Indexes Search Result: indexed - say
Found: kjv@Psalms:27:14 @ Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he...

Found: kjv@Matthew:21:9 @ And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried,...

Found: kjv@Luke:18:17 @ Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the...

Found: kjv@Matthew:24:5 @ For many shall come in my name, saying, I am...

Found: kjv@Luke:21:8 @ And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived:...

Found: kjv@Psalms:42:3 @ My tears have been my meat day and night, while...

Found: kjv@Psalms:42:9 @ I will say unto God my rock, Why hast thou...

Found: kjv@Psalms:42:10 @ As with a sword in my bones, mine enemies reproach...

Found: kjv@Matthew:25:40 @ And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily...

Found: kjv@Matthew:26:27 @ And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave...

Found: kjv@John:3:3 @ Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say...

Found: kjv@Matthew:26:64 @ Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say...

Found: kjv@Matthew:27:46 @ And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud...

Found: kjv@Exodus:3:16 @ Go, and gather the elders of Israel together, and say...

Found: kjv@Romans:8:31 @ What shall we then say to these things? If God...

Found: kjv@Exodus:20:1 @ Exodus:20:1 And God spake all these words, saying,

Found: kjv@John:8:12 @ Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the...

Found: kjv@Leviticus:19:2 @ Speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel,...

Found: kjv@Mark:9:41 @ For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to...

Found: kjv@Hebrews:13:6 @ So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my...

Found: kjv@Proverbs:1:6 @ To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of...

Found: kjv@Mark:11:17 @ And he taught, saying unto them, Is it not written,...

Found: kjv@Mark:11:24 @ Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire,...

Found: kjv@John:13:20 @ Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever...

Found: kjv@1Samuel:20:42 @ And Jonathan said to David, Go in peace, forasmuch as...

Found: kjv@Matthew:5:39 @ But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil:...

Found: kjv@Matthew:5:44 @ But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them...

Found: kjv@Luke:2:13 @ And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of...

Found: kjv@Luke:2:17 @ And when they had seen it, they made known abroad...

Found: kjv@Luke:3:16 @ John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you...

Found: kjv@Luke:6:27 @ But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies,...

Found: kjv@Luke:6:46 @ And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not...

Found: kjv@Matthew:12:36 @ But I say unto you, That every idle word that...

Found: kjv@Matthew:14:27 @ But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good...

Found: kjv@Matthew:15:4 @ For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and,...

Found: kjv@Luke:11:9 @ And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be...

Found: kjv@Ecclesiastes:12:1 @ Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth,...

Found: kjv@Luke:12:8 @ Also I say unto you, Whosoever shall confess me before...

Found: kjv@Revelation:4:8 @ And the four beasts had each of them six wings...

Found: kjv@Luke:12:22 @ And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto...

Found: kjv@Luke:12:27 @ Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they...

Found: kjv@Matthew:17:20 @ And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for...

Found: kjv@Acts:14:15 @ And saying, Sirs, why do ye these things? We also...

Found: kjv@Revelation:5:13 @ And every creature which is in heaven, and on the...

Found: kjv@Matthew:18:3 @ And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be...

Found: kjv@Revelation:19:5 @ And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise...

Found: kjv@Luke:15:10 @ Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the...

Found: kjv@Revelation:22:7 @ Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the...

Found: kjv@Matthew:18:19 @ Again I say unto you, That if two of you...

Found: kjv@Luke:17:21 @ Neither shall they say, Lo here or, lo there for,...

Found: dict:easton Soothsayer @ Soothsayer

Found: Exodus:3:13-16 @ ANSWERING THE CALL OF GOD - II. What can I say?

Found: Nehemiah:4:4-11 @ DISCOURAGEMENT - A blight on Christianity is a discouraged, downcast, defeated Christian who is saying by his attitude and life that God is not powerful enough. What causes discouragement?

Found: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/temple_f/essays.html @ Temple Essays and Reviews: The Education of the World, Bunsen's Biblical Researches, On the Study of the Evidences of Christianity; Seances Historiques

Found: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/edwards/trinity.html @ Edwards An Unpublished Essay on the Trinity

Found: http://www.kuyper.org/main/publish/books_essays/article_17.shtml?page=1 @ Kuyper Lectures on Calvinism: Six Lectures Delivered at Princeton University, 1898, under the auspices of the L. P. Stone Foundation

Found: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/sayers @ Sayers, Dorothy L. (1893-1957)

Found: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/sayers/cathtales.html @ Catholic Tales and Christian Songs

Found: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/lindsay @ Lindsay, Thomas Martin (1843-1914)

Found: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/lindsay/early_church.html @ Lindsay Church and the Ministry in the Early Centuries

Found: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/edwards/trinity.html @ An Unpublished Essay on the Trinity (http://www.ccel.org/ccel/edwards - Jonathan Edwards )

Found: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/jowett_b/theological.html @ Theological Essays of the Late Benjamin Jowettpage images provided by Internet Archive (http://www.ccel.org/ccel/jowett_b - Benjamin Jowett )

Found: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/lindsay/early_church.html @ Church and the Ministry in the Early Centuries (1903) From PDF scan files (http://www.ccel.org/ccel/lindsay - Thomas M. Lindsay)

Found: dict:hitchcock Amariah @ the Lord says; the integrity of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Halloesh @ saying nothing; an enchanter - HITCHCOCK-H

Found: dict:hitchcock Immer @ saying; speaking; a lamb - HITCHCOCK-I

Found: Wikipedia @ William Mitchell Ramsay (1851–1939), archaeologist known for his expertise in Asia Minor

Found: 20 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL Verily, verily, I say unto you,

Found: 9 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL But I say unto you, That

Found: 7 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL unto them, Verily I say unto

Found: 7 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL them, Verily I say unto you,

Found: 6 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL Verily I say unto you, That

Found: 6 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL said, Verily I say unto you,

Found: 5 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL Verily, verily, I say unto thee,

Found: 5 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL verily, I say unto you, He

Found: 5 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL them, Verily, verily, I say unto

Found: 5 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto you, He that

Found: 4 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL unto them, Verily, verily, I say

Found: 4 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL say unto you, It shall be

Found: 4 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL said unto them, Verily I say

Found: 4 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto you, Whosoever shall

Found: 4 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto you, That whosoever

Found: 4 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto you, I will

Found: 4 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto you, It shall

Found: 35 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL Verily I say unto you,

Found: 26 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto you, That

Found: 25 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL Verily, verily, I say unto

Found: 20 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL verily, I say unto you,

Found: 14 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL But I say unto you,

Found: 13 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL verily I say unto you,

Found: 11 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto you, that

Found: 8 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto you, I

Found: 8 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL For I say unto you,

Found: 7 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL unto them, Verily I say

Found: 7 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL them, Verily I say unto

Found: 6 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL said, Verily I say unto

Found: 5 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL verily, I say unto thee,

Found: 5 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL them, Verily, verily, I say

Found: 118 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto you,

Found: 39 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL Verily I say unto

Found: 26 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL say unto you, That

Found: 25 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL Verily, verily, I say

Found: 25 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL verily, I say unto

Found: 15 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL But I say unto

Found: 14 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto thee,

Found: 13 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL verily I say unto

Found: 12 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL They say unto him,

Found: 11 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL say unto you, that

Found: 9 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL say unto you, I

Found: 137 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto

Found: 123 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL say unto you,

Found: 39 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL Verily I say

Found: 30 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL say unto him,

Found: 25 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL verily, I say

Found: 193 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL say unto

Found: 143 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL I say

Found: 63 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL him, saying,

Found: ylt@Proverbs:1 @ PROVERBS - This book is a compendium of proverb collections. Although Solomon inspired the development of the book, its entire content did not derive from him. A proverb is a short, pithy saying with practical implications. The ones included here cover a variety of subjects, for example, chastity, control of the tongue, laziness, knowledge, relations with others, justice. Perhaps above everything else in Proverbs there is the reiterated assertion that the source of true wisdom is "the fear of the Lord".

Found: FEBRUARY15 AM @ Who can say, I have made my heart clean?-ylt@Proverbs:20:9 ylt@Psalms:14:2-3. ylt@Romans:8:8 ylt@Romans:7:18-19. ylt@Isaiah:64:6 ylt@Galatians:3:22. ylt@2Corinthians:5:19 ylt@1John:1:8-9.

Found: MARCH23 PM @ They constrained him, saying, Abide with us.-ylt@Luke:24:29 ylt@Revelation:3:20. ylt@Songs:1:7. ylt@Songs:3:4 ylt@Songs:4:16. ylt@Songs:5:1. ylt@Isaiah:45:19 ylt@Matthew:28:20. ylt@Hebrews:13:5. ylt@Matthew:18:20. ylt@John:14:19.

Found: APRIL19 AM @ Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.-ylt@John:10:7 ylt@Matthew:27:51. ylt@1Peter:3:18. ylt@Hebrews:9:8 ylt@John:10:9 ylt@John:14:6. ylt@Ephesians:2:18-19. ylt@Hebrews:10:19-20. ylt@Romans:5:1-2.

Found: MAY5 AM @ Take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.-ylt@Matthew:6:31-32 ylt@Psalms:34:9-10. ylt@Psalms:84:11-12 ylt@1Corinthians:7:32. ylt@Philippians:4:6 ylt@Matthew:10:29-31. ylt@Mark:4:40. ylt@Mark:11:22

Found: JUNE5 AM @ When ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants.-ylt@Luke:17:10 ylt@Romans:3:27. ylt@1Corinthians:4:7. ylt@Ephesians:2:8-10 ylt@1Corinthians:15:10. ylt@Romans:11:36. ylt@1Chronicles:29:14 ylt@Psalms:143:2.

Found: JULY2 PM @ Jesus prayed the third time, saying the same words.-ylt@Matthew:26:44 ylt@Hebrews:5:7 ylt@Hosea:6:3. ylt@Romans:12:12. ylt@Ephesians:6:18. ylt@Philippians:4:6-7 ylt@Matthew:26:39. ylt@1John:5:14 ylt@Psalms:37:4-5.

Found: ylt@Job:40:15 @ Behemoth (Some say it's a mythical sea monster) - BibleAnimals

Found: 1Clement:6:3 <1CLEMENT>@ Jealousy hath estranged wives from their husbands and changed the saying of our father Adam, This now is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.

Found: 1Clement:8:4 <1CLEMENT>@ and He added also a merciful judgment: Repent ye, O house of Israel, of your iniquity; say unto the sons of My people, Though your sins reach from the earth even unto the heaven, and though they be redder than scarlet and blacker than sackcloth, and ye turn unto Me with your whole heart and say Father, I will give ear unto you as unto a holy people.

Found: 1Clement:15:5 <1CLEMENT>@ For this cause let the deceitful lips be made dumb which speak iniquity against the righteous. And again May the Lord utterly destroy all the deceitful lips, the tongue that speaketh proud things, even them that say, Let us magnify our tongue; our lips are our own; who is lord over us?

Found: 1Clement:16:16 <1CLEMENT>@ All they that beheld me mocked at me; they spake with their lips; they wagged their heads, saying, He hoped on the Lord; let Him deliver him, or let Him save him, for He desireth him.

Found: 1Clement:17:4 <1CLEMENT>@ Yet he himself accuseth himself saying, No man from filth; no, not though his life be but for a day.

Found: 1Clement:18:1 <1CLEMENT>@ But what must we say of David that obtained a good report? of whom God said, I have found a man after My heart, David the son of Jesse: with eternal mercy have I anointed him.

Found: 1Clement:23:3 <1CLEMENT>@ Let this scripture be far from us where He saith Wretched are the double-minded, Which doubt in their soul and say, These things we did hear in the days of our fathers also, and behold we have grown old, and none of these things hath befallen us.

Found: 1Clement:23:5 <1CLEMENT>@ Of a truth quickly and suddenly shall His will be accomplished, the scripture also bearing witness to it, saying He shall come quickly and shall not tarry; and the Lord shall come suddenly into His temple, even the Holy One, whom ye expect.

Found: 1Clement:27:5 <1CLEMENT>@ Who shall say unto Him, What hast thou done? or who shall resist the might of His strength? When He listeth, and as He listeth, He will do all things; and nothing shall pass away of those things that He hath decreed.

Found: 1Clement:32:2 <1CLEMENT>@ For of Jacob are all the priests and levites who minister unto the altar of God; of him is the Lord Jesus as concerning the flesh; of him are kings and rulers and governors in the line of Judah; yea and the rest of his tribes are held in no small honor, seeing that God promised saying, Thy seed shall be as the stars of heaven.

Found: 1Clement:34:3 <1CLEMENT>@ since He forewarneth us saying, Behold, the Lord, and His reward is before His face, to recompense each man according to his work.

Found: 1Clement:45:6 <1CLEMENT>@ For what must we say, brethren? Was Daniel cast into the lions' den by them that feared God?

Found: 1Clement:48:5 <1CLEMENT>@ Let a man be faithful, let him be able to expound a deep saying, let him be wise in the discernment of words, let him be strenuous in deeds, let him be pure;

Found: 1Clement:53:3 <1CLEMENT>@ And the Lord said unto him; I have spoken unto thee once and twice, saying, I have seen this people, and behold it is stiff-necked. Let Me destroy them utterly, and I will blot out their name from under heaven, and I will make of thee a nation great and wonderful and numerous more than this.

Found: 1Clement:54:2 <1CLEMENT>@ Let him say; If by reason of me there be faction and strife and divisions, I retire, I depart, whither ye will, and I do that which is ordered by the people: only let the flock of Christ be at peace with its duly appointed presbyters.

Found: 1Clement:57:3 <1CLEMENT>@ For thus saith the All virtuous Wisdom; Behold I will pour out for you a saying of My breath, and I will teach you My word.

Found: 2Clement:4:5 <2CLEMENT>@ For this cause, if ye do these things, the Lord said, Though ye be gathered together with Me in My bosom, and do not My commandments, I will cast you away and will say unto you, Depart from Me, I know you not whence ye are, ye workers of iniquity.

Found: 2Clement:8:5 <2CLEMENT>@ For the Lord saith in the Gospel, If ye kept not that which is little, who shall give unto you that which is great? For I say unto you that he which is faithful in the least, is also faithful in much.

Found: 2Clement:9:1 <2CLEMENT>@ And let not any one of you say that this flesh is not judged neither riseth again.

Found: 2Clement:11:2 <2CLEMENT>@ For the word of prophecy also saith: Wretched are the double-minded, that doubt in their heart and say, These things we heard of old in the days of our fathers also, yet we have waited day after day and seen none of them.

Found: 2Clement:13:3 <2CLEMENT>@ For the Gentiles, when they hear from our mouths the oracles of God, marvel at them for their beauty and greatness; then, when they discover that our works are not worthy of the words which we speak, forthwith they betake themselves to blasphemy, saying that it is an idle story and a delusion.

Found: 2Clement:13:4 <2CLEMENT>@ For when they here from us that God saith, It is no thank unto you, if ye love them that love you, but this is thank unto you, if ye love your enemies and them that hate you; when they hear these things, I say, they marvel at their exceeding goodness; but when they see that we not only do not love us, they laugh us to scorn, and the Name is blasphemed.

Found: 2Clement:14:4 <2CLEMENT>@ But if we say that the flesh is the Church and the spirit is Christ, then he that hath dealt wantonly with the flesh hath dealt wantonly with the Church. Such and one therefore shall not partake of the spirit, which is Christ>.

Found: 2Clement:15:3 <2CLEMENT>@ Let is therefore abide in the things which we believed, in righteousness and holiness, that we may with boldness as of God who saith, Whiles thou art still speaking I will say, Behold, I am here.

Found: 2Clement:17:5 <2CLEMENT>@ And the unbelievers shall see His glory and His might: and they shall be amazed when they see the kingdom of the world given to Jesus, saying, Woe unto us, for Thou wast, and we knew it not, and believed not; and we obeyed not the presbyters when they told us of our salvation. And Their worm shall not die, and their fire shall not be quenched, and they shall be for a spectacle unto all flesh.

Found: 2Clement:17:7 <2CLEMENT>@ But the righteous, done good and endured torments and hated pleasures of the soul, when they shall behold them that have done amiss and denied Jesus by their words or by their deeds, how that they are punished with grievous torments in unquenchable fire, shall give glory to God, saying, There will be hope for him that hath served God with his whole heart.

Found: Barnabas:2:4 @ For He hath made manifest to us by all the prophets that He wanteth neither sacrifices nor whole burnt offerings nor oblations, saying at one time;

Found: Barnabas:3:5 @ Then shalt thou cry out and God shall hear thee; while thou art still speaking, He shall say 'Lo, I am here'; if thou shalt take away from thee the yoke and the stretching forth of the finger and the word of murmuring, and shalt give thy bread to the hungry heartily, and shalt pity the abased soul.

Found: Barnabas:4:6 @ Ye ought therefore to understand. Moreover I ask you this one thing besides, as being one of yourselves and loving you all in particular more than my own soul, to give heed to yourselves now, and not to liken yourselves to certain persons who pile up sin upon sin, saying that our covenant remains to them also.

Found: Barnabas:6:7 @ Forasmuch then as He was about to be manifested in the flesh and to suffer, His suffering was manifested beforehand. For the prophet saith concerning Israel; Woe unto their soul, for they have counseled evil counsel against themselves saying, Let us bind the righteous one, for he is unprofitable for us.

Found: Barnabas:6:8 @ What sayeth the other prophet Moses unto them? Behold, these things saith the Lord God; enter into the good land which the Lord swear unto Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and inherit it, a land flowing with milk and honey.

Found: Barnabas:6:14 @ Behold then we have been created anew, as He saith again in another prophet; Behold, saith the Lord, I will take out from these, that is to say, from those whom the Spirit of the Lord foresaw, their stony hearts, and will put into them hearts of flesh; for He Himself was to be manifested in the flesh and to dwell in us.

Found: Barnabas:7:9 @ What then meaneth this? Give heed. The one at the alter, and the other accursed. And moreover the accursed one crowned. For they shall see Him in that day wearing the long scarlet robe about His flesh, and shall say, Is not this He, Whom once we crucified and set at nought and spat upon; verily this was He, Who then said that He was the Son of God.

Found: Barnabas:7:10 @ For how is He like the goat? For this reason it says the goats shall be fair and alike, that, when they shall see Him coming then, they may be astonished at the likeness of the goat. Therefore behold the type of Jesus that was to suffer.

Found: Barnabas:9:4 @ He saith unto them; Thus saith the Lord your God (so I find the commandment); sow not upon thorns, be ye circumcised in to your Lord. And what saith He? Be ye circumcised in the hardness of your heart; and then ye will not harden your neck. Take this again; Behold, sayith the Lord, all the Gentiles are uncircumcised in their foreskin, but this people is uncircumcised in their hearts.

Found: Barnabas:9:5 @ But thou wilt say; In truth the people hath been circumcised for a seal. Nay, but so likewise is every Syrian and Arabian and all the priests of the idols. Do all those then too belong to their covenant? Moreover the Egyptians also are included among the circumcised.

Found: Barnabas:12:4 @ And again in another prophet He saith; The whole day long have I stretched out My hands to a disobedient people that did gainsay My righteous way.

Found: Barnabas:12:10 @ Behold again it is Jesus, not a son of man, but the Son of God, and He was revealed in the flesh in a figure. Since then men will say that Christ is the son of David, David himself prophesieth being afraid and understanding the error of sinners; The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on My right hand until I set thine enemies for a footstool under Thy feet.

Found: Barnabas:12:11 @ And again thus sayith Isaiah; The Lord said unto my Christ the Lord, of whose right hand I laid hold, that the nations should give ear before Him, and I will break down the strength of kings. See how David calleth Him Lord, and calleth Him not Son.

Found: Barnabas:13:4 @ And in another prophecy Jacob speaketh more plainly to Joseph his son, saying; Behold, the Lord hath not bereft me of thy face; bring me thy sons, that I may bless them.

Found: Barnabas:15:4 @ Give heed, children, what this meaneth; He ended in six days. He meaneth this, that in six thousand years the Lord shall bring all things to an end; for the day with Him signifyeth a thousand years; and this He himself beareth me witness, saying; Behold, the day of the Lord shall be as a thousand years. Therefore, children, in six days, that is in six thousand years, everything shall come to an end.

Found: Barnabas:19:8 @ Thou shalt make thy neighbor partake in all things, and shalt not say that anything is thine own. For if ye are fellow partakers in that which is imperishable, how much rather shall ye be in the things which are perishable. Thou shalt not be hasty with thine own tongue, for the mouth is the snare of death. So far as thou art able, thou shalt be pure for thy soul's sake.

Found: Didache:4:8 @ Thou shalt not turn away from him that is in want, but shalt make thy brother partaker in all things, and shalt not say that anything is thy own. For if ye are fellow-partakers in that which is imperishable, how much rather in the things which are perishable?

Found: Didache:11:12 @ And whosoever shall say in the Spirit, Give me silver or anything else, ye shall not listen to him; but if he tell you to give on behalf of others that are in want, let no man judge him.

Found: Diognetus:2:10 @ Well, I could say much besides concerning the Christians not being enslaved to such gods as these; but if any one should think what has been said insufficient, I hold it superfluous to say more.

Found: Diognetus:11:5 @ He, I say, Who is eternal, Who today was accounted a Son, through Whom the Church is enriched and grace is unfolded and multiplied among the saints, grace which confers understanding, which reveals mysteries, which announces seasons, which rejoices over the faithful, which is bestowed upon those who seek her, even those by whom the pledges of faith are not broken, nor the boundaries of the fathers overstepped.

Found: Diognetus:12:5 @ Discerning the force of this and blaming the knowledge which is exercised apart from the truth of the injunction which leads to life, the apostle says, Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth.

Found: Hermas:1:2 @ After a certain time I saw her bathing in the river Tiber; and I gave her my hand, and led her out of the river. So, seeing her beauty, I reasoned in my heart, saying, "Happy were I, if I had such an one to wife both in beauty and in character." I merely reflected on this and nothing more.

Found: Hermas:1:4 @ Now, while I prayed, the heaven was opened, and I see the lady, whom I had desired, greeting me from heaven, saying, "Good morrow, Hermas."

Found: Hermas:1:6 @ I said to her, "Dost thou now convict me?" "Nay, not so," said she, "but hear the words, that I shall say to thee. God, Who dwelleth in the heavens, and created out of nothing the things which are, and increased and multiplied them for His holy Church's sake, is wroth with thee, for that thou didst sin against me."

Found: Hermas:2:3 @ And she said to me "Why so gloomy, Hermas, thou that art patient and good-tempered and art always smiling? Why so downcast in thy looks, and far from cheerful?" And I said to her, "Because of an excellent lady's saying that I had sinned against her."

Found: Hermas:3:3 @ After these words of hers had ceased, she saith unto me, "Wilt thou listen to me as I read?" Then say I, "Yes, lady." She saith to me, "Be attentive, and hear the glories of God" I listened with attention and with wonder to that which I had no power to remember; for all the words were terrible, such as man cannot bear. The last words however I remembered, for they were suitable for us and gentle.

Found: Hermas:4:2 @ Then she calleth me unto her, and she touched my breast, and saith to me, "Did my reading please thee?" And I say unto her, "Lady, these last words please me, but the former were difficult and hard." Then she spake to me, saying, "These last words are for the righteous, but the former are for the heathen and the rebellious."

Found: Hermas:15:3 @ But after I had risen up from prayer, I behold before me the aged lady, whom also I had seen last year, walking and reading a little book. And she saith to me, "Canst thou report these things to the elect of God?" I say unto her, "Lady, I cannot recollect so much; but give me the little book, that I may copy it." "Take it," saith she, "and be sure and return it to me."

Found: Hermas:26:6 @ Thou shalt therefore say unto the elders of the Church, that they direct their paths in righteousness, that they may receive in full the promises with abundant glory.

Found: Hermas:37:4 @ But thou shalt say to Maximus, "Behold tribulation cometh (upon thee), if thou think fit to deny a second time. The Lord is nigh unto them that turn unto him, as it is written in Eldad and Modat, who prophesied to the people in the wilderness."

Found: Hermas:48:1 @ Now, brethren, a revelation was made unto me in my sleep by a youth of exceeding fair form, who said to me, "Whom thinkest thou the aged woman, from whom thou receivedst the book, to be?" I say, "The Sibyl" "Thou art wrong," saith he, "she is not." "Who then is she?" I say. "The Church," saith he. I said unto him, "Wherefore then is she aged?" "Because," saith he, "she was created before all things; therefore is she aged; and for her sake the world was framed."

Found: Hermas:19y:3 @ I asked her, saying, "Lady, to what part of the country?" "Where thou wilt," saith she. I selected a beautiful and retired spot; but before I spoke to her and named the spot, she saith to me, "I will come, whither thou willest."

Found: Hermas:19y:8 @ And after the young men had retired and we were left alone, she saith to me, "Sit down here." I say to her, "Lady, let the elders sit down first." "Do as I bid thee," saith she, "sit down."

Found: Hermas:210:1 @ "What did they suffer?" say I. "Listen," saith she. "Stripes, imprisonments, great tribulations, crosses, wild beasts, for the Name's sake. Therefore to them belongs the right side of the Holiness--to them, and to all who shall suffer for the Name. But for the rest is the left side. Howbeit, to both, to them that sit on the right, and to them that sit on the left, are the same gifts, and the same promises, only they sit on the right and have a certain glory.

Found: Hermas:210:4 @ Then she again took me by the hand, and raiseth me, and seateth me on the couch at the left hand, while she herself sat on the right. And lifting up a certain glistening rod, she saith to me, "Seest thou a great thing?" I say to her, "Lady, I see nothing." She saith to me, "Look thou; dost thou not see in front of thee a great tower being builded upon the waters, of glistening square stones?"

Found: Hermas:311:1 @ When she had shown me these things, she wished to hurry away. I say to her, "Lady, what advantage is it to me to have seen these things, and yet not to know what the things mean? "She answered and said unto me, "Thou art an over-curious fellow, in desiring to know all that concerns the tower." "Yea, lady," I said, "that I may announce it to my brethren, and that they may be the more gladdened and when they hear these things they may know the Lord in great glory." Then said she,

Found: Hermas:311:4 @ I say unto her, "Lady, since thou didst hold me worthy once for all, that thou shouldest reveal all things to me, reveal them." Then she saith to me, "Whatsoever is possible to be revealed to thee, shall be revealed. Only let thy heart be with God, and doubt not in thy mind about that which thou seest."

Found: Hermas:412:3 @ I enquired of her, saying, "Lady, I could wish to know concerning the end of the stones, and their power, of what kind it is." She answered and said unto me, "It is not that thou of all men art especially worthy that it should be revealed to thee; for there are others before thee, and better than thou art, unto whom these visions ought to have been revealed. But that the name of God may be glorified, it hath been revealed to thee, all shall be revealed, for the sake of the doubtful-minded, who question in their hearts whether these things are so or not. Tell them that all these things are true, and that there is nothing beside the truth, but that all are steadfast, and valid, and established on a firm foundation.

Found: Hermas:816:2 @ She looked upon me, and smiled, and she saith to me, "Seest thou seven women round the tower?" "I see them, lady," say I. "This tower is supported by them by commandment of the Lord.

Found: Hermas:816:6 @ "I would fain know, lady," I say, "what power each of them possesseth." "Listen then," saith she, "to the powers which they have.

Found: Hermas:816:9 @ Then I asked her concerning the seasons, whether the consummation is even now. But she cried aloud, saying, "Foolish man, seest thou not that the tower is still a-building? Whensoever therefore the tower shall be finished building, the end cometh; but it shall be built up quickly. Ask me no more questions: this reminder is sufficient for you and for the saints, and is the renewal of your spirits.

Found: Hermas:917:7 @ Now therefore I say unto you that are rulers of the Church, and that occupy the chief seats; be not ye like unto the sorcerers. The sorcerers indeed carry their drugs in boxes, but ye carry your drug and your poison in your heart.

Found: Hermas:1018:6 @ And I see the aged woman in a vision of the night, saying to me, "Every enquiry needs humility. Fast therefore, and thou shalt receive what thou askest from the Lord."

Found: Hermas:1018:9 @ I say unto him in reply, "Sir, this one thing alone I ask, concerning the three forms of the aged woman, that a complete revelation may be vouchsafed me." He saith to me in answer, How long are ye without understanding? It is your double-mindedness that maketh you of no understanding, and because your heart is not set towards the Lord."

Found: Hermas:122:4 @ And as I gave glory and thanksgiving to Him, there answered me as it were the sound of a voice, "Be not of doubtful mind, Hermas." I began to question in myself and to say, "How can I be of doubtful mind, seeing that I am so firmly founded by the Lord, and have seen glorious things?"

Found: Hermas:122:5 @ And I went on a little, brethren, and behold, I see a cloud of dust rising as it were to heaven, and I began to say within myself, "Can it be that cattle are coming, and raising a cloud of dust?" for it was just about a stade from me.

Found: Hermas:223:2 @ I knew from the former Visions that it was the Church, and I became more cheerful. She saluteth me, saying, "Good morrow, my good man"; and I saluted her in turn, "Lady, good morrow."

Found: Hermas:223:3 @ She answered and said unto me, "Did nothing meet thee? "I say unto her, Lady, such a huge beast, that could have destroyed whole peoples: but, by the power of the Lord and by His great mercy, I escaped it."

Found: Hermas:525:3 @ I thought he came to tempt me, and I say unto him, "Why, who art thou? For I know," say I, "unto whom I was delivered." He saith to me, "Dost thou not recognize me?" "No," I say. "I," saith he, "am the shepherd, unto whom thou wast delivered."

Found: Hermas:128:3 @ When then I heard these things, I wept bitterly. But seeing me weep he saith, "Why weepest thou?" "Because, Sir," say I "I know not if I can be saved." "Why so?" saith he. "Because, Sir," I say, "never in my life spake I a true word, but I always lied deceitfully with all men and dressed up my falsehood as truth before all men; and no man ever contradicted me, but confidence was placed in my word. How then, Sir," say I, "can I live, seeing that I have done these things?"

Found: Hermas:128:4 @ "Your supposition," he saith, "is right and true, for it behoved thee as a servant of God to walk in truth, and no complicity with evil should abide with the Spirit of truth, nor bring grief to the Spirit which is holy and true." "Never, Sir," say I, "heard I clearly words such as these."

Found: Hermas:129:4 @ I say to him, "Sir, permit me to ask thee a few more questions" "Say on," saith he. "Sir," say I, "if a man who has a wife that is faithful in the Lord detect her in adultery, doth the husband sin in living with her?"

Found: Hermas:129:6 @ "What then, Sir," say I, "shall the husband do, if the wife continue in this case?" "Let him divorce her," saith he, "and let the husband abide alone: but if after divorcing his wife he shall marry another, he likewise committeth adultery."

Found: Hermas:129:7 @ "If then, Sir," say I, "after the wife is divorced, she repent and desire to return to her own husband, shall she not be received?"

Found: Hermas:230:1 @ I asked him again, saying, "Seeing that the Lord held me worthy that thou shouldest always dwell with me, suffer me still to say a few words, since I understand nothing, and my heart has been made dense by my former deeds. Make me to understand, for I am very foolish, and I apprehend absolutely nothing."

Found: Hermas:230:3 @ "It is on this account therefore, Sir," say I, "that I enquire everything accurately of thee; first, because I am a sinner; secondly, because I know not what deeds I must do that I may live, for my sins are many and various."

Found: Hermas:331:1 @ "I will still proceed, Sir," say I, "to ask a further question." "Speak on," saith he. "I have heard, Sir," say I, "from certain teachers, that there is no other repentance, save that which took place when we rent down into the water and obtained remission of our former sins."

Found: Hermas:331:6 @ But I say unto you," saith he, "if after this great and holy calling any one, being tempted of the devil, shall commit sin, he hath only one (opportunity of) repentance. But if he sin off-hand and repent, repentance is unprofitable for such a man; for he shall live with difficulty."

Found: Hermas:331:7 @ I say unto him, "I was quickened unto life again, when I heard these things from thee so precisely. For I know that, if I shall add no more to my sins, I shall be saved." "Thou shalt be saved," he saith, "thou and all, as many as shall do these things."

Found: Hermas:432:1 @ I asked him again, saying, "Sir, since once thou dost bear with me, declare unto me this further matter also." "Say on," saith he. "If a wife, Sir," say I, "or, it may be, a husband fall asleep, and one of them marry, doth the one that marrieth sin?"

Found: Hermas:133:7 @ "I would fain know, Sir," say I, "the working of angry temper, that I may guard myself from it." "Yea, verily," saith he, "if thou guard not thyself from it--thou and thy family--thou hast lost all thy hope. But guard thyself from it; for I am with thee. Yea, and all men shall hold aloof from it, as many as have repented with their whole heart. For I will be with them and will preserve them; for they all were justified by the most holy angel.

Found: Hermas:135:1 @ I charged thee," saith he, "in my first commandment to guard faith and fear and temperance." "Yes, Sir," say I. "But now," saith he, "I wish to show thee their powers also, that thou mayest understand what is the power and effect of each one of them. For their effects are two fold. Now they are prescribed alike to the righteous and the unrighteous.

Found: Hermas:135:5 @ "I am pleased, Sir," say I, "to walk in this way." "Thou shalt walk," he saith, "yea, and whosoever shall turn unto the Lord with his whole heart shall walk in it.

Found: Hermas:236:2 @ "How then, Sir," say I, "shall I know their workings, seeing that both angels dwell with me?"

Found: Hermas:137:5 @ "Wherefore, Sir," say I, "didst thou say concerning those that keep His commandments, "They shall live unto God"?" "Because," saith he, "every creature feareth the Lord, but not every one keepeth His commandments. Those then that fear Him and keep His commandments, they have life unto God; but they that keep not His commandments have no life in them."

Found: Hermas:138:2 @ "Make known unto me, Sir," say I, "in what things it is right to be temperate, and in what things it is not right." "Listen," saith he. "Be temperate as to what is evil, and do it not; but be not temperate as to what is good, but do it. For if thou be temperate as to what is good, so as not to do it, thou committest a great sin; but if thou be temperate as to what is evil, so as not to do it, thou doest great righteousness. Be temperate therefore in abstaining from all wickedness, and do that which is good."

Found: Hermas:138:3 @ "What kinds of wickedness, Sir," say I, "are they from which we must be temperate and abstain?" "Listen," saith he; "from adultery and fornication, from the lawlessness of drunkenness, from wicked luxury, from many viands and the costliness of riches, and vaunting and haughtiness and pride, and from falsehood and evil speaking and hypocrisy, malice and all blasphemy.

Found: Hermas:138:5 @ "Why, are there still other evil deeds, Sir?" say I. "Aye, saith he, "there are many, from which the servant of God must be temperate and abstain; theft, falsehood, deprivation, false witness, avarice, evil desire, deceit, vain-glory, boastfulness, and whatsoever things are like unto these.

Found: Hermas:138:8 @ "Sir," say I, "show me the power of the good also, that I may walk in them and serve them, that doing them it may be possible for me to be saved." "Hear," saith he, "the works of the good likewise, which thou must do, and towards which thou must exercise no self-restraint.

Found: Hermas:138:11 @ Do these things," saith he, "seem to thee to be good?" "Why, what, Sir," say I, "can be better than these?" "Then walk in them," saith he, "and abstain not from them, and thou shalt live unto God.

Found: Hermas:139:1 @ He saith to me; "Remove from thyself a doubtful mind and doubt not at all whether to ask of God, saying within thyself, "How can I ask thing of the Lord and receive it, seeing that I have committed so many sins against Him?"

Found: Hermas:140:2 @ "How, Sir," say I, "is she the sister of these? For angry temper seems to me to be one thing, doubtful-mindedness another, sorrow another." "Thou art a foolish fellow," saith he, "and perceivest not that sorrow is more evil than all the spirits, and is most fatal to the servants of God, and beyond all the spirits destroys a man, and crushes out the Holy Spirit and yet again saves it."

Found: Hermas:140:3 @ "I, Sir," say I, "am without understanding, and I understand not these parables. For how it can crush out and again save, I do not comprehend."

Found: Hermas:140:4 @ "Listen," saith he. "Those who have never investigated concerning the truth, nor enquired concerning the deity, but have merely believed, and have been mixed up in business affairs and riches and heathen friendships, and many other affairs of this world--as many, I say, as devote themselves to these things, comprehend not the parables of the deity; for they are darkened by these actions, and are corrupted and become barren.

Found: Hermas:342:3 @ "Wherefore," say I, "doth not the intercession of him that is saddened ascend to the altar?" "Because," saith he, "sadness is seated at his heart. Thus sadness mingled with the intercession doth not suffer the intercession to ascend pure to the altar. For as vinegar when mingled with wine in the same (vessel) hath not the same pleasant taste, so likewise sadness mingled with the Holy Spirit hath not the same intercession.

Found: Hermas:143:1 @ He shewed me men seated on a couch, and another man seated on a chair. And he saith to me, "Seest thou those that are seated on the couch?" "I see them, Sir," say I. "These," saith he, "are faithful, but he that sitteth on the chair is a false prophet who destroyeth the mind of the servants of God--I mean, of the doubtful-minded, not of the faithful.

Found: Hermas:143:2 @ These doubtful-minded ones then come to him as to a soothsayer and enquire of him what shall befall them. And he, the false prophet, having no power of a divine Spirit in himself, speaketh with them according to their enquiries and according to the lusts of their wickedness, and filleth their souls as they themselves wish.

Found: Hermas:143:4 @ So many therefore as are strong in the faith of the Lord, clothed with the truth, cleave not to such spirits, but hold aloof from them; but as many as are doubters and frequently change their minds, practice soothsaying like the Gentiles, and bring upon themselves greater sin by their idolatries. For he that consulteth a false prophet on any matter is an idolater and emptied of the truth, and senseless.

Found: Hermas:143:7 @ "How then, Sir," say I, "shall a man know who of them is a prophet, and who a false prophet?" "Hear," saith he, "concerning both the prophets; and, as I shall tell thee, so shalt thou test the prophet and the false prophet. By his life test the man that hath the divine Spirit.

Found: Hermas:143:16 @ I have given thee the life of both kinds of prophets. Therefore test, by his life and his works, the man who says that he is moved by the Spirit.

Found: Hermas:143:19 @ "How, Sir," say I, "can these things be? For both these things which thou hast mentioned are beyond our power." "Well then," saith he, "just as these things are beyond our power, so likewise the earthly spirits have no power and are feeble.

Found: Hermas:144:3 @ "Of what sort, Sir," say I, "are the works of the evil desire, which hand over men to death? Make them known to me, that I may hold aloof from them." Listen," saith he, "through what works the evil desire bringeth death to the servants of God.

Found: Hermas:346:1 @ "I would fain know, Sir," say I, "in what ways I ought to serve the good desire." "Listen," saith he; "practice righteousness and virtue, truth and the fear of the Lord, faith and gentleness, and as many good deeds as are like these. Practicing these thou shalt be well-pleasing as a servant of God, and shalt live unto Him; yea, and every one who shall serve the good desire shall live unto God."

Found: Hermas:346:4 @ I say to him; "Sir, these commandments are great and beautiful and glorious, and are able to gladden the heart of the man who is able to observe them. But I know not whether these commandments can be kept by a man, for they are very hard."

Found: Hermas:346:6 @ But now I say unto thee; if thou keep them not. but neglect them thou shalt not have salvation, neither thy children nor thy household, since thou hast already pronounced judgment against thyself that these commandments cannot be kept by a man."

Found: Hermas:548:1 @ I say to him, "Sir, listen to a few words from me." "Say what thou wilt," saith he. "Man, Sir," I say, "is eager to keep the commandments of God, and there is no one that asketh not of the Lord that he may be strengthened in His commandments, and be subject to them; but the devil is hard and overmastereth them."

Found: Hermas:649:1 @ "But I, the angel of repentance, say unto you; Fear not the devil; for I was sent," saith he, "to be with you who repent with your whole heart, and to strengthen you in the faith.

Found: Hermas:649:4 @ I say to him, "Sir, now am I strengthened in all the ordinances of the Lord, because thou art with me; and I know that thou wilt crush all the power of the devil, and we shall be masters over him, and shall prevail over all his works. And I hope, Sir, that I am now able to keep these commandments which thou hast commanded, the Lord enabling me."

Found: Hermas:150:3 @ O foolish and double-minded and miserable man, perceivest thou not that all these things are foreign, and are under the power of another For the lord of this city shall say, "I do not wish thee to dwell in my city; go forth from this city, for thou dost not conform to my laws."

Found: Hermas:151:1 @ As I walked in the field, and noticed an elm and a vine, and was distinguishing them and their fruits, the shepherd appeareth to me and saith; "What art thou meditating within thyself?" "I am thinking, Sir," say I, "about the elm and the vine, that they are excellently suited the one to the other."

Found: Hermas:151:2 @ "These two trees," saith he, "are appointed for a type to the servants of God." "I would fain know, Sir," say I, "the type contained in these trees, of which thou speakest." "Seest thou," saith he, "the elm and the vine ?" "I see them, Sir," say I.

Found: Hermas:151:4 @ Thou seest then that the elm also beareth much fruit, not less than the vine, but rather more." How more, Sir?" say I. "Because," saith he, "the vine, when hanging upon the elm, bears its fruit in abundance, and in good condition; but, when spread on the ground, it beareth little fruit, and that rotten. This parable therefore is applicable to the servants of God, to poor and to rich alike."

Found: Hermas:151:5 @ "How, Sir?" say I; "instruct me." "Listen," saith he; the rich man hath much wealth, but in the things of the Lord he is poor, being distracted about his riches, and his confession and intercession with the Lord is very scanty; and even that which he giveth is mall and weak and hath not power above. When then the rich man goeth up to the poor, and assisteth him in his needs, believing that for what he doth to the poor man he shall be able to obtain a reward with God--because the poor man is rich in intercession and confession, and his intercession hath great power with God--the rich man then supplieth all things to the poor man without wavering.

Found: Hermas:152:1 @ He showed me many trees which had no leaves, but they seemed to me to be, as it were, withered; for they were all alike. And he saith to me; "Seest thou these trees?" "I see them, Sir," I say, "they are all alike, and are withered." He answered and said to me; "These trees that thou seest are they that dwell in this world."

Found: Hermas:152:2 @ "Wherefore then, Sir," say I, "are they as if they were withered, and alike?" "Because," saith he, "neither the righteous are distinguishable, nor the sinners in this world, but they are alike. For this world is winter to the righteous, and they are not distinguishable, as they dwell with the sinners.

Found: Hermas:153:1 @ He showed me many trees again, some of them sprouting, and others withered, and he saith to me; "Seest thou," saith he, "these trees?" "I see them, Sir," say I, "some of them sprouting, and others withered."

Found: Hermas:154:1 @ As I was fasting and seated on a certain mountain, and giving thanks to the Lord for all that He had done unto me, I see the shepherd seated by me and saying; "Why hast thou come hither in the early morn?" "Because, Sir," say I, "I am keeping a station."

Found: Hermas:154:2 @ "What," saith he, "is a station?" "I am fasting, Sir," say I. "And what," saith he, "is this fast that ye are fasting?" "As I was accustomed, Sir," say I, "so I fast."

Found: Hermas:154:3 @ "Ye know not," saith he, "how to fast unto the Lord, neither is this a fast, this unprofitable fast which ye make unto Him." "wherefore, Sir," say I, "sayest thou this?" "I tell thee," saith he, "that this is not a fast, wherein ye think to fast; but I will teach thee what is a complete fast and acceptable to the Lord. Listen," saith he;

Found: Hermas:255:4 @ So he reasoned within himself, saying, "This command of my lord I have carried out I will next dig this vineyard, and it shall be neater when it is digged; and when it hath no weeds it will yield more fruit, because not choked by the weeds." He took and digged the vineyard, and all the weeds that were in the vineyard he plucked up. And that vineyard became very neat and flourishing, when it had no weeds to choke it.

Found: Hermas:356:1 @ I say, "Sir, I understand not these parables, neither can I apprehend them, unless thou explain them for me."

Found: Hermas:356:4 @ I say to him, "Sir, whatsoever thou commandest me, I will keep it; for I know that thou art with me." "I will be with thee," saith he, "because thou hast so great zeal for doing good; yea, and I will be with all," saith he, "whosoever have such zeal as this.

Found: Hermas:457:2 @ But he answered and said unto me; "Thou art exceedingly importunate in enquiries. Thou oughtest not," saith he, "to make any enquiry at all; for if it be right that a thing be explained unto thee, it shall be explained." I say to him; "Sir, whatsoever things thou showest unto me and dost not explain, I shall have seen them in vain, and without understanding what they are. In like manner also, if thou speak parables to me and interpret them not, I shall have heard a thing in vain from thee."

Found: Hermas:457:5 @ I say to him, "Sir, I that have thee with me have (but) need to ask thee and enquire of thee; for thou showest me all things, and speakest with me; but if I had seen or heard them apart from thee I should have asked of the Lord, that they might be shown to me."

Found: Hermas:558:4 @ I say to him; "Sir, great and marvelous are all things and all things are glorious; was it likely then," say I, "that I could have apprehended them?" "Nay, nor can any other man, though he be full of understanding, apprehend them." "Yet again, Sir," say I, "explain to me what I am about to enquire of thee."

Found: Hermas:558:5 @ "Say on," he saith, "if thou desirest anything." "Wherefore, Sir,]" say I, "is the Son of God represented in the parable in the guise of a servant?"

Found: Hermas:659:1 @ "Listen," said he; "the Son of God is not represented in the guise of a servant, but is represented in great power and lordship." "How, Sir?" say I; "I comprehend not."

Found: Hermas:760:1 @ "I was right glad, Sir," say I, "to hear this interpretation." "Listen now," saith he, "Keep this thy flesh pure and undefiled, that the Spirit which dwelleth in it may bear witness to it, and thy flesh may be justified.

Found: Hermas:760:3 @ "But if, Sir," say I, "there has been any ignorance in times past, before these words were heard, how shall a man who has defiled his flesh be saved?" "For the former deeds of ignorance," saith he, "God alone hath power to give healing; for all authority is His.

Found: Hermas:161:2 @ As I spake these things within myself, I see him suddenly seated by me, and saying as follows; "Why art thou of a doubtful mind concerning the commandments, which I commanded thee? They are beautiful. Doubt not at all; but clothe thyself in the faith of the Lord, and thou shalt walk in them. For I will strengthen thee in them.

Found: Hermas:161:5 @ And after he had told these things to me, he saith to me, "Let us go into the country, and I will show thee the shepherds of the sheep." "Let us go, Sir," say I. And we came to a certain plain, and he showeth me a young man, a shepherd, clothed in a light cloak, of saffron color;

Found: Hermas:262:1 @ And he saith to me; "Seest thou this shepherd?" "I see him Sir," I say. "This," saith he, "is the angel of self-indulgence and of deceit. He crusheth the souls of the servants of God, and perverteth them from the truth, leading them astray with evil desires, wherein they perish.

Found: Hermas:262:3 @ I say to him, "Sir, I comprehend not what means "unto death," and what "unto corruption". "Listen," saith he; "the sheep which thou sawest gladsome and skipping about, these are they who have been turned asunder from God utterly, and have delivered themselves over to the lusts of this world. In these, therefore, there is not repentance unto life. For the Name of God is being blasphemed through them. The life of such persons is death.

Found: Hermas:363:2 @ I say to the shepherd who was speaking with me; "Sir, who is this shepherd, who is so hard-hearted and severe, and has no compassion at all for these sheep?" "This," saith he, "is the angel of punishment, and he is one of the just angels, and presides over punishment.

Found: Hermas:363:5 @ For many, being unsettled in their plans, set their hands to many things, and nothing ever goes forward with them. And then they say that they do not prosper in their doings, and it doth not enter into their hearts that they have done evil deeds, but they blame the Lord.

Found: Hermas:363:6 @ When then they are afflicted with every kind of affliction, then they are delivered over to me for good instruction, and are strengthened in the faith of the Lord, and serve the Lord with a pure heart the remaining days of their life. But, if they repent, the evil works which they have done rise up in their hearts, and then they glorify God, saying that He is a just Judge, and that they suffered justly each according to his doings. And they serve the Lord thenceforward with a pure heart, and are prosperous in all their doings, receiving from the Lord whatsoever things they may ask; and then they glorify the Lord because they were delivered over unto me, and they no longer suffer any evil thing."

Found: Hermas:3[63^:1 @ I say unto him; "Sir, declare unto me this further matter." "What enquirest thou yet?" saith he. "Whether, Sir," say I, "they that live in self-indulgence and are deceived undergo torments during the same length of time as they live in self-indulgence and are deceived." He saith to me, "They undergo torments for the same length of time."

Found: Hermas:3[63^:2 @ "Then, Sir," say I, "they undergo very slight torments; for those who are living thus in self-indulgence and forget God ought to have been tormented seven-fold."

Found: Hermas:3[63^:3 @ He saith to me, "Thou art foolish, and comprehendest not the power of the torment" "True," say I, "for if I had comprehended it, I should not have asked thee to declare it to me." "Listen," saith he, "to the power of both, [of the self-indulgence and of the torment].

Found: Hermas:565:1 @ "Inasmuch, Sir," say I, "as I do not quite comprehend concerning the time of the deceit and self-indulgence and torment, show me more clearly."

Found: Hermas:565:5 @ "What kinds of self-indulgence, Sir," say I, "are harmful?" "Every action," saith he, "is self-indulgence to a man, which he does with pleasure; for the irascible man, when he gives the reins to his passion, is self-indulgent; and the adulterer and the drunkard and the slanderer and the liar and the miser and the defrauder and he that doeth things akin to these, giveth the reins to his peculiar passion; therefore he is self-indulgent in his action.

Found: Hermas:166:1 @ After a few days I saw him on the same plain, where also I had seen the shepherds, and he saith to me, "What seekest thou?" "I am here, Sir," say I, "that thou mayest bid the shepherd that punisheth go out of my house; for he afflicteth me much." "It is necessary for thee," saith he, "to be afflicted; for so," saith he, "the glorious angel ordered as concerning thee, for he wisheth thee to be proved." "Why, what so evil thing have I done, Sir," say I, "that I should be delivered over to this angel?"

Found: Hermas:166:3 @ I say to him; "Sir, if they perpetrated such deeds that the glorious angel is embittered, what have I done?" "They cannot be afflicted otherwise," saith he, "unless thou, the head of the whole house, be afflicted; for if thou be afflicted, they also of necessity will be afflicted; but if thou be prosperous, they can suffer no affliction."

Found: Hermas:166:4 @ "But behold, Sir," say I, "they have repented with their whole heart." "I am quite aware myself," saith he, "that they have repented with their whole heart; well, thinkest thou that the sins of those who repent are forgiven forthwith? Certainly not; but the person who repents must torture his own soul, and must be thoroughly humble in his every action, and be afflicted with all the divers kinds of affliction; and if he endure the afflictions which come upon him, assuredly He Who created all things and endowed them with power will be moved with compassion and will bestow some remedy.

Found: Hermas:166:6 @ I say to him; "Sir, be thou with me, and I shall be able to endure all affliction easily." "I will be with thee," saith he; "and I will ask the angel that punisheth to afflict thee more lightly; but thou shalt be afflicted for a short time, and thou shalt be restored again to thy house. Only continue to be humble and to minister unto the Lord with a pure heart, thou and thy children and thy house, and walk in my commandments which I command thee, and thus it will be possible for thy repentance to be strong and pure.

Found: Hermas:167:4 @ Then I marvelled within myself, saying, "How is the tree sound after so many branches have been lopped off?" The shepherd saith to me, "Marvel not that the tree remained sound, after so many branches were lopped off but wait until thou seest all things, and it shall be shown to thee what it is."

Found: Hermas:268:6 @ And, after the angel had departed, the shepherd saith to me; "Let us take the rods of all and plant them, to see whether any of them shall be able to live." I say unto him, "Sir, these withered things, how can they live?"

Found: Hermas:369:1 @ I say to him; "Sir, inform me what this tree is. For I am perplexed herewith, because, though so many branches were cut off, the tree is sound, and nothing appears to have been cut from it; I am therefore perplexed thereat."

Found: Hermas:369:5 @ I say unto him; "Sir, wherefore did he send away some into the tower, and leave others for thee?" "As many," saith he, "as transgressed the law which they received from him, these he left under my authority for repentance; but as many as already satisfied the law and have observed it, these he has under his own authority."

Found: Hermas:369:6 @ "Who then, Sir," say I, "are they that have been crowned and go into the tower?" ["As many," saith he, "as wrestled with the devil and overcame him in their wrestling, are crowned:] these are they that suffered for the law.

Found: Hermas:672:1 @ After the shepherd had examined the rods of all, he saith to me, "I told thee that this tree clingeth to life. Seest thou," saith he, "how many repented and were saved?" "I see, Sir," say I. "It is," saith he, that thou mayest see the abundant compassion of the Lord, how great and glorious it is, and He hath given (His) Spirit to those that are worthy of repentance."

Found: Hermas:672:2 @ "Wherefore then, Sir," say I, "did they not all repent?" "To those, whose heart He saw about to become pure and to serve Him with all the heart, to them He gave repentance; but those whose craftiness and wickedness He saw, who intend to repent in hypocrisy, to them He gave not repentance, lest haply they should again profane His name."

Found: Hermas:672:3 @ I say unto him, "Sir, now then show me concerning those that have given up their rods, what manner of man each of them is, and their abode, that when they hear this, they that believed and have received the seal and have broken it and did not keep it sound may fully understand what they are doing, and repent, receiving from thee a seal, and may glorify the Lord, that He had compassion upon them and sent thee to renew their spirits."

Found: Hermas:1177:2 @ I say to him; "Sir, I hope that all when they hear these words will repent; for I am persuaded that each one, when he fully knows his own deeds and fears God, will repent."

Found: Hermas:481:8 @ And they say to the men who were bringing the stones in; "Abstain for your parts altogether from handing in stones for the building; but place them by the tower, that the virgins may carry them through the gate, and hand them in for the building. For if," say they, they be not carried in through the gate by the hands of these virgins, they cannot change their colors. Labor not therefore," say they, "in vain."

Found: Hermas:582:2 @ And after all had retired Land rested], I say to the shepherd; "How is it, Sir," say I, "that the building of the tower was not completed?" "The tower," he saith, "cannot yet be finally completed, until its master come and test this building, that if any stones be found crumbling, he may change them; for the tower is being built according to His will."

Found: Hermas:582:3 @ "I would fain know, Sir," say I, "what is this building of this tower, and concerning the rock and gate, and the mountains, and the virgins, and the stones that came up from the deep, and were not shaped, but went just as they were into the building;

Found: Hermas:784:4 @ I say to the shepherd, "How can these stones go again to the building of the tower, seeing that they have been disapproved?" He saith unto me in answer; "Seest thou", saith he, "these stones ?" I see them, Sir," say I. "I myself," saith he, "will shape the greater part of these stones and put them into the building, and they shall fit in with the remaining stones."

Found: Hermas:784:5 @ "How, Sir," say I, "can they, when they are chiseled, fill the same space?" He saith unto me in answer, "As many as shall be found small, shall be put into the middle of the building; but as many as are larger, shall be placed nearer the outside, and they will bind them together."

Found: Hermas:784:7 @ And after two days we came to the tower, and he saith unto me; "Let us inspect all the stones, and see those which can go to the building." I say to him, "Sir, let us inspect them."

Found: Hermas:986:1 @ Then he came to inspect the white and round stones, and he saith unto me; "What shall we do with these stones?" "How do I know, Sir?" say I And he saith to me, "Perceivest thou nothing concerning them?"

Found: Hermas:986:2 @ "I, Sir," say I, "do not possess this art, neither am I a mason, nor can I understand." Seest thou not," saith he, "that they are very round; and if I wish to make them square, very much must needs be chiseled off from them? Yet some of them must of necessity be placed into the building."

Found: Hermas:986:3 @ "If then, Sir," say I, "it must needs be so, why distress thyself, and why not choose out for the building those thou willest, and fit them into it?" He chose out from them the large and the bright ones, and shaped them; and the virgins took them up, and fitted them into the outer parts of the building.

Found: Hermas:1087:6 @ I say to him; "Sir, when I am here alone what shall I do?" "Thou art not alone," saith he; "for these virgins are here with thee." "Commend me then to them," say I. The shepherd calleth them to him and saith to them; "I commend this man to you till I come," and he departed.

Found: Hermas:1188:1 @ The virgins say to me; "Today the shepherd cometh not here." "What then shall I do?" say I. "Stay for him," say they, "till eventide; and if he come, he will speak with thee; but if he come not, thou shalt stay here with us till he cometh."

Found: Hermas:1188:2 @ I say to them; "I will await him till evening, and if he come not, I will depart home and return early in the morning." But they answered and said unto me; "To us thou wast entrusted; thou canst not depart from us."

Found: Hermas:1188:3 @ "Where then," say I, "shall I remain?" "Thou shalt pass the night with us," say they as a brother, not as a husband; for thou art our brother, and henceforward we will dwell with thee; for we love thee dearly." But I was ashamed to abide with them.

Found: Hermas:1188:8 @ Then came the shepherd, and saith to the virgins; "Have ye done him any injury?" "Ask him," say they. I say to him, "Sir, I was rejoiced to stay with them." "On what didst thou sup?" saith he "I supped, Sir," say I, "on the words of the Lord the whole night through." "Did they treat thee well?" saith he. "Yes, Sir," say I.

Found: Hermas:1188:9 @ "Now," saith he, "what wouldest thou hear first?" "In the order as thou showedst to me, Sir, from the beginning," say I; "I request thee, Sir, to explain to me exactly in the order that I shall enquire of thee." According as thou desirest," saith he, "even so will I interpret to thee, and I will conceal nothing whatever from thee."

Found: Hermas:1289:1 @ "First of all, Sir," say I, "explain this to me. The rock and the gate, what is it?" "This rock," saith he, "and gate is the Son of God." "How, Sir," say I, "is the rock ancient, but the gate recent?" "Listen," saith he, "and understand, foolish man.

Found: Hermas:1289:2 @ The Son of God is older than all His creation, so that He became the Father's adviser in His creation. Therefore also He is ancient." "But the gate, why is it recent, Sir?" say I.

Found: Hermas:1289:4 @ Didst thou see," saith he, "that the stones which came through the gate have gone to the building of the tower, but those which came not through it were cast away again to their own place?" "I saw, Sir," say I. "Thus," saith he, "no one shall enter into the kingdom of God, except he receive the name of His Son.

Found: Hermas:1289:5 @ For if thou wishest to enter into any city, and that city is walled all round and has one gate only, canst thou enter into that city except through the gate which it hath?" "Why, how, Sir," say I, "is it possible otherwise?" "If then thou canst not enter into the city except through the gate itself, even so," saith he, "a man cannot enter into the kingdom of God except by the name of His Son that is beloved by Him.

Found: Hermas:1289:6 @ Didst thou see," saith he, "the multitude that is building the tower?" "I saw it, Sir," say I. "They," saith he, are all glorious angels. With these then the Lord is walled around. But the gate is the Son of God; there is this one entrance only to the Lord. No one then shall enter in unto Him otherwise than through His Son.

Found: Hermas:1289:7 @ Didst thou see," saith he, "the six men, and the glorious and mighty man in the midst of them, him that walked about the tower and rejected the stones from the building?" "I saw him, Sir," say I.

Found: Hermas:1390:1 @ "But the tower," say I, "what is it?" "The tower," saith he, "why, this is the Church.

Found: Hermas:1390:3 @ And the stones," saith he, "which thou didst see cast away, these bare the Name, but clothed not themselves with the raiment of the virgins." "Of what sort, Sir," say I, "is their raiment?" "The names themselves," saith he, "are their raiment. Whosoever beareth the Name of the Son of God, ought to bear the names of these also; for even the Son Himself beareth the names of these virgins.

Found: Hermas:1390:6 @ "The stones then, Sir," say I, "which are cast aside, wherefore were they cast aside? For they passed through the gate and were placed in the building of the tower by the hands of the virgins." "Since all these things interest thee," saith he, "and thou enquirest diligently, listen as touching the stones that have been cast aside.

Found: Hermas:13[90^:1 @ What then, Sir," say I, "if these men, being such as they are, should repent and put away their desire for these women, and return unto the virgins, and walk in their power and in their works? Shall they not enter into the house of God?"

Found: Hermas:13[90^:4 @ "Now, Sir," say I, "show me why the tower is not built upon the ground, but upon the rock and upon the gate." "Because thou art senseless," saith he, "and without understanding thou askest the question." "I am obliged, Sir," say I, "to ask all questions of thee, because I am absolutely unable to comprehend anything at all; for all are great and glorious and difficult for men to understand."

Found: Hermas:1592:1 @ "Declare to me, Sir," say I, "the names of the virgins, and of the women that are clothed in the black garments." "Hear," saith he, "the names of the more powerful virgins, those that are stationed at the corners.

Found: Hermas:1592:4 @ "But the stones, Sir," say I, "that came from the deep, and were fitted into the building, who are they?" "The first," saith he, "even the ten, that were placed in the foundations, are the first generation; the twenty-five are the second generation of righteous men; the thirty-five are God's prophets and His ministers; the forty are apostles and teachers of the preaching of the Son of God."

Found: Hermas:1592:5 @ "Wherefore then, Sir," say I, "did the virgins give in these stones also for the building of the tower and carry them through the gate?"

Found: Hermas:15[92^:1 @ "Show me still further, Sir," say I. "What desirest thou to know besides?" saith he. "Wherefore, Sir," say I, "did the stones come up from the deep, and wherefore were they placed into the building, though they bore these spirits?"

Found: Hermas:15[92^:5 @ "Wherefore, Sir," say I, "did the forty stones also come up with them from the deep, though they had already received the seal?" "Because," saith he, "these, the apostles and the teachers who preached the name of the Son of God, after they had fallen asleep in the power and faith of the Son of God, preached also to them that had fallen asleep before them, and themselves gave unto them the seal of the preaching.

Found: Hermas:15[92^:7 @ So by their means they were quickened into life, and came to the full knowledge of the name of the Son of God. For this cause also they came up with them, and were fitted with them into the building of the tower and were builded with them, without being shaped; for they fell asleep in righteousness and in great purity. Only they had not this seal. Thou hast then the interpretation of these things also." "I have, Sir," say I.

Found: Hermas:1794:3 @ "First, Sir," say I, "show me this, why the mountains being so various, yet, when their stones were set into the building, became bright and of one color, just like the stones that had come up from the deep."

Found: Hermas:1895:1 @ "How, Sir," say I, "did they become worse, after they had fully known God?" "He that knoweth not God," saith he, "and committeth wickedness, hath a certain punishment for his wickedness; but he that knoweth God fully ought not any longer to commit wickedness, but to do good.

Found: Hermas:1895:4 @ When these have been cast out, the Church of God shall be one body, one understanding, one mind, one faith, one love. And then the Son of God shall rejoice and be glad in them, for that He hath received back His people pure." "Great and glorious, Sir," say I, "are all these things.

Found: Hermas:1895:5 @ Once more, Sir," say I, "show me the force and the doings of each one of the mountains, that every soul that trusteth in the Lord, when it heareth, may glorify His great and marvelous and glorious name." "Listen," saith he, "to the variety of the mountains and of the twelve nations.

Found: Hermas:1996:3 @ "Wherefore, Sir," say I, "is repentance possible for them, but not for the former ? For their doings are almost the same." "On this account," he saith, "is repentance offered for them, because they blasphemed not their Lord, nor became betrayers of the servants of God; yet from desire of gain they played the hypocrite, and taught each other after the desires of sinful men. But they shall pay a certain penalty; yet repentance is ordained for them, because they are not become blasphemers or betrayers.

Found: Hermas:23100:5 @ I say unto you--I, the angel of repentance--unto as many as hold this heresy, put it away from you and repent, and the Lord shall heal your former sins, if ye shall purify yourselves from this demon; but if not, ye shall be delivered unto him to be put to death.

Found: Hermas:24101:4 @ But I say unto you that are such--I, the angel of repentance--remain to the end such as ye are, and your seed shall never be blotted out. For the Lord hath put you to the proof, and enrolled you among our number, and your whole seed shall dwell with the Son of God; for of His Spirit did ye receive.

Found: Hermas:26103:6 @ And this I say not in reference to these days, that a man after denying should receive repentance; for it is impossible for him to be saved who shall now deny his Lord; but for those who denied Him long ago repentance seemeth to be possible. If a man therefore will repent, let him do so speedily before the tower is completed; but if not, he shall be destroyed by the women and put to death.

Found: Hermas:27[104^:3 @ "Wherefore then, Sir," say I, "have all the trees fruits, but some of their fruits are more beautiful than others?" "Listen," saith he; "all as many as ever suffered for the Name's sake are glorious in the sight of God, and the sins of all these were taken away, because they suffered for the name of the Son of God. Now here why their fruits are various, and some surpassing others.

Found: Hermas:27[104^:7 @ These things I say unto you that waver as touching denial and confession. Confess that ye have the Lord, lest denying Him ye be delivered into prison.

Found: Hermas:27[104_:4 @ After he had finished the parables of the mountains, I say unto him, "Sir, now explain to me concerning the stones that were taken from the plain and placed in the building in the room of the stoes that were taken from the tower, and concerning the round (stones) which were placed in the building, and concerning those that were still round".

Found: Hermas:27[104a:6 @ For if the shepherds themselves shall have been found scattered, how will they answer for the flocks? Will they say that they were harassed by the flock? No credence will be given them. For it is an incredible thing that a shepherd should be injured by his flock; and he will be punished the more because of his falsehood. And I am the shepherd, and it behoveth me most strongly to render an account for you.

Found: Hermas:32109:3 @ For suppose thou hast given to a fuller a new garment whole, and desirest to receive it back again whole, but the fuller give it back to thee torn, wilt thou receive it thus? Wilt thou not at once blaze out and attack him with reproaches, saying; "The garment which I gave thee was whole; wherefore hast thou rent it and made it useless? See, by reason of the rent, which thou hast made in it, it cannot be of use." Wilt thou not then say all this to a fuller even about a rent which he has made in thy garment?

Found: Hermas:2112:1 @ I say unto him; "Ask him, Sir, himself, whether from the time that he hath been in my house, I have done ought out of order, whereby I have offended him."

Found: Hermas:2112:3 @ "I too, Sir," I say, "declare to every man the mighty works of the Lord; for I hope that all who have sinned in the past, if they hear these things, will gladly repent and recover life."

Found: Hermas:4114:2 @ Charge all men who are able to do right, that they cease not to practice good works; for it is useful for them. I say moreover that every man ought to be rescued from misfortune; for he that hath need, and suffereth misfortune in his daily life, is in great torment and want.

Found: IgnatiusMagnesians:11:1 @ Now these things I say, my dearly beloved, not because I have learned that any of you are so minded; but as being less than any of you, I would have you be on your guard betimes, that ye fall not into the snares of vain doctrine; but be ye fully persuaded concerning the birth and the passion and the resurrection, which took place in the time of the governorship of Pontius Pilate; for these things were truly and certainly done by Jesus Christ our hope; from which hope may it not befall any of you to be turned aside.

Found: IgnatiusPhiladelphians:7:2 @ Howbeit there were those who suspected me of saying this, because I knew beforehand of the division of certain persons. But He in whom I am bound is my witness that I learned it not from flesh of man; it was the preaching of the Spirit who spake on this wise; Do nothing without the bishop; keep your flesh as a temple of God; cherish union; shun divisions; be imitators of Jesus Christ, as He Himself also was of His Father.

Found: IgnatiusPhiladelphians:8:2 @ Do ye nothing in a spirit of factiousness but after the teaching of Christ. For I heard certain persons saying, If I find it not in the charters, I believe it not in the Gospel. And when I said to them, It is written, they answered me That is the question. But as for me, my charter is Jesus Christ, the inviolable charter is His cross and His death and His resurrection, and faith through Him; wherein I desire to be justified through your prayers.

Found: IgnatiusPolycarp:7:2 @ It becometh thee, most blessed Polycarp, to call together a godly council and to elect some one among you who is very dear to you and zealous also, who shall be fit to bear the name of God's courier--to appoint him, I say, that he may go to Syria and glorify your zealous love unto the glory of God.

Found: IgnatiusRomans:3:2 @ Only pray that I may have power within and without, so that I may not only say it but also desire it; that I may not only be called a Christian, but also be found one. For if I shall be found so, then can I also be called one, and be faithful then, when I am no more visible to the world.

Found: IgnatiusRomans:7:2 @ Even though I myself, when I am with you, should beseech you, obey me not; but rather give credence to these things which I write to you. For I write to you in the midst of life, yet lusting after death. My lust hath been crucified, and there is no fire of material longing in me, but only water living and speaking in me, saying within me, Come to the Father.

Found: IgnatiusSmyrneans:2:1 @ For He suffered all these things for our sakes that we might be salved; and He suffered truly, as also He raised Himself truly; not as certain unbelievers say, that He suffered in semblance, being themselves mere semblance. And according as their opinions are, so shall it happen to them, for they are without body and demon-like.

Found: IgnatiusSmyrneans:7:1 @ They therefore that gainsay the good gift of God perish by their questionings. But it were expedient for them to have love, that they may also rise again.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:7:1 @ So taking the lad with them, on the Friday about the supper hour, the gendarmes and horsemen went forth with their accustomed arms, hastening as against a robber. And coming up in a body late in the evening, they found the man himself in bed in an upper chamber in a certain cottage; and though he might have departed thence to another place, he would not, saying, The will of God be done.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:8:2 @ And he was met by Herod the captain of police and his father Nicetes, who also removed him to their carriage and tried to prevail upon him, seating themselves by his side and saying, 'Why what harm is there in saying, Caesar is Lord, and offering incense', with more to this effect, 'and saving thyself?' But he at first gave them no answer. When however they persisted, he said, 'I am not going to do what ye counsel me.'

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:9:2 @ When then he was brought before him, the proconsul enquired whether he were the man. And on his confessing that he was, he tried to persuade him to a denial saying, 'Have respect to thine age,' and other things in accordance therewith, as it is their wont to say; 'Swear by the genius of Caesar; repent and say, Away with the atheists.' Then Polycarp with solemn countenance looked upon the whole multitude of lawless heathen that were in the stadium, and waved his hand to them; and groaning and looking up to heaven he said, 'Away with the atheists.'

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:10:1 @ But on his persisting again and saying, 'Swear by the genius of Caesar,' he answered, 'If thou supposest vainly that I will swear by the genius of Caesar, as thou sayest, and feignest that thou art ignorant who I am, hear thou plainly, I am a Christian. But if thou wouldest learn the doctrine of Christianity, assign a day and give me a hearing.'

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:17:1 @ But the jealous and envious Evil One, the adversary of the family of the righteous, having seen the greatness of his martyrdom and his blameless life from the beginning, and how he was crowned with the crown of immortality and had won a reward which none could gainsay, managed that not even his poor body should be taken away by us, although many desired to do this and to touch his holy flesh.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:22:2 @ This account Gaius copied from the papers of Irenaeus. The same lived with Irenaeus who had been a disciple of the holy Polycarp. For this Irenaeus, being in Rome at the time of the martyrdom of the bishop Polycarp, instructed many; and many most excellent and orthodox treatises by him are in circulation. In these he makes mention of Polycarp, saying that he was taught by him. And he ably refuted every heresy, and handed down the catholic rule of the Church just as he had received it from the saint. He mentions this fact also, that when Marcion, after whom the Marcionites are called, met the holy Polycarp on one occasion, and said 'Recognize us, Polycarp,' he said in reply to Marcion, 'Yes indeed, I recognize the firstborn of Satan.' The following statement also is made in the writings of Irenaeus, that on the very day and hour when Polycarp was martyred in Smyrna Irenaeus being in the city of the Romans heard a voice as of a trumpet saying, ' Polycarp is martyred.'

Found: Polycarp:7:1 @ For every one who shall not confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is antichrist: and whosoever shall not confess the testimony of the Cross, is of the devil; and whosoever shall pervert the oracles of the Lord to his own lusts and say that there is neither resurrection nor judgment, that man is the firstborn of Satan.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL say @ (117)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL sayest @ (2)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL saying @ (120)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL sayings @ (5)

Found: http://wesley.nnu.edu/sermons-essays-books/noncanonical-literature/noncanonical-literature-the-fathers-of the church @ Wesley Center Online collection of noncanonical early writtings - CHURCH

Found: http://www.sermonaudio.com/search.asp?currSection=sermonstopic&keyworddesc=Common+Sayings&keyword=common+sayings @ Common Sayings - SERMONAUDIO

Found: ylt@Deuteronomy:12:29-32 @ Follow God exactly as He says; no pagan customs - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: UNSORTED @ Early Documents

Found: assay @ kjv@CONCORD:assay

Found: assayed @ kjv@CONCORD:assayed

Found: assaying @ kjv@CONCORD:assaying

Found: gainsay @ kjv@CONCORD:gainsay

Found: gainsayers @ kjv@CONCORD:gainsayers

Found: gainsaying @ kjv@CONCORD:gainsaying

Found: say @ kjv@CONCORD:say

Found: sayest @ kjv@CONCORD:sayest

Found: saying @ kjv@CONCORD:saying

Found: sayings @ kjv@CONCORD:sayings

Found: soothsayer @ kjv@CONCORD:soothsayer

Found: soothsayers @ kjv@CONCORD:soothsayers

Found: soothsaying @ kjv@CONCORD:soothsaying

Found: http://www.biblebell.org/chrislife/prayer.html @Adapted from What the Bible has to say about Prayer biblebell.org

Found: ylt@Luke:10:10-11 @ Jesus By Command - go your ways out into the streets of the same, and say, Even the very dust

Found: ylt@Luke:10:5 @ Jesus By Command - whatsoever house ye enter, first say, Peace be to this house

Found: ylt@Luke:17:10 @ Jesus By Command - say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do

Found: ylt@Luke:9:44 @ Jesus By Command - Let these sayings sink down into your ears

Found: ylt@Matthew:10:7 @ Jesus By Command - preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand

Found: ylt@Matthew:6:31 @ Jesus By Command - Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed...

Found: ylt@Matthew:6:31 @ Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@Matthew:7:4 @ Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@Matthew:7:22 @ Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@Matthew:9:5 @ For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and walk? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@Matthew:16:13 @ Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@Matthew:16:15 @ But whom say ye that I am? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@Matthew:25:37 @ Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@Matthew:27:46 @ Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@Mark:2:9 @ Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@Mark:8:27 @ Whom do men say that I am? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@Mark:8:29 @ And he saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@Mark:12:35 @ How say the scribes that Christ is the Son of David? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@Luke:5:23 @ Whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Rise up and walk? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@Luke:6:42 @ Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@Luke:6:46 @ And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@Luke:9:18 @ Whom say the people that I am? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@Luke:9:20 @ He said unto them, But whom say ye that I am? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@Luke:12:17 @ And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@Luke:17:7 @ But which of you, having a servant plowing or feeding cattle, will say unto him by and by, when he is come from the field, Go and sit down to meat? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@Luke:17:8 @ And will not rather say unto him, Make ready wherewith I may sup, and gird thyself, and serve me, till I have eaten and drunken; and afterward thou shalt eat and drink? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@Luke:20:41 @ How say they that Christ is David's son? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@John:8:46 @ Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@John:12:27 @ Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@John:12:38 @ That the saying of Esaias the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spake, Lord, who hath believed our report? and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed? - Jesus By Question

Found: ylt@John:14:9 @ Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father? - Jesus By Question

Found: dict:easton Soothsayer @ Soothsayer

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL But I say unto @ 15

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL But I say unto you, @ 14

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL But I say unto you, That @ 9

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL For I say unto you, @ 8

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL him, saying, @ 63

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL I say @ 143

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto @ 137

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto thee, @ 14

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto you, @ 118

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto you, He that @ 5

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto you, I @ 8

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto you, It shall @ 4

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto you, I will @ 4

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto you, that @ 11

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto you, That @ 26

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto you, That whosoever @ 4

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto you, Whosoever shall @ 4

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL said unto them, Verily I say @ 4

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL said, Verily I say unto @ 6

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL said, Verily I say unto you, @ 6

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL say unto @ 193

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL say unto him, @ 30

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL say unto you, @ 123

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL say unto you, I @ 9

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL say unto you, It shall be @ 4

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL say unto you, that @ 11

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL say unto you, That @ 26

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL them, Verily I say unto @ 7

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL them, Verily I say unto you, @ 7

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL them, Verily, verily, I say @ 5

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL them, Verily, verily, I say unto @ 5

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL They say unto him, @ 12

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL unto them, Verily I say @ 7

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL unto them, Verily I say unto @ 7

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL unto them, Verily, verily, I say @ 4

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL verily, I say @ 25

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL Verily I say @ 39

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL verily I say unto @ 13

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL verily, I say unto @ 25

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL Verily I say unto @ 39

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL verily, I say unto thee, @ 5

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL verily I say unto you, @ 13

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL verily, I say unto you, @ 20

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL Verily I say unto you, @ 35

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL verily, I say unto you, He @ 5

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL Verily I say unto you, That @ 6

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL Verily, verily, I say @ 25

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL Verily, verily, I say unto @ 25

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL Verily, verily, I say unto thee, @ 5

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL Verily, verily, I say unto you, @ 20

Found: http://wowccm.net/listen.pls , WOWCCM - 와우씨씨엠 , Christian , Korea, South , , , ,http://wowccm.net/listen.pls,http://sc11.saycast.com:8274/, ;;;-