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nkjv@Genesis:49:4 @ Unstable as water, you shall not excel, Because you went up to your father's bed; Then you defiled it-- He went up to my couch.

nkjv@Exodus:24:12 @ Then the LORD said to Moses, "Come up to Me on the mountain and be there; and I will give you tablets of stone, and the law and commandments which I have written, that you may teach them."

nkjv@Exodus:25:23 @ "You shall also make a table of acacia wood; two cubits shall be its length, a cubit its width, and a cubit and a half its height.

nkjv@Exodus:25:27 @ The rings shall be close to the frame, as holders for the poles to bear the table.

nkjv@Exodus:25:28 @ And you shall make the poles of acacia wood, and overlay them with gold, that the table may be carried with them.

nkjv@Exodus:25:30 @ And you shall set the showbread on the table before Me always.

nkjv@Exodus:26:35 @ You shall set the table outside the veil, and the lampstand across from the table on the side of the tabernacle toward the south; and you shall put the table on the north side.

nkjv@Exodus:30:27 @ the table and all its utensils, the lampstand and its utensils, and the altar of incense;

nkjv@Exodus:31:8 @ the table and its utensils, the pure gold lampstand with all its utensils, the altar of incense,

nkjv@Exodus:31:18 @ And when He had made an end of speaking with him on Mount Sinai, He gave Moses two tablets of the Testimony, tablets of stone, written with the finger of God.

nkjv@Exodus:32:15 @ And Moses turned and went down from the mountain, and the two tablets of the Testimony were in his hand. The tablets were written on both sides; on the one side and on the other they were written.

nkjv@Exodus:32:16 @ Now the tablets were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God engraved on the tablets.

nkjv@Exodus:32:19 @ So it was, as soon as he came near the camp, that he saw the calf and the dancing. So Moses' anger became hot, and he cast the tablets out of his hands and broke them at the foot of the mountain.

nkjv@Exodus:34:1 @ And the LORD said to Moses, "Cut two tablets of stone like the first ones, and I will write on these tablets the words that were on the first tablets which you broke.

nkjv@Exodus:34:4 @ So he cut two tablets of stone like the first ones. Then Moses rose early in the morning and went up Mount Sinai, as the LORD had commanded him; and he took in his hand the two tablets of stone.

nkjv@Exodus:34:28 @ So he was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights; he neither ate bread nor drank water. And He wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments.

nkjv@Exodus:34:29 @ Now it was so, when Moses came down from Mount Sinai (and the two tablets of the Testimony were in Moses' hand when he came down from the mountain), that Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone while he talked with Him.

nkjv@Exodus:35:13 @ the table and its poles, all its utensils, and the showbread;

nkjv@Exodus:37:10 @ He made the table of acacia wood; two cubits was its length, a cubit its width, and a cubit and a half its height.

nkjv@Exodus:37:14 @ The rings were close to the frame, as holders for the poles to bear the table.

nkjv@Exodus:37:15 @ And he made the poles of acacia wood to bear the table, and overlaid them with gold.

nkjv@Exodus:37:16 @ He made of pure gold the utensils which were on the table: its dishes, its cups, its bowls, and its pitchers for pouring.

nkjv@Exodus:39:36 @ the table, all its utensils, and the showbread;

nkjv@Exodus:40:4 @ You shall bring in the table and arrange the things that are to be set in order on it; and you shall bring in the lampstand and light its lamps.

nkjv@Exodus:40:22 @ He put the table in the tabernacle of meeting, on the north side of the tabernacle, outside the veil;

nkjv@Exodus:40:24 @ He put the lampstand in the tabernacle of meeting, across from the table, on the south side of the tabernacle;

nkjv@Leviticus:16:21 @ Aaron shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goat, confess over it all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions, concerning all their sins, putting them on the head of the goat, and shall send it away into the wilderness by the hand of a suitable man.

nkjv@Leviticus:22:20 @ Whatever has a defect, you shall not offer, for it shall not be acceptable on your behalf.

nkjv@Leviticus:24:6 @ You shall set them in two rows, six in a row, on the pure gold table before the LORD.

nkjv@Numbers:3:31 @ Their duty included the ark, the table, the lampstand, the altars, the utensils of the sanctuary with which they ministered, the screen, and all the work relating to them.

nkjv@Numbers:4:7 @ "On the table of showbread they shall spread a blue cloth, and put on it the dishes, the pans, the bowls, and the pitchers for pouring; and the showbread shall be on it.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:4:13 @ So He declared to you His covenant which He commanded you to perform, the Ten Commandments; and He wrote them on two tablets of stone.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:5:22 @ "These words the LORD spoke to all your assembly, in the mountain from the midst of the fire, the cloud, and the thick darkness, with a loud voice; and He added no more. And He wrote them on two tablets of stone and gave them to me.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:9:9 @ When I went up into the mountain to receive the tablets of stone, the tablets of the covenant which the LORD made with you, then I stayed on the mountain forty days and forty nights. I neither ate bread nor drank water.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:9:10 @ Then the LORD delivered to me two tablets of stone written with the finger of God, and on them were all the words which the LORD had spoken to you on the mountain from the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:9:11 @ And it came to pass, at the end of forty days and forty nights, that the LORD gave me the two tablets of stone, the tablets of the covenant.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:9:15 @ "So I turned and came down from the mountain, and the mountain burned with fire; and the two tablets of the covenant were in my two hands.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:9:17 @ Then I took the two tablets and threw them out of my two hands and broke them before your eyes.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:10:1 @ "At that time the LORD said to me, "Hew for yourself two tablets of stone like the first, and come up to Me on the mountain and make yourself an ark of wood.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:10:2 @ And I will write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke; and you shall put them in the ark.'

nkjv@Deuteronomy:10:3 @ "So I made an ark of acacia wood, hewed two tablets of stone like the first, and went up the mountain, having the two tablets in my hand.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:10:4 @ And He wrote on the tablets according to the first writing, the Ten Commandments, which the LORD had spoken to you in the mountain from the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly; and the LORD gave them to me.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:10:5 @ Then I turned and came down from the mountain, and put the tablets in the ark which I had made; and there they are, just as the LORD commanded me."

nkjv@Deuteronomy:11:10 @ For the land which you go to possess is not like the land of Egypt from which you have come, where you sowed your seed and watered it by foot, as a vegetable garden;

nkjv@Deuteronomy:14:3 @ "You shall not eat any detestable thing.

nkjv@Judges:1:7 @ And Adoni-Bezek said, "Seventy kings with their thumbs and big toes cut off used to gather scraps under my table; as I have done, so God has repaid me." Then they brought him to Jerusalem, and there he died.

nkjv@1Samuel:20:29 @ And he said, "Please let me go, for our family has a sacrifice in the city, and my brother has commanded me to be there. And now, if I have found favor in your eyes, please let me get away and see my brothers.' Therefore he has not come to the king's table."

nkjv@1Samuel:20:34 @ So Jonathan arose from the table in fierce anger, and ate no food the second day of the month, for he was grieved for David, because his father had treated him shamefully.

nkjv@2Samuel:9:7 @ So David said to him, "Do not fear, for I will surely show you kindness for Jonathan your father's sake, and will restore to you all the land of Saul your grandfather; and you shall eat bread at my table continually."

nkjv@2Samuel:9:10 @ You therefore, and your sons and your servants, shall work the land for him, and you shall bring in the harvest, that your master's son may have food to eat. But Mephibosheth your master's son shall eat bread at my table always." Now Ziba had fifteen sons and twenty servants.

nkjv@2Samuel:9:11 @ Then Ziba said to the king, "According to all that my lord the king has commanded his servant, so will your servant do." "As for Mephibosheth," said the king, "he shall eat at my table like one of the king's sons."

nkjv@2Samuel:9:13 @ So Mephibosheth dwelt in Jerusalem, for he ate continually at the king's table. And he was lame in both his feet.

nkjv@2Samuel:19:28 @ For all my father's house were but dead men before my lord the king. Yet you set your servant among those who eat at your own table. Therefore what right have I still to cry out anymore to the king?"

nkjv@1Kings:2:7 @ "But show kindness to the sons of Barzillai the Gileadite, and let them be among those who eat at your table, for so they came to me when I fled from Absalom your brother.

nkjv@1Kings:4:27 @ And these governors, each man in his month, provided food for King Solomon and for all who came to King Solomon's table. There was no lack in their supply.

nkjv@1Kings:7:48 @ Thus Solomon had all the furnishings made for the house of the LORD: the altar of gold, and the table of gold on which was the showbread;

nkjv@1Kings:8:9 @ Nothing was in the ark except the two tablets of stone which Moses put there at Horeb, when the LORD made a covenant with the children of Israel, when they came out of the land of Egypt.

nkjv@1Kings:10:5 @ the food on his table, the seating of his servants, the service of his waiters and their apparel, his cupbearers, and his entryway by which he went up to the house of the LORD, there was no more spirit in her.

nkjv@1Kings:13:20 @ Now it happened, as they sat at the table, that the word of the LORD came to the prophet who had brought him back;

nkjv@1Kings:18:19 @ Now therefore, send and gather all Israel to me on Mount Carmel, the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal, and the four hundred prophets of Asherah, who eat at Jezebel's table."

nkjv@1Kings:21:2 @ So Ahab spoke to Naboth, saying, "Give me your vineyard, that I may have it for a vegetable garden, because it is near, next to my house; and for it I will give you a vineyard better than it. Or, if it seems good to you, I will give you its worth in money."

nkjv@2Kings:4:8 @ Now it happened one day that Elisha went to Shunem, where there was a notable woman, and she persuaded him to eat some food. So it was, as often as he passed by, he would turn in there to eat some food.

nkjv@2Kings:4:10 @ Please, let us make a small upper room on the wall; and let us put a bed for him there, and a table and a chair and a lampstand; so it will be, whenever he comes to us, he can turn in there."

nkjv@1Chronicles:28:16 @ And by weight he gave gold for the tables of the showbread, for each table, and silver for the tables of silver;

nkjv@2Chronicles:4:8 @ He also made ten tables, and placed them in the temple, five on the right side and five on the left. And he made one hundred bowls of gold.

nkjv@2Chronicles:4:19 @ Thus Solomon had all the furnishings made for the house of God: the altar of gold and the tables on which was the showbread;

nkjv@2Chronicles:5:10 @ Nothing was in the ark except the two tablets which Moses put there at Horeb, when the LORD made a covenant with the children of Israel, when they had come out of Egypt.

nkjv@2Chronicles:9:4 @ the food on his table, the seating of his servants, the service of his waiters and their apparel, his cupbearers and their apparel, and his entryway by which he went up to the house of the LORD, there was no more spirit in her.

nkjv@2Chronicles:13:11 @ And they burn to the LORD every morning and every evening burnt sacrifices and sweet incense; they also set the showbread in order on the pure gold table, and the lampstand of gold with its lamps to burn every evening; for we keep the command of the LORD our God, but you have forsaken Him.

nkjv@2Chronicles:29:18 @ Then they went in to King Hezekiah and said, "We have cleansed all the house of the LORD, the altar of burnt offerings with all its articles, and the table of the showbread with all its articles.

nkjv@Nehemiah:5:17 @ And at my table were one hundred and fifty Jews and rulers, besides those who came to us from the nations around us.

nkjv@Job:15:3 @ Should he reason with unprofitable talk, Or by speeches with which he can do no good?

nkjv@Job:22:2 @ "Can a man be profitable to God, Though he who is wise may be profitable to himself?

nkjv@Job:36:16 @ "Indeed He would have brought you out of dire distress, Into a broad place where there is no restraint; And what is set on your table would be full of richness.

nkjv@Psalms:19:14 @ Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.

nkjv@Psalms:23:5 @ You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.

nkjv@Psalms:69:13 @ But as for me, my prayer is to You, O LORD, in the acceptable time; O God, in the multitude of Your mercy, Hear me in the truth of Your salvation.

nkjv@Psalms:69:22 @ Let their table become a snare before them, And their well-being a trap.

nkjv@Psalms:78:19 @ Yes, they spoke against God: They said, "Can God prepare a table in the wilderness?

nkjv@Psalms:82:5 @ They do not know, nor do they understand; They walk about in darkness; All the foundations of the earth are unstable.

nkjv@Psalms:128:3 @ Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine In the very heart of your house, Your children like olive plants All around your table.

nkjv@Proverbs:3:3 @ Let not mercy and truth forsake you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart,

nkjv@Proverbs:5:6 @ Lest you ponder her path of life-- Her ways are unstable; You do not know them.

nkjv@Proverbs:7:3 @ Bind them on your fingers; Write them on the tablet of your heart.

nkjv@Proverbs:9:2 @ She has slaughtered her meat, She has mixed her wine, She has also furnished her table.

nkjv@Proverbs:10:32 @ The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable, But the mouth of the wicked what is perverse.

nkjv@Proverbs:19:28 @ A disreputable witness scorns justice, And the mouth of the wicked devours iniquity.

nkjv@Proverbs:21:3 @ To do righteousness and justice Is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:7:11 @ Wisdom is good with an inheritance, And profitable to those who see the sun.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:12:10 @ The Preacher sought to find acceptable words; and what was written was upright--words of truth.

nkjv@Songs:1:12 @ While the king is at his table, My spikenard sends forth its fragrance.

nkjv@Isaiah:21:5 @ Prepare the table, Set a watchman in the tower, Eat and drink. Arise, you princes, Anoint the shield!

nkjv@Isaiah:28:8 @ For all tables are full of vomit and filth; No place is clean.

nkjv@Isaiah:30:8 @ Now go, write it before them on a tablet, And note it on a scroll, That it may be for time to come, Forever and ever:

nkjv@Isaiah:49:8 @ Thus says the LORD: "In an acceptable time I have heard You, And in the day of salvation I have helped You; I will preserve You and give You As a covenant to the people, To restore the earth, To cause them to inherit the desolate heritages;

nkjv@Isaiah:58:5 @ Is it a fast that I have chosen, A day for a man to afflict his soul? Is it to bow down his head like a bulrush, And to spread out sackcloth and ashes? Would you call this a fast, And an acceptable day to the LORD?

nkjv@Isaiah:61:2 @ To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, And the day of vengeance of our God; To comfort all who mourn,

nkjv@Isaiah:65:11 @ "But you are those who forsake the LORD, Who forget My holy mountain, Who prepare a table for Gad, And who furnish a drink offering for Meni.

nkjv@Jeremiah:6:20 @ For what purpose to Me Comes frankincense from Sheba, And sweet cane from a far country? Your burnt offerings are not acceptable, Nor your sacrifices sweet to Me."

nkjv@Jeremiah:13:7 @ Then I went to the Euphrates and dug, and I took the sash from the place where I had hidden it; and there was the sash, ruined. It was profitable for nothing.

nkjv@Jeremiah:13:10 @ This evil people, who refuse to hear My words, who follow the dictates of their hearts, and walk after other gods to serve them and worship them, shall be just like this sash which is profitable for nothing.

nkjv@Jeremiah:16:18 @ And first I will repay double for their iniquity and their sin, because they have defiled My land; they have filled My inheritance with the carcasses of their detestable and abominable idols."

nkjv@Jeremiah:16:19 @ O LORD, my strength and my fortress, My refuge in the day of affliction, The Gentiles shall come to You From the ends of the earth and say, "Surely our fathers have inherited lies, Worthlessness and unprofitable things."

nkjv@Jeremiah:17:1 @ "The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron; With the point of a diamond it is engraved On the tablet of their heart, And on the horns of your altars,

nkjv@Jeremiah:42:2 @ and said to Jeremiah the prophet, "Please, let our petition be acceptable to you, and pray for us to the LORD your God, for all this remnant (since we are left but a few of many, as you can see),

nkjv@Ezekiel:4:1 @ "You also, son of man, take a clay tablet and lay it before you, and portray on it a city, Jerusalem.

nkjv@Ezekiel:5:11 @ "Therefore, as I live,' says the Lord GOD, "surely, because you have defiled My sanctuary with all your detestable things and with all your abominations, therefore I will also diminish you; My eye will not spare, nor will I have any pity.

nkjv@Ezekiel:7:20 @ "As for the beauty of his ornaments, He set it in majesty; But they made from it The images of their abominations-- Their detestable things; Therefore I have made it Like refuse to them.

nkjv@Ezekiel:11:18 @ And they will go there, and they will take away all its detestable things and all its abominations from there.

nkjv@Ezekiel:11:21 @ But as for those whose hearts follow the desire for their detestable things and their abominations, I will recompense their deeds on their own heads," says the Lord GOD.

nkjv@Ezekiel:23:41 @ You sat on a stately couch, with a table prepared before it, on which you had set My incense and My oil.

nkjv@Ezekiel:25:5 @ And I will make Rabbah a stable for camels and Ammon a resting place for flocks. Then you shall know that I am the LORD."

nkjv@Ezekiel:37:23 @ They shall not defile themselves anymore with their idols, nor with their detestable things, nor with any of their transgressions; but I will deliver them from all their dwelling places in which they have sinned, and will cleanse them. Then they shall be My people, and I will be their God.

nkjv@Ezekiel:39:20 @ You shall be filled at My table With horses and riders, With mighty men And with all the men of war," says the Lord GOD.

nkjv@Ezekiel:40:39 @ In the vestibule of the gateway were two tables on this side and two tables on that side, on which to slay the burnt offering, the sin offering, and the trespass offering.

nkjv@Ezekiel:40:40 @ At the outer side of the vestibule, as one goes up to the entrance of the northern gateway, were two tables; and on the other side of the vestibule of the gateway were two tables.

nkjv@Ezekiel:40:41 @ Four tables were on this side and four tables on that side, by the side of the gateway, eight tables on which they slaughtered the sacrifices.

nkjv@Ezekiel:40:42 @ There were also four tables of hewn stone for the burnt offering, one cubit and a half long, one cubit and a half wide, and one cubit high; on these they laid the instruments with which they slaughtered the burnt offering and the sacrifice.

nkjv@Ezekiel:40:43 @ Inside were hooks, a handbreadth wide, fastened all around; and the flesh of the sacrifices was on the tables.

nkjv@Ezekiel:41:22 @ The altar was of wood, three cubits high, and its length two cubits. Its corners, its length, and its sides were of wood; and he said to me, "This is the table that is before the LORD."

nkjv@Ezekiel:44:16 @ "They shall enter My sanctuary, and they shall come near My table to minister to Me, and they shall keep My charge.

nkjv@Daniel:1:12 @ "Please test your servants for ten days, and let them give us vegetables to eat and water to drink.

nkjv@Daniel:1:16 @ Thus the steward took away their portion of delicacies and the wine that they were to drink, and gave them vegetables.

nkjv@Daniel:4:27 @ Therefore, O king, let my advice be acceptable to you; break off your sins by being righteous, and your iniquities by showing mercy to the poor. Perhaps there may be a lengthening of your prosperity."

nkjv@Daniel:8:5 @ And as I was considering, suddenly a male goat came from the west, across the surface of the whole earth, without touching the ground; and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes.

nkjv@Daniel:8:8 @ Therefore the male goat grew very great; but when he became strong, the large horn was broken, and in place of it four notable ones came up toward the four winds of heaven.

nkjv@Daniel:11:27 @ Both these kings' hearts shall be bent on evil, and they shall speak lies at the same table; but it shall not prosper, for the end will still be at the appointed time.

nkjv@Amos:6:1 @ Woe to you who are at ease in Zion, And trust in Mount Samaria, Notable persons in the chief nation, To whom the house of Israel comes!

nkjv@Habakkuk:2:2 @ Then the LORD answered me and said: "Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.

nkjv@Malachi:1:7 @ "You offer defiled food on My altar, But say, "In what way have we defiled You?' By saying, "The table of the LORD is contemptible.'

nkjv@Malachi:1:12 @ "But you profane it, In that you say, "The table of the LORD is defiled; And its fruit, its food, is contemptible.'