Indexes Search Result: indexed - Therefore
Found: kjv@Psalms:46:2 @ Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed,...

Found: kjv@Matthew:24:44 @ Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour...

Found: kjv@Romans:3:28 @ Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith...

Found: kjv@Romans:5:1 @ Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God...

Found: kjv@Hosea:12:6 @ Therefore turn thou to thy God: keep mercy and judgment,...

Found: kjv@Mark:2:28 @ Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the...

Found: kjv@Mark:11:24 @ Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire,...

Found: kjv@2Corinthians:5:17 @ Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a...

Found: kjv@Psalms:1:5 @ Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor...

Found: kjv@Luke:12:22 @ And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto...

Found: Romans:4:22-24 @ FAITH2 - IV. Concl.: Therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness (v.22), but not only for Abe but for all (vv.23-24)

Found: 1Clement:14:1 <1CLEMENT>@ Therefore it is right and proper, brethren, that we should be obedient unto God, rather than follow those who in arrogance and unruliness have set themselves up as leaders in abominable jealousy.

Found: 1Clement:15:1 <1CLEMENT>@ Therefore let us cleave unto them that practice peace with godliness, and not unto them that desire peace with dissimulation.

Found: 1Clement:16:13 <1CLEMENT>@ Therefore He shall inherit many, and shall divide the spoils of the strong; because His soul was delivered unto death, and He was reckoned unto the transgressors;

Found: 1Clement:23:2 <1CLEMENT>@ Therefore let us not be double-minded, neither let our soul indulge in idle humors respecting His exceeding and glorious gifts.

Found: 1Clement:27:3 <1CLEMENT>@ Therefore let our faith in Him be kindled within us, and let us understand that all things are nigh unto Him.

Found: 1Clement:56:1 <1CLEMENT>@ Therefore let us also make intercession for them that are in any transgression, that forbearance and humility may be given them, to the end that they may yield not unto us, but unto the will of God. For so shall the compassionate remembrance of them with God and the saints be fruitful unto them, and perfect.

Found: 1Clement:57:6 <1CLEMENT>@ Therefore they shall eat the fruits of their own way, and shall be filled with their own ungodliness.

Found: 1Clement:63:1 <1CLEMENT>@ Therefore it is right for us to give heed to so great and so many examples and to submit the neck and occupying the place of obedience to take our side with them that are the leaders of our souls, that ceasing from this foolish dissension we may attain unto the goal which lieth before us in truthfulness, keeping aloof from every fault.

Found: 2Clement:12:4 <2CLEMENT>@ And by the outside as the inside He meaneth this: by the inside he meaneth the soul and by the outside the body. Therefore in like manner as they body appeareth, so also let thy soul be manifest by its good works.

Found: 2Clement:13:1 <2CLEMENT>@ Therefore, brethren, let us repent forthwith. Let us be sober unto that which is good: for we are full of much folly and wickedness. Let us wipe away from us our former sins, and let us not be found to be men pleasers. Neither let us desire to please one another only, but also those men that are without, by our righteousness, that the Name be not blasphemed by reason of us.

Found: 2Clement:16:1 <2CLEMENT>@ Therefore, brethren, since we have found no small opportunity for repentance, seeing that we have time, let us turn again unto God that called us, while we have still One that receiveth us.

Found: 2Clement:17:2 <2CLEMENT>@ Therefore let us assist one another, that we may also lead the weak upward as touching that which is good, to the end that we all may be saved: and let us convert and admonish one another.

Found: 2Clement:18:1 <2CLEMENT>@ Therefore let us also be found among those that give thanks, among those that have served God, and not among the ungodly that are judged.

Found: 2Clement:19:1 <2CLEMENT>@ Therefore, brothers and sisters, after the God of truth hath been heard, I read unto you an exhortation to the end that ye may give heed to the things which are written, for that ye may save both yourselves and him that readeth in the midst of you. For I ask of you as a reward that ye repent with your whole heart, and give salvation and life to yourselves. For doing this we shall set a goal for all the young who desire to toil in the study of piety and of the goodness of God.

Found: 2Clement:19:4 <2CLEMENT>@ Therefore let not the godly be grieved, if he be miserable in the times that now are: a blessed time awaiteth him. He shall live again in heaven with our fathers, and shall have rejoicing throughout a sorrowless eternity.

Found: Barnabas:5:11 @ Therefore the Son of God came in the flesh to this end, that He might sum up the complete tale of their sins against those who persecuted and slew His prophets.

Found: Barnabas:7:10 @ For how is He like the goat? For this reason it says the goats shall be fair and alike, that, when they shall see Him coming then, they may be astonished at the likeness of the goat. Therefore behold the type of Jesus that was to suffer.

Found: Barnabas:9:2 @ And again He saith; Hear, O Israel, for thus saith the Lord thy God. Who is he that desireth to live forever, let him hear with his ears the voice of My servant. ~y And again He saith; Hear, O heaven, and give ear, O earth, for the Lord hath spoken these things for a testimony. And again He saith; Hear the words of the Lord, ye rulers of this people. And again He saith; Hear, O my children, the voice of one crying in the wilderness. Therefore He circumcised our ears, that hearing the word we might believe.

Found: Barnabas:11:7 @ Not so are the ungodly, not so, but are as the dust which the wind scattereth from the face of the earth. Therefore ungodly men shall not stand in judgment, neither sinners in the council of the righteous; for the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous, and the way of the ungodly shall perish.

Found: Barnabas:14:7 @ Therefore saith the prophet; I the Lord thy God called thee in righteousness, and I will lay hold of thy hand and will strengthen thee, and I have given thee to be a covenant of the race, a light to the Gentiles, to open the eyes of the blind, and to bring forth them that are bound from their fetters, and them that sit in darkness from their prison house. We perceive then whence we were ransomed.

Found: Barnabas:15:4 @ Give heed, children, what this meaneth; He ended in six days. He meaneth this, that in six thousand years the Lord shall bring all things to an end; for the day with Him signifyeth a thousand years; and this He himself beareth me witness, saying; Behold, the day of the Lord shall be as a thousand years. Therefore, children, in six days, that is in six thousand years, everything shall come to an end.

Found: Didache:15:2 @ Therefore despise them not; for they are your honorable men along with the prophets and teachers.

Found: Diognetus:2:6 @ Therefore ye hate the Christians, because they do not consider these to be gods.

Found: Diognetus:2:9 @ Let one of yourselves undergo this treatment, let him submit to these things being done to him. Nay, not so much as a single individual will willingly submit to such punishment, for he has sensibility and reason; but a stone submits, because it is insensible Therefore ye convict his sensibility.

Found: Hermas:3:1 @ "Yet it is not for this that God is wroth with thee, but that thou mayest convert thy family, that hath done wrong against the Lord and against you their parents. But out of fondness for thy children thou didst not admonish thy family, but didst suffer it to become fearfully corrupt. Therefore the Lord is wroth with thee. But He will heal all thy past sins, which have been committed in thy family; for by reason of their sins and iniquities thou hast been corrupted by the affairs of this world.

Found: Hermas:210:1 @ "What did they suffer?" say I. "Listen," saith she. "Stripes, imprisonments, great tribulations, crosses, wild beasts, for the Name's sake. Therefore to them belongs the right side of the Holiness--to them, and to all who shall suffer for the Name. But for the rest is the left side. Howbeit, to both, to them that sit on the right, and to them that sit on the left, are the same gifts, and the same promises, only they sit on the right and have a certain glory.

Found: Hermas:513:1 @ "Hear now concerning the stones that go to the building The stones that are squared and white, and that fit together in their joints, these are the apostles and bishops and teachers and deacons, who walked after the holiness of God, and exercised their office of bishop and teacher and deacon in purity and sanctity for the elect of God, some of them already fallen on sleep, and others still living. And because they always agreed with one another, they both had peace among themselves and listened one to another. Therefore their joinings fit together in the building of the tower."

Found: Hermas:5[13^:1 @ But wouldst thou know about them that are broken in pieces, and cast away far from the tower? These are the sons of lawlessness. They received the faith in hypocrisy, and no wickedness was absent from them. Therefore they have not salvation, for they are not useful for building by reason of their wickednesses. Therefore they were broken up and thrown far away by reason of the wrath of the Lord, for they excited Him to wrath.

Found: Hermas:5[13^:2 @ But the rest whom thou hast seen lying in great numbers, not going to the building, of these they that are mildewed are they that knew the truth, but did not abide in it, nor cleave to the saints. Therefore they are useless."

Found: Hermas:223:4 @ "Thou didst escape it well," saith she, "because thou didst cast thy care upon God, and didst open thy heart to the Lord, believing that thou canst be saved by nothing else but by His great and glorious Name. Therefore the Lord sent His angel, which is over the beasts, whose name is Segri, and shut his mouth that it might not hurt thee. Thou hast escaped a great tribulation by reason of thy faith, and because, though thou sawest so huge a beast, thou didst not doubt in thy mind.

Found: Hermas:127:7 @ Therefore keep this commandment, as I have told thee, that thine own repentance and that of thy household may be found to be sincere, and thy heart pure and undefiled."

Found: Hermas:137:4 @ Fear therefore is of two kinds. If thou desire to do evil, fear the Lord, and thou shalt not do it. If again thou desire to do good, fear the Lord and thou shalt do it. Therefore the fear of the Lord is powerful and great and glorious. Fear the Lord then, and thou shalt live unto Him; yea, and as many of them that keep His commandments as shall fear Him, shall live unto God."

Found: Hermas:139:9 @ Therefore despise doubtful-mindedness and gain the mastery over it in everything, clothing thyself with faith which is strong and powerful. For faith promiseth all things, accomplisheth all things; but doubtful-mindedness, as having no confidence in itself, fails in all the works which it doeth.

Found: Hermas:342:1 @ "Therefore clothe thyself in cheerfulness, which hath favor with Cod always, and is acceptable to Him, and rejoice in it. For every cheerful man worketh good, and thinketh good, and despiseth sadness;

Found: Hermas:342:4 @ Therefore cleanse thyself from this wicked sadness, and thou shalt live unto God; yea, and all they shall live unto God, who shall cast away sadness from themselves and clothe themselves in all cheerfulness."

Found: Hermas:143:16 @ I have given thee the life of both kinds of prophets. Therefore test, by his life and his works, the man who says that he is moved by the Spirit.

Found: Hermas:447:5 @ Therefore do ye, who are empty and fickle in the faith, set your Lord in your heart, and ye shall perceive that nothing is easier than these commandments, nor sweeter, nor more gentle.

Found: Hermas:150:8 @ Therefore, instead of fields buy ye souls that are in trouble, as each is able, and visit widows and orphans, and neglect them not; and spend your riches and all your displays, which ye received from God, on fields and houses of this kind.

Found: Hermas:760:4 @ But now keep thyself, and the Lord Almighty, Who is full of compassion, will give healing for thy former deeds of ignorance, if henceforth thou defile not thy flesh, neither the Spirit; for both share in common, and the one cannot be defiled without the other. Therefore keep both pure, and thou shalt live unto God."

Found: Hermas:874:1 @ "But they that gave up their rods half green and half withered, these are they that are mixed up in business and cleave not to the saints. Therefore the one half of them liveth, but the other half is dead.

Found: Hermas:1289:2 @ The Son of God is older than all His creation, so that He became the Father's adviser in His creation. Therefore also He is ancient." "But the gate, why is it recent, Sir?" say I.

Found: Hermas:15[92^:6 @ Therefore they went down with them into the water, and came up again. But these went down alive and again came up alive; whereas the others that had fallen asleep before them went down dead and came up alive.

Found: Hermas:1895:2 @ If then he that ought to do good committeth wickedness, does he not seem to do greater wickedness than the man that knoweth not God? Therefore they that have not known God, and commit wickedness, are condemned to death; but they that have known God and seen His mighty works, and yet commit wickedness, shall receive a double punishment, and shall die eternally. In this way therefore shall the Church of God be purified.

Found: Hermas:20[97^:2 @ Therefore their foundations are dry and without power, and their words only live, but their works are dead. Such men are neither alive nor dead. They are, therefore, like unto the double-minded; for the double-minded are neither green nor withered; for they are neither alive nor dead.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:4:1 @ So then it becometh you to run in harmony with the mind of the bishop; which thing also ye do. For your honorable presbytery, which is worthy of God, is attuned to the bishop, even as its strings to a lyre. Therefore in your concord and harmonious love Jesus Christ is sung.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:10:1 @ And pray ye also without ceasing for the rest of mankind (for there is in them a hope of repentance), that they may find God. Therefore permit them to take lessons at least from your works.

Found: IgnatiusMagnesians:6:2 @ Therefore do ye all study conformity to God and pay reverence one to another; and let no man regard his neighbor after the flesh, but love ye one another in Jesus Christ always. Let there be nothing among you which shall have power to divide you, but be ye united with the bishop and with them that preside over you as an ensample and a lesson of incorruptibility.

Found: IgnatiusMagnesians:7:1 @ Therefore as the Lord did nothing without the Father, being united with Him, either by Himself or by the Apostles, so neither do ye anything without the bishop and the presbyters. And attempt not to think anything right for yourselves apart from others: but let there be one prayer in common, one supplication, one mind, one hope, in love and in joy unblamable, which is Jesus Christ, than whom there is nothing better.

Found: IgnatiusMagnesians:10:1 @ Therefore let us not be insensible to His goodness. For if He should imitate us according to our deeds, we are lost. For this cause, seeing that we are become His disciples, let us learn to live as beseemeth Christianity. For whoso is called by another name besides this, is not of God.

Found: IgnatiusMagnesians:10:2 @ Therefore put away the vile leaven which hath waxed stale and sour, and betake yourselves to the new leaven, which is Jesus Christ. Be ye salted in Him, that none among you grow putrid, seeing that by your savor ye shall be proved.

Found: IgnatiusPolycarp:2:2 @ Be thou prudent as the serpent in all things and guileless always as the dove. Therefore art thou made of flesh and spirit, that thou mayest humor the things which appear before thine eyes; and as for the invisible things, pray thou that they may be revealed unto thee; that thou mayest be lacking in nothing, but mayest abound in every spiritual gift.

Found: IgnatiusSmyrneans:11:2 @ Therefore that your work may be perfected both on earth and in heaven, it is meet that your church should appoint, for the honor of God, an ambassador of God that he may go as far as Syria and congratulate them because they are at peace, and have recovered their proper stature, and their proper bulk hath been restored to them.

Found: Polycarp:10:3 @ But woe to him through whom the name of the Lord be blasphemed. Therefore teach all men soberness, in which ye yourselves also walk.

Found: Polycarp:11:4 @ Therefore I am exceedingly grieved for him and for his wife, unto whom may the Lord grant true repentance. Be ye therefore yourselves also sober herein, and hold not such as enemies but restore them as frail and erring members, that ye may save the whole body of you. For so doing, ye do edify one another.

Found: wbs@Matthew:6:31 @ Jesus By Command - Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed...

Found: wbs@Matthew:6:31 @ Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? - Jesus By Question