them into the land which he promised them, or because he hated them, he caried them out, to slay them in the wildernesse.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:29 @ Yet they are thy people, and thine inheritance, which thou broughtest out by thy mightie power, and by thy stretched out arme.

geneva@Deuteronomy:10:9 @ Wherefore Levi hath no part nor (note:)So God turned the curse of Jacob to a blessing (Gen_49:7).(:note) inheritance with his brethren; the LORD [is] his inheritance, according as the LORD thy God promised him.

geneva@Deuteronomy:11:9 @ Also that ye may prolong your daies in the land, which the Lorde sware vnto your fathers, to giue vnto them and to their seede, euen a lande that floweth with milke and honie.

geneva@Deuteronomy:12:9 @ For ye are not yet come to rest, and to the inheritance which the Lord thy God giueth thee.

geneva@Deuteronomy:13:9 @ But thou shalt surely kill him; (note:)As the witness is charged.(:note) thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people.

geneva@Deuteronomy:14:9 @ These ye shall eate, of all that are in the waters: all that haue finnes and scales shall ye eate.

geneva@Deuteronomy:15:9 @ Beware that there be not a wicked thought in thine heart, to say, The seuenth yeere, the yeere of freedome is at hand: therefore it grieueth thee to looke on thy poore brother, and thou giuest him nought, and he crie vnto the Lorde against thee, so that sinne be in thee:

geneva@Deuteronomy:16:9 @ Seven weeks shalt thou (note:)Beginning the next morning after the Passover, (Lev_23:15; Exo_13:4).(:note) number unto thee: begin to number the seven weeks from [such time as] thou beginnest [to put] the sickle to the corn.

geneva@Deuteronomy:17:9 @ And thou shalt come unto the priests the Levites, and unto the (note:)Who will sentence as the priests counsel him by the Law of God.(:note) judge that shall be in those days, and enquire; and they shall shew thee the sentence of judgment:

geneva@Deuteronomy:18:9 @ When thou shalt come into ye land which the Lorde thy God giueth thee, thou shalt not learne to do after ye abominatios of those nations.

geneva@Deuteronomy:19:9 @ (If thou keepe all these commaundements to doe them, which I commaund thee this day: to wit, that thou loue the Lord thy God, and walke in his waies for euer) then shalt thou adde three cities moe for thee besides those three,

geneva@Deuteronomy:20:9 @ And after that the officers haue made an ende of speaking vnto the people, they shal make captaines of the armie to gouerne the people.

geneva@Deuteronomy:21:9 @ So shalt thou take away the cry of innocet blood from thee, when thou shalt do that which is right in the sight of the Lord.

geneva@Deuteronomy:22:9 @ Thou shalt not (note:)The tenor of this law is to walk in simplicity and not to be curious about new fads.(:note) sow thy vineyard with divers seeds: lest the fruit of thy seed which thou hast sown, and the fruit of thy vineyard, be defiled.

geneva@Deuteronomy:23:9 @ When thou goest out with the host against thine enemies, keepe thee then from all wickednesse.

geneva@Deuteronomy:24:9 @ Remember what the Lord thy God did vnto Miriam by the way after that ye were come out of Egypt.

geneva@Deuteronomy:25:9 @ Then shall his kinswoman come vnto him in the presence of the Elders, and loose his shooe from his foote, and spit in his face, and answere, and say, So shall it be done vnto that man, that will not buylde vp his brothers house.

geneva@Deuteronomy:26:9 @ And he hath brought vs into this place, & hath giuen vs this land, euen a lande that floweth with milke and hony.

geneva@Deuteronomy:27:9 @ And Moses & the Priestes of the Leuites spake vnto all Israel, saying, Take heede & heare, O Israel: this day thou art become the people of the Lord thy God.

geneva@Deuteronomy:28:9 @ The Lorde shal make thee an holy people vnto himself, as he hath sworne vnto thee, if thou shalt keepe the commandements of the Lord thy God, and walke in his wayes.

geneva@Deuteronomy:29:9 @ Keepe therefore the wordes of this couenant and doe them, that ye may prosper in all that ye shall doe.

geneva@Deuteronomy:30:9 @ And the LORD thy God will make thee plenteous in every work of thine hand, in the fruit of thy body, and in the fruit of thy cattle, and in the fruit of thy land, for good: for the LORD will again (note:)He does not mean that God is subject to these passions, to rejoice, or to be sad: but he uses this manner of speech to declare the love that he has for us.(:note) rejoice over thee for good, as he rejoiced over thy fathers:

geneva@Deuteronomy:31:9 @ And Moses wrote this Lawe, and deliuered it vnto the Priestes the sonnes of Leui (which bare the Arke of the couenant of the Lorde) and vnto all the Elders of Israel,

geneva@Deuteronomy:32:9 @ For the Lordes portion is his people: Iaakob is the lot of his inheritance.

geneva@Deuteronomy:33:9 @ Who said unto his father and to his mother, (note:)He preferred God's glory to all natural affection, (Exo_28:30).(:note) I have not seen him; neither did he acknowledge his brethren, nor knew his own children: for they have observed thy word, and kept thy covenant.

geneva@Deuteronomy:33:25 @ Thy shoes [shall be] (note:)You will be strong or, your country full of metal. It seems that Simeon is left out, because he was under Judah, and his portion of his inheritance, (Jos_19:9).(:note) iron and brass; and as thy days, [so shall] thy strength [be].

geneva@Deuteronomy:34:6 @ And (note:)That is, the angel of the Lord, (Jud_1:9).(:note) he buried him in a valley in the land of Moab, over against Bethpeor: but no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto That the Jews might not have opportunity to commit idolatry by it. this day.

geneva@Deuteronomy:34:9 @ And (note:)By this the favour of God is demonstrated, in that he does not leave his Church destitute of a governor.(:note) Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom; for Moses had laid his hands upon him: and the children of Israel hearkened unto him, and did as the LORD commanded Moses.

geneva@Joshua:1:9 @ Haue not I commanded thee, saying, Be strong and of a good courage, feare not, nor be discouraged? for I the Lord thy God will be with thee, whithersoeuer thou goest.

geneva@Joshua:2:9 @ And she said unto the men, I know that the LORD hath given you the land, and that your (note:)For so God promised, (Deu_28:7; Jos_5:1).(:note) terror is fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you.

geneva@Joshua:3:9 @ Then Ioshua said vnto the children of Israel, Come hither, and heare the wordes of the Lord your God.

geneva@Joshua:4:9 @ And Joshua set up (note:)Besides the twelve stones that were carried by the tribes and set up in Gilgal.(:note) twelve stones in the midst of Jordan, in the place where the feet of the priests which bare the ark of the covenant stood: and they are there unto this day.

geneva@Joshua:5:9 @ And the LORD said unto Joshua, This day have I rolled away the (note:)By bringing you into this promised land, contrary to the wicked opinion of the Egyptians or the foreskin by which you were like the Egyptians.(:note) reproach of Egypt from off you. Wherefore the name of the place is called Gilgal unto this day.

geneva@Joshua:6:9 @ And the armed men went before the priests that blew with the trumpets, and the (note:)Meaning, the gathering host, in which was the standard of the tribe of Dan, (Num_10:25).(:note) rereward came after the ark, [the priests] going on, and blowing with the trumpets.

geneva@Joshua:7:9 @ For the Canaanites and all the inhabitants of the land shall hear [of it], and shall environ us round, and cut off our name from the earth: and what wilt thou do unto thy great (note:)When your enemies will blaspheme you and say that you were not able to defend us from them.(:note) name?

geneva@Joshua:8:2 @ And thou shalt do to Ai and her king as thou didst unto Jericho and her king: only the spoil thereof, and the cattle thereof, shall ye take for a prey unto yourselves: lay thee an ambush for the city (note:)Meaning on the west side, as in (Jos_8:9).(:note) behind it.

geneva@Joshua:8:9 @ Joshua therefore sent them forth: and they went to lie in ambush, and abode between Bethel and Ai, on the west side of Ai: but Joshua lodged that night (note:)With the rest of the army.(:note) among the people.

geneva@Joshua:9:1 @ And it came to pass, when all the kings which (note:)In respect to the plain of Moab.(:note) [were] on this side Jordan, in the hills, and in the valleys, and in all the coasts of the The main sea called the Mediterranean. great sea over against Lebanon, the Hittite, and the Amorite, the Canaanite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite, heard [thereof];

geneva@Joshua:9:2 @ They gathered themselues together, to fight against Ioshua, & against Israel with one accord.

geneva@Joshua:9:3 @ But the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Ioshua had done vnto Iericho, and to Ai.

geneva@Joshua:9:4 @ They did work wilily, and went and made as if they had been ambassadors, and took old sacks upon their asses, and wine bottles, old, and rent, and (note:)Because they were all worn.(:note) bound up;

geneva@Joshua:9:5 @ And olde shoes and clouted vpon their feete: also the raiment vpon them was old, and all their prouision of bread was dried, and mouled.

geneva@Joshua:9:6 @ So they came vnto Ioshua into the hoste to Gilgal, and said vnto him, and vnto the men of Israel, Wee be come from a farre countrey: nowe therefore make a league with vs.

geneva@Joshua:9:7 @ And the men of Israel said unto the (note:)For the Gibeonites and the Hivites were all one people.(:note) Hivites, Peradventure ye dwell among us; and how shall we make a league with you?

geneva@Joshua:9:8 @ And they said vnto Ioshua, We are thy seruants. Then Ioshua saide vnto them, Who are ye? And whence come ye?

geneva@Joshua:9:9 @ And they said unto him, From a very far country thy servants are come because of (note:)Even the idolaters for fear of death will pretend to honour the true God, and receive his religion.(:note) the name of the LORD thy God: for we have heard the fame of him, and all that he did in Egypt,

geneva@Joshua:9:10 @ And all that he hath done to the two Kings of the Amorites that were beyonde Iorden, to Sihon King of Heshbon, & to Og King of Bashan, which were at Ashtaroth.

geneva@Joshua:9:11 @ Wherefore our elders, and all the inhabitants of our countrey spake to vs, saying, Take vitailes with you for the iourney, and go to meete them, and say vnto them, Wee are your seruants: now therefore make ye a league with vs.

geneva@Joshua:9:12 @ This our (note:)The wicked lack no art, nor spare no lies to set forth their policy, when they will deceive the servants of God.(:note) bread we took hot [for] our provision out of our houses on the day we came forth to go unto you; but now, behold, it is dry, and it is mouldy:

geneva@Joshua:9:13 @ Also these bottels of wine which we filled, were newe, and lo, they be rent, and these our garments and our shooes are olde, by reason of the exceeding great iourney.

geneva@Joshua:9:14 @ And the (note:)Some think that the Israelites are of their victuals, and so made a league with them.(:note) men took of their victuals, and asked not [counsel] at the mouth of the LORD.

geneva@Joshua:9:15 @ So Ioshua made peace with them, & made a league with them, that he would suffer them to liue: also the Princes of the Congregation sware vnto them.

geneva@Joshua:9:16 @ But at the end of three dayes, after they had made a league with them, they heard that they were their neighbours, and that they dwelt among them.

geneva@Joshua:9:17 @ And the children of Israel (note:)From Gilgal.(:note) journeyed, and came unto their cities on the third day. Now their cities [were] Gibeon, and Chephirah, and Beeroth, and Kirjathjearim.

geneva@Joshua:9:18 @ And the children of Israel smote them not, because the princes of the congregation had sworn unto them by the LORD God of Israel. And all the congregation (note:)Fearing lest for their sin the plague of God would have come on them all.(:note) murmured against the princes.

geneva@Joshua:9:19 @ Then all the Princes said vnto all the Congregation, We haue sworne vnto them by the Lord God of Israel: nowe therefore we may not touch them.

geneva@Joshua:9:20 @ This we will do to them; we will even let them live, lest wrath be upon us, because of the (note:)This does not establish rash oaths, but shows God's mercy toward his, who would not punish them for their sin.(:note) oath which we sware unto them.

geneva@Joshua:9:21 @ And the Princes sayd vnto them againe, Let them liue, but they shall hewe wood, and drawe water vnto all the Congregation, as the Princes appoint them.

geneva@Joshua:9:22 @ Ioshua then called them, and talked with them, and sayd, Wherefore haue ye beguiled vs, saying, We are very farre from you, when ye dwel among vs?

geneva@Joshua:9:23 @ Now therefore ye [are] cursed, and there shall none of you be freed from being bondmen, and hewers of wood and drawers of water for (note:)For the use of the tabernacle and the temple when it will be built.(:note) the house of my God.

geneva@Joshua:9:24 @ And they answered Ioshua, and sayd, Because it was tolde thy seruants, that the Lord thy God had commanded his seruant Moses to giue you all the land, and to destroy all the inhabitants of the land out of your sight, therefore we were exceeding sore afraid for our liues at the presence of you, and haue done this thing:

geneva@Joshua:9:25 @ And beholde nowe, we are in thine hand: doe as it seemeth good and right in thine eyes to doe vnto vs.

geneva@Joshua:9:26 @ And so did he unto them, and delivered them out of the (note:)Who were minded to put them to death for fear of God's wrath.(:note) hand of the children of Israel, that they slew them not.

geneva@Joshua:9:27 @ And Joshua made them that day hewers of wood and drawers of water for the congregation, and for the (note:)That is, for the service of the temple, as in (Jos_9:23).(:note) altar of the LORD, even unto this day, in the place which he should choose.

geneva@Joshua:10:9 @ Ioshua therefore came vnto them suddenly: for he went vp from Gilgal all the night.

geneva@Joshua:11:9 @ And Ioshua did vnto them as the Lorde bade him: he houghed their horses, & burnt their charets with fire.

geneva@Joshua:12:9 @ The King of Iericho was one: the King of Ai, which is beside Beth-el, one:

geneva@Joshua:13:9 @ From Aroer that is on the brinke of the riuer Arnon, & from the citie that is in the mids of the riuer, & all the plaine of Medeba vnto Dibon,

geneva@Joshua:14:9 @ Wherefore Moses sware the same day, saying, Certainely the land whereon thy feete haue troden, shalbe thine inheritance, & thy childrens for euer, because thou hast followed constantly the Lord my God.

geneva@Joshua:15:9 @ So this border compasseth from the top of the mountaine vnto the fountaine of the water of Nephtoah, & goeth out to the cities of mount Ephron: and this border draweth to Baalah, which is Kiriath-iearim.

geneva@Joshua:16:9 @ And the (note:)Because Ephraim's tribe was far greater than Manasseh, therefore he had more cities.(:note) separate cities for the children of Ephraim [were] among the inheritance of the children of Manasseh, all the cities with their villages.

geneva@Joshua:17:9 @ And the coast descended unto the river Kanah, southward of the river: these cities of Ephraim [are] among the cities of Manasseh: the coast of Manasseh also [was] on the north side of the river, and the outgoings of it were at the (note:)That is, toward the main sea.(:note) sea:

geneva@Joshua:18:9 @ So the men departed, and passed through the lande, and described it by cities into seuen partes in a booke, and returned to Ioshua into the campe at Shiloh.

geneva@Joshua:19:9 @ Out of the portion of the children of Judah [was] the inheritance of the children of Simeon: for the part of the children of Judah was too (note:)But this large portion was given them by God's providence to declare their increase in time to come.(:note) much for them: therefore the children of Simeon had their inheritance within the inheritance of them.

geneva@Joshua:20:9 @ These were the cities appointed for all the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojourneth among them, that whosoever killeth [any] person at unawares might flee thither, and not die by the hand of the avenger of blood, until he stood before the (note:)Before the Judges.(:note) congregation.

geneva@Joshua:21:9 @ And they gaue out of the tribe of the children of Iudah, & out of the tribe of the children of Simeo, these cities which are here named.

geneva@Joshua:22:9 @ So the children of Reuben, and the children of Gad, and halfe the tribe of Manasseh returned, and departed from the children of Israel from Shiloh (which is in the land of Canaan) to goe vnto the countrey of Gilead to the land of their possession, which they had obteyned, according to ye word of the Lord by the hand of Moses.

geneva@Joshua:23:9 @ For ye Lorde hath cast out before you great nations and mightie, and no man hath stand before your face hitherto.

geneva@Joshua:24:9 @ Also Balak the sonne of Zippor King of Moab arose and warred against Israel, and sent to call Balaam the sonne of Beor for to curse you,

geneva@Judges:1:9 @ Afterwarde also the children of Iudah went downe to fight against the Canaanites, that dwelt in the mountaine, and towarde the South, and in the lowe countrey.

geneva@Judges:2:9 @ And they buried him in the border of his inheritance in (note:)Heres, by turning the letters backward is Sereh, as in (Jos_24:30).(:note) Timnathheres, in the mount of Ephraim, on the north side of the hill Gaash.

geneva@Judges:3:9 @ And when the children of Israel cryed vnto the Lorde, the Lord stirred vp a sauiour to ye children of Israel, & he saued them, euen Othniel the sonne of Kenaz, Calebs yonger brother.

geneva@Judges:4:9 @ Then shee answered, I will surely goe with thee, but this iourney that thou takest, shall not be for thine honour: for the Lord shal sell Sisera into the hand of a woman; Deborah arose & went with Barak to Kedesh.

geneva@Judges:5:9 @ Mine heart is set on the gouernours of Israel, and on them that are willing among the people: praise ye the Lord.

geneva@Judges:6:9 @ And I haue deliuered you out of the hand of the Egyptians, and out of the hand of all that oppressed you, and haue cast them out before you, and giuen you their land.

geneva@Judges:7:9 @ And it came to pass the same night, that the LORD said unto him, Arise, (note:)Thus the Lord by various means strengthens him, that he faint not in so great an enterprise.(:note) get thee down unto the host; for I have delivered it into thine hand.

geneva@Judges:8:9 @ And he spake also unto the men of Penuel, saying, When I come again (note:)Having gotten the victory.(:note) in peace, I will break down this tower.

geneva@Judges:9:1 @ And Abimelech the son of Jerubbaal went to Shechem unto his (note:)To practice with his kinsfolk for attaining the kingdom.(:note) mother's brethren, and communed with them, and with all the family of the house of his mother's father, saying,

geneva@Judges:9:2 @ Speak, I pray you, in the ears of all the men of Shechem, Whether [is] better for you, either that all the sons of Jerubbaal, [which are] threescore and ten persons, reign over you, or that one reign over you? remember also that I [am] your (note:)Of your kindred by my mother's side.(:note) bone and your flesh.

geneva@Judges:9:3 @ Then his mothers brethren spake of him in the audience of all the men of Shechem, all these wordes: and their hearts were moued to followe Abimelech: for sayd they, He is our brother.

geneva@Judges:9:4 @ And they gaue him seuentie pieces of siluer out of the house of Baal-berith, wherewith Abimelech hired vayne and light fellowes which followed him.

geneva@Judges:9:5 @ And he went unto his father's house at Ophrah, and (note:)Thus tyrants to establish their usurped power, spare not the innocent blood, (2Ki_10:7; 2Ch_21:4).(:note) slew his brethren the sons of Jerubbaal, [being] threescore and ten persons, upon one stone: notwithstanding yet Jotham the youngest son of Jerubbaal was left; for he hid himself.

geneva@Judges:9:6 @ And all the men of Shechem gathered together, and all the house of (note:)Which was as the town house, or common hall, which he calls the tower of Shechem in (Jdg_9:49).(:note) Millo, and went, and made Abimelech king, by the plain of the pillar that [was] in Shechem.

geneva@Judges:9:7 @ And when they told it to Iotham, he went and stoode in the top of mount Gerizim, & lift vp his voyce, and cryed, & sayd vnto them, Hearken vnto mee, you men of Shechem, that God may hearken vnto you.

geneva@Judges:9:8 @

geneva@Judges:9:9 @ But the oliue tree said vnto them, Should I leaue my fatnes, wherewith by me they honour God & man, & go to aduance me aboue ye trees?

geneva@Judges:9:10 @ Then the trees sayde to the fig tree, Come thou, and be King ouer vs.

geneva@Judges:9:11 @ But the fig tree answered them, Should I forsake my sweetenesse, and my good fruite, and goe to aduance me aboue the trees?

geneva@Judges:9:12 @ Then sayd the trees vnto the Vine, Come thou, and be king ouer vs.

geneva@Judges:9:13 @ But the Vine sayde vnto them, Should I leaue my wine, whereby I cheare God and man, and goe to aduance me aboue the trees?

geneva@Judges:9:14 @ Then said all the trees vnto the bramble, Come thou, and reigne ouer vs.

geneva@Judges:9:15 @ And the bramble said unto the trees, If in truth ye anoint me king over you, [then] come [and] put your trust in my shadow: and if not, let (note:)Abimelech will destroy the nobles of Shechem.(:note) fire come out of the bramble, and devour the cedars of Lebanon.

geneva@Judges:9:16 @ Now therefore, if ye doe truely and vncorruptly to make Abimelech King, and if ye haue delt well with Ierubbaal and with his house, and haue done vnto him according to the deseruing of his handes,

geneva@Judges:9:17 @ (For my father fought for you, and aduentured his life, and deliuered you out of the handes of Midian.

geneva@Judges:9:18 @ And yee are risen vp against my fathers house this day, and haue slayne his children, about seuentie persons vpon one stone, and haue made Abimelech the sonne of his mayde seruant, King ouer the men of Shechem, because hee is your brother)

geneva@Judges:9:19 @ If ye then have dealt truly and sincerely with Jerubbaal and with his house this day, [then] (note:)That he is your king, and you his subjects.(:note) rejoice ye in Abimelech, and let him also rejoice in you:

geneva@Judges:9:20 @ But if not, let a fire come out from Abimelech, and consume the men of Shechem and the house of Millo: also let a fire come foorth from the men of Shechem, and from the house of Millo, and consume Abimelech.

geneva@Judges:9:21 @ And Iotham ran away, and fled, and went to Beer, and dwelt there for feare of Abimelech his brother.

geneva@Judges:9:22 @ So Abimelech reigned three yeere ouer Israel.

geneva@Judges:9:23 @ Then God (note:)Because the people consented with the king in shedding innocent blood, therefore God destroys both one and the other.(:note) sent an evil spirit between Abimelech and the men of Shechem; and the men of Shechem dealt treacherously with Abimelech:

geneva@Judges:9:24 @ That the crueltie toward the seuentie sonnes of Ierubbaal and their blood might come & be laide vpon Abimelech their brother, which had slayne them, and vpon the men of Shechem, which had ayded him to kill his brethren.

geneva@Judges:9:25 @ So the men of Shechem set men in wayte for him in the toppes of the mountaines: who robbed all that passed that way by them: and it was tolde Abimelech.

geneva@Judges:9:26 @ Then Gaal the sonne of Ebed came with his brethren, and they went to Shechem: and the men of Shechem put their confidence in him.

geneva@Judges:9:27 @ And they (note:)Before they were afraid of Abimelech's power, and did not dare go out of the city.(:note) went out into the fields, and gathered their vineyards, and trode [the grapes], and made merry, and went into the house of their god, and did eat and drink, and cursed Abimelech.

geneva@Judges:9:28 @ Then Gaal the sonne of Ebed sayde, Who is Abimelech? and who is Shechem, that wee should serue him? Is he not the sonne of Ierubbaal? and Zebul is his officer? Serue rather the men of Hamor the father of Shechem: for why should we serue him?

geneva@Judges:9:29 @ And would to God this people were under my hand! then would I remove Abimelech. And he said to (note:)Braggingly, as though he had been present, or to his captain Zebul.(:note) Abimelech, Increase thine army, and come out.

geneva@Judges:9:30 @ And when Zebul the ruler of the citie heard the wordes of Gaal the sonne of Ebed, his wrath was kindled.

geneva@Judges:9:31 @ Therefore he sent messengers vnto Abimelech priuily, saying, Beholde, Gaal the sonne of Ebed and his brethren be come to Shechem, and beholde, they fortifie the citie against thee.

geneva@Judges:9:32 @ Now therefore arise by night, thou & the people that is with thee, and lye in wayte in the fielde.

geneva@Judges:9:33 @ And rise early in the morning as soone as the sunne is vp, and assault the citie: and when he and the people that is with him, shall come out against thee, doe to him what thou canst.

geneva@Judges:9:34 @ So Abimelech rose vp, and all the people that were with him by night: and they lay in wayte against Shechem in foure bandes.

geneva@Judges:9:35 @ Then Gaal the sonne of Ebed went out & stood in the entring of the gate of the citie: and Abimelech rose vp, and the folke that were with him, from lying in waite.

geneva@Judges:9:36 @ And when Gaal saw the people, he said to Zebul, Behold, there come people down from the top of the mountains. And Zebul said unto him, Thou seest the (note:)You are afraid of a shadow.(:note) shadow of the mountains as [if they were] men.

geneva@Judges:9:37 @ And Gaal spake againe, and said, See, there come folke downe by the middle of the land, and another bande commeth by the way of the plaine of Meonenim.

geneva@Judges:9:38 @ Then sayd Zebul vnto him, Where is now thy mouth, that said, Who is Abimelech, that we should serue him? Is not this the people that thou hast despised? Go out now, I pray thee, and fight with them.

geneva@Judges:9:39 @ And Gaal (note:)As their captain.(:note) went out before the men of Shechem, and fought with Abimelech.

geneva@Judges:9:40 @ But Abimelech pursued him, and he fledde before him, and many were ouerthrowen and wounded, euen vnto the entring of the gate.

geneva@Judges:9:41 @ And Abimelech dwelt at Arumah: & Zebul thrust out Gaal and his brethren that they should not dwell in Shechem.

geneva@Judges:9:42 @ And on the morowe, the people went out into the fielde: which was tolde Abimelech.

geneva@Judges:9:43 @ And he took the (note:)Which were in his company.(:note) people, and divided them into three companies, and laid wait in the field, and looked, and, behold, the people [were] come forth out of the city; and he rose up against them, and smote them.

geneva@Judges:9:44 @ And Abimelech, and the bandes that were with him, russhed forwarde, and stoode in the entring of the gate of the citie: and the two other bandes ran vpon all the people that were in the fielde and slewe them.

geneva@Judges:9:45 @ And Abimelech fought against the city all that day; and he took the city, and slew the people that [was] therein, and beat down the city, and sowed it with (note:)That it should be unfruitful and never serve to any use.(:note) salt.

geneva@Judges:9:46 @ And when all the men of the tower of Shechem heard [that], they entered into an hold of the house of the god (note:)That is, of Baniberith, as (Jdg_8:33).(:note) Berith.

geneva@Judges:9:47 @ And it was tolde Abimelech, that all the men of the towre of Shechem were gathered together.

geneva@Judges:9:48 @ And Abimelech gate him vp to mounte Zalmon, hee and all the people that were with him: and Abimelech tooke axes with him, and cut downe boughes of trees, and tooke them, and bare them on his shoulder, and sayde vnto the folke that were with him, What ye haue seene me doe, make haste, and doe like me.

geneva@Judges:9:49 @ And all the people likewise cut down every man his bough, and followed Abimelech, and put [them] to the hold, and set the hold on fire upon them; so that all the men of the tower of Shechem (note:)Meaning, that all were destroyed as well as those in the tower.(:note) died also, about a thousand men and women.

geneva@Judges:9:50 @ Then went Abimelech to Tebez, and besieged Tebez, and tooke it.

geneva@Judges:9:51 @ But there was a strong towre within the citie, and thither fledde all the men and women, and all the chiefe of the citie, and shut it to them, and went vp to the toppe of the towre.

geneva@Judges:9:52 @ And Abimelech came vnto the towre and fought against it, and went hard vnto the doore of the towre to set it on fire.

geneva@Judges:9:53 @ But a certaine woman cast a piece of a milstone vpon Abimelechs head, and brake his braine pan.

geneva@Judges:9:54 @ Then he called hastily unto the young man his armourbearer, and said unto him, Draw thy sword, and slay me, that men say not of me, A woman slew him. And his young man (note:)Thus God by such miserable death takes vengeance on tyrants even in this life.(:note) thrust him through, and he died.

geneva@Judges:9:55 @ And when the men of Israel sawe that Abimelech was dead, they departed euery man vnto his owne place.

geneva@Judges:9:56 @ Thus God rendred the wickednes of Abimelech, which he did vnto his father, in slaying his seuentie brethren.

geneva@Judges:9:57 @ And all the evil of the men of Shechem did God render upon their heads: and upon them came the (note:)For making a tyrant their king.(:note) curse of Jotham the son of Jerubbaal.

geneva@Judges:10:9 @ Moreouer, the children of Ammon went ouer Iorden to fight against Iudah, and against Beniamin, and against the house of Ephraim: so that Israel was sore tormented.

geneva@Judges:11:9 @ And Iphtah said vnto the Elders of Gilead, If ye bring me home againe to fight against the children of Ammon, if the Lord giue them before me, shall I be your head?

geneva@Judges:12:9 @ Who had thirtie sonnes and thirtie daughters, which he sent out, & tooke in thirtie daughters from abroade for his sonnes; he iudged Israel seuen yeere.

geneva@Judges:13:9 @ And God heard the voyce of Manoah, and the Angel of God came againe vnto the wife, as she sate in the fielde, but Manoah her husbande was not with her.

geneva@Judges:14:9 @ And he tooke therof in his handes, and went eating, and came to his father and to his mother, and gaue vnto them, and they did eate: but hee told not them, that he had taken the hony out of the body of the lyon.

geneva@Judges:15:9 @ Then the Philistims came vp, and pitched in Iudah, and were spred abroad in Lehi.

geneva@Judges:16:9 @ Now [there were] (note:)Certain Philistines in a secret chamber.(:note) men lying in wait, abiding with her in the chamber. And she said unto him, The Philistines [be] upon thee, Samson. And he brake the withs, as a thread of tow is broken when When fire comes near it. it toucheth the fire. So his strength was not known.

geneva@Judges:17:9 @ And Micah said unto him, Whence comest thou? And he said unto him, (note:)For in those days the service of God was corrupt in all estates and the Levites were not looked to.(:note) I [am] a Levite of Bethlehemjudah, and I go to sojourn where I may find [a place].

geneva@Judges:18:9 @ And they said, Arise, that we may go up against them: for we have seen the land, and, behold, it [is] very good: and (note:)Would you lose this good opportunity because of your laziness?(:note) [are] ye still? be not slothful to go, [and] to enter to possess the land.

geneva@Judges:19:9 @ And when the man rose up to depart, he, and his concubine, and his servant, his father in law, the damsel's father, said unto him, Behold, now the day draweth toward evening, I pray you tarry all night: behold, the day groweth to an end, lodge here, that thine heart may be merry; and to morrow get you early on your way, that thou mayest go (note:)That is, to the town or city where he lived.(:note) home.

geneva@Judges:20:9 @ But now this is that thing which we will do to Gibeah: we wil goe vp by lot against it,

geneva@Judges:21:9 @ For when the people were vewed; beholde, none of the inhabitants of Iabesh Gilead were there.

geneva@Ruth:1:9 @ The LORD grant you that ye may find (note:)By this it appears that Naomi by dwelling among idolaters, had become cold to the true zeal of God, having more respect for the comfort of the body than the comfort of the soul.(:note) rest, each [of you] in the house of her husband. Then she kissed them; and they lifted up their voice, and wept.

geneva@Ruth:2:9 @

geneva@Ruth:3:9 @ Then he sayd, Who art thou? And she answered, I am Ruth thine handmayd: spread therefore the wing of thy garment ouer thine handmayd: for thou art the kinsman.

geneva@Ruth:4:7 @ Now this [was the manner] in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning changing, for to confirm all things; a man plucked off his shoe, and gave [it] to his neighbour: and this [was] a (note:)That he had resigned his right, (Deu_25:9).(:note) testimony in Israel.

geneva@Ruth:4:9 @ And Boaz sayd vnto the Elders & vnto all the people, Ye are witnesses this day, that I haue bought all that was Elimelechs, and all that was Chilions and Mahlons, of the hand of Naomi.

geneva@1Samuel:1:9 @ So Hannah rose up after they had eaten in Shiloh, and after they had drunk. Now Eli the priest sat upon a seat by a post of the (note:)That is of the house where the ark was.(:note) temple of the LORD.

geneva@1Samuel:2:9 @ Hee will keepe the feete of his Saintes, and the wicked shall keepe silence in darkenes: for in his owne might shall no man be strong.

geneva@1Samuel:3:9 @ Therefore Eli saide vnto Samuel, Goe and sleepe: and if he call thee, then say, Speake Lorde, for thy seruant heareth. So Samuel went, and slept in his place.

geneva@1Samuel:4:9 @ Be strong and play the men, O Philistims, that ye be not seruants vnto the Ebrewes, as they haue serued you: be valiant therefore, and fight.

geneva@1Samuel:5:9 @ And when they had caried it about, the hand of the Lord was against the citie with a very great destruction, and he smote the men of the citie both small and great, and they had emerods in their secret partes.

geneva@1Samuel:6:9 @ And see, if it goeth up by the way of his own coast to Bethshemesh, [then] (note:)The God of Israel.(:note) he hath done us this great evil: but if not, then we shall know that [it is] not his hand [that] smote us: it [was] a The wicked attribute almost all things to fortune and chance, whereas indeed there is nothing done without God's providence and decree. chance [that] happened to us.

geneva@1Samuel:7:9 @ Then Samuel tooke a sucking lambe, and offered it all together for a burnt offering vnto the Lord, and Samuel cryed vnto the Lord for Israel, and the Lord heard him.

geneva@1Samuel:8:9 @ Now therefore hearken unto their voice: howbeit yet (note:)To prove if they will forsake their wicked purpose.(:note) protest solemnly unto them, and shew them the manner of the king that shall reign over them.

geneva@1Samuel:9:1 @ Now there was a man of Benjamin, whose name [was] Kish, the son of Abiel, the son of Zeror, the son of Bechorath, the son of Aphiah, a Benjamite, a (note:)That is, both valiant and rich.(:note) mighty man of power.

geneva@1Samuel:9:2 @ And he had a son, whose name [was] Saul, a (note:)So that it might seem that God approved their request in appointing such a person.(:note) choice young man, and a goodly: and [there was] not among the children of Israel a goodlier person than he: from his shoulders and upward [he was] higher than any of the people.

geneva@1Samuel:9:3 @ And the asses of Kish Saul's father were lost. And Kish said to Saul his son, Take now one of the servants with thee, and arise, go (note:)All these circumstances were means to serve God's providence, by which Saul (though not approved by God) was made king.(:note) seek the asses.

geneva@1Samuel:9:4 @ So he passed through mount Ephraim, and went through the lande of Shalishah, but they found them not. Then they went through the land of Shalim, and there they were not: he went also through ye land of Iemini, but they found the not.

geneva@1Samuel:9:5 @ [And] when they were come to the land of (note:)Where was Ramath Zophim, the city of Samuel.(:note) Zuph, Saul said to his servant that [was] with him, Come, and let us return; lest my father leave [caring] for the asses, and take thought for us.

geneva@1Samuel:9:6 @ And he said vnto him, Behold nowe, in this citie is a man of God, and he is an honorable man: all that he saith commeth to passe: let vs nowe goe thither, if so be that he can shewe vs what way we may goe.

geneva@1Samuel:9:7 @ Then saide Saul to his seruant, Well then, let vs goe: but what shall we bring vnto the man? For the bread is spent in our vessels, and there is no present to bring to the man of God: what haue we?

geneva@1Samuel:9:8 @ And the servant answered Saul again, and said, Behold, I have here at hand the fourth part of a (note:)Which is about five pence, read (Gen_23:15).(:note) shekel of silver: [that] will I give to the man of God, to tell us our way.

geneva@1Samuel:9:9 @ (Beforetime in Israel, when a man went to enquire of God, thus he spake, Come, and let us go to the (note:)So called because he foresaw things to come.(:note) seer: for [he that is] now [called] a Prophet was beforetime called a Seer.)

geneva@1Samuel:9:10 @ Then saide Saul to his seruant, Well saide, come, let vs goe: so they went into the citie where the man of God was.

geneva@1Samuel:9:11 @ And as they were going vp the hie way to the citie, they found maydes that came out to draw water, & said vnto them, Is there here a Seer?

geneva@1Samuel:9:12 @ And they answered them, and said, He is; behold, [he is] before you: make haste now, for he came to day to the city; for [there is] a (note:)That is, a feast after the offering, which would be kept in a high place of the city appointed for that use.(:note) sacrifice of the people to day in the high place:

geneva@1Samuel:9:13 @ As soon as ye be come into the city, ye shall straightway find him, before he go up to the high place to eat: for the people will not eat until he come, because he doth (note:)That is, give thanks and distribute the meat according to their custom.(:note) bless the sacrifice; [and] afterwards they eat that be bidden. Now therefore get you up; for about this time ye shall find him.

geneva@1Samuel:9:14 @ Then they went vp into the citie, & when they were come into the middes of the citie, Samuel came out against them, to goe vp to the hie place.

geneva@1Samuel:9:15 @ But the Lord had reueiled to Samuel secretly (a day before Saul came) saying,

geneva@1Samuel:9:16 @ To morrow about this time I will send thee a man out of the land of Benjamin, and thou shalt anoint him [to be] captain over my people Israel, that he may (note:)Despite their wickedness, yet God was ever mindful of his inheritance.(:note) save my people out of the hand of the Philistines: for I have looked upon my people, because their cry is come unto me.

geneva@1Samuel:9:17 @ When Samuel therefore sawe Saul, the Lord answered him, See, this is the man whom I spake to thee of, he shall rule my people.

geneva@1Samuel:9:18 @ Then went Saul to Samuel in the middes of the gate, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, where the Seers house is.

geneva@1Samuel:9:19 @ And Samuel answered Saul, and said, I [am] the seer: go up before me unto the high place; for ye shall eat with me to day, and to morrow I will let thee go, and will tell thee all that [is] in thine (note:)Meaning, all that you desire to know.(:note) heart.

geneva@1Samuel:9:20 @ And as for thine asses that were lost three days ago, set not thy mind on them; for they are found. And (note:)Whom does Israel desire to be their king, but thee?(:note) on whom [is] all the desire of Israel? [Is it] not on thee, and on all thy father's house?

geneva@1Samuel:9:21 @ But Saul answered, and said, Am not I the sonne of Iemini of the smallest tribe of Israel? and my familie is the least of all the families of the tribe of Beniamin. Wherefore then speakest thou so to me?

geneva@1Samuel:9:22 @ And Samuel took Saul and his servant, and brought them into the (note:)Where the feast was.(:note) parlour, and made them sit in the chiefest place among them that were bidden, which [were] about thirty persons.

geneva@1Samuel:9:23 @ And Samuel saide vnto the cooke, Bring foorth the portion which I gaue thee, and whereof I said vnto thee, Keepe it with thee.

geneva@1Samuel:9:24 @ And the cook took up the shoulder, and [that] which [was] (note:)That is, the shoulder with the breast, which the priest had for his family in all peace offerings, (Lev_10:14)(:note) upon it, and set [it] before Saul. And [Samuel] said, Behold that which is left! set [it] before thee, [and] eat: for unto this time hath it been kept for thee since I said, I That both by the assembling of the people, and by the meat prepared for you, you might understand that I knew of your coming. have invited the people. So Saul did eat with Samuel that day.

geneva@1Samuel:9:25 @ And when they were come downe from the hie place into the citie, he communed with Saul vpon the top of the house.

geneva@1Samuel:9:26 @ And they arose early: and it came to pass about the spring of the day, that Samuel called Saul to the (note:)To speak with him secretly: for the houses were flat above.(:note) top of the house, saying, Up, that I may send thee away. And Saul arose, and they went out both of them, he and Samuel, abroad.

geneva@1Samuel:9:27 @ [And] as they were going down to the end of the city, Samuel said to Saul, Bid the servant pass on before us, (and he passed on,) but stand thou still a while, that I may shew thee (note:)God's commandment concerning you.(:note) the word of God.

geneva@1Samuel:10:9 @ And it was [so], that when he had turned his back to go from Samuel, God gave him another (note:)He gave him such virtues as were fitting for a king.(:note) heart: and all those signs came to pass that day.

geneva@1Samuel:11:9 @ And (note:)Meaning, Saul and Samuel.(:note) they said unto the messengers that came, Thus shall ye say unto the men of Jabeshgilead, To morrow, by [that time] the sun be hot, ye shall have help. And the messengers came and shewed [it] to the men of Jabesh; and they were glad.

geneva@1Samuel:12:9 @ And when they forgat the LORD their God, he sold them into the hand of Sisera, (note:)Captain of Jabin's host, king of Hazor.(:note) captain of the host of Hazor, and into the hand of the Philistines, and into the hand of the king of Moab, and they fought against them.

geneva@1Samuel:13:9 @ And Saul sayde, Bring a burnt offering to me and peace offrings: and he offered a burnt offering.

geneva@1Samuel:14:9 @

geneva@1Samuel:15:9 @ But Saul and the people spared Agag, and the better sheepe, and the oxen, and the fat beasts, and the lambes, and all that was good, and they would not destroy them: but euery thing that was vile and nought worth, that they destroyed.

geneva@1Samuel:16:9 @ Then Ishai made Shammah come; he said, Neither yet hath the Lorde chosen him.

geneva@1Samuel:17:9 @ If he be able to fight with me, and kill me, then wil we be your seruants: but if I ouercome him, and kill him, then shal yee be our seruants, and serue vs.

geneva@1Samuel:18:9 @ And Saul (note:)Because he envied and hated him.(:note) eyed David from that day and forward.

geneva@1Samuel:19:9 @ And the evil spirit from the LORD was upon Saul, as he sat in his house with his javelin in his hand: and David (note:)He played on his harp to appease the rage of the evil spirit, (1Sa_16:23).(:note) played with [his] hand.

geneva@1Samuel:20:9 @ And Jonathan said, Far be it from thee: for if I knew certainly that evil were (note:)That he were fully determined.(:note) determined by my father to come upon thee, then would not I tell it thee?

geneva@1Samuel:21:9 @ And the priest said, The sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom thou slewest in the valley of Elah, behold, it [is here] wrapped in a cloth behind the (note:)Behind that place where the high priests garment lay.(:note) ephod: if thou wilt take that, take [it]: for [there is] no other save that here. And David said, [There is] none like that; give it me.

geneva@1Samuel:22:9 @ Then answered Doeg the Edomite (who was appoynted ouer the seruants of Saul) & sayd, I saw the sonne of Ishai when he came to Nob, to Ahimelech the sonne of Ahitub,

geneva@1Samuel:23:9 @ And David knew that Saul secretly practised mischief against him; and he said to Abiathar the priest, (note:)To consult with the Lord by Urim and Thummim.(:note) Bring hither the ephod.

geneva@1Samuel:24:8 @ {\cf2 (24:9)} Dauid also arose afterward, and went out of the caue, and cryed after Saul, saying, O my lorde the King; when Saul looked behinde him, Dauid inclined his face to the earth, and bowed himselfe.

geneva@1Samuel:24:9 @ And David said to Saul, (note:)Contrary to the report of those who said David was Saul's enemy, he proves himself to be his friend.(:note) Wherefore hearest thou men's words, saying, Behold, David seeketh thy hurt?

geneva@1Samuel:25:9 @ And when Dauids yong men came, they tolde Nabal all those wordes in the name of Dauid, and helde their peace.

geneva@1Samuel:26:9 @ And David said to Abishai, Destroy him not: for who can stretch forth his hand (note:)That is, in his own private cause: for Jehu slew two kings at God's appointment, (2Ki_9:24).(:note) against the LORD'S anointed, and be guiltless?

geneva@1Samuel:27:9 @ And Dauid smote the lande, and left neither man nor woman aliue, and tooke sheepe, & oxen, and asses, and camels, and apparell, and returned and came to Achish.

geneva@1Samuel:27:10 @ And Achish said, Whither have ye made a road to day? And David said, Against the south of Judah, and against the south of the (note:)A family of the tribe of Judah, (1Ch_2:9).(:note) Jerahmeelites, and against the south of the Kenites.

geneva@1Samuel:28:9 @ And the woman saide vnto him, Beholde, thou knowest what Saul hath done, how he hath destroyed the sorcerers, and the southsayers out of the land: wherefore then seekest thou to take me in a snare to cause me to die?

geneva@1Samuel:29:9 @ Achish then answered, and said to Dauid, I knowe thou pleasest mee, as an Angell of God: but the princes of the Philistims haue saide, Let him not goe vp with vs to battell.

geneva@1Samuel:30:9 @ So Dauid and the sixe hundreth men that were with him, went, and came to the riuer Besor, where a part of them abode:

geneva@1Samuel:31:9 @ And they cut off his head, and stripped off his armour, and sent into the land of the Philistines round about, to (note:)In token of victory and triumph.(:note) publish [it in] the house of their idols, and among the people.

geneva@2Samuel:1:9 @ He said unto me again, Stand, I pray thee, upon me, and slay me: for anguish is come upon me, because my (note:)I am sorry, because I am yet alive.(:note) life [is] yet whole in me.

geneva@2Samuel:2:9 @ And made him king over Gilead, and over the Ashurites, and over Jezreel, and over Ephraim, and over Benjamin, and over (note:)Over the eleven tribes.(:note) all Israel.

geneva@2Samuel:3:9 @

geneva@2Samuel:4:9 @ Then Dauid answered Rechab & Baanah his brother, the sonnes of Rimmon the Beerothite, and saide vnto them, As the Lorde liueth, who hath deliuered my soule out of al aduersity,

geneva@2Samuel:5:9 @ So David dwelt in the fort, and called it the city of David. And David built round about from (note:)He built from the town house round about to his own house (1Ch_11:8).(:note) Millo and inward.

geneva@2Samuel:6:2 @ And David arose, and went with all the people that [were] with him from (note:)This was a city in Judah called also Kirjathjearim, (Jos_15:9).(:note) Baale of Judah, to bring up from thence the ark of God, whose name is called by the name of the LORD of hosts that dwelleth [between] the cherubims.

geneva@2Samuel:6:9 @ Therefore Dauid that day feared the Lord, and sayd, How shall the Arke of the Lorde come to mee?

geneva@2Samuel:7:9 @ And I was with thee whithersoever thou wentest, and have cut off all thine enemies out of thy sight, and have made thee a (note:)I have made you famous through all the world.(:note) great name, like unto the name of the great [men] that [are] in the earth.

geneva@2Samuel:8:9 @ Then Toi king of Hamath heard howe Dauid had smitten all the hoste of Hadadezer,

geneva@2Samuel:9:1 @ And David said, Is there yet any that is left of the house of Saul, that I may shew him kindness for (note:)Because of my oath and promise made to Jonathan, (1Sa_20:15).(:note) Jonathan's sake?

geneva@2Samuel:9:2 @ And there was of the housholde of Saul a seruant whose name was Ziba, & when they had called him vnto Dauid, the King sayd vnto him, Art thou Ziba? And he sayd, I thy seruant am he.

geneva@2Samuel:9:3 @ And the king said, [Is] there not yet any of the house of Saul, that I may shew the (note:)Such mercy as shall be acceptable to God.(:note) kindness of God unto him? And Ziba said unto the king, Jonathan hath yet a son, [which is] lame on [his] feet.

geneva@2Samuel:9:4 @ Then the King said vnto him, Where is he? And Ziba said vnto the King, Behold, he is in the house of Machir ye sonne of Ammiel of Lo-debar.

geneva@2Samuel:9:5 @ Then king David sent, and fetched him out of the house of Machir, the son of (note:)Who was also called Eliam the father of Bathsheba, David's wife.(:note) Ammiel, from Lodebar.

geneva@2Samuel:9:6 @ Nowe when Mephibosheth the sonne of Ionathan, the sonne of Saul was come vnto Dauid, he fel on his face, and did reuerence; Dauid sayde, Mephibosheth? And he answered, Beholde thy seruant.

geneva@2Samuel:9:7 @ Then Dauid sayd vnto him, Feare not: for I wil surely shewe thee kindnes for Ionathan thy fathers sake, and will restore thee all the fieldes of Saul thy father, and thou shalt eate bread at my table continually.

geneva@2Samuel:9:8 @ And he bowed himself, and said, What [is] thy servant, that thou shouldest look upon such (note:)Meaning, a despised person.(:note) a dead dog as I [am]?

geneva@2Samuel:9:9 @ Then the king called Ziba Sauls seruant, & said vnto him, I haue giue vnto thy masters sonne all that perteined to Saul and to all his house.

geneva@2Samuel:9:10 @ Thou therefore, and (note:)Be ye provident overseers and governors of his lands, that they may be profitable.(:note) thy sons, and thy servants, shall till the land for him, and thou shalt bring in [the fruits], that thy master's son may have food to eat: but Mephibosheth thy master's son shall eat bread alway at my table. Now Ziba had fifteen sons and twenty servants.

geneva@2Samuel:9:11 @ Then said Ziba unto the king, According to all that my lord the king hath commanded his servant, so shall thy servant do. (note:)That Mephibosheth may have all things at commandment, as becomes a king's son.(:note) As for Mephibosheth, [said the king], he shall eat at my table, as one of the king's sons.

geneva@2Samuel:9:12 @ Mephibosheth also had a yong sonne named Micha, and all that dwelled in the house of Ziba, were seruants vnto Mephibosheth.

geneva@2Samuel:9:13 @ And Mephibosheth dwelt in Ierusalem: for he did eate continually at the Kings table, & was lame on both his feete.

geneva@2Samuel:10:9 @ When Ioab saw that the front of the battel was against him before and behinde, he chose of all the choyse of Israel, and put them in aray against the Aramites.

geneva@2Samuel:11:9 @ But Vriah slept at the doore of the Kings palace with all the seruants of his lord, and went not downe to his house.

geneva@2Samuel:12:9 @ Wherefore hast thou despised the commandment of the LORD, to do evil in his sight? thou hast killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword, and hast taken his wife [to be] thy wife, and hast slain him with the sword of the (note:)You have most cruelly given him into the hands of God's enemies.(:note) children of Ammon.

geneva@2Samuel:12:24 @ And David comforted Bathsheba his wife, and went in unto her, and lay with her: and she bare a son, and (note:)That is, the Lord, (1Ch_22:9).(:note) he called his name Solomon: and the LORD loved him.

geneva@2Samuel:13:9 @ And she took a pan, and (note:)That is, she served them on a dish.(:note) poured [them] out before him; but he refused to eat. And Amnon said, Have out all men from For the wicked are ashamed to do that before men, which they are not afraid to commit in the sight of God. me. And they went out every man from him.

geneva@2Samuel:14:9 @ And the woman of Tekoah said unto the king, My lord, O king, the (note:)Concerning the breach of the Law which punishes blood, let me bear the blame.(:note) iniquity [be] on me, and on my father's house: and the king and his throne [be] guiltless.

geneva@2Samuel:15:9 @ And the King sayd vnto him, Go in peace. So he arose, and went to Hebron.

geneva@2Samuel:16:9 @ Then saide Abishai the sonne of Zeruiah vnto the King, Why doeth this dead dog curse my lord the King? let me goe, I pray thee, and take away his head.

geneva@2Samuel:17:9 @ Behold, he is hid now in some caue, or in some place: and though some of them be ouerthrowen at the first, yet the people shall heare, and say, The people that follow Absalom, be ouerthrowen.

geneva@2Samuel:18:9 @ Nowe Absalom met the seruants of Dauid, and Absalom rode vpon a mule, and the mule came vnder a great thicke oke: and his head caught holde of the oke, and he was taken vp betweene the heauen and the earth: and the mule that was vnder him went away.

geneva@2Samuel:19:9 @ And all the people were at (note:)Everyone blamed another and strove who should first bring him home.(:note) strife throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, The king saved us out of the hand of our enemies, and he delivered us out of the hand of the Philistines; and now he is fled out of the land for Absalom.

geneva@2Samuel:20:9 @ And Ioab sayde to Amasa, Art thou in health, my brother? & Ioab tooke Amasa by the beard with the right hand to kisse him.

geneva@2Samuel:21:9 @ And he delivered them into the hands of the Gibeonites, and they hanged them in the hill before the LORD: and they fell [all] seven together, and were put to death in the days of harvest, in the (note:)Which was in the month Abib or Nisan which contained part of March and part of April.(:note) first [days], in the beginning of barley harvest.

geneva@2Samuel:22:9 @ There went up a (note:)That is, clouds, and vapours.(:note) smoke out of his nostrils, and Lightening and thundering. fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it.

geneva@2Samuel:23:9 @ And after him [was] Eleazar the son of Dodo the Ahohite, [one] of the three mighty men with David, when they defied the Philistines [that] were there gathered together to battle, and the men of Israel were (note:)Meaning, fled from the battle.(:note) gone away:

geneva@2Samuel:24:9 @ And Joab gave up the sum of the number of the people unto the king: and there were in Israel (note:)According to Joab's count: for in all there were eleven hundred thousand, (1Ch_21:5).(:note) eight hundred thousand valiant men that drew the sword; and the men of Judah [were] Including the Benjamites with them, or else they had but four hundred and seventy thousand. five hundred thousand men.

geneva@1Kings:1:9 @ Then Adoniiah sacrificed sheepe and oxen, and fat cattel by the stone of Zoheleth, which is by En-rogel, and called all his brethren the kings sonnes, & al the men of Iudah ye Kings seruants,

geneva@1Kings:2:9 @ Now therefore hold him not guiltless: for thou [art] a wise man, and knowest what thou oughtest to do unto him; but his hoar head bring thou down to the grave with (note:)Let him be punished with death, see (1Ki_2:46).(:note) blood.

geneva@1Kings:3:9 @ Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this thy so (note:)Which are so many in number.(:note) great a people?

geneva@1Kings:4:9 @ The sonne of Dekar in Makaz, and in Shaalbim and Beth-shemesh, and Elon and Beth-hanan:

geneva@1Kings:5:9 @ My servants shall bring [them] down from Lebanon unto the sea: and I will convey them by sea in floats unto the place that thou shalt appoint me, and will cause them to be discharged there, and thou shalt receive [them]: and thou shalt accomplish my desire, in giving food for (note:)While my servants are occupied with your business.(:note) my household.

geneva@1Kings:6:9 @ So he built the (note:)In Exodus it is called the tabernacle, and the temple is here called the sanctuary and the oracle the most holy place.(:note) house, and finished it; and covered the house with beams and boards of cedar.

geneva@1Kings:7:9 @ All these [were of] costly stones, according to the measures of hewed stones, sawed with saws, within and without, even from the foundation unto (note:)Which were rests and stays for the beams to lie on.(:note) the coping, and [so] on the outside toward the great court.

geneva@1Kings:8:9 @ [There was] nothing in the ark (note:)For it is likely that the enemy when they had the ark in their hands took away the rod of Aaron and the pot of manna.(:note) save the two tables of stone, which Moses put there at Horeb, when the LORD made [a covenant] with the children of Israel, when they came out of the land of Egypt.

geneva@1Kings:9:1 @ When Salomon had finished the building of the house of ye Lorde, & the kings palace, & all that Salomon desired and minded to do,

geneva@1Kings:9:2 @ Then the Lorde appeared vnto Salomon the second time, as he appeared vnto him at Gibeon.

geneva@1Kings:9:3 @ And the Lord sayd vnto him, I haue heard thy prayer and thy supplication, that thou hast made before me: I haue halowed this house (which thou hast built) to put my Name there for euer, and mine eyes, and mine heart shall be there perpetually.

geneva@1Kings:9:4 @ And (note:)If you walk in my fear, and withdraw yourself from the common manner of men, who follow their sensualities.(:note) if thou wilt walk before me, as David thy father walked, in integrity of heart, and in uprightness, to do according to all that I have commanded thee, [and] wilt keep my statutes and my judgments:

geneva@1Kings:9:5 @ Then will I stablish the throne of thy kingdome vpon Israel for euer, as I promised to Dauid thy father, saying, Thou shalt not wat a man vpon the throne of Israel.

geneva@1Kings:9:6 @ [But] if ye shall at all turn from following me, ye or your children, and will (note:)God declares that disobedience against him, is the cause of his displeasure, and so of all misery.(:note) not keep my commandments [and] my statutes which I have set before you, but go and serve other gods, and worship them:

geneva@1Kings:9:7 @ Then will I cut off Israel out of the land which I have given them; and this house, which I have hallowed for my name, will I cast out of my sight; and Israel shall be a (note:)The world will make a mockery of you for the vile contempt and abusing of God's most liberal benefit.(:note) proverb and a byword among all people:

geneva@1Kings:9:8 @ Euen this hie house shall bee so: euery one that passeth by it, shalbe astonied, and shall hisse, and they shal say, Why hath the Lord done thus vnto this land and to this house?

geneva@1Kings:9:9 @ And they shall answere, Because they forsooke the Lorde their God, which brought their fathers out of the land of Egypt, and haue taken holde vpon other gods, & haue worshipped them, and serued them, therfore hath the Lord brought vpon them all this euill.

geneva@1Kings:9:10 @ And at the ende of twentie yeeres, when Salomon had buylded the two houses, the house of the Lord, and the Kings palace,

geneva@1Kings:9:11 @ (For the which Hiram the King of Tyrus had brought to Salomon timber of cedar, and firre trees, and golde, and whatsoeuer he desired) then King Salomon gaue to Hiram twentie cities in the land of Galil.

geneva@1Kings:9:12 @ And Hiram came out from Tyrus to see the cities which Salomon had giuen him, & they pleased him not.

geneva@1Kings:9:13 @ Therefore hee sayde, What cities are these which thou hast giuen me, my brother? And hee called them the land of Cabul vnto this day.

geneva@1Kings:9:14 @ And Hiram sent to the king (note:)For his tribute toward the building.(:note) sixscore The common talent was about 60 pound weight. talents of gold.

geneva@1Kings:9:15 @ And this [is] the reason of the levy which king Solomon raised; for to build the house of the LORD, and his own house, and (note:)Millo was as the town house or place of assembly which was open above.(:note) Millo, and the wall of Jerusalem, and Hazor, and Megiddo, and Gezer.

geneva@1Kings:9:16 @ Pharaoh King of Egypt had come vp, and taken Gezer, and burnt it with fire, and slew the Canaanites, that dwelt in the citie, and gaue it for a present vnto his daughter Salomons wife.

geneva@1Kings:9:17 @ (Therefore Salomon builte Gezer and Beth-horon the nether,

geneva@1Kings:9:18 @ And Baalath and Tamor in the wildernes of the land,

geneva@1Kings:9:19 @ And all the cities (note:)Cities for his ammunition.(:note) of store that Solomon had, and cities for his chariots, and cities for his horsemen, and that which Solomon desired to build in Jerusalem, and in Lebanon, and in all the land of his dominion.

geneva@1Kings:9:20 @ [And] all the people [that were] (note:)These were as bondmen and paid what was required, either labour or money.(:note) left of the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites, which [were] not of the children of Israel,

geneva@1Kings:9:21 @ To wit, their children that were left after them in the lande, whome the children of Israel were not able to destroy, those did Salomo make tributaries vnto this day.

geneva@1Kings:9:22 @ But of the children of Israel did Salomon make no bondmen: but they were men of warre and his seruants, and his princes, & his captaines, and rulers of his charets and his horsemen.

geneva@1Kings:9:23 @ These [were] the chief of the officers that [were] over Solomon's work, (note:)The overseers of Solomon's works were divided into three parts: the first contained 3300, the second 300, and the third 250 who were Israelites. Here are the two last parts, which make 550. See (2Ch_8:10).(:note) five hundred and fifty, which bare rule over the people that wrought in the work.

geneva@1Kings:9:24 @ And Pharaohs daughter came vp from the citie of Dauid vnto the house which Salomon had built for her: then did he buylde Millo.

geneva@1Kings:9:25 @ And thrise a yere did Salomon offer burnt offringes and peace offrings vpon the altar which he built vnto the Lord: and hee burnt incense vpon the altar that was before the Lorde, when hee had finished the house.

geneva@1Kings:9:26 @ Also King Salomon made a nauie of ships in Ezeon-geber, which is beside Eloth, and the brinke of the red Sea, in the land of Edom.

geneva@1Kings:9:27 @ And Hiram sent with the nauie his seruats, that were mariners, and had knowledge of the sea, with the seruants of Salomon.

geneva@1Kings:9:28 @ And they came to Ophir, and fetched from thence gold, (note:)In (2Ch_8:18), 30 more are mentioned who seem to have been employed for their wages.(:note) four hundred and twenty talents, and brought [it] to king Solomon.

geneva@1Kings:10:9 @ Blessed be the LORD thy God, which (note:)It is a chief sign of God's favour, when godly and wise rulers fit in the throne of justice.(:note) delighted in thee, to set thee on the throne of Israel: because the LORD loved Israel for ever, therefore made he thee king, to do This is the reason kings are appointed. judgment and justice.

geneva@1Kings:11:9 @ Therefore the Lord was angry with Salomon, because hee had turned his heart from the Lorde God of Israel, which had appeared vnto him twise,

geneva@1Kings:12:9 @ And he said unto them, (note:)There is nothing harder for them that are in authority than to control their desires and follow good counsel.(:note) What counsel give ye that we may answer this people, who have spoken to me, saying, Make the yoke which thy father did put upon us lighter?

geneva@1Kings:13:9 @ For so was it charged me by the word of the LORD, saying, (note:)Seeing he had the express word of God, he should not have declined from it, neither for the persuasion of man nor angel.(:note) Eat no bread, nor drink water, nor turn again by the same way that thou camest.

geneva@1Kings:14:9 @ But hast done evil above all that were before thee: for thou hast gone and made thee other gods, and (note:)That is, two calves.(:note) molten images, to provoke me to anger, and hast cast me behind thy back:

geneva@1Kings:15:9 @ And in the twentie yeere of Ieroboam King of Israel reigned Asa ouer Iudah.

geneva@1Kings:16:9 @ And his servant Zimri, captain of half [his] chariots, conspired against him, as he was in Tirzah, (note:)The Chaldee text has this, «Drinking till he was drunk in the temple of Arza the idol by his house in Tirzah».(:note) drinking himself drunk in the house of Arza steward of [his] house in Tirzah.

geneva@1Kings:17:9 @ Vp, & get thee to Zarephath, which is in Zidon, and remaine there: beholde, I haue commanded a widow there to sustaine thee.

geneva@1Kings:18:9 @ And he said, What haue I sinned, that thou wouldest deliuer thy seruant into the hande of Ahab, to slay me?

geneva@1Kings:19:9 @ And there he entred into a caue, & lodged there: and beholde, the Lorde spake to him, and said vnto him, What doest thou here, Eliiah?

geneva@1Kings:20:9 @ Wherefore hee sayde vnto the messengers of Ben-hadad, Tell my lorde the King, All that thou didddest sende for to thy seruant at the first time, that I will doe, but this thing I may not do; the messengers departed, and brought him an answere.

geneva@1Kings:21:9 @ And she wrote in the letters, saying, Proclaim a (note:)For then they used to enquire of men's faults: for no one could truly fast if he was a notorious sinner.(:note) fast, and set Naboth on high among the people:

geneva@1Kings:22:9 @ Then the king of Israel called an (note:)Read (Gen_37:36).(:note) officer, and said, Hasten [hither] Micaiah the son of Imlah.

geneva@2Kings:1:9 @ Then the king sent unto him a captain of fifty with his fifty. And he went up to him: and, behold, he sat on the top (note:)That is, Carmel.(:note) of an hill. And he spake unto him, Thou man of God, the king hath said, Come down.

geneva@2Kings:2:1 @ And it came to pass, when the LORD would take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind, that Elijah went with Elisha from (note:)Which was the place where the children of Israel were circumcised after they came over Jordan and had been forty years in the wilderness, (Jos_5:9).(:note) Gilgal.

geneva@2Kings:2:9 @ And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I pray thee, (note:)Let your spirit have double force in me, because of these dangerous times: or let me have twice as much as the rest of the prophets: or if your spirit were to be divided into three parts, let me have two.(:note) let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me.

geneva@2Kings:3:9 @ So the king of Israel went, and the king of Judah, and the (note:)Meaning the viceroy, or lieutenant of the king of Judah, (1Ki_22:47).(:note) king of Edom: and they fetched a compass of seven days' journey: and there was no water for the host, and for the cattle that followed them.

geneva@2Kings:4:9 @ And she sayde vnto her husband, Beholde, I know now, that this is an holy man of God that passeth by vs continually.

geneva@2Kings:5:9 @ Then Naaman came with his horses, and with his charets, and stoode at the doore of the house of Elisha.

geneva@2Kings:6:9 @ Therefore the man of God sent vnto the King of Israel, saying, Beware thou goe not ouer to such a place: for there the Aramites are come downe.

geneva@2Kings:7:9 @ Then saide one to another, We doe not well: this day is a day of good tidings, and we holde our peace. If we tary till day light, some mischiefe will come vpon vs. Nowe therefore, come, let vs goe, and tell the Kings housholde.

geneva@2Kings:8:9 @ So Hazael went to meet him, and took a present with him, even of every (note:)Of all the chiefest and precious things of the country.(:note) good thing of Damascus, forty camels' burden, and came and stood before him, and said, Thy son Benhadad king of Syria hath sent me to thee, saying, Shall I recover of this disease?

geneva@2Kings:9:1 @ And Elisha the prophet called one of the children of the prophets, and said unto him, (note:)Prepare yourself to go diligently about your business for in those countries they used long garments which they tucked up when they went about earnest business.(:note) Gird up thy loins, and take this box of oil in thine hand, and go to Ramothgilead:

geneva@2Kings:9:2 @ And when thou commest thither, looke where is Iehu ye sonne of Iehoshaphat, the sonne of Nimshi, and go, and make him arise vp from among his brethren, and leade him to a secret chamber.

geneva@2Kings:9:3 @ Then take the boxe of oyle and powre it on his head, and say, Thus sayth the Lorde, I haue anointed thee for King ouer Israel. Then open the doore, and flee without any tarying.

geneva@2Kings:9:4 @ So the seruat of ye Prophet gate him to Ramoth Gilead.

geneva@2Kings:9:5 @ And when he came in, behold, the captaines of the armie were sitting; he sayde, I haue a message to thee, O captaine; Iehu sayd, Vnto which of all vs? And he answered, To thee, O captaine.

geneva@2Kings:9:6 @ And he arose, and went into the house; and he poured the oil on his head, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, I have (note:)This anointing was for kings, priests and prophets which were all figures of Messiah, in whom these three offices were accomplished.(:note) anointed thee king over the people of the LORD, [even] over Israel.

geneva@2Kings:9:7 @ And thou shalt smite the house of Ahab thy master, that I may auenge the blood of my seruants the Prophets, and the blood of al the seruants of the Lord of the hand of Iezebel.

geneva@2Kings:9:8 @ For the whole house of Ahab shalbe destroied: and I will cut off from Ahab, him that maketh water against the wall, as well him that is shut vp, as him that is left in Israel.

geneva@2Kings:9:9 @ And I will make the house of Ahab like the house of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, and like the house of Baasha the sonne of Ahiiah.

geneva@2Kings:9:10 @ And the dogges shall eate Iezebel in the fielde of Izreel, and there shalbe none to burie her; he opened the doore, and fled.

geneva@2Kings:9:11 @ Then Jehu came forth to the (note:)That is, the rest of the army, whom he called his brethren before, (2Ki_9:2).(:note) servants of his lord: and [one] said unto him, [Is] all well? wherefore came this The world always holds the ministers of God is this estimation and has always slandered the children of God (they called the Son of God a deceiver, and said he had the devil) therefore they should not be discouraged. mad [fellow] to thee? And he said unto them, Ye know the man, and his communication.

geneva@2Kings:9:12 @ And they sayde, It is false, tell vs it nowe. Then he sayd, Thus and thus spake he to me, saying, Thus saieth the Lorde, I haue anointed thee for King ouer Israel.

geneva@2Kings:9:13 @ Then they made haste, and tooke euerie man his garment, and put it vnder him on the top of the staires, and blewe the trumpet, saying, Iehu is King.

geneva@2Kings:9:14 @ So Iehu ye sonne of Iehoshaphat the sonne of Nimshi conspired against Ioram: (Now Ioram kept Ramoth Gilead, he and all Israel, because of Hazael King of Aram.

geneva@2Kings:9:15 @ And King Ioram returned to bee healed in Izreel of the woundes, which the Aramites had giuen him, when hee fought with Hazael King of Aram) and Iehu sayde, If it be your mindes, let no man depart and escape out of the citie, to goe and tell in Izreel.

geneva@2Kings:9:16 @ So Jehu rode in a chariot, and went to Jezreel; for Joram lay there. And (note:)God had thus ordained as in (2Ch_12:7), that this wicked and idolatrous king, who was more ready to please wicked Joram than to obey the will of God, would perish with him, by whose means he thought to have been stronger.(:note) Ahaziah king of Judah was come down to see Joram.

geneva@2Kings:9:17 @ And the watchman that stoode in the towre in Izreel spyed the companie of Iehu as hee came, & sayd, I see a companie; Iehoram said, Take a horseman and send to meete them, that hee may say, Is it peace?

geneva@2Kings:9:18 @ So there went one on horseback to meete him, and sayde, Thus sayth the King, Is it peace? And Iehu sayd, What hast thou to do with peace? Turne behinde me; the watchman tolde, saying, The messenger came to them, but he commeth not againe.

geneva@2Kings:9:19 @ Then hee sent out another on horsebacke, which came to them, and sayde, Thus sayth the King, Is it peace? And Iehu answered, What hast thou to doe with peace? turne behinde me.

geneva@2Kings:9:20 @ And the watchman told, saying, He came even unto them, and cometh not again: and the driving [is] like the driving of Jehu the son of Nimshi; for he driveth (note:)As one that went earnestly about his business.(:note) furiously.

geneva@2Kings:9:21 @ Then Iehoram sayd, Make ready: and his charet was made ready; Iehoram King of Israel and Ahaziah King of Iudah went out eyther of them in his charet against Iehu, and met him in the fielde of Naboth the Izreelite.

geneva@2Kings:9:22 @ And it came to pass, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, [Is it] (note:)Meaning, since God is their enemy because of their sins, he will always stir up someone to avenge his cause.(:note) peace, Jehu? And he answered, What peace, so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts [are so] many?

geneva@2Kings:9:23 @ Then Iehoram turned his hand, and fled, and said to Ahaziah, O Ahaziah, there is treason.

geneva@2Kings:9:24 @ But Iehu tooke a bowe in his hande, and smote Iehoram betweene the shoulders, that the arowe went through his heart: and he fell downe in his charet.

geneva@2Kings:9:25 @ Then said Iehu to Bidkar a captaine, Take, and cast him in some place of the fielde of Naboth the Izreelite: for I remember that when I and thou rode together after Ahab his father, the Lorde layed this burden vpon him.

geneva@2Kings:9:26 @ Surely I have seen yesterday the blood of Naboth, and the blood of his (note:)By this it is evident that Jezebel caused both Naboth and his sons to be put to death, that Ahab might enjoy his vineyard more quietly: else his children might have claimed possession.(:note) sons, saith the LORD; and I will requite thee in this plat, saith the LORD. Now therefore take [and] cast him into the plat [of ground], according to the word of the LORD.

geneva@2Kings:9:27 @ But when Ahaziah the king of Judah saw [this], he fled by the way of the garden house. And Jehu followed after him, and said, Smite him also in the chariot. [And they did so] at the going up to Gur, which [is] by Ibleam. And he fled to (note:)After he was wounded in Samaria, he fled to Megiddo, a city of Judah.(:note) Megiddo, and died there.

geneva@2Kings:9:28 @ And his seruants caried him in a charet to Ierusalem, and buried him in his sepulchre with his fathers in the citie of Dauid.

geneva@2Kings:9:29 @ And in the (note:)That is, eleven whole years: for in (2Ki_8:25) when he said he began to reign in the twelfth year of Joram, he takes a partial year for a whole.(:note) eleventh year of Joram the son of Ahab began Ahaziah to reign over Judah.

geneva@2Kings:9:30 @ And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard [of it]; and she painted her face, and tired her head, and (note:)Being of a harsh and cruel nature, she would still retain her royal state and dignity.(:note) looked out at a window.

geneva@2Kings:9:31 @ And as Jehu entered in at the gate, she said, [Had] (note:)As if to say, «Can a traitor or anyone who rises against his superior succeed?», see (1Ki_16:10).(:note) Zimri peace, who slew his master?

geneva@2Kings:9:32 @ And he lift vp his eyes to the windowe, and sayd, Who is on my side, who? Then two or three of her Eunuches looked vnto him.

geneva@2Kings:9:33 @ And he said, Throw her down. So they threw her down: (note:)This he did by the moving of the Spirit of God, that her blood would be shed, who had shed the blood of innocents, to be a spectacle and example of God's judgment for all tyrants.(:note) and [some] of her blood was sprinkled on the wall, and on the horses: and he trode her under foot.

geneva@2Kings:9:34 @ And when he was come in, he did eat and drink, and said, Go, see now this cursed [woman], and bury her: for she [is] a (note:)That is, of the king of Zidon, (1Ki_16:31).(:note) king's daughter.

geneva@2Kings:9:35 @ And they went to burie her, but they foud no more of her, then the skull and the feete, and the palmes of her handes.

geneva@2Kings:9:36 @ Wherefore they came agayne and tolde him; he said, This is the worde of the Lorde, which he spake by his seruant Eliiah the Tishbite, saying, In the fielde of Izreel shall ye dogs eate the flesh of Iezebel.

geneva@2Kings:9:37 @ And the carcase of Jezebel shall be as dung upon the face of the field in the portion of Jezreel; [so] that they shall not say, (note:)Thus God's judgments appear even in this world against those who suppress his word and persecute his servants.(:note) This [is] Jezebel.

geneva@2Kings:10:9 @ And it came to pass in the morning, that he went out, and stood, and said to all the people, Ye [be] (note:)You cannot justly condemn me for the king's death, seeing as you have done the same to his posterity: for the Lord commanded me, and moved you to carry out his judgment.(:note) righteous: behold, I conspired against my master, and slew him: but who slew all these?

geneva@2Kings:11:9 @ And the captains over the hundreds did according to all [things] that Jehoiada the priest commanded: and they took every man his men that were to come in on the sabbath, with them that should go out on the (note:)Read (2Ki_11:5, 2Ki_11:7).(:note) sabbath, and came to Jehoiada the priest.

geneva@2Kings:12:9 @ But Jehoiada the priest took a chest, and bored a hole in the lid of it, and set it beside the altar, on the (note:)That is, on the south side.(:note) right side as one cometh into the house of the LORD: and the priests that kept the door put therein all the money [that was] brought into the house of the LORD.

geneva@2Kings:12:20 @ And his servants arose, and made a conspiracy, and (note:)Because he had put Zachariah the son of Jehoiada to death, (2Ch_24:25).(:note) slew Joash in the house of Read (2Sa_5:9). Millo, which goeth down to Silla.

geneva@2Kings:13:9 @ And Iehoahaz slept with his fathers, and they buried him in Samaria, and Ioash his sonne reigned in his steade.

geneva@2Kings:14:9 @ And Jehoash the king of Israel sent to Amaziah king of Judah, saying, The thistle that [was] in Lebanon sent to the (note:)By this parable Jehoash compares himself to a cedar tree, because of his great kingdom over ten tribes and Amaziah to the thistle because he ruled over but two tribes and the wild beasts are Jehoash's soldiers, that spoiled the cities of Judah.(:note) cedar that [was] in Lebanon, saying, Give thy daughter to my son to wife: and there passed by a wild beast that [was] in Lebanon, and trode down the thistle.

geneva@2Kings:14:19 @ Now they made a conspiracy against him in Jerusalem: and he fled to (note:)Which Rehoboam built in Judah for a fortress, (2Ch_11:9).(:note) Lachish; but they sent after him to Lachish, and slew him there.

geneva@2Kings:15:9 @ And did euill in the sight of the Lorde, as did his fathers: for he departed not fro the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, which made Israel to sinne.

geneva@2Kings:16:9 @ And the King of Asshur consented vnto him: and the King of Asshur went vp against Damascus; when he had taken it, he caryed the people away to Kir, and slew Rezin.

geneva@2Kings:17:9 @ And the children of Israel did secretly [those] things that [were] not right against the LORD their God, and they built them high places in all their cities, from the tower (note:)Meaning, throughout all their borders.(:note) of the watchmen to the fenced city.

geneva@2Kings:17:24 @ And the king of Assyria brought [men] from Babylon, and from (note:)Of these people came the Samaritans, of which mention is so often made in the gospel, and with whom the Jews would have nothing to do, (Joh_4:9).(:note) Cuthah, and from Ava, and from Hamath, and from Sepharvaim, and placed [them] in the cities of Samaria instead of the children of Israel: and they possessed Samaria, and dwelt in the cities thereof.

geneva@2Kings:18:8 @ He smote the Philistines, [even] unto Gaza, and the borders thereof, (note:)Read (2Ki_17:9).(:note) from the tower of the watchmen to the fenced city.

geneva@2Kings:18:9 @ And in the fourth yere of King Hezekiah, (which was the seuenth yeere of Hoshea sonne of Elah King of Israel) Shalmaneser King of Asshur came vp against Samaria, and besieged it.

geneva@2Kings:19:9 @ And when (note:)That is, Sennacherib.(:note) he heard say of Tirhakah king of Ethiopia, For the kings of Ethiopia and Egypt joined together against the king of Assyria because of his oppression of other countries. Behold, he is come out to fight against thee: he sent messengers again unto Hezekiah, saying,

geneva@2Kings:20:9 @ And Isaiah answered, This signe shalt thou haue of the Lorde, that the Lorde will doe that he hath spoken, Wilt thou that the shadowe goe forwarde ten degrees, or go backe ten degrees?

geneva@2Kings:21:9 @ Yet they obeyed not, but Manasseh ledde them out of the way, to doe more wickedly then did the heathen people, whom the Lord destroyed before the children of Israel.

geneva@2Kings:22:4 @ Go up to Hilkiah the high priest, that he may sum the silver which is brought into the house of the LORD, which the keepers of the (note:)Certain of the priests were appointed to this office, as in (2Ki_12:9).(:note) door have gathered of the people:

geneva@2Kings:22:9 @ So Shaphan the chanceller came to ye King, and brought him word againe, and saide, Thy seruants haue gathered the money, that was found in the house, and haue deliuered it vnto the hands of them that doe the worke, and haue the ouersight of the house of the Lord.

geneva@2Kings:23:9 @ Nevertheless the priests of the high places (note:)Because they who had forsaken the Lord to serve idols, were not fit to minister in the service of the Lord for the instruction of others.(:note) came not up to the altar of the LORD in Jerusalem, but they did eat of the unleavened bread among their brethren.

geneva@2Kings:24:9 @ And he did euill in the sight of the Lorde, according to all that his father had done.

geneva@2Kings:25:9 @ And burnt the house of the Lord, and the Kings house, and all the houses of Ierusalem, and all the great houses burnt he with fire.

geneva@1Chronicles:1:9 @ And the sonnes of Cush, Siba and Hauilah, and Sabta, and Raamah, and Sabtecha. Also the sonnes of Raamah were Sheba and Dedan.

geneva@1Chronicles:2:9 @ The sons also of Hezron, that were born unto him; Jerahmeel, and (note:)Whom Matthew calls Aram, (Mat_1:3).(:note) Ram, and Chelubai.

geneva@1Chronicles:2:18 @ And (note:)Who was called Chelubai the son of Hezron, (1Ch_2:9).(:note) Caleb the son of Hezron begat [children] of Azubah [his] wife, and of Jerioth: her sons [are] these; Jesher, and Shobab, and Ardon.

geneva@1Chronicles:3:9 @ These are all the sonnes of Dauid, besides the sonnes of the concubines, and Thamar their sister.

geneva@1Chronicles:4:9 @ And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name (note:)Otherwise called Othniel, (Jdg_1:13).(:note) Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow.

geneva@1Chronicles:5:9 @ Also Eastwarde he inhabited vnto the entring in of the wildernes fro the riuer Perath for they had much cattel in the land of Gilead.

geneva@1Chronicles:6:9 @ And Ahimaaz begate Azariah, & Azariah begate Iohanan,

geneva@1Chronicles:7:9 @ And they were nombred by their genealogies according to their generations, and the chiefe of the houses of their fathers, valiant men of warre, twenty thousand and two hundreth.

geneva@1Chronicles:8:9 @ He begate, I say, of Hodesh his wife, Iobab and Zibia, and Mesha, and Malcham,

geneva@1Chronicles:9:1 @ So all Israel were reckoned by genealogies; and, behold, they [were] written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah, [who] were (note:)Until now he has described their genealogies before they went into captivity, and now he describes their history after their return.(:note) carried away to Babylon for their transgression.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:2 @ Now the first inhabitants that [dwelt] in their possessions in their cities [were], the Israelites, the priests, Levites, and the (note:)Meaning, the Gibeonites, who served in the temple, read (Jos_9:23).(:note) Nethinims.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:3 @ And in Ierusalem dwelt of the children of Iudah, and of the children of Beniamin, & of the children of Ephraim, and Manasseh.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:4 @ Vthai the sonne of Amihud the sonne of Omri, the sonne of Imri, the sonne of Bani: of the children of Pharez, the sonne of Iudah.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:5 @ And of Shiloni, Asaiah the eldest, and his sonnes.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:6 @ And the sonnes of Zerah, Ieuel, and their brethren sixe hundreth and ninetie.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:7 @ And of the sonnes of Beniamin, Sallu the sonne of Meshullam, the sonne of Hodauiah, the sonne of Hasenuah,

geneva@1Chronicles:9:8 @ And Ibneiah the sonne of Ieroham, and Elah the sonne of Vzzi, the sonne of Michri, and Meshullam the sonne of Shephatiah, the sonne of Reuel, the sonne of Ibniiah.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:9 @ And their brethren according to their generations nine hundreth, fiftie and sixe: all these men were chiefe fathers in the housholdes of their fathers.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:10 @ And of the Priestes, Iedaiah, and Iehoiarib, and Iachin,

geneva@1Chronicles:9:11 @ And Azariah the son of Hilkiah, the son of Meshullam, the son of Zadok, the son of Meraioth, the son of Ahitub, the (note:)That is, he was the high priest.(:note) ruler of the house of God;

geneva@1Chronicles:9:12 @ And Adaiah the sonne of Ieroham, ye sonne of Pashhur, the sonne of Malchiiah, and Maasai the sonne of Adiel, the sonne of Iahzerah, the sonne of Meshullam, the sonne of Meshillemith, the sonne of Immer.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:13 @ And their brethren, heads of the house of their fathers, a thousand and seven hundred and threescore; very able men for the (note:)To serve in the temple, every one according to his office.(:note) work of the service of the house of God.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:14 @ And of the Leuites, Shemaiah the sonne of Hasshub, the sonne of Azrikam, the sonne of Hashabiah of the sonnes of Merari,

geneva@1Chronicles:9:15 @ And Bakbakkar, Heresh & Galal, & Mattaniah the sonne of Micha, the sonne of Zichri, the sonne of Asaph,

geneva@1Chronicles:9:16 @ And Obadiah the sonne of Shemaiah, the sonne of Galal, the sonne of Ieduthun, and Berechiah, the sonne of Asa, the sonne of Elkanah, that dwelt in the villages of the Netophathites.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:17 @ And the porters were Shallum, and Akkub, and Talmon, and Ahiman, & their brethren: Shallum was the chiefe.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:18 @ Who hitherto [waited] in the (note:)So called because the king came into the temple by it, and not the common people.(:note) king's gate eastward: they [were] porters in the companies of the children of Levi.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:19 @ And Shallum the son of Kore, the son of Ebiasaph, the son of Korah, and his brethren, of the house of his father, the Korahites, [were] over the work of the service, keepers of the gates of the (note:)Their charge was that no one should enter those places, which were only appointed for the priests to minister in.(:note) tabernacle: and their fathers, [being] over the host of the LORD, [were] keepers of the entry.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:20 @ And Phinehas ye sonne of Eleazar was their guide, and the Lord was with him.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:21 @ Zechariah the sonne of Meshelemiah was the porter of the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:22 @ All these were chosen for porters of the gates, two hundreth & twelue, which were nombred according to their genealogies by their townes. Dauid established these and Samuel the Seer in their perpetuall office.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:23 @ So they & their children had the ouersight of the gates of the house of the Lord, euen of the house of the Tabernacle by wardes.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:24 @ The porters were in foure quarters Eastward, Westward, Northward and Southward.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:25 @ And their brethren, [which were] in their villages, [were] to come after (note:)They served weekly, as in (Exo_29:30).(:note) seven days from time to time with them.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:26 @ For these foure chiefe porters were in perpetuall office, and were of the Leuites and had charge of the chambers, and of the treasures in the house of God.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:27 @ And they lay rounde about the house of God, because the charge was theirs, and they caused it to be opened euery morning.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:28 @ And certaine of them had the rule of the ministring vessels: for they brought them in by tale, and brought them out by tale.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:29 @ [Some] of them also [were] appointed to oversee the vessels, and all the instruments of the sanctuary, and the fine (note:)Of which the meat offering was made, (Lev_2:8).(:note) flour, and the wine, and the oil, and the frankincense, and the spices.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:30 @ And certaine of the sonnes of the Priestes made oyntments of sweete odours.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:31 @ And Mattithiah one of the Leuites which was the eldest sonne of Shallum the Korhite, had the charge of the things that were made in the frying panne.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:32 @ And other of their brethren the sonnes of Kohath had the ouersight of the shewbread to prepare it euery Sabbath.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:33 @ And these [are] the singers, chief of the fathers of the Levites, [who remaining] in the chambers (note:)But were continually occupied in singing praises to God.(:note) [were] free: for they were employed in [that] work day and night.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:34 @ These were the chiefe fathers of the Leuites according to their generations, and the principall which dwelt at Ierusalem.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:35 @ And in Gibeon dwelt ye father of Gibeon, Ieiel, & the name of his wife was Maachah.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:36 @ And his eldest sonne was Abdon, then Zur, and Kish, and Baal, and Ner, and Nadab,

geneva@1Chronicles:9:37 @ And Gedor, and Ahio, and Zechariah, and Mikloth.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:38 @ And Mikloth begate Shimeam: they also dwelt with their brethren at Ierusalem, euen by their brethren.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:39 @ And Ner begate Kish, and Kish begate Saul, and Saul begate Ionathan and Malchishua, and Abinadab and Eshbaal.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:40 @ And the sonne of Ionathan was Merib-baal: and Merib-baal begate Micah.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:41 @ And the sonnes of Micah were Pithon, and Melech and Tahrea.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:42 @ And Ahaz begat (note:)Who was also called Jehoiada, (1Ch_8:36).(:note) Jarah; and Jarah begat Alemeth, and Azmaveth, and Zimri; and Zimri begat Moza;

geneva@1Chronicles:9:43 @ And Moza begate Binea, whose sonne was Rephaiah, & his sonne was Eleasah, and his sonne Azel.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:44 @ And Azel had sixe sonnes, whose names are these, Azrikam, Bocheru, and Ismael, & Sheariah, and Obadiah, & Hanan: these are the sonnes of Azel.

geneva@1Chronicles:10:9 @ And when they had stript him, they tooke his head and his armour, and sent them into the land of the Philistims round about, to publish it vnto their idoles, and to the people.

geneva@1Chronicles:11:9 @ And Dauid prospered, and grewe: for the Lord of hostes was with him.

geneva@1Chronicles:12:9 @ Ezer the chiefe, Obadiah the second, Eliab the third,

geneva@1Chronicles:12:21 @ And they helped David against the (note:)That is, of the Amalekites who had burned the city of Ziklag, (1Sa_30:1, 1Sa_30:9).(:note) band [of the rovers]: for they [were] all mighty men of valour, and were captains in the host.

geneva@1Chronicles:13:9 @ And when they came unto the threshingfloor of (note:)Called also Nachon, (2Sa_6:6).(:note) Chidon, Uzza put forth his hand to hold the ark; for the oxen stumbled.

geneva@1Chronicles:14:9 @ And the Philistims came, and spred them selues in the valley of Rephaim.

geneva@1Chronicles:15:9 @ Of the sons of (note:)The third son of Kohath, (Exo_6:18).(:note) Hebron; Eliel the chief, and his brethren fourscore:

geneva@1Chronicles:16:9 @ Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him, talk ye of all his (note:)Who of his wonderful providence has chosen a few of the stock of Abraham to be his children.(:note) wondrous works.

geneva@1Chronicles:17:9 @ Also I will ordain a place for my people Israel, and will (note:)Make them sure that they will not move.(:note) plant them, and they shall dwell in their place, and shall be moved no more; neither shall the children of wickedness waste them any more, as at the beginning,

geneva@1Chronicles:18:9 @ Then Tou King of Hamath heard howe Dauid had smitten all the hoste of Hadarezer King of Zobah:

geneva@1Chronicles:19:9 @ And the children of Ammon came out, and set their battell in aray at the gate of the citie; the Kings that were come, were by them selues in the fielde.

geneva@1Chronicles:21:9 @ And the Lorde spake vnto Gad Dauids Seer, saying,

geneva@1Chronicles:22:3 @ And David prepared iron (note:)That is, which weighed fifty shekels of gold, (2Ch_3:9).(:note) in abundance for the nails for the doors of the gates, and for the joinings; and brass in abundance without weight;

geneva@1Chronicles:22:9 @ Beholde, a sonne is borne to thee, which shalbe a man of rest, for I will giue him rest from all his enemies rounde about: therefore his name is Salomon: and I will sende peace and quietnes vpon Israel in his dayes.

geneva@1Chronicles:23:9 @ The Sonnes of Shimei, Shelomith, and Haziel, and Haram, three: these were the chiefe fathers of Laadan.

geneva@1Chronicles:24:9 @ The fifth to Malchiiah, the sixt to Miiamin,

geneva@1Chronicles:25:9 @ Now the first lot came forth for Asaph to (note:)So that he served in the first turn and the rest every one as his turn followed in order.(:note) Joseph: the second to Gedaliah, who with his brethren and sons [were] twelve:

geneva@1Chronicles:26:9 @ And of Meshelemiah sonnes and brethren, eighteene mightie men.

geneva@1Chronicles:27:9 @ The sixt for the sixt moneth was Ira the sonne of Ikkesh the Tekoite: and in his course foure and twentie thousand.

geneva@1Chronicles:28:9 @ And thou, Salomon my sonne, know thou the God of thy father, and serue him with a perfit heart, and with a willing minde: For the Lorde searcheth all hearts, and vnderstandeth all the imaginations of thoughts: if thou seeke him, he will be found of thee, but if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off for euer.

geneva@1Chronicles:29:9 @ Then the people rejoiced, for that they offered willingly, because with (note:)That is, with good courage and without hypocrisy.(:note) perfect heart they offered willingly to the LORD: and David the king also rejoiced with great joy.

geneva@2Chronicles:1:9 @ Now, O LORD God, let thy promise unto David my father be (note:)Perform your promise made to my father concerning me.(:note) established: for thou hast made me king over a people like the dust of the earth in multitude.

geneva@2Chronicles:2:9 @ That they may prepare me timber in abudance: for the house which I doe buylde, is great and wonderfull.

geneva@2Chronicles:3:9 @ And the weight of the nayles was fiftie shekels of golde, and hee ouerlayde the chambers with golde.

geneva@2Chronicles:4:9 @ Furthermore he made the court of the priests, and the great (note:)Called also the porch of Solomon, (Act_3:11). It is also taken for the temple where Christ preached, (Mat_21:23).(:note) court, and doors for the court, and overlaid the doors of them with brass.

geneva@2Chronicles:5:9 @ And they drewe out the barres, that the endes of the barres might bee seene out of the Arke before the Oracle, but they were not seene without: and there they are vnto this day.

geneva@2Chronicles:6:9 @ Notwithstanding thou shalt not build the house, but thy sonne which shall come out of thy loynes, he shall buylde an house vnto my Name.

geneva@2Chronicles:7:9 @ And in the eighth day they (note:)They assembled to hear the word of God, after they had remained seven days in the booths or tabernacles.(:note) made a solemn assembly: for they kept the dedication of the altar seven days, and the feast seven days.

geneva@2Chronicles:8:9 @ But of the children of Israel did Salomon make no seruantes for his worke: for they were men of warre, and his chiefe princes, and the captaines of his charets and of his horsemen.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:1 @ And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon, she came to (note:)To know whether his wisdom was as great as the report was.(:note) prove Solomon with hard questions at Jerusalem, with a very great company, and camels that bare spices, and gold in abundance, and precious stones: and when she was come to Solomon, she communed with him of all that was in her heart.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:2 @ And Solomon told her all her questions: and there was (note:)There was no question so hard that he did not resolve.(:note) nothing hid from Solomon which he told her not.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:3 @ Then the Queene of Sheba sawe the wisedome of Salomon, and the house that he had buylt,

geneva@2Chronicles:9:4 @ And the meate of his table, and the sitting of his seruants, and the order of his wayters, and their apparel, and his butlers, and their apparel, & his burnt offrings which he offred in the house of the Lorde, and she was greatly astonied.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:5 @ And she saide to the King, It was a true worde which I heard in mine owne lande of thy sayings, and of thy wisedome:

geneva@2Chronicles:9:6 @ Howbeit I beleeued not their report, vntil I came, and mine eyes had seene it: & beholde, the one halfe of thy great wisedom was not told me: for thou exceedest the fame that I heard.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:7 @ Happie are thy men, and happie are these thy seruants, which stande before thee alway, and heare thy wisedome.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:8 @ Blessed be the LORD thy God, which delighted in thee to set thee on his (note:)Meaning, that the Israelites were God's peculiar people, and that kings are the lieutenants of God, who ought to grant to him the superiority and administer justice to all.(:note) throne, [to be] king for the LORD thy God: because thy God loved Israel, to establish them for ever, therefore made he thee king over them, to do judgment and justice.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:9 @ Then she gaue the King sixe score talents of golde, and of sweete odours exceeding much & precious stones: neither was there such sweete odours since, as the Queene of Sheba gaue vnto King Salomon.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:10 @ And the servants also of Huram, and the servants of Solomon, which brought gold from Ophir, brought (note:)Read (2Ch_2:8, 1Ki_10:11).(:note) algum trees and precious stones.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:11 @ And the king made [of] the algum trees (note:)Or pillars: meaning the garnishing and trimming of the stairs or pillars.(:note) terraces to the house of the LORD, and to the king's palace, and harps and psalteries for singers: and there were none such seen before in the land of Judah.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:12 @ And king Solomon gave to the queen of Sheba all her desire, whatsoever she asked, (note:)That is, which the king gave her for recompense of the treasure which she brought.(:note) beside [that] which she had brought unto the king. So she turned, and went away to her own land, she and her servants.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:13 @ Also the weight of golde that came to Salomon in one yeere, was sixe hundreth three score and sixe talents of golde,

geneva@2Chronicles:9:14 @ Besides that which chapmen and marchants brought: and all the Kings of Arabia, and the princes of the countrey brought golde and siluer to Salomon.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:15 @ And king Solomon made two hundred targets [of] beaten gold: (note:)Which amounts to 2400 crowns of the sun.(:note)Or pounds, called mina, of which every one seemed to make a hundred shekels. six hundred [shekels] of beaten gold went to one target.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:16 @ And three hundreth shieldes of beaten golde: three hundreth shekels of golde went to one shielde, and the King put them in the house of the wood of Lebanon.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:17 @ And the King made a great throne of yuorie and ouerlaid it with pure golde.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:18 @ And [there were] six steps to the throne, with a footstool of gold, [which were] (note:)That is, the steps and the footstool were fastened to the throne.(:note) fastened to the throne, and stays on each side of the sitting place, and two lions standing by the Upon the pommels or knops. stays:

geneva@2Chronicles:9:19 @ And twelue lyons stoode there on the sixe steps on either side: there was not the like made in any kingdome.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:20 @ And all King Salomons drinking vessels were of golde, and all the vessels of the house of the wood of Lebanon were of pure gold: for siluer was nothing esteemed in ye dayes of Salomo.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:21 @ For the king's ships went to Tarshish with the servants of Huram: every three years once came the ships of (note:)Which is thought by the best writers to be Cilicia, (1Ki_10:22).(:note) Tarshish bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:22 @ So King Salomon excelled all the Kings of the earth in riches and wisedome.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:23 @ And all the Kings of the earth sought the presence of Salomon, to heare his wisedome that God had put in his heart.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:24 @ And they brought euery man his present, vessels of siluer, and vessels of golde, and raiment, armour, and sweet odours, horses, and mules, from yeere to yeere.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:25 @ And Solomon had (note:)That is, ten horses in every stable, which in all amounts to 40,000 as in (1Ki_4:26).(:note) four thousand stalls for horses and chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen; whom he bestowed in the chariot cities, and with the king at Jerusalem.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:26 @ And he reigned ouer all the Kings from the Riuer euen vnto the land of the Philistims, and to the border of Egypt.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:27 @ And the king made silver in Jerusalem (note:)The abundance of those temporal treasures in Solomon's kingdom is a figure of the spiritual treasures which the elect will enjoy in the heavens under the true Solomon, Christ.(:note) as stones, and cedar trees made he as the sycomore trees that [are] in the low plains in abundance.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:28 @ And they brought vnto Salomon horses out of Egypt, and out of all landes.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:29 @ Now the rest of the acts of Solomon, first and last, [are] they not written in the book of Nathan the prophet, and in the prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite, and in the visions of Iddo the seer (note:)That is, who prophesied against him.(:note) against Jeroboam the son of Nebat?

geneva@2Chronicles:9:30 @ And Salomon reigned in Ierusalem ouer all Israel fourtie yeeres.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:31 @ And Salomon slept with his fathers, and they buryed him in the citie of Dauid his father: and Rehoboam his sonne reigned in his steade.

geneva@2Chronicles:10:9 @ And he sayd vnto them, What counsel giue ye, that we may answere this people, which haue spoken to mee, saying, Make the yoke which thy father did put vpon vs, lighter?

geneva@2Chronicles:11:9 @ And Adoraim, and Lachish, and Azekah,

geneva@2Chronicles:12:9 @ Then Shishak King of Egypt came vp against Ierusalem, and tooke the treasures of the house of the Lord, and the treasures of the Kings house he tooke euen all, and hee caried away the shields of golde, which Salomon had made.

geneva@2Chronicles:13:9 @ Have ye not cast out the priests of the LORD, the sons of Aaron, and the Levites, and have made you priests after the manner of the nations of [other] lands? so that whosoever cometh to consecrate himself with a (note:)He shows the nature of idolaters who take no trial of the calling, life and doctrine of their ministers, but think the most vile and greatest beasts sufficient to serve their turn.(:note) young bullock and seven rams, [the same] may be a priest of [them that are] no gods.

geneva@2Chronicles:14:9 @ And there came out against them Zerah the (note:)The king of Ethiopia, or Egypt.(:note) Ethiopian with an host of a million, and three hundred chariots; and came unto Which was a city in Judah, (Jos_15:44) where Michaiah the prophet was born. Mareshah.

geneva@2Chronicles:15:4 @ But when they in their trouble did turn unto the LORD God of Israel, and sought him, he (note:)He shows that despite the wickedness of tyrants and their rage, yet God has his whom he hears in their tribulation as he delivered his from Zerah king of the Ethiopians, (2Ch_14:9, 2Ch_14:12) and out of all other dangers, when they called upon the Lord.(:note) was found of them.

geneva@2Chronicles:15:9 @ And he gathered all Iudah and Beniamin, and the strangers with them out of Ephraim, and Manasseh, and out of Simeon: for there fell many to him out of Israel, when they sawe that the Lorde his God was with him.

geneva@2Chronicles:15:13 @ That (note:)These were the words of their covenant, which commanded all idolaters be put to death, according to the law of God, (Deu_13:5, Deu_13:9, Deu_13:15).(:note) whosoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.

geneva@2Chronicles:16:9 @ For the eyes of the Lorde beholde all the earth to shewe him selfe strong with them that are of perfite heart towarde him: thou hast then done foolishly in this: therefore from henceforth thou shalt haue warres.

geneva@2Chronicles:17:9 @ And they taught in Iudah, and had the booke of the Lawe of the Lorde with them, and went about throughout all the cities of Iudah, and taught the people.

geneva@2Chronicles:18:9 @ And the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat king of Judah sat either of them on his throne, clothed in [their] (note:)That is, in their majesty and royal apparel.(:note) robes, and they sat in a void place at the entering in of the gate of Samaria; and all the prophets prophesied before them.

geneva@2Chronicles:19:9 @ And he charged them, saying, Thus shall yee doe in the feare of the Lord faithfully and with a perfite heart.

geneva@2Chronicles:20:9 @ If, [when] evil cometh upon us, [as] the (note:)Meaning war which comes by God's just judgments for our sins.(:note) sword, judgment, or pestilence, or famine, we stand before this house, and in thy presence, (for thy name That is, it is here called on and you declared your presence and favour. [is] in this house,) and cry unto thee in our affliction, then thou wilt hear and help.

geneva@2Chronicles:21:9 @ And Iehoram went forth with his princes, and all his charets with him: and hee rose vp by night, & smote Edom, which had compassed him in, and the captaines of the charets.

geneva@2Chronicles:22:9 @ And he sought Ahaziah: and they caught him, (for he was hid in Samaria,) and brought him to Jehu: and when they had slain him, they buried him: Because, said they, he [is] the son of (note:)This was the just plague of God because he joined himself with God's enemies: yet God to declare the worthiness of Jehoshaphat his grandfather moved them to give him the honour of burial.(:note) Jehoshaphat, who sought the LORD with all his heart. So the house of Ahaziah had no power to keep still the kingdom.

geneva@2Chronicles:23:9 @ And Iehoiada the Priest deliuered to the captaines of hundreths speares, and shieldes, and bucklers which had bene King Dauids, and were in the house of God.

geneva@2Chronicles:23:17 @ Then all the people went to the house of Baal, and (note:)According to their covenant made to the Lord.(:note) brake it down, and brake his altars and his images in pieces, and slew As the Lord commanded in his law both for the person and also the city, (Deu_13:9, Deu_13:15). Mattan the priest of Baal before the altars.

geneva@2Chronicles:24:9 @ And they made proclamation thorow Iudah and Ierusalem, to bring vnto the Lord the taxe of Moses the seruant of God, layde vpon Israel in the wildernesse.

geneva@2Chronicles:25:9 @ And Amaziah said to the man of God, But what shall we do for the hundred talents which I have given to the army of Israel? And the man of God answered, The LORD is able to (note:)He shows that if we depend only on God, we will not need to be troubled by these worldly things, for he will give at all times that which will be necessary if we obey his word.(:note) give thee much more than this.

geneva@2Chronicles:26:9 @ Moreover Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem at the corner gate, and at the valley gate, and at the (note:)Where the wall or tower turns.(:note) turning [of the wall], and fortified them.

geneva@2Chronicles:27:9 @ And Iotham slept with his fathers, & they buryed him in the citie of Dauid: and Ahaz his sonne reigned in his stead.

geneva@2Chronicles:28:9 @ But a prophet of the LORD was there, whose name [was] Oded: and he went out before the host that came to Samaria, and said unto them, Behold, (note:)For they thought they had overcome them by their own valiantness, and did not consider that God had delivered them into their hands, because Judah had offended him.(:note) because the LORD God of your fathers was wroth with Judah, he hath delivered them into your hand, and ye have slain them in a rage [that] reacheth up unto heaven.

geneva@2Chronicles:29:9 @ For lo, our fathers are fallen by the sword, and our sonnes, and our daughters, and our wiues are in captiuitie for the same cause.

geneva@2Chronicles:30:9 @ For if ye turn again unto the LORD, your brethren and your children [shall find] compassion before them that lead them captive, so that they shall (note:)God will not only preserve you, but through your repentance restore your brethren, who for their sins he gave into the hands of the enemies.(:note) come again into this land: for the LORD your God [is] gracious and merciful, and will not turn away [his] face from you, if ye return unto him.

geneva@2Chronicles:31:9 @ And Hezekiah questioned with the Priests and the Leuites concerning the heapes.

geneva@2Chronicles:32:5 @ Also he strengthened himself, and built up all the wall that was broken, and raised [it] up to the towers, and another wall without, and repaired (note:)He made a double wall.(:note) Millo [in] the Read (2Sa_5:9). city of David, and made Some read, swords or daggers. darts and shields in abundance.

geneva@2Chronicles:32:9 @ After this did Sennacherib king of Assyria send his servants to Jerusalem, (but he [himself laid siege] (note:)While he besieged Lachish.(:note) against Lachish, and all his power with him,) unto Hezekiah king of Judah, and unto all Judah that [were] at Jerusalem, saying,

geneva@2Chronicles:33:9 @ So Manasseh made Iudah and the inhabitants of Ierusalem to erre, and to doe worse then the heathen, whome the Lord had destroyed before the children of Israel.

geneva@2Chronicles:34:9 @ And when they came to Hilkiah the hie Priest, they deliuered ye money that was brought into the house of God, which the Leuites that kept the doore, had gathered at the hand of Manasseh, and Ephraim, and of all the residue of Israel, and of all Iudah and Beniamin, and of the inhabitantes of Ierusalem.

geneva@2Chronicles:34:12 @ And the men did the work (note:)Meaning that they were in such credit for their fidelity that they made no accounts of that which they received, (2Ki_22:7, 2Ki_22:9).(:note) faithfully: and the overseers of them [were] Jahath and Obadiah, the Levites, of the sons of Merari; and Zechariah and Meshullam, of the sons of the Kohathites, to set [it] forward; and [other of] the Levites, all that could skill of instruments of musick.

geneva@2Chronicles:35:9 @

geneva@2Chronicles:36:9 @ Jehoiachin [was] (note:)That is, he began his reign at eight years old, and reigned ten years when his father was alive, and after his father's death, which was in his eighteenth year, he reigned alone three months and ten days.(:note) eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months and ten days in Jerusalem: and he did [that which was] evil in the sight of the LORD.

geneva@Ezra:1:9 @ And this [is] the number of them: thirty chargers of gold, a thousand chargers of silver, nine and twenty (note:)Which served to kill the beasts that were offered in sacrifice.(:note) knives,

geneva@Ezra:2:9 @ The sonnes of Zaccai, seuen hundreth and threescore:

geneva@Ezra:3:9 @ Then stood Jeshua (note:)They gave them exhortations and encouraged every man forward in the work.(:note) [with] his sons and his brethren, Kadmiel and his sons, the sons of Judah, together, to set forward the workmen in the house of God: the sons of Henadad, [with] their sons and their brethren the Levites.

geneva@Ezra:4:9 @ Then [wrote] Rehum the chancellor, and Shimshai the scribe, and the rest of their companions; the (note:)These were people whom the Assyrians placed in Samaria instead of the ten tribes.(:note) Dinaites, the Apharsathchites, the Tarpelites, the Apharsites, the Archevites, the Babylonians, the Susanchites, the Dehavites, [and] the Elamites,

geneva@Ezra:5:9 @ Then asked we those Elders, and sayd vnto them thus, Who hath giuen you commandement to buylde this house, and to lay the foundation of these walles?

geneva@Ezra:6:9 @ And that which they shall haue neede of, let it be giuen vnto them day by day, whether it be yong bullockes, or rammes, or lambes for the burnt offrings of the God of heauen, wheate, salt, wine, and oyle, according to the appoyntment of the Priestes that are in Ierusalem, that there bee no fault,

geneva@Ezra:7:9 @ For vpon the first day of the first moneth began he to goe vp from Babel, and on the first day of the fift moneth came he to Ierusalem, according to the good hande of his God that was vpon him.

geneva@Ezra:8:9 @ Of the sonnes of Ioab, Obadiah the sonne of Iehiel, and with him two hundreth and eighteene males.

geneva@Ezra:9:1 @ Now when these things were done, the princes came to me, saying, The people of Israel, and the priests, and the Levites, have not (note:)From the time they came home under Zerubbabel until the coming of Ezra, they had degenerated contrary to the law of God, and married where it was not lawful, (Deu_7:3).(:note) separated themselves from the people of the lands, [doing] according to their abominations, [even] of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites.

geneva@Ezra:9:2 @ For they have taken of their daughters for themselves, and for their sons: so that the holy seed have mingled themselves with the people of [those] lands: yea, the hand of the (note:)That is, the governors are the chief beginners of it.(:note) princes and rulers hath been chief in this trespass.

geneva@Ezra:9:3 @ And when I heard this thing, I rent my garment and my mantle, and plucked off the hair of my head and of my beard, and sat down (note:)As one doubting whether God would continue his benefits toward us, or else destroy what he had begun.(:note) astonied.

geneva@Ezra:9:4 @ And there assembled vnto me all that feared the words of the God of Israel, because of the transgression of them of the captiuitie; I sate downe astonied vntil the euening sacrifice.

geneva@Ezra:9:5 @ And at the euening sacrifice I arose vp fro mine heauinesse, and when I had rent my clothes and my garment, I fell vpon my knees, and spred out mine hands vnto the Lord my God,

geneva@Ezra:9:6 @ And said, O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to thee, my God: for our iniquities are increased (note:)That is, we are drowned in sin.(:note) over [our] head, and our trespass is grown up unto the They so exceed that they cannot grow greater. heavens.

geneva@Ezra:9:7 @ From the dayes of our fathers haue we bin in a great trespasse vnto this day, and for our iniquities haue we, our Kings, & our Priestes bene deliuered into the hand of the kings of the lands, vnto the sword, into captiuitie, into a spoyle, and into confusion of face, as appeareth this day.

geneva@Ezra:9:8 @ And now for a little space grace hath been [shewed] from the LORD our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a (note:)In giving us a resting place it is a comparison taken from them that still remain in a place who strike nails to hang things on, (Isa_22:23).(:note) nail in his holy place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage.

geneva@Ezra:9:9 @ For though we were bondmen, yet our God hath not forsaken vs in our bondage, but hath enclined mercy vnto vs in the sight of the Kings of Persia, to giue vs life, & to erect the house of our God, & to redresse the places thereof, and to giue vs a wall in Iudah and in Ierusalem.

geneva@Ezra:9:10 @ And nowe, our God, what shal we say after this? for we haue forsaken thy commandements,

geneva@Ezra:9:11 @ Which thou hast commanded by thy seruants the Prophets, saying, The land whereunto ye go to possesse it, is an vncleane land, because of the filthines of the people of the lands, which by their abominations, & by their vncleannes haue filled it from corner to corner.

geneva@Ezra:9:12 @ Now therfore shal ye not giue your daughters vnto their sonnes, neither shall ye take their daughters vnto your sonnes, nor seeke their peace nor wealth for euer, that yee may be strong and eate the goodnes of the lande, and leaue it for an inheritance to your sonnes for euer.

geneva@Ezra:9:13 @ And after all that is come upon us for our evil deeds, and for our great trespass, seeing that thou our God hast punished us less than our (note:)Has not utterly cast us down and destroyed us for our sins, (Deu_28:13).(:note) iniquities [deserve], and hast given us [such] deliverance as this;

geneva@Ezra:9:14 @ Should we returne to breake thy commadements, and ioyne in affinitie with the people of such abominations? wouldest not thou be angrie towarde vs till thou haddest consumed vs, so that there should be no remnant nor any escaping?

geneva@Ezra:9:15 @ O LORD God of Israel, thou [art] righteous: for we (note:)He shows that God is just in punishing his people, and yet merciful in preserving a residue in whom he shows favour.(:note) remain yet escaped, as [it is] this day: behold, we [are] before thee in our trespasses: for we cannot stand before thee because of this.

geneva@Ezra:10:9 @ Then all the men of Judah and Benjamin gathered themselves together unto Jerusalem within three days. It [was] the (note:)Which contained part of November and part of December.(:note) ninth month, on the twentieth [day] of the month; and all the people sat in the street of the house of God, trembling because of [this] matter, and for the great For the season was given to rain and so the weather was more sharp and cold and also their conscience touched them. rain.

geneva@Nehemiah:1:9 @ But if ye turne vnto me, & keepe my commandements, and doe them, though your scattering were to the vttermost part of the heauen, yet will I gather you from thence, and will bring you vnto the place that I haue chosen to place my Name there.

geneva@Nehemiah:2:9 @ Then came I to the captaines beyonde the Riuer, and gaue them the Kings letters; the King had sent captaines of the armie and horsemen with me.

geneva@Nehemiah:3:9 @ Also next vnto them fortified Rephaiah, the sonne of Hur, the ruler of the halfe part of Ierusalem.

geneva@Nehemiah:4:9 @ The we prayed vnto our God, & set watchmen by them, day and night, because of them.

geneva@Nehemiah:5:9 @

geneva@Nehemiah:6:9 @ For all they afrayed vs, saying, Their handes shalbe weakened from the worke, and it shall not be done: nowe therefore incourage thou me.

geneva@Nehemiah:7:9 @ The sonnes of Shephatiah, three hundreth seuentie and two.

geneva@Nehemiah:8:9 @ And Nehemiah, which [is] the Tirshatha, and Ezra the priest the scribe, and the Levites that taught the people, said unto all the people, This day [is] holy unto the LORD your God; mourn not, nor weep. For all the people (note:)In considering their offences against the Law, therefore the Levites do not reprove them for mourning, but assure them of God's mercies if they are repentant.(:note) wept, when they heard the words of the law.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:1 @ Now in the twenty and fourth day of this (note:)Meaning, the seventh.(:note) month the children of Israel were assembled with fasting, and with sackclothes, and earth upon them.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:2 @ (And they that were of the seede of Israel were separated from all the strangers) and they stoode and confessed their sinnes and the iniquities of their fathers.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:3 @ And they stood up in their place, and read in the book of the law of the LORD their God [one] fourth part of the day; and [another] fourth part they (note:)They confessed their sins, and used prayers.(:note) confessed, and worshipped the LORD their God.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:4 @ Then stoode vp vpon the staires of the Leuites Ieshua, and Bani, Kadmiel, Shebaniah, Bunni, Sherebiah, Bani, and Chenani, and cryed with a loud voyce vnto the Lord their God.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:5 @ And the Leuites said, euen Ieshua and Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabniah, Sherebiah, Hodiiah, Shebaniah and Pethahiah, Stande vp, and praise the Lorde your God for euer, and euer, and let them praise thy glorious Name, O God, which excelleth aboue all thankesgiuing and praise.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:6 @ Thou art Lorde alone: thou hast made heauen, and the heauen of all heauens, with all their hoste, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, & al that are in them, & thou preseruest them all, and the host of the heauen worshippeth thee.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:7 @ Thou art, O Lord, the God, that hast chosen Abram, and broughtest him out of Vr in Caldea, and madest his name Abraham,

geneva@Nehemiah:9:8 @ And foundest his heart faithful before thee, and madest a couenant with him, to giue vnto his seede the lande of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, and Perizzites, and Iebusites, and Girgashites, and hast performed thy wordes, because thou art iust.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:9 @ Thou hast also considered the affliction of our fathers in Egypt, and heard their cry by the red Sea,

geneva@Nehemiah:9:10 @ And shewed tokens & wonders vpon Pharaoh, and on all his seruants, and on all the people of his land: for thou knewest that they dealt proudely against them: therefore thou madest thee a Name, as appeareth this day.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:11 @ For thou didest breake vp the Sea before them, and they went through the middes of the Sea on dry lande: and those that pursued them, hast thou cast into the bottomes as a stone, in the mightie waters:

geneva@Nehemiah:9:12 @ And leddest them in the day with a pillar of a cloude, and in the night with a pillar of fire to giue them light in the way that they went.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:13 @ Thou camest downe also vpon mount Sinai, and spakest vnto them from heauen, and gauest them right iudgements, and true lawes, ordinances and good commandements,

geneva@Nehemiah:9:14 @ And declaredst vnto them thine holy Sabbath, and commandedst them precepts, and ordinances, and lawes, by the hande of Moses thy seruant:

geneva@Nehemiah:9:15 @ And gauest them bread from heauen for their hunger, and broughtest forth water for them out of the rocke for their thirst: and promisedst them that they shoulde goe in, and take possession of the land: for the which thou haddest lift vp thine hand for to giue them.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:16 @ But they and our fathers behaued them selues proudely, and hardened their neck, so that they hearkened not vnto thy commandements,

geneva@Nehemiah:9:17 @ But refused to obey, & would not remember thy marueilous works that thou haddest done for them, but hardened their neckes, and had in their heads to returne to their bondage by their rebellion: but thou, O God of mercies, gratious and full of compassion, of long suffring and of great mercie, yet forsookest them not.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:18 @ Moreouer, when they made them a molten calfe (and said, This is thy God that brought thee vp out of the land of Egypt) and committed great blasphemies,

geneva@Nehemiah:9:19 @ Yet thou for thy great mercies forsookest them not in the wildernesse: the pillar of the cloude departed not from them by day to leade them the way, neither the pillar of fire by night, to shew them light, and the way whereby they should goe.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:20 @ Thou gauest also thy good Spirite to instruct them, & withheldest not thy MAN from their mouth, & gauest them water for their thirst.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:21 @ Yea, forty years didst thou sustain them in the wilderness, [so that] they lacked nothing; their clothes waxed not old, and their feet (note:)Though the way was tedious and long.(:note) swelled not.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:22 @ Moreover thou gavest them kingdoms and nations, and didst (note:)Meaning, the heathen whom he drove out.(:note) divide them into corners: so they possessed the land of Sihon, and the land of the king of Heshbon, and the land of Og king of Bashan.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:23 @ And thou diddest multiplie their children, like the starres of the heauen, and broughtest them into the lande, whereof thou haddest spoken vnto their fathers, that they should goe, and possesse it.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:24 @ So the children went in, and possessed the lande, and thou subduedst before them the inhabitants of the lande, euen the Canaanites, and gauest them into their handes, with their Kings and the people of the lande, that they might do with them what they would.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:25 @ And they tooke their strong cities and the fat lande, and possessed houses, full of all goods, cisternes digged out, vineyardes, and oliues, and trees for foode in abundance, and they did eate, and were filled, and became fat, and liued in pleasure through thy great goodnesse.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:26 @ Nevertheless they were disobedient, and rebelled against thee, and cast thy law behind their backs, and slew thy prophets which (note:)Taking heaven and earth to witness that God would destroy them unless they returned, as in (2Ch_24:19).(:note) testified against them to turn them to thee, and they wrought great provocations.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:27 @ Therefore thou deliueredst them into the hande of their enemies that vexed them: yet in the time of their affliction, when they cryed vnto thee, thou heardest them from the heauen, & through thy great mercies thou gauest them sauiours, who saued them out of the hande of their aduersaries.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:28 @ But after they had (note:)He declares how God's mercies always contended with the wickedness of the people, who always in their prosperity forgot God.(:note) rest, they did evil again before thee: therefore leftest thou them in the hand of their enemies, so that they had the dominion over them: yet when they returned, and cried unto thee, thou heardest [them] from heaven; and many times didst thou deliver them according to thy mercies;

geneva@Nehemiah:9:29 @ And testifiedst against them, that thou mightest bring them again unto thy law: yet they dealt proudly, and hearkened not unto thy commandments, but sinned against thy judgments, (which if a man do, he shall live in them;) and (note:)Which is a sign taken from oxen that shrink at the yoke or burden in (Zec_7:11).(:note) withdrew the shoulder, and hardened their neck, and would not When you admonished them by your prophets. hear.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:30 @ Yet thou diddest forbeare them many yeeres, and protestedst among them by thy Spirite, euen by the hande of thy Prophets, but they woulde not heare: therefore gauest thou them into the hande of the people of the lands.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:31 @ Yet for thy great mercies thou hast not consumed them, neither forsaken them: for thou art a gracious and mercifull God.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:32 @ Now therefore, our God, the great, the mighty, and the terrible God, who keepest covenant and mercy, let not all the trouble seem little before thee, that hath come upon us, on our kings, on our princes, and on our priests, and on our prophets, and on our fathers, and on all thy people, since the time of the (note:)By whom we were led away into captivity and have been appointed to be slain, as in (Est_3:13).(:note) kings of Assyria unto this day.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:33 @ Howbeit thou [art] just in all that is brought upon us; for thou hast (note:)He confesses that all these things came to them justly for their sins, but he appeals from God's justice to his mercies.(:note) done right, but we have done wickedly:

geneva@Nehemiah:9:34 @ Neither have our kings, our princes, our priests, nor our fathers, kept thy law, nor hearkened unto thy commandments and thy testimonies, wherewith thou didst (note:)That you would destroy them, unless they would return to you, as in (Neh_9:26).(:note) testify against them.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:35 @ And they haue not serued thee in their kingdome, and in thy great goodnesse that thou shewedst vnto them, & in the large and fat lande which thou diddest set before them, and haue not conuerted from their euill workes.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:36 @ Behold, we [are] servants this day, and [for] the land that thou gavest unto our fathers to eat the (note:)That is, to be the Lord's.(:note) fruit thereof and the good thereof, behold, we [are] servants in it:

geneva@Nehemiah:9:37 @ And it yeeldeth much fruit vnto the kings whom thou hast set ouer vs, because of our sinnes: and they haue dominion ouer our bodyes and ouer our cattell at their pleasure, and we are in great affliction.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:38 @ And because of all this we make (note:)Thus by affliction they promise to keep God's commandments to which they could not be brought by God's great benefits.(:note) a sure [covenant], and write [it]; and our princes, Levites, [and] priests, seal [unto it].

geneva@Nehemiah:10:9 @ And the Leuites: Ieshua the sonne of Azaniah, Binnui, of the sonnes of Henadad, Kadmiel.

geneva@Nehemiah:11:9 @ And Ioel the sonne of Zichri was gouernour ouer them: and Iudah, the sonne of Senuah was the second ouer the citie:

geneva@Nehemiah:12:9 @ Also Bakbukiah and Unni, their brethren, [were] over against them in the (note:)They kept the wards and watches according to their turns, (2Ch_23:6).(:note) watches.

geneva@Nehemiah:13:9 @ And I commanded them to clense ye chambers: and thither brought I againe the vessels of the house of God with the meate offring and the incense.

geneva@Esther:1:9 @ The Queene Vashti made a feast also for the women in the royall house of King Ahashuerosh.

geneva@Esther:2:9 @ And the mayde pleased him, & she founde fauour in his sight: therefore he caused her things for purification to be giuen her speedily, and her state, and seuen comely maides to be giuer her out of the Kings house, and he gaue change to her and to her maydes of the best in the house of the women.

geneva@Esther:3:9 @ If it please the King, let it be written that they may he destroyed, and I will pay ten thousand talents of siluer by the handes of them that haue the charge of this businesse to bring it into the Kings treasurie.

geneva@Esther:4:9 @ So when Hatach came, he told Ester the wordes of Mordecai.

geneva@Esther:4:17 @ So Mordecai went his way, and did according to all that Ester had commaunded him. {\cf2 (13:8) Then Mardocheus thought vpon all ye workes and of the Lord, and made his prayer vnto him, (13:9) Saying, O Lord, Lord, the King Almighty (for all things are in thy power) & if thou hast appointed to saue Israel, there is no man that can withstand thee. (13:10) For thou hast made heauen and earth, and all the wonderous things vnder the heauen. (13:11) Thou art Lorde of all thinges, and there is no man that can resist thee, which art the Lord. (13:12) Thou knowest all things, and thou knowest, Lord, that it was neither of malice, nor presumption, nor for any desire of glory, that I did this, and not bowe downe to proude Aman. (13:13) For I woulde haue bene content with good will for the saluation of Israel, to haue kist the sole of his feete. (13:14) But I did it, because I would not preferre the honour of a man aboue the glory of God, & would not worship any but onely thee, my Lorde, and this haue I not done of pride. (13:15) And therefore, O Lord God and King, haue mercy vpon thy people: for they imagine how they may bring vs to naught, yea, they would destroy the inheritance, that hath bin thine from the beginning. (13:16) Despise not the portion, which thou hast deliuered out of Egypt for thine owne selfe. (13:17) Heare my prayer, and bee mercifull vnto thy portion: turne our sorow into ioy, that we may liue, O Lord, and praise thy Name: shut not the mouthes of them that praise thee. (13:18) All Israel in like maner cried most earnestly vnto the Lord, because that death was before their eyes. \par (14:1) Qveene Esther also, being in danger of death, resorted vnto the Lord, (14:2) And layd away her glorious apparell, and put on the garments of sighing, and mourning. In the stead of precious oyntment, she scattered ashes, and dongue vpon her head: and she humbled her body greatly with fasting, and all the places of her ioy filled she with the heare that she pluckt off. (14:3) And she prayed vnto the Lord God of Israel, saying, O my Lorde, thou onely art our King: helpe me desolate woman, which haue no helper but thee. (14:4) For my danger is at hand. (14:5) From my youth vp I haue heard in the kinred of my father, that thou, O Lord, tookest Israel from among all people, and our fathers from their predecessours for a perpetuall inheritance, and thou hast performed that which thou didest promise them. (14:6) Now Lord, we haue sinned before thee: therefore hast thou giuen vs into ye hands of our enemies. (14:7) Because we worshipped their gods, O Lorde, thou art righteous. (14:8) Neuerthelesse, it satisfieth them not, that we are in bitter captiuitie, but they haue stroken hands with their idoles, (14:9) That they wil abolish the thing that thou with thy mouth hast ordeined, & destroy thine inheritace, to shut vp the mouth of them that praise thee, and to quench the glory of thy Temple, and of thine altar, (14:10) And to open the mouths of the heathen, that they may praise the power of the idoles, and to magnifie a fleshly King for euer. (14:11) O Lord, giue not thy scepter vnto them that be nothing, lest they laugh vs to scorne in our miserie: but turne their deuise vpon theselues, and make him an example, that hath begunne the same against vs. (14:12) Thinke vpon vs, O Lord, and shewe thy selfe vnto vs in the time of our distresse, and strengthen me, O King of gods, and Lord of all power. (14:13) Giue me an eloquent speach in my mouth before the Lion: turne his heart to hate our enemie, to destroy him, and all such as consent vnto him. (14:14) But deliuer vs with thine hand, and helpe me that am solitary, which haue no defence but onely thee. (14:15) Thou knowest all things, O Lord: thou knowest, that I hate the glory of the vnrighteous, and that I abhorre the bed of the vncircumcised, and of all the heathen. (14:16) Thou knowest my necessitie: for I hate this token of my preeminence, which I beare vpon mine head, what time as I must shewe my selfe, and that I abhorre it as a menstruous cloth, and that I weare it not when I am alone by my selfe, (14:17) And that I thine handmayde haue not eaten at Amans table, and that I haue had no pleasure in the Kings feast, nor drunke the wine of the drinke offerings, (14:18) And that I thine handmayde haue no ioye since the day that I was brought hither, vntill this day, but in thee, O Lord God of Abraham. (14:19) O thou mighty God aboue al, heare the voyce of them, that haue none other hope, & deliuer vs out of the hand of ye wicked, & deliuer me out of my feare.}

geneva@Esther:5:9 @ Then went Haman forth the same day ioyfull and with a glad heart. But when Haman sawe Mordecai in the Kings gate, that he stoode not vp, nor moued for him, then was Haman full of indignation at Mordecai.

geneva@Esther:6:9 @ And let the raiment and the horse be deliuered by the hand of one of the Kings most noble princes, & let them apparel the man (whome the King will honour) and cause him to ride vpon the horse thorow the streete of the citie, and proclayme before him, Thus shall it be done vnto the man, whome the King will honour.

geneva@Esther:7:9 @ And Harbonah, one of the chamberlains, said before the king, Behold also, the gallows fifty cubits high, which Haman had made for Mordecai, who had spoken (note:)Who discovered the conspiracy against the king, (Est_2:21-22).(:note) good for the king, standeth in the house of Haman. Then the king said, Hang him thereon.

geneva@Esther:8:9 @ Then were the king's scribes called at that time in the third month, that [is], the month (note:)Which contains part of May and part of June.(:note) Sivan, on the three and twentieth [day] thereof; and it was written according to all that Mordecai commanded unto the Jews, and to the lieutenants, and the deputies and rulers of the provinces which [are] from India unto Ethiopia, an hundred twenty and seven provinces, unto every province according to the That is, in such letters and languages as was usual in every province. writing thereof, and unto every people after their language, and to the Jews according to their writing, and according to their language.

geneva@Esther:9:1 @ Now in the twelfth month, that [is], the month Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same, when the king's commandment and his decree drew near to be put in execution, in the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have power over them, (though it was (note:)This was by God's great providence, who turns the joy of the wicked into sorrow, and the tears of the godly into gladness.(:note) turned to the contrary, that the Jews had rule over them that hated them;)

geneva@Esther:9:2 @ The Iewes gathered themselues together into their cities throughout all the prouinces of the King Ahashuerosh, to lay hande on such as sought their hurt, and no man coulde withstande them: for the feare of them fel vpon al people.

geneva@Esther:9:3 @ And all the rulers of the provinces, and the lieutenants, and the deputies, and officers of the king, (note:)Honoured them and befriended them.(:note) helped the Jews; because the fear of Mordecai fell upon them.

geneva@Esther:9:4 @ For Mordecai was great in the kings house, and the report of him went through all the prouinces: for this man Mordecai waxed greater and greater.

geneva@Esther:9:5 @ Thus the Jews smote all their (note:)Who had conspired their death by the permission of the wicked Haman.(:note) enemies with the stroke of the sword, and slaughter, and destruction, and did what they would unto those that hated them.

geneva@Esther:9:6 @ And in Shushan the palace the Jews slew and destroyed (note:)Besides the three hundred that they slew the second day, (Est_9:15).(:note) five hundred men.

geneva@Esther:9:7 @ And Parshandatha, and Dalphon, and Aspatha,

geneva@Esther:9:8 @ And Poratha, and Adalia, and Aridatha,

geneva@Esther:9:9 @ And Parmashta, and Arisai, and Aridai, and Vaiezatha,

geneva@Esther:9:10 @ The ten sons of Haman the son of Hammedatha, the enemy of the Jews, slew they; but (note:)By which they declared that this was God's just judgment on the enemies of his Church as they fought not for their own gain, but to execute his vengeance.(:note) on the spoil laid they not their hand.

geneva@Esther:9:11 @ On the same day came ye nomber of those that were slayne, vnto the palace of Shushan before the King.

geneva@Esther:9:12 @ And the King sayd vnto the Queene Ester, The Iewes haue slayne in Shushan the palace and destroyed fiue hundreth men, & the ten sonnes of Haman: what haue they done in the rest of the Kings prouinces? and what is thy petition, that it may be giuen thee? or what is thy request moreouer, that it may be performed?

geneva@Esther:9:13 @ Then said Esther, If it please the king, let it be granted to the Jews which [are] in Shushan to do to morrow also according (note:)This she requires not out of a desire for vengeance but with zeal to see God's judgment's executed against his enemies.(:note) unto this day's decree, and let Haman's ten sons be hanged upon the gallows.

geneva@Esther:9:14 @ And the King charged to doe so, and the decree was giuen at Shushan, and they hanged Hamans ten sonnes.

geneva@Esther:9:15 @ So the Iewes that were in Shushan, assembled themselues vpon the fourteenth day of the moneth Adar, & slew three hundreth men in Shushan, but on the spoyle they layd not their hand.

geneva@Esther:9:16 @ But the other Jews that [were] in the king's provinces gathered themselves together, and stood for (note:)Read (Est_8:11).(:note) their lives, and had rest from their enemies, and slew of their Meaning, that they laid hands on no one that was not the enemy of God. foes seventy and five thousand, but they laid not their hands on the prey,

geneva@Esther:9:17 @ On the (note:)Meaning, in all places saving Shushan.(:note) thirteenth day of the month Adar; and on the fourteenth day of the same rested they, and made it a day of feasting and gladness.

geneva@Esther:9:18 @ But the Iewes that were in Shushan assembled themselues on the thirteenth day, & on the fourteenth therof, & they rested on the fifteenth of the same, and kept it a day of feasting & ioy.

geneva@Esther:9:19 @ Therefore the Jews of the villages, that dwelt in the unwalled towns, (note:)As the Jews do even to this day, calling it in the Persian language Purim, that is, the day of lots.(:note) made the fourteenth day of the month Adar [a day of] gladness and feasting, and a good day, and of sending portions one to another.

geneva@Esther:9:20 @ And Mordecai wrote (note:)The Jews gather from this that Mordecai wrote this book, but it seems that he wrote only these letters and decrees that follow.(:note) these things, and sent letters unto all the Jews that [were] in all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus, [both] nigh and far,

geneva@Esther:9:21 @ Inioyning them that they shoulde keepe the fourteenth day of the moneth Adar, and the fifteenth day of the same, euery yeere.

geneva@Esther:9:22 @ As the days wherein the Jews rested from their enemies, and the month which was turned unto them from sorrow to joy, and from mourning into a good day: that they should make them days of feasting and joy, and of (note:)He sets before our eyes the use of this feast which was for the remembrance of God's deliverance, the maintenance of mutual friendship and relief of the poor.(:note) sending portions one to another, and gifts to the poor.

geneva@Esther:9:23 @ And the Iewes promised to do as they had begun, & as Mordecai had written vnto them,

geneva@Esther:9:24 @ Because Haman the son of Hammedatha, the Agagite, the enemy of all the Jews, had devised against the Jews to destroy them, and had (note:)Read (Est_3:7).(:note) cast Pur, that [is], the lot, to consume them, and to destroy them;

geneva@Esther:9:25 @ But when (note:)That is, Esther.(:note) [Esther] came before the king, he commanded by letters that his wicked These are the words of the kings commandment to disannul Haman's wicked enterprise. device, which he devised against the Jews, should return upon his own head, and that he and his sons should be hanged on the gallows.

geneva@Esther:9:26 @ Therfore they called these dayes Purim, by the name of Pur, & because of all the wordes of this letter, & of that which they had seene besides this, and of that which had come vnto them.

geneva@Esther:9:27 @ The Jews ordained, and took upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all such as joined themselves unto them, so as it should not fail, that they would keep these two (note:)Meaning, the fourteenth and fifteenth days of the month of Adar.(:note) days according to their writing, and according to their [appointed] time every year;

geneva@Esther:9:28 @ And that these dayes shoulde be remembred, and kept throughout euery generation and euery familie, and euery prouince, and euery citie: euen these daies of Purim should not faile among the Iewes, and the memoriall of them should not perish from their seede.

geneva@Esther:9:29 @ And the Queene Ester ye daughter of Abihail & Mordecai the Iew wrote with al authoritie (to cofirme this letter of Purim ye second time)

geneva@Esther:9:30 @ And he sent the letters unto all the Jews, to the hundred twenty and seven provinces of the kingdom of Ahasuerus, [with] (note:)Which were letters declaring to them quietness and assurance and putting them out of doubt and fear.(:note) words of peace and truth,

geneva@Esther:9:31 @ To confirm these days of Purim in their times [appointed], according as Mordecai the Jew and Esther the queen had enjoined them, and as they had decreed for themselves and for their seed, the matters of the (note:)That they would observe this feast with fasting and earnest prayer, which in Hebrew is signified by this word (they cry).(:note) fastings and their cry.

geneva@Esther:9:32 @ And the decree of Ester confirmed these words of Purim, and was written in the booke.

geneva@Job:1:9 @ Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, Doth Job fear God for (note:)He fears you not for your own sake, but for the blessing that he received from you.(:note) nought?

geneva@Job:2:7 @ So went Satan forth from the presence of the LORD, and smote Job with sore (note:)This sore was most vehement, with which God also plagued the Egyptians, (Exo_9:9) and threatened to punish rebellious people, (Deu_28:27) so that this temptation was most grievous: for if Job had measured God's favour by the vehemency of his disease, he might have thought that God had cast him off.(:note) boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown.

geneva@Job:2:9 @ Then said his (note:)Satan uses the same instrument against Job, as he did against Adam.(:note) wife unto him, Dost thou Meaning, what do you gain from serving God, seeing he thus plagues you, as though he were your enemy? This is the most grievous temptation for the faithful, when their faith is assailed, and when Satan goes about to persuade them that they trust in God in vain. still retain thine integrity? For death was appointed to the blasphemer and so she meant that he would quickly be rid of his pain. curse God, and die.

geneva@Job:3:9 @ Let the stars of the twilight thereof be dark; let it look for light, but [have] none; neither let it (note:)Let it be always night, and never see day.(:note) see the dawning of the day:

geneva@Job:4:9 @ By the (note:)He shows that God needs no great preparation to destroy his enemies: for he can do it with the blast of his mouth.(:note) blast of God they perish, and by the breath of his nostrils are they consumed.

geneva@Job:5:9 @ Which (note:)He counsels Job to humble himself to God to whom all creatures are subject and whose works declare that man is inexcusable unless he glorifies God in all his works.(:note) doeth great things and unsearchable; marvellous things without number:

geneva@Job:6:9 @ That is, that God would destroy me: that he would let his hand go, and cut me off.

geneva@Job:7:9 @

geneva@Job:8:9 @ (For we [are but of] (note:)Meaning, that it is not enough to have the experience of ourselves, but to be confirmed by the examples of those who went before us.(:note) yesterday, and know nothing, because our days upon earth [are] a shadow:)

geneva@Job:9:1 @ Then Iob answered, and sayd,

geneva@Job:9:2 @ I know [it is] so of a truth: but how should man be (note:)Job here answers Eliphaz and Bildad's oration, touching the justice of God, and his innocency, confessing God to be infinite in justice and man to be nothing in respect.(:note) just with God?

geneva@Job:9:3 @ If he will contend with him, he cannot answer him one of a (note:)Of a thousand things, which God could lay to his charge, man cannot answer him one.(:note) thousand.

geneva@Job:9:4 @ He is wise in heart, & mighty in stregth: who hath bene fierce against him & hath prospered?

geneva@Job:9:5 @ He remoueth the mountaines, and they feele not when he ouerthroweth them in his wrath.

geneva@Job:9:6 @ Which (note:)He declares the infirmity of man, by the mighty and incomprehensible power that is in God, showing what he could do if he would set forth his power.(:note) shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble.

geneva@Job:9:7 @ He commandeth the sunne, & it riseth not: hee closeth vp the starres, as vnder a signet.

geneva@Job:9:8 @ Hee himselfe alone spreadeth out the heauens, and walketh vpon the height of the sea.

geneva@Job:9:9 @ Which maketh (note:)These are the names of certain stars by which he means that all stars both known and unknown are at his appointment.(:note) Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south.

geneva@Job:9:10 @ He doeth great things, and vnsearcheable: yea, marueilous things without nomber.

geneva@Job:9:11 @ Lo, he goeth (note:)I am not able to comprehend his works, which are common and daily before my eyes, much less in those things, which are hid and secret.(:note) by me, and I see [him] not: he passeth on also, but I perceive him not.

geneva@Job:9:12 @ Behold, he taketh away, who can hinder him? (note:)He shows that when God executes his power, he does it justly, as no one can control him.(:note) who will say unto him, What doest thou?

geneva@Job:9:13 @ [If] God (note:)God will not be appeased for anything that man can say for himself for his justification.(:note) will not withdraw his anger, the proud helpers That is, all the reasons that men can lay to approve their cause. do stoop under him.

geneva@Job:9:14 @ How much less shall I answer him, [and] choose out (note:)How should I be able to answer him by eloquence? By which he notes his friends, who although they were eloquent in talk, did not believe in their hearts, that which they spoke.(:note) my words [to reason] with him?

geneva@Job:9:15 @ Whom, though I were righteous, [yet] would I (note:)Meaning, in his own opinion, signifying that man will sometimes flatter himself to be righteous which before God is an abomination.(:note) not answer, [but] I would make supplication to my judge.

geneva@Job:9:16 @ If I (note:)While I am in pain I cannot break forth into many inconveniences although I still know that God is just.(:note) had called, and he had answered me; [yet] would I not believe that he had hearkened unto my voice.

geneva@Job:9:17 @ For he breaketh me with a tempest, and multiplieth my wounds (note:)I am not able to feel my sins so great, as I feel the weight of his plagues; and this he speaks to condemn his dullness and to justify God.(:note) without cause.

geneva@Job:9:18 @ He wil not suffer me to take my breath, but filleth me with bitternesse.

geneva@Job:9:19 @ If [I speak] of strength, lo, [he is] (note:)After he has accused his own weakness, he continues to justify God and his power.(:note) strong: and if of judgment, who shall set me a time [to plead]?

geneva@Job:9:20 @ If I justify myself, mine own mouth shall condemn me: (note:)If I stood in my own defence yet God would have just cause to condemn me if he examined my heart and conscience.(:note) [if I say], I [am] perfect, it shall also prove me perverse.

geneva@Job:9:21 @ Though I were perfite, yet I knowe not my soule: therefore abhorre I my life.

geneva@Job:9:22 @ This [is] one [thing], therefore I said [it], He destroyeth the (note:)If God punishes according to his justice, he will destroy them who are counted perfect as well as them that are wicked.(:note) perfect and the wicked.

geneva@Job:9:23 @ If the scourge (note:)That is, the wicked.(:note) slay suddenly, he will This is spoken according to our apprehension, as though he would say, If God destroyed only the wicked, (Job_5:3), why would he allow the innocent to be so long tormented by them? laugh at the trial of the innocent.

geneva@Job:9:24 @ The earth is given into the hand of the wicked: (note:)That they cannot see to do justice.(:note) he covereth the faces of the judges thereof; if not, where, [and] who That can show the contrary? [is] he?

geneva@Job:9:25 @ My dayes haue bene more swift then a post: they haue fled, and haue seene no good thing.

geneva@Job:9:26 @ They are passed as with the most swift ships, and as the eagle that flyeth to the pray.

geneva@Job:9:27 @ If (note:)I think not to fall into these afflictions, but my sorrows bring me to these manifold infirmities, and my conscience condemns me.(:note) I say, I will forget my complaint, I will leave off my heaviness, and comfort [myself]:

geneva@Job:9:28 @ Then I am afrayd of all my sorowes, knowing that thou wilt not iudge me innocent.

geneva@Job:9:29 @ [If] I be wicked, why then (note:)Why does God not destroy me at once? thus he speaks according to the infirmity of the flesh.(:note) labour I in vain?

geneva@Job:9:30 @ If I wash (note:)Though I seem pure in my own eyes, yet all is but corruption before God.(:note) myself with snow water, and make my hands never so clean;

geneva@Job:9:31 @ Yet shalt thou plunge me in the ditch, and mine own (note:)Whatever I would use to cover my filthiness with, it would disclose me even more.(:note) clothes shall abhor me.

geneva@Job:9:32 @ For he is not a man as I am, that I shoulde answere him, if we come together to iudgement.

geneva@Job:9:33 @ Neither is there any daysman betwixt us, (note:)Who might make an accord between God and me, speaking of impatience, and yet confessing God to be just in punishing him.(:note) [that] might lay his hand upon us both.

geneva@Job:9:34 @ Let him take his rod away from me, and let not his feare astonish me:

geneva@Job:9:35 @ [Then] would I speak, and not fear him; (note:)Signifying that God's judgments keep him in awe.(:note) but [it is] not so with me.

geneva@Job:10:9 @ Remember, I beseech thee, that thou hast made me as (note:)As brittle as a pot of clay.(:note) the clay; and wilt thou bring me into dust again?

geneva@Job:11:9 @ The measure thereof is longer then the earth, and it is broader then the sea.

geneva@Job:12:9 @ Who is ignorant of all these, but that the hande of the Lord hath made these?

geneva@Job:13:9 @ Is it well that he shoulde seeke of you? will you make a lye for him, as one lyeth for a man?

geneva@Job:14:9 @ Yet by the sent of water it will bud, and bring foorth boughes like a plant.

geneva@Job:15:9 @ What knowest thou that we knowe not? and vnderstandest that is not in vs?

geneva@Job:16:9 @

geneva@Job:17:9 @ The righteous also shall hold on his (note:)That is, will not be discouraged, considering that the godly are punished as well as the wicked.(:note) way, and he that hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger.

geneva@Job:18:9 @ The grenne shall take him by the heele, and the theefe shall come vpon him.

geneva@Job:19:9 @ He hath stripped me of my glory, and taken the (note:)Meaning, his children, and whatever was dear to him in this world.(:note) crown [from] my head.

geneva@Job:20:9 @ So that the eye which had seene him, shall do so no more, & his place shal see him no more.

geneva@Job:21:9 @ Their houses are peaceable without feare, and the rod of God is not vpon them.

geneva@Job:22:9 @ Thou hast sent widows away empty, and the arms of the (note:)You have not only not shown pity, but oppressed them.(:note) fatherless have been broken.

geneva@Job:23:9 @ If to the North where he worketh, yet I cannot see him: he wil hide himselfe in the South, and I cannot beholde him.

geneva@Job:24:9 @ They pluck the fatherless (note:)That is, they so pillage and plunder the poor widow that she cannot sustain herself that she may be able to nurse her baby.(:note) from the breast, and take a pledge of The poor are driven by the wicked into the rocks and holes where they cannot lie dry for the rain. the poor.

geneva@Job:26:9 @ He holdeth backe the face of his throne: and spreadeth his cloude vpon it.

geneva@Job:27:9 @ Will God heare his cry, when trouble commeth vpon him?

geneva@Job:28:9 @ He putteth forth his hand upon the (note:)After he has declared the wisdom of God in the secrets of nature he describes his power.(:note) rock; he overturneth the mountains by the roots.

geneva@Job:29:9 @ The princes refrained talking, and laid [their] hand on their (note:)Acknowledging my wisdom.(:note) mouth.

geneva@Job:30:9 @ And now am I their (note:)They make songs of me, and mock my misery.(:note) song, yea, I am their byword.

geneva@Job:31:9 @ If mine heart hath bene deceiued by a woman, or if I haue layde wayte at the doore of my neighbour,

geneva@Job:32:9 @ Great men are not alway wise, neither doe the aged alway vnderstand iudgement.

geneva@Job:33:9 @ I am (note:)He repeats Job's words, by which he protested his innocency in various places, but especially in the 13th, 16th and 30th chapters.(:note) clean without transgression, I [am] innocent; neither [is there] iniquity in me.

geneva@Job:34:9 @ For he hath said, (note:)He wrests Job's words who said that God's children are often punished in this world, and the wicked go free.(:note) It profiteth a man nothing that he should That is, live godly, (Gen_5:22). delight himself with God.

geneva@Job:35:9 @ By reason of the multitude of oppressions they make [the oppressed] (note:)The wicked may hurt man and cause him to cry, who if he sought God who lends comfort would be delivered.(:note) to cry: they cry out by reason of the arm of the mighty.

geneva@Job:36:9 @ Then he sheweth them their (note:)He will move their hearts to feel their sins that they may come to him by repentance as he did Manasseh.(:note) work, and their transgressions that they have exceeded.

geneva@Job:37:9 @ Out of the south cometh the whirlwind: and cold out of the (note:)In Hebrew it is called the scattering wind, because it drives away the clouds and purges the air.(:note) north.

geneva@Job:38:9 @ When I made the cloud the garment thereof, and thick darkness a (note:)As though the great sea was but as a little baby in the hands of God to turn to and fro.(:note) swaddlingband for it,

geneva@Job:38:41 @ Who provideth for the raven his food? when his young ones (note:)Read (Psa_147:9).(:note) cry unto God, they wander for lack of meat.

geneva@Job:39:9 @ Will the unicorn be willing to (note:)Is it possible to make the unicorn tame? signifying that if man cannot rule a creature, that it is much more impossible that he should appoint the wisdom of God, by which he governs all the world.(:note) serve thee, or abide by thy crib?

geneva@Job:40:9 @ {\cf2 (40:4)} Or hast thou an arme like God? or doest thou thunder with a voyce like him?

geneva@Job:41:9 @ Behold, (note:)That is, that trusts to take him.(:note) the hope of him is in vain: shall not [one] be cast down even at the sight of him?

geneva@Job:42:9 @ So Eliphaz the Temanite, and Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite went, and did according as the Lorde had saide vnto them, and the Lord accepted Iob.

geneva@Psalms:2:9 @ Thou shalt krush them with a scepter of yron, and breake them in pieces like a potters vessell.

geneva@Psalms:5:9 @ For no constancie is in their mouth: within, they are very corruption: their throte is an open sepulchre, and they flatter with their tongue.

geneva@Psalms:6:9 @ The Lord hath heard my petition: the Lord will receiue my prayer.

geneva@Psalms:7:9 @ Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth the (note:)Though they pretend a just cause against me, yet God will judge their hypocrisy.(:note) hearts and reins.

geneva@Psalms:8:9 @ O Lorde our Lorde, howe excellent is thy Name in all the world!

geneva@Psalms:9:1 @ «To the chief Musician upon Muthlabben, A Psalm of David.» I will praise [thee], O LORD, with my (note:)God is not praised unless the whole glory is given to him alone.(:note) whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works.

geneva@Psalms:9:2 @ I will bee glad, and reioyce in thee: I will sing praise to thy Name, O most High,

geneva@Psalms:9:3 @ For that mine enemies are turned backe: they shall fall, and perish at thy presence.

geneva@Psalms:9:4 @ For (note:)However the enemy seems for a time to prevail yet God preserves the just.(:note) thou hast maintained my right and my cause; thou satest in the throne judging right.

geneva@Psalms:9:5 @ Thou hast rebuked the heathen: thou hast destroyed the wicked: thou hast put out their name for euer and euer.

geneva@Psalms:9:6 @

geneva@Psalms:9:7 @ But the Lorde shall sit for euer: hee hath prepared his throne for iudgement.

geneva@Psalms:9:8 @ For he shall iudge the worlde in righteousnes, and shall iudge the people with equitie.

geneva@Psalms:9:9 @ The LORD also will be a refuge for the (note:)Our miseries are meant to cause us to feel God's present care over us.(:note) oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.

geneva@Psalms:9:10 @ And they that know thy Name, will trust in thee: for thou, Lorde, hast not failed them that seeke thee.

geneva@Psalms:9:11 @ Sing praises to the Lord, which dwelleth in Zion: shewe the people his workes.

geneva@Psalms:9:12 @

geneva@Psalms:9:13 @ Haue mercie vpon mee, O Lorde: consider my trouble which I suffer of them that hate mee, thou that liftest me vp from the gates of death,

geneva@Psalms:9:14 @ That I may shew forth all thy praise in the (note:)In the open assembly of the Church.(:note) gates of the daughter of Zion: I will rejoice in thy salvation.

geneva@Psalms:9:15 @ The heathen are (note:)For God overthrows the wicked in their enterprises.(:note) sunk down in the pit [that] they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken.

geneva@Psalms:9:16 @

geneva@Psalms:9:17 @ The wicked shall turne into hell, and all nations that forget God.

geneva@Psalms:9:18 @ For the needy shall not alway be forgotten: the expectation (note:)God does not promise to help us before we have felt the cross.(:note) of the poor shall [not] perish for ever.

geneva@Psalms:9:19 @ Vp Lord: let not man preuaile: let the heathen be iudged in thy sight.

geneva@Psalms:9:20 @ Put them in fear, O LORD: [that] the nations may know themselves [to be but] (note:)Which they cannot learn without the fear of your judgment.(:note) men. Selah.

geneva@Psalms:10:9 @ He lyeth in waite secretly, euen as a lyon in his denne: he lyeth in waite to spoyle the poore: he doeth spoyle the poore, when he draweth him into his net.

geneva@Psalms:16:9 @ Therefore (note:)That is, I rejoice both in body and in soul.(:note) my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope.

geneva@Psalms:17:9 @ From the wicked that oppress me, [from] my deadly enemies, [who] compass (note:)For their cruelty cannot be satisfied but with my death.(:note) me about.

geneva@Psalms:18:9 @ He bowed the heavens also, and came down: and (note:)Darkness signifies the wrath of God as the clear light signifies God's favour.(:note) darkness [was] under his feet.

geneva@Psalms:18:49 @ Therefore will (note:)This prophecy belongs to the kingdom of Christ and calling of the Gentiles, as in (Rom_15:9).(:note) I give thanks unto thee, O LORD, among the heathen, and sing praises unto thy name.

geneva@Psalms:19:9 @ The fear of the LORD [is] clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD [are] (note:)So that all man's inventions and intentions are lies.(:note) true [and] righteous Everyone without exception. altogether.

geneva@Psalms:20:9 @ Save, LORD: (note:)Let the king be able to deliver us by your strength, when we seek him for help.(:note) let the king hear us when we call.

geneva@Psalms:21:9 @ Thou shalt make them as a fiery oven in the time of thine anger: the LORD shall swallow them up in his (note:)This teaches us patiently to endure the cross till God destroys the adversary.(:note) wrath, and the fire shall devour them.

geneva@Psalms:22:9 @ But thou [art] he that took me out of the (note:)Even from my birth you have given me opportunity to trust in you.(:note) womb: thou didst make me hope [when I was] upon my mother's breasts.

geneva@Psalms:24:9 @ Lift vp your heads, ye gates, and lift vp your selues, ye euerlasting doores, and the King of glorie shall come in.

geneva@Psalms:25:9 @ The meek will he (note:)He will govern and comfort them that are truly humbled for their sins.(:note) guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.

geneva@Psalms:26:9 @

geneva@Psalms:27:9 @ Hide not therefore thy face from mee, nor cast thy seruat away in displeasure: thou hast bene my succour: leaue me not, neither forsake mee, O God of my saluation.

geneva@Psalms:28:9 @ Saue thy people, and blesse thine inheritance: feede them also, and exalt them for euer.

geneva@Psalms:29:9 @ The voice of the LORD maketh the hinds to (note:)For fear makes them deliver their calves.(:note) calve, and Makes the trees bare, or pierces the most secret places. discovereth the forests: and in his Though the wicked are not moved by these lights, yet the faithful praise God. temple doth every one speak of [his] glory.

geneva@Psalms:30:9 @ What profit [is there] in my blood, when I go down to the pit? Shall the (note:)David means that the dead are not profitable to the congregation of the Lord here in the earth: therefore he would live to praise his Name, which is the end of man's creation.(:note) dust praise thee? shall it declare thy truth?

geneva@Psalms:31:9 @ Have mercy upon me, O LORD, for I am in trouble: mine (note:)Meaning, that his sorrow and torment had continued a great while.(:note) eye is consumed with grief, [yea], my soul and my belly.

geneva@Psalms:32:9 @ Be ye not as the horse, [or] as the mule, [which] have no understanding: whose (note:)If men can rule brute beasts, do they think that God will not bridle and tame their rage?(:note) mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto thee.

geneva@Psalms:33:9 @ For he spake, and it was done: he commanded, and it stood.

geneva@Psalms:34:9 @ Feare the Lord, ye his Saintes: for nothing wanteth to them that feare him.

geneva@Psalms:35:9 @ Then my soule shalbe ioyfull in the Lord: it shall reioyce in his saluation.

geneva@Psalms:36:9 @ For with thee is the well of life, and in thy light shall we see light.

geneva@Psalms:37:9 @ For euill doers shalbe cut off, and they that wait vpon the Lord, they shall inherite the land.

geneva@Psalms:38:9 @ Lorde, I powre my whole desire before thee, and my sighing is not hid from thee.

geneva@Psalms:39:9 @ I was dumb, I opened not my mouth; because (note:)Seeing my troubles came from your providence, I ought to have endured them patiently.(:note) thou didst [it].

geneva@Psalms:40:9 @ I have preached righteousness in the (note:)In the Church assembled in the sanctuary.(:note) great congregation: lo, I have not refrained my lips, O LORD, thou knowest.

geneva@Psalms:41:9 @ Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, (note:)As David felt this falsehood, and as it was chiefly accomplished in Christ, (Joh_13:18) so shall his members continually prove the same.(:note) hath lifted up [his] heel against me.

geneva@Psalms:42:9 @ I wil say vnto God, which is my rocke, Why hast thou forgotten mee? why goe I mourning, when the enemie oppresseth me?

geneva@Psalms:44:9 @ But thou hast cast off, and put us to (note:)As they confessed before that their strength came from God, so now they acknowledge that this affliction came by his just judgment.(:note) shame; and goest not forth with our armies.

geneva@Psalms:45:9 @ Kings' daughters [were] among thy honourable women: upon thy right hand did stand the (note:)Though he had many king's daughters among his wives, yet he found Pharaoh's daughter best.(:note) queen in gold of Ophir.

geneva@Psalms:46:9 @ He maketh warres to cease vnto the endes of the world: he breaketh the bowe and cutteth the speare, and burneth the chariots with fire.

geneva@Psalms:47:9 @ The princes of the people are gathered together, [even] the people of the God of Abraham: for the shields of the earth [belong] unto God: he (note:)He praises God's highness, for that he joins the great princes of the world (whom he calls shields) to the fellowship of his Church.(:note) is greatly exalted.

geneva@Psalms:48:9 @ We waite for thy louing kindnes, O God, in the middes of thy Temple.

geneva@Psalms:49:9 @ That he may liue still for euer, and not see the graue.

geneva@Psalms:50:9 @ I will take no bullocke out of thine house, nor goates out of thy foldes.

geneva@Psalms:51:9 @ Hide thy face from my sinnes, and put away all mine iniquities.

geneva@Psalms:52:9 @ I will praise thee for ever, because thou hast done (note:)Executed his vengeance.(:note) [it]: and I will wait on thy name; for [it is] good before thy saints.

geneva@Psalms:55:9 @ Destroy, O Lord, [and] (note:)As in the confusion of Babylon when the wicked conspired against God.(:note) divide their tongues: for I have seen violence and strife in the city.

geneva@Psalms:56:9 @ When I cry, then mine enemies shal turne backe: this I know, for God is with me.

geneva@Psalms:57:9 @ I will prayse thee, O Lord, among the people, and I wil sing vnto thee among the nations.

geneva@Psalms:58:9 @

geneva@Psalms:59:9 @

geneva@Psalms:60:9 @ Who will bring me [into] the (note:)He was assured that God would give him the strong cities of his enemies, in which they thought themselves sure.(:note) strong city? who will lead me into Edom?

geneva@Psalms:62:9 @ Yet the children of men are vanitie, the chiefe men are lies: to lay them vpon a balance they are altogether lighter then vanitie.

geneva@Psalms:63:9 @ Therefore they that seeke my soule to destroy it, they shall goe into the lowest partes of the earth.

geneva@Psalms:64:9 @ And all men shall see it, and declare the worke of God, and they shall vnderstand, what he hath wrought.

geneva@Psalms:65:9 @ Thou (note:)That is, with rain.(:note) visitest the earth, and waterest it: thou greatly enrichest it with the That is, Shiloh or the rain. river of God, [which] is full of water: thou preparest them corn, when thou hast so provided for You have appointed the earth to bring forth food to man's use. it.

geneva@Psalms:66:9 @ Which (note:)He signifies some special benefit that God had showed to his Church of the Jews, in delivering them from some great danger: of which he promises that the Gentiles will also be partakers.(:note) holdeth our soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to be moved.

geneva@Psalms:68:9 @ Thou, O God, sendest a gracious raine vpon thine inheritance, and thou didest refresh it when it was wearie.

geneva@Psalms:69:9 @

geneva@Psalms:69:22 @ Let their (note:)He desires God to execute his judgments against the reprobate, which cannot by any means be turned, (Rom_11:9).(:note) table become a snare before them: and [that which should have been] for [their] welfare, [let it become] a trap.

geneva@Psalms:71:9 @ Cast me not off in the time of (note:)You who helped me in my youth when I had more strength, help me now even more in my old age and weakness.(:note) old age; forsake me not when my strength faileth.

geneva@Psalms:72:9 @ They that dwell in ye wildernes, shall kneele before him, and his enemies shall licke the dust.

geneva@Psalms:73:9 @ They (note:)They blaspheme God, and do not fear his power and rail upon men, because they esteem themselves above all others.(:note) set their mouth against the heavens, and their tongue walketh through the earth.

geneva@Psalms:74:9 @ We see not our signs: [there is] no more any prophet: neither [is there] among us any that knoweth (note:)They lamented that they had no prophet among them to show them how long their misery would last.(:note) how long.

geneva@Psalms:75:9 @ But I will declare for euer, and sing prayses vnto the God of Iaakob.

geneva@Psalms:76:9 @ When God arose to judgment, to (note:)To avenge the wrongs done to your Church.(:note) save all the meek of the earth. Selah.

geneva@Psalms:77:9 @ Hath God forgotten to be mercifull? hath he shut vp his teder mercies in displeasure? Selah.

geneva@Psalms:78:9 @ The children of (note:)By Ephraim he means also the rest of the tribes, because they were most in number: whose punishment declares that they were unfaithful to God, and by their multitude and authority had corrupted all others.(:note) Ephraim, [being] armed, [and] carrying bows, turned back in the day of battle.

geneva@Psalms:79:9 @ Help us, O God of our (note:)Seeing we have no other Saviour, neither can we help ourselves, and also by our salvation your Name will be praised: therefore O Lord, help us.(:note) salvation, for the glory of thy name: and deliver us, and purge away our sins, for thy name's sake.

geneva@Psalms:80:9 @ Thou madest roume for it, and didest cause it to take roote, and it filled the land.

geneva@Psalms:81:9 @ Let there bee no strange god in thee, neither worship thou any strange god.

geneva@Psalms:83:9 @ Do unto them as [unto] the (note:)By these examples they were confirmed that God would not permit his people to be completely destroyed, (Jdg_7:21, Jdg_4:15).(:note) Midianites; as [to] Sisera, as [to] Jabin, at the brook of Kison:

geneva@Psalms:84:9 @ Behold, O God our shield, and look upon the face of thine (note:)That is, for Christ's sake, whose figure I represent.(:note) anointed.

geneva@Psalms:85:9 @ Surely his saluation is neere to them that feare him, that glory may dwell in our land.

geneva@Psalms:86:9 @ All nations whom thou hast made shall come and (note:)This proves that David prayed in the Name of Christ the Messiah of whose kingdom he here prophecies.(:note) worship before thee, O Lord; and shall glorify thy name.

geneva@Psalms:88:9 @

geneva@Psalms:89:9 @

geneva@Psalms:90:1 @ «A Prayer of Moses (note:)Thus the Scripture refers to the prophets.(:note) the man of God.» Lord, thou hast been our You have been as a house and defence to us in all our troubles and travels now this four hundred years. dwelling place in all generations.

geneva@Psalms:90:2 @ Before the (note:)You have chosen us to be your people before the foundations of the world were laid.(:note) mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou [art] God.

geneva@Psalms:90:3 @ Thou (note:)Moses by lamenting the frailty and shortness of man's life moves God to pity.(:note) turnest man to destruction; and sayest, Return, ye children of men.

geneva@Psalms:90:4 @

geneva@Psalms:90:5 @ Thou (note:)You take them away suddenly as with a flood.(:note) carriest them away as with a flood; they are [as] a sleep: in the morning [they are] like grass [which] groweth up.

geneva@Psalms:90:6 @ In the morning it florisheth and groweth, but in the euening it is cut downe and withereth.

geneva@Psalms:90:7 @ For we are (note:)You called us by the rods to consider the storms of our life and for our sins you shorten our days.(:note) consumed by thine anger, and by thy wrath are we troubled.

geneva@Psalms:90:8 @ Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, and our secret sinnes in the light of thy countenance.

geneva@Psalms:90:9 @ For all our days are passed away in thy wrath: we (note:)Our days are not only short but miserable as our sins daily provoke your wrath.(:note) spend our years as a tale [that is told].

geneva@Psalms:90:10 @ The days of our years [are] threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength [they be] (note:)Meaning according to the common state of life.(:note) fourscore years, yet [is] their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

geneva@Psalms:90:11 @

geneva@Psalms:90:12 @ So teach [us] to number our days, that we may apply [our] hearts unto (note:)Which is by considering the shortness of our life, and by meditating the heavenly joys.(:note) wisdom.

geneva@Psalms:90:13 @ Return, O LORD, (note:)Meaning, will you be angry?(:note) how long? and let it repent thee concerning thy servants.

geneva@Psalms:90:14 @ Fill vs with thy mercie in the morning: so shall we reioyce and be glad all our dayes.

geneva@Psalms:90:15 @ Comfort vs according to the dayes that thou hast afflicted vs, and according to the yeeres that we haue seene euill.

geneva@Psalms:90:16 @

geneva@Psalms:90:17 @ And let the (note:)Meaning, that is was obscured when he ceases to do good to his Church.(:note) beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and For unless you guide us with your Holy Spirit, our enterprises cannot succeed. establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.

geneva@Psalms:91:1 @ He that dwelleth in the (note:)He who makes God his defence and trust will perceive his protection to be a most sure safeguard.(:note) secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

geneva@Psalms:91:2 @

geneva@Psalms:91:3 @ Surely he shall deliver thee from the (note:)That is, God's help is most ready for us, whether Satan assails us secretly which he calls a snare, or openly which is here meant by the pestilence.(:note) snare of the fowler, [and] from the noisome pestilence.

geneva@Psalms:91:4 @ He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his (note:)That is, his faithful keeping of promises to help you in your need.(:note) truth [shall be thy] shield and buckler.

geneva@Psalms:91:5 @

geneva@Psalms:91:6 @ Nor of the pestilence that walketh in the darkenesse: nor of the plague that destroyeth at noone day.

geneva@Psalms:91:7 @ A thousand shall fall at thy side, and tenne thousand at thy right hand, but it shall not come neere thee.

geneva@Psalms:91:8 @ Only with thine (note:)The godly will have some experience of God's judgements against the wicked even in this life, but they will see it fully at that day when all things will be revealed.(:note) eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.

geneva@Psalms:91:9 @ For thou hast said, The Lord is mine hope: thou hast set the most High for thy refuge.

geneva@Psalms:91:10 @ There shall none euill come vnto thee, neither shall any plague come neere thy tabernacle.

geneva@Psalms:91:11 @

geneva@Psalms:91:12 @ They shall beare thee in their handes, that thou hurt not thy foote against a stone.

geneva@Psalms:91:13 @ Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the (note:)You will not only be preserved from all evil, but overcome it whether it is secret or open.(:note) young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.

geneva@Psalms:91:14 @

geneva@Psalms:91:15 @ He shall call vpon me, and I wil heare him: I will be with him in trouble: I will deliuer him, and glorifie him.

geneva@Psalms:91:16 @ With (note:)For he is content with that life that God gives for by death the shortness of this life is recompensed with immortality.(:note) long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.

geneva@Psalms:92:1 @ «A Psalm [or] Song for the (note:)Which teaches that the use of the Sabbath stands in praising God, and not only in ceasing from work.(:note) sabbath day.» [It is a] good [thing] to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High:

geneva@Psalms:92:2 @ To shew forth thy lovingkindness in the (note:)For God's mercy and fidelity in his promises toward his, bind them to praise him continually both day and night.(:note) morning, and thy faithfulness every night,

geneva@Psalms:92:3 @ Upon an (note:)These instruments were then permitted in the Church as also they are now. (Ed.)(:note) instrument of ten strings, and upon the psaltery; upon the harp with a solemn sound.

geneva@Psalms:92:4 @ For thou, LORD, hast made me glad through thy (note:)He shows the use of the Sabbath day: that is, to meditate God's works.(:note) work: I will triumph in the works of thy hands.

geneva@Psalms:92:5 @ O Lord, how glorious are thy workes! and thy thoughtes are very deepe.

geneva@Psalms:92:6 @ A (note:)That is, the wicked do not consider God's works nor his judgments against them, and therefore most justly perish.(:note) brutish man knoweth not; neither doth a fool understand this.

geneva@Psalms:92:7 @ (When the wicked growe as the grasse, and all the workers of wickednesse doe flourish) that they shall be destroyed for euer.

geneva@Psalms:92:8 @ But thou, LORD, [art (note:)Your judgments are most constant against the wicked and pass our reach.(:note) most] high for evermore.

geneva@Psalms:92:9 @ For loe, thine enemies, O Lorde: for loe, thine enemies shall perish: all the workers of iniquitie shall be destroyed.

geneva@Psalms:92:10 @

geneva@Psalms:92:11 @ Mine eye also shall see my desire against mine enemies: and mine eares shall heare my wish against the wicked, that rise vp against me.

geneva@Psalms:92:12 @ The righteous shall (note:)Though the faithful seem to whither and be cut down by the wicked, yet they will grow again and flourish in the Church of God as the cedars do in mount Lebanon.(:note) flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.

geneva@Psalms:92:13 @ Such as bee planted in the house of the Lord, shall flourish in the courtes of our God.

geneva@Psalms:92:14 @ They shall still bring forth fruit in old (note:)The children of God will have a power above nature and their age will bring forth fresh fruit.(:note) age; they shall be fat and flourishing;

geneva@Psalms:92:15 @ To declare that the Lord my rocke is righteous, and that none iniquitie is in him.

geneva@Psalms:93:1 @ The LORD (note:)As God by his power and wisdom has made and governed the world, so must the same be our defence against all enemies and dangers.(:note) reigneth, he is clothed with majesty; the LORD is clothed with strength, [wherewith] he hath girded himself: the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved.

geneva@Psalms:93:2 @ Thy (note:)In which you sit and govern the world.(:note) throne [is] established of old: thou [art] from everlasting.

geneva@Psalms:93:3 @

geneva@Psalms:93:4 @ The waues of ye sea are marueilous through the noyse of many waters, yet the Lorde on High is more mightie.

geneva@Psalms:93:5 @ Thy (note:)Besides God's power and wisdom in creating and governing his great mercy also appears in that he has given his people his word and covenant.(:note) testimonies are very sure: holiness becometh thine house, O LORD, for ever.

geneva@Psalms:94:1 @ O LORD God, to whom (note:)Whose office it is to take vengeance on the wicked.(:note) vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, Show by effect that you are judge of the world to punish the wicked. shew thyself.

geneva@Psalms:94:2 @ Exalt thy selfe, O Iudge of the worlde, and render a reward to the proude.

geneva@Psalms:94:3 @ LORD, how long shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked (note:)That is, brag of their cruelty and oppression, or esteem themselves above all others.(:note) triumph?

geneva@Psalms:94:4 @ They prate and speake fiercely: all the workers of iniquitie vaunt themselues.

geneva@Psalms:94:5 @ They (note:)Seeing the Church was then so sore oppressed, it ought not to seem strange to us, if we see it so now, and therefore we must call to God, to take our cause in hand.(:note) break in pieces thy people, O LORD, and afflict thine heritage.

geneva@Psalms:94:6 @ They slay the widowe and the stranger, and murther the fatherlesse.

geneva@Psalms:94:7 @

geneva@Psalms:94:8 @ Vnderstande ye vnwise among the people: and ye fooles, when will ye be wise?

geneva@Psalms:94:9 @ He that (note:)He shows that it is impossible, but God should hear, see, and understand their wickedness.(:note) planted the ear, shall he not hear? he that formed the eye, shall he not see?

geneva@Psalms:94:10 @ He that chastiseth the (note:)If God punishes whole nations for their sins, it is mere folly for any one man or else a few to think that God will spare them.(:note) heathen, shall not he correct? he that teacheth man knowledge, [shall not he know]?

geneva@Psalms:94:11 @ The Lord knoweth the thoughtes of man, that they are vanitie.

geneva@Psalms:94:12 @ Blessed [is] the man whom thou (note:)God has care over his, and chastised them for their own good, that they should not perish for ever with the wicked.(:note) chastenest, O LORD, and teachest him out of thy law;

geneva@Psalms:94:13 @ That thou mayest giue him rest from the dayes of euill, whiles the pitte is digged for the wicked.

geneva@Psalms:94:14 @ Surely the Lorde will not faile his people, neither will he forsake his inheritance.

geneva@Psalms:94:15 @ But (note:)God will restore the state and government of things to their right use, and then the godly will follow him cheerfully.(:note) judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it.

geneva@Psalms:94:16 @ Who will rise vp with me against the wicked? or who will take my part against the workers of iniquitie?

geneva@Psalms:94:17 @ Unless the LORD [had been] my (note:)He complains of them who would not help him to resist the enemies, yet was assured that God's help would not fail.(:note) help, my soul had almost dwelt in silence.

geneva@Psalms:94:18 @ When I said, (note:)When I thought there was no way but death.(:note) My foot slippeth; thy mercy, O LORD, held me up.

geneva@Psalms:94:19 @ In the multitude of my (note:)In my trouble and distress I always found your present help.(:note) thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.

geneva@Psalms:94:20 @ Shall the throne of iniquity have (note:)Though the wicked judges pretend justice in oppressing the Church, yet they do not have the authority of God.(:note) fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law?

geneva@Psalms:94:21 @ They gather them together against the soule of the righteous, and condemne the innocent blood.

geneva@Psalms:94:22 @ But the Lorde is my refuge, and my God is the rocke of mine hope.

geneva@Psalms:94:23 @ And he shall bring upon them their own iniquity, and shall (note:)It is a great token of God's judgment when the purpose of the wicked is broken, but most, when they are destroyed in their own malice.(:note) cut them off in their own wickedness; [yea], the LORD our God shall cut them off.

geneva@Psalms:95:1 @ O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a (note:)He shows that God's service stands not in dead ceremonies, but chiefly in the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving.(:note) joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.

geneva@Psalms:95:2 @ Let vs come before his face with praise: let vs sing loude vnto him with Psalmes.

geneva@Psalms:95:3 @ For the LORD [is] a great God, and a great King above all (note:)Even the angels (who in respect to men are thought as gods) are nothing in his sight, much less the idols, which man's brain invents.(:note) gods.

geneva@Psalms:95:4 @ In his hand [are] the deep places of the earth: the (note:)All things are governed by his providence.(:note) strength of the hills [is] his also.

geneva@Psalms:95:5 @ To whome the Sea belongeth: for hee made it, and his handes formed the dry land.

geneva@Psalms:95:6 @ O come, let us (note:)By these three words he signifies one thing: meaning that they must wholly give themselves to serve God.(:note) worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker.

geneva@Psalms:95:7 @ For he [is] our God; and we [are] the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his (note:)That is, the flock whom he governs with his own hand. He shows how they are God's flock, that is, if they hear his voice.(:note) hand. To day if ye will hear his voice,

geneva@Psalms:95:8 @

geneva@Psalms:95:9 @ Where your fathers tempted me, proued me, though they had seene my worke.

geneva@Psalms:95:10 @ Forty years long was I grieved with [this] generation, and said, It [is] a people that do (note:)They were without judgment and reason.(:note) err in their heart, and they have not known my ways:

geneva@Psalms:95:11 @ Unto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into (note:)That is, into the land of Canaan, where he promised them rest.(:note) my rest.

geneva@Psalms:96:1 @ O sing (note:)The prophet shows that the time will come, that all nations will have opportunity to praise the Lord for the revealing of his gospel.(:note) unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth.

geneva@Psalms:96:2 @ Sing vnto the Lorde, and prayse his Name: declare his saluation from day to day.

geneva@Psalms:96:3 @ Declare his glory among all nations, and his wonders among all people.

geneva@Psalms:96:4 @ For the LORD [is] (note:)Seeing he will reveal himself to all nations contrary to their own expectation, they should all worship him contrary to their own imaginations, and only as he has appointed.(:note) great, and greatly to be praised: he [is] to be feared above all gods.

geneva@Psalms:96:5 @ For all the gods of the nations [are] idols: but the LORD (note:)Then the idols or whatever did not make the heavens, are not God.(:note) made the heavens.

geneva@Psalms:96:6 @

geneva@Psalms:96:7 @ Give unto the LORD, O ye kindreds of the people, give unto the LORD glory and (note:)As by experience you see that it is only due to him.(:note) strength.

geneva@Psalms:96:8 @ Give unto the LORD the glory [due unto] his name: bring (note:)By offering up yourselves wholly to God, declare that you worship him only.(:note) an offering, and come into his courts.

geneva@Psalms:96:9 @ Worship the Lord in the glorious Sanctuarie: tremble before him all the earth.

geneva@Psalms:96:10 @ Say among the (note:)He prophecies that the Gentiles will be partakers with the Jews of God's promise.(:note) heathen [that] the LORD reigneth: the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people He will regenerate them anew with his Spirit, and restore them to the image of God. righteously.

geneva@Psalms:96:11 @ Let the heauens reioyce, and let the earth be glad: let the sea roare, and all that therein is.

geneva@Psalms:96:12 @ Let the field be joyful, and all that [is] therein: then shall all the (note:)If the insensible creatures will have reason to rejoice when God appears, much more we, from whom he has taken malediction and sin.(:note) trees of the wood rejoice

geneva@Psalms:96:13 @ Before the Lord: for he commeth, for he cometh to iudge the earth: he wil iudge the world with righteousnes, and the people in his trueth.

geneva@Psalms:97:1 @ The (note:)He shows that where God reigns, there is all happiness and spiritual joy.(:note) LORD reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the For the gospel will not only be preached in Judea, but through all isles and countries. multitude of isles be glad [thereof].

geneva@Psalms:97:2 @

geneva@Psalms:97:3 @ There shall goe a fire before him, & burne vp his enemies round about.

geneva@Psalms:97:4 @ His lightnings enlightened the world: the earth saw, and (note:)This fear does not bring the wicked to true obedience, but makes them run away from God.(:note) trembled.

geneva@Psalms:97:5 @ The mountaines melted like waxe at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.

geneva@Psalms:97:6 @ The heauens declare his righteousnes, and all the people see his glory.

geneva@Psalms:97:7 @

geneva@Psalms:97:8 @ Zion heard, and was glad; and the (note:)The Jews will have opportunity to rejoice that the Gentiles are made partakers with them of God's favour.(:note) daughters of Judah rejoiced because of thy judgments, O LORD.

geneva@Psalms:97:9 @ For thou, Lorde, art most High aboue all the earth: thou art much exalted aboue all gods.

geneva@Psalms:97:10 @ Ye that (note:)He requires two things from his children: the one that they detest vice, the other, that they put their trust in God for their deliverance.(:note) love the LORD, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.

geneva@Psalms:97:11 @

geneva@Psalms:97:12 @ Rejoice in the LORD, ye righteous; and give thanks at the (note:)Be mindful of his benefits and only trust in his defence.(:note) remembrance of his holiness.

geneva@Psalms:98:1 @ «A Psalm.» O sing (note:)That is, some song newly made in token of their wonderful deliverance by Christ.(:note) unto the LORD a new song; for he hath done marvellous things: his right hand, and his holy He preserves his Church miraculously. arm, hath gotten him the victory.

geneva@Psalms:98:2 @ The LORD hath made known his (note:)For the deliverance of his Church.(:note) salvation: his righteousness hath he openly shewed in the sight of the heathen.

geneva@Psalms:98:3 @ He hath (note:)God was moved by no other means to gather his Church from the Jews and Gentiles, but because he would perform his promise.(:note) remembered his mercy and his truth toward the house of Israel: all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

geneva@Psalms:98:4 @ All the earth, sing ye loude vnto the Lord: crie out and reioyce, and sing prayses.

geneva@Psalms:98:5 @ Sing prayse to the Lorde vpon the harpe, euen vpon the harpe with a singing voyce.

geneva@Psalms:98:6 @ With (note:)By this repetition and earnest exhortation to give praise with instruments, and also of the dumb creatures, he signifies that the world is never able to praise God sufficiently for their deliverance.(:note) trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the LORD, the King.

geneva@Psalms:98:7 @ Let the sea roare, and all that therein is, the world, and they that dwell therein.

geneva@Psalms:98:8 @ Let the floods clap their hands, and let the mountaines reioyce together

geneva@Psalms:98:9 @ Before the Lord: for he is come to iudge the earth: with righteousnesse shall hee iudge the world, and the people with equitie.

geneva@Psalms:99:1 @ The LORD reigneth; let the (note:)When God delivers his Church all the enemies will have reason to tremble.(:note) people tremble: he sitteth [between] the cherubims; let the earth be moved.

geneva@Psalms:99:2 @ The Lord is great in Zion, and he is high aboue all the people.

geneva@Psalms:99:3 @ Let them (note:)Though the wicked rage against God, the godly will praise his Name and mighty power.(:note) praise thy great and terrible name; [for] it [is] holy.

geneva@Psalms:99:4 @ And the Kings power, that loueth iudgement: for thou hast prepared equitie: thou hast executed iudgement and iustice in Iaakob.

geneva@Psalms:99:5 @ Exalt ye the LORD our God, and worship at his (note:)That is, before his temple or ark, where he promised to hear when they worshipped him, as now he promises his spiritual presence, wherever his Church is assembled.(:note) footstool; [for] he [is] holy.

geneva@Psalms:99:6 @ Moses and Aaron among his priests, (note:)Under these three he comprehends the whole people of Israel, with whom God made his promise.(:note) and Samuel among them that call upon his name; they called upon the LORD, and he answered them.

geneva@Psalms:99:7 @ Hee spake vnto them in the cloudie pillar: they kept his testimonies, and the Lawe that he gaue them.

geneva@Psalms:99:8 @ Thou answeredst them, O LORD our God: thou wast a God that forgavest them, though thou tookest vengeance of (note:)The more liberally God deals with his people, the more he punishes them who abuse his benefits.(:note) their inventions.

geneva@Psalms:99:9 @ Exalt the Lorde our God, and fall downe before his holy Mountaine: for the Lorde our God is holy.

geneva@Psalms:102:9 @ For I have (note:)I have not risen out of my mourning to take my refreshment.(:note) eaten ashes like bread, and mingled my drink with weeping,

geneva@Psalms:103:9 @ He will not always (note:)He shows first his severe judgment, but as soon as the sinner is humbled, he receives him to mercy.(:note) chide: neither will he keep [his anger] for ever.

geneva@Psalms:104:9 @ But thou hast set them a bounde, which they shall not passe: they shall not returne to couer the earth.

geneva@Psalms:105:9 @ Which [covenant] he (note:)The promise God made to Abraham to be his God, and the God of his seed after him, he renewed and repeated again to his seed after him.(:note) made with Abraham, and his oath unto Isaac;

geneva@Psalms:106:9 @ And he rebuked the red Sea, and it was dryed vp, and he led them in the deepe, as in the wildernesse.

geneva@Psalms:107:9 @ For he satisfied the thirstie soule, and filled the hungrie soule with goodnesse.

geneva@Psalms:108:9 @ Moab shalbe my washpot: ouer Edom wil I cast out my shoe: vpon Palestina wil I triumph.

geneva@Psalms:109:9 @ Let his children be fatherlesse, and his wife a widowe.

geneva@Psalms:111:9 @ He sent redemption vnto his people: he hath commanded his couenant for euer: holy and fearefull is his Name.

geneva@Psalms:112:9 @ He hath (note:)The godly are not stingy, but distribute liberally, as the need of the poor requires and as his power is able.(:note) dispersed, he hath given to the poor; his righteousness endureth for ever; his His power and prosperous estate. horn shall be exalted with honour.

geneva@Psalms:113:9 @ He maketh the barren woman to dwell with a familie, and a ioyfull mother of children. Prayse ye the Lord.

geneva@Psalms:115:9 @ O Israel, trust thou in the Lorde: for he is their helpe and their shielde.

geneva@Psalms:116:9 @ I will (note:)The Lord will preserve me and save my life.(:note) walk before the LORD in the land of the living.

geneva@Psalms:118:9 @ It is better to trust in the Lorde, then to haue confidence in princes.

geneva@Psalms:119:9 @ BETH. Wherewithal shall a (note:)Because youth is most given to licentiousness, he chiefly warns them to frame their lives after God's word.(:note) young man cleanse his way? by taking heed [thereto] according to thy word.

geneva@Psalms:119:90 @ Thy trueth is from generation to generation: thou hast layed the foundation of the earth, and it abideth.

geneva@Psalms:119:91 @ They (note:)Seeing the earth and all creatures remain in that estate in which you have created them, much more your truth remains constant and unchangeable.(:note) continue this day according to thine ordinances: for all [are] thy servants.

geneva@Psalms:119:92 @ Except thy Lawe had bene my delite, I should now haue perished in mine affliction.

geneva@Psalms:119:93 @ I wil neuer forget thy precepts: for by them thou hast quickened me.

geneva@Psalms:119:94 @ I [am] (note:)He proves by effect that he is God's child, because he seeks to understand his word.(:note) thine, save me; for I have sought thy precepts.

geneva@Psalms:119:95 @ The wicked haue waited for me to destroy me: but I will consider thy testimonies.

geneva@Psalms:119:96 @ I (note:)There is nothing so perfect in earth, but it has an end, only God's word lasts forever.(:note) have seen an end of all perfection: [but] thy commandment [is] exceeding broad.

geneva@Psalms:119:97 @ MEM. O how love I thy law! it [is] my meditation (note:)He shows that we cannot love God's word unless we exercise ourselves in it and practise it.(:note) all the day.

geneva@Psalms:119:98 @ By thy commaundements thou hast made mee wiser then mine enemies: for they are euer with mee.

geneva@Psalms:119:99 @ I have more (note:)Whoever submits himself only to God's word will not only be safe against the practises of his enemies, but also learn more wisdom than they who profess it, and are men of experience.(:note) understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies [are] my meditation.

geneva@Psalms:122:9 @ Because of the House of the Lord our God, I will procure thy wealth.

geneva@Psalms:132:9 @ Let thy priests be clothed with (note:)Let the effect of your grace appear both in the priests and in the people.(:note) righteousness; and let thy saints shout for joy.

geneva@Psalms:135:9 @ He hath sent tokens and wonders into the middes of thee, O Egypt, vpon Pharaoh, and vpon all his seruants.

geneva@Psalms:136:9 @ The moone and the starres to gouerne the night: for his mercie endureth for euer:

geneva@Psalms:137:9 @

geneva@Psalms:139:9 @ Let mee take the winges of the morning, and dwell in the vttermost parts of the sea:

geneva@Psalms:140:9 @ [As for] (note:)It seems that he alludes to Saul.(:note) the head of those that compass me about, let the mischief of their own lips cover them.

geneva@Psalms:141:7 @ Our bones are scattered at the (note:)Here it appears that David was miraculously delivered out of many deaths as in (2Co_1:9-10).(:note) grave's mouth, as when one cutteth and cleaveth [wood] upon the earth.

geneva@Psalms:141:9 @ Keepe me from the snare, which they haue layde for me, and from the grennes of the workers of iniquitie.

geneva@Psalms:143:9 @ Deliver me, O LORD, from mine enemies: (note:)I hid myself under the shadow of your wings that I might be defended by your power.(:note) I flee unto thee to hide me.

geneva@Psalms:144:9 @ I will sing a (note:)That is, a rare and excellent song, as your great benefits deserve.(:note) new song unto thee, O God: upon a psaltery [and] an instrument of ten strings will I sing praises unto thee.

geneva@Psalms:145:9 @ The Lord is good to all, and his mercies are ouer all his workes.

geneva@Psalms:146:9 @ The LORD preserveth the (note:)Meaning, all who are destitute of worldly means and help.(:note) strangers; he relieveth the fatherless and widow: but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down.

geneva@Psalms:147:9 @ He giveth to the beast his food, [and] to the young ravens which (note:)For their crying is as it were a confession of their need, which cannot be relieved, but by God alone, then if God show himself mindful of the most contemptible souls, can he suffer them to die with famine, whom he has assured of life everlasting?(:note) cry.

geneva@Psalms:148:9 @ Mountaines and all hils, fruitfull trees and all ceders:

geneva@Psalms:149:9 @ To execute upon them the judgment (note:)By this God binds the hands and minds of all his to enterprise no farther than he appoints.(:note) written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the LORD.

geneva@Proverbs:1:9 @ For they shalbe a comely ornament vnto thine head, and as chaines for thy necke.

geneva@Proverbs:2:9 @ Then shalt thou vnderstand righteousnes, and iudgement, and equitie, and euery good path.

geneva@Proverbs:3:9 @

geneva@Proverbs:4:9 @ She shal giue a comely ornamet vnto thine head, yea, she shal giue thee a crowne of glorie.

geneva@Proverbs:5:9 @ Lest thou give thine (note:)That is, your strength and goods to her who will have no pity on you as is read of Samson and the prodigal son.(:note) honour unto others, and thy years unto the cruel:

geneva@Proverbs:6:9 @ Howe long wilt thou sleepe, O sluggarde? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleepe?

geneva@Proverbs:7:9 @ In the twilight, in the evening, in the (note:)He shows that there was almost no one so impudent that they were not afraid to be seen, their consciences accusing them and causing them to seek the night to cover their filthiness.(:note) black and dark night:

geneva@Proverbs:8:9 @ They [are] all (note:)Meaning that the word of God is easy to all that have a desire for it and are not blinded by the prince of this world.(:note) plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that find knowledge.

geneva@Proverbs:9:1 @ Wisdom hath built her (note:)Christ has prepared him a Church.(:note) house, she hath hewn out her That is, many chief supports and principal parts of his Church, as were the patriarchs, prophets, apostles, pastors and teachers. seven pillars:

geneva@Proverbs:9:2 @ She hath killed her beasts; she hath mixed her wine; she hath also (note:)He compares wisdom with great princes who keep open house for all who come.(:note) furnished her table.

geneva@Proverbs:9:3 @ She hath sent forth her (note:)Meaning, true preachers, who are not infected with man's wisdom.(:note) maidens: she crieth upon the highest places of the city,

geneva@Proverbs:9:4 @ Whoever [is] (note:)He who knows his own ignorance, and is void of malice.(:note) simple, let him turn in here: [as for] him that lacketh understanding, she saith to him,

geneva@Proverbs:9:5 @ Come, eat of my (note:)By meat and drink is meant the word of God, and the ministration of the sacraments, by which God nourishes his servants in his house which is the Church.(:note) bread, and drink of the wine [which] I have mixed.

geneva@Proverbs:9:6 @ Forsake your way, ye foolish, and ye shall liue: and walke in the way of vnderstanding.

geneva@Proverbs:9:7 @ He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame: and he that rebuketh a wicked [man getteth] himself a (note:)For the wicked will contemn him and labour to defame him.(:note) blot.

geneva@Proverbs:9:8 @ Reprove not a (note:)Meaning them who are incorrigible, which Christ calls dogs and swine: or he speaks this in comparison, not that the wicked should not be rebuked, but he shows their malice, and the small hope of the profit.(:note) scorner, lest he shall hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.

geneva@Proverbs:9:9 @ Giue admonition to the wise, and he will be the wiser: teache a righteous man, and he will increase in learning.

geneva@Proverbs:9:10 @ The fear of the LORD [is] the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One [is] (note:)He shows what true understanding is, to know the will of God in his word which is meant by holy things.(:note) understanding.

geneva@Proverbs:9:11 @ For thy dayes shalbe multiplied by me, and the yeeres of thy life shalbe augmented.

geneva@Proverbs:9:12 @ If thou art wise, thou shalt be wise for (note:)You will have the chief profit and convenience of it.(:note) thyself: but [if] thou scornest, thou alone shalt bear [it].

geneva@Proverbs:9:13 @ A (note:)By the foolish woman, some understand the wicked preachers, who counterfeit the word of God: as appears in (Pro_9:16) which were the words of the true preachers as in (Pro_9:4) but their doctrine is as stolen waters: meaning that they are men's traditions, which are more pleasant to the flesh than the word of God, and therefore they themselves boast of it.(:note) foolish woman [is] clamorous: [she is] simple, and knoweth nothing.

geneva@Proverbs:9:14 @ But she sitteth at the doore of her house on a seate in the hie places of the citie,

geneva@Proverbs:9:15 @ To call them that passe by the way, that go right on their way, saying,

geneva@Proverbs:9:16 @ Who so is simple, let him come hither, and to him that is destitute of wisedome, shee sayth also,

geneva@Proverbs:9:17 @ Stollen waters are sweete, and hid bread is pleasant.

geneva@Proverbs:9:18 @ But he knoweth not, that ye dead are there, and that her ghestes are in the depth of hell.

geneva@Proverbs:10:9 @ He that walketh vprightly, walketh boldely: but he that peruerteth his wayes, shalbe knowen.

geneva@Proverbs:11:9 @ An (note:)A deceiver who pretends friendship, but privately is an enemy.(:note) hypocrite with [his] mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.

geneva@Proverbs:12:9 @ [He that is] despised, (note:)The poor man that is contemned and yet lives of his own travail.(:note) and hath a servant, [is] better than he that honoureth himself, and is destitute of bread.

geneva@Proverbs:13:9 @ The light of the righteous reioyceth: but the candle of the wicked shall be put out.

geneva@Proverbs:14:9 @ Fools make a mock at (note:)Does not know the grievousness of it, nor God's judgments against the same.(:note) sin: but among the righteous [there is] favour.

geneva@Proverbs:15:9 @ The way of the wicked is an abomination vnto the Lord: but he loueth him that followeth righteousnes.

geneva@Proverbs:16:9 @ A (note:)He shows the folly of man who thinks that his ways are in his own hand, and yet is not able to move one foot unless God gives force.(:note) man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.

geneva@Proverbs:17:9 @ He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separateth [very] (note:)He that admonishes the prince of his fault makes him his enemy.(:note) friends.

geneva@Proverbs:18:9 @ He also that is slouthfull in his worke, is euen the brother of him that is a great waster.

geneva@Proverbs:19:9 @ A false witnes shall not be vnpunished: and he that speaketh lyes, shall perish.

geneva@Proverbs:20:9 @ Who can say, I haue made mine heart cleane, I am cleane from my sinne?

geneva@Proverbs:21:9 @ It is better to dwell in a corner of the house top, then with a contentious woman in a wide house.

geneva@Proverbs:22:9 @ He that hath a bountiful (note:)He that is merciful and liberal.(:note) eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.

geneva@Proverbs:23:6 @ Eat thou not the bread of [him that hath] an (note:)That is, covetous, as contrary a good eye is taken for liberal as in (Pro_22:9).(:note) evil eye, neither desire thou his delicacies:

geneva@Proverbs:23:9 @ Speake not in the eares of a foole: for hee will despise the wisdome of thy wordes.

geneva@Proverbs:24:9 @ The wicked thought of a foole is sinne, and the scorner is an abomination vnto men.

geneva@Proverbs:25:9 @ Debate thy matter with thy neighbour, and discouer not the secret to another,

geneva@Proverbs:26:9 @ [As] a thorn goeth (note:)By which he hurts both himself and others.(:note) up into the hand of a drunkard, so [is] a parable in the mouth of fools.

geneva@Proverbs:27:9 @ As oyntment and perfume reioyce the heart, so doeth the sweetenes of a mans friend by hearty counsell.

geneva@Proverbs:28:9 @ He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer [shall be] (note:)Because it is not of faith which is grounded on God's word or law which the wicked contemn.(:note) abomination.

geneva@Proverbs:29:9 @ [If] a wise man contendeth with (note:)He can hear no admonition no matter how it is spoken.(:note) a foolish man, whether he rageth or laugheth, [there is] no rest.

geneva@Proverbs:30:9 @ Lest I be full, and deny [thee], and say, (note:)Meaning, that they who put their trust in their riches forget God and that by too much wealth men have an opportunity to the same.(:note) Who [is] the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God [in vain].

geneva@Proverbs:31:9 @ Open thy mouth: iudge righteously, and iudge the afflicted, and the poore.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:1:9 @

geneva@Ecclesiastes:2:9 @ So I was great, and increased more than all that were before me in Jerusalem: also my wisdom (note:)For all this God did not take his gift of wisdom from me.(:note) remained with me.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:3:9 @ What profite hath hee that worketh of the thing wherein he trauaileth?

geneva@Ecclesiastes:4:9 @

geneva@Ecclesiastes:5:9 @ Moreover the (note:)The earth is to be preferred above all things which belong to this life.(:note) profit of the earth is for all: the king Kings and princes cannot maintain their estate without tillage, which commends the excellency of tillage. [himself] is served by the field.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:5:10 @ {\cf2 (5:9)} He that loueth siluer, shall not be satisfied with siluer, and he that loueth riches, shalbe without the fruite thereof: this also is vanitie.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:6:9 @ Better [is] the (note:)To be content with that which God has given is better than to follow the desires that can never be satisfied.(:note) sight of the eyes than the wandering of the desire: this [is] also vanity and vexation of spirit.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:7:9 @ {\cf2 (7:11)} Be not thou of an hastie spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosome of fooles.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:8:9 @ All this have I seen, and applied my heart to every work that is done under the sun: [there is] a time in which one man ruleth over another to his own (note:)As comes often to tyrants and wicked rulers.(:note) hurt.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:9:1 @ For all this I considered in my heart even to declare all this, that the righteous, and the wise, and their works, [are] in the hand of God: no man knoweth either love or (note:)Meaning, what things he ought to chose or refuse: or man knows not by these outward things that is, by prosperity or adversity, whom God favours or hates, for he sends them as well to the wicked as to the godly.(:note) hatred [by] all [that is] before them.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:9:2 @ All things come alike to all: and the same condition is to the iust and to the wicked, to the good and to the pure, and to the polluted, and to him that sacrificeth, and to him that sacrificeth not: as is the good, so is the sinner, he that sweareth, as he that feareth an othe.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:9:3 @ This [is] an evil among all [things] that are done under the sun, that [there is] one (note:)In outward things, as riches and poverty, sickness and health, there is no difference between the godly and the wicked but the difference is that the godly are assured by faith of God's favour and assistance.(:note) event to all: yea, also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness [is] in their heart while they live, and after that [they go] to the dead.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:9:4 @ For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a (note:)He notes the Epicurean and carnal men, who made their body their god, and had no pleasure in this life, wishing rather to be an abased and vile person in this life, then a man of authority and so to die, which is meant by the dog and lion.(:note) living dog is better than a dead lion.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:9:5 @ For the liuing knowe that they shall dye, but the dead knowe nothing at all: neither haue they any more a rewarde: for their remembrance is forgotten.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:9:6 @ Also their loue, and their hatred, and their enuie is now perished, and they haue no more portion for euer, in all that is done vnder the sunne.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:9:7 @ Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now (note:)They flatter themselves to be in God's favour, because they have all things in abundance.(:note) accepteth thy works.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:9:8 @ Let thy garments be always (note:)Rejoice, be merry and spare for no cost, thus speak the wicked belly-gods.(:note) white; and let thy head lack no ointment.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:9:9 @ Reioyce with the wife whom thou hast loued all the dayes of the life of thy vanitie, which God hath giuen thee vnder the sunne all the dayes of thy vanitie: for this is thy portion in the life, and in thy trauaile wherein thou labourest vnder the sunne.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:9:10 @ All that thine hand shall finde to doe, doe it with all thy power: for there is neither worke nor inuention, nor knowledge, nor wisedome in the graue whither thou goest.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:9:11 @ I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race [is] not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and (note:)Thus the worldlings say to prove that all things are lawful for them and attribute that to chance and fortune which is done by the providence of God.(:note) chance happeneth to them all.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:9:12 @ For man also knoweth not his (note:)That is, he does not foresee what will come.(:note) time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so [are] the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:9:13 @ I haue also seene this wisedome vnder the sunne, and it is great vnto me.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:9:14 @ A litle citie and fewe men in it, and a great King came against it, and compassed it about, and builded fortes against it.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:9:15 @ And there was founde therein a poore and wise man, and he deliuered the citie by his wisedome: but none remembred this poore man.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:9:16 @ Then said I, Better is wisdome then stregth: yet the wisedome of the poore is despised, and his wordes are not heard.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:9:17 @ The wordes of the wise are more heard in quietnes, then the crye of him that ruleth among fooles.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:9:18 @ Better is wisedome then weapons of warre: but one sinner destroyeth much good.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:10:9 @ He that remooueth stones, shall hurt himselfe thereby, and hee that cutteth wood, shall be in danger thereby.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:11:9 @

geneva@Ecclesiastes:12:9 @ And the more wise the Preacher was, the more he taught the people knowledge, and caused them to heare, and searched foorth, and prepared many parables.

geneva@Songs:1:9 @ I have compared thee, O my love, to a company of horses in Pharaoh's (note:)For your spiritual beauty and excellency there was no worldly treasure to be compared to you.(:note) chariots.

geneva@Songs:2:9 @ My beloved is like a roe or a young hart: behold, he (note:)For as his divinity was hidden under the cloak of our flesh.(:note) standeth behind our wall, he looketh forth at the windows, gazing himself through the So that we cannot have full knowledge of him in this life. lattice.

geneva@Songs:3:9 @ King Salomon made himselfe a palace of the trees of Lebanon.

geneva@Songs:4:9 @ Thou hast ravished my heart, my (note:)Christ calls his Church sister in respect that he had taken the flesh of man.(:note) sister, [my] spouse; thou hast ravished my heart with one of thy In that he made his Church beautiful and rich, he loved his gifts in her. eyes, with one chain of thy neck.

geneva@Songs:5:9 @

geneva@Songs:6:9 @ But my doue is alone, and my vndefiled, she is the onely daughter of her mother, and shee is deare to her that bare her: the daughters haue seene her & counted her blessed: euen the Queenes and the concubines, and they haue praised her.

geneva@Songs:7:9 @ And the roufe of thy mouth like good wine, which goeth straight to my welbeloued, and causeth the lippes of the ancient to speake.

geneva@Songs:8:9 @

geneva@Isaiah:1:1 @ The (note:)That is, a revelation or prophecy, which was one of the two means by which God declared himself to his servants in old times, as in (Num_12:6) and therefore the prophets were called seers, (1Sa_9:9).(:note) vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw Isaiah was chiefly sent to Judah and Jerusalem, but not only: for in this book are prophecies concerning other nations also. concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Called also Azariah, (2Ki_15:1) of these kings read (2Ki. strkjv@14:1-21:1; 2Ch. strkjv@25:1-33:1). Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, [and] Hezekiah, kings of Judah. The Argument - God, according to his promise in (Deu_18:15) that he would never leave his Church destitute of a prophet, has from time to time accomplished the same: whose office was not only to declare to the people the things to come, of which they had a special revelation, but also to interpret and declare the law, and to apply particularly the doctrine contained briefly in it, for the use and profit of those to whom they thought it chiefly to belong, and as the time and state of things required. Principally in the declaration of the law, they had respect to three things which were the ground of their doctrine: first, to the doctrine contained briefly in the two tables: secondly to the promises and threatenings of the law: and thirdly to the covenant of grace and reconciliation grounded on our Saviour Jesus Christ, who is the end of the law. To which they neither added nor diminished, but faithfully expounded the sense and meaning of it. As God gave them understanding of things, they applied the promises particularly for the comfort of the Church and the members of it, and also denounced the menaces against the enemies of the same: not for any care or regard to the enemies, but to assure the Church of their safeguard by the destruction of their enemies. Concerning the doctrine of reconciliation, they have more clearly entreated it than Moses, and set forth more lively Jesus Christ, in whom this covenant of reconciliation was made. In all these things Isaiah surpassed all the prophets, and was diligent to set out the same, with vehement admonitions, reprehensions, and consolations: ever applying the doctrine as he saw that the disease of the people required. He declares also many notable prophecies which he had received from God, concerning the promise of the Messiah, his office and kingdom, the favour of God toward his Church, the calling of the Gentiles and their union with the Jews. Which are principal points contained in this book, and a gathering of his sermons that he preached. Which after certain days that they had stood upon the temple door (for the manner of the prophets was to post the sum of their doctrine for certain days, that the people might the better mark it as in (Isa_8:1; Hab_2:2)) the priests took it down and reserved it among their registers. By God's providence these books were preserved as a monument to the Church forever. Concerning his person and time he was of the king's stock (for Amos his father was brother to Azariah king of Judah, as the best writers agree) and prophesied more than 64 years, from the time of Uzziah to the reign of Manasseh who was his son-in-law (as the Hebrews write) and by whom he was put to death. In reading of the prophets, this one thing among others is to be observed, that they speak of things to come as though they were now past because of the certainty of it, and that they could not but come to pass, because God had ordained them in his secret counsel and so revealed them to his prophets.

geneva@Isaiah:1:9 @ Except the LORD of hosts (note:)Because he will always have a Church to call on his Name.(:note) had left to us a very small remnant, we should have been That is, all destroyed. as Sodom, we should have been like Gomorrah.

geneva@Isaiah:1:28 @ And the (note:)The wicked will not be partakers of God's promise, (Psa_92:9).(:note) destruction of the transgressors and of the sinners [shall be] together, and they that forsake the LORD shall be consumed.

geneva@Isaiah:2:9 @ And the mean man boweth down, and the great man (note:)He notes the nature of the idolaters who are never satisfied in their superstitions.(:note) humbleth himself: therefore Thus the prophet spoke being inflamed with the zeal of God's glory, and that he might fear them with God's judgment. forgive them not.

geneva@Isaiah:3:9 @ The (note:)When God examines their deed on which they now set an impudent face, he will find the mark of their impiety in their forehead.(:note) show of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide [it] not. Woe to their soul! for they have rewarded evil to themselves.

geneva@Isaiah:5:9 @ In my (note:)I have heard the complaint and cry of the poor.(:note) ears [said] the LORD of hosts, Of a truth many houses shall be desolate, [even] great and fair, without inhabitant.

geneva@Isaiah:6:9 @ And he said, Go, and tell this people, (note:)By which is declared that for the malice of man God will not immediately take away his word, but he will cause it to be preached to their condemnation, when as they will not learn by it to obey his will, and be saved: by this he exhorts the ministers to do their duty, and answers to the wicked murmurers, that through their own malice their heart is hardened, (Mat_13:14; Act_28:26; Rom_11:8).(:note) Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not.

geneva@Isaiah:7:9 @ And the head of Ephraim is Samaria, and the head of Samaria is Remaliahs sonne. If ye beleeue not, surely ye shall not be established.

geneva@Isaiah:8:9 @ Associate yourselves, O ye (note:)That is, you who are enemies to the Church, as the Assyrians, Egyptians, Syrians etc.(:note) people, and ye shall be broken in pieces; and give ear, all ye of far countries: gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces; gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces.

geneva@Isaiah:9:1 @ Nevertheless (note:)He comforts the Church again after these great threatenings promising to restore them to great glory in Messiah.(:note) the dimness [shall] not [be] such as [was] in her distress, With which Israel was punished, first by Tiglath-pilesar, which was a light scourge in respect to that which they suffered afterward by Shalmaneser, who carried the Israelites away captive. when at the first he lightly afflicted the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, and afterward did more grievously afflict [her by] the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, in Galilee of While the Jews and Gentiles dwelt together by reason of those twenty cites, which Solomon gave to Hiram. the nations.

geneva@Isaiah:9:2 @ The people that (note:)Which were in captivity in Babylon and the prophets speaks of that thing which would come to pass 60 years later as though it were now done.(:note) walked in darkness have seen a great Meaning, the comfort of their deliverance. light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the This captivity and deliverance were figures of our captivity by sin and of our deliverance by Christ through the preaching of the Gospel, (Mat_4:15-16). light shined.

geneva@Isaiah:9:3 @ Thou hast (note:)Their number was greater when they went into captivity then when they returned but their joy was greater at their return, (Hag_2:9).(:note) multiplied the nation, [and] increased the joy: they rejoice before thee according to the joy in harvest, [and] as [men] rejoice when they divide the spoil.

geneva@Isaiah:9:4 @ For thou hast broken the (note:)You gave them perfect joy by delivering them, and by destroying the tyrants, that had kept them in cruel bondage, as you delivered them by Gideon from the Midianites, (Jdg_7:21).(:note) yoke of his burden, and the staff of his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, as in the day of Midian.

geneva@Isaiah:9:5 @ For every battle of the warrior [is] with confused noise, and garments rolled in blood; but [this] shall be (note:)He speaks of the deliverance of his Church, which he has delivered miraculously from his enemies, but especially by the coming of Christ of whom he prophecies in the next verse.(:note) with burning [and] fuel of fire.

geneva@Isaiah:9:6 @ For to us a child is born, to us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting (note:)The author of eternity, and by whom the Church and every member of it will be preserved forever, and have immortal life.(:note) Father, The Prince of Peace.

geneva@Isaiah:9:7 @ Of the increase of [his] government and peace [there shall be] no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. (note:)His singular love and care for his elect.(:note) The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.

geneva@Isaiah:9:8 @ The Lord sent a word into Jacob, and it hath lighted upon (note:)This is another prophecy against them of Samaria who were mockers and contemners of God's promises and menaces.(:note) Israel.

geneva@Isaiah:9:9 @ And all the people shall knowe, euen Ephraim, and the inhabitant of Samaria, that say in the pride and presumption of the heart,

geneva@Isaiah:9:10 @ The (note:)We were but weak, when the enemy overcame us, but we will make ourselves so strong, that we will neither care for our enemies, nor fear God's threatenings.(:note) bricks have fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycamores are cut down, but we will change [them into] cedars.

geneva@Isaiah:9:11 @ Therefore the LORD shall set up the adversaries of (note:)Rezin king of Syria, who was in league with Israel, was slain by the Assyrians, after whose death, Aram that is, the Syrians were against Israel, who on the other side were assailed by the Philistines.(:note) Rezin against him, and join his enemies together;

geneva@Isaiah:9:12 @ Aram before and the Philistims behinde, and they shall deuoure Israel with open mouth: yet for all this his wrath is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

geneva@Isaiah:9:13 @ For the people turneth not vnto him that smiteth them, neither doe they seeke the Lord of hostes.

geneva@Isaiah:9:14 @ Therefore will the Lord cut off from Israel head and taile, branche and rush in one day.

geneva@Isaiah:9:15 @ The ancient and the honorable man, he is the head: and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the taile.

geneva@Isaiah:9:16 @ For the leaders of the people cause them to erre: and they that are led by them are deuoured.

geneva@Isaiah:9:17 @ Therefore shall the Lord haue no pleasure in their yong men, neither will he haue compassion of their fatherlesse and of their widowes: for euery one is an hypocrite and wicked, and euery mouth speaketh follie: yet for all this his wrath is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out stil.

geneva@Isaiah:9:18 @ For wickedness (note:)Wickedness as a bellows kindles the fire of God's wrath which consumes all his obstinate enemies.(:note) burneth as the fire: it shall devour the briers and thorns, and shall kindle in the thickets of the forest, and they shall mount up [like] the rising of smoke.

geneva@Isaiah:9:19 @ Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts is the land darkened, and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire: no man shall (note:)Though there was no foreign enemy, yet they will destroy one another.(:note) spare his brother.

geneva@Isaiah:9:20 @ And he shall snatch on the right hand, and be hungry; and he shall eat on the left hand, and they shall not be satisfied: they shall eat every man the (note:)Their greediness will be insatiable, so that one brother will eat up another, as though he should eat his own flesh.(:note) flesh of his own arm:

geneva@Isaiah:9:21 @ Manasseh, Ephraim: and Ephraim Manasseh, and they both shall be against Iudah yet for all this his wrath is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

geneva@Isaiah:10:9 @ [Is] not Calno as (note:)Seeing that I have overcome one city as well as another, so that none could resist, shall Jerusalem be able to escape my hands?(:note) Carchemish? [is] not Hamath as Arpad? [is] not Samaria as Damascus?

geneva@Isaiah:11:9 @ They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as (note:)It will be in as great abundance as the waters in the sea.(:note) the waters cover the sea.

geneva@Isaiah:13:9 @ Beholde, the day of the Lorde commeth, cruel, with wrath and fierce anger to lay the land wast: and he shall destroy the sinners out of it.

geneva@Isaiah:14:9 @ Hell from beneath is moved for thee to (note:)As though they feared, lest you should trouble the dead, as you did the living and here he derides the proud tyranny of the wicked, who know not that all creatures wish their destruction, that they may rejoice.(:note) meet [thee] at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, [even] all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations.

geneva@Isaiah:15:9 @ For the waters of Dimon shall be full (note:)Of them who are slain.(:note) of blood: for I will bring more upon Dimon, lions So that by no means would they escape the hand of God: thus will God punish the enemies of his Church. upon him that escapeth of Moab, and upon the remnant of the land.

geneva@Isaiah:16:9 @ Therefore I will (note:)He shows that their plague was so great that it would have moved any man to lament with them, as in (Psa_141:5).(:note) bewail with the weeping of Jazer the vine of Sibmah: I will water thee with my tears, O Heshbon, and Elealeh: for the shouting for thy summer fruits and for thy The enemies are come upon you, and shout for joy when they carry your conveniences from you as in (Jer_48:33). harvest is fallen.

geneva@Isaiah:17:9 @ In that day shall his strong cities be as a forsaken bough, and an uppermost branch, which (note:)As the Canaanites left their cities when God placed the Israelites there, so the cities of Israel will not be able to defend their inhabitants any more than bushes, when God will send the enemy to plague them.(:note) they left because of the children of Israel: and there shall be desolation.

geneva@Isaiah:19:9 @ Moreouer, they that worke in flaxe of diuers sortes, shall be confounded, and they that weaue nettes.

geneva@Isaiah:21:9 @ And, behold, here cometh a chariot of men, [with] a couple of horsemen. And (note:)The watchman whom Isaiah set up, told him who came toward Babylon, and the angel declared that it would be destroyed: all this was done in a vision.(:note) he answered and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen; and all the graven images of her gods he hath broken to the ground.

geneva@Isaiah:22:9 @ Ye have seen also (note:)You forfeited the ruinous places which were neglected in times of peace: meaning, the whole City, and the City of David, which was within the compass of the other.(:note) the breaches of the city of David, that they are many: and ye gathered together the waters of the lower pool.

geneva@Isaiah:22:23 @ And I will fasten him [as] a (note:)I will establish him, and confirm him in his office, of this phrase read (Ezr_9:9).(:note) nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father's house.

geneva@Isaiah:23:9 @ The Lorde of hostes hath decreed this, to staine the pride of all glorie, and to bring to contempt all them that be glorious in the earth.

geneva@Isaiah:24:2 @ And it shall be, as with the people, so with the (note:)Because this was a name of dignity it was also applied to them who were not of Aaron's family, and so signifies also a man of dignity, as in (2Sa_8:18; 2Sa_20:25; 1Ch_18:17) and by these words the prophet signifies a horrible confusion, where there will be neither religion, order nor policy, (Hos_4:9).(:note) priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest to him.

geneva@Isaiah:24:9 @ They shall not drinke wine with mirth: strong drinke shall be bitter to them that drinke it.

geneva@Isaiah:25:9 @ And in that day shall men say, Loe, this is our God: we haue waited for him, and he wil saue vs. This is the Lorde, we haue waited for him: we will reioyce and be ioyfull in his saluation.

geneva@Isaiah:26:9 @ With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when thy judgments [are] in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn (note:)Meaning that by afflictions men will learn to fear God.(:note) righteousness.

geneva@Isaiah:27:9 @ By this therefore shall the iniquity of Jacob be purged; and this [is] all the (note:)He shows that there is no true repentance nor full reconciliation to God, till the heart is purged from all idolatry and the monuments of it are destroyed.(:note) fruit to take away his sin; when he maketh all the stones of the altar as chalkstones that are beaten asunder, the idols and images shall not stand up.

geneva@Isaiah:28:9 @

geneva@Isaiah:28:13 @ But the word of the (note:)Because they will not receive the word of God, when it is offered, it comes of their own malice, if after their hearts are so hardened, that they care not for it, as before, (Isa_6:9).(:note) LORD was to them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, [and] there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.

geneva@Isaiah:29:9 @

geneva@Isaiah:30:9 @ That this [is] a rebellious people, lying children, children [that] will not (note:)He shows what was the cause of their destruction and brings also all misery to man: that is, because they would not hear the word of God, but delighted to be flattered and led in error.(:note) hear the law of the LORD:

geneva@Isaiah:31:9 @ And he shall pass over to his (note:)This was accomplished soon after when Sennacherib's army was discomfited, and he fled to his castle in Nineveh for comfort.(:note) strong hold for fear, and his princes shall be afraid of the ensign, saith the LORD, whose To destroy his enemies. fire [is] in Zion, and his furnace in Jerusalem.

geneva@Isaiah:32:3 @ And the eyes of (note:)He promises to give the true light which is the pure doctrine of God's word, and understanding, and zeal of the same, are contrary to the threatenings against the wicked, (Isa_6:9, Isa_29:10).(:note) them that see shall not be dim, and the ears of them that hear shall hearken.

geneva@Isaiah:32:9 @ Rise up, ye women that are at ease; hear my voice, ye (note:)He prophecies of such calamity to come that they will not spare the women and children, and therefore wills them to take heed and provide.(:note) careless daughters; give ear to my speech.

geneva@Isaiah:33:9 @ The earth mourneth [and] languisheth: Lebanon is ashamed [and] hewn down: (note:)Which was a plentiful country, meaning, that Sennacherib would destroy all.(:note) Sharon is like a wilderness; and Bashan and Carmel shake off [their fruits].

geneva@Isaiah:34:9 @ And its streams shall be turned into pitch, and its dust into (note:)He alludes to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, (Gen_19:24).(:note) brimstone, and its land shall become burning pitch.

geneva@Isaiah:35:9 @ No lion shall be there, nor [any] (note:)As he threatens the wicked with destruction by this, (Isa_30:6).(:note) ravenous beast shall go up on it, it shall not be found there; but the redeemed shall walk [there]:

geneva@Isaiah:36:9 @ How then wilt thou turn away the face of one captain of the (note:)He reproaches Hezekiah's small power, which is not able to resist one of Sennacherib's least captains.(:note) least of my master's servants, and put thy trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen?

geneva@Isaiah:37:9 @ He heard also men say of Tirhakah, King of Ethiopia, Beholde, he is come out to fight against thee: and when he heard it, he sent other messengers to Hezekiah, saying,

geneva@Isaiah:38:9 @

geneva@Isaiah:40:9 @ O Zion, that bringest good tidings, go up upon the high (note:)To publish this benefit through all the world.(:note) mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift [it] up, be not afraid; say to the cities of Judah, Behold He shows in one word the perfection of all man's happiness, which is to have God's presence. your God!

geneva@Isaiah:41:9 @ For I haue taken thee from the endes of the earth, and called thee before the chiefe thereof, and saide vnto thee, Thou art my seruant: I haue chosen thee, and not cast thee away.

geneva@Isaiah:42:9 @ Behold, the former things have (note:)As in time past I have been true in my promises, so will I be in time to come.(:note) come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.

geneva@Isaiah:43:3 @ For I [am] the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave (note:)I turned Sennacherib's power against these countries, and made them suffer the affliction which you would have done, and so were as the payment of our ransom, (Isa_37:9).(:note) Egypt [for] thy ransom, Cush and Seba for thee.

geneva@Isaiah:43:9 @ Let all the nations be gathered (note:)Signifying that no power can resist him in doing this miraculous work, nor are all their idols able to do the same, as in (Isa_41:22).(:note) together, and let the people be assembled: who among them can declare this, and show us former things? let them bring forth their To prove that the things which are spoken of them are true. witnesses, that they may be justified: or let them Showing that the malice of the wicked hinders them in the knowledge of the truth, because they will not hear when God speaks by his word. hear, and say, [It is] truth.

geneva@Isaiah:44:9 @ They that make a graven image [are] all of them vanity; and (note:)Whatever they bestow on their idols, to make them seem glorious.(:note) their delectable things shall not profit; and they [are] their own witnesses; That is, the idolaters seeing that their idols are blind, are witnesses of their own blindness, and feeling that they are not able to help them, must confess that they have no power. they see not, nor know; that they may be ashamed.

geneva@Isaiah:45:9 @

geneva@Isaiah:46:9 @ Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none other God, and there is nothing like me,

geneva@Isaiah:47:9 @ But these two [things] shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come upon thee in their (note:)So that your punishment will be so great, as is possible to be imagined.(:note) perfection for the multitude of thy sorceries, [and] for the great abundance of thy enchantments.

geneva@Isaiah:48:9 @ For my name's sake will I defer my anger, and for my praise will I refrain for thee, (note:)As it was my free mercy that I chose you: so it is my free mercy that must save you.(:note) that I cut thee not off.

geneva@Isaiah:49:9 @ That thou mayest say to the (note:)To them who are in the prison of sin and death.(:note) prisoners, Go forth; to them that [are] in darkness, Show yourselves. They shall feed in the ways, and their Being in Christ's protection, they will be safe against all dangers, and free from fear of the enemies. pastures [shall be] in all high places.

geneva@Isaiah:50:9 @ Beholde, the Lord God will helpe me: who is he that can condemne me? loe, they shall waxe olde as a garment: the mothe shall eate them vp.

geneva@Isaiah:51:9 @ Awake, awake, put on thy strength, O arm of the LORD; awake, as in the ancient days, (note:)He puts them in remembrance of his great benefit for their deliverance out of Egypt, that by it they might learn to trust in him constantly.(:note) in the generations of old. [Art] thou not that which hath cut Meaning, Egypt, (Psa_87:4). Rahab, [and] wounded the That is, Pharaoh, (Eze_29:3). dragon?

geneva@Isaiah:52:9 @ O ye desolate places of Ierusalem, bee glad and reioyce together: for the Lorde hath comforted his people: he hath redeemed Ierusalem.

geneva@Isaiah:53:8 @ He was taken from (note:)From the cross and grave, after that he was condemned.(:note) prison and from judgment: Though he died for sin, yet after his resurrection he will live forever and this his death is to restore life to his members, (Rom_6:9). and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off from the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.

geneva@Isaiah:53:9 @

geneva@Isaiah:54:9 @ For this [is as] the (note:)As sure as the promise that I made to Noah, that the waters would no longer overflow the earth.(:note) waters of Noah to me: for [as] I have sworn that the waters of Noah shall no more overflow the earth; so have I sworn that I will not be angry with thee, nor rebuke thee.

geneva@Isaiah:55:9 @ For as ye heauens are higher then the earth, so are my wayes higher then your wayes, and my thoughtes aboue your thoughts.

geneva@Isaiah:56:9 @ All ye (note:)Meaning, the enemies of the Church, as the Babylonians, Assyrians, etc thus he speaks to scare the hypocrites and to assure the faithful that when this comes they may know it was told to them before.(:note) beasts of the field, come to devour, [yea], all ye beasts in the forest.

geneva@Isaiah:57:8 @ Behind the (note:)Instead of setting up the word of God in the open places on the posts and doors to have it in remembrance, (Deu_6:9, Deu_27:1) you have set up signs and marks of your idolatry in every place.(:note) doors also and the door posts hast thou set up thy remembrance: for thou hast uncovered [thyself to another] than me, and hast gone up; thou hast That is, increased your idolatry more and more. enlarged thy bed, and made thee [a covenant] with them; thou didst love their bed where thou sawest [it].

geneva@Isaiah:57:9 @ And thou wentest (note:)You sought the favour of the Assyrians by gifts and presents to help you against the Egyptians and when they failed you sought the Babylonians, and more and more tormented yourself.(:note) to the king with ointment, and didst increase thy perfumes, and didst send thy messengers far off, and didst debase [thyself even] to hell.

geneva@Isaiah:58:9 @ Then shalt thou call, and the LORD shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I [am]. If thou shalt take away from the midst of thee the yoke, the putting forth of the (note:)By which is meant all manner of injury.(:note) finger, and speaking vanity;

geneva@Isaiah:59:9 @ Therefore is (note:)That is, God's vengeance to punish our enemies.(:note) judgment far from us, neither doth God's protection to defend us. justice overtake us: we wait for light, but behold obscurity; for brightness, [but] we walk in darkness.

geneva@Isaiah:60:9 @ Surely the isles shall wait for me, and the ships (note:)The Gentiles that are now enemies, will become friends and set forth the Church.(:note) of Tarshish first, to bring thy sons from far, their silver and their gold with them, to the name of the LORD thy God, and to the Holy One of Israel, because he hath glorified thee.

geneva@Isaiah:61:6 @ But ye shall be named the (note:)This is accomplished in the time of Christ, by whom all the faithful are made priests and kings, (1Pe_2:9; Rev_1:6, Rev_5:10).(:note) Priests of the LORD: [men] shall call you the Ministers of our God: ye shall eat the Read (Isa_60:11, Isa_60:16). riches of the Gentiles, and in their glory shall ye boast yourselves.

geneva@Isaiah:61:9 @ And (note:)That is, of the Church.(:note) their seed shall be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people: all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they [are] the seed [which] the LORD hath blessed.

geneva@Isaiah:62:9 @ But they that haue gathered it, shall eate it, and prayse the Lorde, and the gatherers thereof shal drinke it in the courtes of my Sanctuarie.

geneva@Isaiah:62:11 @ Behold, the LORD hath proclaimed to the end of the world, (note:)You prophets and ministers show the people of this their deliverance: which was chiefly meant of our salvation by Christ, (Zec_9:9; Mat_21:5).(:note) Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy salvation cometh; behold, his reward [is] with him, and He will have all power to bring his purpose to pass, as in (Isa_40:10). his work before him.

geneva@Isaiah:63:9 @ In all their affliction he was (note:)He bore their afflictions and griefs as though they had been his own.(:note) afflicted, and the angel Which was a witness of God's presence, and this may be referred to Christ, to whom belongs the office of salvation. of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bore them, and carried them all the days of old.

geneva@Isaiah:64:4 @ For since the beginning of the world [men] have not (note:)Paul uses the same kind of admiration, (1Co_2:9) marvelling at God's great benefit showed to his Church, by the preaching of the gospel.(:note) heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, besides thee, [what] he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.

geneva@Isaiah:64:9 @ Be not very angry, O LORD, (note:)For so the flesh judges when God does not immediately send comfort.(:note) neither remember iniquity for ever: behold, see, we beseech thee, we [are] all thy people.

geneva@Isaiah:65:9 @ But I will bring a seede out of Iaakob, and out of Iudah, that shal inherit my mountaine: and mine elect shall inherit it, and my seruants shall dwell there.

geneva@Isaiah:66:9 @ Shall I (note:)Declaring by this that as by his power and providence women travailed and delivered so he gives power to bring forth the Church at his appointed time.(:note) bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the LORD: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut [the womb]? saith thy God.

geneva@Jeremiah:1:9 @ Then the LORD put forth his hand, and (note:)Which declares that God makes them meet and assures them, whom he calls to set forth his glory, giving them all means necessary for the same, (Exo_4:12; Isa_6:7).(:note) touched my mouth. And the LORD said to me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth.

geneva@Jeremiah:2:9 @ Wherefore I will yet (note:)Signifying that he would not as he might, straightway condemn them, but shows them by evident examples their great ingratitude that they might be ashamed and repent.(:note) plead with you, saith the LORD, and with your children's children will I plead.

geneva@Jeremiah:2:19 @ Thy own wickedness shall (note:)Meaning, that the wicked are insensible, till the punishment for their sin waken them as in (Jer_2:26; Isa_3:9).(:note) correct thee, and thy backslidings shall reprove thee: know therefore and see that [it is] an evil [thing] and bitter, that thou hast forsaken the LORD thy God, and that my fear [is] not in thee, saith the Lord GOD of hosts.

geneva@Jeremiah:3:9 @ And it came to pass through the (note:)The Hebrew word may either signify lightness and wantonness, or noise and brute.(:note) lightness of her harlotry, that she defiled the land, and committed adultery with stones and with trees.

geneva@Jeremiah:4:9 @ And it shall come to pass at that day, saith the LORD, [that] the heart of the king shall perish, and the heart of the princes; and the priests shall be astonished, and the (note:)That is, the false prophets who still prophesied peace and security.(:note) prophets shall wonder.

geneva@Jeremiah:4:10 @ Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly (note:)By the false prophets who promised peace and tranquillity: and thus you have punished their rebellious stubbornness by causing them to hearken to lies who would not believe your truth, (1Ki_22:23; Eze_14:9; 2Th_2:11).(:note) deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall have peace; though the sword reacheth to the soul.

geneva@Jeremiah:5:9 @ Shall I not visite for these things, saith the Lorde? Shall not my soule be auenged on such a nation as this?

geneva@Jeremiah:6:9 @ Thus saith the LORD of hosts, They shall thoroughly glean the remnant of Israel as a vine: turn (note:)He exhorts the Babylonians to be diligent to search out all and to leave none.(:note) back thy hand as a grapegatherer into the baskets.

geneva@Jeremiah:7:9 @ Will you steale, murder, and commit adulterie, and sweare falsely and burne incense vnto Baal, and walke after other gods whome yee knowe not?

geneva@Jeremiah:8:9 @ The (note:)They who seem wise may be ashamed of their ignorance for all wisdom consists in God's word.(:note) wise [men] are ashamed, they are dismayed and taken: lo, they have rejected the word of the LORD; and what wisdom [is] in them?

geneva@Jeremiah:9:1 @ O that my head were (note:)The prophet shows the great compassion that he had toward this people, seeing that he could never sufficiently lament the destruction that he saw to hang over them, which is a special note to discern the true pastors from the hirelings. {{See Jer_4:19}}(:note) waters, and my eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people!

geneva@Jeremiah:9:2 @ O that I had in the wilderness a (note:)He shows that there was more peace and greater safety for him to dwell among the wild beasts than among this wicked people except that God has given him this charge.(:note) lodging place of wayfaring men; that I might leave my people, and go from them! for they [are] all Utterly turned from God. adulterers, an assembly of treacherous men.

geneva@Jeremiah:9:3 @ And they bend their tongues [like] their bow [for] (note:)To belie and slander their neighbours.(:note) lies: but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they know not me, saith the LORD.

geneva@Jeremiah:9:4 @ Take ye heed every one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any (note:)Meaning, that all were corrupt, and none could find an honest man.(:note) brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbour will walk with slanders.

geneva@Jeremiah:9:5 @ And they will deceive every one his neighbour, and will not speak the truth: they (note:)They have so practised deceit, that they cannot forsake it.(:note) have taught their tongue to speak lies, [and] weary themselves to commit iniquity.

geneva@Jeremiah:9:6 @ Thy habitation [is] in the midst of deceit; (note:)They would rather have forsaken God than left their wicked trade.(:note) through deceit they refuse to know me, saith the LORD.

geneva@Jeremiah:9:7 @ Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts, Behold, I will (note:)With the fire of affliction.(:note) melt them, and try them; for how shall I do for the daughter of my people?

geneva@Jeremiah:9:8 @ Their tongue is as an arow shot out, and speaketh deceite: one speaketh peaceably to his neighbour with his mouth, but in his heart hee layeth waite for him.

geneva@Jeremiah:9:9 @ Shal I not visit them for these things, saith the Lorde? Or shall not my soule be auenged on such a nation as this?

geneva@Jeremiah:9:10 @ For the (note:)Signifying that all the places about Jerusalem would be destroyed.(:note) mountains will I take up a weeping and wailing, and for the habitations of the wilderness a lamentation, because they are burned up, so that none can pass through [them]; neither can [men] hear the voice of the cattle; both the fowl of the heavens and the beast have fled; they are gone.

geneva@Jeremiah:9:11 @ And I wil make Ierusalem an heape, and a den of dragons, & I will make the cities of Iudah waste, without an inhabitant.

geneva@Jeremiah:9:12 @ Who [is] the (note:)Meaning that they are all without sense and understanding and that God has taken his spirit from them.(:note) wise man, that may understand this? and [who is he] to whom the mouth of the LORD hath spoken, that he may declare it, for what the land perisheth [and] is burned up like a wilderness, that none passeth through?

geneva@Jeremiah:9:13 @ And the Lorde sayeth, Because they haue forsaken my Lawe, which I set before them, and haue not obeyed my voice, neither walked thereafter,

geneva@Jeremiah:9:14 @ But have walked after the imagination of their own heart, and after Baalim, which (note:)He shows that the children cannot excuse themselves by their fathers: for both father and child if they are wicked will perish.(:note) their fathers taught them:

geneva@Jeremiah:9:15 @ Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will feed them, [even] this people, with wormwood, and give them water of gall (note:)Read (Jer_8:14).(:note) to drink.

geneva@Jeremiah:9:16 @ I wil scatter them also among the heathen, whom neither they nor their fathers haue knowen, and I will send a sworde after them, til I haue consumed them.

geneva@Jeremiah:9:17 @ Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Consider ye, and call for (note:)Seeing you cannot lament your own sins, call for those foolish women, whom of a superstition you have to lament for the dead, that they by their feigned tears may provoke you to some sorrow.(:note) the skilful women, that they may come; and send for skilful [women], that they may come:

geneva@Jeremiah:9:18 @ And let them make haste, & let them take vp a lamentation for vs, that our eyes may cast out teares & our eye liddes gush out of water.

geneva@Jeremiah:9:19 @ For a voice of wailing is heard out of Zion, How are we laid waste! we are greatly confounded, because we have forsaken the land, because our dwellings (note:)As though they were weary of us, because of our iniquities, (Lev_18:28, Lev_20:22).(:note) have cast [us] out.

geneva@Jeremiah:9:20 @ Yet hear the word of the LORD, O ye women, and let your ear receive the word of his mouth, and (note:)He derides the superstition of the women who made an art of mourning, and taught to weep with feigned tears.(:note) teach your daughters wailing, and every one her neighbour lamentation.

geneva@Jeremiah:9:21 @ For death hath come up into our (note:)Signifying that there is no means to deliver the wicked from God's judgments: but when they think to be most sure, and most far off, then they are soonest taken.(:note) windows, [and] hath entered into our palaces, to cut off the children from outside, [and] the young men from the streets.

geneva@Jeremiah:9:22 @ Speake, thus sayth the Lorde, The carkeises of men shall lye, euen as the doung vpon the fielde, and as the handfull after the mower, and none shal gather them.

geneva@Jeremiah:9:23 @ Thus saith the LORD, Let not the (note:)As none can save himself by his own labour, or any worldly means, he shows that it is vain to put our trust in it, but that we trust in the Lord, and rejoice in him, who only can deliver.(:note) wise [man] glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty [man] glory in his might, let not the rich [man] glory in his riches:

geneva@Jeremiah:9:24 @ But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I [am] the LORD who (note:)These three points are necessary to know correctly his mercy, in which consists our salvation: his judgment, which he executes continually against the wicked, and his justice, by which he defends and maintains the faithful.(:note) exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these [things] I delight, saith the LORD.

geneva@Jeremiah:9:25 @ Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will punish all [them who are] (note:)Meaning, both Jews and Gentiles, as in this next verse he shows the cause, (Jer_4:4).(:note) circumcised with the uncircumcised;

geneva@Jeremiah:9:26 @ Egypt and Iudah, and Edom, and the children of Ammon, and Moab, and all the vtmost corners of them that dwell in the wildernesse: for all these nations are vncircumcised, & al the house of Israel are vncircumcised in the heart.

geneva@Jeremiah:10:2 @ Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the nations, and be not dismayed at the (note:)God forbids his people to give credit or fear the constellations and conjunctions of stars and planets which have no power of themselves but are governed by him, and their secret motions and influences are not known to man and therefore there can be no certain judgment of it, (Deu_18:9).(:note) signs of heaven; for the nations are dismayed at them.

geneva@Jeremiah:10:9 @ Silver beaten into plates is brought from Tarshish, and gold (note:)Where they found the best gold; showing that they thought nothing too dear for their idols, some read Ophir as in (1Ki_9:28).(:note) from Uphaz, the work of the craftsman, and of the hands of the goldsmith: blue and purple [is] their clothing: they [are] all the work of skilful [men].

geneva@Jeremiah:10:16 @ The (note:)By these words, portion and rod, he signifies their inheritance, meaning that God would be all sufficient for them: and that their happiness consisted in him alone, and therefore they ought to renounce all other help and comfort as of idols, etc. (Deu_32:9; Psa_16:5).(:note) portion of Jacob [is] not like them: for he [is] the former of all [things]; and Israel [is] the rod of his inheritance: The LORD of hosts [is] his name.

geneva@Jeremiah:11:9 @ And the LORD said to me, A (note:)That is, general consent to rebel against me.(:note) conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

geneva@Jeremiah:12:9 @ My heritage [is] to me [as] a (note:)Instead of bearing my livery and wearing only my colours, they have change and diversity of colours of their idols and superstitions therefore their enemies as thick as the fowls of the air will come about them to destroy them.(:note) speckled bird, the birds around [are] against her; come ye, assemble all the beasts of the field, come to devour.

geneva@Jeremiah:13:9 @ Thus sayth the Lord, After this maner will I destroy the pride of Iudah, and the great pride of Ierusalem.

geneva@Jeremiah:14:9 @ Why shouldest thou be as a man astonished, as (note:)That takes no care for us.(:note) a mighty man [that] cannot save? yet thou, O LORD, [art] in the midst of us, and we are called by thy name; leave us not.

geneva@Jeremiah:15:9 @ She that hath borne (note:)She who had many lost all her children.(:note) seven languisheth: she hath breathed her last; her sun is She was destroyed in the midst of her prosperity. gone down while [it was] yet day: she hath been ashamed and confounded: and the remnant of them will I deliver to the sword before their enemies, saith the LORD.

geneva@Jeremiah:16:9 @ For thus sayth the Lord of hostes, the God of Israel, Beholde, I wil cause to cease out of this place in your eyes, euen in your dayes the voyce of myrth, and the voyce of gladnes, the voyce of the bridegrome and the voyce of the bride.

geneva@Jeremiah:17:9 @

geneva@Jeremiah:18:4 @ And the vessel that he made of (note:)As the potter has power over the clay to make what pot he will, or to break them, when he has made them: so have I power over you to do with you as seems good to me, (Isa_45:9; Rom_9:20-21).(:note) clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make [it].

geneva@Jeremiah:18:9 @ And I wil speake suddenly concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdome to builde it and to plant it.

geneva@Jeremiah:19:9 @ And I will feede the with the flesh of their sonnes and with the flesh of their daughters, and euery one shall eate the flesh of his friende in the siege and straitnes, wherewith their enemies that seeke their liues, shall hold them strait.

geneva@Jeremiah:20:9 @ Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speake any more in his Name. But his worde was in mine heart as a burning fire shut vp in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.

geneva@Jeremiah:21:9 @ He that abideth in this city shall die by the sword, and by the famine, and by the pestilence: but he that goeth out, and falleth to the Chaldeans that besiege you, he shall live, and his life shall be to him for a (note:)As a thing recovered from extreme danger, (Jer_37:2, Jer_39:18, Jer_45:5).(:note) prize.

geneva@Jeremiah:22:9 @ Then shall they answere, Because they haue forsaken the couenant of the Lorde their God, & worshipped other gods, and serued them.

geneva@Jeremiah:23:9 @ My heart within me is broken because of the (note:)Meaning, the false prophets who deceive the people: in which appears his great love toward his nation, read (Jer_14:13).(:note) prophets; all my bones shake; I am like a drunken man, and like a man whom wine hath overcome, because of the LORD, and because of the words of his holiness.

geneva@Jeremiah:24:9 @ I will euen giue them for a terrible plague to all the kingdomes of the earth, and for a reproche, and for a prouerbe, for a common talke, and for a curse, in all places where I shall cast them.

geneva@Jeremiah:25:9 @ Behold, I will send and take all the (note:)The Chaldeans and all their power.(:note) families of the north, saith the LORD, and Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, my So the wicked and Satan himself are God's servants, because he makes them serve him by constraint and turns that which they do out of malice to his honour and glory. servant, and will bring them against this land, and against its inhabitants, and against all these nations As the Philistines, Ammonites, Egyptians and others. around, and will utterly destroy them, and make them an horror, and an hissing, and perpetual desolations.

geneva@Jeremiah:26:9 @ Why hast thou prophesied in the name of the LORD, saying, (note:)Because of God's promises to the temple, (Psa_132:14) that he would forever remain there, hypocrites thought this temple could never perish and therefore thought it blasphemy to speak against it, (Mat_26:61; Act_6:13) not considering that this was meant of the Church where God will remain forever.(:note) This house shall be like Shiloh, and this city shall be desolate without an inhabitant? And all the people were gathered against Jeremiah in the house of the LORD.

geneva@Jeremiah:27:6 @ And now have I given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, my (note:)Read (Jer_25:9).(:note) servant; and the beasts of the field have I given him also to serve him.

geneva@Jeremiah:27:9 @ Therefore heare not your prophets nor your southsayers, nor your dreamers, nor your inchanters, nor your sorcerers, which say vnto you thus, Ye shall not serue the King of Babel.

geneva@Jeremiah:28:9 @ And the Prophet which prophecieth of peace, when the word of the Prophet shall come to passe, then shall the Prophet be knowen that the Lorde hath truely sent him.

geneva@Jeremiah:29:9 @ For they prophecie you a lie in my Name: I haue not sent them, saith the Lorde.

geneva@Jeremiah:30:9 @ But they shall serve the LORD their God, and (note:)That is, Messiah who would come of the stock of David according to the flesh and would be the true pastor, (Eze_34:23) who is set forth and his kingdom would be everlasting in the person of David, (Hos_3:5).(:note) David their king, whom I will raise up to them.

geneva@Jeremiah:31:9 @ They shall come with (note:)That is, lamenting their sins which had not given ear to the prophets and therefore it follows that God received them to mercy, (Jer_50:4). Some take it that they should weep for joy.(:note) weeping, and with supplications will I lead them: I will cause them to walk by the rivers of Where they found no impediments, but abundance of all things. waters in a straight way, in which they shall not stumble: for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim [is] That is, my dearly beloved as the first child is to the father. my firstborn.

geneva@Jeremiah:32:9 @ And I bought the field of Hanameel my uncle's son, that [was] in Anathoth, and weighed him the money, [even] seventeen (note:)Which amounts to about ten shillings six pence in our money if this shekel were the common shekel, {{See Gen_23:15}}, for the shekel of the temple was of double value, and ten pieces of silver were half a shekel, for twenty made the shekel.(:note) shekels of silver.

geneva@Jeremiah:33:9 @ And it shall be to me a name of (note:)By which he shows that the Church in which is remission of sins, is God's honour and glory, so that whoever is enemy to it, labours to dishonour God.(:note) joy, a praise and an honour before all the nations of the earth, which shall hear all the good that I do to them: and they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness and for all the prosperity that I procure to it.

geneva@Jeremiah:34:9 @ That every man should release his male (note:)According to the law, (Exo_21:2; Deu_15:12).(:note) servant, and every man his female servant, [being] a Hebrew man or woman; that none should retain them in service, [that is], a Jew his brother.

geneva@Jeremiah:35:9 @ Neither builde wee houses for vs to dwell in, neither haue we vineyard, nor fielde, nor seede,

geneva@Jeremiah:36:9 @ And it came to pass in the fifth (note:)The fast was then proclaimed and Baruch read this rule which was a little before Jerusalem was first taken, and then Jehoiakim and Daniel and his companions were led away captive.(:note) year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, in the ninth month, [that] they proclaimed a fast before the LORD to all the people in Jerusalem, and to all the people that came from the cities of Judah to Jerusalem.

geneva@Jeremiah:37:9 @ Thus sayth the Lorde, Deceiue not your selues, saying, The Caldeans shall surely depart from vs: for they shal not depart.

geneva@Jeremiah:38:2 @ Thus saith the LORD, He that remaineth in this city shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence: but he that goeth forth to the Chaldeans shall live; for he shall have his life for (note:)Read (Jer_21:9, Jer_45:5).(:note) a prize, and shall live.

geneva@Jeremiah:38:9 @ My lord the king, (note:)By this is declared that the prophet found more favour at this strangers hands, than he did by all them of his country, which was to their great condemnation.(:note) these men have done evil in all that they have done to Jeremiah the prophet, whom they have cast into the dungeon; and he is certain to die from hunger in the place where he is: for [there is] no more bread in the city.

geneva@Jeremiah:39:9 @ Then Nebuzar-adan the chiefe stewarde caried away captiue into Babel the remnant of the people, that remained in the citie, and those that were fled and fallen vnto him, with the rest of the people that remained.

geneva@Jeremiah:40:9 @ And Gedaliah the sonne of Ahikam, the sonne of Shaphan sware vnto them, and to their men, saying, Feare not to serue the Caldeans: dwell in the lande, and serue the King of Babel, and it shall be well with you.

geneva@Jeremiah:41:9 @ Now the pit into which Ishmael had cast all the dead bodies of the men, whom he had slain because of Gedaliah, [was] that which Asa the king had (note:)Asa fortified Mizpah for fear of the enemy, and dug ditches and trenches, (1Ki_15:22).(:note) made for fear of Baasha king of Israel: [and] Ishmael the son of Nethaniah filled it with [them that were] slain.

geneva@Jeremiah:42:9 @ And saide vnto them, Thus saith the Lorde God of Israel, vnto whom ye sent me to present your prayers before him,

geneva@Jeremiah:43:9 @ Take great stones in thy hand, and (note:)Which signified that Nebuchadnezzar would come even to the gates of Pharaoh, where his brick kilns for his buildings were.(:note) hide them in the clay in the brickkiln, which [is] at the entrance of Pharaoh's house in Tahpanhes, in the sight of the men of Judah;

geneva@Jeremiah:43:10 @ And say to them, Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will send and take Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, (note:)Read (Jer_25:9).(:note) my servant, and will set his throne upon these stones that I have hid; and he shall spread his royal pavilion over them.

geneva@Jeremiah:44:9 @ Have ye forgotten the wickedness of your fathers, and the wickedness of the (note:)He shows that we ought to keep in memory God's plagues from the beginning that considering them, we might live in his fear, and know if he did not spare our fathers, yea kings, princes, rulers and also whole countries and nations for their sins that we vile worms cannot look to escape punishment for ours.(:note) kings of Judah, and the wickedness of their wives, and your own wickedness, and the wickedness of your wives, which they have committed in the land of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem?

geneva@Jeremiah:45:1 @ The word that Jeremiah the prophet spoke to (note:)Who was Jeremiah's disciple, and wrote his prophecies under him.(:note) Baruch the son of Neriah, when he had written these Of which read (Jer_36:9-10). words in a book from the mouth of Jeremiah, in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, saying,

geneva@Jeremiah:45:5 @ And seekest (note:)«Do you think to have honour and credit?» in which he shows his infirmity.(:note) thou great things for thyself? seek [them] not: for, behold, I will bring evil upon all flesh, saith the LORD: but thy life will I give to thee for Read (Jer_21:9). a prize in all places where thou goest.

geneva@Jeremiah:46:9 @ Come up, ye horses; and rage, ye chariots; and let the mighty men come forth; (note:)For these nations took part with the Egyptians.(:note) the Cushites and the Libyans, that handle the shield; and the Lydians, that handle [and] bend the bow.

geneva@Jeremiah:46:21 @ Also her hired men (note:)As in (Jer_46:9).(:note) [are] in the midst of her like fatted bulls; for they also have turned back, [and] have fled away together: they did not stand, because the day of their calamity had come upon them, [and] the time of their judgment.

geneva@Jeremiah:48:9 @ Giue wings vnto Moab, that it may flee and get away: for the cities thereof shalbe desolate, without any to dwell therein.

geneva@Jeremiah:49:9 @ If (note:)Meaning that God would utterly destroy them and not spare one, though the grape gatherers leave some grapes, and thieves seek but till they have enough, (Oba_1:5).(:note) grapegatherers come to thee, would they not leave [some] gleaning grapes? if thieves by night, they will destroy till they have enough.

geneva@Jeremiah:50:4 @ In those days, and in that time, saith the LORD, the children of Israel shall (note:)When Cyrus will take Babel.(:note) come, they and the children of Judah together, going and Read (Jer_31:9). weeping: they shall go, and seek the LORD their God.

geneva@Jeremiah:50:9 @ For loe, I will raise, and cause to come vp against Babel a multitude of mightie natios from the North countrey, and they shall set themselues in aray against her, whereby shee shall be taken: their arrowes shall be as of a strong man, which is expert, for none shall returne in vaine.

geneva@Jeremiah:51:9 @ We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed: forsake her, and let (note:)Thus the people of God exhort one another to go to Zion and praise God.(:note) us go every one into his own country: for her judgment reacheth to heaven, and is lifted [even] to the skies.

geneva@Jeremiah:52:9 @ Then they took the king, and carried him to the king of Babylon to Riblah in the land of Hamath; (note:)Read (2Ki_25:6; Jer_39:5).(:note) where he gave judgment upon him.

geneva@Lamentations:1:9 @

geneva@Lamentations:2:9 @ Her gates are sunke to the grounde: he hath destroyed and broken her barres: her King and her princes are among the Gentiles: the Lawe is no more, neither can her Prophets receiue any vision from the Lord.

geneva@Lamentations:3:9 @ He hath (note:)And keeps me in hold as a prisoner.(:note) inclosed my ways with hewn stone, he hath made my paths crooked.

geneva@Lamentations:3:22 @ [It is of] the LORD'S (note:)Considering the wickedness of man it is a marvel that any remains alive: but only that God for his own mercies sake and for his promise will ever have his Church remain, though they are never so few in number, (Isa_1:9).(:note) mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.

geneva@Lamentations:4:9 @ [They that are] slain with the sword are better than [they that are] slain with hunger: for these pine away, stricken through for [lack of] the (note:)For lack of food they pine away and consume.(:note) fruits of the field.

geneva@Lamentations:5:9 @ We procured our bread with [the peril of] our lives because of the sword (note:)Because of the enemy that came from the wilderness and would not suffer us to go and seek our necessary food.(:note) of the wilderness.

geneva@Ezekiel:1:9 @ Their wings [were] (note:)The wing of the one touched the wing of the other.(:note) joined one to another; they turned not when they went; they went every one straight forward.

geneva@Ezekiel:2:9 @ And when I looked vp, beholde, an hande was sent vnto me, and loe, a roule of a booke was therein.

geneva@Ezekiel:3:9 @ I haue made thy forehead as the adamant, and harder then the flint: feare them not therefore, neither be afraid at their lookes: for they are a rebellious house.

geneva@Ezekiel:4:9 @ Take thou also to thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentiles, and millet, (note:)Meaning that the famine would be so great that they would be glad to eat whatever they could get.(:note) and spelt, and put them in one vessel, and make thee bread of them, [according] to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon thy side, Which were fourteen months that the city was besieged and this was as many days as Israel sinned years. three hundred and ninety days shalt thou eat of it.

geneva@Ezekiel:5:9 @ And I will doe in thee, that I neuer did before, neither will do any more the like, because of all thine abominations.

geneva@Ezekiel:6:9 @ And they that escape of you shall remember me among the nations to which they shall be carried captives, because I am broken with their adulterous heart, which hath departed from me, and with their eyes, which play the harlot with their idols: and they (note:)They will be ashamed to see that their hope in idols was in vain, and so will repent.(:note) shall lothe themselves for the evils which they have committed in all their abominations.

geneva@Ezekiel:7:9 @ Neither shall mine eie spare thee, neither will I haue pitie, but I will laye vpon thee according to thy wayes, and thine abominations shalbe in the middes of thee, and ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde that smiteth.

geneva@Ezekiel:8:9 @ And he said vnto mee, Go in, and beholde the wicked abominations that they doe here.

geneva@Ezekiel:9:1 @ He cried also in my ears with a loud voice, saying, Cause them that have charge over (note:)The time to take vengeance.(:note) the city to draw near, even every man [with] his destroying weapon in his hand.

geneva@Ezekiel:9:2 @ And, behold, six (note:)Which were angels in the appearance of men.(:note) men came from the way of the higher gate, which lieth toward the Signifying that the Babylonians would come from the north to destroy the city and the temple. north, and every man a slaughter weapon in his hand; and one man among them [was] clothed with linen, with a writer's To mark them that would be saved. inkhorn by his side: and they went in, and stood beside the brasen altar.

geneva@Ezekiel:9:3 @ And the glory of the God of Israel had (note:)Which declared that he was not bound to it, neither would remain any longer than there was hope that they would return from their wickedness and worship him correctly.(:note) gone up from the cherub, on which he was, to the threshold of the house. And he called to the man clothed with linen, who [had] the writer's inkhorn by his side;

geneva@Ezekiel:9:4 @ And the LORD said to him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that (note:)He shows what is the manner of God's children, whom he marks for salvation: that is, to mourn and cry out against the wickedness which they see committed against God's glory.(:note) sigh and that cry for all the abominations that are done in the midst of it.

geneva@Ezekiel:9:5 @ And to the other he said, that I might heare, Goe ye after him through the citie, and smite: let your eye spare none, neither haue pitie.

geneva@Ezekiel:9:6 @ Slay utterly old [and] young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom [is] the (note:)Thus in all his plagues the Lord preserves his small number, which he marks as in (Exo_12:12; Rev_7:3) but the chief mark is the spirit of adoption, with which the heart is sealed up to life everlasting.(:note) mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the Which was the chief opportunity for all these evils, as in (Eze_8:11). elders who [were] before the house.

geneva@Ezekiel:9:7 @ And he sayde vnto them, Defile the house, and fill the courtes with the slaine, then goe foorth: and they went out, and slewe them in the citie.

geneva@Ezekiel:9:8 @ And it came to pass, while they were slaying them, and I was left, that I fell upon my face, and cried, and said, (note:)This declares that the servants of God have a compassion when they see his judgments executed.(:note) Ah Lord GOD! wilt thou destroy the whole remnant of Israel in thy pouring out of thy fury upon Jerusalem?

geneva@Ezekiel:9:9 @ Then said he to me, The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah [is] exceeding great, and the land is full of (note:)That is, with all kinds of wickedness. {{See Isa_1:15}}(:note) blood, and the city full of perverseness: for they say, The LORD hath forsaken the earth, and the LORD seeth not.

geneva@Ezekiel:9:10 @ As touching me also, mine eye shall not spare them, neither will I haue pitie, but will recompence their wayes vpon their heades.

geneva@Ezekiel:9:11 @ And beholde, the man clothed with linen which had the ynkhorne by his side, made report, and saide, Lorde, I haue done as thou hast commanded me.

geneva@Ezekiel:10:9 @ And when I looked, behold the four wheels by the cherubim, one wheel by one cherub, and another wheel by another cherub: and the appearance of the wheels [was] as the colour of a (note:)Read (Eze_1:16).(:note) beryl stone.

geneva@Ezekiel:11:9 @ And I will bring you out of the midst of it, and deliver you into (note:)That is, of the Chaldeans.(:note) the hands of strangers, and will execute judgments among you.

geneva@Ezekiel:12:9 @ Son of man, hath not the house of Israel, the rebellious house, said to thee, What (note:)Do they not deride your doings?(:note) doest thou?

geneva@Ezekiel:13:9 @ And my hand shall be upon the prophets that see vanity, and that divine lies: they shall not be in the assembly of my people, neither shall they be written in the (note:)That is in the book of life, in which the true Israelites are written.(:note) writing of the house of Israel, neither shall they enter into the land of Israel; and ye shall know that I [am] the Lord GOD.

geneva@Ezekiel:14:9 @ And if the prophet be (note:)The prophet declares that God for man's ingratitude raises up false prophets to seduce them that delight in lies rather than in the truth of God, and thus he punishes sin with sin, (1Ki_22:20, 1Ki_22:22) and destroys those prophets as well as the people.(:note) deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel.

geneva@Ezekiel:16:9 @ Then I washed thee with (note:)I washed away your sins.(:note) water; yea, I thoroughly washed away thy blood from thee, and I I sanctified you with my Holy Spirit. anointed thee with oil.

geneva@Ezekiel:16:37 @ Behold, therefore I will gather all (note:)Egyptians, Assyrians and Chaldeans whom you took to be your lovers will come and destroy you, (Eze_23:9).(:note) thy lovers, with whom thou hast taken pleasure, and all [them] that thou hast loved, with all [them] that thou hast hated; I will even gather them on every side against thee, and will uncover thy nakedness to them, that they may see all thy nakedness.

geneva@Ezekiel:17:9 @ Say thou, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Shall it prosper? shall (note:)Shall not Nebuchadnezzar destroy it?(:note) he not pull up its roots, and cut off its fruit, that it may wither? it shall wither in all the leaves of her spring, even without great power or many people to pluck it up by its roots.

geneva@Ezekiel:18:9 @ And hath walked in my statutes, and hath kept my iudgements to deale truely, he is iust, he shall surely liue, sayth the Lord God.

geneva@Ezekiel:19:9 @ And they put him in prison and in chaines, and brought him to the King of Babel, and they put him in holdes, that his voyce should no more be heard vpon the mountaines of Israel.

geneva@Ezekiel:20:9 @ But I wrought for my (note:)God had ever this respect to his glory, that he would not have evil spoken of his Name among the Gentiles for the punishment that his people deserved, in confidence of which the godly ever prayed, as in (Exo_32:12; Num_14:13).(:note) name's sake, that it should not be profaned before the nations, among whom they [were], in whose sight I made myself known to them, in bringing them forth from the land of Egypt.

geneva@Ezekiel:20:35 @ And I will bring you into the (note:)I will bring you among strange nations as into a wilderness and there will visit you, and so call you to repentance and then bring the godly home again, (Isa_65:9).(:note) wilderness of the people, and there will I enter into judgment with you face to face.

geneva@Ezekiel:21:9 @ Sonne of man, prophecie, and say, Thus saith the Lorde God, say, A sworde, a sworde both sharpe, and fourbished.

geneva@Ezekiel:22:9 @ In thee are men that cary tales to shed blood: in thee are they that eate vpon the mountaines: in ye mids of thee they comit abomination.

geneva@Ezekiel:23:9 @ Wherefore I deliuered her into the hands of her louers, euen into the hands of the Assyrians, vpon whome she doted.

geneva@Ezekiel:24:9 @ Therefore thus saith ye Lord God, Woe to the bloody citie, for I will make ye burning great.

geneva@Ezekiel:25:9 @ Therefore, behold, I will open the side of Moab from the cities, (note:)So that no power or strength should be able to resist the Babylonians.(:note) from his cities [which are] on his frontiers, the glory of the country, Bethjeshimoth, Baalmeon, and Kiriathaim,

geneva@Ezekiel:26:9 @ He shall set engins of warre before him against thy walles, and with his weapons breake downe thy towres.

geneva@Ezekiel:27:5 @ They have made all thy [ship] planks of fir trees of (note:)This mountain was called Hermon but the Amorites called it Shenir, (Deu_3:9).(:note) Senir: they have taken cedars from Lebanon to make masts for thee.

geneva@Ezekiel:27:9 @ The ancients of Gebal and its wise [men] were in thee thy (note:)Meaning, that they built the walls of the city, which is here meant by the ship: and of these were the builders of Solomon's temple, (1Ki_5:18).(:note) calkers: all the ships of the sea with their mariners were in thee to exchange thy merchandise.

geneva@Ezekiel:28:9 @ Wilt thou say then before him, that slayeth thee, I am a god? but thou shalt be a man, and no God, in the hands of him that slayeth thee.

geneva@Ezekiel:29:3 @ Speak, and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I [am] against thee, Pharaoh king of Egypt, the great (note:)He compares Pharaoh to a dragon which hides himself in the Nile river, as in (Isa_51:9).(:note) dragon that lieth in the midst of his rivers, which hath said, My river [is] my own, and I have made [it] for myself.

geneva@Ezekiel:29:9 @ And the land of Egypt shall be desolate and waste; and they shall know that I [am] the LORD: because he hath said, (note:)Thus God cannot permit man to attribute anything to himself or put his trust in anything save in him alone.(:note) The river [is] mine, and I have made [it].

geneva@Ezekiel:30:9 @ In that day shall there messengers go forth from me in shippes, to make the carelesse Mores aftaide, and feare shall come vpon them, as in the day of Egypt: for loe, it commeth.

geneva@Ezekiel:31:9 @ I made him faire by the multitude of his branches: so that all the trees of Eden, that were in the garden of God, enuied him.

geneva@Ezekiel:32:9 @ I will also trouble the heartes of many people, when I shall bring thy destruction among the nations and vpon the countries which thou hast not knowen.

geneva@Ezekiel:32:21 @ The strong among the mighty shall speak to (note:)To make the matter more sensible, he brings in Pharaoh whom the dead will meet and marvel at him, read (Isa_14:9).(:note) him out of the midst of the grave with them that help him: they are gone down, they lie uncircumcised, slain by the sword.

geneva@Ezekiel:33:9 @ Neuerthelesse, If thou warne the wicked of his way, to turne from it, if he doe not turne from his way, he shall die for his iniquitie, but thou hast deliuered thy soule.

geneva@Ezekiel:34:9 @ Therefore, heare ye the word of the Lorde, O ye shepherds.

geneva@Ezekiel:34:23 @ And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, [even] my servant (note:)Meaning Christ, of whom David was a figure, {{See Jer_30:9}}(:note) David; he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd.

geneva@Ezekiel:35:9 @ I will make thee perpetual desolations, and thy cities shall not (note:)That is, to their former estate.(:note) return: and ye shall know that I [am] the LORD.

geneva@Ezekiel:36:9 @ For behold, I come vnto you, & I wil turne vnto you, and ye shalbe tilled and sowen.

geneva@Ezekiel:37:9 @ Then said he to me, Prophesy to the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Come from the four (note:)Signifying all places where the Israelites were scattered that is, the faithful will be brought to the same unity of spirit and doctrine wherever they are scattered through the world.(:note) winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live.

geneva@Ezekiel:38:9 @ Thou shalt ascende and come vp like a tempest, and shalt be like a cloude to couer the land, both thou, and all thy bandes, and many people with thee.

geneva@Ezekiel:39:9 @ And they that dwell in the cities of Israel shall (note:)After this destruction the Church will have great peace and tranquillity and burn all their weapons because they will no more fear the enemies. This chiefly refers to the accomplishment of Christ's kingdom when by their head Christ all enemies will be overcome.(:note) go forth, and shall set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and the bucklers, the bows and the arrows, and the javelins, and the spears, and they shall burn them with fire seven years:

geneva@Ezekiel:40:9 @ Then measured he the porch of the gate of eight cubites, and the postes thereof, of two cubites, and the porch of the gate was inward.

geneva@Ezekiel:41:9 @ The thickenesse of the wall which was for the chamber without, was fiue cubites, and that which remained, was the place of the chambers that were within.

geneva@Ezekiel:42:9 @ And vnder these chambers was the entrie, on the East side, as one goeth into them from the outward court.

geneva@Ezekiel:43:9 @ Now therefore let them put away their fornication, and the carkeises of their Kings farre from me, and I will dwell among them for euer.

geneva@Ezekiel:44:9 @ Thus saieth the Lord God, No stranger vncircumcised in heart, nor vncircumcised in flesh, shall enter into my Sanctuarie, of any stranger that is among the children of Israel,

geneva@Ezekiel:44:10 @ And the (note:)The Levites who had committed idolatry were put from their dignity and could not be received into the priests office although they had been of the house of Aaron, but must serve in the inferior offices as to watch and to keep the doors, read (2Ki_23:9).(:note) Levites that have gone away far from me, when Israel went astray, who went astray from me after their idols; they shall even bear their iniquity.

geneva@Ezekiel:45:9 @ Thus saith the Lord GOD; Let it (note:)The prophet shows that the heads must be first reformed before any good order can be established among the people.(:note) suffice you, O princes of Israel: remove violence and spoil, and execute judgment and justice, take away your exactions from my people, saith the Lord GOD.

geneva@Ezekiel:46:9 @ But when the people of the land shal come before the Lord in the solemne feastes, hee that entreth in by the way of the North gate to worship, shall goe out by the way of the South gate: & he that entreth by the way of the South gate, shall goe foorth by the way of the North gate: hee shall not returne by the way of the gate whereby hee came in, but they shall goe forth ouer against it.

geneva@Ezekiel:46:17 @ But if he shall give a gift of his inheritance to one of his servants, then it shall be his to the (note:)Which was at the Jubile, (Lev_25:9).(:note) year of liberty; afterward it shall return to the prince: but his inheritance shall be to his sons for them.

geneva@Ezekiel:47:9 @ And it shall come to pass, [that] every thing that liveth, which moveth, wherever the rivers shall come, shall live: and there shall be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters shall come there: for they shall be (note:)The waters which by nature are salt and unwholesome will be made sweet and comfortable.(:note) healed; and every thing shall live where the river cometh.

geneva@Ezekiel:48:9 @ The oblation that ye shall offer vnto the Lord, shalbe of fiue and twentie thousande long, and of ten thousand the breadth.

geneva@Daniel:1:9 @ (Nowe God had brought Daniel into fauour, and tender loue with the chiefe of the Eunuches)

geneva@Daniel:2:9 @ But if ye will not declare mee the dreame, there is but one iudgement for you: for ye haue prepared lying and corrupt wordes, to speake before me till the time bee changed: therefore tell me the dreame, that I may knowe, if yee can declare me the interpretation thereof.

geneva@Daniel:3:9 @ For they spake and said to the King Nebuchad-nezzar, O King, liue for euer.

geneva@Daniel:3:23 @ And these three men Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego fell downe bound into the middes of the hote fierie fornace. \par {\cf2 (3:24) And they walked in the middes of the flame, praising God, & magnified the Lord. (3:25) Then Azarias stoode vp, & praied on this maner, and opening his mouth in ye mids of the fire, saide, (3:26) Blessed be thou, O Lord God of our fathers: thy Name is worthie to bee praised and honoured for euermore. (3:27) For thou art righteous in all the things, that thou hast done vnto vs, and all thy works are true, and thy waies are right, and all thy iudgementes certeine. (3:28) In all the things that thou hast brought vpon vs, and vpon Ierusalem, the holy citie of our fathers, thou hast executed true iudgementes: for by right and equitie hast thou brought all these things vpon vs, because of our sinnes. (3:29) For we haue sinned and done wickedly, departing from thee: in all things haue we trespassed, (3:30) And not obeied thy commaundements, nor kept them, neither done as thou haddest commanded vs, that we might prosper. (3:31) Wherefore in all that thou hast broughtvpon vs, and in euery thing that thou hast done to vs, thou hast done them in true iudgement: (3:32) As in deliuering vs into the handes of our wicked enemies, and most hatefull traitours, and to an vnrighteous King, and the most wicked in all the worlde. (3:33) And nowe we may not open our mouthes: we are become a shame and reproofe vnto thy seruants, and to them that worship thee. (3:34) Yet for thy names sake, we beseech thee, giue vs not vp for euer, neither breake thy couenant, (3:35) Neither take away thy mercie from vs, for thy beloued Abrahams sake, and for thy seruant Isaacs sake, and for thine holy Israels sake, (3:36) To whome thou hast spoken and promised, that thou wouldest multiplie their seed as ye starres of heauen, & as the sand, that is vpon the sea shore. (3:37) For we, O Lorde, are become lesse then any nation, and be kept vnder this day in all the world, because of our sinnes: (3:38) So that now we haue neither prince, nor prophet, nor gouernour, nor burnt offering, nor sacrifice, nor oblation, nor incense, nor place to offer ye first fruits before thee, that we might finde mercie. (3:39) Neuerthelesse in a contrite heart, & an humble spirit, let vs be receiued. (3:40) As in the burnt offring of rams & bullocks, and as in ten thousand of fat lambes, so let our offring be in thy sight this daye, that it may please thee: for there is no confusion vnto them that put their trust in thee. (3:41) And now we follow thee with all our heart, and feare thee, and seeke thy face. (3:42) Put vs not to shame, but deale with vs after thy louing kindenesse, and according to the multitude of thy mercies. (3:43) Deliuer vs also by thy miracles, and giue thy Name the glory, O Lord, (3:44) That all they which doe thy seruantes euill, may be confounded: euen let them bee confounded by thy great force and power, and let their strength be broken, (3:45) That they may know, that thou only art the Lord God, and glorious ouer the whole worlde. (3:46) Now the kings seruants that had cast them in, ceased not to make the ouen hote with naphtha, and with pitch, and with towe, & with fagots, (3:47) So that the flame went out of the fornace fourtie and nine cubites. (3:48) And it brake forth, and burnt those Chaldeans, that it found by the fornace. (3:49) But the Angel of the Lord went downe into the fornace with them that were with Azarias, and smote the flame of the fire out of the fornace, (3:50) And made in the middes of the fornace like a moyst hissing winde, so that the fire touched the not at all, neither grieued, nor troubled them. (3:51) Then these three (as out of one mouth) praised, and glorified, and blessed God in the fornace, saying, (3:52) Blessed be thou, O Lord God of our fathers, and praysed, & exalted aboue all things for euer, & blessed be thy glorious & holy Name, and praysed aboue all things, and magnified for euer. (3:53) Blessed be thou in the Temple of thine holy glory, and praysed aboue all thinges, and exalted for euer. (3:54) Blessed be thou that beholdest the depthes, and sittest vpon the Cherubins, and praysed aboue all things, and exalted for euer. (3:55) Blessed be thou in the glorious Throne of thy kingdome, and praysed aboue all things, and exalted for euer. (3:56) Blessed be thou in the firmament of heauen, & praysed aboue all things, & glorified for euer. (3:57) All ye works of the Lord, blesse ye the Lord: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:58) O heauens, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:59) O Angels of the Lorde, blesse ye the Lorde: prayse him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:60) Al ye waters that be aboue the heauen, blesse ye the Lorde: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:61) All ye powers of the Lord, blesse ye ye Lord: prayse him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:62) O sunne & moone, blesse ye the Lord: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:63) O starres of heauen, blesse ye the Lord: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:64) Euery showre and dewe, blesse ye the Lorde: praise him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:65) All ye windes, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:66) O fire & heate, blesse ye the Lord: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:67) O winter & sommer, blesse ye ye Lord: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:68) O dewes and stormes of snowe, blesse yee the Lord: prayse him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:69) O frost and colde, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:70) O yee & snow, blesse ye the Lord: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:71) O nights & dayes, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:72) O light and darkenesse, blesse ye the Lorde: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:73) O lightnings & cloudes, blesse ye the Lorde: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:74) Let the earth blesse the Lorde: let it prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:75) O mountaines, & hilles, blesse ye the Lorde: praise him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:76) All things that growe on the earth, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue al things for euer. (3:77) O fountaines, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:78) O sea, and floods, blesse ye the Lorde: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:79) O whales, and all that moue in the waters, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:80) All ye foules of heauen, blesse ye the Lorde: praise him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:81) All ye beastes and cattel, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:82) O children of men, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:83) Let Israel blesse the Lord, praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:84) O Priestes of the Lorde, blesse ye the Lorde: prayse him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:85) O seruants of the Lord, blesse ye the Lorde: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:86) O spirites and soules of the righteous, blesse ye the Lorde: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer\par (3:87) O Saintes and humble of heart, blesse ye the Lorde: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all thinges for euer. (3:88) O Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer: for he hath deliuered vs from the hel, & saued vs from the hand of death, and deliuered vs out of the middes of the fornace, and burning flame: euen out of the middes of the fire hath he deliuered vs. (3:89) Confesse vnto the Lord, that he is gracious: for his mercy endureth for euer. (3:90) All ye that worship the Lord, blesse the God of gods: prayse him, and acknowledge him: for his mercy endureth worlde without ende.}

geneva@Daniel:4:9 @ O Belteshazzar, (note:)Which also was a great grief to the Prophet, to be numbered among the sorcerers and men whose practices were wicked and contrary to God's word.(:note) master of the magicians, because I know that the spirit of the holy gods [is] in thee, and no secret troubleth thee, tell me the visions of my dream that I have seen, and the interpretation thereof.

geneva@Daniel:4:12 @ {\cf2 (4:9)} The boughes thereof were faire & the fruite thereof much, and in it was meate for all: it made a shadow vnder it for the beastes of the fielde, and the foules of the heauen dwelt in the boughes thereof, and all flesh fedde of it.

geneva@Daniel:5:9 @ Then was King Belshazzar greatly troubled, and his countenance was changed in him, and his princes were astonied.

geneva@Daniel:6:9 @ Wherefore king Darius (note:)In this is condemned the wickedness of the king, who would be set up as a god, and did not care what wicked laws he approved for the maintenance of it.(:note) signed the writing and the decree.

geneva@Daniel:7:9 @ I beheld till the (note:)Meaning, the places where God and his angels would come to judge these monarchies, which judgment would begin at the first coming of Christ.(:note) thrones were cast down, and the That is, God who was before all times, and is here described in a way such that man's nature is able to comprehend some portion of his glory. Ancient of days did sit, whose garment [was] white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne [was like] the fiery flame, [and] his wheels [as] burning fire.

geneva@Daniel:8:9 @ And out of one of them came forth a (note:)Which was Antiochus Epiphanes, who was of a servile and flattering nature, and also there were others between him and the kingdom: and therefore he is here called the little horn, because neither princely conditions, nor any other thing was in him, why he should obtain this kingdom.(:note) little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the That is, towards Egypt. south, and toward the By which he means Ptolemais. east, and toward the That is, Judea. pleasant [land].

geneva@Daniel:9:1 @ In the first year of Darius the son of (note:)Who was also called Astyages.(:note) Ahasuerus, of the seed of the Medes, which was made king over the For Cyrus led with ambition, and went about wars in other countries, and therefore Darius had the title of the kingdom, even though Cyrus was king in effect. realm of the Chaldeans;

geneva@Daniel:9:2 @ In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by (note:)For even though he was an excellent Prophet, yet he daily increased in knowledge by the reading of the scriptures.(:note) books the number of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.

geneva@Daniel:9:3 @ And I set my face unto the Lord God, to (note:)He does not speak of that ordinary prayer, which he used in his house three times a day, but of a rare and vehement prayer, lest their sins should cause God to delay the time of their deliverance prophesied by Jeremiah.(:note) seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes:

geneva@Daniel:9:4 @ And I prayed unto the LORD my God, and made my confession, and said, O Lord, the (note:)That is, has all power in yourself to execute your terrible judgments against obstinate sinners, as you are rich in mercy to comfort those who obey your word and love you.(:note) great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant and mercy to them that love him, and to them that keep his commandments;

geneva@Daniel:9:5 @ We haue sinned, and haue committed iniquitie and haue done wickedly, yea, we haue rebelled, and haue departed from thy precepts, and from thy iudgements.

geneva@Daniel:9:6 @ For we would not obey thy seruants the Prophets, which spake in thy Name to our Kings, to our princes, and to our fathers, and to all the people of the land.

geneva@Daniel:9:7 @ O Lord, (note:)He shows that whenever God punishes, he does it for just cause: and thus the godly never accuse him of rigour as the wicked do, but acknowledge that in themselves there is just cause why he should so treat them.(:note) righteousness [belongeth] unto thee, but unto us confusion of faces, as at this day; to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and unto all Israel, [that are] near, and [that are] far off, through all the countries whither thou hast driven them, because of their trespass that they have trespassed against thee.

geneva@Daniel:9:8 @ O Lord, to us [belongeth] confusion of face, to our (note:)He does not excuse the kings because of their authority, but prays chiefly for them as the chief occasions of these great plagues.(:note) kings, to our princes, and to our fathers, because we have sinned against thee.

geneva@Daniel:9:9 @ Yet compassion and forgiuenesse is in the Lorde our God, albeit we haue rebelled against him.

geneva@Daniel:9:10 @ Neither have we obeyed the (note:)He shows that they rebel against God, who do not serve him according to his commandment and word.(:note) voice of the LORD our God, to walk in his laws, which he set before us by his servants the prophets.

geneva@Daniel:9:11 @ Yea, all Israel have transgressed thy law, even by departing, that they might not obey thy voice; therefore the (note:)As in (Deu_27:15), or the curse confirmed by an oath.(:note) curse is poured upon us, and the oath that [is] written in the law of Moses the servant of God, because we have sinned against him.

geneva@Daniel:9:12 @ And he hath confirmed his wordes, which he spake against vs, and against our iudges that iudged vs, by bringing vpon vs a great plague: for vnder the whole heauen hath not bene the like, as hath bene brought vpon Ierusalem.

geneva@Daniel:9:13 @ All this plague is come vpon vs, as it is written in the Lawe of Moses: yet made we not our prayer before the Lorde our God, that we might turne from our iniquities and vnderstand thy trueth.

geneva@Daniel:9:14 @ Therefore hath the Lord made ready the plague, and brought it vpon vs: for the Lord our God is righteous in all his works which he doeth: for we would not heare his voyce.

geneva@Daniel:9:15 @ And nowe, O Lorde our God, that hast brought thy people out of the land of Egypt with a mightie hand, and hast gotten thee renoume, as appeareth this day, we haue sinned, we haue done wickedly.

geneva@Daniel:9:16 @ O Lord, according to all thy (note:)That is, according to all your merciful promises and the performance of them.(:note) righteousness, I beseech thee, let thine anger and thy fury be turned away from thy city Jerusalem, thy holy mountain: because for our sins, and for the iniquities of our fathers, Jerusalem and thy people [are become] a reproach to all [that are] about us.

geneva@Daniel:9:17 @ Now therefore, O our God, hear the prayer of thy servant, and his supplications, and cause thy face to (note:)Show yourself favourable.(:note) shine upon thy sanctuary that is desolate, for the That is, for your Christ's sake, in whom you will accept all of our prayers. Lord's sake.

geneva@Daniel:9:18 @ O my God, incline thine ear, and hear; open thine eyes, and behold our desolations, and the city which is called by thy name: for we do not present our supplications before thee for our (note:)Declaring that the godly flee only to God's mercies, and renounce their own works, when they seek for remission of their sins.(:note) righteousnesses, but for thy great mercies.

geneva@Daniel:9:19 @ O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive; O Lord, (note:)Thus he could not content himself with any vehemency of words: for he was so led with a fervent zeal, considering God's promise made to the city in respect of his Church, and for the advancement of God's glory.(:note) hearken and do; defer not, for thine own sake, O my God: for thy city and thy people are called by thy name.

geneva@Daniel:9:20 @ And whiles I was speaking and praying, and confessing my sinne, and the sinne of my people Israel, and did present my supplication before the Lord my God, for the holy Mountaine of my God,

geneva@Daniel:9:21 @ Yea, while I was speaking in prayer, euen the man Gabriel, whome I had seene before in the vision, came flying, and touched mee about the time of the euening oblation.

geneva@Daniel:9:22 @ And he informed me, and talked with me, and sayd, O Daniel, I am now come forth to giue thee knowledge and vnderstanding.

geneva@Daniel:9:23 @ At the beginning of thy supplications the commaundement came foorth, and I am come to shewe thee, for thou art greatly beloued: therefore vnderstande the matter and consider the vision.

geneva@Daniel:9:24 @ Seventy (note:)He alludes to Jeremiah's prophecy, who prophesied that their captivity would be seventy years: but now God's mercy would exceed his judgment seven times as much, which would be 490 years, even until the coming of Christ, and so then it would continue forever.(:note) weeks are determined upon Meaning Daniel's nation, over whom he was careful. thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the To show mercy and to put sin out of remembrance. transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

geneva@Daniel:9:25 @ Know therefore and understand, [that] from (note:)That is, from the time that Cyrus gave them permission to depart.(:note) the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince [shall be] seven These weeks make forty-nine years, of which forty-six are referred to the time of the building of the temple, and three to the laying of the foundation. weeks, and Counting from the sixth year of Darius, who gave the second commandment for the building of the temple are sixty-two weeks, which make 434 years, which comprehend the time from the building of the temple until the baptism of Christ. threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

geneva@Daniel:9:26 @ And after threescore and two (note:)In this week of the seventy, will Christ come and preach and suffer death.(:note) weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but He will seem to have no beauty, nor to be of any estimation; (Isa_53:2). not for himself: and the people of the Meaning Titus, Vespasians's son, who would come and destroy both the temple, and the people, without any hope of recovery. prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof [shall be] with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

geneva@Daniel:9:27 @ And he (note:)By the preaching of the Gospel he affirmed his promise, first to the Jews, and after to the Gentiles.(:note) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to Christ accomplished this by his death and resurrection. cease, Meaning that Jerusalem and the sanctuary would be utterly destroyed because of their rebellion against God, and their idolatry: or as some read, that the plague will be so great, that they will all be astonished at them. and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make [it] desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

geneva@Daniel:10:9 @ Yet heard I the voyce of his wordes: and when I heard the voyce of his wordes, I slept on my face: and my face was toward the ground.

geneva@Daniel:11:9 @ So the King of ye South shall come into his kingdome, and shall returne into his owne land.

geneva@Daniel:12:9 @ And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for ye words are closed vp, and sealed, till the ende of the time.

geneva@Hosea:1:9 @ Then said [God], Call his name (note:)That is, not my people.(:note) Loammi: for ye [are] not my people, and I will not be your [God].

geneva@Hosea:2:9 @ Therefore will I return, and take away (note:)Signifying that God will take away his benefits, when man by his ingratitude abuses them.(:note) my corn in the time thereof, and my wine in the season thereof, and will recover my wool and my flax [given] to cover her nakedness.

geneva@Hosea:4:9 @ And there shall be, like people, like (note:)Signifying that as they have sinned together, so will they be punished together.(:note) priest: and I will punish them for their ways, and reward them their doings.

geneva@Hosea:5:9 @ Ephraim shall be desolate in the day of rebuke: among the tribes of Israel have I made (note:)By the success they will know that I have surely determined this.(:note) known that which shall surely be.

geneva@Hosea:6:9 @ And as the eues waite for a man, so the companie of Priestes murther in the way by consent: for they worke mischiefe.

geneva@Hosea:7:9 @ Strangers have devoured his strength, and he knoweth [it] not: yea, (note:)Which are a token of his manifold afflictions.(:note) gray hairs are here and there upon him, yet he knoweth not.

geneva@Hosea:7:16 @ They return, [but] not to the most High: they are like a deceitful bow: their princes shall fall by the sword for the rage (note:)Because they boast of their own strength, and do not care what they speak against me and my servants; (Psa_73:9).(:note) of their tongue: this [shall be] their derision in the land of Egypt.

geneva@Hosea:8:9 @ For they are gone up to Assyria, a (note:)They never cease, but run to and fro to seek help.(:note) wild ass alone by himself: Ephraim hath hired lovers.

geneva@Hosea:9:1 @ Rejoice not, O Israel, for joy, (note:)For even though all other people should escape, yet you will be punished.(:note) as [other] people: for thou hast gone a whoring from thy God, thou hast loved You have committed idolatry in hope of reward, and to have your barns filled ((Jer_44:17)), as a harlot that had rather live by playing the whore, than to be provided for by her own husband. a reward upon every cornfloor.

geneva@Hosea:9:2 @

geneva@Hosea:9:3 @ They wil not dwel in the Lordes lande, but Ephraim will returne to Egypt, and they will eate vncleane things in Asshur.

geneva@Hosea:9:4 @ They shall not offer (note:)All their doings both with regard to administration and religion, will be rejected as polluted things.(:note) wine [offerings] to the LORD, neither shall they be pleasing unto him: their sacrifices [shall be] unto them as the bread of mourners; all that eat thereof shall be polluted: for their bread The meat offering which they offered for themselves. for their soul shall not come into the house of the LORD.

geneva@Hosea:9:5 @ What will ye do (note:)When the Lord will take away all the occasions of serving him, which will be the most grievous part of your captivity, when you will see yourselves cut off from God.(:note) in the solemn day, and in the day of the feast of the LORD?

geneva@Hosea:9:6 @ For, lo, they are gone because of (note:)Even though they think to escape by fleeing the destruction that is at hand, yet they will be destroyed in the place where they flee for help.(:note) destruction: Egypt shall gather them up, Memphis shall bury them: the pleasant [places] for their silver, nettles shall possess them: thorns [shall be] in their tabernacles.

geneva@Hosea:9:7 @ The days of visitation are come, the days of recompence are come; Israel shall know [it]: (note:)Then they will know that they were deluded by those who claimed themselves to be their prophets and spiritual men.(:note) the prophet [is] a fool, the spiritual man [is] mad, for the multitude of thine iniquity, and the great hatred.

geneva@Hosea:9:8 @ The watchman of Ephraim (note:)The Prophet's duty is to bring men to God, and not to be a snare to pull them from God.(:note) [was] with my God: [but] the prophet [is] a snare of a fowler in all his ways, [and] hatred in the house of his God.

geneva@Hosea:9:9 @ They (note:)This people is so rooted in their wickedness, that Gibeah, which was similar to Sodom, was never more corrupt; (Jdg_19:22).(:note) have deeply corrupted [themselves], as in the days of Gibeah: [therefore] he will remember their iniquity, he will visit their sins.

geneva@Hosea:9:10 @ I found Israel like (note:)Meaning, that he esteemed them and delighted in them in this way.(:note) grapes in the wilderness; I saw your fathers as the firstripe in the fig tree at her first time: [but] they went to Baalpeor, and separated themselves unto [that] shame; and [their] abominations were according They were as abominable to me, as their lovers the idols. as they loved.

geneva@Hosea:9:11 @ [As for] Ephraim, their glory shall fly away like a bird, from the birth, (note:)Signifying that God would destroy their children by these different means, and so consume them by little and little.(:note) and from the womb, and from the conception.

geneva@Hosea:9:12 @ Though they bring vp their children, yet I will depriue them from being men: yea, woe to them, when I depart from them.

geneva@Hosea:9:13 @ Ephraim, as I saw (note:)As they kept tender plants in their houses in Tyrus to preserve them from the cold air of the sea, so was Ephraim at the first to me: but now I will give him to the slaughter.(:note) Tyrus, [is] planted in a pleasant place: but Ephraim shall bring forth his children to the murderer.

geneva@Hosea:9:14 @ Give them, O LORD: what wilt thou give? give them a (note:)The Prophet seeing the great plagues of God toward Ephraim, prays to God to make them barren, rather than that this great slaughter should come upon their children.(:note) miscarrying womb and dry breasts.

geneva@Hosea:9:15 @ All their wickedness [is] in (note:)The chief cause of their destruction is that they commit idolatry, and corrupt my religion in Gilgal.(:note) Gilgal: for there I hated them: for the wickedness of their doings I will drive them out of mine house, I will love them no more: all their princes [are] revolters.

geneva@Hosea:9:16 @ Ephraim is smitten, their roote is dried vp: they can bring no fruite: yea, though they bring foorth, yet will I slaie euen the dearest of their bodie.

geneva@Hosea:9:17 @ My God will cast them away, because they did not obey him: and they shall wander among the nations.

geneva@Hosea:10:9 @ O Israel, thou hast (note:)In those days you were as wicked as the Gibeonites, as God there partly declared: for your zeal could not be good in executing God's judgments, seeing your own deeds were as wicked as theirs.(:note) sinned from the days of Gibeah: there they That is, to fight, or, the Israelites remained in that stubbornness from that time. stood: the battle in Gibeah against the children of iniquity did not The Israelites were not moved by the example of the Gibeonites to cease from their sins. overtake them.

geneva@Hosea:11:9 @ I will not execute the fierceness of mine anger, I will not return to destroy Ephraim: for I [am] God, and not man; the Holy One in the midst of thee: and I will not (note:)To consume you, but will cause you to yield, and so have mercy on you: and this is meant of the final number who will walk after the Lord.(:note) enter into the city.

geneva@Hosea:12:9 @ And I [that am] the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt will yet make thee to dwell in tabernacles, as in (note:)Seeing you will not acknowledge my benefits, I will bring you again to dwell in tents, as in the feast of the Tabernacles, which you now condemn.(:note) the days of the solemn feast.

geneva@Hosea:13:9 @ O Israel, thou (note:)Your destruction is certain, and my benefits toward you declare that it comes not from me: therefore your own malice, idolatry, and vain confidence in men must necessarily be the cause of it.(:note) hast destroyed thyself; but in me [is] thine help.

geneva@Hosea:14:9 @ Who [is] (note:)Signifying that the true wisdom and knowledge consists in this, even to rest upon God.(:note) wise, and he shall understand these [things]? prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the LORD [are] right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein.

geneva@Joel:1:9 @ The meat offering and the drink offering is (note:)The signs of God's wrath appeared in his temple, in so much that God's service was discontinued.(:note) cut off from the house of the LORD; the priests, the LORD'S ministers, mourn.

geneva@Joel:2:9 @ They shal runne to & fro in the citie: they shal runne vpon the wall: they shal clime vp vpon the houses, & enter in at ye windowes like ye thiefe.

geneva@Joel:3:9 @ Publish this among the Gentiles: prepare warre, wake vp the mightie men: let all the men of warre drawe neere and come vp.

geneva@Amos:1:9 @ Thus saith the LORD; For three transgressions of Tyrus, and for four, I will not turn away [the punishment] thereof; because they delivered up the whole captivity to Edom, and remembered not the (note:)For Esau (from whom came the Edomites) and Jacob were brothers, therefore they ought to have admonished them by their brotherly friendship, and not to have provoked them to hatred.(:note) brotherly covenant:

geneva@Amos:2:9 @ Yet destroyed I the (note:)The destruction of their enemies and his mercy toward them, should have caused their hearts to melt because of love toward him.(:note) Amorite before them, whose height [was] like the height of the cedars, and he [was] strong as the oaks; yet I destroyed his fruit from above, and his roots from beneath.

geneva@Amos:3:9 @ Publish in the palaces at (note:)He calls the strangers, such as the Philistines and Egyptians, to be witness of God's judgments against the Israelites for their cruelty and oppression.(:note) Ashdod, and in the palaces in the land of Egypt, and say, Assemble yourselves upon the mountains of Samaria, and behold the great tumults in the midst thereof, and the oppressed in the midst thereof.

geneva@Amos:4:9 @ I haue smitten you with blasting, and mildewe: your great gardens and your vineyardes, & your figtrees, and your oliue trees did the palmer worme deuoure: yet haue ye not returned vnto me, saith the Lord.

geneva@Amos:5:8 @ [Seek him] that (note:)He describes the power of God; (Job_9:9).(:note) maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD [is] his name:

geneva@Amos:5:9 @ He strengtheneth the destroyer against the mightie: and the destroyer shal come against the fortresse.

geneva@Amos:6:9 @ And if there remaine ten men in one house, they shal die.

geneva@Amos:7:9 @ And the hye places of Izhak shalbe desolate, and the temples of Israel shalbe destroyed: and I wil rise against the house of Ieroboam with the sworde.

geneva@Amos:8:9 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord GOD, that I will cause the (note:)In the midst of their prosperity, I will send great affliction.(:note) sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the clear day:

geneva@Amos:9:1 @ I saw the Lord standing upon the (note:)Which was at Jerusalem: for he did not appear in the idolatrous places of Israel.(:note) altar: and he said, Smite the lintel of the door, that the posts may shake: and cut them in the Both the most important of them, and also the common people. head, all of them; and I will slay the last of them with the sword: he that fleeth of them shall not flee away, and he that escapeth of them shall not be delivered.

geneva@Amos:9:2 @ Though they digge into the hel, thence shal mine hande take them: though they clime vp to heauen, thence will I bring them downe.

geneva@Amos:9:3 @ And though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel, I will search and take them out thence; and though they be hid from my sight in the bottom of the sea, thence will I command the (note:)He shows that God will declare himself as an enemy to them in all places, and that his elements and all his creatures will be enemies to destroy them.(:note) serpent, and he shall bite them:

geneva@Amos:9:4 @ And though they goe into captiuitie before their enemies, thence wil I commande the sword, and it shall slay them: and I will set mine eyes vpon them for euill, and not for good.

geneva@Amos:9:5 @ And the Lord God of hosts shall touch the land, and it shall melt away, & al that dwel therein shall mourne, and it shall rise vp wholy like a flood, and shall bee drowned as by the flood of Egypt.

geneva@Amos:9:6 @ [It is] he that buildeth his (note:)He declares by the wonderful power of God, by the making of the heavens and the elements, that it is not possible for man to escape his judgments when he punishes.(:note) stories in the heaven, and hath founded his troop in the earth; he that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD [is] his name.

geneva@Amos:9:7 @ [Are] ye not as children of the Ethiopians (note:)Am I more bound to you than to the Ethiopians, or other people? Yet I have bestowed upon you greater benefits.(:note) unto me, O children of Israel? saith the LORD. Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt? and the Philistines from Read (Jer_47:4). Caphtor, and the Syrians from Kir?

geneva@Amos:9:8 @ Behold, the eyes of the Lord GOD [are] upon the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth; saving that I will not utterly (note:)Though he destroys the rebellious multitude, yet he will always reserve the remnant of his Church to call upon his name.(:note) destroy the house of Jacob, saith the LORD.

geneva@Amos:9:9 @ For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as [corn] is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the (note:)Meaning that none of his own would perish in his wrath.(:note) least grain fall upon the earth.

geneva@Amos:9:10 @ But all the sinners of my people shall dye by the sword, which say, The euill shal not come, nor hasten for vs.

geneva@Amos:9:11 @ In that day will I raise up the (note:)I will send the promised Messiah, and restore by him the spiritual Israel; (Act_15:16).(:note) tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old:

geneva@Amos:9:12 @ That they may possess the remnant of (note:)Meaning, the very enemies (as were the Edomites) and others would be united with the Jews in one society and body, of which Christ would be the head.(:note) Edom, and of all the heathen, which are called by my name, saith the LORD that doeth this.

geneva@Amos:9:13 @ Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that the plowman shall (note:)Signifying, that there will be great abundance of all things, so that when one type of fruit is ripe, another would follow, and every one in order; (Lev_26:5).(:note) overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed; and the mountains shall Read (Joe_3:18). drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt.

geneva@Amos:9:14 @

geneva@Amos:9:15 @ And I wil plant them vpon their land, and they shall no more bee pulled vp againe out of their lande, which I haue giuen them, sayeth the Lord thy God.

geneva@Obadiah:1:9 @ And thy strong men, O Teman, shall bee afraide, because euery one of the mount of Esau shalbe cut off by slaughter.

geneva@Jonah:1:9 @ And he answered them, I am an Ebrewe, and I feare the Lord God of heauen, which hath made the sea, and the dry lande.

geneva@Jonah:2:9 @ But I will sacrifice vnto thee with the voice of thankesgiuing, and will pay that that I haue vowed: saluation is of the Lorde.

geneva@Jonah:3:9 @

geneva@Jonah:4:9 @ And God said to Jonah, Doest thou well to be angry for the gourd? And he said, I do well to be (note:)This declares the great inconveniences into which God's servants fall when they give place to their own affections, and do not in all things willingly submit themselves to God.(:note) angry, [even] unto death.

geneva@Micah:1:9 @ For her plagues are grieuous: for it is come into Iudah: the enemie is come vnto the gate of my people, vnto Ierusalem.

geneva@Micah:2:9 @ The women of my people have ye cast out from their pleasant houses; from their children have ye taken away (note:)That is, their substance and living, which is God's blessing, and as it were part of his glory.(:note) my glory for ever.

geneva@Micah:3:9 @ Heare this, I pray you, ye heades of the house of Iaakob, and princes of the house of Israel: they abhorre iudgement, and peruert all equitie.

geneva@Micah:4:9 @ Now why dost thou cry out aloud? [is (note:)In the meantime he shows that they would endure great troubles and temptations, when they saw themselves neither to have king nor counsel.(:note) there] no king in thee? is thy counsellor perished? for pangs have taken thee as a woman in travail.

geneva@Micah:5:9 @ Thine hand shall bee lift vp vpon thine aduersaries, and all thine enemies shalbe cut off.

geneva@Micah:6:9 @ The LORD'S voice crieth unto the (note:)Meaning, that when God speaks to any city or nation, the godly will acknowledge his majesty and not consider the mortal man that brings the threatening, but God that sends it.(:note) city, and [the man of] wisdom shall see thy name: hear ye the rod, and who hath appointed it.

geneva@Micah:7:9 @ I will beare the wrath of the Lord because I haue sinned against him, vntill he pleade my cause, and execute iudgement for me: then will he bring me foorth to the light, and I shall see his righteousnesse.

geneva@Nahum:1:9 @ What do ye (note:)He shows that the undertakings of the Assyrians against Judah and the Church were against God, and therefore he would so destroy them the first time, that he would not need to return the second time.(:note) imagine against the LORD? he will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time.

geneva@Nahum:2:9 @

geneva@Nahum:3:9 @ Ethiopia and Egypt were her strength, and there was none ende: Put and Lubim were her helpers.

geneva@Habakkuk:1:9 @ They shall come all for violence: their faces shall sup up [as] the (note:)For the Jews most feared this wind, because it destroyed their fruits.(:note) east wind, and they shall gather the captives They will be so many in number. as the sand.

geneva@Habakkuk:2:9 @ Ho, he that coueteth an euil couetousnesse to his house, that he may set his nest on hie, to escape from the power of euil.

geneva@Habakkuk:3:9 @ Thy (note:)That is, your power.(:note) bow was made quite naked, [according] to the For he had not only made a covenant with Abraham, but renewed it with his posterity. oaths of the tribes, [even thy] word. Selah. Thou Read (Num_20:11). didst cleave the earth with rivers.

geneva@Zephaniah:1:9 @ In the same day also will I punish all those that (note:)He means the servants of the rulers who invade other men's houses, and rejoice and leap for joy, when they can get any gain to please their master with.(:note) leap on the threshold, which fill their masters' houses with violence and deceit.

geneva@Zephaniah:2:9 @ Therefore, as I liue, saith the Lord of hostes, the God of Israel, Surely Moab shall bee as Sodom, and the children of Ammon as Gomorah, euen the breeding of nettels and salt pittes, and a perpetuall desolation: the residue of my folke shall spoyle them, and the remnant of my people shall possesse them.

geneva@Zephaniah:3:9 @ For (note:)Lest any should then think that God's glory should have perished when Judah was destroyed, he shows that he will proclaim his grace through all the world.(:note) then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.

geneva@Haggai:1:9 @ Ye looked for much, and, lo, [it came] to little; and when ye brought [it] home, I did blow (note:)And so bring it to nothing.(:note) upon it. Why? saith the LORD of hosts. Because of mine house that [is] waste, and ye run every man unto his own house.

geneva@Haggai:2:9 @ The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give (note:)Meaning all spiritual blessings and felicity purchased by Christ; (Phi_4:7).(:note) peace, saith the LORD of hosts.

geneva@Zechariah:1:9 @ Then sayd I, O my Lorde, what are these? And the Angel that talked with me, sayde vnto me, I wil shew thee what these be.

geneva@Zechariah:2:9 @ For, behold, I will shake my hand (note:)Upon the heathen your enemies.(:note) upon them, and They will be your servants, as you have been theirs. they shall be a spoil to their servants: and ye shall know that the LORD of hosts hath This must necessarily be understood of Christ, who being God equal with his Father, was sent, as he was Mediator to dwell in his Church and to govern them. sent me.

geneva@Zechariah:3:9 @ For behold the (note:)He shows that the ministers cannot build before God lay the first stone, which is Christ, who is full of eyes, both because he gives light to all others, and that all ought to seek light from him; (Zec_4:10).(:note) stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone [shall be] seven eyes: behold, I That is, I will make perfect in all points, as a thing done by the hand of God. will engrave the engraving of it, saith the LORD of hosts, and I will Though I have punished this land for a time, yet I will even now be pacified, and punish their sins no more. remove the iniquity of that land in one day.

geneva@Zechariah:3:10 @ In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, shall ye call every man his neighbour under the (note:)You will then live in peace and quietness, that is, in the kingdom of Christ; (Isa_2:2; Mic_4:4; Hag_2:9).(:note) vine and under the fig tree.

geneva@Zechariah:4:9 @ The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it; and (note:)Meaning, the Prophet, that I am Christ sent from my Father for the building and preservation of my spiritual temple.(:note) thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me to you.

geneva@Zechariah:4:10 @ For who hath despised the day of (note:)Signifying that all were discouraged at the small and poor beginnings of the temple.(:note) small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the By which he signifies the plummet and line, that is, that Zerubbabel who represented Christ, would go forward with his building to the joy and comfort of the godly, though the world was against him, and though his own for a while were discouraged, because they do not see things pleasant to the eye. plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel [with] those seven; That is, God has seven eyes: meaning, a continual providence, so that neither Satan nor any power in the world, can go about to bring anything to pass to hinder his work; (Zec_5:9). they [are] the eyes of the LORD, which run to and fro through the whole earth.

geneva@Zechariah:5:9 @ Then I lifted up my eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came out two (note:)Which declared that God would execute his judgment by the means of the weak and infirm.(:note) women, and the wind [was] in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork: and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven.

geneva@Zechariah:6:9 @ And the worde of the Lord came vnto me, saying,

geneva@Zechariah:6:12 @ And speak to him, saying, Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name [is] The (note:)Meaning Christ, of whom Joshua was the figure: for in Greek they were both called Jesus.(:note) BRANCH; and he shall grow That is, of himself without the help of man. up out of his place, and he shall Which declares that no one could build this temple of which Haggai speaks, but only Christ: and therefore it was spiritual, and not material; (Hag_2:9). build the temple of the LORD:

geneva@Zechariah:7:9 @ Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, (note:)He shows that they did not fast with a sincere heart, but because of hypocrisy, and that it was not done from a pure religion, because they lacked these offices of charity which should have declared that they were godly; (Mat_23:23).(:note) Execute true judgment, and show mercy and compassions every man to his brother:

geneva@Zechariah:8:9 @ Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Let your (note:)Let neither respect of your personal benefits, neither counsel of others, nor fear of enemies, discourage you in the going forward with the building of the temple, but be steadfast and obey the Prophets, who encourage you to that.(:note) hands be strong, ye that hear in these days these words by the mouth of the prophets, who [were] in the day [when] the foundation of the house of the LORD of hosts was laid, that the temple might be built.

geneva@Zechariah:9:1 @ The burden of the word of the LORD in the land of (note:)By which he means Syria.(:note) Hadrach, and Damascus [shall be] the God's anger will remain upon their chief city, and not spare even as much as that. rest of it: when the When the Jews will convert and repent, then God will destroy their enemies. eyes of man, as of all the tribes of Israel, [shall be] toward the LORD.

geneva@Zechariah:9:2 @ And Hamath also shall border (note:)That is, by Damascus: meaning, that Harnath or Antiochia would be under the same rod and plague.(:note) by it; Tyre, and Zidon, though it be He secretly shows the cause of their destruction, because they deceived all others by their craft and subtilty, which they cloaked with this name of wisdom. very wise.

geneva@Zechariah:9:3 @ For Tyrus did build her selfe a strong holde, and heaped vp siluer as the dust, and golde as the myre of the streetes.

geneva@Zechariah:9:4 @ Behold, the LORD will cast her out, and he will smite her (note:)Though those of Tyre think themselves invincible by reason of the sea that surrounds them, yet they will not escape God's judgments.(:note) power in the sea; and she shall be devoured with fire.

geneva@Zechariah:9:5 @ Ashkelon shall see it, and feare, and Azzah also shalbe very sorowfull, and Ekron: for her countenance shalbe ashamed, & the King shal perish fro Azzah, & Ashkelon shal not be inhabited.

geneva@Zechariah:9:6 @ And a (note:)Meaning, that all would be destroyed, save a very few, that would remain as strangers.(:note) bastard shall dwell in Ashdod, and I will cut off the pride of the Philistines.

geneva@Zechariah:9:7 @ And I will take away his blood out of his mouth, and his abominations from between his (note:)He promises to deliver the Jews when he will take vengeance on their enemies for their cruelty, and the wrongs they did to them.(:note) teeth: but he that remaineth, even he, [shall be] for our God, and he shall be as a governor in Judah, and As the Jebusites had been destroyed, so would Ekron and all the Philistines. Ekron as a Jebusite.

geneva@Zechariah:9:8 @ And I will encamp about (note:)He shows that God's power alone will be sufficient to defend his Church against all adversaries, be they ever so cruel, or assert their power ever so often.(:note) my house because of the army, because of him that passeth by, and because of him that returneth: and no oppressor shall pass through them any more: for now That is, God has now seen the great injuries and afflictions with which they have been afflicted by their enemies. have I seen with my eyes.

geneva@Zechariah:9:9 @ Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh to thee: (note:)That is, he has righteousness and salvation in himself for the use and benefit of his Church.(:note) he [is] just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon a Which declares that they should not look for such a king as would be glorious in the eyes of man, but should be poor, and yet in himself have all power to deliver his own: and this is meant of Christ, as in (Mat_21:5). donkey, and upon a colt the foal of a donkey.

geneva@Zechariah:9:10 @ And I will cut off the (note:)No power of man or creature will be able to stop this kingdom of Christ, and he will peaceably govern them by his word.(:note) chariot from Ephraim, and the horse from Jerusalem, and the battle bow shall be cut off: and he shall speak peace to the nations: and his dominion [shall be] from That is, from the Red Sea, to the Sea called Syriacum: and by these places which the Jews knew, he meant an infinite space and area over the whole world. sea to sea, and from the That is, from the Euphrates. river to the ends of the earth.

geneva@Zechariah:9:11 @

geneva@Zechariah:9:12 @ Turn ye to the (note:)That is, into the holy land where the city and the temple are, where God will defend you.(:note) strong hold, ye Meaning the faithful, who seemed to be in danger of their enemies on every side, and yet lived in hope that God would restore them to liberty. prisoners of hope: even to day do I declare [that] I will render That is, double benefits and prosperity, in respect of that which your fathers enjoyed from David's time to the captivity. double to thee;

geneva@Zechariah:9:13 @ When I have bent Judah for me, filled the (note:)I will make Judah and Ephraim, that is, my whole Church, victorious against all enemies, which he here means by the Greeks.(:note) bow with Ephraim, and raised up thy sons, O Zion, against thy sons, O Greece, and made thee as the sword of a mighty man.

geneva@Zechariah:9:14 @ And the Lord shalbe seene ouer them, and his arrowe shal go forth as the lightning: and the Lord God shal blowe the trumpet, and shal come forth with the whirlewindes of the South.

geneva@Zechariah:9:15 @ The LORD of hosts shall defend them; and they shall devour, (note:)He promises that the Jews will destroy their enemies, and have abundance and excess of all things, as there is abundance on the altar when the sacrifice is offered. And these things are not to move them to excess, but to sobriety, and a thankful remembrance of God's great liberality.(:note) and subdue the sling stones; and they shall drink, [and] make a noise as through wine; and they shall be filled like bowls, [and] as the corners of the altar.

geneva@Zechariah:9:16 @ And the LORD their God shall save them in that day as the flock of his people: for they [shall be as] the (note:)The faithful will be preserved, and reverenced by all, that their very enemies will be compelled to esteem them: for God's glory will shine in them, as Josephus declares of Alexander the great when he met Jadi the high priest.(:note) stones of a crown, lifted up as an ensign upon his land.

geneva@Zechariah:9:17 @ For howe great is his goodnesse! and howe great is his beautie! corne shall make the yong men cherefull, and newe wine the maides.

geneva@Zechariah:10:9 @ And I will (note:)Though they will yet be scattered and seem to be lost, yet it will be profitable to them: for there they will come to the knowledge of my name, which was accomplished under the Gospel, among whom it was first preached.(:note) sow them among the people: and they shall remember me in far countries; and they shall live with their children, and Not that they would return into their country, but be gathered and joined in one faith by the doctrine of the Gospel. turn again.

geneva@Zechariah:11:9 @ Then said I, I will not feede you: that that dyeth, let it dye: and that that perisheth, let it perish: and let the remnant eate, euery one the flesh of his neighbour.

geneva@Zechariah:12:9 @ And in that day will I seeke to destroy all the nations that come against Ierusalem.

geneva@Zechariah:13:3 @ And it shall come to pass, [that] when any shall yet (note:)That is, when they will prophesy lies, and make God, who is the author of truth, a cloak for them.(:note) prophesy, then his father and his mother that begat him shall say to him, Thou shalt not live; for thou speakest lies in the name of the LORD: and his father and his mother that begat him He shows what zeal the godly will have under the kingdom of Christ; (Deu_13:6, Deu_13:9). shall thrust him through when he prophesieth.

geneva@Zechariah:13:9 @ And I will bring that third part thorowe the fire, and will fine them as the siluer is fined, and will trye them as golde is tryed: they shall call on my Name, and I will heare them: I will say, It is my people, and they shall say, The Lorde is my God.

geneva@Zechariah:14:9 @ And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one (note:)All idolatry and superstition will be abolished, and there will be one God, one faith, and one religion.(:note) LORD, and his name one.

geneva@Malachi:1:9 @ And now, I pray you, (note:)He derides the priests who deceived the people in saying that they prayed for them, and shows that they were the occasion that these evils came upon the people.(:note) beseech God that he will be gracious unto us: this hath been by your means: will he regard Will God consider your office and state, seeing you are so covetous and wicked? your persons? saith the LORD of hosts.

geneva@Malachi:2:9 @ Therefore haue I also made you to be despised, and vile before all the people, because yee kept not my wayes, but haue beene partiall in the Lawe.

geneva@Malachi:3:9 @ Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye haue spoyled me, euen this whole nation.