Indexes Search Result: indexed - hough
Found: kjv@Psalms:27:3 @ Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall...

Found: kjv@Isaiah:55:7 @ Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man...

Found: kjv@Isaiah:55:8 @ For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your...

Found: kjv@Isaiah:55:9 @ For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so...

Found: kjv@Psalms:46:2 @ Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed,...

Found: kjv@Psalms:46:3 @ Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the...

Found: kjv@Genesis:50:20 @ But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but...

Found: kjv@John:11:25 @ Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the...

Found: kjv@Proverbs:16:3 @ Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall...

Found: kjv@Luke:12:22 @ And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto...

Found: kjv@Luke:12:25 @ And which of you with taking thought can add to...

Found: kjv@Luke:12:26 @ If ye then be not able to do that thing...

Found: kjv@Isaiah:1:18 @ Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD:...

Found: kjv@Acts:17:25 @ Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed...

Found: kjv@Psalms:23:4 @ Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow...

Found: Phillipians:3:12-14 @ THE ESSENTIALS OF THE MINISTRY - kjv@Overview: @Chap.1, Single Mind @Chap.2, Submissive Mind @Chap.3, Spiritual Mind @I. Dissatisfied "Not as though I had already attained" @II. Devoted "This one thing I do" @III. Directed "Forgetting those things which are past" @IV. Determined "Reaching forth unto those things which are before" @There are two extremes in kjv@Determination: @1. Do it all yourself and leave God out. @2. Sit back and watch God do it all. @V. Disciplined "I press toward the mark"

Found: Ephesians:4:27 @ THE NEW AND THE OLD - C. Thoughts (v.27)

Found: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/young_e/night.html @ Young's Night Thoughts (http://www.ccel.org/ccel/young_e - Edward Young)

Found: dict:hitchcock Cabbon @ as though understanding - HITCHCOCK-C

Found: dict:hitchcock Hashubah @ estimation; thought - HITCHCOCK-H

Found: dict:hitchcock Sharar @ navel; thought; singing - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Zimmah @ thought; wickedness - HITCHCOCK-Z

Found: asv@Matthew:1 @ ENGLISH: TITLE: American Standard Version DESCRIPTION: The American Standard Version (ASV) of the Holy Bible was first published in 1901 by Thomas Nelson & Sons, and has earned a high reputation among the modern translations, and has become the foundation for several newer translations as well. Although the English used in the ASV is somewhat archaic, it isn't nearly as hard to understand as some passages of the King James Version of nearly three hundred years earlier.

Found: asv @ TITLE: American Standard Version DESCRIPTION: The American Standard Version (ASV) of the Holy Bible was first published in 1901 by Thomas Nelson & Sons, and has earned a high reputation among the modern translations, and has become the foundation for several newer translations as well. Although the English used in the ASV is somewhat archaic, it isn't nearly as hard to understand as some passages of the King James Version of nearly three hundred years earlier.

Found: @ EGOTISM –– the sinful, personal trait of behaving as though one's own interests were of supreme or sole importance

Found: @ OBJECTIVE –– the quality of having a public nature, independent of our thoughts or feelings

Found: @ THEOCRACY –– literally "the rule of God," however this is thought to be expressed (e.g., by His revealed principles, by His chosen leaders, by Himself in the person of the Son, etc.); the word is variously used by writers for different intended conceptions, some using it as a code word for uniqueness of Old Testament Israel, others using it for any social system where the church rules the state (or is not separated from it), and still others for a civil government which strives to submit to the socio-political standing laws revealed by God (in Old or New Testaments)

Found: EPUB @ media: epub/ExpositoryThoughtsontheGosp-J.C.Ryle.epub

Found: MID @ media: midi/Though_In_The_Midst_Of_Life_We_Be-Mitten_Wir_Im_Leben_Sind.mid

Found: @ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Index=Expository Thoughts on the Gospels&Version=kjv&File=LOCALMEDIA.csv#result' target=''>csv:LOCALMEDIA Expository Thoughts on the Gospels </a> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=WEBCHRISTIANITYSTUDY.txt'>WEBCHRISTIANITYSTUDY.txt</a><br> Found: RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS <CHRISTIANITY>@ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creationism"target="BLANK_" title="Creationism">Creationism</a>: There are several schools of creationist thought, but all include some belief in the divine creation of human beings over a short period of time (distinguishing them from <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theistic_evolution"target="BLANK_" title="Theistic evolution">theistic evolutionists</a>).<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=WEBCHRISTIANITYSTUDY.txt'>WEBCHRISTIANITYSTUDY.txt</a><br> Found: RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS <CHRISTIANITY>@ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_Christianity"target="BLANK_" title="Liberal Christianity">Liberal Christianity</a> (Protestant) or <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modernism_(Roman_Catholicism)"target="BLANK_" title="Modernism (Roman Catholicism)">Modernism (Catholicism)</a>: school of Christian thought which rose as a direct challenge to more conservative traditional Christian orthodoxy.<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=WEBCHRISTIANITYSTUDY.txt'>WEBCHRISTIANITYSTUDY.txt</a><br> Found: RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS <CHRISTIANITY>@ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Thought_Movement"target="BLANK_" title="New Thought Movement">New Thought Movement</a>: belief in <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphysics"target="BLANK_" title="Metaphysics">metaphysical</a> interpretation of the Bible. <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phineas_Quimby"target="BLANK_" title="Phineas Quimby">Phineas Quimby</a> is generally considered the founder of New Thought. His influence on the New Thought movement can be traced through <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unity_Church"target="BLANK_" title="Unity Church">Unity Church</a>, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_Science"target="BLANK_" title="Divine Science">Divine Science</a>, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_Science"target="BLANK_" title="Religious Science">Religious Science</a>, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Understanding_Principles_for_Better_Living_Church"target="BLANK_" title="Understanding Principles for Better Living Church">Understanding Principles for Better Living Church</a> and <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seicho-No-Ie"target="BLANK_" title="Seicho-No-Ie">Seicho-No-Ie</a>.<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=WEBCHRISTIANITYSTUDY.txt'>WEBCHRISTIANITYSTUDY.txt</a><br> Found: PHILOSOPHICAL MOVEMENTS <CHRISTIANITY>@ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_existentialism"target="BLANK_" title="Christian existentialism">Christian existentialism</a>: a school of thought founded by the 19th-century Danish philosopher and father of <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Existentialism"target="BLANK_" title="Existentialism">existentialism</a>, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C3%B8ren_Kierkegaard"target="BLANK_" title="Søren Kierkegaard">Søren Kierkegaard</a>, which emphasizes subjectivity and deep reflection on purpose, the apparent <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absurdity"target="BLANK_" title="Absurdity">absurdity</a> of life and the cosmos, the inevitable despair of an awakened existence, and finding authenticity of self by faith in God.<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=WEBCHRISTIANITYSTUDY.txt'>WEBCHRISTIANITYSTUDY.txt</a><br> Found: THEOLOGY SUBDIVISION <CHRISTIANITY>@ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_theology" target="BLANK_" title="Historical theology">Historical theology</a> : studying Christian theology via the thoughts of other Christians throughout the centuries<sup id="cite_ref-google1_6-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-google1-6"><span>[</span>6<span>]</span></a></sup><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=WEBCHRISTIANITYSTUDY.txt'>WEBCHRISTIANITYSTUDY.txt</a><br> Found: THEOLOGY POST-REFORMATION <CHRISTIANITY>@ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Thought" target="BLANK_" title="New Thought">New Thought</a> : Movement based on 19th century <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_England" target="BLANK_" title="New England">New England</a> belief in positive thinking. Several denominations arose from it including <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unity_Church" target="BLANK_" title="Unity Church">Unity Church</a>, and <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_Science" target="BLANK_" title="Religious Science">Religious Science</a>.<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt'>BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Esther:1 ' target=''>kjv@Esther:1 </a><SUMMARY>@ ESTHER - The Book of Esther, in the form of a short story similar to the Book of Ruth, has its setting in the palace of Shushan, or Susa, one of the three capitals of the Persian Empire. The story gives us a vivid picture of the Jews in exile, of the hostility of their non-Jewish enemies in Persia, and of how Esther became the queen of Ahasuerus (Xerxes), subsequently risking her life in order to save her people, the Jews, from total destruction. God’s providential care of His people is magnified throughout, though the word "God" never appears in the book.<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt'>BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Proverbs:1 ' target=''>kjv@Proverbs:1 </a><SUMMARY>@ PROVERBS - This book is a compendium of proverb collections. Although Solomon inspired the development of the book, its entire content did not derive from him. A proverb is a short, pithy saying with practical implications. The ones included here cover a variety of subjects, for example, chastity, control of the tongue, laziness, knowledge, relations with others, justice. Perhaps above everything else in Proverbs there is the reiterated assertion that the source of true wisdom is "the fear of the Lord".<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt'>BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Jeremiah:1 ' target=''>kjv@Jeremiah:1 </a><SUMMARY>@ JEREMIAH - Jeremiah was God’s spokesman during the decline and fall of the southern kingdom, Judah. Among the Prophets not one had a more difficult task than that of standing alone for God in the midst of the apostasy of his own people, and not one who bares his soul to his reader as does Jeremiah. Although Jeremiah announced the coming destruction of Judah, he looked beyond this judgement to a day when religion, no longer national, would be individual and spiritual. This new kind of religion would result from God’s "new covenant" with His people.<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt'>BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Amos:1 ' target=''>kjv@Amos:1 </a><SUMMARY>@ AMOS - Among the "writing" prophets Amos was the first of a new school, for, like Elijah and John the Baptist, he denounced sin with rustic boldness. A shepherd and native of Judah, he was called by God to prophesy to the northern kingdom of Israel during the reign of Jeroboam II (786-746 B.C.). Sparing no one, the prophet fearlessly announced the impending judgment of God. Although the dominant note of the book is judgment, the final words promise the restoration of a righteous remnant.<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt'>BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Zephaniah:1 ' target=''>kjv@Zephaniah:1 </a><SUMMARY>@ ZEPHANIAH - This book, though brief, is comprehensive, embracing the two great themes of prophetic teaching: judgment and salvation - both extending to all nations. In some great catastrophe of his day, perhaps the Scythian invasion (c. 626 B.C.), Zephaniah sees God’s terrible judgment upon the nations, including Judah. He exhorts the people to repent and assures them that God will dwell in the midst of a righteous remnant following repentance.<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt'>BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Zechariah:1 ' target=''>kjv@Zechariah:1 </a><SUMMARY>@ ZECHARIAH - Sometimes called the "Apocalypse of the Old Testament", this book contains the messages of the Prophet Zechariah, a contemporary of Haggai. The main division of the book ( Zechariah:1-8 , Zechariah:9-14 ) are noticeably dissimilar in both style and subject matter, a fact that has led some to assign the last division ( Zechariah:9-14 ) to another author. The first eight chapters are primarily concerned with the rebuilding of the Temple, although the language used is highly symbolical. Chapters Zechariah:9-14 deal with "last things", the "end time". Many Messianic references are found, and the writer foresees the Day of the Lord when Israel will be restored, the nations judged, and God’s kingdom triumphant.<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt'>BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Ephesians:1 ' target=''>kjv@Ephesians:1 </a><SUMMARY>@ EPHESIANS - The Ephesian letter is one of Paul’s four "Imprisonment Letters" - Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon being the others. Although addressed to the church in Ephesus, this letter is generally believed to have been a circular discussing the believers’ exalted position through Christ, the Church as the body of Christ, her relationship to God, and practical implications of the Gospel.<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt'>BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Philemon:1 ' target=''>kjv@Philemon:1 </a><SUMMARY>@ PHILEMON - This shortest of all Paul’s letters was addressed to Philemon (although two other persons are included in the salutation). Paul entreats Philemon, the master of Onesimus, a runaway slave, to receive him back as a brother in Christ ( <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&X=mobile&T=&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Philemon:1:16-17' target=''> kjv@Philemon:1:16-17</a> ). This very personal letter reveals not only the concern of the Apostle for a converted slave but also a practical demonstration of brotherhood in Christ, "where there is neither bond (slave) nor free". ( <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&X=mobile&T=&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Galatians:3:28' target=''> kjv@Galatians:3:28</a> )<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt'>BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Hebrews:1 ' target=''>kjv@Hebrews:1 </a><SUMMARY>@ HEBREWS - Although tradition ascribed Hebrews to Paul, it is now generally believed to have been written by someone other than the Apostle, but certainly someone who was acquainted with Paul’s teaching. The Epistle portrays Jesus, who performed the perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world, as the great High Priest of the line of Melchizedek ( Genesis:14 ). The Bible’s only definition of faith occurs in this Epistle (Chap. Hebrews:11 ) and is followed by the "great line of splendor" of the men of faith.<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt'>BIBLEBOOKSUMMARY.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=1Peter:1 ' target=''>kjv@1Peter:1 </a><SUMMARY>@ 1PETER - The author describes himself as "Peter an apostle of Jesus Christ", and there is no overriding reason to doubt the truth of his claim, although the beautiful Greek style employed has led some scholars to believe that the actual writing may have been done by an associate (probably a secretary). The contents breathe the spirit of Peter. His speeches recorded in Acts indicate a similar attitude toward persecution and suffering. The letter here reflects a time of suffering and trial. No doubt the widespread persecution of the Christians by the Roman authorities was the occasion of the "fiery trial" ( <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&X=mobile&T=&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=1Peter:4:12' target=''> kjv@1Peter:4:12</a> ). The writer admonishes his readers to a life of purity, of godly living, and exhorts them to steadfastness and faithfulness.<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=DAILYLIGHT.txt'>DAILYLIGHT.txt</a><br> Found: JANUARY22 PM <DAILYLIGHT>@ In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.-<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Psalms:94:19' target=''>kjv@Psalms:94:19</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Psalms:61:2' target=''>kjv@Psalms:61:2</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Isaiah:38:14' target=''>kjv@Isaiah:38:14</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Psalms:55:22' target=''>kjv@Psalms:55:22</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=1Kings:3:7' target=''>kjv@1Kings:3:7</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=James:1:5' target=''>kjv@James:1:5</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=2Corinthians:2:16' target=''>kjv@2Corinthians:2:16</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Romans:7:18' target=''>kjv@Romans:7:18</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=2Corinthians:12:9' target=''>kjv@2Corinthians:12:9</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:9:2' target=''>kjv@Matthew:9:2</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:9:22' target=''>kjv@Matthew:9:22</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Psalms:63:5-6' target=''>kjv@Psalms:63:5-6</a>. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=DAILYLIGHT.txt'>DAILYLIGHT.txt</a><br> Found: FEBRUARY11 AM <DAILYLIGHT>@ They that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord harkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name.-<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Malachi:3:16' target=''>kjv@Malachi:3:16</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Luke:24:15' target=''>kjv@Luke:24:15</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:18:20' target=''>kjv@Matthew:18:20</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Philippians:4:3' target=''>kjv@Philippians:4:3</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Colossians:3:16' target=''>kjv@Colossians:3:16</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Hebrews:3:13' target=''>kjv@Hebrews:3:13</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:12:36-37' target=''>kjv@Matthew:12:36-37</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Isaiah:65:6' target=''>kjv@Isaiah:65:6</a>. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=DAILYLIGHT.txt'>DAILYLIGHT.txt</a><br> Found: APRIL25 PM <DAILYLIGHT>@ Our Lord Jesus Christ, . . . though he was rich, yet for your sakes . . . became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.-<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=2Corinthians:8:9' target=''>kjv@2Corinthians:8:9</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Colossians:1:19' target=''>kjv@Colossians:1:19</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Hebrews:1:3-4' target=''>kjv@Hebrews:1:3-4</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Philippians:2:6-7' target=''>kjv@Philippians:2:6-7</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:8:20' target=''>kjv@Matthew:8:20</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=1Corinthians:3:21-23' target=''>kjv@1Corinthians:3:21-23</a>. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=DAILYLIGHT.txt'>DAILYLIGHT.txt</a><br> Found: MAY5 AM <DAILYLIGHT>@ Take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.-<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:6:31-32' target=''>kjv@Matthew:6:31-32</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Psalms:34:9-10' target=''>kjv@Psalms:34:9-10</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Psalms:84:11-12' target=''>kjv@Psalms:84:11-12</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=1Corinthians:7:32' target=''>kjv@1Corinthians:7:32</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Philippians:4:6' target=''>kjv@Philippians:4:6</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:10:29-31' target=''>kjv@Matthew:10:29-31</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Mark:4:40' target=''>kjv@Mark:4:40</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Mark:11:22' target=''>kjv@Mark:11:22</a> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=DAILYLIGHT.txt'>DAILYLIGHT.txt</a><br> Found: AUGUST12 AM <DAILYLIGHT>@ The Lord will not cast off for ever: but though he cause grief, yet will he have compassion.-<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Lamentations:3:31-32' target=''>kjv@Lamentations:3:31-32</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Jeremiah:46:28' target=''>kjv@Jeremiah:46:28</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Isaiah:54:7-8-10-11' target=''>kjv@Isaiah:54:7-8-10-11</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Micah:7:9' target=''>kjv@Micah:7:9</a>. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=DAILYLIGHT.txt'>DAILYLIGHT.txt</a><br> Found: NOVEMBER17 AM <DAILYLIGHT>@ Thy thoughts are very deep.-<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Psalms:92:5' target=''>kjv@Psalms:92:5</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Colossians:1:9' target=''>kjv@Colossians:1:9</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Ephesians:3:17-19' target=''>kjv@Ephesians:3:17-19</a> <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Romans:11:33' target=''>kjv@Romans:11:33</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Isaiah:55:8-9' target=''>kjv@Isaiah:55:8-9</a>. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Psalms:40:5' target=''>kjv@Psalms:40:5</a>. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=COPYRIGHTINDEX.txt'>COPYRIGHTINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: asv <ENGLISH>@ TITLE: American Standard Version DESCRIPTION: The American Standard Version (ASV) of the Holy Bible was first published in 1901 by Thomas Nelson & Sons, and has earned a high reputation among the modern translations, and has become the foundation for several newer translations as well. Although the English used in the ASV is somewhat archaic, it isn't nearly as hard to understand as some passages of the King James Version of nearly three hundred years earlier. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 1Clement:1:3 <1CLEMENT>@ For ye did all things without respect of persons, and ye walked after the ordinances of God, submitting yourselves to your rulers and rendering to the older men among you the honor which is their due. On the young too ye enjoined modest and seemly thoughts: and the women ye charged to perform all their duties in a blameless and seemly and pure conscience, cherishing their own husbands, as is meet; and ye taught them to keep in the rule of obedience, and to manage the affairs of their household in seemliness, with all discretion. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 1Clement:6:2 <1CLEMENT>@ By reason of jealousy women being persecuted, after that they had suffered cruel and unholy insults as Danaids and Dircae, safely reached the goal in the race of faith, and received a noble reward, feeble though they were in body. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 1Clement:7:2 <1CLEMENT>@ Wherefore let us forsake idle and vain thoughts; and let us conform to the glorious and venerable rule which hath been handed down to us; <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 1Clement:8:4 <1CLEMENT>@ and He added also a merciful judgment: <i>Repent ye, O house of Israel, of your iniquity; say unto the sons of My people, Though your sins reach from the earth even unto the heaven, and though they be redder than scarlet and blacker than sackcloth, and ye turn unto Me with your whole heart and say Father, I will give ear unto you as unto a holy people.</i> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 1Clement:8:5 <1CLEMENT>@ And in another place He saith on this wise, <i>Wash, be ye clean. Put away your iniquities from your souls out of My sight. Cease from your iniquities; learn to do good; seek out judgment; defend him that is wronged: give judgment for the orphan, and execute righteousness for the widow; and come and let us reason together, saith He; and though your sins be as crimson, I will make them white as snow; and though they be as scarlet, I will make them white as wool. And if ye be willing and will hearken unto Me, ye shall eat the good things of the earth; but if ye be not willing, neither hearken unto Me, a sword shall devour you; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken these things</i>. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 1Clement:16:2 <1CLEMENT>@ The scepter of the majesty of God, even our Lord Jesus Christ, came not in the pomp of arrogance or of pride, though He might have done so, but in lowliness of mind, according as the Holy Spirit spake concerning Him. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 1Clement:17:4 <1CLEMENT>@ Yet he himself accuseth himself saying, <i>No man from filth; no, not though his life be but for a day.</i> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 1Clement:17:5 <1CLEMENT>@ Moses was called <i>faithful in all His house</i>, and through his ministration God judged Egypt with the plagues and the torments which befell them. Howbeit he also, though greatly glorified, yet spake no proud words, but said, when an oracle was given to him at the bush, <i>Who am I, that Thou sendest me?</i> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 1Clement:21:3 <1CLEMENT>@ Let us see how near He is, and how that nothing escapeth Him of our thoughts or our devices which we make. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 1Clement:35:9 <1CLEMENT>@ <i>These things Thou hast done, and I kept silence. Thou thoughtest, unrighteous man, that I should be like unto thee.</i> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 1Clement:44:5 <1CLEMENT>@ For we see that ye have displaced certain persons, though they were living honorably, from the ministration which had been respected by them blamelessly. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 1Clement:45:7 <1CLEMENT>@ Or were Ananias and Azarias and Misael shut up in the furnace of fire by them that professed the excellent and glorious worship of the Most High? Far be this from our thoughts. Who then were they that did these things? Abominable men and full of all wickedness were stirred up to such a pitch of wrath, as to bring cruel suffering upon them that served God in a holy and blameless purpose, not knowing that the Most High is the champion and protector of them that in a pure conscience serve His excellent Name: unto whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 2Clement:4:5 <2CLEMENT>@ For this cause, if ye do these things, the Lord said, <i>Though ye be gathered together with Me in My bosom, and do not My commandments, I will cast you away and will say unto you, Depart from Me, I know you not whence ye are, ye workers of iniquity.</i> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 2Clement:6:8 <2CLEMENT>@ And the scripture also saith in Ezekiel, <i>Though Noah and Job and Daniel should rise up, they shall not deliver their children</i> in the captivity. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 2Clement:12:5 <2CLEMENT>@ And by the <i>male with the female, neither male nor female</i>, he meaneth this; that a brother seeing a sister should have no thought of her as a female, and that a sister seeing a brother should not have any thought of him as a male. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 2Clement:19:3 <2CLEMENT>@ Let us therefore practice righteousness that we may be saved unto the end. Blessed are they that obey these ordinances. Though they may endure affliction for a short time in the world, they will gather the immortal fruit of the resurrection. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: 2Clement:20:4 <2CLEMENT>@ For if God had paid the recompense of the righteous speedily, then straightway we should have been training ourselves in merchandise, and not in godliness; for we should seem to be righteous, though we were pursuing not that which is godly, but which is gainful. And for this cause Divine judgment overtaketh a spirit that is not just, and loadeth it with chains. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Barnabas:1:7 <BARNABAS>@ For the Lord made known to us by His prophets things past and present, giving us likewise the firstfruits of the taste of things future. And seeing each of these things severally coming to pass, according as He spake, we ought to offer a richer and higher offering to the fear of Him. But I, not as though I were a teacher, but as one of yourselves, will show forth a few things, whereby ye shall be gladdened in the present circumstances. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Barnabas:2:5 <BARNABAS>@ <i>What to Me is the multitude of your sacrifices, saith the Lord I am full of whole burnt-offerings, and the fat of lambs and the blood of bulls and of goats desire not, not though ye should come to be seen of Me. or who required these things at your hands? Ye shall continue no more to tread My court. If ye bring fine flour, it is in vain; incense is an abomination to Me; your new moons and your Sabbaths I cannot away with.</i> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Barnabas:3:2 <BARNABAS>@ <i>not though ye should bend your neck as a hoop, and put on sackcloth and make your bed of ashes, not even so shall ye call a fast that is acceptable.</i> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Barnabas:4:9 <BARNABAS>@ But though I would fain write many things, not as a teacher, but as becometh one who loveth you not to fall short of that which we possess, I was anxious to write to you, being your devoted slave. Wherefore let us take heed in these last days. For the whole time of our faith shall profit us nothing, unless we now, in the season of lawlessness and in the offenses that shall be, as becometh sons of God, offer resistance, that the Black One may not effect an entrance. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Barnabas:5:5 <BARNABAS>@ There is yet this also, my brethren; if the Lord endured to suffer for our souls, though He was Lord of the whole world, unto whom God said from the foundation of the world, <i>Let us make man after our image and likeness</i>, how then did He endure to suffer at the hand of men? <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Barnabas:10:9 <BARNABAS>@ Concerning meats then Moses received three decrees to this effect and uttered them in a spiritual sense; but they accepted them according to the lust of the flesh, as though they referred to eating. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Barnabas:12:6 <BARNABAS>@ Yea and further though Moses gave the commandment; <i>Ye shall not have a molten or a carved image for your God</i>, yet he himself made one that he might show them a type of Jesus. So Moses maketh a brazen serpent, and setteth it up conspicuously, and summoneth the people by proclamation. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Barnabas:15:6 <BARNABAS>@ Yea and furthermore He saith; <i>Thou shalt hallow it with pure hands and with a pure heart.</i> If therefore a man is able now to hallow the day which God hallowed, though he be pure in heart, we have gone utterly astray. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Didache:3:6 <DIDACHE>@ My child, be not a murmurer, since it leadeth to blasphemy, neither self-willed neither a thinker of evil thoughts; for from all these things blasphemies are engendered. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Diognetus:4:4 <DIOGNETUS>@ Again, to vaunt the mutilation of the flesh as a token of election as though for this reason they were particularly beloved by God, is not this ridiculous? <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Diognetus:6:5 <DIOGNETUS>@ The flesh hateth the soul and wageth war with it, though it receiveth no wrong, because it is forbidden to indulge in pleasures; so the world hateth Christians, though it receiveth no wrong from them, because they set themselves against its pleasures. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Diognetus:6:8 <DIOGNETUS>@ The soul though itself immortal dwelleth in a mortal tabernacle- so Christians sojourn amidst perishable things, while they look for the imperishability which is in the heavens. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Diognetus:10:7 <DIOGNETUS>@ Then, though thou art placed on earth, thou shalt behold that God liveth in heaven; then shalt thou begin to declare the mysteries of God; then shalt thou both love and admire those that are punished because they will not deny God; then shalt thou condemn the deceit and error of the world; when thou shalt perceive the true life which is in heaven, when thou shalt despise the apparent death which is here on earth, when thou shalt fear the real death, which is reserved for those that shall be condemned to the eternal fire that shall punish those delivered over to it unto the end. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:2:4 <HERMAS>@ Then she said, "Far be this thing from the servant of God! Nevertheless the thought did enter into thy heart concerning her. Now to the servants of God such a purpose bringeth sin. For it is an evil and mad purpose to overtake a devout spirit that hath been already approved, that it should desire an evil deed, and especially if it be Hermas the temperate, who abstaineth from every evil desire, and is full of all simplicity and of great guilelessness. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:2<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=10' target=''>10</a>:9 <HERMAS>@ And I saw other stones thrown to a distance from the tower, and coming to the way, and yet not staying in the way, but rolling to where there was no way; and others falling into the fire and burning there; and others falling near the waters, and yet not able to roll into the water, although they desired to roll and to come to the water. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:2<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=23' target=''>23</a>:4 <HERMAS>@ "Thou didst escape it well," saith she, "because thou didst cast thy care upon God, and didst open thy heart to the Lord, believing that thou canst be saved by nothing else but by His great and glorious Name. Therefore the Lord sent His angel, which is over the beasts, whose name is Segri, and <i>shut his mouth that it might not hurt thee</i>. Thou hast escaped a great tribulation by reason of thy faith, and because, though thou sawest so huge a beast, thou didst not doubt in thy mind. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:5<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=25' target=''>25</a>:3 <HERMAS>@ I thought he came to tempt me, and I say unto him, "Why, who art thou? For I know," say I, "unto whom I was delivered." He saith to me, "Dost thou not recognize me?" "No," I say. "I," saith he, "am the shepherd, unto whom thou wast delivered." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:1<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=29' target=''>29</a>:1 <HERMAS>@ "I charge thee, "saith he, "to keep purity, and let not a thought enter into thy heart concerning another's wife, or concerning fornication, or concerning any such like evil deeds; for in so doing thou commitest a great sin. But remember thine own wife always, and thou shalt never go wrong. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:2<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=36' target=''>36</a>:7 <HERMAS>@ But from the angel of wickedness stand aloof, for his teaching is evil in every matter; for though one be a man of faith, and the desire of this angel enter into his heart, that man, or that woman, must commit some sin. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:2<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=55' target=''>55</a>:7 <HERMAS>@ And he saith to them; "I promised this servant his freedom, if he should keep the commandment which I commanded him; but he kept my commandment and did a good work besides to my vineyard, and pleased me greatly. For this work therefore which he has done, I desire to make him joint-heir with my son, because, when the good thought struck him, he did not neglect it, but fulfilled it." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:5<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=58' target=''>58</a>:4 <HERMAS>@ I say to him; "Sir, great and marvelous are all things and all things are glorious; was it likely then," say I, "that I could have apprehended them?" "Nay, nor can any other man, though he be full of understanding, apprehend them." "Yet again, Sir," say I, "explain to me what I am about to enquire of thee." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:5<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=65' target=''>65</a>:4 <HERMAS>@ So being tormented and punished for the whole year, the man remembers at length the self-indulgence and deceit, and perceiveth that it is on their account that he is suffering these ills. Every man, therefore, that liveth in self-indulgence and is deceived, is tormented in this way because, though possessing lire, they have delivered themselves over unto death." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:3<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=69' target=''>69</a>:1 <HERMAS>@ I say to him; "Sir, inform me what this tree is. For I am perplexed herewith, because, though so many branches were cut off, the tree is sound, and nothing appears to have been cut from it; I am therefore perplexed thereat." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:3<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=69' target=''>69</a>:7 <HERMAS>@ But the others, who likewise gave up their rods green and with shoots, though not with fruit, are they that were persecuted for the law, but did not suffer nor yet deny their law. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:6<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=72' target=''>72</a>:4 <HERMAS>@ "Listen," saith he; "those whose rods were found withered and grub-eaten, these are the renegades and traitors to the Church, that blasphemed the Lord in their sins, and still further were ashamed of the Name of the Lord, which was invoked upon them. These then perished altogether unto God. But thou seest how not one of them repented, although they heard the words which thou spakest to them, which I commanded thee. From men of this kind life departed. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:9<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=75' target=''>75</a>:1 <HERMAS>@ "But they that have given up their rods two thirds withered and one third green, these are men who have been believers, but grew rich and became renowned among the Gentiles. They clothed themselves with great pride and became high-minded, and abandoned the truth and did not cleave to the righteous, but lived together after the manner of the Gentiles, and this path appeared the more pleasant unto them; yet they departed not from God, but continued in the faith, though they wrought not the works of the faith. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:11<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=77' target=''>77</a>:1 <HERMAS>@ And after he had completed the interpretations of all the rods, he saith unto me; "Go, and tell all men to repent, and they shall live unto God; for the Lord in His compassion sent me to give repentance to all, though some of them do not deserve it for their deeds; but being long-suffering the Lord willeth them that were called through His Son to be saved." <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:1<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=78' target=''>78</a>:2 <HERMAS>@ For when thou wast weaker in the flesh, it was not declared unto thee through an angel; but when thou wast enabled through the Spirit, and didst grow mighty in thy strength so that thou couldest even see an angel, then at length was manifested unto thee, through the Church, the building of the tower. In fair and seemly manner hast thou seen all things, (instructed) as it were by a virgin; but now thou seest (being instructed) by an angel, though by the same Spirit; <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:5<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=82' target=''>82</a>:1 <HERMAS>@ And the building was finished on that day, yet was not the tower finally completed, for it was to be carried up <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=still' target=''>still</a> higher; and there was a cessation in the building. And the six men ordered the builders to retire for a short time <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=all of them' target=''>all of them</a>, and to rest; but the virgins they ordered not to retire from the tower. And methought the virgins were left to guard the tower. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:6<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=83' target=''>83</a>:8 <HERMAS>@ And the square stones were hewed, and set in the place of those which had been removed; but the round ones were not placed in the building, because they were too hard to be shaped, and to work on them was slow. So they were placed by the side of the tower, as though they were intended to be shaped and placed in the building; for they were very bright. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:9<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=86' target=''>86</a>:5 <HERMAS>@ So twelve women were called, most beautiful in form, clad in black, <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=girded about and having the shoulders bare,' target=''>girded about and having the shoulders bare,</a> with their hair hanging loose. And these women, methought, had a savage look. And the shepherd ordered them to take up the stones which had been cast away from the building, and to carry them off to the same mountains from which also they had been brought; <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:15[92^:1 <HERMAS>@ "Show me still further, Sir," say I. "What desirest thou to know besides?" saith he. "Wherefore, Sir," say I, "did the stones come up from the deep, and wherefore were they placed into the building, though they bore these spirits?" <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:15[92^:5 <HERMAS>@ "Wherefore, Sir," say I, "did the forty stones also come up with them from the deep, though they had already received the seal?" "Because," saith he, "these, the apostles and the teachers who preached the name of the Son of God, after they had fallen asleep in the power and faith of the Son of God, preached also to them that had fallen asleep before them, and themselves gave unto them the seal of the preaching. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:22<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=99' target=''>99</a>:2 <HERMAS>@ By reason of this their stubbornness, understanding stood aloof from them, and a foolish senselessness entered into them; and they praise themselves as having understanding, and they desire to be self-appointed teachers, senseless though they are. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:23<a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=100' target=''>100</a>:4 <HERMAS>@ If God and our Lord, Who ruleth over all things and hath the authority over all His creation, beareth no grudge against them that confess their sins, but is propitiated, doth man, who is mortal and full of sins, bear a grudge against man, as though he were able to destroy or save him? <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Hermas:27[104a:2 <HERMAS>@ For this world and the vanities of their possessions must be cut off from them, and then they will fit into the kingdom of God. For it is necessary that they should enter into the kingdom of God; because the Lord hath blessed this innocent kind. Of this kind then not one shall perish. Yea, even though any one of them being tempted by the most wicked devil have committed any fault, he shall return speedily unto his Lord. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=IgnatiusEphesians:3:1' target=''> IgnatiusEphesians:3:1</a> <IGNATIUSEPHESIANS>@ I do not command you, as though I were somewhat. For even though I am in bonds for the Name's sake, I am not yet perfected in Jesus Christ. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=For' target=''>For</a> now am I beginning to be a disciple; and I speak to you as to my school-fellows. For I ought to be trained by you for the contest in faith, in admonition, in endurance, in long-suffering. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=IgnatiusMagnesians:12:1' target=''> IgnatiusMagnesians:12:1</a> <IGNATIUSMAGNESIANS>@ Let me have joy of you in all things, if I be worthy. For even though I am in bonds, yet am I not comparable to one of you who are at liberty. I know that ye are not puffed up; for ye have Jesus Christ in yourselves. And, when I praise you, I know that ye only feel the more shame; as it is written <i>the righteous man is a self-accuser.</i> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=IgnatiusPhiladelphians:7:1' target=''> IgnatiusPhiladelphians:7:1</a> <IGNATIUSPHILADELPHIANS>@ For even though certain persons desired to deceive me after the flesh, yet the spirit is not deceived, being from God; for <i>it knoweth whence it cometh and whence it goeth</i>, and it searcheth out the hidden things. I cried out, when I was among you; I spake with a loud voice, with God's own voice, Give ye heed to the bishop and the presbytery and deacons. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=IgnatiusRomans:5:2' target=''> IgnatiusRomans:5:2</a> <IGNATIUSROMANS>@ May I have joy of the beasts that have been prepared for me; and I pray that I may find them prompt; nay I will entice them that they may devour me promptly, not as they have done to some, refusing to touch them through fear. Yea though of themselves they should not be willing while I am ready, I myself will force them to it. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=IgnatiusRomans:7:2' target=''> IgnatiusRomans:7:2</a> <IGNATIUSROMANS>@ Even though I myself, when I am with you, should beseech you, obey me not; but rather give credence to these things which I write to you. <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=seeker&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&String=For' target=''>For</a> I write to you in the midst of life, yet lusting after death. My lust hath been crucified, and there is no fire of material longing in me, but only water living and speaking in me, saying within me, Come to the Father. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=IgnatiusSmyrneans:3:2' target=''> IgnatiusSmyrneans:3:2</a> <IGNATIUSSMYRNAEANS>@ and when He came to Peter and his company, He said to them, <i>Lay hold and handle me, and see that I am not a demon without a body</i>. And straightway they touched Him, and they believed, being joined unto His flesh and His blood. Wherefore also they despised death, nay they were found superior to death. And after His resurrection He [both ate with them and drank with them as one in the flesh, though spiritually He was united with the Father. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=IgnatiusSmyrneans:5:3' target=''> IgnatiusSmyrneans:5:3</a> <IGNATIUSSMYRNAEANS>@ But their names, being unbelievers, I have not thought fit to record in writing--nay, far be it from me even to remember them, until they repent and return to the passion, which is our resurrection. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=IgnatiusSmyrneans:11:1' target=''> IgnatiusSmyrneans:11:1</a> <IGNATIUSSMYRNAEANS>@ Your prayer sped forth unto the church which is in Antioch of Syria; whence coming a prisoner in most godly bonds I salute all men, though I am not worthy to belong to it, being the very last of them. By the Divine will was this vouchsafed to me, not of my own complicity, but by God's grace, which I pray may be given to me perfectly, that through your prayers I may attain unto God. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=MartyrdomPolycarp:7:1' target=''> MartyrdomPolycarp:7:1</a> <MARTYRDOMPOLYCARP>@ So taking the lad with them, on the Friday about the supper hour, the gendarmes and horsemen went forth with their accustomed arms, hastening as <i>against a robber</i>. And coming up in a body late in the evening, they found the man himself in bed in an upper chamber in a certain cottage; and though he might have departed thence to another place, he would not, saying, <i>The will of God be done</i>. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=MartyrdomPolycarp:12:3' target=''> MartyrdomPolycarp:12:3</a> <MARTYRDOMPOLYCARP>@ Then they thought fit to shout out with one accord that Polycarp should be burned alive. For it must needs be that the matter of the vision should be fulfilled, which was shown him concerning his pillow, when he saw it on fire while praying, and turning round he said prophetically to the faithful who were with him, 'I must needs be burned alive.' <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=MartyrdomPolycarp:13:2' target=''> MartyrdomPolycarp:13:2</a> <MARTYRDOMPOLYCARP>@ But when the pile was made ready, divesting himself of all his upper garments and loosing his girdle, he endeavored also to take off his shoes, though not in the habit of doing this before, because all the faithful at all times vied eagerly who should soonest touch his flesh. For he had been treated with all honor for his holy life even before his gray hairs came. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=MartyrdomPolycarp:17:1' target=''> MartyrdomPolycarp:17:1</a> <MARTYRDOMPOLYCARP>@ But the jealous and envious Evil One, the adversary of the family of the righteous, having seen the greatness of his martyrdom and his blameless life from the beginning, and how he was crowned with the crown of immortality and had won a reward which none could gainsay, managed that not even his poor body should be taken away by us, although many desired to do this and to touch his holy flesh. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-XXXX&Index=indexed&File=MartyrdomPolycarp:17:2' target=''> MartyrdomPolycarp:17:2</a> <MARTYRDOMPOLYCARP>@ So he put forward Nicetes, the father of Herod and brother of Alce, to plead with the magistrate not to give up his body, 'lest,' so it was said, 'they should abandon the crucified one and begin to worship this man'--this being done at the instigation and urgent entreaty of the Jews, who also watched when we were about to take it from the fire, not knowing that it will be impossible for us either to forsake at any time the Christ who suffered for the salvation of the whole world of those that are saved--suffered though faultless for sinners--nor to worship any other. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Polycarp:1:3 <POLYCARP>@ <i>though ye saw Him not, ye believe with joy unutterable and full of glory</i>; unto which joy many desire to enter in; forasmuch as ye know that it is <i>by grace ye are saved, not of works</i>, but by the will of God through Jesus Christ. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt'>EARLYCHURCHFATHERS.txt</a><br> Found: Polycarp:4:3 <POLYCARP>@ Our widows must be sober-minded as touching the faith of the Lord, making intercession without ceasing for all men, abstaining from all calumny, evil speaking, false witness, love of money, and every evil thing, knowing that they are God's altar, and that all sacrifices are carefully inspected, and nothing escapeth Him either of their thoughts or intents or any of the secret things of the heart. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=NGRAMGOSPELUNIGRAM.txt'>NGRAMGOSPELUNIGRAM.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=filter&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Filter=NT-GOSPEL.filter&String=though' target=''>filter:NT-GOSPEL though </a> <GOSPELUNIGRAM>@ (3)<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=NGRAMGOSPELUNIGRAM.txt'>NGRAMGOSPELUNIGRAM.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=filter&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Filter=NT-GOSPEL.filter&String=thought' target=''>filter:NT-GOSPEL thought </a> <GOSPELUNIGRAM>@ (8)<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=NGRAMGOSPELUNIGRAM.txt'>NGRAMGOSPELUNIGRAM.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=filter&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Filter=NT-GOSPEL.filter&String=thoughts' target=''>filter:NT-GOSPEL thoughts </a> <GOSPELUNIGRAM>@ (3)<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=PBIBLXBIBLETRANSLATIONS.txt'>PBIBLXBIBLETRANSLATIONS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=asv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:1 ' target=''>asv@Matthew:1 </a><ENGLISH>@ TITLE: American Standard Version DESCRIPTION: The American Standard Version (ASV) of the Holy Bible was first published in 1901 by Thomas Nelson & Sons, and has earned a high reputation among the modern translations, and has become the foundation for several newer translations as well. Although the English used in the ASV is somewhat archaic, it isn't nearly as hard to understand as some passages of the King James Version of nearly three hundred years earlier. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=NEWAUDIOLINKS.txt'>NEWAUDIOLINKS.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=pcarr&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Index=feature&File=McGeeZephaniah' target=''>McGeeZephaniah</a> <MCGEEAUDIO>@ <a href='http://throughthebible.ca/tracks/36_Zephaniah/36004 Zephaniah - Two Thoughts.mp3'>Mcgee 36004 Zephaniah - Two Thoughts</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=ONEPLACEPODCAST.txt'>ONEPLACEPODCAST.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/cross-thoughts/' target=''>http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/cross-thoughts/</a> <SHOW>@ cross-thoughts Cross Thoughts Host=<a href='http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/cross-thoughts' target=''>http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/cross-thoughts</a> Pastor Pedro Garcia<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=ONEPLACEPODCAST.txt'>ONEPLACEPODCAST.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/grace-thoughts/' target=''>http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/grace-thoughts/</a> <SHOW>@ grace-thoughts Grace Thoughts Host=<a href='http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/grace-thoughts' target=''>http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/grace-thoughts</a> Tim Kelley<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: although <AAA>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=although' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:although</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: hough <HHH>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=hough' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:hough</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: houghed <HHH>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=houghed' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:houghed</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: though <TTT>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=though' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:though</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: thought <TTT>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=thought' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:thought</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: thoughtest <TTT>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=thoughtest' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:thoughtest</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt'>KJVWORDCONCORDANCE.txt</a><br> Found: thoughts <TTT>@ <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=CONCORD&Chapter=thoughts' target=''>kjv@CONCORD:thoughts</a><br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:10:19' target=''>kjv@Matthew:10:19</a> <COMMANDS>@ Jesus By Command - take no thought how or what ye shall speak<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:6:25' target=''>kjv@Matthew:6:25</a> <COMMANDS>@ Jesus By Command - Take no thought for your life<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:6:31' target=''>kjv@Matthew:6:31</a> <COMMANDS>@ Jesus By Command - Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed...<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:6:34' target=''>kjv@Matthew:6:34</a> <COMMANDS>@ Jesus By Command - no thought for the morrow<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:6:27' target=''>kjv@Matthew:6:27</a> <KJV>@ Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:6:28' target=''>kjv@Matthew:6:28</a> <KJV>@ And why take ye thought for raiment? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:6:31' target=''>kjv@Matthew:6:31</a> <KJV>@ Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Luke:12:17' target=''>kjv@Luke:12:17</a> <KJV>@ And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Luke:12:25' target=''>kjv@Luke:12:25</a> <KJV>@ And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Luke:12:26' target=''>kjv@Luke:12:26</a> <KJV>@ why take ye thought for the rest? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Luke:18:7' target=''>kjv@Luke:18:7</a> <KJV>@ And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=index&Css=nightyellow&Index=indexed&File=JESUSBYINDEX.txt'>JESUSBYINDEX.txt</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=kjv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Luke:24:38' target=''>kjv@Luke:24:38</a> <KJV>@ Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts? - Jesus By Question<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=nightyellow&Index=hough&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='http://feeds.ancientfaith.com/InTheWorldAFR' target=''>http://feeds.ancientfaith.com/InTheWorldAFR</a> , In the World , Religion and Spirituality , St. Katherine College and Ancient Faith Radio; gospel; christian; church; orthodox; minds; thought; philosophy; school; art; music; life; culture; science; orthodo , PODCAST , <a href='http://images.ancientfaith.com/1800/InTheWorld.jpg' target=''>http://images.ancientfaith.com/1800/InTheWorld.jpg</a> , American English; United States , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=nightyellow&Index=hough&File=CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv'>CHRISTIANPODCASTS.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/radio4/thought/rss.xml' target=''>http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/radio4/thought/rss.xml</a> , Thought For The Day , Religion and Spirituality , BBC Radio 4; trbc; jonathan; falwell; lynchburg; virginia; thomas; road; christian; life; bible; prayer; sin , PODCAST , <a href='http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/3000x3000/p058ghkx.jpg' target=''>http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/3000x3000/p058ghkx.jpg</a> , Australian English; , <br> <br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=nightyellow&Index=hough&File=LOCALMEDIA.csv'>LOCALMEDIA.csv</a><br> Found: EPUB,Expository Thoughts on the Gospels,J.C. Ryle, <a href='/media/epub/ExpositoryThoughtsontheGosp-J.C.Ryle.epub' target='_blank'>media: epub/ExpositoryThoughtsontheGosp-J.C.Ryle.epub</a> <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=nightyellow&Index=hough&File=BIBLETRANSLATIONINDEX.csv'>BIBLETRANSLATIONINDEX.csv</a><br> Found: <a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=bible&X=mobile&T=&Css=nightyellow&Version=asv&Book=VSEARCH&Chapter=Matthew:1,' target=''>asv@Matthew:1,</a>ENGLISH:,American Standard Version,The American Standard Version (ASV) of the Holy Bible was first published in 1901 by Thomas Nelson & Sons, and has earned a high reputation among the modern translations, and has become the foundation for several newer translations as well. Although the English used in the ASV is somewhat archaic, it isn't nearly as hard to understand as some passages of the King James Version of nearly three hundred years earlier. <br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=nightyellow&Index=hough&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Cassia Essential Oil,Properties: It is commonly used as an anti-diarrheal/ antidepressant/ antiemetic/ antigalactogogue/ antiviral/ antimicrobial/ antirheumatic and an antiarthritic. Besides all those “antis”/ cassia essential oil is also an astringent/ carminative/ circulatory/ emenagogue/ febrifuge and a stimulant.,Health benefits: It has been known to eliminate loose stool and diarrhea/ while fighting depression and uplifting mood. It can also stop vomiting/ reduce milk flow/ inhibit microbial growth/ treat rheumatism and arthritis/ tighten gums & muscles and help stop hair loss. This powerful oil is also thought to reduce hemorrhaging/ fight viral infections/ remove excess gas/ improve blood & lymphatic circulation/ relieve obstructed menstruation/ and reduce fever.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=nightyellow&Index=hough&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Hyssop Essential Oil,Properties: Hyssop essential oil is an astringent/ stimulant/ antispasmodic/ antirheumatic/ antiseptic/ carminative/ cicatrisant/ digestive/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ hypertensive/ nervine/ sudorific/ tonic/ febrifuge/ vermifuge/ vulnerary,Health benefits: It induces the tightening of gums/ muscles/ skin and blood vessels/ while reducing spasms/ eliminating excess gas/ as well as promoting quick healing of scars and after-marks. Furthermore/ it promotes digestion/ increases urination/ regulates menstruation/ decreases phlegm and coughs/ increases blood pressure/ and promotes sweating. It is commonly thought to be good for reducing stress on the nervous system and reducing fevers.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=nightyellow&Index=hough&File=NATURALREMEDY.csv'>NATURALREMEDY.csv</a><br> Found: Rosewood Essential Oil,Properties: Rosewood essential oil is commonly thought of as an analgesic/ antidepressant/ antiseptic/ aphrodisiac/ antibacterial/ cephalic/ deodorant/ insecticide/ and stimulant substance.,Health benefits: It is often used to reduce pain/ fight depression/ protect wounds from becoming septic/ enhance libido and promote sexual arousal. It also kills bacteria/ and is good for the brain/ while curing headaches/ driving away body odor/ killing insects and stimulating gland discharges.,,ESSENTIAL OIL<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=nightyellow&Index=hough&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Cassia Essential Oil,Properties: It is commonly used as an anti-diarrheal/ antidepressant/ antiemetic/ antigalactogogue/ antiviral/ antimicrobial/ antirheumatic and an antiarthritic. Besides all those “antis”/ cassia essential oil is also an astringent/ carminative/ circulatory/ emenagogue/ febrifuge and a stimulant.,Health benefits: It has been known to eliminate loose stool and diarrhea/ while fighting depression and uplifting mood. It can also stop vomiting/ reduce milk flow/ inhibit microbial growth/ treat rheumatism and arthritis/ tighten gums & muscles and help stop hair loss. This powerful oil is also thought to reduce hemorrhaging/ fight viral infections/ remove excess gas/ improve blood & lymphatic circulation/ relieve obstructed menstruation/ and reduce fever.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=nightyellow&Index=hough&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Hyssop Essential Oil,Properties: Hyssop essential oil is an astringent/ stimulant/ antispasmodic/ antirheumatic/ antiseptic/ carminative/ cicatrisant/ digestive/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ hypertensive/ nervine/ sudorific/ tonic/ febrifuge/ vermifuge/ vulnerary,Health benefits: It induces the tightening of gums/ muscles/ skin and blood vessels/ while reducing spasms/ eliminating excess gas/ as well as promoting quick healing of scars and after-marks. Furthermore/ it promotes digestion/ increases urination/ regulates menstruation/ decreases phlegm and coughs/ increases blood pressure/ and promotes sweating. It is commonly thought to be good for reducing stress on the nervous system and reducing fevers.,<br><br><br><a href='pbiblx-seeker.cgi?Mode=csv&Css=nightyellow&Index=hough&File=ESSENTIALOILS.csv'>ESSENTIALOILS.csv</a><br> Found: Rosewood Essential Oil,Properties: Rosewood essential oil is commonly thought of as an analgesic/ antidepressant/ antiseptic/ aphrodisiac/ antibacterial/ cephalic/ deodorant/ insecticide/ and stimulant substance.,Health benefits: It is often used to reduce pain/ fight depression/ protect wounds from becoming septic/ enhance libido and promote sexual arousal. It also kills bacteria/ and is good for the brain/ while curing headaches/ driving away body odor/ killing insects and stimulating gland discharges.,<br><br><br></div><br><br><div class='FOOTER'><center> <br><input type='reset' style='width: 100px' value='Back' onClick='history.go(-1)' > <input type='reset' style='width: 100px' value='Forward' onClick='history.go(+1)' > <p><img src='/img/pbiblx2_logo3.png' alt='[pBiblx2]'/><br>Tue Oct 1 01:55:03 2024<br>pBiblx2 Field Wise Bible System Version 2.1.11 - GPL3 2009-2020</p></center></div> </body></html>