Indexes Search Result: indexed - possess
Found: February5 @ nkjv@Matthew:8:28-34 The Healing of Two Demon-possessed Men

Found: May19 @ nkjv@Mark:5:1-20 The Healing of a Demon-possessed Man

Found: August13 @ nkjv@Luke:8:26-39 The Healing of a Demon-possessed Man

Found: kjv@Genesis:22:17 @ That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying...

Found: kjv@Acts:4:32 @ And the multitude of them that believed were of one...

Found: dict:hitchcock Achaz @ one that takes, or possesses - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Ahaz @ one that takes or possesses - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Ahuzam @ their taking or possessing vision - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Ahuzzah @ possession; seizing; collecting - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Baal-hermon @ possessor of destruction or of a thing cursed - HITCHCOCK-B

Found: dict:hitchcock Baal-zephon @ the idol or possession of the north; hidden; secret - HITCHCOCK-B

Found: dict:hitchcock Cain @ possession, or possessed - HITCHCOCK-C

Found: dict:hitchcock Cainan @ possessor; purchaser - HITCHCOCK-C

Found: dict:hitchcock Cana @ zeal; jealousy; possession - HITCHCOCK-C

Found: dict:hitchcock Candace @ who possesses contrition - HITCHCOCK-C

Found: dict:hitchcock Darkon @ of generation; of possession - HITCHCOCK-D

Found: dict:hitchcock Jehoahaz @ possession of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Jerusha @ banished; possession; inheritance - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Joahaz @ apprehending; possessing; seeing - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Jokneam @ possessing, or building up, of the people - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Kenah @ buying; possession - HITCHCOCK-K

Found: dict:hitchcock Kenites @ possession; purchase; lamentation - HITCHCOCK-K

Found: dict:hitchcock Kenizzites @ possession; purchase - HITCHCOCK-K

Found: dict:hitchcock Minneiah @ possession of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Samothracia @ an island possessed by the Samians and Thracians - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Tubal-cain @ worldly possession; possessed of confusion - HITCHCOCK-T

Found: 1229 A.D. @ (local) Council of Toulouse after the capitulation of the Albigensians, and forbidding the laity to possess Bibles.

Found: PHILOSOPHICAL MOVEMENTS @ Christian asceticism: a life which is characterised by refraining from worldly pleasures and luxuries, such as wealth, private possessions, and alcohol.

Found: APRIL7 AM @ As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.-nkjv@2Corinthians:6:10 nkjv@Romans:5:2-3. nkjv@2Corinthians:7:4. nkjv@1Peter:1:8 nkjv@2Corinthians:8:2. nkjv@Ephesians:3:8-9 nkjv@James:2:5. nkjv@2Corinthians:9:8.

Found: OCTOBER23 AM @ A man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.-nkjv@Luke:12:15 nkjv@Psalms:37:16. nkjv@Proverbs:15:16. - nkjv@1Timothy:. 6:6-8 nkjv@Proverbs:30:8-9. nkjv@Matthew:6:11 nkjv@Matthew:6:25. nkjv@Luke:22:35. nkjv@Hebrews:13:5.

Found: DECEMBER31 PM @ There remaineth yet very much land to be possessed.-nkjv@Joshua:13:1 nkjv@Philippians:3:12 nkjv@Matthew:5:48. - nkjv@2Peter:1:5-7 nkjv@Philippians:1:9 nkjv@1Corinthians:2:9-10 nkjv@Hebrews:4:9. nkjv@Isaiah:33:17.

Found: 1Clement:4:5 <1CLEMENT>@ Unto thee shall he turn, and thou shalt rule over him. {This last phrase has also been translated: Be at peace: thine offering returns to thyself, and thou shalt again possess it.}

Found: 1Clement:36:4 <1CLEMENT>@ but of His Son the Master said thus, Thou art My Son, I this day have begotten thee. Ask of Me, and I will give Thee the Gentiles for Thine inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Thy possession.

Found: 2Clement:20:1 <2CLEMENT>@ Neither suffer ye this again to trouble your mind, that we see the unrighteous possessing wealth, and the servants of God straitened.

Found: Barnabas:4:9 @ But though I would fain write many things, not as a teacher, but as becometh one who loveth you not to fall short of that which we possess, I was anxious to write to you, being your devoted slave. Wherefore let us take heed in these last days. For the whole time of our faith shall profit us nothing, unless we now, in the season of lawlessness and in the offenses that shall be, as becometh sons of God, offer resistance, that the Black One may not effect an entrance.

Found: Didache:13:7 @ yea and of money and raiment and every possession take the firstfruit, as shall seem good to thee, and give according to the commandment.

Found: Diognetus:2:1 @ Come then, clear thyself of all the prepossessions which occupy thy mind, and throw off the habit which leadeth thee astray, and become a new man, as it were, from the beginning, as one who would listen to a new story, even as thou thyself didst confess. See not only with thine eyes, but with thine intellect also, of what substance or of what form they chance to be whom ye call and regard as gods.

Found: Diognetus:5:3 @ Nor again do they possess any invention discovered by any intelligence or study of ingenious men, nor are they masters of any human dogma as some are.

Found: Diognetus:10:5 @ For happiness consisteth not in lordship over one's neighbors, nor in desiring to have more than weaker men, nor in possessing wealth and using force to inferiors; neither can any one imitate God in these matters; nay, these lie outside His greatness.

Found: Diognetus:10:6 @ But whosoever taketh upon himself the burden of his neighbor, whosoever desireth to benefit one that is worse off in that in which he himself is superior, whosoever by supplying to those that are in want possessions which he received from God becomes a God to those who receive them from him, he is an imitator of God.

Found: Hermas:816:6 @ "I would fain know, lady," I say, "what power each of them possesseth." "Listen then," saith she, "to the powers which they have.

Found: Hermas:150:4 @ Thou, therefor who hast fields and dwellings and many other possessions, when thou art cast out by him, what wilt thou do with thy field and thy house am all the other things that thou preparedst for thyself? For the lord of this country saith to thee justly, "Either conform to my laws, or depart from my country."

Found: Hermas:150:5 @ What then shalt thou do, who art under law in thine own city? For the sake of thy fields and the rest of thy possessions wilt thou altogether repudiate thy law, and walk according to the law of this city? Take heed, lest it be inexpedient to repudiate the law; for if thou shouldest desire to return again to thy city, thou shall surely not be received because thou didst repudiate the law of the city, and shalt be shut out from it.

Found: Hermas:150:9 @ For to this end the Master enriched you, that ye might perform these ministrations for Him. It is much better to purchase fields and possessions and houses of this kind, which thou wilt find in thine own city, when thou visitest it.

Found: Hermas:150:11 @ But practice your own expenditure, in which ye can rejoice; and do not corrupt, neither touch that which is another man's, nor lust after it for it is wicked to lust after other men's possessions. But perform thine own task, and thou shalt be saved."

Found: Hermas:659:6 @ When then it had lived honorably in chastity, and had labored with the Spirit, and had cooperated with it in everything, behaving itself boldly and bravely, He chose it as a partner with the Holy Spirit; for the career of this flesh pleased the Lord, seeing that, as possessing the Holy Spirit, it was not defiled upon the earth.

Found: Hermas:565:4 @ So being tormented and punished for the whole year, the man remembers at length the self-indulgence and deceit, and perceiveth that it is on their account that he is suffering these ills. Every man, therefore, that liveth in self-indulgence and is deceived, is tormented in this way because, though possessing lire, they have delivered themselves over unto death."

Found: Hermas:582:5 @ "If," saith he, "thou be not found possessed of an idle curiosity, thou shalt know all things. For after a few days we shall come here, and thou shalt see the sequel that overtaketh this tower and shalt understand all the parables accurately."

Found: Hermas:986:2 @ "I, Sir," say I, "do not possess this art, neither am I a mason, nor can I understand." Seest thou not," saith he, "that they are very round; and if I wish to make them square, very much must needs be chiseled off from them? Yet some of them must of necessity be placed into the building."

Found: Hermas:26103:8 @ These then are broken off short from their faith through the conduct which they have in themselves; but some of them repented and were saved; and the rest that are of this kind can be saved, if they repent; but if they repent not, they shall meet their death from those women of whose power they are possessed.

Found: Hermas:27[104`:5 @ When therefore the Lord percieved their mind, that they could favor the truth, and likewise remain good, He commanded their possessions to be cut off from them, yet not to be taken away altogether, so that they might be able to do some good with that which hath been left to them, and might live unto God for that they come of a good kind. So therefore they have been cut away a little, and placed in the building of this tower".

Found: Hermas:27[104a:1 @ "But the other (stones), which have remained round and have not been fitted into the building, because they have not yet received the seal, have been replaced in their own possession, for they were found very round.

Found: Hermas:27[104a:2 @ For this world and the vanities of their possessions must be cut off from them, and then they will fit into the kingdom of God. For it is necessary that they should enter into the kingdom of God; because the Lord hath blessed this innocent kind. Of this kind then not one shall perish. Yea, even though any one of them being tempted by the most wicked devil have committed any fault, he shall return speedily unto his Lord.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:14:2 @ No man professing faith sinneth, and no man possessing love hateth. The tree is manifest from its fruit; so they that profess to be Christ's shall be seen through their actions. For the Work is not a thing of profession now, but is seen then when one is found in the power of faith unto the end.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:15:2 @ He that truly possesseth the word of Jesus is able also to hearken unto His silence, that he may be perfect; that through his speech he may act and through his silence he may be known.

Found: IgnatiusMagnesians:15:1 @ The Ephesians from Smyrna salute you, from whence also I write to you. They are here with me for the glory of God, as also are ye; and they have comforted me in all things, together with Polycarp bishop of the Smyrnaeans. Yea, and all the other churches salute you in the honor of Jesus Christ. Fare ye well in godly concord, and possess ye a steadfast spirit, which is Jesus Christ.

Found: IgnatiusPolycarp:8:1 @ Since I have not been able to write to all the churches, by reason of my sailing suddenly from Troas to Neapolis, as the Divine will enjoineth, thou shalt write to the churches in front, as one possessing the mind of God, to the intent that they also may do this same thing--let those who are able send messengers, and the rest letters by the persons who are sent by thee, that ye may be glorified by an ever memorable deed--for this is worthy of thee.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL possessed @ (6)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL possessions @ (1)

Found: February5 @ nkjv@Matthew:8:28-34 The Healing of Two Demon-possessed Men journal:February5

Found: May19 @ nkjv@Mark:5:1-20 The Healing of a Demon-possessed Man journal:May19

Found: August13 @ nkjv@Luke:8:26-39 The Healing of a Demon-possessed Man journal:August13

Found: dispossess @ kjv@CONCORD:dispossess

Found: dispossessed @ kjv@CONCORD:dispossessed

Found: possess @ kjv@CONCORD:possess

Found: possessed @ kjv@CONCORD:possessed

Found: possessest @ kjv@CONCORD:possessest

Found: possesseth @ kjv@CONCORD:possesseth

Found: possessing @ kjv@CONCORD:possessing

Found: possession @ kjv@CONCORD:possession

Found: possessions @ kjv@CONCORD:possessions

Found: possessor @ kjv@CONCORD:possessor

Found: possessors @ kjv@CONCORD:possessors

Found: nkjv@Mark:5:1-20 @ Jesus By Miracle - Healing a man possessed by demons at Gadara

Found: nkjv@Matthew:8:28 @ Jesus By Miracle - Healing a man possessed by demons at Gadara

Found: nkjv@Luke:8:26 @ Jesus By Miracle - Healing a man possessed by demons at Gadara

Found: nkjv@Luke:21:19 @ Jesus By Command - possess ye your souls

Found: February5 @ Matthew:8:28-34 The Healing of Two Demon-possessed Men

Found: May19 @ Mark:5:1-20 The Healing of a Demon-possessed Man

Found: August13 @ Luke:8:26-39 The Healing of a Demon-possessed Man

Found: nkjv@Matthew:8:28-34 @ The Healing of Two Demon-possessed Men

Found: nkjv@Mark:5:1-20 @ The Healing of a Demon-possessed Man

Found: nkjv@Luke:8:26-39 @ The Healing of a Demon-possessed Man

Found: February5,Matthew_8_28-34 ,nkjv@Matthew:8:28-34,The Healing of Two Demon-possessed Men

Found: May19,Mark_5_1-20 ,nkjv@Mark:5:1-20,The Healing of a Demon-possessed Man

Found: August13,Luke_8_26-39 ,nkjv@Luke:8:26-39,The Healing of a Demon-possessed Man