Indexes Search Result: indexed - outside

Terms of Use: @ "The Foundations of the Like Precious Faith Series" by Layman RandyP

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Found: Genesis:3:5 @ SATAN AND GOD'S WORD - III. He created a desire outside of God's Word (v.5)

Found: @ AUTONOMY –– the state of being a "law unto oneself," independent of outside authority

Found: strkjv@Luke:16 @ Lazarus outside the Rich Man's House http://likepreciousfaith.us/img/Dore/NT-195-med.jpg

Found: RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS @ Charismatic movement or "Neo-Pentecostalism": Pentecostal beliefs and practices spread to churches outside of the Holiness tradition.

Found: Luke:16 @ Lazarus outside the Rich Man's House http://shepherdpuplinux.us/img/Dore/NT-195-med.jpg

Found: 1Clement:4:11 <1CLEMENT>@ By reason of jealousy Aaron and Miriam were lodged outside the camp.

Found: 2Clement:12:2 <2CLEMENT>@ For the Lord Himself, being asked by a certain person when his kingdom would come, said, When the two shall be one, and the outside as the inside, and the male with the female, neither male or female.

Found: 2Clement:12:4 <2CLEMENT>@ And by the outside as the inside He meaneth this: by the inside he meaneth the soul and by the outside the body. Therefore in like manner as they body appeareth, so also let thy soul be manifest by its good works.

Found: Diognetus:10:5 @ For happiness consisteth not in lordship over one's neighbors, nor in desiring to have more than weaker men, nor in possessing wealth and using force to inferiors; neither can any one imitate God in these matters; nay, these lie outside His greatness.

Found: Hermas:917:6 @ Look ye therefore, ye that exult in your wealth, lest they that are in want shall moan, and their moaning shall go up unto the Lord, and ye with your [abundance of good things be shut outside the door of the tower.

Found: Hermas:356:3 @ But if thou do any good thing outside the commandment of God, thou shalt win for thyself more exceeding glory, and shalt be more glorious in the sight of God than thou wouldest otherwise have been. If then, while thou keepest the commandments of God, thou add these services likewise, thou shalt rejoice, if thou observe them according to my commandment."

Found: Hermas:784:5 @ "How, Sir," say I, "can they, when they are chiseled, fill the same space?" He saith unto me in answer, "As many as shall be found small, shall be put into the middle of the building; but as many as are larger, shall be placed nearer the outside, and they will bind them together."

Found: Hermas:885:3 @ Then he began to inspect those that had the cracks; and of these he shaped many, and he ordered them to be carried away by the hands of the virgins for the building. And they were placed towards the outside, because they were found to be sounder. But the rest could not be shaped owing to the number of the cracks. For this reason therefore they were cast aside from the building of the tower.

Found: Hermas:885:5 @ Then he began to inspect those that were half white and half black, and many of them were (now) found black; and he ordered these also to be taken up with those that had been cast aside. But all the rest were found white, and were taken up by the virgins; for being white they were fitted by the virgins themselves into the building. But they were placed towards the outside, because they were found sound, so that they could hold together those that were placed in the middle; for not a single one of them was too short.

Found: Hermas:885:7 @ Then he proceeded to inspect those that had the spots, and of these some few had turned black and were cast away among the rest; but the remainder were found bright and sound, and these were fitted by the virgins into the building; but they were placed towards the outside, owing to their strength.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL outside @ (2)

Found: outside @ kjv@CONCORD:outside