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OT.filter - nkjv wage:

nkjv@Genesis:29:15 @ Then Laban said to Jacob, "Because you are my relative, should you therefore serve me for nothing? Tell me, what should your wages be?

nkjv@Genesis:30:18 @ Leah said, "God has given me my wages, because I have given my maid to my husband." So she called his name Issachar.

nkjv@Genesis:30:28 @ Then he said, "Name me your wages, and I will give it."

nkjv@Genesis:30:32 @ Let me pass through all your flock today, removing from there all the speckled and spotted sheep, and all the brown ones among the lambs, and the spotted and speckled among the goats; and these shall be my wages.

nkjv@Genesis:30:33 @ So my righteousness will answer for me in time to come, when the subject of my wages comes before you: every one that is not speckled and spotted among the goats, and brown among the lambs, will be considered stolen, if it is with me."

nkjv@Genesis:31:7 @ Yet your father has deceived me and changed my wages ten times, but God did not allow him to hurt me.

nkjv@Genesis:31:8 @ If he said thus: "The speckled shall be your wages,' then all the flocks bore speckled. And if he said thus: "The streaked shall be your wages,' then all the flocks bore streaked.

nkjv@Genesis:31:41 @ Thus I have been in your house twenty years; I served you fourteen years for your two daughters, and six years for your flock, and you have changed my wages ten times.

nkjv@Exodus:2:9 @ Then Pharaoh's daughter said to her, "Take this child away and nurse him for me, and I will give you your wages." So the woman took the child and nursed him.

nkjv@Leviticus:19:13 @ "You shall not cheat your neighbor, nor rob him. The wages of him who is hired shall not remain with you all night until morning.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:23:18 @ You shall not bring the wages of a harlot or the price of a dog to the house of the LORD your God for any vowed offering, for both of these are an abomination to the LORD your God.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:24:15 @ Each day you shall give him his wages, and not let the sun go down on it, for he is poor and has set his heart on it; lest he cry out against you to the LORD, and it be sin to you.

nkjv@1Kings:5:6 @ Now therefore, command that they cut down cedars for me from Lebanon; and my servants will be with your servants, and I will pay you wages for your servants according to whatever you say. For you know there is none among us who has skill to cut timber like the Sidonians.

nkjv@Job:7:2 @ Like a servant who earnestly desires the shade, And like a hired man who eagerly looks for his wages,

nkjv@Proverbs:10:16 @ The labor of the righteous leads to life, The wages of the wicked to sin.

nkjv@Proverbs:20:18 @ Plans are established by counsel; By wise counsel wage war.

nkjv@Proverbs:24:6 @ For by wise counsel you will wage your own war, And in a multitude of counselors there is safety.

nkjv@Proverbs:26:10 @ The great God who formed everything Gives the fool his hire and the transgressor his wages.

nkjv@Isaiah:19:10 @ And its foundations will be broken. All who make wages will be troubled of soul.

nkjv@Isaiah:55:2 @ Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And let your soul delight itself in abundance.

nkjv@Jeremiah:22:13 @ "Woe to him who builds his house by unrighteousness And his chambers by injustice, Who uses his neighbor's service without wages And gives him nothing for his work,

nkjv@Ezekiel:29:18 @ "Son of man, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon caused his army to labor strenuously against Tyre; every head was made bald, and every shoulder rubbed raw; yet neither he nor his army received wages from Tyre, for the labor which they expended on it.

nkjv@Ezekiel:29:19 @ Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: "Surely I will give the land of Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon; he shall take away her wealth, carry off her spoil, and remove her pillage; and that will be the wages for his army.

nkjv@Hosea:2:12 @ "And I will destroy her vines and her fig trees, Of which she has said, "These are my wages that my lovers have given me.' So I will make them a forest, And the beasts of the field shall eat them.

nkjv@Haggai:1:6 @ "You have sown much, and bring in little; You eat, but do not have enough; You drink, but you are not filled with drink; You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; And he who earns wages, Earns wages to put into a bag with holes."

nkjv@Zechariah:8:10 @ For before these days There were no wages for man nor any hire for beast; There was no peace from the enemy for whoever went out or came in; For I set all men, everyone, against his neighbor.

nkjv@Zechariah:11:12 @ Then I said to them, "If it is agreeable to you, give me my wages; and if not, refrain." So they weighed out for my wages thirty pieces of silver.

nkjv@Malachi:3:5 @ And I will come near you for judgment; I will be a swift witness Against sorcerers, Against adulterers, Against perjurers, Against those who exploit wage earners and widows and orphans, And against those who turn away an alien-- Because they do not fear Me," Says the LORD of hosts.

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