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asv@Genesis:4:11 @And now cursed art thou from the ground, which hath opened its mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand;

asv@Genesis:33:10 @And Jacob said, Nay, I pray thee, if now I have found favor in thy sight, then receive my present at my hand; forasmuch as I have seen thy face, as one seeth the face of God, and thou wast pleased with me.

asv@Genesis:38:20 @And Judah sent the kid of the goats by the hand of his friend the Adullamite, to receive the pledge from the woman's hand: but he found her not.

asv@Exodus:32:4 @And he received it at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, and made it a molten calf: and they said, These are thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.

asv@Exodus:36:3 @and they received of Moses all the offering which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, wherewith to make it. And they brought yet unto him freewill-offerings every morning.

asv@Numbers:18:28 @Thus ye also shall offer a heave-offering unto Jehovah of all your tithes, which ye receive of the children of Israel; and thereof ye shall give Jehovah's heave-offering to Aaron the priest.

asv@Numbers:23:20 @Behold, I have received commandment to bless: And he hath blessed, and I cannot reverse it.

asv@Numbers:34:14 @for the tribe of the children of Reuben according to their fathers' houses, and the tribe of the children of Gad according to their fathers' houses, have received, and the half-tribe of Manasseh have received, their inheritance:

asv@Numbers:34:15 @the two tribes and the half-tribe have received their inheritance beyond the Jordan at Jericho eastward, toward the sunrising.

asv@Deuteronomy:9:9 @When I was gone up into the mount to receive the tables of stone, even the tables of the covenant which Jehovah made with you, then I abode in the mount forty days and forty nights; I did neither eat bread nor drink water.

asv@Deuteronomy:33:3 @Yea, he loveth the people; All his saints are in thy hand: And they sat down at thy feet; Every one shall receive of thy words.

asv@Joshua:13:8 @With him the Reubenites and the Gadites received their inheritance, which Moses gave them, beyond the Jordan eastward, even as Moses the servant of Jehovah gave them:

asv@Joshua:18:7 @For the Levites have no portion among you; for the priesthood of Jehovah is their inheritance: and Gad and Reuben and the half-tribe of Manasseh have received their inheritance beyond the Jordan eastward, which Moses the servant of Jehovah gave them.

asv@Judges:13:23 @But his wife said unto him, If Jehovah were pleased to kill us, he would not have received a burnt-offering and a meal-offering at our hand, neither would he have showed us all these things, nor would at this time have told such things as these.

asv@1Samuel:10:4 @and they will salute thee, and give thee two loaves of bread, which thou shalt receive of their hand.

asv@1Samuel:25:35 @So David received of her hand that which she had brought him: and he said unto her, Go up in peace to thy house; see, I have hearkened to thy voice, and have accepted thy person.

asv@2Samuel:18:12 @And the man said unto Joab, Though I should receive a thousand pieces of silver in my hand, yet would I not put forth my hand against the king's son; for in our hearing the king charged thee and Abishai and Ittai, saying, Beware that none touch the young man Absalom.

asv@1Kings:5:9 @My servants shall bring them down from Lebanon unto the sea; and I will make them into rafts to go by sea unto the place that thou shalt appoint me, and will cause them to be broken up there, and thou shalt receive them; and thou shalt accomplish my desire, in giving food for my household.

asv@1Kings:8:64 @The same day did the king hallow the middle of the court that was before the house of Jehovah; for there he offered the burnt-offering, and the meal-offering, and the fat of the peace-offerings, because the brazen altar that was before Jehovah was too little to receive the burnt-offering, and the meal-offering, and the fat of the peace-offerings.

asv@1Kings:10:28 @And the horses which Solomon had were brought out of Egypt; and the king's merchants received them in droves, each drove at a price.

asv@2Kings:5:16 @But he said, As Jehovah liveth, before whom I stand, I will receive none. And he urged him to take it; but he refused.

asv@2Kings:5:26 @And he said unto him, Went not my heart with thee, when the man turned from his chariot to meet thee? Is it a time to receive money, and to receive garments, and oliveyards and vineyards, and sheep and oxen, and men-servants and maid-servants?

asv@2Kings:19:14 @And Hezekiah received the letter from the hand of the messengers, and read it; and Hezekiah went up unto the house of Jehovah, and spread it before Jehovah.

asv@1Chronicles:12:18 @Then the Spirit came upon Amasai, who was chief of the thirty, and he said, Thine are we, David, and on thy side, thou son of Jesse: peace, peace be unto thee, and peace be to thy helpers; for thy God helpeth thee. Then David received them, and made them captains of the band.

asv@2Chronicles:1:16 @And the horses which Solomon had were brought out of Egypt; the king's merchants received them in droves, each drove at a price.

asv@2Chronicles:4:5 @And it was a handbreadth thick; and the brim thereof was wrought like the brim of a cup, like the flower of a lily: it received and held three thousand baths.

asv@2Chronicles:7:7 @Moreover Solomon hallowed the middle of the court that was before the house of Jehovah; for there he offered the burnt-offerings, and the fat of the peace-offerings, because the brazen altar which Solomon had made was not able to receive the burnt-offering, and the meal-offering, and the fat.

asv@2Chronicles:29:22 @So they killed the bullocks, and the priests received the blood, and sprinkled it on the altar: and they killed the rams, and sprinkled the blood upon the altar: they killed also the lambs, and sprinkled the blood upon the altar.

asv@2Chronicles:30:16 @And they stood in their place after their order, according to the law of Moses the man of God: the priests sprinkled the blood which they received of the hand of the Levites.

asv@2Chronicles:35:11 @And they killed the passover, and the priests sprinkled the blood which they received of their hand, and the Levites flayed them.

asv@Ezra:8:30 @So the priests and the Levites received the weight of the silver and the gold, and the vessels, to bring them to Jerusalem unto the house of our God.

asv@Esther:4:4 @And Esther's maidens and her chamberlains came and told it her; and the queen was exceedingly grieved: and she sent raiment to clothe Mordecai, and to take his sackcloth from off him; but he received it not.

asv@Job:2:10 @But he said unto her, Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh. What? shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil? In all this did not Job sin with his lips.

asv@Job:3:12 @Why did the knees receive me? Or why the breast, that I should suck?

asv@Job:4:12 @Now a thing was secretly brought to me, And mine ear received a whisper thereof.

asv@Job:22:22 @Receive, I pray thee, the law from his mouth, And lay up his words in thy heart.

asv@Job:27:13 @This is the portion of a wicked man with God, And the heritage of oppressors, which they receive from the Almighty:

asv@Job:35:7 @If thou be righteous, what givest thou him? Or what receiveth he of thy hand?

asv@Psalms:6:9 @Jehovah hath heard my supplication; Jehovah will receive my prayer.

asv@Psalms:24:5 @He shall receive a blessing from Jehovah, And righteousness from the God of his salvation.

asv@Psalms:49:15 @But God will redeem my soul from the power of Sheol; For he will receive me. Selah

asv@Psalms:68:18 @Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led away captives; Thou hast received gifts among men, Yea, among the rebellious also, that Jehovah God might dwell with them.

asv@Psalms:73:24 @Thou wilt guide me with thy counsel, And afterward receive me to glory.

asv@Proverbs:1:3 @To receive instruction in wise dealing, In righteousness and justice and equity;

asv@Proverbs:2:1 @My son, if thou wilt receive my words, And lay up my commandments with thee;

asv@Proverbs:4:10 @Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings; And the years of thy life shall be many.

asv@Proverbs:8:10 @Receive my instruction, and not silver; And knowledge rather than choice gold.

asv@Proverbs:10:8 @The wise in heart will receive commandments; But a prating fool shall fall.

asv@Proverbs:17:23 @A wicked man receiveth a bribe out of the bosom, To pervert the ways of justice.

asv@Proverbs:19:20 @Hear counsel, and receive instruction, That thou mayest be wise in thy latter end.

asv@Proverbs:21:11 @When the scoffer is punished, the simple is made wise; And when the wise is instructed, he receiveth knowledge.

asv@Proverbs:24:32 @Then I beheld, and considered well; I saw, and received instruction:

asv@Ecclesiastes:4:13 @Better is a poor and wise youth than an old and foolish king, who knoweth not how to receive admonition any more.

asv@Isaiah:29:24 @They also that err in spirit shall come to understanding, and they that murmur shall receive instruction.

asv@Isaiah:37:14 @And Hezekiah received the letter from the hand of the messengers, and read it; and Hezekiah went up unto the house of Jehovah, and spread it before Jehovah.

asv@Isaiah:40:2 @Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem; and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned, that she hath received of Jehovah's hand double for all her sins.

asv@Jeremiah:2:30 @In vain have I smitten your children; they received no correction: your own sword hath devoured your prophets, like a destroying lion.

asv@Jeremiah:5:3 @O Jehovah, do not thine eyes look upon truth? thou hast stricken them, but they were not grieved; thou hast consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction: they have made their faces harder than a rock; they have refused to return.

asv@Jeremiah:7:28 @And thou shalt say unto them, This is the nation that hath not hearkened to the voice of Jehovah their God, nor received instruction: truth is perished, and is cut off from their mouth.

asv@Jeremiah:9:20 @Yet hear the word of Jehovah, O ye women, and let your ear receive the word of his mouth; and teach your daughters wailing, and every one her neighbor lamentation.

asv@Jeremiah:17:23 @But they hearkened not, neither inclined their ear, but made their neck stiff, that they might not hear, and might not receive instruction.

asv@Jeremiah:32:33 @And they have turned unto me the back, and not the face: and though I taught them, rising up early and teaching them, yet they have not hearkened to receive instruction.

asv@Jeremiah:35:13 @Thus saith Jehovah of hosts, the God of Israel: Go, and say to the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, Will ye not receive instruction to hearken to my words? saith Jehovah.

asv@Jeremiah:37:12 @then Jeremiah went forth out of Jerusalem to go into the land of Benjamin, to receive his portion there, in the midst of the people.

asv@Ezekiel:3:10 @Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, all my words that I shall speak unto thee receive in thy heart, and hear with thine ears.

asv@Ezekiel:16:61 @Then shalt thou remember thy ways, and be ashamed, when thou shalt receive thy sisters, thine elder sisters and thy younger; and I will give them unto thee for daughters, but not by thy covenant.

asv@Ezekiel:18:17 @that hath withdrawn his hand from the poor, that hath not received interest nor increase, hath executed mine ordinances, hath walked in my statutes; he shall not die for the iniquity of his father, he shall surely live.

asv@Ezekiel:36:30 @And I will multiply the fruit of the tree, and the increase of the field, that ye may receive no more the reproach of famine among the nations.

asv@Daniel:2:6 @But if ye show the dream and the interpretation thereof, ye shall receive of me gifts and rewards and great honor: therefore show me the dream and the interpretation thereof.

asv@Daniel:5:31 @And Darius the Mede received the kingdom, being about threescore and two years old.

asv@Daniel:7:18 @But the saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever.

asv@Hosea:10:6 @It also shall be carried unto Assyria for a present to king Jareb: Ephraim shall receive shame, and Israel shall be ashamed of his own counsel.

asv@Zephaniah:3:2 @She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not in Jehovah; she drew not near to her God.

asv@Zephaniah:3:7 @I said, Only fear thou me; receive correction; so her dwelling shall not be cut off, according to all that I have appointed concerning her: but they rose early and corrupted all their doings.

asv@Malachi:2:13 @And this again ye do: ye cover the altar of Jehovah with tears, with weeping, and with sighing, insomuch that he regardeth not the offering any more, neither receiveth it with good will at your hand.

asv@Malachi:3:10 @Bring ye the whole tithe into the store-house, that there may be food in my house, and prove me now herewith, saith Jehovah of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.