Indexes Search Result: indexed - cycle
Found: rsv@Songs:1 @ THE SONG OF SOLOMON - This book, the only one in the Bible that has love for its sole theme, is a collection or cycle of marriage songs. Again, as with Ecclesiastes, the composition is about Solomon, and not by him. The Song is didactic and moral in its purpose, and has traditionally been interpreted as showing God’s love for His Chosen People and Christ’s love for His Bride, the Church.

Found: Caraway Essential Oil,Properties: It is a Galactogogue/ antihistaminic/ antiseptic/ anti spasmodic/ carminative/ digestive/ stomachic/ disinfectant/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ aperitif/ astringent/ insecticide/ stimulant/ tonic/ and vermifuge.,Health benefits: It has been known to increase milk in the breasts/ curb histamin to fight coughs/ protect wounds against becoming septic/ and is very good for the heart. Furthermore/ this essential oil cures spasms and cramps/ removes excess gas/ promotes digestion/ maintains stomach health/ fights infections/ increases urination and helps remove toxins from body. Finally/ it regulates menstrual cycles/ cures coughs/ increases appetite/ contracts gums and muscles/ kills insects/ stimulates secretions/ and generally increases overall health.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Catnip Essential Oil,Properties: This lesser known essential oil is antispasmodic/ carminative/ diaphoretic/ emenagogue/ nervine/ stomachic/ stimulant/ and astringent.,Health benefits: It is commonly used to fight spasms/ remove gases/ promote sweating/ open obstructed menses and regulate their cycles/ strengthen the nervous system/ maintain stomach health/ and generally stimulate appropriate system functioning in the body.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Cedarwood Essential Oil,Properties: It is antiseborrhoeic/ antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ tonic/ astringent/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ insecticidal/ sedative/ and a fungicide.,Health benefits: Cedarwood is known to help cure seborrhoea/ heal wounds/ fight spasms/ cause contractions in the gums/ muscles/ tissues/ skin and blood vessels/ while increasing urination and the subsequent removal of toxins/ water/ salt and fat from the body. It also regulates menstrual cycles/ cures coughs and colds/ kills insects/ sedates inflammation and nervous disturbances/ and inhibits fungal growth and infections.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Cumin Essential Oil,Properties: This essential oil is bactericidal/ carminative/ digestive/ diuretic/ antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ detoxifying/ emenagogue/ stimulant/ nervine/ and tonic in nature.,Health benefits: It has been known to kill bacteria and inhibits bacterial infection/ while removing excess gas from the intestine/ promoting digestion/ increasing urination/ and protecting wounds against becoming septic. It also reduces spasms/ removes toxins from the blood/ regulates the menstrual cycle/ and is good for the response time of the nervous system.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Davana Essential Oil,Properties: It is commonly used as an antidepressant/ antiseptic/ antiviral/ disinfectant/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ relaxant and a vulnerary.,Health benefits: Traditionally/ it is used to fight depression and uplift mood/ protect against wounds becoming septic/ fight viral infections/ and provide relief from obstructed menstrual cycles and regulates them. It also expels phlegm & catarrh/ relaxes the body and mind/ while healing wounds.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Fennel Essential Oil,Properties: Fennel essential oil is an antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ aperitif/ carminative/ depurative/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ galactogogue/ laxative/ stimulant/ stomachic/ splenic/ tonic/ and a vermifuge.,Health benefits: It has also been found to protect wounds against becoming septic/ and it clears spasm/ increases appetite/ removes excess gas/ purifies blood/ increases urination/ and promotes a regulated menstrual cycle. Fennel essential oil defends against cough and cold/ increases milk secretion/ helps clear bowels and constipation/ stimulates systems/ and is good for stomach and spleen health.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Frankincense Essential Oil,Properties: It is commonly used as an antiseptic/ disinfectant/ astringent/ carminative/ cicatrisant/ cytophylactic/ digestive/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ sedative/ tonic/ uterine/ and vulnerary.,Health benefits: Frankincense essential oil protects wounds from becoming septic/ fights infections/ induces contractions in gums/ muscles and blood vessels/ and removes excess gas/ heals scars/ keeps cells healthy and promotes their regeneration. It promotes digestion/ increases urination/ regulates menstrual cycles/ cures coughs and colds/ soothes anxiety and inflammation/ and ensures good health of the uterus.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Jasmine Essential Oil,Properties: It is considered an antidepressant/ antiseptic/ aphrodisiac/ antispasmodic/ cicatrisant/ expectorant/ galactogogue/ emenagogue/ parturient/ sedative and uterine.,Health benefits: Jasmine essential oil fights depression and uplifts mood/ protects wounds/ cures sexual dysfunctions/ and increases libido. It also reduces spasms/ heals scars and after marks/ gives relief from phlegm and coughs/ increases breast milk/ and regulates obstructed menstrual cycles. The oil also eases the delivery of babies and labor pains/ while sedating inflammation and nervous disturbances.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Tarragon Essential Oil,Properties: Tarragon essential oil is an antirheumatic/ aperitif/ circulatory agent/ digestive/ deodorant/ emenagogue/ stimulant and a vermifuge.,Health benefits: This oil also treats rheumatism and arthritis/ enhances appetite/ improves circulation of blood and lymph/ facilitates digestion/ eliminates body odor/ relieves obstructed menstruation and regulates the menstrual cycle/ stimulates systemic functions and kills intestinal worms.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Thuja Essential Oil,Properties: This type of essential oil is an antirheumatic/ astringent/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ insect repellent/ rubefacient/ stimulant/ tonic and a vermifuge substance.,Health benefits: It has been commonly used to treat rheumatism and arthritis/ tighten gums and muscles/ as well as helping to stop hair loss. It reduces the chances of hemorrhage/ increases urination and removal of toxins/ relieves obstructed menstruation and regulates the cycle/ expels phlegm & catarrh/ repels insects/ brings color to the skin/ stimulates systemic functions/ and generally tones up the body.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Thyme Essential Oil,Properties: This type of oil is an antispasmodic/ antirheumatic/ antiseptic/ bactericidal/ bechic/ cardiac/ carminative/ cicatrisant/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ hypertensive/ insecticide/ stimulant/ tonic/ and vermifugal substance.,Health benefits: It can be employed to eliminate spasms/ give relief from rheumatism by removing toxins/ protect wounds from becoming septic/ and it kills bacteria. Thyme essential oil helps to cure chest infections/ coughs and colds/ is good for heart health/ gives relief from excess gas/ heals scars and after marks/ increases urination/ regulates menstrual cycles/ and cures coughs and colds.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Wintergreen Essential Oil,Properties: Wintergreen essential oil is commonly used as an analgesic/ anodyne/ antirheumatic/ antiarthritic/ antispasmodic/ antiseptic/ aromatic/ astringent/ carminative/ diuretic/ emenagogue and a stimulating substance.,Health benefits: Traditionally/ it is used for pain relief/ relaxation of the body and mind/ treatment of rheumatism and arthritis/ as well as for reduction in spasms. Furthermore/ it protects against sepsis/ spreads a pleasant fragrance/ tightens gums and muscles and helps stop hair loss. Finally/ it reduces the risk of hemorrhaging/ removes gases/ increases urination and the subsequent removal of toxins/ and regulates a normal and healthy menstrual cycle.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Wormwood Essential Oil,Properties: It is an antihelmitic/ cholagogue/ deodorant/ digestive/ emenagogue/ febrifuge/ insecticide/ narcotic/ vermifuge and tonic type of substance.,Health benefits: Wormwood essential oil kills worms and larvae/ promotes secretion of bile and other discharges/ eliminates body odor/ facilitates digestion/ regulates and moderates an unobstructed menstrual cycle/ reduces fever/ kills & repels insects/ and generally increases the tone and health of the body.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Caraway Essential Oil,Properties: It is a Galactogogue/ antihistaminic/ antiseptic/ anti spasmodic/ carminative/ digestive/ stomachic/ disinfectant/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ aperitif/ astringent/ insecticide/ stimulant/ tonic/ and vermifuge.,Health benefits: It has been known to increase milk in the breasts/ curb histamin to fight coughs/ protect wounds against becoming septic/ and is very good for the heart. Furthermore/ this essential oil cures spasms and cramps/ removes excess gas/ promotes digestion/ maintains stomach health/ fights infections/ increases urination and helps remove toxins from body. Finally/ it regulates menstrual cycles/ cures coughs/ increases appetite/ contracts gums and muscles/ kills insects/ stimulates secretions/ and generally increases overall health.,

Found: Catnip Essential Oil,Properties: This lesser known essential oil is antispasmodic/ carminative/ diaphoretic/ emenagogue/ nervine/ stomachic/ stimulant/ and astringent.,Health benefits: It is commonly used to fight spasms/ remove gases/ promote sweating/ open obstructed menses and regulate their cycles/ strengthen the nervous system/ maintain stomach health/ and generally stimulate appropriate system functioning in the body.,

Found: Cedarwood Essential Oil,Properties: It is antiseborrhoeic/ antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ tonic/ astringent/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ insecticidal/ sedative/ and a fungicide.,Health benefits: Cedarwood is known to help cure seborrhoea/ heal wounds/ fight spasms/ cause contractions in the gums/ muscles/ tissues/ skin and blood vessels/ while increasing urination and the subsequent removal of toxins/ water/ salt and fat from the body. It also regulates menstrual cycles/ cures coughs and colds/ kills insects/ sedates inflammation and nervous disturbances/ and inhibits fungal growth and infections.,

Found: Cumin Essential Oil,Properties: This essential oil is bactericidal/ carminative/ digestive/ diuretic/ antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ detoxifying/ emenagogue/ stimulant/ nervine/ and tonic in nature.,Health benefits: It has been known to kill bacteria and inhibits bacterial infection/ while removing excess gas from the intestine/ promoting digestion/ increasing urination/ and protecting wounds against becoming septic. It also reduces spasms/ removes toxins from the blood/ regulates the menstrual cycle/ and is good for the response time of the nervous system.,

Found: Davana Essential Oil,Properties: It is commonly used as an antidepressant/ antiseptic/ antiviral/ disinfectant/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ relaxant and a vulnerary.,Health benefits: Traditionally/ it is used to fight depression and uplift mood/ protect against wounds becoming septic/ fight viral infections/ and provide relief from obstructed menstrual cycles and regulates them. It also expels phlegm & catarrh/ relaxes the body and mind/ while healing wounds.,

Found: Fennel Essential Oil,Properties: Fennel essential oil is an antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ aperitif/ carminative/ depurative/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ galactogogue/ laxative/ stimulant/ stomachic/ splenic/ tonic/ and a vermifuge.,Health benefits: It has also been found to protect wounds against becoming septic/ and it clears spasm/ increases appetite/ removes excess gas/ purifies blood/ increases urination/ and promotes a regulated menstrual cycle. Fennel essential oil defends against cough and cold/ increases milk secretion/ helps clear bowels and constipation/ stimulates systems/ and is good for stomach and spleen health.,

Found: Frankincense Essential Oil,Properties: It is commonly used as an antiseptic/ disinfectant/ astringent/ carminative/ cicatrisant/ cytophylactic/ digestive/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ sedative/ tonic/ uterine/ and vulnerary.,Health benefits: Frankincense essential oil protects wounds from becoming septic/ fights infections/ induces contractions in gums/ muscles and blood vessels/ and removes excess gas/ heals scars/ keeps cells healthy and promotes their regeneration. It promotes digestion/ increases urination/ regulates menstrual cycles/ cures coughs and colds/ soothes anxiety and inflammation/ and ensures good health of the uterus.,

Found: Jasmine Essential Oil,Properties: It is considered an antidepressant/ antiseptic/ aphrodisiac/ antispasmodic/ cicatrisant/ expectorant/ galactogogue/ emenagogue/ parturient/ sedative and uterine.,Health benefits: Jasmine essential oil fights depression and uplifts mood/ protects wounds/ cures sexual dysfunctions/ and increases libido. It also reduces spasms/ heals scars and after marks/ gives relief from phlegm and coughs/ increases breast milk/ and regulates obstructed menstrual cycles. The oil also eases the delivery of babies and labor pains/ while sedating inflammation and nervous disturbances.,

Found: Tarragon Essential Oil,Properties: Tarragon essential oil is an antirheumatic/ aperitif/ circulatory agent/ digestive/ deodorant/ emenagogue/ stimulant and a vermifuge.,Health benefits: This oil also treats rheumatism and arthritis/ enhances appetite/ improves circulation of blood and lymph/ facilitates digestion/ eliminates body odor/ relieves obstructed menstruation and regulates the menstrual cycle/ stimulates systemic functions and kills intestinal worms.,

Found: Thuja Essential Oil,Properties: This type of essential oil is an antirheumatic/ astringent/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ insect repellent/ rubefacient/ stimulant/ tonic and a vermifuge substance.,Health benefits: It has been commonly used to treat rheumatism and arthritis/ tighten gums and muscles/ as well as helping to stop hair loss. It reduces the chances of hemorrhage/ increases urination and removal of toxins/ relieves obstructed menstruation and regulates the cycle/ expels phlegm & catarrh/ repels insects/ brings color to the skin/ stimulates systemic functions/ and generally tones up the body.,

Found: Thyme Essential Oil,Properties: This type of oil is an antispasmodic/ antirheumatic/ antiseptic/ bactericidal/ bechic/ cardiac/ carminative/ cicatrisant/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ hypertensive/ insecticide/ stimulant/ tonic/ and vermifugal substance.,Health benefits: It can be employed to eliminate spasms/ give relief from rheumatism by removing toxins/ protect wounds from becoming septic/ and it kills bacteria. Thyme essential oil helps to cure chest infections/ coughs and colds/ is good for heart health/ gives relief from excess gas/ heals scars and after marks/ increases urination/ regulates menstrual cycles/ and cures coughs and colds.,

Found: Wintergreen Essential Oil,Properties: Wintergreen essential oil is commonly used as an analgesic/ anodyne/ antirheumatic/ antiarthritic/ antispasmodic/ antiseptic/ aromatic/ astringent/ carminative/ diuretic/ emenagogue and a stimulating substance.,Health benefits: Traditionally/ it is used for pain relief/ relaxation of the body and mind/ treatment of rheumatism and arthritis/ as well as for reduction in spasms. Furthermore/ it protects against sepsis/ spreads a pleasant fragrance/ tightens gums and muscles and helps stop hair loss. Finally/ it reduces the risk of hemorrhaging/ removes gases/ increases urination and the subsequent removal of toxins/ and regulates a normal and healthy menstrual cycle.,

Found: Wormwood Essential Oil,Properties: It is an antihelmitic/ cholagogue/ deodorant/ digestive/ emenagogue/ febrifuge/ insecticide/ narcotic/ vermifuge and tonic type of substance.,Health benefits: Wormwood essential oil kills worms and larvae/ promotes secretion of bile and other discharges/ eliminates body odor/ facilitates digestion/ regulates and moderates an unobstructed menstrual cycle/ reduces fever/ kills & repels insects/ and generally increases the tone and health of the body.,