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bes@Genesis:5:3 @ And Adam lived two hundred and thirty years, and begot a son after his own form, and after his own image, and he called his name Seth.

bes@Genesis:5:4 @ And the days of Adam, which he lived after his begetting Seth, were seven hundred years; and he begot sons and daughters.

bes@Genesis:5:5 @ And all the days of Adam which he lived were nine hundred and thirty years, and he died.

bes@Genesis:5:6 @ Now Seth lived two hundred and five years, and begot Enos.

bes@Genesis:5:7 @ And Seth lived after his begetting Enos, seven hundred and seven years, and he begot sons and daughters.

bes@Genesis:5:8 @ And all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years, and he died.

bes@Genesis:5:9 @ And Enos lived an hundred and ninety years, and begot Cainan.

bes@Genesis:5:10 @ And Enos lived after his begetting Cainan, seven hundred and fifteen years, and he begot sons and daughters.

bes@Genesis:5:11 @ And all the days of Enos were nine hundred and five years, and he died.

bes@Genesis:5:12 @ And Cainan lived an hundred and seventy years, and he begot Maleleel.

bes@Genesis:5:13 @ And Cainan lived after his begetting Maleleel, seven hundred and forty years, and he begot sons and daughters.

bes@Genesis:5:14 @ And all the days of Cainan were nine hundred and ten years, and he died.

bes@Genesis:5:15 @ And Maleleel lived an hundred and sixty and five years, and he begot Jared.

bes@Genesis:5:16 @ And Maleleel lived after his begetting Jared, seven hundred and thirty years, and he begot sons and daughters.

bes@Genesis:5:17 @ And all the days of Maleleel were eight hundred and ninety and five years, and he died.

bes@Genesis:5:18 @ And Jared lived an hundred and sixty and two years, and begot Enoch:

bes@Genesis:5:19 @ and Jared lived after his begetting Enoch, eight hundred years, and he begot sons and daughters.

bes@Genesis:5:20 @ And all the days of Jared were nine hundred and sixty and two years, and he died.

bes@Genesis:5:21 @ And Enoch lived an hundred and sixty and five years, and begat Mathusala.

bes@Genesis:5:22 @ And Enoch was well-pleasing to God after his begetting Mathusala, two hundred years, and he begot sons and daughters.

bes@Genesis:5:23 @ And all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty and five years.

bes@Genesis:5:25 @ And Mathusala lived (note:)Alex. 187(:note) an hundred and sixty and seven years, and begot Lamech.

bes@Genesis:5:26 @ And Mathusala lived after his begetting Lamech (note:)Alex. 782(:note) eight hundred and two years, and begot sons and daughters.

bes@Genesis:5:27 @ And all the days of Mathusala which he lived, were nine hundred and sixty and nine years, and he died.

bes@Genesis:5:28 @ And Lamech lived an hundred and eighty and eight years, and begot a son.

bes@Genesis:5:30 @ And Lamech lived after his begetting Noe, five hundred and sixty and five years, and begot sons and daughters.

bes@Genesis:5:31 @ And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred and fifty-three years, and he died.

bes@Genesis:6:1 @ And Noe was five hundred years old, and he begot three sons, Sem, (note:)Alex. Chaph(:note) Cham, and Japheth.

bes@Genesis:6:4 @ And the Lord God said, My Spirit shall certainly not remain among these men for ever, because they are flesh, but their days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

bes@Genesis:6:16 @ And thus shalt thou make the ark; three hundred cubits the length of the ark, and fifty cubits the breadth, and thirty cubits the height of it.

bes@Genesis:7:6 @ And Noe was six hundred years old when the flood of water was upon the earth.

bes@Genesis:7:11 @ In the six hundredth year of the life of Noe, in the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, on this day all the fountains of the abyss were broken up, and the (note:)Or, bars, or, cataracts(:note) flood-gates of heaven were opened.

bes@Genesis:7:24 @ And the water was raised over the earth an hundred and fifty days.

bes@Genesis:8:3 @ And the water subsided, and went off the earth, and after an hundred and fifty days the water was diminished, and the ark rested in the seventh month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat.

bes@Genesis:8:13 @ And it came to pass in the six hundred and first year of the life of Noe, in the first month, on the first day of the month, the water subsided from off the earth, and Noe opened the covering of the ark which he had made, and he saw that the water had subsided from the face of the earth.

bes@Genesis:9:28 @ And Noe lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years.

bes@Genesis:9:29 @ And all the days of Noe were nine hundred and fifty years, and he died.

bes@Genesis:11:10 @ And these are the generations of Sem: and Sem was a hundred years old when he begot Arphaxad, the second year after the flood.

bes@Genesis:11:11 @ And Sem lived, after he had begotten Arphaxad, five hundred years, and begot sons and daughters, and died.

bes@Genesis:11:12 @ And Arphaxad lived a hundred and thirty-five years, and begot Cainan.

bes@Genesis:11:13 @ And Arphaxad lived after he had begotten Cainan, (note:)Alex. 480(:note) four hundred years, and begot sons and daughters, and died. And Cainan lived a hundred and thirty years and begot Sala; and Canaan lived after he had begotten Sala, three hundred and thirty years, and begot sons and daughters, and died.

bes@Genesis:11:14 @ And Sala lived an hundred and thirty years, and begot Heber.

bes@Genesis:11:15 @ And Sala lived after he had begotten Heber, three hundred and thirty years, and begot sons and daughters, and died.

bes@Genesis:11:16 @ And Heber lived an hundred and thirty-four years, and begot Phaleg.

bes@Genesis:11:17 @ And Heber lived after he had begotten Phaleg (note:)Alex. 370(:note) two hundred and seventy years, and begot sons and daughters, and died.

bes@Genesis:11:18 @ And Phaleg lived and hundred and thirty years, and begot Ragau.

bes@Genesis:11:19 @ And Phaleg lived after he had begotten Ragau, two hundred and nine years, and begot sons and daughters, and died.

bes@Genesis:11:20 @ And Ragau lived and hundred thirty and two years, and begot Seruch.

bes@Genesis:11:21 @ And Raau lived after he had begotten Seruch, two hundred and seven years, and begot sons and daughters, and died.

bes@Genesis:11:22 @ And Seruch lived a hundred and thirty years, and begot Nachor.

bes@Genesis:11:23 @ And Seruch lived after he had begotten Nachor, two hundred years, and begot sons and daughters, and died.

bes@Genesis:11:24 @ And Nachor lived (note:)Alex. 79 years(:note) a hundred and seventy-nine years, and begot Tharrha.

bes@Genesis:11:25 @ And Nachor lived after he had begotten Tharrha, (note:)Alex. 129(:note) an hundred and twenty-five years, and begot sons and daughters, and he died.

bes@Genesis:11:32 @ And all the days of Tharrha in the land of Charrhan were two hundred and five years, and Tharrha died in Charrhan.

bes@Genesis:14:14 @ And Abram having heard that Lot his nephew had been taken captive, numbered his own home-born servants three hundred and eighteen, and pursued after them to Daniel.

bes@Genesis:15:13 @ And it was said to Abram, Thou shalt surely know that thy seed shall be a sojourner in a land not their won, and they shall enslave them, and afflict them, and humble them four hundred years.

bes@Genesis:17:17 @ And Abraam fell upon his face, and laughed; and spoke in his heart, saying, Shall there be a child to one who is a hundred years old, and shall Sarrha who is ninety years old, bear?

bes@Genesis:21:5 @ And Abraam was a hundred years old when Isaac his son was born to him.

bes@Genesis:23:1 @ And the life of Sarrha was an hundred and twenty-seven years.

bes@Genesis:23:15 @ Nay, my lord, I have heard indeed, the land is worth four hundred silver didrachms, but what can this be between me and thee? nay, do thou bury thy dead.

bes@Genesis:23:16 @ And Abraam hearkened to Ephron, and Abraam rendered to Ephron the money, which he mentioned in the ears of the sons of Chet, four hundred didrachms of silver approved with merchants.

bes@Genesis:25:7 @ And these were the years of the days of the life of Abraam as many as he lived, a hundred and seventy-five years.

bes@Genesis:25:17 @ And these are the years of the life of Ismael, a hundred and thirty-seven years; and he failed and died, and was added to his (note:)Gr. family(:note) fathers.

bes@Genesis:26:12 @ And Isaac sowed in that land, and he found in that year barley and hundred-fold, and the Lord blessed him.

bes@Genesis:32:6 @ And the messengers returned to Jacob, saying, We came to thy brother Esau, and lo! he comes to meet thee, and four hundred men with him.

bes@Genesis:32:14 @ two hundred she-goats, twenty he-goats, two hundred sheep, twenty rams,

bes@Genesis:33:1 @ And Jacob (note:)Gr. looked up with(:note) lifted up his eyes, and beheld, and lo! Esau his brother coming, and four hundred men with him; and Jacob divided the children to Lea and to Rachel, and the two handmaidens.

bes@Genesis:33:19 @ And he bought the portion of the field, where he pitched his tent, of Emmor the father of Sychem, for a hundred lambs.

bes@Genesis:35:28 @ And the days of Isaac which he lived were an hundred and eighty years.

bes@Genesis:45:22 @ And he gave to them all two sets of raiment apiece; but to Benjamin he gave three hundred pieces of gold, and five changes of raiment.

bes@Genesis:47:9 @ And Jacob said to Pharao, The days of the years of my life, wherein I sojourn, are a hundred and thirty years; few and evil have been the days of the years of my life, they have not attained to the days of the life of my fathers, in which days they sojourned.

bes@Genesis:47:28 @ And Jacob survived seventeen years in the land of Egypt; and Jacob’s days of the years of his life were a hundred and forty-seven years.

bes@Genesis:50:22 @ And Joseph dwelt in Egypt, he and his brethren, and all the family of his father; and Joseph lived a hundred and ten years.

bes@Genesis:50:26 @ And Joseph died, aged an hundred and ten years; and (note:)Gr. buried him(:note) they prepared his corpse, and put him in a coffin in Egypt.

bes@Exodus:6:16 @ And these are the names of the sons of Levi according to their kindreds, Gedson, Caath, and Merari; and the years of the life of Levi were a hundred and thirty-seven.

bes@Exodus:6:18 @ Ambram and Issaar, Chebron, and Oziel; and the years of the life of Caath were a (note:)Alex. 130(:note) hundred and thirty-three years.

bes@Exodus:6:20 @ And Ambram took to wife Jochabed the daughter of his father’s brother, and she bore to him both Aaron and Moses, and Mariam their sister: and the years of the life of Ambram were a (note:)Alex. 136(:note) hundred and thirty-two years.

bes@Exodus:12:37 @ And the children Israel (note:)Gr. having departed(:note) departed from Ramesses to Socchoth, to the full number of six hundred thousand footmen, even men, besides the baggage.

bes@Exodus:12:40 @ And the sojourning of the children of Israel, (note:)Gr. which(:note) while they sojourned in the land of Egypt and the land of Chanaan, was four hundred and thirty years.

bes@Exodus:12:41 @ And it came to pass after the four hundred and thirty years, all the forces of the Lord came forth out of the land of Egypt by night.

bes@Exodus:14:7 @ having also taken six hundred chosen chariots, and all the cavalry of the Egyptians, and rulers over all.

bes@Exodus:18:21 @ And do thou look out for thyself out of all the people able men, fearing God, righteous men, hating pride, and thou shalt set over (note:)Gr. them(:note) the people captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, and captains of fifties, and captains of tens.

bes@Exodus:18:25 @ And Moses chose out able men out of all Israel, and he made them captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, and captains of fifties and captains of tens over (note:)Gr. them(:note) the people.

bes@Exodus:27:9 @ And thou shalt make a court for the tabernacle, curtains of the court of fine linen spun on the south side, the length of a hundred cubits for one side.

bes@Exodus:27:11 @ Thus shall there be to the side toward the north curtains of a hundred cubits in length; and their pillars twenty, and their sockets twenty of brass, and the rings and the clasps of the pillars, and their sockets overlaid with silver.

bes@Exodus:27:18 @ And the length of the court shall be a hundred cubits on each side, and the breadth fifty on each side, and the height five cubits of fine linen spun, and their sockets of brass.

bes@Exodus:30:23 @ Do thou also take sweet herbs, the flower of choice myrrh five hundred shekels, and the half of this two hundred and fifty shekels of sweet-smelling cinnamon, and two hundred and fifty shekels of sweet-smelling calamus,

bes@Exodus:30:24 @ and of (note:)Gr. iris(:note) cassia five hundred shekels of the sanctuary, and a hin of olive oil.

bes@Exodus:37:7 @ And they made the court toward the south; the curtains of the court of fine linen twined, a hundred cubits (note:)Or, on each side(:note) every way,

bes@Exodus:37:9 @ and on the north side a hundred every way, and on the south side a hundred every way, and their posts twenty and their sockets twenty.

bes@Exodus:39:1 @ All the gold that was employed for the works according to all the fabrication of the holy things, was of the gold of the (note:)Gr. first-fruits(:note) offerings, twenty-nine talents, and Alex. 730 shekels seven hundred and twenty shekels according to the holy shekel.

bes@Exodus:39:2 @ And the offering of silver from the men that were numbered of the congregation a hundred talents, and a thousand seven hundred and seventy-five shekels, one drachm apiece, even the half shekel, according to the holy shekel.

bes@Exodus:39:3 @ Every one that passed the survey from twenty years old and upwards to the number of six hundred thousand, and three thousand five hundred and fifty.

bes@Exodus:39:4 @ And the hundred talents of silver went to the casting of the hundred chapiters of the tabernacle, and to the chapiters of the veil;

bes@Exodus:39:5 @ a hundred chapiters to the hundred talents, a talent to a chapiter.

bes@Exodus:39:6 @ And the thousand seven hundred and seventy-five shekels he formed into hooks for the pillars, and he gilt their chapiters and adorned them.

bes@Exodus:39:7 @ And the brass of the offering was (note:)Alex. 470 talents(:note) seventy talents, and Alex. 2400 shekels a thousand five hundred shekels;

bes@Leviticus:26:8 @ And five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall chase tens of thousands; and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword.

bes@Numbers:1:21 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Ruben, was forty-six thousand and four hundred.

bes@Numbers:1:23 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Symeon, was fifty-nine thousand and three hundred.

bes@Numbers:1:25 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Juda, was seventy-four thousand and six hundred.

bes@Numbers:1:27 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Issachar, was fifty-four thousand and (note:)Alex. 500(:note) four hundred.

bes@Numbers:1:29 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Zabulon, was fifty-seven thousand and four hundred.

bes@Numbers:1:31 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Ephraim, was forty thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:1:33 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Manasse, was thirty-two thousand and two hundred.

bes@Numbers:1:35 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Benjamin, was thirty-five thousand and four hundred.

bes@Numbers:1:37 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Gad, was forty and five thousand and six hundred and fifty.

bes@Numbers:1:39 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Dan, was sixty and two thousand and seven hundred.

bes@Numbers:1:41 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Aser, was forty and one thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:1:43 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Nephthali, was fifty-three thousand and four hundred.

bes@Numbers:1:46 @ six hundred thousand and three thousand and five hundred and fifty.

bes@Numbers:2:4 @ His forces that were numbered, were seventy-four thousand and six hundred.

bes@Numbers:2:6 @ His forces that were numbered, were fifty-four thousand and four hundred.

bes@Numbers:2:8 @ His forces that were numbered, were fifty-seven thousand and four hundred.

bes@Numbers:2:9 @ All that were numbered of the camp of Juda were a hundred and eighty thousand and six thousand and four hundred: they shall move first with their forces.

bes@Numbers:2:11 @ His forces that were numbered, were forty-six thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:2:13 @ His forces that were numbered, were fifty-nine thousand and three hundred.

bes@Numbers:2:15 @ His forces that were numbered, were forty-five thousand and six hundred and fifty.

bes@Numbers:2:16 @ All who were numbered of the camp of Ruben, were a hundred and fifty-one thousand and four hundred and fifty: they with their forces shall proceed in the second place.

bes@Numbers:2:19 @ His forces that were numbered, are forty thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:2:21 @ His forces that were numbered, were thirty-two thousand and two hundred.

bes@Numbers:2:23 @ His forces that were numbered, were thirty-five thousand and four hundred.

bes@Numbers:2:24 @ All that were numbered of the camp of Ephraim, were one hundred and eight thousand and one hundred: they with their forces shall set out third.

bes@Numbers:2:26 @ His forces that were numbered, were sixty-two thousand and seven hundred.

bes@Numbers:2:28 @ His forces that were numbered, were forty-one thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:2:30 @ His forces that were numbered were fifty-three thousand and four hundred.

bes@Numbers:2:31 @ All that were numbered of the camp of Dan, were a hundred and fifty-seven thousand and six hundred: they shall set out last according to their order.

bes@Numbers:2:32 @ This is the numbering of the children of Israel according to the houses of their families: all the numbering of the camps with their forces, was six hundred and three thousand, five hundred and fifty.

bes@Numbers:3:22 @ The numbering of them according to the number of every male from a month old and upwards, their numbering was seven thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:3:28 @ Every male from a month old and upward, eight thousand and six hundred, keeping the charges of the holy things.

bes@Numbers:3:43 @ And all the male first-born in number by name, from a month old and upwards, were according to their numbering twenty-two thousand and two hundred and seventy-three.

bes@Numbers:3:46 @ And for the ransoms of the two hundred and seventy-three which exceed the Levites in number of the first-born of the sons of Israel;

bes@Numbers:3:50 @ He took the silver from the first-born of the sons of Israel, a thousand three hundred and sixty-five shekels, according to the holy shekel.

bes@Numbers:4:36 @ And the numbering of them according to their families was two thousand, (note:)Alex. 350(:note) seven hundred and fifty.

bes@Numbers:4:40 @ And the numbering of them according to their families, according to the houses of their lineage, was two thousand six hundred and thirty.

bes@Numbers:4:44 @ And the numbering of them according to their families, according to the houses of their lineage, was three thousand and two hundred.

bes@Numbers:4:48 @ And they that were numbered were eight thousand (note:)Alex. 450(:note) five hundred and eighty.

bes@Numbers:7:13 @ And he brought his gift, one silver charger of a hundred and thirty shekels was its weight, one silver bowl, of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour kneaded with oil for a meat-offering.

bes@Numbers:7:19 @ And he brought his gift, one silver charger, its weight a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour kneaded with oil for a meat-offering.

bes@Numbers:7:25 @ He brought his gift, one silver charger, its weight a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour kneaded with oil for a meat-offering.

bes@Numbers:7:31 @ He brought his gift, one silver charger, its weight a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour kneaded with oil for a meat-offering.

bes@Numbers:7:37 @ He brought his gift, one silver charger, its weight one hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour kneaded with oil for a meat-offering.

bes@Numbers:7:43 @ He brought his gift, one silver charger, its weight a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour kneaded with oil for a meat offering.

bes@Numbers:7:49 @ He brought his gift, one silver charger, its weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour kneaded with oil for a meat-offering.

bes@Numbers:7:55 @ He brought his gift, one silver charger, its weight one hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat-offering.

bes@Numbers:7:61 @ He brought his gift, one silver charger, its weight a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat-offering.

bes@Numbers:7:67 @ He brought his gift, one silver charger, its weight a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour kneaded with oil for a meat-offering.

bes@Numbers:7:73 @ He brought his gift, one silver charger, its weight a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat-offering.

bes@Numbers:7:79 @ He brought his gift, one silver charger, its weight a hundred and thirty shekels; one silver bowl of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering.

bes@Numbers:7:86 @ Twelve golden censers full of incense: all the gold of the shekels, a hundred and twenty shekels.

bes@Numbers:11:21 @ And Moses said, The people among whom I am are six hundred thousand footmen; and thou saidst, I will give them flesh to eat, and they shall eat a whole month.

bes@Numbers:16:2 @ and rose up before Moses, and two hundred and fifty men of the sons of Israel, chiefs of the assembly, chosen councillors, and men of renown.

bes@Numbers:16:17 @ And take each man his censer, and ye shall put incense upon them, and shall bring each one his censer before the Lord, two hundred and fifty censers, and thou and Aaron shall bring each his censer.

bes@Numbers:16:35 @ And fire went forth from the Lord, and devoured the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense.

bes@Numbers:16:49 @ And they that died in the plague were fourteen thousand and seven hundred, besides those that died on account of Core.

bes@Numbers:26:7 @ These are the families of Ruben; and their numbering was forty-three thousand and seven hundred and thirty.

bes@Numbers:26:10 @ And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up them and Core, when their assembly perished, when the fire devoured the two hundred and fifty, and they were (note:)Or, for a sign(:note) made a sign.

bes@Numbers:26:14 @ These are the families of Symeon according to their numbering, two and twenty thousand and two hundred.

bes@Numbers:26:18 @ These are the families of Juda according to their numbering, seventy-six thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:26:21 @ These are the families of Issachar according to their numbering, sixty-four thousand and four hundred.

bes@Numbers:26:23 @ These are the families of Zabulon according to their numbering, sixty thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:26:27 @ These are the families of the children of Gad according to their numbering, forty-four thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:26:31 @ These are the families of Aser according to their numbering, forty-three thousand and (note:)Alex. 600(:note) four hundred.

bes@Numbers:26:38 @ These are the families of Manasse according to their numbering, (note:)Alex. 62,500(:note) fifty-two thousand and seven hundred.

bes@Numbers:26:41 @ These are the families of Ephraim according to their numbering, thirty-two thousand and five hundred: these are the families of the children of Joseph according to their families.

bes@Numbers:26:45 @ These are the sons of Benjamin by their families according to their numbering, thirty-five thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:26:47 @ All the families of Samei according to their numbering, sixty-four thousand and (note:)Alex. 600(:note) four hundred.

bes@Numbers:26:50 @ These are the families of Nephthali, according to their numbering, forty thousand and three hundred.

bes@Numbers:26:51 @ This is the numbering of the children of Israel, six hundred and one thousand and seven hundred and thirty.

bes@Numbers:31:14 @ And Moses was angry with the captains of the host, the heads of thousands and the heads of hundreds who came from the battle-array.

bes@Numbers:31:28 @ And ye shall take a tribute for the Lord from the warriors that went out to battle; one soul out of five hundred, from the men, and from the cattle, even from the oxen, and from the sheep, and from the asses; and ye shall take from their half.

bes@Numbers:31:32 @ And that which remained of the spoil which the warriors took, was—of the sheep, six hundred and seventy-five thousand:

bes@Numbers:31:36 @ And the half, even the portion of them that went out to war, from the number of the sheep, was three hundred and thirty-seven thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:31:37 @ And the tribute to the Lord from the sheep was six hundred and seventy-five.

bes@Numbers:31:39 @ And asses, thirty thousand and five hundred, and the tribute to the Lord, sixty-one:

bes@Numbers:31:43 @ And the half taken from the sheep, belonging to the congregation, was three hundred and thirty-seven thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:31:45 @ asses, thirty thousand and five hundred;

bes@Numbers:31:48 @ And all those who were appointed to be officers of thousands of the host, captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, approached Moses, and said to Moses,

bes@Numbers:31:52 @ And all the wrought gold, even the offering that they offered to the Lord, was sixteen thousand and seven hundred and fifty shekels from the captains of thousands and the captains of hundreds.

bes@Numbers:31:54 @ And Moses and Eleazar the priest took the gold from the captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, and brought (note:)Gr. them(:note) the vessels into the tabernacle of witness, a memorial of the children of Israel before the Lord.

bes@Numbers:33:39 @ And Aaron was a hundred and twenty-three years old, when he died in mount Or.

bes@Deuteronomy:1:15 @ So I took of you wise and understanding and prudent men, and I set them to rule over you as rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, and rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens, and (note:)Perhaps, recorders: more. lit. instructors in reading and writing(:note) officers to your judges.

bes@Deuteronomy:22:19 @ and shall fine him a hundred shekels, and shall give them to the father of the damsel, because he has brought forth an evil name against a virgin of Israel; and she shall be his wife: he shall never be able to put her away.

bes@Deuteronomy:31:2 @ and said to them, I am this day a hundred and twenty years old; I shall not be able any longer to come in or go out; and the Lord said to me, Thou shalt not go over this Jordan.

bes@Deuteronomy:34:7 @ And Moses was a hundred and twenty years old at his death; his eyes were not dimmed, nor were his natural powers destroyed.

bes@Joshua:7:21 @ I saw in the spoil an embroidered mantle, and two hundred didrachms of silver, and one golden wedge of fifty didrachms, and I desired them and took them; and, behold, they are hid in my tent, and the silver is hid under them.

bes@Joshua:24:29 @ And it came to pass after these things that Joshua the son of Naue the servant of the Lord died, at the age of a hundred and ten years.

bes@Joshua:24:32 @ And the children of Israel brought up the bones of Joseph out of Egypt, and buried them in Sicima, in the portion of the land which Jacob bought of the Amorites who dwelt in Sicima for a hundred ewe-lambs; and he gave it to Joseph for a portion.

bes@Judges:2:8 @ And Joshua the son of Naue, the servant of the Lord, died, (note:)Gr. son of a hundred and ten years; Hebraism(:note) a hundred and ten years old.

bes@Judges:3:31 @ And after him rose up Samegar the son of Dinach, and smote the Philistines to the number of six hundred men with a ploughshare such as is drawn by oxen; and he too delivered Israel.

bes@Judges:4:3 @ And the children of Israel cried to the Lord, because he had nine hundred chariots of iron; and he mightily oppressed Israel twenty years.

bes@Judges:4:13 @ And Sisara (note:)Gr. called(:note) summoned all his chariots, nine hundred chariots of iron and all the people with him, from Arisoth of the Gentiles to the brook of Kison.

bes@Judges:7:6 @ And the number of those that lapped with their hand to their mouth was three hundred men; and all the rest of the people bowed upon their knees to drink water.

bes@Judges:7:7 @ And the Lord said to Gedeon, I will save you by the three hundred men that lapped, and I will give Madiam into thy hand; and all the rest of the people shall go every one to his place.

bes@Judges:7:8 @ And they took the provision of the people in their hand, and their horns; and he sent away every man of Israel each to his tent, and he (note:)Or, encouraged(:note) strengthened the three hundred; and the army of Madiam were beneath him in the valley.

bes@Judges:7:16 @ And he divided the three hundred men into three companies, and put horns in the (note:)Gr. hand(:note) hands of all, and empty pitchers, and torches in the pitchers:

bes@Judges:7:19 @ And Gedeon and the hundred men that were with him came to the extremity of the army in the beginning of the middle watch; and they completely roused the guards, and sounded with the horns, and they (note:)Gr. shook off(:note) broke the pitchers that were in their hands,

bes@Judges:7:22 @ And they sounded with the three hundred horns; and the Lord set every man’s sword in all the host against his neighbour.

bes@Judges:8:4 @ And Gedeon came to Jordan, and went over, himself and the three hundred with him, hungry, yet pursuing.

bes@Judges:8:10 @ And Zebee and Salmana were in Carcar, and their host was with them, about fifteen thousand, all that were left of all the host of the aliens; and they that fell were a hundred and twenty thousand men that drew the sword.

bes@Judges:8:26 @ And the weight of the golden earrings which he asked, was a thousand and seven hundred pieces of gold, besides the crescents, and the chains, and the garments, and the purple cloths that were on the kings of Madiam, and besides the chains that were on the necks of their camels.

bes@Judges:11:26 @ when Israel dwelt in Esebon and in its coasts, and in the land of Aroer and in its coasts, and in all the cities by Jordan, three hundred years? and wherefore didst thou not (note:)Or, redeem(:note) recover them in that time?

bes@Judges:15:4 @ And Sampson went and caught three hundred foxes, and took torches, and turned tail to tail, and put a torch between two tails, and fastened it.

bes@Judges:16:5 @ And the princess of the Philistines came up to her, and said to her, Beguile him, and see wherein his great strength is, and wherewith we shall prevail against him, and bind him to humble him; and we will give thee (note:)Gr. a man(:note) each eleven hundred pieces of silver.

bes@Judges:17:2 @ And he said to his mother, The eleven hundred pieces of silver which thou tookest of thyself, and about which thou cursedst me, and spokest in my ears, behold, the silver is with me; I took it: and his mother said, Blessed be my son of the Lord.

bes@Judges:17:3 @ And he restored the eleven hundred pieces of silver to his mother; and his mother said, I had wholly consecrated the money to the Lord out of my hand for my son, to make a graven and a molten image, and now I will restore it to thee.

bes@Judges:17:4 @ But he returned the silver to his mother, and his mother took two hundred pieces of silver, and gave (note:)Gr. it(:note) them to a silversmith, and he made it a graven and a molten image; and it was in the house of Michaias.

bes@Judges:18:11 @ And there departed thence of the families of Dan, from Saraa and from Esthaol, six hundred men, girded with weapons of war.

bes@Judges:18:16 @ And the six hundred men of the sons of Dan who were girded with their weapons of war (note:)Lit. standing(:note) stood by the door of the gate.

bes@Judges:20:2 @ And all the tribes of Israel stood before the Lord in the assembly of the people of God, four hundred thousand footmen that drew sword.

bes@Judges:20:10 @ Moreover we will take ten men for a hundred for all the tribes of Israel, and a hundred for a thousand, and a thousand for ten thousand, to take provision, to cause them to come to Gabaa of Benjamin, to do to it according to all the abomination, which (note:)Gr. it, sc. Gabas(:note) they wrought in Israel.

bes@Judges:20:15 @ And the children of Benjamin from their cities were numbered in that day, twenty-three thousand, every man drawing a sword, besides the inhabitants of Gabaa, who were numbered seven hundred chosen men of all the people, (note:)See Jud strkjv@3:15(:note) able to use both hands alike;

bes@Judges:20:17 @ And the men of Israel, exclusive of Benjamin, were numbered four hundred thousand men that drew sword; all these were men of war.

bes@Judges:20:35 @ And the Lord smote Benjamin before the children of Israel; and the children of Israel destroyed of Benjamin in that day a hundred and twenty-five thousand men: all these drew sword.

bes@Judges:20:47 @ And the rest turned, and fled to the wilderness to the rock of Remmon, even six hundred men; and they sojourned four months in the rock of Remmon.

bes@Judges:21:12 @ And they found (note:)Gr. from, out of(:note) among the inhabitants of Jabis Galaad four hundred young virgins, who had not known man by lying with him; and they brought them to Selom in the land of Chanaan.

bes@1Samuel:8:12 @ and his manner shall be to make them to himself captains of hundreds and captains of thousands; and to reap his harvest, and gather his vintage, and prepare his instruments of war, and the implements of his chariots.

bes@1Samuel:11:8 @ And he reviews them at Bezec in Bama, every man of Israel six hundred thousand, and the men of Juda seventy thousand.

bes@1Samuel:13:15 @ And Samuel arose, and departed from Galgala, and the remnant of the people went after Saul to meet him after the men of war, when they had come out of Galgala to Gabaa of Benjamin. And Saul numbered the people that were found with him, about six hundred men.

bes@1Samuel:14:2 @ And Saul sat on the top of the hill under the pomegranate tree that is in Magdon, and there were with him about six hundred men.

bes@1Samuel:15:4 @ And Saul summoned the people, and he (note:)Gr. numbers(:note) numbered them in Galgala, four hundred thousand Gr. of ranks regular troops, and Juda thirty thousand regular troops.

bes@1Samuel:17:7 @ And the staff of his spear was like a weaver’s beam, and (note:)Gr. the spear(:note) the spear’s head was formed of six hundred shekels of iron; and his armour-bearer went before him.

bes@1Samuel:18:25 @ And Saul said, Thus shall ye speak to David, The king wants no gift but a hundred foreskins of the Philistines, to avenge himself on the kings enemies. Now Saul thought to cast him into the hands of the Philistines.

bes@1Samuel:18:27 @ And David arose, and went, he and his men, and smote among the Philistines a hundred men: and he brought their foreskins, and he becomes the king’s son-in-law, and Saul gives him Melchol his daughter to wife.

bes@1Samuel:22:2 @ And there gathered to him every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was troubled in mind; and he was a leader over them, and there were with him about four hundred men.

bes@1Samuel:22:7 @ And Saul said to his servants that stood by him, Hear now, ye sons of Benjamin, will the son of Jessae indeed give all of you fields and vineyards, and will he make you all captains of hundreds and captains of thousands?

bes@1Samuel:22:18 @ And the king said to Doec, Turn thou, and fall upon the priests: and Doec the Syrian turned, and slew the priests of the Lord in that day, three hundred and five men, all wearing (note:)Alex. a linen ephod(:note) an ephod.

bes@1Samuel:23:13 @ And David arose, and the men with him, in number about four hundred, and they went forth from Keila, and went whithersoever they could go: and it was told Saul that David had escaped from Keila, and he forbore to come.

bes@1Samuel:25:13 @ And David said to his men, Gird on every man his sword. (note:)Alex. and Hebrews. +’and they girded on every man his sword, and David also girded on his sword’(:note) And they went up after David, about four hundred men: and two hundred abode with the stuff.

bes@1Samuel:25:18 @ And Abigaia hasted, and took two hundred loaves, and two vessels of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five ephahs of fine flour, and one homer of dried grapes, and two hundred cakes of figs, and put them upon asses.

bes@1Samuel:27:2 @ So David arose, and the six hundred men that were with him, and he went to Anchus, son Ammach, king of Geth.

bes@1Samuel:29:2 @ And the lords of the Philistines went on (note:)Gr. to or at(:note) by hundreds and thousands, and David and his men went on in the rear with Anchus.

bes@1Samuel:30:9 @ So David went, he and the six hundred men with him, an they come as far as the brook Bosor, and the superfluous ones stopped.

bes@1Samuel:30:10 @ And he pursued them with four hundred men; and there remained behind two hundred men, who tarried on the other side of the brook Bosor.

bes@1Samuel:30:17 @ And David came upon them, and smote them from the morning till the evening, and on the next day; and not one of them escaped, except four hundred young men, who were mounted on camels, and fled.

bes@1Samuel:30:21 @ And David comes to the two hundred men who were left behind that they should not follow after David, and he had caused them to remain (note:)Gr. in(:note) by the brook of Bosor; and they came forth to meet David, and to meet his people with him: and David drew near to the people, and they asked him how he did.

bes@2Samuel:2:31 @ And the servants of David smote of the children of Benjamin, of the men of Abenner, three hundred and sixty men belonging to him.

bes@2Samuel:3:14 @ And David sent messengers to Jebosthe the son of Saul, saying, Restore me my wife Melchol, whom I took for a hundred foreskins of the Philistines.

bes@2Samuel:8:4 @ And David took (note:)Alex. seven(:note) a thousand of his chariots, and seven thousand horsemen, and twenty thousand footmen: and David houghed all his Gr. chariots chariot horses, and he reserved to himself a hundred chariots.

bes@2Samuel:10:18 @ And Syria fled from before Israel, and David destroyed of Syria seven hundred chariots, and forty thousand horsemen, and he smote Sobac the captain of his host, and he died there.

bes@2Samuel:14:26 @ And when he polled his head, (and it was (note:)Gr. from the beginning of days to days; Hebraism(:note) at the beginning of every year that he polled it, because it grew, heavy upon him,) even when he polled it, he weighed the hair of his head, two hundred shekels according to the royal shekel.

bes@2Samuel:15:11 @ And there went with Abessalom two hundred chosen men from Jerusalem; and they went in their simplicity, and knew not anything.

bes@2Samuel:15:18 @ And all his servants passed on by his (note:)Gr. hand(:note) side, and every Chelethite, and every Phelethite, and they stood by the olive tree in the wilderness: and all the people marched near him, and all his court, and all the men of might, and all the men of war, six hundred: and they were present at his side: and every Chelethite, and every Phelethite, and all the six hundred Gittites that came on foot out of Geth, and Or, they that they went on before the king.

bes@2Samuel:16:1 @ And David passed on a little way from Ros; and, behold, Siba the servant of Memphibosthe came to meet him; and he had a couple of asses laden, and upon them two hundred loaves, and a hundred bunches of raisins, and a hundred cakes of dates, and bottle of wine.

bes@2Samuel:18:1 @ And David numbered the people with him, and set over them captains of thousands and captains of hundreds.

bes@2Samuel:18:4 @ And the king said to them, Whatsoever shall seem good in your eyes I will do. And the king stood by the (note:)Gr. hand(:note) side of the gate, and all the people went out by hundreds and by thousands.

bes@2Samuel:21:16 @ And Jesbi, who was of the progeny of Rapha, and the head of whose spear was three hundred shekels of brass in weight, who also was girt with a club, even he thought to smite David.

bes@2Samuel:23:8 @ These are the names of the mighty men of David: Jebosthe the Chananite is a captain of the third part: Adinon the Asonite, he drew his sword against eight hundred soldiers at once.

bes@2Samuel:23:18 @ And Abessa the brother of Joab the son of Saruia, he was chief among the three, and he lifted up his spear against three hundred whom he slew; and he had a name among three.

bes@2Samuel:24:3 @ And Joab said to the king, Now may the Lord add to the people a hundred-fold as many as they are, and may the eyes of my lord the king (note:)Gr. seeing(:note) see it: but why does my lord the king desire this thing?

bes@2Samuel:24:9 @ And Joab gave in the number of the census of the people to the king: and Israel consisted of eight hundred thousand men of might that drew sword; and the men of Juda, five hundred thousand fighting men.

bes@1Kings:2:35 @ And the king (note:)Gr. gave(:note) appointed Banaeas son of Jodae in his place over the host; and the kingdom was established in Jerusalem; and as for Sadoc the priest, the king appointed him to be high priest in the room of Abiathar. And Solomon son of David reigned over Israel and Juda in Jerusalem: and the Lord gave understanding to Solomon, and very much wisdom, and largeness of heart, as the sand by the sea-shore. LXX text not in Hebrews. has been left out. - And the wisdom of Solomon abounded exceedingly beyond the wisdom of all the ancients, and beyond all the wise men of Egypt: and he took the daughter of Pharao, and brought her into the city of David, until he had finished building his own house, and the house of the Lord first, and the wall of Jerusalem round about. In seven years he made and finished them. - And Solomon had seventy thousand bearers of burdens, and eight thousand hewers of stone in the mountain: and Solomon made the sea, and the bases, and the great lavers, and the pillars, and the fountain of the court, and the brazen sea-and he built the citadel as a defence above it, he made a breach in the wall of the city of David: thus the daughter of Pharao went up out of the city of David to her house which he built for her. Then he built the citadel: and Solomon offered up three whole-burnt-offerings in the year, and peace-offerings on the altar which he built to the Lord, and he burnt incense before the Lord, and finished the house. And these are the chief persons who presided over the works of Solomon; three thousand and six hundred masters of the people that wrought the works. And he burit Assur, and Magdo, and Gazer, and upper Baethoron, and Ballath: only after he had built the house of the Lord, and the wall of Jerusalem round about, afterwards he built these cities. - And when David was yet living, he charged Solomon, saying, Behold, there is with thee Semei the son of Gera, of the seed of Benjamin out of Chebron: he cursed me with a grievous curse in the day when I went into the camp; and he came down to meet me at Jordan, and I swore to him by the Lord, saying, He shall not be slain with the sword. But now do not thou hold him guiltless, for thou art a man of understanding, and thou wilt know what thou shalt do to him, and thou shalt bring down his grey hairs with blood to the grave.

bes@1Kings:2:46 @ And Solomon commanded Banaeas the son of Jodae, and he went forth and slew him. - And king Solomon was very prudent and wise: and Juda and Israel were very many, as the sand which is by the sea for multitude, eating, and drinking, and rejoicing: (note:)(2:46BA)(:note) and Solomon was chief in all the kingdoms, and they brought gifts, and served Solomon all the days of his life. (2:46CA) And Solomon began to open the domains of Libanus, (2:46DA) and he built Thermae in the wilderness. (2:46EA) And this was the Gr. dinner daily provision of Solomon, thirty measures of fine flour, and sixty measures of ground meal, ten choice calves, and twenty oxen from the pastures, and a hundred sheep, besides stags, and does, and choice fed birds. (2:46FA) For he ruled in all the country Gr. beyond on this side the river, from Raphi unto Gaza, over all the kings on this side the river: (2:46GA) and he was at peace on all sides round about; and Juda and Israel dwelt Gr. trusting in confidence; See Hebrews. safely, every one under his vine and under his fig tree, eating and drinking and feasting, from Dan even to Bersabee, all the days of Solomon. - And these were the princes of Solomon; Azariu son of Sadoc the priest, and Orniu son of Nathan chief of the officers, and he went to his house; and Suba the scribe, and Basa son of Achithalam recorder, and Abi son of Joab commander-in-chief, and Achire son of Edrai was over the levies, and Banaeas son of Jodae over the household and over the brickwork, and Cachur the son of Nathan was counsellor. - And Solomon had forty thousand brood mares for his chariots, and twelve thousand horses. (2:46KA) And he reigned over all the kings from the river and to the land of the Philistines, and to the borders of Egypt: (2:46LA) so Solomon the son of David reigned over Israel and Juda in Jerusalem. 4) Gr. ran5) Or, tributes

bes@1Kings:4:23 @ and ten choice calves, and twenty pastured oxen, and a hundred sheep, besides stags, and choice fatted does.

bes@1Kings:5:16 @ besides the rulers that were appointed over the works of Solomon, there were three thousand (note:)Hebrews. 300; Alex. 500.(:note) six hundred Heb. and Alex. overseers of the people masters who wrought in the works.

bes@1Kings:6:1 @ And it came to pass in the four hundred and fortieth year after the departure of the children of Israel out of Egypt, in the fourth year and second month (note:)Gr. Solomon reigning(:note) of the reign of king Solomon over Israel,

bes@1Kings:7:2 @ And he built the house with the (note:)Lit. thicket(:note) wood of Libanus; its length was a hundred cubits, and its breadth was fifty cubits, and its height was of thirty cubits, and it was made Gr. of with three rows of cedar pillars, and the pillars had Or, shoulders, or shoulder pieces side-pieces of cedar.

bes@1Kings:7:42 @ The four hundred pomegranates for both the net-works, two rows of pomegranates for one net-work, to cover both the wreathen works of the bases belonging to both pillars.

bes@1Kings:8:63 @ And king Solomon offered for the sacrifices of peace-offering which he sacrificed to the Lord, two and twenty thousand oxen, and hundred and twenty thousand sheep: and the king and all the children of Israel dedicated the house of the Lord.

bes@1Kings:9:14 @ And Chiram brought to Solomon a hundred and twenty talents of gold,

bes@1Kings:9:18 @ And they came to Sophira, and took thence a hundred and twenty talents of gold, and brought them to king Solomon.

bes@1Kings:10:10 @ And she gave to Solomon a hundred and twenty talents of gold, and very many spices, and (note:)Gr. precious stone(:note) precious stones: there had not come any other spices so abundant as those which the queen of Saba gave to king Solomon.

bes@1Kings:10:14 @ And the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold.

bes@1Kings:10:16 @ And Solomon made three hundred spears of beaten gold: three hundred shekels of gold were upon one spear.

bes@1Kings:10:17 @ And three hundred (note:)Gr. arms(:note) shields of beaten gold: and three pounds of gold were in one shield: and the king put them in the house of the forest of Lebanon.

bes@1Kings:10:29 @ And that which proceeded out of Egypt went up thus, even a chariot for a hundred shekels of silver, and a horse for fifty shekels of silver: and thus for all the kings of the Chettians, and the kings of Syria, they came out by sea.

bes@1Kings:11:2 @ And he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines. - And the strange women turned away his heart after their gods.

bes@1Kings:12:21 @ And Roboam went into Jerusalem, and he assembled the congregation of Juda, and the tribe of Benjamin, a hundred and twenty thousand young men, warriors, to fight against the house of Israel, to recover the kingdom to Roboam the son of Solomon.

bes@1Kings:18:4 @ And it came to pass when Jezabel smote the prophets of the Lord, that Abdiu took a hundred prophets, and hid them by fifty in a cave, and fed them with bread and water.

bes@1Kings:18:13 @ Has it not been told to thee my lord, what I did when Jezabel slew the prophets of the Lord, that I hid a hundred men of the prophets of the Lord, by fifty in a cave, and fed them with bread and water?

bes@1Kings:18:19 @ And now send, gather to me all Israel to mount Carmel, and the prophets of (note:)Hebrews. Baal; See Jer strkjv@11:13; Ho strkjv@9:10(:note) shame four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four hundred, that eat at Jezabel’s table.

bes@1Kings:18:22 @ And Eliu said to the people, I am left, the (note:)Or, quite alone(:note) only one prophet of the Lord; and the prophets of Baal are four hundred and fifty men, and the prophets of the groves four hundred.

bes@1Kings:21:15 @ And Achaab (note:)Or, reviewed(:note) numbered the young men the heads of the districts, and they were two hundred and thirty: and afterwards he numbered the people, even every Gr. son of strength man fit for war, seven thousand.

bes@1Kings:21:29 @ And they encamp one over against the other before them (note:)Gr. these(:note) seven days. And it came to pass on the seventh day that the battle drew on, and Israel smote Syria, even a hundred thousand footmen in one day.

bes@1Kings:22:6 @ And the king of Israel gathered all the prophets together, about four hundred men; and the king said to them, Shall I go up to Remmath Galaad to battle, or shall I forbear? and they said, Go up, and the Lord will surely give it into the hands of the king.

bes@2Kings:3:4 @ And Mosa king of Moab was a sheep-master, and he rendered to the king of Israel (note:)Lit. in the rising up(:note) in the beginning of the year, a hundred thousand lambs, and a hundred thousand rams, with the wool.

bes@2Kings:3:26 @ And the king of Moab saw that the battle prevailed against him; and he took with him seven hundred men that drew sword, to cut through to the king of Edom: and they could not.

bes@2Kings:4:43 @ And his servant said, Why should I set this before a hundred men? and he said, Give to the people, and let them eat; for thus saith the Lord, They shall eat and leave.

bes@2Kings:11:4 @ And in the seventh year Jodae sent and took the captains of hundreds of the (note:)Hebrews. guards(:note) Chorri and of the Heb. runners Rhasim, and brought them to him into the house of the Lord, and made a covenant of the Lord with them, and adjured them, and Jodae shewed them the king’s son.

bes@2Kings:11:9 @ And the captains of hundreds did all things that the wise Jodae commanded; and they took each his men, both those that went in on the sabbath-day, (note:)Gr. with those(:note) and those that went out on the sabbath-day, and went in to Jodae the priest.

bes@2Kings:11:10 @ And the priest gave to the captains of hundreds the swords and spears of king David that were in the house of the Lord.

bes@2Kings:11:15 @ And Jodae the priest commanded the captains of hundreds who were over the host, and said to them, Bring her forth without the ranges, and he that goes in after her shall certainly die by the sword. For the priest said, Let her not however be slain in the house of the Lord.

bes@2Kings:11:19 @ And he took the captains of the hundreds, and the Chorri, and the Rhasim, and all the people of the land, and brought down the king out of the house of the Lord; and they went in by the way of the gate of the (note:)Or, guard, A. V.(:note) footmen of the king’s house, and seated him there on the throne of the kings.

bes@2Kings:14:13 @ And Joas king of Israel took Amessias the son of Joas the son of Ochozias, in Baethsamys; and he came to Jerusalem, and broke down the wall of Jerusalem, beginning at the gate of Ephraim as far as the gate of the corner, four hundred cubits.

bes@2Kings:15:25 @ And Phakee the son of Romelias, his officer, conspired against him, and smote him in Samaria in the front of the king’s house, with Argob and Aria, and with him there were fifty men of the four hundred: and he slew him, and reigned in his stead.

bes@2Kings:18:14 @ And Ezekias king of Juda sent messengers to the king of the Assyrians to Lachis, saying, I have offended; depart from me: whatsoever thou shalt lay upon me, I will bear. And the king of Assyria laid upon Ezekias king of Juda a tribute of three hundred talents of silver, and thirty talents of gold.

bes@2Kings:19:35 @ And it came to pass at night that the angel of the Lord went forth, an smote in the camp of the Assyrians a hundred and eighty-five thousand: and they rose early in the morning, and, behold, these were all dead corpses.

bes@2Kings:23:33 @ And Pharao Nechao removed him to Rablaam in the land of Emath, so that he should not reign in Jerusalem; and imposed a tribute on the land, a hundred talents of silver, and a hundred talents of gold.

bes@1Chronicles:4:42 @ And some of them, even of the sons of Symeon, went to mount Seir, even five hundred men; and Phalaettia, and Noadia, and Raphaia, and Oziel, sons of Jesi, were their rulers.

bes@1Chronicles:5:18 @ The sons of Ruben and Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasse, of mighty men, bearing shields and sword, and bending the bow, and skilled in war, were forty and four thousand and seven hundred and sixty, going forth to battle.

bes@1Chronicles:5:21 @ And they took captive their store; five thousand camels, and two hundred and fifty thousand sheep, two thousand asses, and a hundred thousand men.

bes@1Chronicles:7:2 @ And the sons of Thola; Ozi, Raphaia, and Jeriel, and Jamai, and Jemasan, and Samuel, chiefs of (note:)Or, these were as heads, etc.(:note) their fathers’ houses belonging to Thola, Gr. mighty men in power men of might according to their generations; their number in the days of David was twenty and two thousand and six hundred.

bes@1Chronicles:7:9 @ And their number according to their generations, (they were chiefs of their fathers’ houses, men of might), was twenty thousand and two hundred.

bes@1Chronicles:7:11 @ All these were the sons of Jediel, chiefs of their families, men of might, seventeen thousand and two hundred, going forth to war with might.

bes@1Chronicles:8:40 @ And the sons of Ælam were mighty men, bending the bow, and multiplying sons and grandsons, a hundred and fifty. All these were of the sons of Benjamin.

bes@1Chronicles:9:6 @ Of the sons of Zara; Jeel, and their brethren, six hundred and ninety.

bes@1Chronicles:9:9 @ and their brethren according to their generations, nine hundred and fifty-six, all the men were heads of families according to the houses (note:)Gr. of their families(:note) of their fathers.

bes@1Chronicles:9:13 @ and their brethren, chiefs of their families, a thousand seven hundred and sixty, mighty men for the work of the ministration of the house of God.

bes@1Chronicles:9:22 @ All the chosen (note:)Gr. men over the gate(:note) porters in the gates were two hundred and twelve, these were in their courts, this was their Or, reckoning distribution: these David and Samuel the seer established in their Gr. faith or trust charge.

bes@1Chronicles:11:11 @ And this is the (note:)Gr. number(:note) list of the mighty men of David; Jesebada, son of Achaman, first of the thirty: he drew his sword once against three hundred Gr. slain whom he slew at one time.

bes@1Chronicles:11:20 @ And Abisa the brother of Joab, he was chief of three: he drew his sword against three hundred slain at one time, and he had a name among the second three.

bes@1Chronicles:12:14 @ These were chiefs of the army of the sons of Gad, the (note:)Gr. little(:note) least one commander of a hundred, and the Gr. great greatest one of a thousand.

bes@1Chronicles:12:24 @ The sons of Juda, bearing shields and spears, six thousand and eight hundred mighty in war.

bes@1Chronicles:12:25 @ Of the sons of Symeon mighty for battle, seven thousand and a hundred.

bes@1Chronicles:12:26 @ Of the sons of Levi, four thousand and six hundred.

bes@1Chronicles:12:27 @ And Joadas the chief of the family (note:)Gr. to Aaron(:note) of Aaron, and with him three thousand and seven hundred.

bes@1Chronicles:12:30 @ And of the sons of Ephraim, twenty thousand and eight hundred mighty men, famous in the houses of (note:)Gr. their fathers’ families(:note) their fathers.

bes@1Chronicles:12:32 @ And of the sons of Issachar (note:)Gr. knowing prudence or understanding(:note) having wisdom with regard to the times, knowing what Israel should do, two hundred; and all their brethren with them.

bes@1Chronicles:12:35 @ And of the Danites men (note:)Gr. setting themselves in array(:note) ready for war twenty-eight thousand and eight hundred.

bes@1Chronicles:12:37 @ And from the country beyond Jordan, from Ruben, and the Gadites, and from the half-tribe of Manasse, a hundred and twenty thousand, with all weapons of war.

bes@1Chronicles:13:1 @ And David took counsel with the captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, even with every commander.

bes@1Chronicles:15:5 @ Of the sons of Caath; there was Uriel the chief, and his brethren, a hundred and twenty.

bes@1Chronicles:15:6 @ Of the sons of Merari; Asaia the chief, and his brethren, two hundred and twenty.

bes@1Chronicles:15:7 @ Of the sons of Gedson; Joel the chief, and his brethren, a hundred and thirty.

bes@1Chronicles:15:8 @ Of the sons of Elisaphat; Semei the chief, and his brethren, two hundred.

bes@1Chronicles:15:10 @ Of the sons of Oziel; Aminadab the chief, and his brethren a hundred and twelve.

bes@1Chronicles:18:4 @ And David took of them a thousand chariots, and seven thousand horsemen, and twenty thousand infantry: and David houghed all the (note:)Lit. chariots(:note) chariot horses, but there were reserved of them a hundred chariots.

bes@1Chronicles:21:3 @ And Joab said, May the Lord add to his people, a hundred-fold as many as they are, and (note:)Or, the eyes, etc. do see(:note) let the eyes of my lord the king see it: all are the servants of my lord. Why does my lord seek this thing? do it not, lest it become a sin to Israel.

bes@1Chronicles:21:5 @ And Joab gave the number of the mustering of the people to David: and all Israel was a million and a hundred thousand men that drew sword: and the sons of Juda were four hundred and seventy thousand men that drew sword.

bes@1Chronicles:21:25 @ And David gave to Orna for his place six hundred shekels of gold by weight.

bes@1Chronicles:22:14 @ And, behold, I according to my poverty have prepared for the house of the Lord a hundred thousand talents of gold, and a million talents of silver, and brass and iron without measure; for it is abundant; and I have prepared timber and stones; and do thou add to these.

bes@1Chronicles:25:7 @ And the number of them after their brethren, those instructed to sing to God, every one that understood singing was two hundred and eighty-eight.

bes@1Chronicles:26:26 @ This Salomoth and his brethren were over all the sacred treasures, which David the king and the heads of families consecrated, and the captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, and princes of the host,

bes@1Chronicles:26:30 @ For the (note:)Gr. Chebronite(:note) Chebronites, Asabias and his brethren, a thousand and seven hundred mighty men, were over the charge of Israel beyond Jordan westward, for all the service of the Lord and work of the king.

bes@1Chronicles:26:32 @ And his brethren were two thousand seven hundred mighty men, chiefs of their families, and king David set them over the Rubenites, and the Gaddites, and the half-tribe of Manasse, for every ordinance of the Lord, and business of the king.

bes@1Chronicles:27:1 @ Now the sons of Israel according to their number, heads of families, captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, and scribes ministering to the king, and for every affair of the king according to their divisions, for (note:)Alex. panta(:note) every ordinance of coming in and going out monthly, for all the months of the year, one division of them was twenty-four thousand.

bes@1Chronicles:28:1 @ And David assembled all the chief men of Israel, the chief of the judges, and all the chief men of the courses of attendance on the person of the king, and the captains of thousands and hundreds, and the treasurers, and the lords of his substance, and of all the king’s property, and of his sons, together with the eunuchs, and the mighty men, and the warriors of the army, at Jerusalem.

bes@1Chronicles:29:6 @ Then the heads of families, and the princes of the children of Israel, and the captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, and the overseers of the works, and the king’s builders, offered willingly.

bes@1Chronicles:29:7 @ And they gave for the works of the house of the Lord five thousand talents of gold, and ten thousand gold pieces, and ten thousand talents of silver, and eighteen thousand talents of brass, and a hundred thousand talents of iron.

bes@2Chronicles:1:2 @ And Solomon spoke to all Israel, to the captains of thousands, and to the captains of hundreds, and to the judges, and to all the rulers (note:)Gr. before(:note) over Israel, even the heads of the families;

bes@2Chronicles:1:14 @ And Solomon collected chariots and horsemen: and he had fourteen hundred chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen: and he (note:)Gr. left(:note) set them in the cities of chariots, and the people were with the king in Jerusalem.

bes@2Chronicles:1:17 @ and went and brought out of Egypt a chariot for six hundred pieces of silver, and a horse for a hundred and fifty pieces of silver: and so they brought for all the kings of the Chettites, and for the kings of Syria by their (note:)So A. V., Gr. and Hebrews. hands(:note) means.

bes@2Chronicles:2:2 @ And Solomon gathered seventy thousand men (note:)Gr. bearers on their backs(:note) that bore burdens, and eighty thousand hewers of stone in the mountain, and there were three thousand six hundred superintendents over them.

bes@2Chronicles:2:17 @ And Solomon gathered all the foreigners that were in the land of Israel, after the numbering with which David his father numbered them; and there were found a hundred and fifty-three thousand six hundred.

bes@2Chronicles:2:18 @ And he made of them seventy thousand burden-bearers, and eighty thousand hewers of stone, and three thousand six hundred taskmasters over the people.

bes@2Chronicles:3:4 @ And the portico in front of the house, its length in front of the breadth of the house was twenty cubits, and its height (note:)Alex. 20 cubits(:note) a hundred and twenty cubits: and he gilded it within with pure gold.

bes@2Chronicles:3:8 @ And he (note:)Gr. made the house of(:note) built the holy of holies, its length was according to the front of the other house, the breadth of the house was twenty cubits, and the length twenty cubits: and he gilded it with pure gold for cherubs, to the amount of six hundred talents.

bes@2Chronicles:3:16 @ And he made chains, as in the oracle, and put them on the heads of the pillars; and he made a hundred pomegranates, and put them on the chains.

bes@2Chronicles:4:8 @ And he made ten tables, and put them in the temple, five on the right hand, and five on the left: and he made a hundred golden bowls.

bes@2Chronicles:4:13 @ and four hundred golden bells for the two nets, and two rows of pomegranates in each net, to cover the two embossed rims of the chapiters which are upon the pillars.

bes@2Chronicles:5:12 @ that all the (note:)Gr. psalm-singing(:note) singing Levites assigned to the sons of Asaph, to Æman, to Idithun, and to his sons, and to his brethren, of them that were clothed in linen garments, with cymbals and lutes and harps, were standing before the altar, and with them a hundred and twenty priests, blowing trumpets.

bes@2Chronicles:7:5 @ And king Solomon offered a sacrifice of calves twenty and two thousand, of sheep a hundred and twenty thousand: so the king and all the people dedicated the house of God.

bes@2Chronicles:8:10 @ And these are the chiefs of the officers of king Solomon, two hundred and fifty overseeing the work among the people.

bes@2Chronicles:8:18 @ And Chiram sent by the hand of his servants ships, and servants (note:)Lit. knowing the sea(:note) skilled in naval affairs; and they went with the servants of Solomon to Sophira, and brought thence four hundred and fifty talents of gold, and they came to king Solomon.

bes@2Chronicles:9:9 @ And she gave the king a hundred and twenty talents of gold, and spices in very great abundance, and precious stones: and there were not any where else such spices as those which the queen of Saba gave king Solomon.

bes@2Chronicles:9:13 @ And the weight of the gold that was brought to Solomon in one year was six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold,

bes@2Chronicles:9:15 @ And king Solomon made two hundred shields of beaten gold: there were six hundred shekels of pure gold to one shield.

bes@2Chronicles:9:16 @ And three hundred buckles of beaten gold: the weight of three hundred gold shekels went to one buckler: and the king placed them in the house of the forest of Lebanon.

bes@2Chronicles:11:1 @ And Roboam came to Jerusalem; and he assembled Juda and Benjamin, a hundred and eighty thousand young men (note:)Gr. making war(:note) fit for war, and he waged war with Israel to recover the kingdom to Roboam.

bes@2Chronicles:12:3 @ with twelve hundred chariots, and sixty thousand horses: and there was no number of the multitude that came with him from Egypt; Libyans, Trogodytes, and Ethiopians.

bes@2Chronicles:13:3 @ And Abia set the battle in array with an army, with mighty men of war, even four hundred thousand mighty men: and Jeroboam set the battle in array against him with eight hundred thousand, they were mighty warriors of the host.

bes@2Chronicles:13:17 @ And Abia and his people smote them with a great (note:)Gr. stroke(:note) slaughter: and there fell slain of Israel five hundred thousand mighty men.

bes@2Chronicles:14:8 @ And Asa had a force of armed men bearing shields and spears in the land of Juda, even three hundred thousand, and in the land of Benjamin (note:)Alex. 250,000(:note) two hundred and eighty thousand targeteers and archers: all these were mighty warriors.

bes@2Chronicles:14:9 @ And Zare the Ethiopian went out against them, with a force of a million, and three hundred chariots; and came to Maresa.

bes@2Chronicles:15:11 @ And he sacrificed to the Lord in that day of the spoils which they brought, (note:)Alex. epta kriouv, «seven rams’(:note) seven hundred calves and seven thousand sheep.

bes@2Chronicles:17:11 @ And some of the Philistines brought to Josaphat gifts, and silver, and presents; and the Arabians brought him seven thousand seven hundred rams.

bes@2Chronicles:17:14 @ And this is their number according to the houses of their fathers; even the captains of thousands in Juda were, Ednas the chief, and with him mighty men of strength three hundred thousand.

bes@2Chronicles:17:15 @ And after him, Joanan the captain, and with him two hundred eighty thousand.

bes@2Chronicles:17:16 @ And after him Amasias the son of Zari, who was zealous for the Lord; and with him two hundred thousand mighty men of strength.

bes@2Chronicles:17:17 @ And out of Benjamin there was a mighty man of strength, even Eliada, and with him two hundred thousand archers and targeteers.

bes@2Chronicles:17:18 @ And after him Jozabad, and with him a hundred and eighty thousand mighty men of war.

bes@2Chronicles:18:5 @ And the king of Israel gathered the prophets, four hundred men, and said to them, Shall I go to Ramoth Galaad to battle, or shall I forbear? And they said, Go up, and God shall deliver it into the hands of the king.

bes@2Chronicles:23:1 @ And in the eighth year Jodae strengthened himself, and took the captains of hundreds, Azarias the son of Joram, and Ismael the son of Joanan, and Azarias the son of Obed, and Maasaeas the son of Adia, and Elisaphan the son of Zacharias, with him unto the house of the Lord.

bes@2Chronicles:23:14 @ And Jodae the priest went forth, and Jodae the priest charged the captains of hundreds, even the captains of the host, and said to them, Thrust her forth outside the house, and follow her, and let her be slain with the sword. For the priest said, Let her not be slain in the house of the Lord.

bes@2Chronicles:24:15 @ And Jodae grew old, being full of days, and he died, being a hundred and thirty years old at his death.

bes@2Chronicles:25:5 @ And Amasias assembled the house of Juda, and appointed them according to the houses of their families for captains of thousands and captains of hundreds in all Juda and Jerusalem: and he numbered them from twenty years old and upwards, and found them three hundred thousand able to go out to war, holding spear and shield.

bes@2Chronicles:25:6 @ Also he hired of Israel a hundred thousand mighty men for a hundred talents of silver.

bes@2Chronicles:25:9 @ And Amasias said to the man of God, But what shall I do for the hundred talents which I have given to the army of Israel? And the man of God said, The Lord can give thee much more than these.

bes@2Chronicles:25:23 @ And Joas king of Israel took prisoner Amasias king of Juda, son of Joas, son of Joachaz, in Baethsamys, and brought him to Jerusalem; and he pulled down part of the wall of Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim to the corner gate, four hundred cubits.

bes@2Chronicles:26:12 @ The whole number of the chiefs of families of the mighty men of war was two thousand six hundred;

bes@2Chronicles:26:13 @ and with them was a warrior force, three hundred thousand and seven thousand and five hundred: these waged war mightily to help the king against his enemies.

bes@2Chronicles:27:5 @ He fought against the king of the children of Ammon, and prevailed against him: and the children of Ammon gave him even annually a hundred talents of silver, and ten thousand (note:)Gr. cors, the Hebrews. word(:note) measures of wheat, and ten thousand of barley. These the king of the children of Ammon brought to him annually in the first and second and third years.

bes@2Chronicles:28:6 @ And Phakee the son of Romelias king of Israel, slew in Juda in one day a hundred and twenty thousand mighty men; because they had forsaken the Lord God of their fathers.

bes@2Chronicles:28:8 @ And the children of Israel took captive of their brethren three hundred thousand, women, and sons, and daughters, and they spoiled them of much property, and brought the spoils to Samaria.

bes@2Chronicles:29:32 @ And the number of the (note:)Gr. singular(:note) whole-burnt-offerings which the congregation brought, was seventy calves, a hundred rams, two hundred lambs: all these were for a whole-burnt-offering to the Lord.

bes@2Chronicles:29:33 @ And the consecrated calves were six hundred, and the sheep three thousand.

bes@2Chronicles:35:8 @ And his princes gave an offering to the people, and to the priests, and to the Levites: and Chelcias and Zacharias and Jeiel the chief men gave to the priests of the house of God, they even gave for the passover sheep, and lambs, and kids, two thousand six hundred, and three hundred calves.

bes@2Chronicles:35:9 @ And Chonenias, and Banaeas, and Samaeas, and Nathanael his brother, and Asabias, and Jeiel, and Jozabad, heads of the Levites, gave an offering to the Levites for the passover, of five thousand sheep and five hundred calves.

bes@2Chronicles:36:3 @ And the king brought him over to Egypt; and imposed a tribute on the land, a hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold.

bes@Ezra:1:10 @ and four hundred and ten double silver vessels, and a thousand other vessels.

bes@Ezra:1:11 @ All the gold and silver vessels were five thousand four hundred, even all that went up with Sasabasar from the place of transportation, from Babylon to Jerusalem.

bes@Ezra:2:3 @ the children of Phares, two thousand one hundred and seventy-two.

bes@Ezra:2:4 @ The children of Saphatia, three hundred and seventy-two.

bes@Ezra:2:5 @ The children of Ares, seven hundred and seventy-five.

bes@Ezra:2:6 @ The children of Phaath Moab, belonging to the sons of Jesue and Joab, two thousand eight hundred and twelve.

bes@Ezra:2:7 @ The children of Ælam, a thousand two hundred and fifty-four.

bes@Ezra:2:8 @ The children of Zatthua, nine hundred and forty-five.

bes@Ezra:2:9 @ The children of Zacchu, seven hundred and sixty.

bes@Ezra:2:10 @ The children of Banui, six hundred and forty-two.

bes@Ezra:2:11 @ The children of Babai, six hundred and twenty-three.

bes@Ezra:2:12 @ The children of Asgad, a thousand two hundred and twenty-two.

bes@Ezra:2:13 @ The children of Adonicam, six hundred and sixty-six.

bes@Ezra:2:15 @ The children of Addin, four hundred and fifty-four.

bes@Ezra:2:17 @ The children of Bassu, three hundred and twenty-three.

bes@Ezra:2:18 @ The children of Jora, a hundred and twelve.

bes@Ezra:2:19 @ The children of Asum, two hundred and twenty-three.

bes@Ezra:2:21 @ The children of Bethlaem, a hundred and twenty-three.

bes@Ezra:2:23 @ The children of Anathoth, a hundred and twenty-eight.

bes@Ezra:2:25 @ The children of Cariathiarim, Chaphira, and Beroth, seven hundred and forty-three.

bes@Ezra:2:26 @ The children of Rama and Gabaa, six hundred and twenty-one.

bes@Ezra:2:27 @ The men of Machmas, a hundred and twenty-two.

bes@Ezra:2:28 @ The men of Baethel and Aia, four hundred and twenty-three.

bes@Ezra:2:30 @ The children of Magebis, a hundred and fifty-six.

bes@Ezra:2:31 @ The children of Elamar, a thousand two hundred and fifty-four.

bes@Ezra:2:32 @ The children of Elam, three hundred and twenty.

bes@Ezra:2:33 @ The children of Lodadi and Ono, seven hundred and twenty-five.

bes@Ezra:2:34 @ The children of Jericho, three hundred and forty-five.

bes@Ezra:2:35 @ The children of Senaa, three thousand six hundred and thirty.

bes@Ezra:2:36 @ And the priests, the sons of Jedua, belonging to the house of Jesus, were nine hundred and seventy-three.

bes@Ezra:2:38 @ The children of Phassur, a thousand two hundred and forty-seven.

bes@Ezra:2:41 @ The sons of Asaph, singers, a hundred and twenty-eight.

bes@Ezra:2:42 @ The children of the porters, the children of Sellum, the children of Ater, the children of Telmon, the children of Acub, the children of Atita, the children of Sobai, in all a hundred and thirty-nine.

bes@Ezra:2:58 @ All the Nathanim, and the sons of (note:)Hebrews. word, «servant of Solomon’(:note) Abdeselma were three hundred and ninety-two.

bes@Ezra:2:60 @ the children of Dalaea, the children of Bua, the children of Tobias, the children of Necoda, six hundred and fifty-two.

bes@Ezra:2:64 @ And all the congregation together were about forty-two thousand three hundred and sixty;

bes@Ezra:2:65 @ besides their men-servants and maid-servants, and these were seven thousand three hundred and thirty-seven: and among these were two hundred singing men and singing women.

bes@Ezra:2:66 @ Their horses were seven hundred and thirty-six, their mules, two hundred and forty-five.

bes@Ezra:2:67 @ Their camels, four hundred and thirty-five; their asses, six thousand seven hundred and twenty.

bes@Ezra:2:69 @ According to their power they gave into the treasury of the work pure gold sixty-one thousand (note:)Gr. pounds, Hebrews. drachms(:note) pieces, and five thousand pounds of silver, and one hundred priests’ garments.

bes@Ezra:6:17 @ And they offered for the dedication of the house of God a hundred calves, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs, twelve kids of the goats for a sin-offering for all Israel, according to the number of the tribes of Israel.

bes@Ezra:7:22 @ to the amount of a hundred talents of silver, and a hundred measures of wheat, and a hundred baths of wine, and a hundred baths of oil, and salt without reckoning.

bes@Ezra:8:3 @ Of the sons of Sachania, and the sons of Phoros; Zacharias: and with him a company of a hundred and fifty.

bes@Ezra:8:4 @ Of the sons of Phaath-Moab; Eliana the son of Saraia, and with him two hundred that were males.

bes@Ezra:8:5 @ And of the sons of Zathoes; Sechenias the son of Aziel, and with him three hundred males.

bes@Ezra:8:9 @ And of the sons of Joab; Abadia the son of Jeiel, and with him two hundred and eighteen males.

bes@Ezra:8:10 @ And of the sons of Baani; Selimuth the son of Josephia, and with him a hundred and sixty males.

bes@Ezra:8:12 @ And of the sons of Asgad; Joanan the son of Accatan, and with him a hundred and ten males.

bes@Ezra:8:20 @ And of the Nathinim; whom David and the princes had appointed for the service of the Levites there were two hundred and twenty Nathinim; all were gathered by their names.

bes@Ezra:8:26 @ I even weighed into their hands six hundred and fifty talents of silver, and a hundred silver vessels, and a hundred talents of gold;

bes@Nehemiah:3:1 @ Then Eliasub the high priest, and his brethren the priests, rose up, and built the sheep-gate; they sanctified it, and set up the doors of it; even to the tower of the hundred they sanctified it, to the tower of Anameel.

bes@Nehemiah:5:17 @ And the Jews, to the number of a hundred and fifty men, besides those coming to us from the nations round about, were at my table.

bes@Nehemiah:7:8 @ The children of Phoros, two thousand one hundred and seventy-two.

bes@Nehemiah:7:9 @ The children of Saphatia, three hundred and seventy-two.

bes@Nehemiah:7:10 @ The children of Era, six hundred and fifty-two.

bes@Nehemiah:7:11 @ The children of Phaath Moab, with the children of Jesus and Joab, two thousand six hundred and eighteen.

bes@Nehemiah:7:12 @ The children of Ælam, a thousand two hundred and fifty-four.

bes@Nehemiah:7:13 @ The children of Zathuia, eight hundred and forty-five.

bes@Nehemiah:7:14 @ The children of Zacchu, seven hundred and sixty.

bes@Nehemiah:7:15 @ The children of Banui, six hundred and forty-eight.

bes@Nehemiah:7:16 @ The children of Bebi, six hundred and twenty-eight.

bes@Nehemiah:7:17 @ The children of Asgad, two thousand three hundred and twenty-two.

bes@Nehemiah:7:18 @ The children of Adonicam, six hundred and sixty-seven.

bes@Nehemiah:7:20 @ The children of Edin, six hundred and fifty-five.

bes@Nehemiah:7:22 @ The children of Esam, three hundred and twenty-eight.

bes@Nehemiah:7:23 @ The children of Besei, three hundred and twenty-four.

bes@Nehemiah:7:24 @ The children of Ariph, a hundred and twelve: the children of Asen, two hundred and twenty-three.

bes@Nehemiah:7:26 @ The children of Baethalem, a hundred and twenty-three: the children of Atopha, fifty-six.

bes@Nehemiah:7:27 @ The children of Anathoth, a hundred and twenty-eight.

bes@Nehemiah:7:29 @ The men of Cariatharim, Caphira, and Beroth, seven hundred and forty-three.

bes@Nehemiah:7:30 @ The men of Arama and Gabaa, six hundred and twenty.

bes@Nehemiah:7:31 @ The men of Machemas, a hundred and twenty-two.

bes@Nehemiah:7:32 @ The men of Baethel and Ai, a hundred and twenty-three.

bes@Nehemiah:7:33 @ The men of Nabia, a hundred an fifty-two.

bes@Nehemiah:7:34 @ The men of Elamaar, one thousand two hundred and fifty-two.

bes@Nehemiah:7:35 @ The children of Eram, three hundred and twenty.

bes@Nehemiah:7:36 @ The children of Jericho, three hundred and forty-five.

bes@Nehemiah:7:37 @ The children of Lodadid and Ono, seven hundred and twenty-one.

bes@Nehemiah:7:38 @ The children of Sanana, three thousand nine hundred and thirty.

bes@Nehemiah:7:39 @ The priests; the sons of Jodae, pertaining to the house of Jesus, nine hundred and seventy-three.

bes@Nehemiah:7:41 @ The children of Phaseur, one thousand two hundred and forty-seven.

bes@Nehemiah:7:44 @ The singers; the children of Asaph, a hundred and forty-eight.

bes@Nehemiah:7:45 @ The porters; the children of Salum, the children of Ater, the children of Telmon, the children of Acub, the children of Atita, the children of Sabi, a hundred and thirty-eight.

bes@Nehemiah:7:60 @ All the Nathinim, and children of the servants of Solomon, were three hundred and ninety-two.

bes@Nehemiah:7:62 @ The children of Dalaia, the children of Tobia, the children of Necoda, six hundred and forty-two.

bes@Nehemiah:7:66 @ And all the congregation was about forty-two thousand three hundred and sixty,

bes@Nehemiah:7:67 @ besides their men-servants and their maid-servants: these were seven thousand three hundred and thirty seven: and the singing-men and singing-women, two hundred and forty-five.

bes@Nehemiah:7:69 @ Two thousand seven hundred asses.

bes@Nehemiah:7:71 @ And some of the heads of families gave into the treasuries of the work, twenty thousand pieces of gold, and two thousand three hundred pounds of silver.

bes@Nehemiah:7:72 @ And the rest of the people gave twenty thousand pieces of gold, and two thousand two hundred pounds of silver, and sixty-seven priests’ garments.

bes@Nehemiah:11:6 @ All the sons of Phares who dwelt in Jerusalem were four hundred and sixty-eight men of might.

bes@Nehemiah:11:8 @ And after him Gebe, Seli, nine hundred and twenty-eight.

bes@Nehemiah:11:12 @ And their brethren doing the work of the house were eight hundred and twenty-two: and Adaia son of Jeroam, son of Phalalia, son of Amasi, son of Zacharia, son of Phassur, son of Melchia,

bes@Nehemiah:11:13 @ and his brethren, chiefs of families, two hundred and forty-two: and Amasia son of Esdriel, son of Mesarimith, son of Emmer,

bes@Nehemiah:11:14 @ and his brethren, mighty men of war, a hundred and twenty-eight: and their overseer was Badiel son of one of the great men.

bes@Nehemiah:11:18 @ two hundred and eighty-four.

bes@Nehemiah:11:19 @ And the porters; Acub, Telamin, and their brethren, a hundred and seventy-two.

bes@Esther:1:4 @ And after this, after he had shewn to them the wealth of his kingdom, and the abundant glory of his wealth during a hundred and eighty days,

bes@Esther:3:12 @ So the king’s recorders were called in the first month, on the thirteenth day, and they wrote as Aman commanded to the captains and governors in every province, from India even to Ethiopia, to a hundred and twenty-seven provinces; and to the rulers of the nations according to their several languages, in the name of king Artaxerxes.

bes@Esther:8:9 @ So the scribes were called in the first-month, which is Nisan, on the three and twentieth day of the same year; and orders were written to the Jews, whatever the king had commanded to the (note:)Gr. stewards(:note) local governors and chiefs of the satraps, from India even to Ethiopia, a hundred and twenty-seven satraps, according to the several provinces, according to their dialects.

bes@Esther:9:6 @ And in the city Susa the Jews slew five hundred men:

bes@Esther:9:12 @ And the king said to Esther, The Jews have slain five hundred men in the city Susa; and how, thinkest thou, have they used them in the rest of the country? What then dost thou yet ask, that it may be done for thee?

bes@Esther:9:15 @ And the Jews assembled in Susa on the fourteenth day of Adar, and slew three hundred men, but plundered no property.

bes@Job:1:3 @ And his cattle consisted of seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, five hundred she-asses in the pastures, and a very great (note:)Lit. ministry(:note) household, and he had a great husbandry on the earth; and that man was most noble of the men of the east.

bes@Job:42:16 @ And Job lived after his affliction a hundred and seventy years: and all the years he lived were (note:)Alex. 248(:note) two hundred and forty: and Job saw his sons and his sons’ sons, the fourth generation.

bes@Ecclesiastes:6:3 @ If a man beget a hundred children, and live many years, yea, however abundant the days of his years shall be, yet if his soul shall not be satisfied with good, and also he have no burial; I said, An untimely birth is better than he.

bes@Songs:8:12 @ My vineyard, even mine, is before me; Solomon shall have a thousand, and they that keep its fruit two hundred.

bes@Isaiah:37:36 @ And the angel of the Lord went forth, and slew out of the camp of the Assyrians a hundred and eighty-five thousand: and they arose in the morning and found all these bodies dead.

bes@Isaiah:65:20 @ Neither shall there be there any more a child that dies untimely, or an old man who shall not complete his time: for the youth shall be a hundred years old, and the sinner who dies at a hundred years shall also be accursed:

bes@Jeremiah:52:23 @ And the pomegranates were ninety-six on a (note:)Gr. part(:note) side; and all the pomegranates on the network round about were a hundred.

bes@Ezekiel:4:4 @ And thou shalt lie upon thy left side, and lay the iniquities of the house of Israel upon it, according to the number of the hundred and fifty days during which thou shalt lie upon it: and thou shalt bear their iniquities.

bes@Ezekiel:4:5 @ For I have appointed thee their iniquities for a number of days, for a hundred and ninety days: so thou shalt bear the iniquities of the house of Israel.

bes@Ezekiel:4:9 @ Take thou also to thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and (note:)Or, oats(:note) bread-corn; and thou shalt cast them into one earthen vessel, and shalt make them into loaves for thyself; and thou shalt eat them a hundred and ninety days, according to the number of the days during which thou sleepest on thy side.

bes@Ezekiel:40:19 @ And he measured the breadth of the court, from the open space of the outer gate inwards to the open space of the gate looking outwards: a hundred cubits was the distance to the place of the gate looking eastward: and he brought me to the north;

bes@Ezekiel:40:23 @ And there was a gate to the inner court looking toward the north gate, after the manner of the gate looking toward the east; and he measured the court from gate to gate, a hundred cubits.

bes@Ezekiel:40:27 @ And there was a gate opposite the gate of the inner court southward: and he measured the court from gate to gate, a hundred cubits in breadth (note:)Or, possibly, at the south(:note) southward.

bes@Ezekiel:40:47 @ And he measured the court, the length whereof was a hundred cubits, and the breadth a hundred cubits, on its four sides; and the altar in front of the house.

bes@Ezekiel:41:13 @ And he measured in front of the house a length of a hundred cubits, and the remaining spaces and the partitions; and the walls thereof were in length a hundred cubits.

bes@Ezekiel:41:14 @ And the breadth in front of the house, and the remaining spaces before it were a hundred cubits.

bes@Ezekiel:41:15 @ And he measured the length of the partition in front of the space left by the back parts of that house; and the spaces left on this side and on that side were in length a hundred cubits: and the temple and the corners and the outer porch were (note:)Or, wainscoted(:note) ceiled.

bes@Ezekiel:42:2 @ a hundred cubits in length toward the north, and in breadth fifty,

bes@Ezekiel:42:4 @ And in front of the chambers was a walk ten cubits in breadth, the length reaching to a hundred cubits; and their doors were northward.

bes@Ezekiel:42:8 @ For the length of the chambers looking toward the inner court was fifty cubits, and these are the ones that front the others; the whole was a hundred cubits.

bes@Ezekiel:42:16 @ And he stood behind the gate looking eastward, and measured five hundred cubits with the measuring reed.

bes@Ezekiel:42:17 @ And he turned to the north and measured in front of the north side five hundred cubits with the measuring reed.

bes@Ezekiel:42:18 @ And he turned to the west, and measured in front (note:)Gr. of the sea(:note) of the west side, five hundred cubits with the measuring reed.

bes@Ezekiel:42:19 @ And he turned to the south, and measured in front of the south side, five hundred cubits by the measuring reed.

bes@Ezekiel:42:20 @ The four sides he measured by the same reed, and he marked out the house and the circumference of the parts round about, a space of five hundred cubits eastward, and a breadth of five hundred cubits, to make a division between the sanctuary and the outer wall, that belonged to the design of the house.

bes@Ezekiel:45:2 @ And there shall be (note:)Gr. plural(:note) a sanctuary out of this, five hundred reeds in length by five hundred in breadth, a square round about; and there shall be a vacant space beyond this Gr. them of fifty cubits round about.

bes@Ezekiel:48:16 @ And these shall be its dimensions; from the northern side four thousand and five hundred, and from the southern side four thousand and five hundred, and from the eastern side four thousand and five hundred, and from the western side they shall measure four thousand five hundred.

bes@Ezekiel:48:17 @ And there shall be a space to the city northward two hundred and fifty, and southward two hundred and fifty, and eastward two hundred and fifty, and westward two hundred and fifty.

bes@Ezekiel:48:30 @ And these are the goings out of the city northward, four thousand and five hundred by measure.

bes@Ezekiel:48:32 @ And eastward four thousand and five hundred: and three gates; the gate of Joseph, one, and the gate of Benjamin, one, and the gate of Dan, one.

bes@Ezekiel:48:33 @ And southward, four thousand and five hundred by measure: and three gates; the gate of Symeon, one, and the gate of Issachar, one, and the gate of Zabulon, one.

bes@Ezekiel:48:34 @ And westward, four thousand and five hundred by measure: and three gates; the gate of Gad, one, and the gate of Asser, one, and the gate of Nephthalim, one.

bes@Daniel:6:1 @ And it pleased Darius, and he set over the kingdom a hundred and twenty satraps, to be in all his kingdom;

bes@Daniel:8:14 @ And he said to him, Evening and morning there shall be two thousand and (note:)Alex. 300(:note) four hundred days; and then the sanctuary shall be cleansed.

bes@Daniel:12:11 @ And from the time of the removal of the perpetual sacrifice, when the abomination of desolation shall be set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

bes@Daniel:12:12 @ Blessed is he that waits, and comes to the thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.

bes@Amos:5:3 @ Therefore thus saith the Lord God; The city out of which there went forth a thousand, in it there shall be left a hundred, and in that out of which there went forth a hundred, there shall be left ten to the house of Israel.

bes@Jdt:1:3 @ And set the towers thereof upon the gates of it an hundred cubits high, and the breadth thereof in the foundation threescore cubits:

bes@Jdt:1:16 @ So he returned afterward to Nineve, both he and all his company of sundry nations being a very great multitude of men of war, and there he took his ease, and banqueted, both he and his army, an hundred and twenty days.

bes@Jdt:2:5 @ Thus saith the great king, the lord of the whole earth, Behold, thou shalt go forth from my presence, and take with thee men that trust in their own strength, of footmen an hundred and twenty thousand; and the number of horses with their riders twelve thousand.

bes@Jdt:2:15 @ And he mustered the chosen men for the battle, as his lord had commanded him, unto an hundred and twenty thousand, and twelve thousand archers on horseback;

bes@Jdt:7:2 @ Then their strong men removed their camps in that day, and the army of the men of war was an hundred and seventy thousand footmen, and twelve thousand horsemen, beside the baggage, and other men that were afoot among them, a very great multitude.

bes@Jdt:10:17 @ Then they chose out of them an hundred men to accompany her and her maid; and they brought her to the tent of Holofernes.

bes@Jdt:16:23 @ But she increased more and more in honour, and waxed old in her husband’s house, being an hundred and five years old, and made her maid free; so she died in Bethulia: and they buried her in the cave of her husband Manasses.

bes@Tob:14:11 @ Wherefore now, my son, consider what alms doeth, and how righteousness doth deliver. When he had said these things, he gave up the ghost in the bed, being an hundred and eight and fifty years old; and he buried him honourably.

bes@Tob:14:14 @ And he died at Ecbatane in Media, being an hundred and seven and twenty years old.

bes@Sir:16:10 @ Nor the six hundred thousand footmen, who were gathered together in the hardness of their hearts.

bes@Sir:18:9 @ The number of a man’s days at the most are an hundred years.

bes@Sir:41:4 @ And why art thou against the pleasure of the most High? there is no inquisition in the grave, whether thou have lived ten, or an hundred, or a thousand years.

bes@Sir:46:8 @ And of six hundred thousand people on foot, they two were preserved to bring them in to the heritage, even unto the land that floweth with milk and honey.

bes@1Macc:1:10 @ And there came out of them a wicked root Antiochus surnamed Epiphanes, son of Antiochus the king, who had been an hostage at Rome, and he reigned in the hundred and thirty and seventh year of the kingdom of the Greeks.

bes@1Macc:1:20 @ And after that Antiochus had smitten Egypt, he returned again in the hundred forty and third year, and went up against Israel and Jerusalem with a great multitude,

bes@1Macc:1:54 @ Now the fifteenth day of the month Casleu, in the hundred forty and fifth year, they set up the abomination of desolation upon the altar, and builded idol altars throughout the cities of Juda on every side;

bes@1Macc:2:70 @ And he died in the hundred forty and sixth year, and his sons buried him in the sepulchres of his fathers at Modin, and all Israel made great lamentation for him.

bes@1Macc:3:24 @ And they pursued them from the going down of Bethhoron unto the plain, where were slain about eight hundred men of them; and the residue fled into the land of the Philistines.

bes@1Macc:3:37 @ So the king took the half of the forces that remained, and departed from Antioch, his royal city, the hundred forty and seventh year; and having passed the river Euphrates, he went through the high countries.

bes@1Macc:3:55 @ And after this Judas ordained captains over the people, even captains over thousands, and over hundreds, and over fifties, and over tens.

bes@1Macc:4:52 @ Now on the five and twentieth day of the ninth month, which is called the month Casleu, in the hundred forty and eighth year, they rose up betimes in the morning,

bes@1Macc:6:16 @ So king Antiochus died there in the hundred forty and ninth year.

bes@1Macc:6:20 @ So they came together, and besieged them in the hundred and fiftieth year, and he made mounts for shot against them, and other engines.

bes@1Macc:6:30 @ So that the number of his army was an hundred thousand footmen, and twenty thousand horsemen, and two and thirty elephants exercised in battle.

bes@1Macc:6:35 @ Moreover they divided the beasts among the armies, and for every elephant they appointed a thousand men, armed with coats of mail, and with helmets of brass on their heads; and beside this, for every beast were ordained five hundred horsemen of the best.

bes@1Macc:6:42 @ Then Judas and his host drew near, and entered into battle, and there were slain of the king’s army six hundred men.

bes@1Macc:7:1 @ In the hundred and one and fiftieth year Demetrius the son of Seleucus departed from Rome, and came up with a few men unto a city of the sea coast, and reigned there.

bes@1Macc:7:41 @ O Lord, when they that were sent from the king of the Assyrians blasphemed, thine angel went out, and smote an hundred fourscore and five thousand of them.

bes@1Macc:8:6 @ How also Antiochus the great king of Asia, that came against them in battle, having an hundred and twenty elephants, with horsemen, and chariots, and a very great army, was discomfited by them;

bes@1Macc:8:15 @ Moreover how they had made for themselves a senate house, wherein three hundred and twenty men sat in council daily, consulting alway for the people, to the end they might be well ordered:

bes@1Macc:9:3 @ Also the first month of the hundred fifty and second year they encamped before Jerusalem:

bes@1Macc:9:6 @ Who seeing the multitude of the other army to he so great were sore afraid; whereupon many conveyed themselves out of the host, insomuch as abode of them no more but eight hundred men.

bes@1Macc:9:54 @ Moreover in the hundred fifty and third year, in the second month, Alcimus commanded that the wall of the inner court of the sanctuary should be pulled down; he pulled down also the works of the prophets

bes@1Macc:10:1 @ In the hundred and sixtieth year Alexander, the son of Antiochus surnamed Epiphanes, went up and took Ptolemais: for the people had received him, by means whereof he reigned there,

bes@1Macc:10:21 @ So in the seventh month of the hundred and sixtieth year, at the feast of the tabernacles, Jonathan put on the holy robe, and gathered together forces, and provided much armour.

bes@1Macc:10:57 @ So Ptolemee went out of Egypt with his daughter Cleopatra, and they came unto Ptolemais in the hundred threescore and second year:

bes@1Macc:10:67 @ Furthermore in the; hundred threescore and fifth year came Demetrius son of Demetrius out of Crete into the land of his fathers:

bes@1Macc:11:19 @ By this means Demetrius reigned in the hundred threescore and seventh year.

bes@1Macc:11:28 @ Then Jonathan desired the king, that he would make Judea free from tribute, as also the three governments, with the country of Samaria; and he promised him three hundred talents.

bes@1Macc:11:45 @ Howbeit they that were of the city gathered themselves together into the midst of the city, to the number of an hundred and twenty thousand men, and would have slain the king.

bes@1Macc:11:47 @ Then the king called to the Jews for help, who came unto him all at once, and dispersing themselves through the city slew that day in the city to the number of an hundred thousand.

bes@1Macc:13:16 @ Wherefore now send an hundred talents of silver, and two of his sons for hostages, that when he is at liberty he may not revolt from us, and we will let him go.

bes@1Macc:13:19 @ So he sent them the children and the hundred talents: howbeit Tryphon dissembled neither would he let Jonathan go.

bes@1Macc:13:41 @ Thus the yoke of the heathen was taken away from Israel in the hundred and seventieth year.

bes@1Macc:13:51 @ And entered into it the three and twentieth day of the second month in the hundred seventy and first year, with thanksgiving, and branches of palm trees, and with harps, and cymbals, and with viols, and hymns, and songs: because there was destroyed a great enemy out of Israel.

bes@1Macc:14:1 @ Now in the hundred threescore and twelfth year king Demetrius gathered his forces together, and went into Media to get him help to fight against Tryphon.

bes@1Macc:14:27 @ So then they wrote it in tables of brass, which they set upon pillars in mount Sion: and this is the copy of the writing; The eighteenth day of the month Elul, in the hundred threescore and twelfth year, being the third year of Simon the high priest,

bes@1Macc:15:10 @ In the hundred threescore and fourteenth year went Antiochus into the land of his fathers: at which time all the forces came together unto him, so that few were left with Tryphon.

bes@1Macc:15:13 @ Then camped Antiochus against Dora, having with him an hundred and twenty thousand men of war, and eight thousand horsemen.

bes@1Macc:15:31 @ Or else give me for them five hundred talents of silver; and for the harm that ye have done, and the tributes of the cities, other five hundred talents: if not, we will come and fight against you

bes@1Macc:15:35 @ And whereas thou demandest Joppa and Gazera, albeit they did great harm unto the people in our country, yet will we give thee an hundred talents for them. Hereunto Athenobius answered him not a word;

bes@1Macc:16:14 @ Now Simon was visiting the cities that were in the country, and taking care for the good ordering of them; at which time he came down himself to Jericho with his sons, Mattathias and Judas, in the hundred threescore and seventeenth year, in the eleventh month, called Sabat:

bes@2Macc:1:7 @ What time as Demetrius reigned, in the hundred threescore and ninth year, we the Jews wrote unto you in the extremity of trouble that came upon us in those years, from the time that Jason and his company revolted from the holy land and kingdom,

bes@2Macc:1:10 @ In the hundred fourscore and eighth year, the people that were at Jerusalem and in Judea, and the council, and Judas, sent greeting and health unto Aristobulus, king Ptolemeus’ master, who was of the stock of the anointed priests, and to the Jews that were in Egypt:

bes@2Macc:3:11 @ And that some of it belonged to Hircanus son of Tobias, a man of great dignity, and not as that wicked Simon had misinformed: the sum whereof in all was four hundred talents of silver, and two hundred of gold:

bes@2Macc:4:8 @ Promising unto the king by intercession three hundred and threescore talents of silver, and of another revenue eighty talents:

bes@2Macc:4:9 @ Beside this, he promised to assign an hundred and fifty more, if he might have licence to set him up a place for exercise, and for the training up of youth in the fashions of the heathen, and to write them of Jerusalem by the name of Antiochians.

bes@2Macc:4:19 @ This ungracious Jason sent special messengers from Jerusalem, who were Antiochians, to carry three hundred drachms of silver to the sacrifice of Hercules, which even the bearers thereof thought fit not to bestow upon the sacrifice, because it was not convenient, but to be reserved for other charges.

bes@2Macc:4:24 @ But he being brought to the presence of the king, when he had magnified him for the glorious appearance of his power, got the priesthood to himself, offering more than Jason by three hundred talents of silver.

bes@2Macc:5:21 @ So when Antiochus had carried out of the temple a thousand and eight hundred talents, he departed in all haste unto Antiochia, weening in his pride to make the land navigable, and the sea passable by foot: such was the haughtiness of his mind.

bes@2Macc:8:19 @ Moreover, he recounted unto them what helps their forefathers had found, and how they were delivered, when under Sennacherib an hundred fourscore and five thousand perished.

bes@2Macc:8:20 @ And he told them of the battle that they had in Babylon with the Galatians, how they came but eight thousand in all to the business, with four thousand Macedonians, and that the Macedonians being perplexed, the eight thousand destroyed an hundred and twenty thousand because of the help that they had from heaven, and so received a great booty.

bes@2Macc:8:22 @ And joined with himself his own brethren, leaders of each band, to wit Simon, and Joseph, and Jonathan, giving each one fifteen hundred men.

bes@2Macc:10:31 @ And there were slain of footmen twenty thousand and five hundred, and six hundred horsemen.

bes@2Macc:11:11 @ And giving a charge upon their enemies like lions, they slew eleven thousand footmen, and sixteen hundred horsemen, and put all the other to flight.

bes@2Macc:11:21 @ Fare ye well. The hundred and eight and fortieth year, the four and twentieth day of the month Dioscorinthius.

bes@2Macc:11:33 @ Fare ye well. In the hundred forty and eighth year, and the fifteenth day of the month Xanthicus.

bes@2Macc:11:38 @ Farewell. This hundred and eight and fortieth year, the fifteenth day of the month Xanthicus.

bes@2Macc:12:4 @ Who accepted of it according to the common decree of the city, as being desirous to live in peace, and suspecting nothing: but when they were gone forth into the deep, they drowned no less than two hundred of them.

bes@2Macc:12:9 @ He came upon the Jamnites also by night, and set fire on the haven and the navy, so that the light of the fire was seen at Jerusalem two hundred and forty furlongs off.

bes@2Macc:12:10 @ Now when they were gone from thence nine furlongs in their journey toward Timotheus, no fewer than five thousand men on foot and five hundred horsemen of the Arabians set upon him.

bes@2Macc:12:17 @ Then departed they from thence seven hundred and fifty furlongs, and came to Characa unto the Jews that are called Tubieni.

bes@2Macc:12:20 @ And Maccabeus ranged his army by bands, and set them over the bands, and went against Timotheus, who had about him an hundred and twenty thousand men of foot, and two thousand and five hundred horsemen.

bes@2Macc:12:29 @ From thence they departed to Scythopolis, which lieth six hundred furlongs from Jerusalem,

bes@2Macc:12:33 @ Who came out with three thousand men of foot and four hundred horsemen.

bes@2Macc:13:1 @ In the hundred forty and ninth year it was told Judas, that Antiochus Eupator was coming with a great power into Judea,

bes@2Macc:13:2 @ And with him Lysias his protector, and ruler of his affairs, having either of them a Grecian power of footmen, an hundred and ten thousand, and horsemen five thousand and three hundred, and elephants two and twenty, and three hundred chariots armed with hooks.

bes@2Macc:14:4 @ Came to king Demetrius in the hundred and one and fiftieth year, presenting unto him a crown of gold, and a palm, and also of the boughs which were used solemnly in the temple: and so that day he held his peace.

bes@2Macc:14:39 @ So Nicanor, willing to declare the hate that he bare unto the Jews, sent above five hundred men of war to take him:

bes@2Macc:15:22 @ Therefore in his prayer he said after this manner; O Lord, thou didst send thine angel in the time of Ezekias king of Judea, and didst slay in the host of Sennacherib an hundred fourscore and five thousand:

bes@3Macc:5:2 @ he commanded him, with a quantity of unmixed wine and handfuls of incense to drug the elephants early on the following day. These five hundred elephants were, when infuriated by the copious draughts of frankincense, to be led up to the execution of death upon the Jews.

bes@3Macc:7:15 @ slaying thus, in that day, above three hundred men, and esteeming this destruction of the wicked a season of joy.

bes@4Macc:4:17 @ who had made a covenant, if he would give him this authority, to pay yearly three thousand six hundred and sixty talents.

bes@1Esd:1:8 @ And Helkias, Zacharias, and Syelus, the governors of the temple, gave to the priests for the passover two thousand and six hundred sheep, and three hundred calves.

bes@1Esd:1:9 @ And Jeconias, and Samaias, and Nathanael his brother, and Assabias, and Ochiel, and Joram, captains over thousands, gave to the Levites for the passover five thousand sheep, and seven hundred calves.

bes@1Esd:1:36 @ And he set a tax upon the land of an hundred talents of silver and one talent of gold.

bes@1Esd:2:13 @ And this was the number of them; A thousand golden cups, and a thousand of silver, censers of silver twenty nine, vials of gold thirty, and of silver two thousand four hundred and ten, and a thousand other vessels.

bes@1Esd:2:14 @ So all the vessels of gold and of silver, which were carried away, were five thousand four hundred threescore and nine.

bes@1Esd:3:2 @ And to all the governors and captains and lieutenants that were under him, from India unto Ethiopia, of an hundred twenty and seven provinces.

bes@1Esd:5:9 @ The number of them of the nation, and their governors, sons of Phoros, two thousand an hundred seventy and two; the sons of Saphat, four hundred seventy and two:

bes@1Esd:5:10 @ The sons of Ares, seven hundred fifty and six:

bes@1Esd:5:11 @ The sons of Phaath Moab, two thousand eight hundred and twelve:

bes@1Esd:5:12 @ The sons of Elam, a thousand two hundred fifty and four: the sons of Zathui, nine hundred forty and five: the sons of Corbe, seven hundred and five: the sons of Bani, six hundred forty and eight:

bes@1Esd:5:13 @ The sons of Bebai, six hundred twenty and three: the sons of Sadas, three thousand two hundred twenty and two:

bes@1Esd:5:14 @ The sons of Adonikam, six hundred sixty and seven: the sons of Bagoi, two thousand sixty and six: the sons of Adin, four hundred fifty and four:

bes@1Esd:5:15 @ The sons of Aterezias, ninety and two: the sons of Ceilan and Azetas threescore and seven: the sons of Azuran, four hundred thirty and two:

bes@1Esd:5:16 @ The sons of Ananias, an hundred and one: the sons of Arom, thirty two: and the sons of Bassa, three hundred twenty and three: the sons of Azephurith, an hundred and two:

bes@1Esd:5:17 @ The sons of Meterus, three thousand and five: the sons of Bethlomon, an hundred twenty and three:

bes@1Esd:5:18 @ They of Netophah, fifty and five: they of Anathoth, an hundred fifty and eight: they of Bethsamos, forty and two:

bes@1Esd:5:19 @ They of Kiriathiarius, twenty and five: they of Caphira and Beroth, seven hundred forty and three: they of Pira, seven hundred:

bes@1Esd:5:20 @ They of Chadias and Ammidoi, four hundred twenty and two: they of Cirama and Gabdes, six hundred twenty and one:

bes@1Esd:5:21 @ They of Macalon, an hundred twenty and two: they of Betolius, fifty and two: the sons of Nephis, an hundred fifty and six:

bes@1Esd:5:22 @ The sons of Calamolalus and Onus, seven hundred twenty and five: the sons of Jerechus, two hundred forty and five:

bes@1Esd:5:23 @ The sons of Annas, three thousand three hundred and thirty.

bes@1Esd:5:24 @ The priests: the sons of Jeddu, the son of Jesus among the sons of Sanasib, nine hundred seventy and two: the sons of Meruth, a thousand fifty and two:

bes@1Esd:5:27 @ The holy singers: the sons of Asaph, an hundred twenty and eight.

bes@1Esd:5:28 @ The porters: the sons of Salum, the sons of Jatal, the sons of Talmon, the sons of Dacobi, the sons of Teta, the sons of Sami, in all an hundred thirty and nine.

bes@1Esd:5:35 @ All the ministers of the temple, and the sons of the servants of Solomon, were three hundred seventy and two.

bes@1Esd:5:37 @ Neither could they shew their families, nor their stock, how they were of Israel: the sons of Ladan, the son of Ban, the sons of Necodan, six hundred fifty and two.

bes@1Esd:5:41 @ So of Israel, from them of twelve years old and upward, they were all in number forty thousand, beside menservants and womenservants two thousand three hundred and sixty.

bes@1Esd:5:42 @ Their menservants and handmaids were seven thousand three hundred forty and seven: the singing men and singing women, two hundred forty and five:

bes@1Esd:5:43 @ Four hundred thirty and five camels, seven thousand thirty and six horses, two hundred forty and five mules, five thousand five hundred twenty and five beasts used to the yoke.

bes@1Esd:5:45 @ And to give into the holy treasury of the works a thousand pounds of gold, five thousand of silver, and an hundred priestly vestments.

bes@1Esd:7:7 @ And to the dedication of the temple of the Lord they offered an hundred bullocks two hundred rams, four hundred lambs;

bes@1Esd:8:20 @ To the sum of an hundred talents of silver, likewise also of wheat even to an hundred cors, and an hundred pieces of wine, and other things in abundance.

bes@1Esd:8:30 @ Of the sons of Pharez, Zacharias; and with him were counted an hundred and fifty men:

bes@1Esd:8:31 @ Of the sons of Pahath Moab, Eliaonias, the son of Zaraias, and with him two hundred men:

bes@1Esd:8:32 @ Of the sons of Zathoe, Sechenias the son of Jezelus, and with him three hundred men: of the sons of Adin, Obeth the son of Jonathan, and with him two hundred and fifty men:

bes@1Esd:8:35 @ Of the sons of Joab, Abadias son of Jezelus, and with him two hundred and twelve men:

bes@1Esd:8:36 @ Of the sons of Banid, Assalimoth son of Josaphias, and with him an hundred and threescore men:

bes@1Esd:8:38 @ Of the sons of Astath, Johannes son of Acatan, and with him an hundred and ten men:

bes@1Esd:8:49 @ And of the servants of the temple whom David had ordained, and the principal men for the service of the Levites to wit, the servants of the temple two hundred and twenty, the catalogue of whose names were shewed.

bes@1Esd:8:56 @ And when I had weighed it, I delivered unto them six hundred and fifty talents of silver, and silver vessels of an hundred talents, and an hundred talents of gold,