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akjv@Genesis:2:4 @ These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,

akjv@Genesis:6:9 @ These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.

akjv@Genesis:9:19 @ These are the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth covered.

akjv@Genesis:10:1 @ Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and to them were sons born after the flood.

akjv@Genesis:10:5 @ By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.

akjv@Genesis:10:20 @ These are the sons of Ham, after their families, after their tongues, in their countries, and in their nations.

akjv@Genesis:10:29 @ And Ophir, and Havilah, and Jobab: all these were the sons of Joktan.

akjv@Genesis:10:31 @ These are the sons of Shem, after their families, after their tongues, in their lands, after their nations.

akjv@Genesis:10:32 @ These are the families of the sons of Noah, after their generations, in their nations: and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood.

akjv@Genesis:11:10 @ These are the generations of Shem: Shem was an hundred years old, and begat Arphaxad two years after the flood:

akjv@Genesis:11:27 @ Now these are the generations of Terah: Terah begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran; and Haran begat Lot.

akjv@Genesis:14:2 @ That these made war with Bera king of Sodom, and with Birsha king of Gomorrah, Shinab king of Admah, and Shemeber king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela, which is Zoar.

akjv@Genesis:14:3 @ All these were joined together in the vale of Siddim, which is the salt sea.

akjv@Genesis:14:13 @ And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelled in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner: and these were confederate with Abram.

akjv@Genesis:15:1 @ After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am your shield, and your exceeding great reward.

akjv@Genesis:15:10 @ And he took to him all these, and divided them in the middle, and laid each piece one against another: but the birds divided he not.

akjv@Genesis:19:8 @ Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out to you, and do you to them as is good in your eyes: only to these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof.

akjv@Genesis:20:8 @ Therefore Abimelech rose early in the morning, and called all his servants, and told all these things in their ears: and the men were sore afraid.

akjv@Genesis:21:29 @ And Abimelech said to Abraham, What mean these seven ewe lambs which you have set by themselves?

akjv@Genesis:21:30 @ And he said, For these seven ewe lambs shall you take of my hand, that they may be a witness to me, that I have dig this well.

akjv@Genesis:22:1 @ And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said to him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am.

akjv@Genesis:22:20 @ And it came to pass after these things, that it was told Abraham, saying, Behold, Milcah, she has also born children to your brother Nahor;

akjv@Genesis:22:23 @ And Bethuel begat Rebekah: these eight Milcah did bear to Nahor, Abraham' brother.

akjv@Genesis:23:1 @ And Sarah was an hundred and seven and twenty years old: these were the years of the life of Sarah.

akjv@Genesis:24:28 @ And the damsel ran, and told them of her mother' house these things.

akjv@Genesis:25:4 @ And the sons of Midian; Ephah, and Epher, and Hanoch, and Abidah, and Eldaah. All these were the children of Keturah.

akjv@Genesis:25:7 @ And these are the days of the years of Abraham' life which he lived, an hundred three score and fifteen years.

akjv@Genesis:25:12 @ Now these are the generations of Ishmael, Abraham' son, whom Hagar the Egyptian, Sarah' handmaid, bore to Abraham:

akjv@Genesis:25:13 @ And these are the names of the sons of Ishmael, by their names, according to their generations: the firstborn of Ishmael, Nebajoth; and Kedar, and Adbeel, and Mibsam,

akjv@Genesis:25:16 @ These are the sons of Ishmael, and these are their names, by their towns, and by their castles; twelve princes according to their nations.

akjv@Genesis:25:17 @ And these are the years of the life of Ishmael, an hundred and thirty and seven years: and he gave up the ghost and died; and was gathered to his people.

akjv@Genesis:25:19 @ And these are the generations of Isaac, Abraham' son: Abraham begat Isaac:

akjv@Genesis:26:3 @ Sojourn in this land, and I will be with you, and will bless you; for to you, and to your seed, I will give all these countries, and I will perform the oath which I swore to Abraham your father;

akjv@Genesis:26:4 @ And I will make your seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give to your seed all these countries; and in your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed;

akjv@Genesis:27:36 @ And he said, Is not he rightly named Jacob? for he has supplanted me these two times: he took away my birthright; and, behold, now he has taken away my blessing. And he said, Have you not reserved a blessing for me?

akjv@Genesis:27:42 @ And these words of Esau her elder son were told to Rebekah: and she sent and called Jacob her younger son, and said to him, Behold, your brother Esau, as touching you, does comfort himself, purposing to kill you.

akjv@Genesis:27:46 @ And Rebekah said to Isaac, I am weary of my life because of the daughters of Heth: if Jacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth, such as these which are of the daughters of the land, what good shall my life do me?

akjv@Genesis:29:13 @ And it came to pass, when Laban heard the tidings of Jacob his sister' son, that he ran to meet him, and embraced him, and kissed him, and brought him to his house. And he told Laban all these things.

akjv@Genesis:31:43 @ And Laban answered and said to Jacob, These daughters are my daughters, and these children are my children, and these cattle are my cattle, and all that you see is mine: and what can I do this day to these my daughters, or to their children which they have born?

akjv@Genesis:32:17 @ And he commanded the foremost, saying, When Esau my brother meets you, and asks you, saying, Whose are you? and where go you? and whose are these before you?

akjv@Genesis:33:8 @ And he said, What mean you by all this drove which I met? And he said, These are to find grace in the sight of my lord.

akjv@Genesis:34:21 @ These men are peaceable with us; therefore let them dwell in the land, and trade therein; for the land, behold, it is large enough for them; let us take their daughters to us for wives, and let us give them our daughters.

akjv@Genesis:35:26 @ And the sons of Zilpah, Leah' handmaid: Gad, and Asher: these are the sons of Jacob, which were born to him in Padanaram.

akjv@Genesis:36:1 @ Now these are the generations of Esau, who is Edom.

akjv@Genesis:36:5 @ And Aholibamah bore Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah: these are the sons of Esau, which were born to him in the land of Canaan.

akjv@Genesis:36:9 @ And these are the generations of Esau the father of the Edomites in mount Seir:

akjv@Genesis:36:10 @ These are the names of Esau' sons; Eliphaz the son of Adah the wife of Esau, Reuel the son of Bashemath the wife of Esau.

akjv@Genesis:36:12 @ And Timna was concubine to Eliphaz Esau' son; and she bore to Eliphaz Amalek: these were the sons of Adah Esau' wife.

akjv@Genesis:36:13 @ And these are the sons of Reuel; Nahath, and Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah: these were the sons of Bashemath Esau' wife.

akjv@Genesis:36:14 @ And these were the sons of Aholibamah, the daughter of Anah the daughter of Zibeon, Esau' wife: and she bore to Esau Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah.

akjv@Genesis:36:15 @ These were dukes of the sons of Esau: the sons of Eliphaz the firstborn son of Esau; duke Teman, duke Omar, duke Zepho, duke Kenaz,

akjv@Genesis:36:16 @ Duke Korah, duke Gatam, and duke Amalek: these are the dukes that came of Eliphaz in the land of Edom; these were the sons of Adah.

akjv@Genesis:36:17 @ And these are the sons of Reuel Esau' son; duke Nahath, duke Zerah, duke Shammah, duke Mizzah: these are the dukes that came of Reuel in the land of Edom; these are the sons of Bashemath Esau' wife.

akjv@Genesis:36:18 @ And these are the sons of Aholibamah Esau' wife; duke Jeush, duke Jaalam, duke Korah: these were the dukes that came of Aholibamah the daughter of Anah, Esau' wife.

akjv@Genesis:36:19 @ These are the sons of Esau, who is Edom, and these are their dukes.

akjv@Genesis:36:20 @ These are the sons of Seir the Horite, who inhabited the land; Lotan, and Shobal, and Zibeon, and Anah,

akjv@Genesis:36:21 @ And Dishon, and Ezer, and Dishan: these are the dukes of the Horites, the children of Seir in the land of Edom.

akjv@Genesis:36:23 @ And the children of Shobal were these; Alvan, and Manahath, and Ebal, Shepho, and Onam.

akjv@Genesis:36:24 @ And these are the children of Zibeon; both Ajah, and Anah: this was that Anah that found the mules in the wilderness, as he fed the asses of Zibeon his father.

akjv@Genesis:36:25 @ And the children of Anah were these; Dishon, and Aholibamah the daughter of Anah.

akjv@Genesis:36:26 @ And these are the children of Dishon; Hemdan, and Eshban, and Ithran, and Cheran.

akjv@Genesis:36:27 @ The children of Ezer are these; Bilhan, and Zaavan, and Akan.

akjv@Genesis:36:28 @ The children of Dishan are these; Uz, and Aran.

akjv@Genesis:36:29 @ These are the dukes that came of the Horites; duke Lotan, duke Shobal, duke Zibeon, duke Anah,

akjv@Genesis:36:30 @ Duke Dishon, duke Ezer, duke Dishan: these are the dukes that came of Hori, among their dukes in the land of Seir.

akjv@Genesis:36:31 @ And these are the kings that reigned in the land of Edom, before there reigned any king over the children of Israel.

akjv@Genesis:36:40 @ And these are the names of the dukes that came of Esau, according to their families, after their places, by their names; duke Timnah, duke Alvah, duke Jetheth,

akjv@Genesis:36:43 @ Duke Magdiel, duke Iram: these be the dukes of Edom, according to their habitations in the land of their possession: he is Esau the father of the Edomites.

akjv@Genesis:37:2 @ These are the generations of Jacob. Joseph, being seventeen years old, was feeding the flock with his brothers; and the lad was with the sons of Bilhah, and with the sons of Zilpah, his father' wives: and Joseph brought to his father their evil report.

akjv@Genesis:38:25 @ When she was brought forth, she sent to her father in law, saying, By the man, whose these are, am I with child: and she said, Discern, I pray you, whose are these, the signet, and bracelets, and staff.

akjv@Genesis:39:7 @ And it came to pass after these things, that his master' wife cast her eyes on Joseph; and she said, Lie with me.

akjv@Genesis:39:17 @ And she spoke to him according to these words, saying, The Hebrew servant, which you have brought to us, came in to me to mock me:

akjv@Genesis:40:1 @ And it came to pass after these things, that the butler of the king of Egypt and his baker had offended their lord the king of Egypt.

akjv@Genesis:42:36 @ And Jacob their father said to them, Me have you bereaved of my children: Joseph is not, and Simeon is not, and you will take Benjamin away: all these things are against me.

akjv@Genesis:43:7 @ And they said, The man asked us straightly of our state, and of our kindred, saying, Is your father yet alive? have you another brother? and we told him according to the tenor of these words: could we certainly know that he would say, Bring your brother down?

akjv@Genesis:43:16 @ And when Joseph saw Benjamin with them, he said to the ruler of his house, Bring these men home, and slay, and make ready; for these men shall dine with me at noon.

akjv@Genesis:44:6 @ And he overtook them, and he spoke to them these same words.

akjv@Genesis:44:7 @ And they said to him, Why said my lord these words? God forbid that your servants should do according to this thing:

akjv@Genesis:45:6 @ For these two years has the famine been in the land: and yet there are five years, in the which there shall neither be ripening nor harvest.

akjv@Genesis:46:8 @ And these are the names of the children of Israel, which came into Egypt, Jacob and his sons: Reuben, Jacob' firstborn.

akjv@Genesis:46:15 @ These be the sons of Leah, which she bore to Jacob in Padanaram, with his daughter Dinah: all the souls of his sons and his daughters were thirty and three.

akjv@Genesis:46:18 @ These are the sons of Zilpah, whom Laban gave to Leah his daughter, and these she bore to Jacob, even sixteen souls.

akjv@Genesis:46:22 @ These are the sons of Rachel, which were born to Jacob: all the souls were fourteen.

akjv@Genesis:46:25 @ These are the sons of Bilhah, which Laban gave to Rachel his daughter, and she bore these to Jacob: all the souls were seven.

akjv@Genesis:48:1 @ And it came to pass after these things, that one told Joseph, Behold, your father is sick: and he took with him his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim.

akjv@Genesis:48:8 @ And Israel beheld Joseph' sons, and said, Who are these?

akjv@Genesis:49:28 @ All these are the twelve tribes of Israel: and this is it that their father spoke to them, and blessed them; every one according to his blessing he blessed them.

akjv@Exodus:1:1 @ Now these are the names of the children of Israel, which came into Egypt; every man and his household came with Jacob.

akjv@Exodus:4:9 @ And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe also these two signs, neither listen to your voice, that you shall take of the water of the river, and pour it on the dry land: and the water which you take out of the river shall become blood on the dry land.

akjv@Exodus:6:14 @ These be the heads of their fathers'houses: The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel; Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi: these be the families of Reuben.

akjv@Exodus:6:15 @ And the sons of Simeon; Jemuel, and Jamin, and Ohad, and Jachin, and Zohar, and Shaul the son of a Canaanitish woman: these are the families of Simeon.

akjv@Exodus:6:16 @ And these are the names of the sons of Levi according to their generations; Gershon, and Kohath, and Merari: and the years of the life of Levi were an hundred thirty and seven years.

akjv@Exodus:6:19 @ And the sons of Merari; Mahali and Mushi: these are the families of Levi according to their generations.

akjv@Exodus:6:24 @ And the sons of Korah; Assir, and Elkanah, and Abiasaph: these are the families of the Korhites.

akjv@Exodus:6:25 @ And Eleazar Aaron' son took him one of the daughters of Putiel to wife; and she bore him Phinehas: these are the heads of the fathers of the Levites according to their families.

akjv@Exodus:6:26 @ These are that Aaron and Moses, to whom the LORD said, Bring out the children of Israel from the land of Egypt according to their armies.

akjv@Exodus:6:27 @ These are they which spoke to Pharaoh king of Egypt, to bring out the children of Israel from Egypt: these are that Moses and Aaron.

akjv@Exodus:10:1 @ And the LORD said to Moses, Go in to Pharaoh: for I have hardened his heart, and the heart of his servants, that I might show these my signs before him:

akjv@Exodus:11:8 @ And all these your servants shall come down to me, and bow down themselves to me, saying, Get you out, and all the people that follow you: and after that I will go out. And he went out from Pharaoh in a great anger.

akjv@Exodus:11:10 @ And Moses and Aaron did all these wonders before Pharaoh: and the LORD hardened Pharaoh' heart, so that he would not let the children of Israel go out of his land.

akjv@Exodus:14:20 @ And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel; and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night to these: so that the one came not near the other all the night.

akjv@Exodus:15:26 @ And said, If you will diligently listen to the voice of the LORD your God, and will do that which is right in his sight, and will give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases on you, which I have brought on the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that heals you.

akjv@Exodus:19:6 @ And you shall be to me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel.

akjv@Exodus:19:7 @ And Moses came and called for the elders of the people, and laid before their faces all these words which the LORD commanded him.

akjv@Exodus:20:1 @ And God spoke all these words, saying,

akjv@Exodus:21:1 @ Now these are the judgments which you shall set before them.

akjv@Exodus:21:11 @ And if he do not these three to her, then shall she go out free without money.

akjv@Exodus:24:8 @ And Moses took the blood, and sprinkled it on the people, and said, Behold the blood of the covenant, which the LORD has made with you concerning all these words.

akjv@Exodus:25:39 @ Of a talent of pure gold shall he make it, with all these vessels.

akjv@Exodus:28:4 @ And these are the garments which they shall make; a breastplate, and an ephod, and a robe, and a broidered coat, a turban, and a girdle: and they shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother, and his sons, that he may minister to me in the priest' office.

akjv@Exodus:30:34 @ And the LORD said to Moses, Take to you sweet spices, stacte, and onycha, and galbanum; these sweet spices with pure frankincense: of each shall there be a like weight:

akjv@Exodus:32:4 @ And he received them at their hand, and fashioned it with a engraving tool, after he had made it a molten calf: and they said, These be your gods, O Israel, which brought you up out of the land of Egypt.

akjv@Exodus:32:8 @ They have turned aside quickly out of the way which I commanded them: they have made them a molten calf, and have worshipped it, and have sacrificed thereunto, and said, These be your gods, O Israel, which have brought you up out of the land of Egypt.

akjv@Exodus:33:4 @ And when the people heard these evil tidings, they mourned: and no man did put on him his ornaments.

akjv@Exodus:34:1 @ And the LORD said to Moses, Hew you two tables of stone like to the first: and I will write on these tables the words that were in the first tables, which you brake.

akjv@Exodus:34:27 @ And the LORD said to Moses, Write you these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel.

akjv@Exodus:35:1 @ And Moses gathered all the congregation of the children of Israel together, and said to them, These are the words which the LORD has commanded, that you should do them.

akjv@Leviticus:2:8 @ And you shall bring the meat offering that is made of these things to the LORD: and when it is presented to the priest, he shall bring it to the altar.

akjv@Leviticus:5:4 @ Or if a soul swear, pronouncing with his lips to do evil, or to do good, whatever it be that a man shall pronounce with an oath, and it be hid from him; when he knows of it, then he shall be guilty in one of these.

akjv@Leviticus:5:5 @ And it shall be, when he shall be guilty in one of these things, that he shall confess that he has sinned in that thing:

akjv@Leviticus:5:13 @ And the priest shall make an atonement for him as touching his sin that he has sinned in one of these, and it shall be forgiven him: and the remnant shall be the priest', as a meat offering.

akjv@Leviticus:5:17 @ And if a soul sin, and commit any of these things which are forbidden to be done by the commandments of the LORD; though he knew it not, yet is he guilty, and shall bear his iniquity.

akjv@Leviticus:6:3 @ Or have found that which was lost, and lies concerning it, and swears falsely; in any of all these that a man does, sinning therein:

akjv@Leviticus:11:2 @ Speak to the children of Israel, saying, These are the beasts which you shall eat among all the beasts that are on the earth.

akjv@Leviticus:11:4 @ Nevertheless these shall you not eat of them that chew the cud, or of them that divide the hoof: as the camel, because he chews the cud, but divides not the hoof; he is unclean to you.

akjv@Leviticus:11:9 @ These shall you eat of all that are in the waters: whatever has fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall you eat.

akjv@Leviticus:11:13 @ And these are they which you shall have in abomination among the fowls; they shall not be eaten, they are an abomination: the eagle, and the ossifrage, and the ospray,

akjv@Leviticus:11:21 @ Yet these may you eat of every flying creeping thing that goes on all four, which have legs above their feet, to leap with on the earth;

akjv@Leviticus:11:22 @ Even these of them you may eat; the locust after his kind, and the bald locust after his kind, and the beetle after his kind, and the grasshopper after his kind.

akjv@Leviticus:11:24 @ And for these you shall be unclean: whoever touches the carcass of them shall be unclean until the even.

akjv@Leviticus:11:29 @ These also shall be unclean to you among the creeping things that creep on the earth; the weasel, and the mouse, and the tortoise after his kind,

akjv@Leviticus:11:31 @ These are unclean to you among all that creep: whoever does touch them, when they be dead, shall be unclean until the even.

akjv@Leviticus:16:4 @ He shall put on the holy linen coat, and he shall have the linen breeches on his flesh, and shall be girded with a linen girdle, and with the linen turban shall he be attired: these are holy garments; therefore shall he wash his flesh in water, and so put them on.

akjv@Leviticus:18:24 @ Defile not you yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you:

akjv@Leviticus:18:26 @ You shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojournes among you:

akjv@Leviticus:18:27 @ (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled;)

akjv@Leviticus:18:29 @ For whoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people.

akjv@Leviticus:18:30 @ Therefore shall you keep my ordinance, that you commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that you defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God.

akjv@Leviticus:20:23 @ And you shall not walk in the manners of the nation, which I cast out before you: for they committed all these things, and therefore I abhorred them.

akjv@Leviticus:21:14 @ A widow, or a divorced woman, or profane, or an harlot, these shall he not take: but he shall take a virgin of his own people to wife.

akjv@Leviticus:22:22 @ Blind, or broken, or maimed, or having a running sore, or scurvy, or scabbed, you shall not offer these to the LORD, nor make an offering by fire of them on the altar to the LORD.

akjv@Leviticus:22:25 @ Neither from a stranger' hand shall you offer the bread of your God of any of these; because their corruption is in them, and blemishes be in them: they shall not be accepted for you.

akjv@Leviticus:23:2 @ Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them, Concerning the feasts of the LORD, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are my feasts.

akjv@Leviticus:23:4 @ These are the feasts of the LORD, even holy convocations, which you shall proclaim in their seasons.

akjv@Leviticus:23:37 @ These are the feasts of the LORD, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, to offer an offering made by fire to the LORD, a burnt offering, and a meat offering, a sacrifice, and drink offerings, every thing on his day:

akjv@Leviticus:25:54 @ And if he be not redeemed in these years, then he shall go out in the year of jubilee, both he, and his children with him.

akjv@Leviticus:26:14 @ But if you will not listen to me, and will not do all these commandments;

akjv@Leviticus:26:23 @ And if you will not be reformed by me by these things, but will walk contrary to me;

akjv@Leviticus:26:46 @ These are the statutes and judgments and laws, which the LORD made between him and the children of Israel in mount Sinai by the hand of Moses.

akjv@Leviticus:27:34 @ These are the commandments, which the LORD commanded Moses for the children of Israel in mount Sinai.

akjv@Numbers:1:5 @ And these are the names of the men that shall stand with you: of the tribe of Reuben; Elizur the son of Shedeur.

akjv@Numbers:1:16 @ These were the renowned of the congregation, princes of the tribes of their fathers, heads of thousands in Israel.

akjv@Numbers:1:17 @ And Moses and Aaron took these men which are expressed by their names:

akjv@Numbers:1:44 @ These are those that were numbered, which Moses and Aaron numbered, and the princes of Israel, being twelve men: each one was for the house of his fathers.

akjv@Numbers:2:9 @ All that were numbered in the camp of Judah were an hundred thousand and fourscore thousand and six thousand and four hundred, throughout their armies. These shall first set forth.

akjv@Numbers:2:32 @ These are those which were numbered of the children of Israel by the house of their fathers: all those that were numbered of the camps throughout their hosts were six hundred thousand and three thousand and five hundred and fifty.

akjv@Numbers:3:1 @ These also are the generations of Aaron and Moses in the day that the LORD spoke with Moses in mount Sinai.

akjv@Numbers:3:2 @ And these are the names of the sons of Aaron; Nadab the firstborn, and Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.

akjv@Numbers:3:3 @ These are the names of the sons of Aaron, the priests which were anointed, whom he consecrated to minister in the priest' office.

akjv@Numbers:3:17 @ And these were the sons of Levi by their names; Gershon, and Kohath, and Merari.

akjv@Numbers:3:18 @ And these are the names of the sons of Gershon by their families; Libni, and Shimei.

akjv@Numbers:3:20 @ And the sons of Merari by their families; Mahli, and Mushi. These are the families of the Levites according to the house of their fathers.

akjv@Numbers:3:21 @ Of Gershon was the family of the Libnites, and the family of the Shimites: these are the families of the Gershonites.

akjv@Numbers:3:27 @ And of Kohath was the family of the Amramites, and the family of the Izeharites, and the family of the Hebronites, and the family of the Uzzielites: these are the families of the Kohathites.

akjv@Numbers:3:33 @ Of Merari was the family of the Mahlites, and the family of the Mushites: these are the families of Merari.

akjv@Numbers:3:35 @ And the chief of the house of the father of the families of Merari was Zuriel the son of Abihail: these shall pitch on the side of the tabernacle northward.

akjv@Numbers:4:15 @ And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the vessels of the sanctuary, as the camp is to set forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation.

akjv@Numbers:4:37 @ These were they that were numbered of the families of the Kohathites, all that might do service in the tabernacle of the congregation, which Moses and Aaron did number according to the commandment of the LORD by the hand of Moses.

akjv@Numbers:4:41 @ These are they that were numbered of the families of the sons of Gershon, of all that might do service in the tabernacle of the congregation, whom Moses and Aaron did number according to the commandment of the LORD.

akjv@Numbers:4:45 @ These be those that were numbered of the families of the sons of Merari, whom Moses and Aaron numbered according to the word of the LORD by the hand of Moses.

akjv@Numbers:5:23 @ And the priest shall write these curses in a book, and he shall blot them out with the bitter water:

akjv@Numbers:13:4 @ And these were their names: of the tribe of Reuben, Shammua the son of Zaccur.

akjv@Numbers:13:16 @ These are the names of the men which Moses sent to spy out the land. And Moses called Oshea the son of Nun Jehoshua.

akjv@Numbers:14:22 @ Because all those men which have seen my glory, and my miracles, which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness, and have tempted me now these ten times, and have not listened to my voice;

akjv@Numbers:14:39 @ And Moses told these sayings to all the children of Israel: and the people mourned greatly.

akjv@Numbers:15:13 @ All that are born of the country shall do these things after this manner, in offering an offering made by fire, of a sweet smell to the LORD.

akjv@Numbers:15:22 @ And if you have erred, and not observed all these commandments, which the LORD has spoken to Moses,

akjv@Numbers:16:14 @ Moreover you have not brought us into a land that flows with milk and honey, or given us inheritance of fields and vineyards: will you put out the eyes of these men? we will not come up.

akjv@Numbers:16:26 @ And he spoke to the congregation, saying, Depart, I pray you, from the tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of their', lest you be consumed in all their sins.

akjv@Numbers:16:28 @ And Moses said, Hereby you shall know that the LORD has sent me to do all these works; for I have not done them of my own mind.

akjv@Numbers:16:29 @ If these men die the common death of all men, or if they be visited after the visitation of all men; then the LORD has not sent me.

akjv@Numbers:16:30 @ But if the LORD make a new thing, and the earth open her mouth, and swallow them up, with all that appertain to them, and they go down quick into the pit; then you shall understand that these men have provoked the LORD.

akjv@Numbers:16:31 @ And it came to pass, as he had made an end of speaking all these words, that the ground split asunder that was under them:

akjv@Numbers:16:38 @ The censers of these sinners against their own souls, let them make them broad plates for a covering of the altar: for they offered them before the LORD, therefore they are hallowed: and they shall be a sign to the children of Israel.

akjv@Numbers:21:25 @ And Israel took all these cities: and Israel dwelled in all the cities of the Amorites, in Heshbon, and in all the villages thereof.

akjv@Numbers:22:9 @ And God came to Balaam, and said, What men are these with you?

akjv@Numbers:22:28 @ And the LORD opened the mouth of the ass, and she said to Balaam, What have I done to you, that you have smitten me these three times?

akjv@Numbers:22:32 @ And the angel of the LORD said to him, Why have you smitten your ass these three times? behold, I went out to withstand you, because your way is perverse before me:

akjv@Numbers:22:33 @ And the ass saw me, and turned from me these three times: unless she had turned from me, surely now also I had slain you, and saved her alive.

akjv@Numbers:24:10 @ And Balak' anger was kindled against Balaam, and he smote his hands together: and Balak said to Balaam, I called you to curse my enemies, and, behold, you have altogether blessed them these three times.

akjv@Numbers:26:7 @ These are the families of the Reubenites: and they that were numbered of them were forty and three thousand and seven hundred and thirty.

akjv@Numbers:26:14 @ These are the families of the Simeonites, twenty and two thousand and two hundred.

akjv@Numbers:26:18 @ These are the families of the children of Gad according to those that were numbered of them, forty thousand and five hundred.

akjv@Numbers:26:22 @ These are the families of Judah according to those that were numbered of them, three score and sixteen thousand and five hundred.

akjv@Numbers:26:25 @ These are the families of Issachar according to those that were numbered of them, three score and four thousand and three hundred.

akjv@Numbers:26:27 @ These are the families of the Zebulunites according to those that were numbered of them, three score thousand and five hundred.

akjv@Numbers:26:30 @ These are the sons of Gilead: of Jeezer, the family of the Jeezerites: of Helek, the family of the Helekites:

akjv@Numbers:26:34 @ These are the families of Manasseh, and those that were numbered of them, fifty and two thousand and seven hundred.

akjv@Numbers:26:35 @ These are the sons of Ephraim after their families: of Shuthelah, the family of the Shuthalhites: of Becher, the family of the Bachrites: of Tahan, the family of the Tahanites.

akjv@Numbers:26:36 @ And these are the sons of Shuthelah: of Eran, the family of the Eranites.

akjv@Numbers:26:37 @ These are the families of the sons of Ephraim according to those that were numbered of them, thirty and two thousand and five hundred. These are the sons of Joseph after their families.

akjv@Numbers:26:41 @ These are the sons of Benjamin after their families: and they that were numbered of them were forty and five thousand and six hundred.

akjv@Numbers:26:42 @ These are the sons of Dan after their families: of Shuham, the family of the Shuhamites. These are the families of Dan after their families.

akjv@Numbers:26:47 @ These are the families of the sons of Asher according to those that were numbered of them; who were fifty and three thousand and four hundred.

akjv@Numbers:26:50 @ These are the families of Naphtali according to their families: and they that were numbered of them were forty and five thousand and four hundred.

akjv@Numbers:26:51 @ These were the numbered of the children of Israel, six hundred thousand and a thousand seven hundred and thirty.

akjv@Numbers:26:53 @ To these the land shall be divided for an inheritance according to the number of names.

akjv@Numbers:26:57 @ And these are they that were numbered of the Levites after their families: of Gershon, the family of the Gershonites: of Kohath, the family of the Kohathites: of Merari, the family of the Merarites.

akjv@Numbers:26:58 @ These are the families of the Levites: the family of the Libnites, the family of the Hebronites, the family of the Mahlites, the family of the Mushites, the family of the Korathites. And Kohath begat Amram.

akjv@Numbers:26:63 @ These are they that were numbered by Moses and Eleazar the priest, who numbered the children of Israel in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho.

akjv@Numbers:26:64 @ But among these there was not a man of them whom Moses and Aaron the priest numbered, when they numbered the children of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai.

akjv@Numbers:27:1 @ Then came the daughters of Zelophehad, the son of Hepher, the son of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of Manasseh the son of Joseph: and these are the names of his daughters; Mahlah, Noah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and Tirzah.

akjv@Numbers:28:23 @ You shall offer these beside the burnt offering in the morning, which is for a continual burnt offering.

akjv@Numbers:29:39 @ These things you shall do to the LORD in your set feasts, beside your vows, and your freewill offerings, for your burnt offerings, and for your meat offerings, and for your drink offerings, and for your peace offerings.

akjv@Numbers:30:16 @ These are the statutes, which the LORD commanded Moses, between a man and his wife, between the father and his daughter, being yet in her youth in her father' house.

akjv@Numbers:31:16 @ Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD.

akjv@Numbers:33:1 @ These are the journeys of the children of Israel, which went forth out of the land of Egypt with their armies under the hand of Moses and Aaron.

akjv@Numbers:33:2 @ And Moses wrote their goings out according to their journeys by the commandment of the LORD: and these are their journeys according to their goings out.

akjv@Numbers:34:17 @ These are the names of the men which shall divide the land to you: Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the son of Nun.

akjv@Numbers:34:19 @ And the names of the men are these: Of the tribe of Judah, Caleb the son of Jephunneh.

akjv@Numbers:34:29 @ These are they whom the LORD commanded to divide the inheritance to the children of Israel in the land of Canaan.

akjv@Numbers:35:13 @ And of these cities which you shall give six cities shall you have for refuge.

akjv@Numbers:35:15 @ These six cities shall be a refuge, both for the children of Israel, and for the stranger, and for the sojourner among them: that every one that kills any person unawares may flee thither.

akjv@Numbers:35:24 @ Then the congregation shall judge between the slayer and the revenger of blood according to these judgments:

akjv@Numbers:35:29 @ So these things shall be for a statute of judgment to you throughout your generations in all your dwellings.

akjv@Numbers:36:13 @ These are the commandments and the judgments, which the LORD commanded by the hand of Moses to the children of Israel in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho.

akjv@Deuteronomy:1:1 @ These be the words which Moses spoke to all Israel on this side Jordan in the wilderness, in the plain over against the Red sea, between Paran, and Tophel, and Laban, and Hazeroth, and Dizahab.

akjv@Deuteronomy:1:35 @ Surely there shall not one of these men of this evil generation see that good land, which I swore to give to your fathers.

akjv@Deuteronomy:2:7 @ For the LORD your God has blessed you in all the works of your hand: he knows your walking through this great wilderness: these forty years the LORD your God has been with you; you have lacked nothing.

akjv@Deuteronomy:3:5 @ All these cities were fenced with high walls, gates, and bars; beside unwalled towns a great many.

akjv@Deuteronomy:3:21 @ And I commanded Joshua at that time, saying, Your eyes have seen all that the LORD your God has done to these two kings: so shall the LORD do to all the kingdoms where you pass.

akjv@Deuteronomy:4:6 @ Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.

akjv@Deuteronomy:4:30 @ When you are in tribulation, and all these things are come on you, even in the latter days, if you turn to the LORD your God, and shall be obedient to his voice;

akjv@Deuteronomy:4:42 @ That the slayer might flee thither, which should kill his neighbor unawares, and hated him not in times past; and that fleeing to one of these cities he might live:

akjv@Deuteronomy:4:45 @ These are the testimonies, and the statutes, and the judgments, which Moses spoke to the children of Israel, after they came forth out of Egypt.

akjv@Deuteronomy:5:22 @ These words the LORD spoke to all your assembly in the mount out of the middle of the fire, of the cloud, and of the thick darkness, with a great voice: and he added no more. And he wrote them in two tables of stone, and delivered them to me.

akjv@Deuteronomy:6:1 @ Now these are the commandments, the statutes, and the judgments, which the LORD your God commanded to teach you, that you might do them in the land where you go to possess it:

akjv@Deuteronomy:6:6 @ And these words, which I command you this day, shall be in your heart:

akjv@Deuteronomy:6:24 @ And the LORD commanded us to do all these statutes, to fear the LORD our God, for our good always, that he might preserve us alive, as it is at this day.

akjv@Deuteronomy:6:25 @ And it shall be our righteousness, if we observe to do all these commandments before the LORD our God, as he has commanded us.

akjv@Deuteronomy:7:12 @ Why it shall come to pass, if you listen to these judgments, and keep, and do them, that the LORD your God shall keep to you the covenant and the mercy which he swore to your fathers:

akjv@Deuteronomy:7:17 @ If you shall say in your heart, These nations are more than I; how can I dispossess them?

akjv@Deuteronomy:8:2 @ And you shall remember all the way which the LORD your God led you these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you, and to prove you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep his commandments, or no.

akjv@Deuteronomy:8:4 @ Your raiment waxed not old on you, neither did your foot swell, these forty years.

akjv@Deuteronomy:9:4 @ Speak not you in your heart, after that the LORD your God has cast them out from before you, saying, For my righteousness the LORD has brought me in to possess this land: but for the wickedness of these nations the LORD does drive them out from before you.

akjv@Deuteronomy:9:5 @ Not for your righteousness, or for the uprightness of your heart, do you go to possess their land: but for the wickedness of these nations the LORD your God does drive them out from before you, and that he may perform the word which the LORD swore to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

akjv@Deuteronomy:10:21 @ He is your praise, and he is your God, that has done for you these great and terrible things, which your eyes have seen.

akjv@Deuteronomy:11:18 @ Therefore shall you lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign on your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.

akjv@Deuteronomy:11:22 @ For if you shall diligently keep all these commandments which I command you, to do them, to love the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, and to join to him;

akjv@Deuteronomy:11:23 @ Then will the LORD drive out all these nations from before you, and you shall possess greater nations and mightier than yourselves.

akjv@Deuteronomy:12:1 @ These are the statutes and judgments, which you shall observe to do in the land, which the LORD God of your fathers gives you to possess it, all the days that you live on the earth.

akjv@Deuteronomy:12:28 @ Observe and hear all these words which I command you, that it may go well with you, and with your children after you for ever, when you do that which is good and right in the sight of the LORD your God.

akjv@Deuteronomy:12:30 @ Take heed to yourself that you be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before you; and that you inquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.

akjv@Deuteronomy:14:4 @ These are the beasts which you shall eat: the ox, the sheep, and the goat,

akjv@Deuteronomy:14:7 @ Nevertheless these you shall not eat of them that chew the cud, or of them that divide the cloven hoof; as the camel, and the hare, and the coney: for they chew the cud, but divide not the hoof; therefore they are unclean to you.

akjv@Deuteronomy:14:9 @ These you shall eat of all that are in the waters: all that have fins and scales shall you eat:

akjv@Deuteronomy:14:12 @ But these are they of which you shall not eat: the eagle, and the ossifrage, and the ospray,

akjv@Deuteronomy:15:5 @ Only if you carefully listen to the voice of the LORD your God, to observe to do all these commandments which I command you this day.

akjv@Deuteronomy:16:12 @ And you shall remember that you were a slave in Egypt: and you shall observe and do these statutes.

akjv@Deuteronomy:17:19 @ And it shall be with him, and he shall read therein all the days of his life: that he may learn to fear the LORD his God, to keep all the words of this law and these statutes, to do them:

akjv@Deuteronomy:18:12 @ For all that do these things are an abomination to the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD your God does drive them out from before you.

akjv@Deuteronomy:18:14 @ For these nations, which you shall possess, listened to observers of times, and to diviners: but as for you, the LORD your God has not suffered you so to do.

akjv@Deuteronomy:19:9 @ If you shall keep all these commandments to do them, which I command you this day, to love the LORD your God, and to walk ever in his ways; then shall you add three cities more for you, beside these three:

akjv@Deuteronomy:19:11 @ But if any man hate his neighbor, and lie in wait for him, and rise up against him, and smite him mortally that he die, and flees into one of these cities:

akjv@Deuteronomy:20:15 @ Thus shall you do to all the cities which are very far off from you, which are not of the cities of these nations.

akjv@Deuteronomy:20:16 @ But of the cities of these people, which the LORD your God does give you for an inheritance, you shall save alive nothing that breathes:

akjv@Deuteronomy:22:17 @ And, see, he has given occasions of speech against her, saying, I found not your daughter a maid; and yet these are the tokens of my daughter' virginity. And they shall spread the cloth before the elders of the city.

akjv@Deuteronomy:23:18 @ You shall not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into the house of the LORD your God for any vow: for even both these are abomination to the LORD your God.

akjv@Deuteronomy:25:3 @ Forty stripes he may give him, and not exceed: lest, if he should exceed, and beat him above these with many stripes, then your brother should seem vile to you.

akjv@Deuteronomy:26:16 @ This day the LORD your God has commanded you to do these statutes and judgments: you shall therefore keep and do them with all your heart, and with all your soul.

akjv@Deuteronomy:27:4 @ Therefore it shall be when you be gone over Jordan, that you shall set up these stones, which I command you this day, in mount Ebal, and you shall plaster them with plaster.

akjv@Deuteronomy:27:12 @ These shall stand on mount Gerizim to bless the people, when you are come over Jordan; Simeon, and Levi, and Judah, and Issachar, and Joseph, and Benjamin:

akjv@Deuteronomy:27:13 @ And these shall stand on mount Ebal to curse; Reuben, Gad, and Asher, and Zebulun, Dan, and Naphtali.

akjv@Deuteronomy:28:2 @ And all these blessings shall come on you, and overtake you, if you shall listen to the voice of the LORD your God.

akjv@Deuteronomy:28:15 @ But it shall come to pass, if you will not listen to the voice of the LORD your God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command you this day; that all these curses shall come on you, and overtake you:

akjv@Deuteronomy:28:45 @ Moreover all these curses shall come on you, and shall pursue you, and overtake you, till you be destroyed; because you listened not to the voice of the LORD your God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which he commanded you:

akjv@Deuteronomy:28:65 @ And among these nations shall you find no ease, neither shall the sole of your foot have rest: but the LORD shall give you there a trembling heart, and failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind:

akjv@Deuteronomy:29:1 @ These are the words of the covenant, which the LORD commanded Moses to make with the children of Israel in the land of Moab, beside the covenant which he made with them in Horeb.

akjv@Deuteronomy:29:18 @ Lest there should be among you man, or woman, or family, or tribe, whose heart turns away this day from the LORD our God, to go and serve the gods of these nations; lest there should be among you a root that bears gall and wormwood;

akjv@Deuteronomy:30:1 @ And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come on you, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before you, and you shall call them to mind among all the nations, where the LORD your God has driven you,

akjv@Deuteronomy:30:7 @ And the LORD your God will put all these curses on your enemies, and on them that hate you, which persecuted you.

akjv@Deuteronomy:31:1 @ And Moses went and spoke these words to all Israel.

akjv@Deuteronomy:31:3 @ The LORD your God, he will go over before you, and he will destroy these nations from before you, and you shall possess them: and Joshua, he shall go over before you, as the LORD has said.

akjv@Deuteronomy:31:17 @ Then my anger shall be kindled against them in that day, and I will forsake them, and I will hide my face from them, and they shall be devoured, and many evils and troubles shall befall them; so that they will say in that day, Are not these evils come on us, because our God is not among us?

akjv@Deuteronomy:31:28 @ Gather to me all the elders of your tribes, and your officers, that I may speak these words in their ears, and call heaven and earth to record against them.

akjv@Deuteronomy:32:45 @ And Moses made an end of speaking all these words to all Israel:

akjv@Joshua:2:11 @ And as soon as we had heard these things, our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any more courage in any man, because of you: for the LORD your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath.

akjv@Joshua:4:6 @ That this may be a sign among you, that when your children ask their fathers in time to come, saying, What mean you by these stones?

akjv@Joshua:4:7 @ Then you shall answer them, That the waters of Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the LORD; when it passed over Jordan, the waters of Jordan were cut off: and these stones shall be for a memorial to the children of Israel for ever.

akjv@Joshua:4:21 @ And he spoke to the children of Israel, saying, When your children shall ask their fathers in time to come, saying, What mean these stones?

akjv@Joshua:9:13 @ And these bottles of wine, which we filled, were new; and, behold, they be rent: and these our garments and our shoes are become old by reason of the very long journey.

akjv@Joshua:10:16 @ But these five kings fled, and hid themselves in a cave at Makkedah.

akjv@Joshua:10:24 @ And it came to pass, when they brought out those kings to Joshua, that Joshua called for all the men of Israel, and said to the captains of the men of war which went with him, Come near, put your feet on the necks of these kings. And they came near, and put their feet on the necks of them.

akjv@Joshua:10:42 @ And all these kings and their land did Joshua take at one time, because the LORD God of Israel fought for Israel.

akjv@Joshua:11:5 @ And when all these kings were met together, they came and pitched together at the waters of Merom, to fight against Israel.

akjv@Joshua:11:14 @ And all the spoil of these cities, and the cattle, the children of Israel took for a prey to themselves; but every man they smote with the edge of the sword, until they had destroyed them, neither left they any to breathe.

akjv@Joshua:12:1 @ Now these are the kings of the land, which the children of Israel smote, and possessed their land on the other side Jordan toward the rising of the sun, from the river Arnon to mount Hermon, and all the plain on the east:

akjv@Joshua:12:7 @ And these are the kings of the country which Joshua and the children of Israel smote on this side Jordan on the west, from Baalgad in the valley of Lebanon even to the mount Halak, that goes up to Seir; which Joshua gave to the tribes of Israel for a possession according to their divisions;

akjv@Joshua:13:12 @ All the kingdom of Og in Bashan, which reigned in Ashtaroth and in Edrei, who remained of the remnant of the giants: for these did Moses smite, and cast them out.

akjv@Joshua:13:32 @ These are the countries which Moses did distribute for inheritance in the plains of Moab, on the other side Jordan, by Jericho, eastward.

akjv@Joshua:14:1 @ And these are the countries which the children of Israel inherited in the land of Canaan, which Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the son of Nun, and the heads of the fathers of the tribes of the children of Israel, distributed for inheritance to them.

akjv@Joshua:14:10 @ And now, behold, the LORD has kept me alive, as he said, these forty and five years, even since the LORD spoke this word to Moses, while the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness: and now, see, I am this day fourscore and five years old.

akjv@Joshua:17:2 @ There was also a lot for the rest of the children of Manasseh by their families; for the children of Abiezer, and for the children of Helek, and for the children of Asriel, and for the children of Shechem, and for the children of Hepher, and for the children of Shemida: these were the male children of Manasseh the son of Joseph by their families.

akjv@Joshua:17:3 @ But Zelophehad, the son of Hepher, the son of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, had no sons, but daughters: and these are the names of his daughters, Mahlah, and Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah.

akjv@Joshua:17:9 @ And the coast descended to the river Kanah, southward of the river: these cities of Ephraim are among the cities of Manasseh: the coast of Manasseh also was on the north side of the river, and the outgoings of it were at the sea:

akjv@Joshua:19:8 @ And all the villages that were round about these cities to Baalathbeer, Ramath of the south. This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Simeon according to their families.

akjv@Joshua:19:16 @ This is the inheritance of the children of Zebulun according to their families, these cities with their villages.

akjv@Joshua:19:31 @ This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Asher according to their families, these cities with their villages.

akjv@Joshua:19:48 @ This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Dan according to their families, these cities with their villages.

akjv@Joshua:19:51 @ These are the inheritances, which Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the son of Nun, and the heads of the fathers of the tribes of the children of Israel, divided for an inheritance by lot in Shiloh before the LORD, at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. So they made an end of dividing the country.

akjv@Joshua:20:9 @ These were the cities appointed for all the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojournes among them, that whoever kills any person at unawares might flee thither, and not die by the hand of the avenger of blood, until he stood before the congregation.

akjv@Joshua:21:3 @ And the children of Israel gave to the Levites out of their inheritance, at the commandment of the LORD, these cities and their suburbs.

akjv@Joshua:21:8 @ And the children of Israel gave by lot to the Levites these cities with their suburbs, as the LORD commanded by the hand of Moses.

akjv@Joshua:21:9 @ And they gave out of the tribe of the children of Judah, and out of the tribe of the children of Simeon, these cities which are here mentioned by name.

akjv@Joshua:21:42 @ These cities were every one with their suburbs round about them: thus were all these cities.

akjv@Joshua:22:3 @ You have not left your brothers these many days to this day, but have kept the charge of the commandment of the LORD your God.

akjv@Joshua:23:3 @ And you have seen all that the LORD your God has done to all these nations because of you; for the LORD your God is he that has fought for you.

akjv@Joshua:23:4 @ Behold, I have divided to you by lot these nations that remain, to be an inheritance for your tribes, from Jordan, with all the nations that I have cut off, even to the great sea westward.

akjv@Joshua:23:7 @ That you come not among these nations, these that remain among you; neither make mention of the name of their gods, nor cause to swear by them, neither serve them, nor bow yourselves to them:

akjv@Joshua:23:12 @ Else if you do in any wise go back, and join to the remnant of these nations, even these that remain among you, and shall make marriages with them, and go in to them, and they to you:

akjv@Joshua:23:13 @ Know for a certainty that the LORD your God will no more drive out any of these nations from before you; but they shall be snares and traps to you, and scourges in your sides, and thorns in your eyes, until you perish from off this good land which the LORD your God has given you.

akjv@Joshua:24:26 @ And Joshua wrote these words in the book of the law of God, and took a great stone, and set it up there under an oak, that was by the sanctuary of the LORD.

akjv@Joshua:24:29 @ And it came to pass after these things, that Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of the LORD, died, being an hundred and ten years old.

akjv@Judges:2:4 @ And it came to pass, when the angel of the LORD spoke these words to all the children of Israel, that the people lifted up their voice, and wept.

akjv@Judges:3:1 @ Now these are the nations which the LORD left, to prove Israel by them, even as many of Israel as had not known all the wars of Canaan;

akjv@Judges:9:3 @ And his mother' brothers spoke of him in the ears of all the men of Shechem all these words: and their hearts inclined to follow Abimelech; for they said, He is our brother.

akjv@Judges:13:23 @ But his wife said to him, If the LORD were pleased to kill us, he would not have received a burnt offering and a meat offering at our hands, neither would he have showed us all these things, nor would as at this time have told us such things as these.

akjv@Judges:16:15 @ And she said to him, How can you say, I love you, when your heart is not with me? you have mocked me these three times, and have not told me wherein your great strength lies.

akjv@Judges:18:14 @ Then answered the five men that went to spy out the country of Laish, and said to their brothers, Do you know that there is in these houses an ephod, and teraphim, and a graven image, and a molten image? now therefore consider what you have to do.

akjv@Judges:18:18 @ And these went into Micah' house, and fetched the carved image, the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image. Then said the priest to them, What do you?

akjv@Judges:19:13 @ And he said to his servant, Come, and let us draw near to one of these places to lodge all night, in Gibeah, or in Ramah.

akjv@Judges:20:17 @ And the men of Israel, beside Benjamin, were numbered four hundred thousand men that drew sword: all these were men of war.

akjv@Judges:20:25 @ And Benjamin went forth against them out of Gibeah the second day, and destroyed down to the ground of the children of Israel again eighteen thousand men; all these drew the sword.

akjv@Judges:20:35 @ And the LORD smote Benjamin before Israel: and the children of Israel destroyed of the Benjamites that day twenty and five thousand and an hundred men: all these drew the sword.

akjv@Judges:20:44 @ And there fell of Benjamin eighteen thousand men; all these were men of valor.

akjv@Judges:20:46 @ So that all which fell that day of Benjamin were twenty and five thousand men that drew the sword; all these were men of valor.

akjv@Ruth:3:17 @ And she said, These six measures of barley gave he me; for he said to me, Go not empty to your mother in law.

akjv@Ruth:4:18 @ Now these are the generations of Pharez: Pharez begat Hezron,

akjv@1Samuel:4:8 @ Woe to us! who shall deliver us out of the hand of these mighty Gods? these are the Gods that smote the Egyptians with all the plagues in the wilderness.

akjv@1Samuel:6:17 @ And these are the golden tumors which the Philistines returned for a trespass offering to the LORD; for Ashdod one, for Gaza one, for Askelon one, for Gath one, for Ekron one;

akjv@1Samuel:10:7 @ And let it be, when these signs are come to you, that you do as occasion serve you; for God is with you.

akjv@1Samuel:14:6 @ And Jonathan said to the young man that bore his armor, Come, and let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised: it may be that the LORD will work for us: for there is no restraint to the LORD to save by many or by few.

akjv@1Samuel:14:8 @ Then said Jonathan, Behold, we will pass over to these men, and we will discover ourselves to them.

akjv@1Samuel:14:49 @ Now the sons of Saul were Jonathan, and Ishui, and Melchishua: and the names of his two daughters were these; the name of the firstborn Merab, and the name of the younger Michal:

akjv@1Samuel:16:10 @ Again, Jesse made seven of his sons to pass before Samuel. And Samuel said to Jesse, The LORD has not chosen these.

akjv@1Samuel:17:17 @ And Jesse said to David his son, Take now for your brothers an ephah of this parched corn, and these ten loaves, and run to the camp of your brothers;

akjv@1Samuel:17:18 @ And carry these ten cheeses to the captain of their thousand, and look how your brothers fare, and take their pledge.

akjv@1Samuel:17:39 @ And David girded his sword on his armor, and he assayed to go; for he had not proved it. And David said to Saul, I cannot go with these; for I have not proved them. And David put them off him.

akjv@1Samuel:18:26 @ And when his servants told David these words, it pleased David well to be the king' son in law: and the days were not expired.

akjv@1Samuel:21:5 @ And David answered the priest, and said to him, Of a truth women have been kept from us about these three days, since I came out, and the vessels of the young men are holy, and the bread is in a manner common, yes, though it were sanctified this day in the vessel.

akjv@1Samuel:21:12 @ And David laid up these words in his heart, and was sore afraid of Achish the king of Gath.

akjv@1Samuel:23:2 @ Therefore David inquired of the LORD, saying, Shall I go and smite these Philistines? And the LORD said to David, Go, and smite the Philistines, and save Keilah.

akjv@1Samuel:24:7 @ So David stayed his servants with these words, and suffered them not to rise against Saul. But Saul rose up out of the cave, and went on his way.

akjv@1Samuel:24:16 @ And it came to pass, when David had made an end of speaking these words to Saul, that Saul said, Is this your voice, my son David? And Saul lifted up his voice, and wept.

akjv@1Samuel:25:37 @ But it came to pass in the morning, when the wine was gone out of Nabal, and his wife had told him these things, that his heart died within him, and he became as a stone.

akjv@1Samuel:29:3 @ Then said the princes of the Philistines, What do these Hebrews here? And Achish said to the princes of the Philistines, Is not this David, the servant of Saul the king of Israel, which has been with me these days, or these years, and I have found no fault in him since he fell to me to this day?

akjv@1Samuel:29:4 @ And the princes of the Philistines were wroth with him; and the princes of the Philistines said to him, Make this fellow return, that he may go again to his place which you have appointed him, and let him not go down with us to battle, lest in the battle he be an adversary to us: for with which should he reconcile himself to his master? should it not be with the heads of these men?

akjv@1Samuel:31:4 @ Then said Saul to his armor bearer, Draw your sword, and thrust me through therewith; lest these uncircumcised come and thrust me through, and abuse me. But his armor bearer would not; for he was sore afraid. Therefore Saul took a sword, and fell on it.

akjv@2Samuel:3:5 @ And the sixth, Ithream, by Eglah David' wife. These were born to David in Hebron.

akjv@2Samuel:3:39 @ And I am this day weak, though anointed king; and these men the sons of Zeruiah be too hard for me: the LORD shall reward the doer of evil according to his wickedness.

akjv@2Samuel:5:14 @ And these be the names of those that were born to him in Jerusalem; Shammuah, and Shobab, and Nathan, and Solomon,

akjv@2Samuel:7:17 @ According to all these words, and according to all this vision, so did Nathan speak to David.

akjv@2Samuel:7:21 @ For your word' sake, and according to your own heart, have you done all these great things, to make your servant know them.

akjv@2Samuel:13:21 @ But when king David heard of all these things, he was very wroth.

akjv@2Samuel:14:19 @ And the king said, Is not the hand of Joab with you in all this? And the woman answered and said, As your soul lives, my lord the king, none can turn to the right hand or to the left from ought that my lord the king has spoken: for your servant Joab, he bade me, and he put all these words in the mouth of your handmaid:

akjv@2Samuel:16:2 @ And the king said to Ziba, What mean you by these? And Ziba said, The asses be for the king' household to ride on; and the bread and summer fruit for the young men to eat; and the wine, that such as be faint in the wilderness may drink.

akjv@2Samuel:21:22 @ These four were born to the giant in Gath, and fell by the hand of David, and by the hand of his servants.

akjv@2Samuel:23:1 @ Now these be the last words of David. David the son of Jesse said, and the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel, said,

akjv@2Samuel:23:8 @ These be the names of the mighty men whom David had: The Tachmonite that sat in the seat, chief among the captains; the same was Adino the Eznite: he lift up his spear against eight hundred, whom he slew at one time.

akjv@2Samuel:23:17 @ And he said, Be it far from me, O LORD, that I should do this: is not this the blood of the men that went in jeopardy of their lives? therefore he would not drink it. These things did these three mighty men.

akjv@2Samuel:23:22 @ These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and had the name among three mighty men.

akjv@2Samuel:24:17 @ And David spoke to the LORD when he saw the angel that smote the people, and said, See, I have sinned, and I have done wickedly: but these sheep, what have they done? let your hand, I pray you, be against me, and against my father' house.

akjv@2Samuel:24:23 @ All these things did Araunah, as a king, give to the king. And Araunah said to the king, The LORD your God accept you.

akjv@1Kings:4:2 @ And these were the princes which he had; Azariah the son of Zadok the priest,

akjv@1Kings:4:8 @ And these are their names: The son of Hur, in mount Ephraim:

akjv@1Kings:7:9 @ All these were of costly stones, according to the measures of hewed stones, sawed with saws, within and without, even from the foundation to the coping, and so on the outside toward the great court.

akjv@1Kings:7:45 @ And the pots, and the shovels, and the basins: and all these vessels, which Hiram made to king Solomon for the house of the LORD, were of bright brass.

akjv@1Kings:8:59 @ And let these my words, with which I have made supplication before the LORD, be near to the LORD our God day and night, that he maintain the cause of his servant, and the cause of his people Israel at all times, as the matter shall require:

akjv@1Kings:9:13 @ And he said, What cities are these which you have given me, my brother? And he called them the land of Cabul to this day.

akjv@1Kings:9:23 @ These were the chief of the officers that were over Solomon' work, five hundred and fifty, which bore rule over the people that worked in the work.

akjv@1Kings:10:8 @ Happy are your men, happy are these your servants, which stand continually before you, and that hear your wisdom.

akjv@1Kings:10:10 @ And she gave the king an hundred and twenty talents of gold, and of spices very great store, and precious stones: there came no more such abundance of spices as these which the queen of Sheba gave to king Solomon.

akjv@1Kings:11:2 @ Of the nations concerning which the LORD said to the children of Israel, You shall not go in to them, neither shall they come in to you: for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods: Solomon joined to these in love.

akjv@1Kings:17:1 @ And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said to Ahab, As the LORD God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.

akjv@1Kings:17:17 @ And it came to pass after these things, that the son of the woman, the mistress of the house, fell sick; and his sickness was so sore, that there was no breath left in him.

akjv@1Kings:18:36 @ And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near, and said, LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be known this day that you are God in Israel, and that I am your servant, and that I have done all these things at your word.

akjv@1Kings:20:19 @ So these young men of the princes of the provinces came out of the city, and the army which followed them.

akjv@1Kings:21:1 @ And it came to pass after these things, that Naboth the Jezreelite had a vineyard, which was in Jezreel, hard by the palace of Ahab king of Samaria.

akjv@1Kings:22:11 @ And Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah made him horns of iron: and he said, Thus said the LORD, With these shall you push the Syrians, until you have consumed them.

akjv@1Kings:22:17 @ And he said, I saw all Israel scattered on the hills, as sheep that have not a shepherd: and the LORD said, These have no master: let them return every man to his house in peace.

akjv@1Kings:22:23 @ Now therefore, behold, the LORD has put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these your prophets, and the LORD has spoken evil concerning you.

akjv@2Kings:1:7 @ And he said to them, What manner of man was he which came up to meet you, and told you these words?

akjv@2Kings:1:13 @ And he sent again a captain of the third fifty with his fifty. And the third captain of fifty went up, and came and fell on his knees before Elijah, and sought him, and said to him, O man of God, I pray you, let my life, and the life of these fifty your servants, be precious in your sight.

akjv@2Kings:2:21 @ And he went forth to the spring of the waters, and cast the salt in there, and said, Thus said the LORD, I have healed these waters; there shall not be from there any more death or barren land.

akjv@2Kings:3:10 @ And the king of Israel said, Alas! that the LORD has called these three kings together, to deliver them into the hand of Moab!

akjv@2Kings:3:13 @ And Elisha said to the king of Israel, What have I to do with you? get you to the prophets of your father, and to the prophets of your mother. And the king of Israel said to him, No: for the LORD has called these three kings together, to deliver them into the hand of Moab.

akjv@2Kings:6:20 @ And it came to pass, when they were come into Samaria, that Elisha said, LORD, open the eyes of these men, that they may see. And the LORD opened their eyes, and they saw; and, behold, they were in the middle of Samaria.

akjv@2Kings:7:8 @ And when these lepers came to the uttermost part of the camp, they went into one tent, and did eat and drink, and carried there silver, and gold, and raiment, and went and hid it; and came again, and entered into another tent, and carried there also, and went and hid it.

akjv@2Kings:10:9 @ And it came to pass in the morning, that he went out, and stood, and said to all the people, You be righteous: behold, I conspired against my master, and slew him: but who slew all these?

akjv@2Kings:17:41 @ So these nations feared the LORD, and served their graven images, both their children, and their children' children: as did their fathers, so do they to this day.

akjv@2Kings:18:27 @ But Rabshakeh said to them, Has my master sent me to your master, and to you, to speak these words? has he not sent me to the men which sit on the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own urine with you?

akjv@2Kings:20:14 @ Then came Isaiah the prophet to king Hezekiah, and said to him, What said these men? and from from where came they to you? And Hezekiah said, They are come from a far country, even from Babylon.

akjv@2Kings:21:11 @ Because Manasseh king of Judah has done these abominations, and has done wickedly above all that the Amorites did, which were before him, and has made Judah also to sin with his idols:

akjv@2Kings:23:16 @ And as Josiah turned himself, he spied the sepulchers that were there in the mount, and sent, and took the bones out of the sepulchers, and burned them on the altar, and polluted it, according to the word of the LORD which the man of God proclaimed, who proclaimed these words.

akjv@2Kings:23:17 @ Then he said, What title is that that I see? And the men of the city told him, It is the sepulcher of the man of God, which came from Judah, and proclaimed these things that you have done against the altar of Bethel.

akjv@2Kings:25:16 @ The two pillars, one sea, and the bases which Solomon had made for the house of the LORD; the brass of all these vessels was without weight.

akjv@2Kings:25:17 @ The height of the one pillar was eighteen cubits, and the capital on it was brass: and the height of the capital three cubits; and the wreathen work, and pomegranates on the capital round about, all of brass: and like to these had the second pillar with wreathen work.

akjv@2Kings:25:20 @ And Nebuzaradan captain of the guard took these, and brought them to the king of Babylon to Riblah:

akjv@1Chronicles:1:23 @ And Ophir, and Havilah, and Jobab. All these were the sons of Joktan.

akjv@1Chronicles:1:29 @ These are their generations: The firstborn of Ishmael, Nebaioth; then Kedar, and Adbeel, and Mibsam,

akjv@1Chronicles:1:31 @ Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah. These are the sons of Ishmael.

akjv@1Chronicles:1:33 @ And the sons of Midian; Ephah, and Epher, and Henoch, and Abida, and Eldaah. All these are the sons of Keturah.

akjv@1Chronicles:1:43 @ Now these are the kings that reigned in the land of Edom before any king reigned over the children of Israel; Bela the son of Beor: and the name of his city was Dinhabah.

akjv@1Chronicles:1:54 @ Duke Magdiel, duke Iram. These are the dukes of Edom.

akjv@1Chronicles:2:1 @ These are the sons of Israel; Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun,

akjv@1Chronicles:2:18 @ And Caleb the son of Hezron begat children of Azubah his wife, and of Jerioth: her sons are these; Jesher, and Shobab, and Ardon.

akjv@1Chronicles:2:23 @ And he took Geshur, and Aram, with the towns of Jair, from them, with Kenath, and the towns thereof, even three score cities. All these belonged to the sons of Machir the father of Gilead.

akjv@1Chronicles:2:33 @ And the sons of Jonathan; Peleth, and Zaza. These were the sons of Jerahmeel.

akjv@1Chronicles:2:50 @ These were the sons of Caleb the son of Hur, the firstborn of Ephratah; Shobal the father of Kirjathjearim.

akjv@1Chronicles:2:55 @ And the families of the scribes which dwelled at Jabez; the Tirathites, the Shimeathites, and Suchathites. These are the Kenites that came of Hemath, the father of the house of Rechab.

akjv@1Chronicles:3:1 @ Now these were the sons of David, which were born to him in Hebron; the firstborn Amnon, of Ahinoam the Jezreelitess; the second Daniel, of Abigail the Carmelitess:

akjv@1Chronicles:3:4 @ These six were born to him in Hebron; and there he reigned seven years and six months: and in Jerusalem he reigned thirty and three years.

akjv@1Chronicles:3:5 @ And these were born to him in Jerusalem; Shimea, and Shobab, and Nathan, and Solomon, four, of Bathshua the daughter of Ammiel:

akjv@1Chronicles:3:9 @ These were all the sons of David, beside the sons of the concubines, and Tamar their sister.

akjv@1Chronicles:4:2 @ And Reaiah the son of Shobal begat Jahath; and Jahath begat Ahumai, and Lahad. These are the families of the Zorathites.

akjv@1Chronicles:4:3 @ And these were of the father of Etam; Jezreel, and Ishma, and Idbash: and the name of their sister was Hazelelponi:

akjv@1Chronicles:4:4 @ And Penuel the father of Gedor, and Ezer the father of Hushah. These are the sons of Hur, the firstborn of Ephratah, the father of Bethlehem.

akjv@1Chronicles:4:6 @ And Naarah bore him Ahuzam, and Hepher, and Temeni, and Haahashtari. These were the sons of Naarah.

akjv@1Chronicles:4:12 @ And Eshton begat Bethrapha, and Paseah, and Tehinnah the father of Irnahash. These are the men of Rechah.

akjv@1Chronicles:4:18 @ And his wife Jehudijah bore Jered the father of Gedor, and Heber the father of Socho, and Jekuthiel the father of Zanoah. And these are the sons of Bithiah the daughter of Pharaoh, which Mered took.

akjv@1Chronicles:4:22 @ And Jokim, and the men of Chozeba, and Joash, and Saraph, who had the dominion in Moab, and Jashubilehem. And these are ancient things.

akjv@1Chronicles:4:23 @ These were the potters, and those that dwelled among plants and hedges: there they dwelled with the king for his work.

akjv@1Chronicles:4:31 @ And at Bethmarcaboth, and Hazarsusim, and at Bethbirei, and at Shaaraim. These were their cities to the reign of David.

akjv@1Chronicles:4:33 @ And all their villages that were round about the same cities, to Baal. These were their habitations, and their genealogy.

akjv@1Chronicles:4:38 @ These mentioned by their names were princes in their families: and the house of their fathers increased greatly.

akjv@1Chronicles:4:41 @ And these written by name came in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah, and smote their tents, and the habitations that were found there, and destroyed them utterly to this day, and dwelled in their rooms: because there was pasture there for their flocks.

akjv@1Chronicles:5:14 @ These are the children of Abihail the son of Huri, the son of Jaroah, the son of Gilead, the son of Michael, the son of Jeshishai, the son of Jahdo, the son of Buz;

akjv@1Chronicles:5:17 @ All these were reckoned by genealogies in the days of Jotham king of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam king of Israel.

akjv@1Chronicles:5:24 @ And these were the heads of the house of their fathers, even Epher, and Ishi, and Eliel, and Azriel, and Jeremiah, and Hodaviah, and Jahdiel, mighty men of valor, famous men, and heads of the house of their fathers.

akjv@1Chronicles:6:17 @ And these be the names of the sons of Gershom; Libni, and Shimei.

akjv@1Chronicles:6:19 @ The sons of Merari; Mahli, and Mushi. And these are the families of the Levites according to their fathers.

akjv@1Chronicles:6:31 @ And these are they whom David set over the service of song in the house of the LORD, after that the ark had rest.

akjv@1Chronicles:6:33 @ And these are they that waited with their children. Of the sons of the Kohathites: Heman a singer, the son of Joel, the son of Shemuel,

akjv@1Chronicles:6:50 @ And these are the sons of Aaron; Eleazar his son, Phinehas his son, Abishua his son,

akjv@1Chronicles:6:54 @ Now these are their dwelling places throughout their castles in their coasts, of the sons of Aaron, of the families of the Kohathites: for theirs was the lot.

akjv@1Chronicles:6:64 @ And the children of Israel gave to the Levites these cities with their suburbs.

akjv@1Chronicles:6:65 @ And they gave by lot out of the tribe of the children of Judah, and out of the tribe of the children of Simeon, and out of the tribe of the children of Benjamin, these cities, which are called by their names.

akjv@1Chronicles:7:8 @ And the sons of Becher; Zemira, and Joash, and Eliezer, and Elioenai, and Omri, and Jerimoth, and Abiah, and Anathoth, and Alameth. All these are the sons of Becher.

akjv@1Chronicles:7:11 @ All these the sons of Jediael, by the heads of their fathers, mighty men of valor, were seventeen thousand and two hundred soldiers, fit to go out for war and battle.

akjv@1Chronicles:7:17 @ And the sons of Ulam; Bedan. These were the sons of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh.

akjv@1Chronicles:7:29 @ And by the borders of the children of Manasseh, Bethshean and her towns, Taanach and her towns, Megiddo and her towns, Dor and her towns. In these dwelled the children of Joseph the son of Israel.

akjv@1Chronicles:7:33 @ And the sons of Japhlet; Pasach, and Bimhal, and Ashvath. These are the children of Japhlet.

akjv@1Chronicles:7:40 @ All these were the children of Asher, heads of their father' house, choice and mighty men of valor, chief of the princes. And the number throughout the genealogy of them that were apt to the war and to battle was twenty and six thousand men.

akjv@1Chronicles:8:6 @ And these are the sons of Ehud: these are the heads of the fathers of the inhabitants of Geba, and they removed them to Manahath:

akjv@1Chronicles:8:10 @ And Jeuz, and Shachia, and Mirma. These were his sons, heads of the fathers.

akjv@1Chronicles:8:28 @ These were heads of the fathers, by their generations, chief men. These dwelled in Jerusalem.

akjv@1Chronicles:8:32 @ And Mikloth begat Shimeah. And these also dwelled with their brothers in Jerusalem, over against them.

akjv@1Chronicles:8:38 @ And Azel had six sons, whose names are these, Azrikam, Bocheru, and Ishmael, and Sheariah, and Obadiah, and Hanan. All these were the sons of Azel.

akjv@1Chronicles:8:40 @ And the sons of Ulam were mighty men of valor, archers, and had many sons, and sons'sons, an hundred and fifty. All these are of the sons of Benjamin.

akjv@1Chronicles:9:9 @ And their brothers, according to their generations, nine hundred and fifty and six. All these men were chief of the fathers in the house of their fathers.

akjv@1Chronicles:9:22 @ All these which were chosen to be porters in the gates were two hundred and twelve. These were reckoned by their genealogy in their villages, whom David and Samuel the seer did ordain in their set office.

akjv@1Chronicles:9:26 @ For these Levites, the four chief porters, were in their set office, and were over the chambers and treasuries of the house of God.

akjv@1Chronicles:9:33 @ And these are the singers, chief of the fathers of the Levites, who remaining in the chambers were free: for they were employed in that work day and night.

akjv@1Chronicles:9:34 @ These chief fathers of the Levites were chief throughout their generations; these dwelled at Jerusalem.

akjv@1Chronicles:9:44 @ And Azel had six sons, whose names are these, Azrikam, Bocheru, and Ishmael, and Sheariah, and Obadiah, and Hanan: these were the sons of Azel.

akjv@1Chronicles:10:4 @ Then said Saul to his armor bearer, Draw your sword, and thrust me through therewith; lest these uncircumcised come and abuse me. But his armor bearer would not; for he was sore afraid. So Saul took a sword, and fell on it.

akjv@1Chronicles:11:10 @ These also are the chief of the mighty men whom David had, who strengthened themselves with him in his kingdom, and with all Israel, to make him king, according to the word of the LORD concerning Israel.

akjv@1Chronicles:11:19 @ And said, My God forbid it me, that I should do this thing: shall I drink the blood of these men that have put their lives in jeopardy? for with the jeopardy of their lives they brought it. Therefore he would not drink it. These things did these three mightiest.

akjv@1Chronicles:11:24 @ These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and had the name among the three mighty men.

akjv@1Chronicles:12:1 @ Now these are they that came to David to Ziklag, while he yet kept himself close because of Saul the son of Kish: and they were among the mighty men, helpers of the war.

akjv@1Chronicles:12:14 @ These were of the sons of Gad, captains of the host: one of the least was over an hundred, and the greatest over a thousand.

akjv@1Chronicles:12:15 @ These are they that went over Jordan in the first month, when it had overflowed all his banks; and they put to flight all them of the valleys, both toward the east, and toward the west.

akjv@1Chronicles:12:23 @ And these are the numbers of the bands that were ready armed to the war, and came to David to Hebron, to turn the kingdom of Saul to him, according to the word of the LORD.

akjv@1Chronicles:12:38 @ All these men of war, that could keep rank, came with a perfect heart to Hebron, to make David king over all Israel: and all the rest also of Israel were of one heart to make David king.

akjv@1Chronicles:14:4 @ Now these are the names of his children which he had in Jerusalem; Shammua, and Shobab, Nathan, and Solomon,

akjv@1Chronicles:17:15 @ According to all these words, and according to all this vision, so did Nathan speak to David.

akjv@1Chronicles:17:19 @ O LORD, for your servant' sake, and according to your own heart, have you done all this greatness, in making known all these great things.

akjv@1Chronicles:18:11 @ Them also king David dedicated to the LORD, with the silver and the gold that he brought from all these nations; from Edom, and from Moab, and from the children of Ammon, and from the Philistines, and from Amalek.

akjv@1Chronicles:20:8 @ These were born to the giant in Gath; and they fell by the hand of David, and by the hand of his servants.

akjv@1Chronicles:21:17 @ And David said to God, Is it not I that commanded the people to be numbered? even I it is that have sinned and done evil indeed; but as for these sheep, what have they done? let your hand, I pray you, O LORD my God, be on me, and on my father' house; but not on your people, that they should be plagued.

akjv@1Chronicles:23:9 @ The sons of Shimei; Shelomith, and Haziel, and Haran, three. These were the chief of the fathers of Laadan.

akjv@1Chronicles:23:10 @ And the sons of Shimei were, Jahath, Zina, and Jeush, and Beriah. These four were the sons of Shimei.

akjv@1Chronicles:23:24 @ These were the sons of Levi after the house of their fathers; even the chief of the fathers, as they were counted by number of names by their polls, that did the work for the service of the house of the LORD, from the age of twenty years and upward.

akjv@1Chronicles:24:1 @ Now these are the divisions of the sons of Aaron. The sons of Aaron; Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.

akjv@1Chronicles:24:19 @ These were the orderings of them in their service to come into the house of the LORD, according to their manner, under Aaron their father, as the LORD God of Israel had commanded him.

akjv@1Chronicles:24:20 @ And the rest of the sons of Levi were these: Of the sons of Amram; Shubael: of the sons of Shubael; Jehdeiah.

akjv@1Chronicles:24:30 @ The sons also of Mushi; Mahli, and Eder, and Jerimoth. These were the sons of the Levites after the house of their fathers.

akjv@1Chronicles:24:31 @ These likewise cast lots over against their brothers the sons of Aaron in the presence of David the king, and Zadok, and Ahimelech, and the chief of the fathers of the priests and Levites, even the principal fathers over against their younger brothers.

akjv@1Chronicles:25:5 @ All these were the sons of Heman the king' seer in the words of God, to lift up the horn. And God gave to Heman fourteen sons and three daughters.

akjv@1Chronicles:25:6 @ All these were under the hands of their father for song in the house of the LORD, with cymbals, psalteries, and harps, for the service of the house of God, according to the king' order to Asaph, Jeduthun, and Heman.

akjv@1Chronicles:26:8 @ All these of the sons of Obededom: they and their sons and their brothers, able men for strength for the service, were three score and two of Obededom.

akjv@1Chronicles:26:12 @ Among these were the divisions of the porters, even among the chief men, having wards one against another, to minister in the house of the LORD.

akjv@1Chronicles:26:19 @ These are the divisions of the porters among the sons of Kore, and among the sons of Merari.

akjv@1Chronicles:27:22 @ Of Dan, Azareel the son of Jeroham. These were the princes of the tribes of Israel.

akjv@1Chronicles:27:31 @ And over the flocks was Jaziz the Hagerite. All these were the rulers of the substance which was king David'.

akjv@1Chronicles:29:17 @ I know also, my God, that you try the heart, and have pleasure in uprightness. As for me, in the uprightness of my heart I have willingly offered all these things: and now have I seen with joy your people, which are present here, to offer willingly to you.

akjv@1Chronicles:29:19 @ And give to Solomon my son a perfect heart, to keep your commandments, your testimonies, and your statutes, and to do all these things, and to build the palace, for the which I have made provision.

akjv@2Chronicles:3:3 @ Now these are the things wherein Solomon was instructed for the building of the house of God. The length by cubits after the first measure was three score cubits, and the breadth twenty cubits.

akjv@2Chronicles:3:13 @ The wings of these cherubim spread themselves forth twenty cubits: and they stood on their feet, and their faces were inward.

akjv@2Chronicles:4:18 @ Thus Solomon made all these vessels in great abundance: for the weight of the brass could not be found out.

akjv@2Chronicles:5:5 @ And they brought up the ark, and the tabernacle of the congregation, and all the holy vessels that were in the tabernacle, these did the priests and the Levites bring up.

akjv@2Chronicles:8:10 @ And these were the chief of king Solomon' officers, even two hundred and fifty, that bore rule over the people.

akjv@2Chronicles:9:7 @ Happy are your men, and happy are these your servants, which stand continually before you, and hear your wisdom.

akjv@2Chronicles:14:7 @ Therefore he said to Judah, Let us build these cities, and make about them walls, and towers, gates, and bars, while the land is yet before us; because we have sought the LORD our God, we have sought him, and he has given us rest on every side. So they built and prospered.

akjv@2Chronicles:14:8 @ And Asa had an army of men that bore targets and spears, out of Judah three hundred thousand; and out of Benjamin, that bore shields and drew bows, two hundred and fourscore thousand: all these were mighty men of valor.

akjv@2Chronicles:15:8 @ And when Asa heard these words, and the prophecy of Oded the prophet, he took courage, and put away the abominable idols out of all the land of Judah and Benjamin, and out of the cities which he had taken from mount Ephraim, and renewed the altar of the LORD, that was before the porch of the LORD.

akjv@2Chronicles:17:14 @ And these are the numbers of them according to the house of their fathers: Of Judah, the captains of thousands; Adnah the chief, and with him mighty men of valor three hundred thousand.

akjv@2Chronicles:17:19 @ These waited on the king, beside those whom the king put in the fenced cities throughout all Judah.

akjv@2Chronicles:18:10 @ And Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah had made him horns of iron, and said, Thus said the LORD, With these you shall push Syria until they be consumed.

akjv@2Chronicles:18:16 @ Then he said, I did see all Israel scattered on the mountains, as sheep that have no shepherd: and the LORD said, These have no master; let them return therefore every man to his house in peace.

akjv@2Chronicles:18:22 @ Now therefore, behold, the LORD has put a lying spirit in the mouth of these your prophets, and the LORD has spoken evil against you.

akjv@2Chronicles:21:2 @ And he had brothers the sons of Jehoshaphat, Azariah, and Jehiel, and Zechariah, and Azariah, and Michael, and Shephatiah: all these were the sons of Jehoshaphat king of Israel.

akjv@2Chronicles:24:26 @ And these are they that conspired against him; Zabad the son of Shimeath an Ammonitess, and Jehozabad the son of Shimrith a Moabitess.

akjv@2Chronicles:29:32 @ And the number of the burnt offerings, which the congregation brought, was three score and ten bullocks, an hundred rams, and two hundred lambs: all these were for a burnt offering to the LORD.

akjv@2Chronicles:32:1 @ After these things, and the establishment thereof, Sennacherib king of Assyria came, and entered into Judah, and encamped against the fenced cities, and thought to win them for himself.

akjv@2Chronicles:35:7 @ And Josiah gave to the people, of the flock, lambs and kids, all for the passover offerings, for all that were present, to the number of thirty thousand, and three thousand bullocks: these were of the king' substance.

akjv@2Chronicles:36:18 @ And all the vessels of the house of God, great and small, and the treasures of the house of the LORD, and the treasures of the king, and of his princes; all these he brought to Babylon.

akjv@Ezra:1:11 @ All the vessels of gold and of silver were five thousand and four hundred. All these did Sheshbazzar bring up with them of the captivity that were brought up from Babylon to Jerusalem.

akjv@Ezra:2:1 @ Now these are the children of the province that went up out of the captivity, of those which had been carried away, whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had carried away to Babylon, and came again to Jerusalem and Judah, every one to his city;

akjv@Ezra:2:59 @ And these were they which went up from Telmelah, Telharsa, Cherub, Addan, and Immer: but they could not show their father' house, and their seed, whether they were of Israel:

akjv@Ezra:2:62 @ These sought their register among those that were reckoned by genealogy, but they were not found: therefore were they, as polluted, put from the priesthood.

akjv@Ezra:4:21 @ Give you now commandment to cause these men to cease, and that this city be not built, until another commandment shall be given from me.

akjv@Ezra:5:9 @ Then asked we those elders, and said to them thus, Who commanded you to build this house, and to make up these walls?

akjv@Ezra:5:11 @ And thus they returned us answer, saying, We are the servants of the God of heaven and earth, and build the house that was built these many years ago, which a great king of Israel built and set up.

akjv@Ezra:5:15 @ And said to him, Take these vessels, go, carry them into the temple that is in Jerusalem, and let the house of God be built in his place.

akjv@Ezra:6:8 @ Moreover I make a decree what you shall do to the elders of these Jews for the building of this house of God: that of the king' goods, even of the tribute beyond the river, immediately expenses be given to these men, that they be not hindered.

akjv@Ezra:7:1 @ Now after these things, in the reign of Artaxerxes king of Persia, Ezra the son of Seraiah, the son of Azariah, the son of Hilkiah,

akjv@Ezra:8:1 @ These are now the chief of their fathers, and this is the genealogy of them that went up with me from Babylon, in the reign of Artaxerxes the king.

akjv@Ezra:8:13 @ And of the last sons of Adonikam, whose names are these, Eliphelet, Jeiel, and Shemaiah, and with them three score males.

akjv@Ezra:9:1 @ Now when these things were done, the princes came to me, saying, The people of Israel, and the priests, and the Levites, have not separated themselves from the people of the lands, doing according to their abominations, even of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites.

akjv@Ezra:9:14 @ Should we again break your commandments, and join in affinity with the people of these abominations? would not you be angry with us till you had consumed us, so that there should be no remnant nor escaping?

akjv@Ezra:10:44 @ All these had taken strange wives: and some of them had wives by whom they had children.

akjv@Nehemiah:1:4 @ And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven,

akjv@Nehemiah:1:10 @ Now these are your servants and your people, whom you have redeemed by your great power, and by your strong hand.

akjv@Nehemiah:4:2 @ And he spoke before his brothers and the army of Samaria, and said, What do these feeble Jews? will they fortify themselves? will they sacrifice? will they make an end in a day? will they revive the stones out of the heaps of the rubbish which are burned?

akjv@Nehemiah:5:6 @ And I was very angry when I heard their cry and these words.

akjv@Nehemiah:6:6 @ Wherein was written, It is reported among the heathen, and Gashmu said it, that you and the Jews think to rebel: for which cause you build the wall, that you may be their king, according to these words.

akjv@Nehemiah:6:7 @ And you have also appointed prophets to preach of you at Jerusalem, saying, There is a king in Judah: and now shall it be reported to the king according to these words. Come now therefore, and let us take counsel together.

akjv@Nehemiah:6:14 @ My God, think you on Tobiah and Sanballat according to these their works, and on the prophetess Noadiah, and the rest of the prophets, that would have put me in fear.

akjv@Nehemiah:6:16 @ And it came to pass, that when all our enemies heard thereof, and all the heathen that were about us saw these things, they were much cast down in their own eyes: for they perceived that this work was worked of our God.

akjv@Nehemiah:7:6 @ These are the children of the province, that went up out of the captivity, of those that had been carried away, whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had carried away, and came again to Jerusalem and to Judah, every one to his city;

akjv@Nehemiah:7:61 @ And these were they which went up also from Telmelah, Telharesha, Cherub, Addon, and Immer: but they could not show their father' house, nor their seed, whether they were of Israel.

akjv@Nehemiah:7:64 @ These sought their register among those that were reckoned by genealogy, but it was not found: therefore were they, as polluted, put from the priesthood.

akjv@Nehemiah:10:8 @ Maaziah, Bilgai, Shemaiah: these were the priests.

akjv@Nehemiah:11:3 @ Now these are the chief of the province that dwelled in Jerusalem: but in the cities of Judah dwelled every one in his possession in their cities, to wit, Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinims, and the children of Solomon' servants.

akjv@Nehemiah:11:7 @ And these are the sons of Benjamin; Sallu the son of Meshullam, the son of Joed, the son of Pedaiah, the son of Kolaiah, the son of Maaseiah, the son of Ithiel, the son of Jesaiah.

akjv@Nehemiah:12:1 @ Now these are the priests and the Levites that went up with Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and Jeshua: Seraiah, Jeremiah, Ezra,

akjv@Nehemiah:12:7 @ Sallu, Amok, Hilkiah, Jedaiah. These were the chief of the priests and of their brothers in the days of Jeshua.

akjv@Nehemiah:12:26 @ These were in the days of Joiakim the son of Jeshua, the son of Jozadak, and in the days of Nehemiah the governor, and of Ezra the priest, the scribe.

akjv@Nehemiah:13:26 @ Did not Solomon king of Israel sin by these things? yet among many nations was there no king like him, who was beloved of his God, and God made him king over all Israel: nevertheless even him did outlandish women cause to sin.

akjv@Esther:1:5 @ And when these days were expired, the king made a feast to all the people that were present in Shushan the palace, both to great and small, seven days, in the court of the garden of the king' palace;

akjv@Esther:2:1 @ After these things, when the wrath of king Ahasuerus was appeased, he remembered Vashti, and what she had done, and what was decreed against her.

akjv@Esther:3:1 @ After these things did king Ahasuerus promote Haman the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, and advanced him, and set his seat above all the princes that were with him.

akjv@Esther:4:11 @ All the king' servants, and the people of the king' provinces, do know, that whoever, whether man or women, shall come to the king into the inner court, who is not called, there is one law of his to put him to death, except such to whom the king shall hold out the golden scepter, that he may live: but I have not been called to come in to the king these thirty days.

akjv@Esther:9:20 @ And Mordecai wrote these things, and sent letters to all the Jews that were in all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus, both near and far,

akjv@Esther:9:26 @ Why they called these days Purim after the name of Pur. Therefore for all the words of this letter, and of that which they had seen concerning this matter, and which had come to them,

akjv@Esther:9:27 @ The Jews ordained, and took on them, and on their seed, and on all such as joined themselves to them, so as it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to their writing, and according to their appointed time every year;

akjv@Esther:9:28 @ And that these days should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, every family, every province, and every city; and that these days of Purim should not fail from among the Jews, nor the memorial of them perish from their seed.

akjv@Esther:9:31 @ To confirm these days of Purim in their times appointed, according as Mordecai the Jew and Esther the queen had enjoined them, and as they had decreed for themselves and for their seed, the matters of the fastings and their cry.

akjv@Esther:9:32 @ And the decree of Esther confirmed these matters of Purim; and it was written in the book.

akjv@Job:8:2 @ How long will you speak these things? and how long shall the words of your mouth be like a strong wind?

akjv@Job:10:13 @ And these things have you hid in your heart: I know that this is with you.

akjv@Job:12:3 @ But I have understanding as well as you; I am not inferior to you: yes, who knows not such things as these?

akjv@Job:12:9 @ Who knows not in all these that the hand of the LORD has worked this?

akjv@Job:19:3 @ These ten times have you reproached me: you are not ashamed that you make yourselves strange to me.

akjv@Job:26:14 @ See, these are parts of his ways: but how little a portion is heard of him? but the thunder of his power who can understand?

akjv@Job:32:1 @ So these three men ceased to answer Job, because he was righteous in his own eyes.

akjv@Job:32:5 @ When Elihu saw that there was no answer in the mouth of these three men, then his wrath was kindled.

akjv@Job:33:29 @ See, all these things works God oftentimes with man,

akjv@Job:42:7 @ And it was so, that after the LORD had spoken these words to Job, the LORD said to Eliphaz the Temanite, My wrath is kindled against you, and against your two friends: for you have not spoken of me the thing that is right, as my servant Job has.

akjv@Psalms:15:5 @ He that puts not out his money to usury, nor takes reward against the innocent. He that does these things shall never be moved.

akjv@Psalms:42:4 @ When I remember these things, I pour out my soul in me: for I had gone with the multitude, I went with them to the house of God, with the voice of joy and praise, with a multitude that kept holy day.

akjv@Psalms:50:21 @ These things have you done, and I kept silence; you thought that I was altogether such an one as yourself: but I will reprove you, and set them in order before your eyes.

akjv@Psalms:57:1 @ Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me: for my soul trusts in you: yes, in the shadow of your wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be over.

akjv@Psalms:73:12 @ Behold, these are the ungodly, who prosper in the world; they increase in riches.

akjv@Psalms:104:27 @ These wait all on you; that you may give them their meat in due season.

akjv@Psalms:107:24 @ These see the works of the LORD, and his wonders in the deep.

akjv@Psalms:107:43 @ Whoever is wise, and will observe these things, even they shall understand the loving kindness of the LORD.

akjv@Proverbs:6:16 @ These six things does the LORD hate: yes, seven are an abomination to him:

akjv@Proverbs:24:23 @ These things also belong to the wise. It is not good to have respect of persons in judgment.

akjv@Proverbs:25:1 @ These are also proverbs of Solomon, which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah copied out.

akjv@Ecclesiastes:7:10 @ Say not you, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for you do not inquire wisely concerning this.

akjv@Ecclesiastes:11:9 @ Rejoice, O young man, in your youth; and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth, and walk in the ways of your heart, and in the sight of your eyes: but know you, that for all these things God will bring you into judgment.

akjv@Ecclesiastes:12:12 @ And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.

akjv@Isaiah:7:4 @ And say to him, Take heed, and be quiet; fear not, neither be fainthearted for the two tails of these smoking firebrands, for the fierce anger of Rezin with Syria, and of the son of Remaliah.

akjv@Isaiah:34:16 @ Seek you out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it has commanded, and his spirit it has gathered them.

akjv@Isaiah:36:12 @ But Rabshakeh said, Has my master sent me to your master and to you to speak these words? has he not sent me to the men that sit on the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own urine with you?

akjv@Isaiah:36:20 @ Who are they among all the gods of these lands, that have delivered their land out of my hand, that the LORD should deliver Jerusalem out of my hand?

akjv@Isaiah:38:16 @ O LORD, by these things men live, and in all these things is the life of my spirit: so will you recover me, and make me to live.

akjv@Isaiah:39:3 @ Then came Isaiah the prophet to king Hezekiah, and said to him, What said these men? and from where came they to you? And Hezekiah said, They are come from a far country to me, even from Babylon.

akjv@Isaiah:40:26 @ Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who has created these things, that brings out their host by number: he calls them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one fails.

akjv@Isaiah:42:16 @ And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do to them, and not forsake them.

akjv@Isaiah:44:21 @ Remember these, O Jacob and Israel; for you are my servant: I have formed you; you are my servant: O Israel, you shall not be forgotten of me.

akjv@Isaiah:45:7 @ I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

akjv@Isaiah:47:7 @ And you said, I shall be a lady for ever: so that you did not lay these things to your heart, neither did remember the latter end of it.

akjv@Isaiah:47:9 @ But these two things shall come to you in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come on you in their perfection for the multitude of your sorceries, and for the great abundance of your enchantments.

akjv@Isaiah:47:13 @ You are wearied in the multitude of your counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save you from these things that shall come on you.

akjv@Isaiah:48:14 @ All you, assemble yourselves, and hear; which among them has declared these things? The LORD has loved him: he will do his pleasure on Babylon, and his arm shall be on the Chaldeans.

akjv@Isaiah:49:12 @ Behold, these shall come from far: and, see, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim.

akjv@Isaiah:49:18 @ Lift up your eyes round about, and behold: all these gather themselves together, and come to you. As I live, said the LORD, you shall surely clothe you with them all, as with an ornament, and bind them on you, as a bride does.

akjv@Isaiah:49:21 @ Then shall you say in your heart, Who has begotten me these, seeing I have lost my children, and am desolate, a captive, and removing to and fro? and who has brought up these? Behold, I was left alone; these, where had they been?

akjv@Isaiah:51:19 @ These two things are come to you; who shall be sorry for you? desolation, and destruction, and the famine, and the sword: by whom shall I comfort you?

akjv@Isaiah:57:6 @ Among the smooth stones of the stream is your portion; they, they are your lot: even to them have you poured a drink offering, you have offered a meat offering. Should I receive comfort in these?

akjv@Isaiah:60:8 @ Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?

akjv@Isaiah:64:12 @ Will you refrain yourself for these things, O LORD? will you hold your peace, and afflict us very sore?

akjv@Isaiah:65:5 @ Which say, Stand by yourself, come not near to me; for I am holier than you. These are a smoke in my nose, a fire that burns all the day.

akjv@Jeremiah:2:34 @ Also in your skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents: I have not found it by secret search, but on all these.

akjv@Jeremiah:3:7 @ And I said after she had done all these things, Turn you to me. But she returned not. And her treacherous sister Judah saw it.

akjv@Jeremiah:3:12 @ Go and proclaim these words toward the north, and say, Return, you backsliding Israel, said the LORD; and I will not cause my anger to fall on you: for I am merciful, said the LORD, and I will not keep anger for ever.

akjv@Jeremiah:4:18 @ Your way and your doings have procured these things to you; this is your wickedness, because it is bitter, because it reaches to your heart.

akjv@Jeremiah:5:4 @ Therefore I said, Surely these are poor; they are foolish: for they know not the way of the LORD, nor the judgment of their God.

akjv@Jeremiah:5:5 @ I will get me to the great men, and will speak to them; for they have known the way of the LORD, and the judgment of their God: but these have altogether broken the yoke, and burst the bonds.

akjv@Jeremiah:5:9 @ Shall I not visit for these things? said the LORD: and shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?

akjv@Jeremiah:5:19 @ And it shall come to pass, when you shall say, Why does the LORD our God all these things to us? then shall you answer them, Like as you have forsaken me, and served strange gods in your land, so shall you serve strangers in a land that is not your'.

akjv@Jeremiah:5:25 @ Your iniquities have turned away these things, and your sins have withheld good things from you.

akjv@Jeremiah:5:29 @ Shall I not visit for these things? said the LORD: shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?

akjv@Jeremiah:7:2 @ Stand in the gate of the LORD' house, and proclaim there this word, and say, Hear the word of the LORD, all you of Judah, that enter in at these gates to worship the LORD.

akjv@Jeremiah:7:4 @ Trust you not in lying words, saying, The temple of the LORD, The temple of the LORD, The temple of the LORD, are these.

akjv@Jeremiah:7:10 @ And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations?

akjv@Jeremiah:7:13 @ And now, because you have done all these works, said the LORD, and I spoke to you, rising up early and speaking, but you heard not; and I called you, but you answered not;

akjv@Jeremiah:7:27 @ Therefore you shall speak all these words to them; but they will not listen to you: you shall also call to them; but they will not answer you.

akjv@Jeremiah:9:9 @ Shall I not visit them for these things? said the LORD: shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?

akjv@Jeremiah:9:24 @ But let him that glories glory in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD which exercise loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, said the LORD.

akjv@Jeremiah:9:26 @ Egypt, and Judah, and Edom, and the children of Ammon, and Moab, and all that are in the utmost corners, that dwell in the wilderness: for all these nations are uncircumcised, and all the house of Israel are uncircumcised in the heart.

akjv@Jeremiah:10:11 @ Thus shall you say to them, The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens.

akjv@Jeremiah:11:6 @ Then the LORD said to me, Proclaim all these words in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem, saying, Hear you the words of this covenant, and do them.

akjv@Jeremiah:13:22 @ And if you say in your heart, Why come these things on me? For the greatness of your iniquity are your skirts discovered, and your heels made bore.

akjv@Jeremiah:14:22 @ Are there any among the vanities of the Gentiles that can cause rain? or can the heavens give showers? are not you he, O LORD our God? therefore we will wait on you: for you have made all these things.

akjv@Jeremiah:16:10 @ And it shall come to pass, when you shall show this people all these words, and they shall say to you, Why has the LORD pronounced all this great evil against us? or what is our iniquity? or what is our sin that we have committed against the LORD our God?

akjv@Jeremiah:17:20 @ And say to them, Hear you the word of the LORD, you kings of Judah, and all Judah, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, that enter in by these gates:

akjv@Jeremiah:20:1 @ Now Pashur the son of Immer the priest, who was also chief governor in the house of the LORD, heard that Jeremiah prophesied these things.

akjv@Jeremiah:22:2 @ And say, Hear the word of the LORD, O king of Judah, that sit on the throne of David, you, and your servants, and your people that enter in by these gates:

akjv@Jeremiah:22:5 @ But if you will not hear these words, I swear by myself, said the LORD, that this house shall become a desolation.

akjv@Jeremiah:23:21 @ I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.

akjv@Jeremiah:24:5 @ Thus said the LORD, the God of Israel; Like these good figs, so will I acknowledge them that are carried away captive of Judah, whom I have sent out of this place into the land of the Chaldeans for their good.

akjv@Jeremiah:25:9 @ Behold, I will send and take all the families of the north, said the LORD, and Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, my servant, and will bring them against this land, and against the inhabitants thereof, and against all these nations round about, and will utterly destroy them, and make them an astonishment, and an hissing, and perpetual desolations.

akjv@Jeremiah:25:11 @ And this whole land shall be a desolation, and an astonishment; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

akjv@Jeremiah:25:30 @ Therefore prophesy you against them all these words, and say to them, The LORD shall roar from on high, and utter his voice from his holy habitation; he shall mightily roar on his habitation; he shall give a shout, as they that tread the grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth.

akjv@Jeremiah:26:7 @ So the priests and the prophets and all the people heard Jeremiah speaking these words in the house of the LORD.

akjv@Jeremiah:26:10 @ When the princes of Judah heard these things, then they came up from the king' house to the house of the LORD, and sat down in the entry of the new gate of the LORD' house.

akjv@Jeremiah:26:15 @ But know you for certain, that if you put me to death, you shall surely bring innocent blood on yourselves, and on this city, and on the inhabitants thereof: for of a truth the LORD has sent me to you to speak all these words in your ears.

akjv@Jeremiah:27:6 @ And now have I given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, my servant; and the beasts of the field have I given him also to serve him.

akjv@Jeremiah:27:12 @ I spoke also to Zedekiah king of Judah according to all these words, saying, Bring your necks under the yoke of the king of Babylon, and serve him and his people, and live.

akjv@Jeremiah:28:14 @ For thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; I have put a yoke of iron on the neck of all these nations, that they may serve Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon; and they shall serve him: and I have given him the beasts of the field also.

akjv@Jeremiah:29:1 @ Now these are the words of the letter that Jeremiah the prophet sent from Jerusalem to the residue of the elders which were carried away captives, and to the priests, and to the prophets, and to all the people whom Nebuchadnezzar had carried away captive from Jerusalem to Babylon;

akjv@Jeremiah:30:4 @ And these are the words that the LORD spoke concerning Israel and concerning Judah.

akjv@Jeremiah:30:15 @ Why cry you for your affliction? your sorrow is incurable for the multitude of your iniquity: because your sins were increased, I have done these things to you.

akjv@Jeremiah:31:21 @ Set you up markers, make you high heaps: set your heart toward the highway, even the way which you went: turn again, O virgin of Israel, turn again to these your cities.

akjv@Jeremiah:32:14 @ Thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Take these evidences, this evidence of the purchase, both which is sealed, and this evidence which is open; and put them in an earthen vessel, that they may continue many days.

akjv@Jeremiah:34:6 @ Then Jeremiah the prophet spoke all these words to Zedekiah king of Judah in Jerusalem,

akjv@Jeremiah:34:7 @ When the king of Babylon' army fought against Jerusalem, and against all the cities of Judah that were left, against Lachish, and against Azekah: for these defended cities remained of the cities of Judah.

akjv@Jeremiah:36:16 @ Now it came to pass, when they had heard all the words, they were afraid both one and other, and said to Baruch, We will surely tell the king of all these words.

akjv@Jeremiah:36:17 @ And they asked Baruch, saying, Tell us now, How did you write all these words at his mouth?

akjv@Jeremiah:36:18 @ Then Baruch answered them, He pronounced all these words to me with his mouth, and I wrote them with ink in the book.

akjv@Jeremiah:36:24 @ Yet they were not afraid, nor rent their garments, neither the king, nor any of his servants that heard all these words.

akjv@Jeremiah:38:9 @ My lord the king, these men have done evil in all that they have done to Jeremiah the prophet, whom they have cast into the dungeon; and he is like to die for hunger in the place where he is: for there is no more bread in the city.

akjv@Jeremiah:38:12 @ And Ebedmelech the Ethiopian said to Jeremiah, Put now these old cast clouts and rotten rags under your armholes under the cords. And Jeremiah did so.

akjv@Jeremiah:38:16 @ So Zedekiah the king swore secretly to Jeremiah, saying, As the LORD lives, that made us this soul, I will not put you to death, neither will I give you into the hand of these men that seek your life.

akjv@Jeremiah:38:24 @ Then said Zedekiah to Jeremiah, Let no man know of these words, and you shall not die.

akjv@Jeremiah:38:27 @ Then came all the princes to Jeremiah, and asked him: and he told them according to all these words that the king had commanded. So they left off speaking with him; for the matter was not perceived.

akjv@Jeremiah:43:1 @ And it came to pass, that when Jeremiah had made an end of speaking to all the people all the words of the LORD their God, for which the LORD their God had sent him to them, even all these words,

akjv@Jeremiah:43:10 @ And say to them, Thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will send and take Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, my servant, and will set his throne on these stones that I have hid; and he shall spread his royal pavilion over them.

akjv@Jeremiah:45:1 @ The word that Jeremiah the prophet spoke to Baruch the son of Neriah, when he had written these words in a book at the mouth of Jeremiah, in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, saying,

akjv@Jeremiah:51:60 @ So Jeremiah wrote in a book all the evil that should come on Babylon, even all these words that are written against Babylon.

akjv@Jeremiah:51:61 @ And Jeremiah said to Seraiah, When you come to Babylon, and shall see, and shall read all these words;

akjv@Jeremiah:52:20 @ The two pillars, one sea, and twelve brazen bulls that were under the bases, which king Solomon had made in the house of the LORD: the brass of all these vessels was without weight.

akjv@Jeremiah:52:22 @ And a capital of brass was on it; and the height of one capital was five cubits, with network and pomegranates on the capitals round about, all of brass. The second pillar also and the pomegranates were like to these.

akjv@Lamentations:1:16 @ For these things I weep; my eye, my eye runs down with water, because the comforter that should relieve my soul is far from me: my children are desolate, because the enemy prevailed.

akjv@Lamentations:4:9 @ They that be slain with the sword are better than they that be slain with hunger: for these pine away, stricken through for want of the fruits of the field.

akjv@Lamentations:5:17 @ For this our heart is faint; for these things our eyes are dim.

akjv@Ezekiel:1:21 @ When those went, these went; and when those stood, these stood; and when those were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels.

akjv@Ezekiel:8:15 @ Then said he to me, Have you seen this, O son of man? turn you yet again, and you shall see greater abominations than these.

akjv@Ezekiel:10:17 @ When they stood, these stood; and when they were lifted up, these lifted up themselves also: for the spirit of the living creature was in them.

akjv@Ezekiel:11:2 @ Then said he to me, Son of man, these are the men that devise mischief, and give wicked counsel in this city:

akjv@Ezekiel:14:3 @ Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their heart, and put the stumbling block of their iniquity before their face: should I be inquired of at all by them?

akjv@Ezekiel:14:14 @ Though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, said the Lord GOD.

akjv@Ezekiel:14:16 @ Though these three men were in it, as I live, said the Lord GOD, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters; they only shall be delivered, but the land shall be desolate.

akjv@Ezekiel:14:18 @ Though these three men were in it, as I live, said the Lord GOD, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters, but they only shall be delivered themselves.

akjv@Ezekiel:16:5 @ None eye pitied you, to do any of these to you, to have compassion on you; but you were cast out in the open field, to the loathing of your person, in the day that you were born.

akjv@Ezekiel:16:20 @ Moreover you have taken your sons and your daughters, whom you have borne to me, and these have you sacrificed to them to be devoured. Is this of your prostitutions a small matter,

akjv@Ezekiel:16:30 @ How weak is your heart, said the LORD GOD, seeing you do all these things, the work of an imperious whorish woman;

akjv@Ezekiel:16:43 @ Because you have not remembered the days of your youth, but have fretted me in all these things; behold, therefore I also will recompense your way on your head, said the Lord GOD: and you shall not commit this lewdness above all your abominations.

akjv@Ezekiel:17:12 @ Say now to the rebellious house, Know you not what these things mean? tell them, Behold, the king of Babylon is come to Jerusalem, and has taken the king thereof, and the princes thereof, and led them with him to Babylon;

akjv@Ezekiel:17:18 @ Seeing he despised the oath by breaking the covenant, when, see, he had given his hand, and has done all these things, he shall not escape.

akjv@Ezekiel:18:10 @ If he beget a son that is a robber, a shedder of blood, and that does the like to any one of these things,

akjv@Ezekiel:18:13 @ Has given forth on usury, and has taken increase: shall he then live? he shall not live: he has done all these abominations; he shall surely die; his blood shall be on him.

akjv@Ezekiel:23:10 @ These discovered her nakedness: they took her sons and her daughters, and slew her with the sword: and she became famous among women; for they had executed judgment on her.

akjv@Ezekiel:23:30 @ I will do these things to you, because you have gone a whoring after the heathen, and because you are polluted with their idols.

akjv@Ezekiel:24:19 @ And the people said to me, Will you not tell us what these things are to us, that you do so?

akjv@Ezekiel:27:21 @ Arabia, and all the princes of Kedar, they occupied with you in lambs, and rams, and goats: in these were they your merchants.

akjv@Ezekiel:27:24 @ These were your merchants in all sorts of things, in blue clothes, and broidered work, and in chests of rich apparel, bound with cords, and made of cedar, among your merchandise.

akjv@Ezekiel:30:17 @ The young men of Aven and of Pibeseth shall fall by the sword: and these cities shall go into captivity.

akjv@Ezekiel:35:10 @ Because you have said, These two nations and these two countries shall be mine, and we will possess it; whereas the LORD was there:

akjv@Ezekiel:36:20 @ And when they entered to the heathen, where they went, they profaned my holy name, when they said to them, These are the people of the LORD, and are gone forth out of his land.

akjv@Ezekiel:37:3 @ And he said to me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord GOD, you know.

akjv@Ezekiel:37:4 @ Again he said to me, Prophesy on these bones, and say to them, O you dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.

akjv@Ezekiel:37:5 @ Thus said the Lord GOD to these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live:

akjv@Ezekiel:37:9 @ Then said he to me, Prophesy to the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus said the Lord GOD; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.

akjv@Ezekiel:37:11 @ Then he said to me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts.

akjv@Ezekiel:37:18 @ And when the children of your people shall speak to you, saying, Will you not show us what you mean by these?

akjv@Ezekiel:40:24 @ After that he brought me toward the south, and behold a gate toward the south: and he measured the posts thereof and the arches thereof according to these measures.

akjv@Ezekiel:40:28 @ And he brought me to the inner court by the south gate: and he measured the south gate according to these measures;

akjv@Ezekiel:40:29 @ And the little chambers thereof, and the posts thereof, and the arches thereof, according to these measures: and there were windows in it and in the arches thereof round about: it was fifty cubits long, and five and twenty cubits broad.

akjv@Ezekiel:40:32 @ And he brought me into the inner court toward the east: and he measured the gate according to these measures.

akjv@Ezekiel:40:33 @ And the little chambers thereof, and the posts thereof, and the arches thereof, were according to these measures: and there were windows therein and in the arches thereof round about: it was fifty cubits long, and five and twenty cubits broad.

akjv@Ezekiel:40:35 @ And he brought me to the north gate, and measured it according to these measures;

akjv@Ezekiel:40:46 @ And the chamber whose prospect is toward the north is for the priests, the keepers of the charge of the altar: these are the sons of Zadok among the sons of Levi, which come near to the LORD to minister to him.

akjv@Ezekiel:42:5 @ Now the upper chambers were shorter: for the galleries were higher than these, than the lower, and than the middlemost of the building.

akjv@Ezekiel:42:9 @ And from under these chambers was the entry on the east side, as one goes into them from the utter court.

akjv@Ezekiel:43:13 @ And these are the measures of the altar after the cubits: The cubit is a cubit and an hand breadth; even the bottom shall be a cubit, and the breadth a cubit, and the border thereof by the edge thereof round about shall be a span: and this shall be the higher place of the altar.

akjv@Ezekiel:43:18 @ And he said to me, Son of man, thus said the Lord GOD; These are the ordinances of the altar in the day when they shall make it, to offer burnt offerings thereon, and to sprinkle blood thereon.

akjv@Ezekiel:43:27 @ And when these days are expired, it shall be, that on the eighth day, and so forward, the priests shall make your burnt offerings on the altar, and your peace offerings; and I will accept you, said the Lord GOD.

akjv@Ezekiel:46:22 @ In the four corners of the court there were courts joined of forty cubits long and thirty broad: these four corners were of one measure.

akjv@Ezekiel:46:24 @ Then said he to me, These are the places of them that boil, where the ministers of the house shall boil the sacrifice of the people.

akjv@Ezekiel:47:8 @ Then said he to me, These waters issue out toward the east country, and go down into the desert, and go into the sea: which being brought forth into the sea, the waters shall be healed.

akjv@Ezekiel:47:9 @ And it shall come to pass, that every thing that lives, which moves, wherever the rivers shall come, shall live: and there shall be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters shall come thither: for they shall be healed; and every thing shall live where the river comes.

akjv@Ezekiel:48:1 @ Now these are the names of the tribes. From the north end to the coast of the way of Hethlon, as one goes to Hamath, Hazarenan, the border of Damascus northward, to the coast of Hamath; for these are his sides east and west; a portion for Daniel.

akjv@Ezekiel:48:16 @ And these shall be the measures thereof; the north side four thousand and five hundred, and the south side four thousand and five hundred, and on the east side four thousand and five hundred, and the west side four thousand and five hundred.

akjv@Ezekiel:48:29 @ This is the land which you shall divide by lot to the tribes of Israel for inheritance, and these are their portions, said the Lord GOD.

akjv@Ezekiel:48:30 @ And these are the goings out of the city on the north side, four thousand and five hundred measures.

akjv@Daniel:1:6 @ Now among these were of the children of Judah, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah:

akjv@Daniel:1:17 @ As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.

akjv@Daniel:2:28 @ But there is a God in heaven that reveals secrets, and makes known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days. Your dream, and the visions of your head on your bed, are these;

akjv@Daniel:2:40 @ And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: for as much as iron breaks in pieces and subdues all things: and as iron that breaks all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.

akjv@Daniel:2:44 @ And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

akjv@Daniel:3:12 @ There are certain Jews whom you have set over the affairs of the province of Babylon, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego; these men, O king, have not regarded you: they serve not your gods, nor worship the golden image which you have set up.

akjv@Daniel:3:13 @ Then Nebuchadnezzar in his rage and fury commanded to bring Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Then they brought these men before the king.

akjv@Daniel:3:21 @ Then these men were bound in their coats, their hosen, and their hats, and their other garments, and were cast into the middle of the burning fiery furnace.

akjv@Daniel:3:23 @ And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, fell down bound into the middle of the burning fiery furnace.

akjv@Daniel:3:27 @ And the princes, governors, and captains, and the king' counsellors, being gathered together, saw these men, on whose bodies the fire had no power, nor was an hair of their head singed, neither were their coats changed, nor the smell of fire had passed on them.

akjv@Daniel:6:2 @ And over these three presidents; of whom Daniel was first: that the princes might give accounts to them, and the king should have no damage.

akjv@Daniel:6:5 @ Then said these men, We shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of his God.

akjv@Daniel:6:6 @ Then these presidents and princes assembled together to the king, and said thus to him, King Darius, live for ever.

akjv@Daniel:6:11 @ Then these men assembled, and found Daniel praying and making supplication before his God.

akjv@Daniel:6:14 @ Then the king, when he heard these words, was sore displeased with himself, and set his heart on Daniel to deliver him: and he labored till the going down of the sun to deliver him.

akjv@Daniel:6:15 @ Then these men assembled to the king, and said to the king, Know, O king, that the law of the Medes and Persians is, That no decree nor statute which the king establishes may be changed.

akjv@Daniel:7:17 @ These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth.

akjv@Daniel:10:21 @ But I will show you that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none that holds with me in these things, but Michael your prince.

akjv@Daniel:11:6 @ And in the end of years they shall join themselves together; for the king' daughter of the south shall come to the king of the north to make an agreement: but she shall not retain the power of the arm; neither shall he stand, nor his arm: but she shall be given up, and they that brought her, and he that begat her, and he that strengthened her in these times.

akjv@Daniel:11:27 @ And both of these kings'hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table; but it shall not prosper: for yet the end shall be at the time appointed.

akjv@Daniel:11:41 @ He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.

akjv@Daniel:12:6 @ And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was on the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?

akjv@Daniel:12:7 @ And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was on the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand to heaven, and swore by him that lives for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.

akjv@Daniel:12:8 @ And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?

akjv@Hosea:2:12 @ And I will destroy her vines and her fig trees, whereof she has said, These are my rewards that my lovers have given me: and I will make them a forest, and the beasts of the field shall eat them.

akjv@Hosea:14:9 @ Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the LORD are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein.

akjv@Amos:6:2 @ Pass you to Calneh, and see; and from there go you to Hamath the great: then go down to Gath of the Philistines: be they better than these kingdoms? or their border greater than your border?

akjv@Micah:2:7 @ O you that are named the house of Jacob, is the spirit of the LORD straitened? are these his doings? do not my words do good to him that walks uprightly?

akjv@Habakkuk:2:6 @ Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb against him, and say, Woe to him that increases that which is not his! how long? and to him that lades himself with thick clay!

akjv@Haggai:2:13 @ Then said Haggai, If one that is unclean by a dead body touch any of these, shall it be unclean? And the priests answered and said, It shall be unclean.

akjv@Zechariah:1:9 @ Then said I, O my lord, what are these? And the angel that talked with me said to me, I will show you what these be.

akjv@Zechariah:1:10 @ And the man that stood among the myrtle trees answered and said, These are they whom the LORD has sent to walk to and fro through the earth.

akjv@Zechariah:1:12 @ Then the angel of the LORD answered and said, O LORD of hosts, how long will you not have mercy on Jerusalem and on the cities of Judah, against which you have had indignation these three score and ten years?

akjv@Zechariah:1:19 @ And I said to the angel that talked with me, What be these? And he answered me, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem.

akjv@Zechariah:1:21 @ Then said I, What come these to do? And he spoke, saying, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, so that no man did lift up his head: but these are come to fray them, to cast out the horns of the Gentiles, which lifted up their horn over the land of Judah to scatter it.

akjv@Zechariah:3:7 @ Thus said the LORD of hosts; If you will walk in my ways, and if you will keep my charge, then you shall also judge my house, and shall also keep my courts, and I will give you places to walk among these that stand by.

akjv@Zechariah:4:4 @ So I answered and spoke to the angel that talked with me, saying, What are these, my lord?

akjv@Zechariah:4:5 @ Then the angel that talked with me answered and said to me, Know you not what these be? And I said, No, my lord.

akjv@Zechariah:4:11 @ Then answered I, and said to him, What are these two olive trees on the right side of the candlestick and on the left side thereof?

akjv@Zechariah:4:12 @ And I answered again, and said to him, What be these two olive branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves?

akjv@Zechariah:4:13 @ And he answered me and said, Know you not what these be? And I said, No, my lord.

akjv@Zechariah:4:14 @ Then said he, These are the two anointed ones, that stand by the LORD of the whole earth.

akjv@Zechariah:5:10 @ Then said I to the angel that talked with me, Where do these bear the ephah?

akjv@Zechariah:6:4 @ Then I answered and said to the angel that talked with me, What are these, my lord?

akjv@Zechariah:6:5 @ And the angel answered and said to me, These are the four spirits of the heavens, which go forth from standing before the LORD of all the earth.

akjv@Zechariah:6:8 @ Then cried he on me, and spoke to me, saying, Behold, these that go toward the north country have quieted my spirit in the north country.

akjv@Zechariah:7:3 @ And to speak to the priests which were in the house of the LORD of hosts, and to the prophets, saying, Should I weep in the fifth month, separating myself, as I have done these so many years?

akjv@Zechariah:8:6 @ Thus said the LORD of hosts; If it be marvelous in the eyes of the remnant of this people in these days, should it also be marvelous in my eyes? said the LORD of hosts.

akjv@Zechariah:8:9 @ Thus said the LORD of hosts; Let your hands be strong, you that hear in these days these words by the mouth of the prophets, which were in the day that the foundation of the house of the LORD of hosts was laid, that the temple might be built.

akjv@Zechariah:8:10 @ For before these days there was no hire for man, nor any hire for beast; neither was there any peace to him that went out or came in because of the affliction: for I set all men every one against his neighbor.

akjv@Zechariah:8:12 @ For the seed shall be prosperous; the vine shall give her fruit, and the ground shall give her increase, and the heavens shall give their dew; and I will cause the remnant of this people to possess all these things.

akjv@Zechariah:8:15 @ So again have I thought in these days to do well to Jerusalem and to the house of Judah: fear you not.

akjv@Zechariah:8:16 @ These are the things that you shall do; Speak you every man the truth to his neighbor; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates:

akjv@Zechariah:8:17 @ And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbor; and love no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, said the LORD.

akjv@Zechariah:13:6 @ And one shall say to him, What are these wounds in your hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.

akjv@Zechariah:14:15 @ And so shall be the plague of the horse, of the mule, of the camel, and of the ass, and of all the beasts that shall be in these tents, as this plague.