Indexes Search Result: indexed - thee
Found: kjv@Genesis:3:15 @ And I will put enmity between thee and the woman,...

Found: kjv@Genesis:4:7 @ If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and...

Found: kjv@Genesis:12:2 @ And I will make of thee a great nation, and...

Found: kjv@Psalms:42:1 @ As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth...

Found: kjv@Psalms:42:6 @ O my God, my soul is cast down within me:...

Found: kjv@Jeremiah:33:3 @ Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew...

Found: kjv@Genesis:17:7 @ And I will establish my covenant between me and thee...

Found: kjv@Psalms:51:4 @ Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this...

Found: kjv@Genesis:22:17 @ That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying...

Found: kjv@Genesis:28:15 @ And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee...

Found: kjv@John:3:3 @ Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say...

Found: kjv@Psalms:103:4 @ Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with...

Found: kjv@Exodus:9:16 @ And in very deed for this cause have I raised...

Found: kjv@Psalms:119:119:11 @ Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I...

Found: kjv@Exodus:20:2 @ I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee...

Found: kjv@Exodus:20:4 @ Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or...

Found: kjv@Exodus:20:12 @ Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may...

Found: kjv@Psalms:121:3 @ He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he...

Found: kjv@Psalms:121:6 @ The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the...

Found: kjv@Psalms:121:7 @ The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall...

Found: kjv@Mark:5:19 @ Howbeit Jesus suffered him not, but saith unto him, Go...

Found: kjv@Numbers:6:24 @ Numbers:6:24 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:

Found: kjv@Numbers:6:25 @ The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be...

Found: kjv@Numbers:6:26 @ The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give...

Found: kjv@Jonah:2:9 @ But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of...

Found: kjv@Micah:6:8 @ He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and...

Found: kjv@Joshua:1:9 @ Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a...

Found: kjv@Joshua:10:8 @ And the LORD said unto Joshua, Fear them not: for...

Found: kjv@Zephaniah:3:17 @ The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is...

Found: kjv@Ruth:1:16 @ And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or...

Found: kjv@Ruth:1:17 @ Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I...

Found: kjv@1Samuel:1:17 @ Then Eli answered and said, Go in peace: and the...

Found: kjv@Proverbs:9:8 @ Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a...

Found: kjv@Matthew:2:6 @ And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not...

Found: kjv@Mark:14:36 @ And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto...

Found: kjv@1Samuel:17:45 @ Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me...

Found: kjv@1Samuel:20:42 @ And Jonathan said to David, Go in peace, forasmuch as...

Found: kjv@John:19:11 @ Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against...

Found: kjv@2Samuel:7:9 @ And I was with thee whithersoever thou wentest, and have...

Found: kjv@Matthew:5:39 @ But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil:...

Found: kjv@2Corinthians:12:9 @ And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for...

Found: kjv@Luke:4:8 @ And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind...

Found: kjv@Luke:6:29 @ And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek...

Found: kjv@Luke:6:30 @ Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of...

Found: kjv@Job:8:22 @ They that hate thee shall be clothed with shame; and...

Found: kjv@Revelation:2:10 @ Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold,...

Found: kjv@Job:11:18 @ And thou shalt be secure, because there is hope; yea,...

Found: kjv@Job:11:19 @ Also thou shalt lie down, and none shall make thee...

Found: kjv@Ecclesiastes:11:9 @ Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy...

Found: kjv@Acts:13:33 @ God hath fulfilled the same unto us their children, in...

Found: kjv@Psalms:18:1 @ Psalms:18:1 I will love thee, O LORD, my strength.

Found: dict:easton Joktheel @ Joktheel

Found: dict:hitchcock Hosanna @ save I pray thee; keep; preserve - HITCHCOCK-H

Found: dict:hitchcock Taanach @ who humbles thee; who answers thee - HITCHCOCK-T

Found: http://maps.google.com/?q=31.56485056116292,34.8467256730566(Joktheel1)&z=7&om=0 @ Joktheel 1 - Lachish - kjv@Joshua:15:38 MAPS - PLACES

Found: http://maps.google.com/?q=30.32243571223214,35.45627946919968(Joktheel2)&z=7&om=0 @ Joktheel 2 - Sela - kjv@2Kings:14:7 MAPS - PLACES

Found: 5 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL Verily, verily, I say unto thee,

Found: 5 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL it is better for thee to

Found: 5 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL is better for thee to enter

Found: 5 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL verily, I say unto thee,

Found: 5 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL thy faith hath made thee

Found: 14 @ filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto thee,

Found: JANUARY1 PM @ The Lord, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee.-noyes@Deuteronomy:31:8. noyes@Exodus:33:15. noyes@Jeremiah:10:23 noyes@Psalms:37:23-24 noyes@Psalms:73:23-24. noyes@Romans:8:38-39.

Found: JANUARY2 PM @ Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the PM sacrifice.-noyes@Psalms:141:2. noyes@Exodus:30:1 noyes@Exodus:30:6-8 noyes@Hebrews:7:25. noyes@Revelation:8:4 noyes@1Peter:2:5 noyes@1Thessalonians:5:17.

Found: JANUARY3 PM @ What wilt thou that I shall do unto thee . . . Lord, that I may receive my sight.-noyes@Luke:18:41. noyes@Psalms:119:18 noyes@Luke:24:45. noyes@John:14:26. noyes@James:1:17 noyes@Ephesians:1:17-19.

Found: JANUARY7 PM @ I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.-noyes@Joshua:1:5 noyes@Joshua:21:45. noyes@Numbers:23:19 noyes@Deuteronomy:7:9. noyes@Psalms:111:5 noyes@Isaiah:49:15-16 noyes@Zephaniah:3:17.

Found: JANUARY8 AM @ They that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.-noyes@Psalms:9:10 noyes@Proverbs:18:10. noyes@Isaiah:12:2 noyes@Psalms:37:25. noyes@Psalms:37:28. noyes@1Samuel:12:22. noyes@2Corinthians:1:10 noyes@Hebrews:13:5-6.

Found: JANUARY9 AM @ Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth.-noyes@Psalms:60:4@(The Lord my banner).--When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him noyes@Exodus:17:15. noyes@Isaiah:59:19 noyes@Psalms:20:5. noyes@Jeremiah:51:10. noyes@Romans:8:37. noyes@1Corinthians:15:57. noyes@Hebrews:2:10 noyes@Ephesians:6:10. noyes@Jeremiah:9:3. noyes@1Samuel:18:17. noyes@Haggai:2:4-5. noyes@John:4:35. noyes@Hebrews:10:37.

Found: JANUARY11 AM @ Praise waiteth for thee, O God, in Zion.-noyes@Psalms:65:1 noyes@1Corinthians:8:6. noyes@John:5:23. noyes@Hebrews:13:15. noyes@Psalms:50:23 noyes@Revelation:7:9-10-12.

Found: JANUARY13 AM @ Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee.-noyes@Isaiah:26:3 noyes@Psalms:55:22. noyes@Isaiah:12:2 noyes@Matthew:8:26. noyes@Philippians:4:6-7. noyes@Isaiah:30:15 noyes@Isaiah:32:17. noyes@John:14:27. noyes@Revelation:1:4.

Found: JANUARY29 PM @ I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I will glorify thy name for evermore.-noyes@Psalms:86:12 noyes@Psalms:50:23. noyes@Psalms:92:1-2 noyes@Psalms:150:6 noyes@Romans:12:1. noyes@Hebrews:13:12 noyes@Hebrews:13:15. noyes@Ephesians:5:20 noyes@Revelation:5:12.

Found: FEBRUARY3 PM @ The darkness hideth not from thee.-noyes@Psalms:139:12 noyes@Job:34:21-22. noyes@Jeremiah:23:24.Psa 91:5-6,9-10. noyes@Psalms:121:3-5-7 noyes@Psalms:23:4.

Found: FEBRUARY7 AM @ When thou has eaten and are full, . . . thou shalt bless the Lord thy God for the good land which he hath given thee.-noyes@Deuteronomy:8:10 noyes@Deuteronomy:8:11. noyes@Luke:17:15-18. noyes@1Timothy:. kjv@4:4-5. noyes@Romans:14:6. noyes@Proverbs:10:22 noyes@Psalms:103:1-4.

Found: FEBRUARY12 PM @ I beseech thee, shew me thy glory.-noyes@Exodus:33:18. noyes@2Corinthians:4:6. noyes@John:1:14 noyes@John:1:18 noyes@Psalms:42:2. noyes@Psalms:27:8 noyes@2Corinthians:3:18. noyes@John:17:24.

Found: MARCH11 AM @ The Lord bless thee, and keep thee.-noyes@Numbers:6:24 noyes@Proverbs:10:22. noyes@Psalms:5:12 noyes@Psalms:121:3-5-7-8. noyes@Isaiah:27:3 noyes@John:17:11-12 noyes@2Timothy:4:18.

Found: MARCH12 AM @ The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee. The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.-noyes@Numbers:6:25-26 noyes@John:1:18. noyes@Hebrews:1:3 noyes@2Corinthians:4:4 noyes@Psalms:31:16-17. noyes@Psalms:30:7. noyes@Psalms:89:15 noyes@Psalms:29:11 noyes@Matthew:14:27.

Found: MARCH25 AM @ I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.-noyes@Hebrews:13:5 noyes@Hebrews:13:6 noyes@Genesis:28:15. noyes@Deuteronomy:31:6 noyes@2Timothy:4:10 noyes@2Timothy:4:16-17. noyes@Psalms:27:10 noyes@Matthew:28:20. noyes@Revelation:1:18. noyes@John:14:18. noyes@John:14:27.

Found: APRIL5 AM @ I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.-noyes@Genesis:32:26. noyes@Isaiah:27:5 noyes@Matthew:15:28. noyes@Matthew:9:29. noyes@James:1:6-7 noyes@Luke:24:28-29-31-32. noyes@Exodus:33:13. noyes@Exodus:33:14.

Found: APRIL6 PM @ They that know thy name will put their trust in thee.-noyes@Psalms:9:10 noyes@Jeremiah:23:6. -Psa 71:16 noyes@Isaiah:9:6. noyes@Jeremiah:10:23 noyes@Isaiah:9:6. noyes@2Timothy:1:12 noyes@Isaiah:9:6. noyes@Ephesians:2:14. noyes@Romans:5:1 noyes@Proverbs:18:10. noyes@Isaiah:31:1. noyes@Isaiah:31:5.

Found: APRIL9 AM @ Fear not; for I have redeemed thee.-noyes@Isaiah:43:1 noyes@Isaiah:54:4-5 noyes@Isaiah:44:22. noyes@1Peter:1:19 noyes@Jeremiah:50:34. noyes@John:10:29 noyes@Galatians:1:3-5.

Found: APRIL14 AM @ My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips: when I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches.-noyes@Psalms:63:5-6 noyes@Psalms:139:17-18. noyes@Psalms:119:103. noyes@Songs:1:2 noyes@Psalms:73:25. noyes@Psalms:45:2 noyes@Songs:2:3-4. noyes@Songs:5:15-16.

Found: APRIL16 AM @ I said in my haste, I am cut off from before thine eyes: nevertheless thou heardest the voice of my supplications when I cried unto thee.-noyes@Psalms:31:22 noyes@Psalms:69:2. noyes@Lamentations:3:54-57 noyes@Psalms:77:7-11. noyes@Psalms:27:13.

Found: APRIL16 PM @ He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him.-noyes@Psalms:91:15@! And God granted him that which he requested.--Ask what I shall give thee. And Solomon said unto God, . . . Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people.--And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore noyes@1Chronicles:4:10. noyes@2Chronicles:1:7-8-10. - noyes@1Kings:4:29 noyes@2Chronicles:14:11-12 noyes@Psalms:65:2.

Found: APRIL17 PM @ Draw me, we will run after thee.-noyes@Songs:1:4 noyes@Jeremiah:31:3. noyes@Hosea:11:4. noyes@John:12:32. noyes@John:1:36. noyes@John:3:14-15 noyes@Psalms:73:25. noyes@1John:4:19 noyes@Songs:2:10-13.

Found: APRIL18 AM @ I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee.-noyes@Deuteronomy:18:18. noyes@Deuteronomy:5:5. - noyes@1Timothy:2:5 noyes@Numbers:12:3. noyes@Matthew:11:29. noyes@Philippians:2:5-7 noyes@Hebrews:3:5-6.

Found: APRIL24 PM @ The eyes of all wait upon thee.-noyes@Psalms:145:15 noyes@Acts:17:25. noyes@Psalms:145:9. noyes@Matthew:6:26 noyes@Romans:10:12 noyes@Psalms:121:1. noyes@Psalms:123:2 noyes@Isaiah:30:18. noyes@Isaiah:25:9. noyes@Romans:8:25.

Found: APRIL28 PM @ I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more.-noyes@Psalms:71:14 noyes@Philippians:3:12. noyes@Hebrews:6:1. noyes@Proverbs:4:18 noyes@Psalms:116:1-2. noyes@Psalms:34:1 noyes@Psalms:65:1. noyes@Revelation:4:8. noyes@Psalms:50:23. noyes@1Thessalonians:5:16-18. noyes@Philippians:4:4.

Found: MAY4 PM @ I have glorified thee on the earth.-noyes@John:17:4 noyes@John:4:34. noyes@John:9:4 noyes@Luke:2:49-50. noyes@John:11:4 noyes@John:11:40 noyes@Luke:2:52. noyes@Luke:3:22. noyes@Luke:4:22 noyes@Revelation:5:9-10.

Found: MAY25 AM @ How great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee!-noyes@Psalms:31:19. noyes@Isaiah:64:4. noyes@1Corinthians:2:9-10. noyes@Psalms:16:11 noyes@Psalms:36:7-9. noyes@1Timothy:. kjv@4:8.

Found: JUNE17 PM @ All thy works shall praise thee, O Lord; and thy saints shall bless thee.-noyes@Psalms:145:10 noyes@Psalms:103:1-2. noyes@Psalms:34:1. -Psa 145:2 noyes@Psalms:63:3-5 noyes@Luke:1:46-47 noyes@Revelation:4:11.

Found: JUNE18 AM @ Thou shalt put the mercy seat above upon the ark, and there I will meet with thee.-noyes@Exodus:25:21-22. noyes@Hebrews:9:8. noyes@Matthew:27:50-51 noyes@Hebrews:10:19-20-22. noyes@Hebrews:4:16 noyes@Romans:3:24-25. noyes@Ephesians:2:18.

Found: JUNE20 AM @ Take this child away, and nurse it for me, and I will give thee thy wages.-noyes@Exodus:2:9 noyes@Matthew:20:4. noyes@Mark:9:41. noyes@Proverbs:11:25. noyes@Hebrews:6:10 noyes@1Corinthians:3:8 noyes@Matthew:25:37-38-40 noyes@Matthew:25:34.

Found: JUNE23 PM @ Shall I not seek rest for thee, that it may be well with thee?-noyes@Ruth:3:1 noyes@Hebrews:4:9. noyes@Isaiah:32:18. noyes@Job:3:17. noyes@Revelation:14:13 noyes@Hebrews:6:20 noyes@Matthew:11:28-30. noyes@Isaiah:30:15 noyes@Psalms:23:1-2.

Found: JULY8 PM @ Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee?-noyes@Psalms:94:20 noyes@1John:1:3. noyes@1John:3:2-3 noyes@John:14:30. noyes@Hebrews:7:26 noyes@Ephesians:6:12. noyes@Ephesians:2:2 noyes@1John:5:18-19.

Found: JULY9 AM @ I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment.-noyes@Zechariah:3:4. noyes@Psalms:32:1. noyes@Isaiah:64:6. noyes@Romans:7:18 noyes@Galatians:3:27. noyes@Colossians:3:9-10. noyes@Philippians:3:9 noyes@Luke:15:22. noyes@Revelation:19:8. noyes@Isaiah:61:10.

Found: JULY11 AM @ I am with thee to save thee.-noyes@Jeremiah:15:20 noyes@Isaiah:49:24-26. noyes@Isaiah:41:10 noyes@Hebrews:4:15. noyes@Hebrews:2:18. noyes@Psalms:37:23-24.

Found: JULY12 AM @ My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.-noyes@Exodus:33:14 noyes@Deuteronomy:31:6-8. noyes@Joshua:1:9. noyes@Proverbs:3:6 noyes@Hebrews:13:5-6. noyes@2Corinthians:3:5 noyes@Matthew:6:13. noyes@Jeremiah:10:23. noyes@Psalms:31:15.

Found: JULY14 PM @ I trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speak face to face.--III noyes@John:14. noyes@Isaiah:64:1. noyes@Psalms:42:1-2. noyes@Songs:8:14 noyes@Philippians:3:20. noyes@Titus:2:13. - noyes@1Timothy:. kjv@1:1. noyes@1Peter:1:8 noyes@Revelation:22:20. noyes@Isaiah:25:9.

Found: JULY17 AM @ Thou art a gracious God, and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repentest thee of the evil-noyes@Jonah:4:2 noyes@Numbers:14:17-18 noyes@Psalms:79:8-9. noyes@Jeremiah:14:7. noyes@Jeremiah:14:20 noyes@Psalms:130:3-4.

Found: AUGUST9 AM @ Thou art all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee.-noyes@Songs:4:7. noyes@Isaiah:1:5-6. noyes@Isaiah:64:6. noyes@Romans:7:18 noyes@1Corinthians:6:11. noyes@Psalms:45:13. noyes@Ezekiel:16:14 noyes@Psalms:90:17 noyes@Revelation:7:14. noyes@Ephesians:5:27. noyes@Colossians:2:10.

Found: AUGUST23 AM @ I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.-noyes@Jeremiah:31:3 noyes@2Thessalonians:2:13-14. noyes@2Timothy:1:9. noyes@Psalms:139:16 noyes@John:3:16 noyes@1John:4:10.

Found: SEPTEMBER3 AM @ Neither shall there be leaven seen with thee in all thy quarters.-noyes@Exodus:13:7 noyes@Proverbs:8:13. noyes@Romans:12:9. noyes@1Thessalonians:5:22. noyes@Hebrews:12:15 noyes@Psalms:66:18 noyes@1Corinthians:5:6-8. noyes@1Corinthians:11:28 noyes@2Timothy:2:19. noyes@Hebrews:7:26. noyes@1John:3:5.

Found: OCTOBER2 PM @ Who maketh thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive?-noyes@1Corinthians:4:7 noyes@1Corinthians:15:10. noyes@James:1:18. noyes@Romans:9:16. noyes@Romans:3:27. noyes@1Corinthians:1:30-31 noyes@Ephesians:2:1-3. noyes@1Corinthians:6:11.

Found: OCTOBER5 AM @ Call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.-noyes@Psalms:50:15 noyes@Psalms:42:11. noyes@Psalms:10:17. noyes@Psalms:86:5 noyes@Genesis:35:2-3. noyes@Psalms:103:2 noyes@Psalms:116:1-4.

Found: OCTOBER6 PM @ What is the thing that the Lord hath said unto thee?-noyes@1Samuel:3:17 noyes@Micah:6:8. noyes@Deuteronomy:10:13 noyes@Galatians:3:10-11 noyes@Galatians:3:19 noyes@Hebrews:1:1-2 noyes@1Samuel:3:9.

Found: OCTOBER20 PM @ The Lord thy God accept thee.-noyes@2Samuel:24:23 noyes@Micah:6:6-8 noyes@Isaiah:64:6. noyes@Romans:3:10 noyes@Romans:3:23-26 noyes@Ephesians:1:6. noyes@Colossians:2:10.

Found: NOVEMBER5 AM @ Take thou also unto thee principal spices, and thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment.-noyes@Exodus:30:23-25 noyes@Exodus:30:32. noyes@Ephesians:4:4. noyes@1Corinthians:12:4 noyes@Psalms:45:7. noyes@Acts:10:38. noyes@John:3:34 noyes@John:1:16. noyes@1John:2:27. noyes@2Corinthians:1:21-22 noyes@Galatians:5:22-23.

Found: NOVEMBER12 PM @ Is it well with thee? And she answered, it is well.--I noyes@1Kings:4:26 noyes@2Corinthians:4:13 noyes@2Corinthians:6:9-10 noyes@2Corinthians:4:8-10 noyes@2Corinthians:4:16-18.III noyes@John:2.

Found: NOVEMBER26 AM @ The Lord delighteth in thee.-noyes@Isaiah:62:4 noyes@Isaiah:43:1. noyes@Isaiah:49:15-16 noyes@Psalms:37:23. noyes@Proverbs:8:31. noyes@Psalms:147:11. noyes@Malachi:3:17 noyes@Colossians:1:21-22.

Found: NOVEMBER27 PM @ My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.-noyes@Proverbs:1:10 noyes@Genesis:3:6. noyes@Joshua:22:20 noyes@Exodus:23:2 noyes@Matthew:7:13 noyes@Romans:14:7. noyes@Galatians:5:13. noyes@1Corinthians:8:9 noyes@1Corinthians:8:12 noyes@Isaiah:53:6.

Found: DECEMBER11 PM @ Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.-noyes@Ephesians:5:14 noyes@Romans:13:11. noyes@1Thessalonians:5:6-8 noyes@Isaiah:60:1-2 noyes@1Peter:1:13. noyes@Luke:12:35-36.

Found: DECEMBER12 AM @ The Lord is in the midst of thee.-noyes@Zephaniah:3:15 noyes@Isaiah:41:10. noyes@Isaiah:35:3-4. noyes@Zephaniah:3:17. noyes@Psalms:27:14 noyes@Revelation:21:3-4.

Found: DECEMBER28 AM @ Thy sins be forgiven thee.-noyes@Mark:2:5 noyes@Jeremiah:31:34. noyes@Mark:2:7 noyes@Isaiah:43:25. noyes@Psalms:32:1-2. noyes@Micah:7:18 noyes@Ephesians:4:32. noyes@1John:1:7-9 noyes@Psalms:103:12. noyes@Romans:6:14 noyes@Romans:6:18.

Found: DECEMBER31 AM @ The Lord thy God bare thee, as a man doth bear his son, in all the way that ye went, until ye came into this place.-noyes@Deuteronomy:1:31 noyes@Exodus:19:4. noyes@Isaiah:63:9. noyes@Deuteronomy:32:11-12 noyes@Isaiah:46:4. noyes@Psalms:48:14 noyes@Psalms:55:22. noyes@Matthew:6:25 noyes@Matthew:6:32 noyes@1Samuel:7:12.

Found: 1Clement:4:5 <1CLEMENT>@ Unto thee shall he turn, and thou shalt rule over him. {This last phrase has also been translated: Be at peace: thine offering returns to thyself, and thou shalt again possess it.}

Found: 1Clement:4:10 <1CLEMENT>@ Jealousy compelled Moses to flee from the face of Pharaoh king of Egypt while it was said to him by his own countryman, Who made thee a judge or a decider over us, Wouldest thou slay me, even as yesterday thou slewest the Egyptian?

Found: 1Clement:10:3 <1CLEMENT>@ For He saith unto him Go forth from thy land and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto the land which I shall show thee, and I will make thee into a great nation, and I will bless thee and will magnify thy name, and thou shalt be blessed. And I will bless them that bless thee, and I will curse them that curse thee; and in thee shall all the tribes of the earth be blessed.

Found: 1Clement:10:4 <1CLEMENT>@ And again, when he was parted from Lot, God said unto him Look up with thine eyes, and behold from the place where thou now art, unto the north and the south and the sunrise and the sea; for all the land which thou seest, I will give it unto thee and to thy seed for ever;

Found: 1Clement:12:4 <1CLEMENT>@ And when the messengers of the king came near and said, The spies of our land entered in unto thee: bring them forth, for the king so ordereth: then she answered, The men truly, whom ye seek, entered in unto me, but they departed forthwith and are sojourning on the way; and she pointed out to them the opposite road.

Found: 1Clement:20:7 <1CLEMENT>@ For He said, So far shalt thou come, and thy waves shall be broken within thee.

Found: 1Clement:35:8 <1CLEMENT>@ Yet Thou didst hate instruction and didst cast away My words behind thee. If thou sawest a thief thou didst keep company with him, and with the adulterers thou didst set thy portion. Thy mouth multiplied wickedness and thy tongue wove deceit. Thou sattest and spakest against thy brother, and against the son of thy mother thou didst lay a stumbling block.

Found: 1Clement:35:9 <1CLEMENT>@ These things Thou hast done, and I kept silence. Thou thoughtest, unrighteous man, that I should be like unto thee.

Found: 1Clement:35:10 <1CLEMENT>@ I will convict thee and will set thee face to face with thyself.

Found: 1Clement:36:4 <1CLEMENT>@ but of His Son the Master said thus, Thou art My Son, I this day have begotten thee. Ask of Me, and I will give Thee the Gentiles for Thine inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Thy possession.

Found: 1Clement:39:7 <1CLEMENT>@ But call thou, if perchance one shall obey thee, or if thou shalt see one of the holy angels. For wrath killeth the foolish man, and envy slayeth him that has gone astray.

Found: 1Clement:52:3 <1CLEMENT>@ And again He saith; Sacrifice to God a sacrifice of praise, and pay thy vows to the Most High: and call upon Me in the day of thine affliction, and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.

Found: 1Clement:53:3 <1CLEMENT>@ And the Lord said unto him; I have spoken unto thee once and twice, saying, I have seen this people, and behold it is stiff-necked. Let Me destroy them utterly, and I will blot out their name from under heaven, and I will make of thee a nation great and wonderful and numerous more than this.

Found: 1Clement:56:8 <1CLEMENT>@ Six times shall He rescue thee from afflictions and at the seventh no evil shall touch thee.

Found: 1Clement:56:9 <1CLEMENT>@ In famine he shall deliver thee from death, and in war He shall release thee from the arm of the sword.

Found: 1Clement:56:10 <1CLEMENT>@ And from the scourge of the tongue He shall hide thee and thou shalt not be afraid when evils approach.

Found: 1Clement:56:12 <1CLEMENT>@ For wild beasts shall be at peace with thee.

Found: Barnabas:3:4 @ Then shall thy light break forth in the morning, and thy healing shall arise quickly, and righteousness shall go forth before thy face, and the glory of God shall environ thee.

Found: Barnabas:3:5 @ Then shalt thou cry out and God shall hear thee; while thou art still speaking, He shall say 'Lo, I am here'; if thou shalt take away from thee the yoke and the stretching forth of the finger and the word of murmuring, and shalt give thy bread to the hungry heartily, and shalt pity the abased soul.

Found: Barnabas:6:13 @ Again I will shew thee how the Lord speaketh concerning us. He made a second creation at the last; and the Lord saith; Behold I make the last things as the first. In reference to this then the prophet preached; Enter into a land flowing with milk and honey, and be lords over it.

Found: Barnabas:11:4 @ And again the prophet saith; I will go before thee, and level mountains and crush gates of brass and break in pieces bolts of iron, and I will give thee treasures dark, concealed, unseen, that they may know that I am the Lord God.

Found: Barnabas:13:7 @ If then besides this He also recorded it through Abraham, we attain the completion of our knowledge. What then saith he to Abraham when he alone believed, and was ascribed for righteousness? Behold I have made thee, Abraham, a father of nations that believe in God in uncircumcision.

Found: Barnabas:14:7 @ Therefore saith the prophet; I the Lord thy God called thee in righteousness, and I will lay hold of thy hand and will strengthen thee, and I have given thee to be a covenant of the race, a light to the Gentiles, to open the eyes of the blind, and to bring forth them that are bound from their fetters, and them that sit in darkness from their prison house. We perceive then whence we were ransomed.

Found: Barnabas:14:8 @ Again the prophet saith; Behold I have set Thee to be a light unto the Gentiles, that Thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth; thus saith the Lord that ransomed thee, even God.

Found: Barnabas:19:2 @ Thou shalt love Him that made thee, thou shalt fear Him that created thee, thou shalt glorify Him that redeemed thee from death; thou shalt be simple in heart and rich in spirit; thou shalt not cleave to those who walk the way of death; thou shalt hate everything that is not pleasing to God; thou shalt hate all hypocrisy; thou shalt never forsake the commandments of the Lord.

Found: Barnabas:19:4 @ Thou shalt not commit fornication, thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not corrupt boys. The word of God shall not come forth from thee where any are unclean. Thou shalt not make a difference in a person to reprove him for a transgression. Thou shalt be meek, thou shalt be quiet, thou shalt be fearing the words which thou hast heard. Thou shalt not bear a grudge against thy brother.

Found: Barnabas:19:6 @ Thou shalt not be found coveting thy neighbors goods; thou shalt not be found greedy of gain. Neither shalt thou cleave with thy soul to the lofty, but shalt walk with the humble and righteous. The accidents that befall thee thou shalt receive as good, knowing that nothing is done without God. Thou shalt not be double minded nor double tongued.

Found: Barnabas:19:9 @ Be not thou found holding out thy hands to receive, and drawing them in to give. Thou shalt love as the apple of thine eye every one that speaketh unto thee the word of the Lord.

Found: Didache:1:2 @ The way of life is this. First of all, thou shalt love the God that made thee; secondly, Thy neighbor as thyself. And all things whatsoever thou wouldst not have befall thyself, neither do thou unto another.

Found: Didache:1:4 @ Abstain thou from fleshly and bodily lusts. If any man give thee a blow on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also, and thou shalt be perfect; If a man impress thee to go with him one mile, go with him twain; if a man take away thy cloak, give him thy coat also; if a man take away from thee that which is thy own, ask it not back, for neither art thou able.

Found: Didache:1:5 @ To every man that asketh of thee give, and ask not back for the Father desireth that gifts be given to all from His own bounties. Blessed is he that giveth according to the commandment; for he is guiltless. Woe to him that receiveth; for, if a man receiveth having need, he is guiltless; but he that hath no need shall give satisfaction why and wherefore he received and being put in confinement he shall be examined concerning the deeds that he hath done, and he shall not come out thence until he hath given back the last farthing.

Found: Didache:3:10 @ The accidents that befall thee thou shalt receive as good, knowing that nothing is done without God.

Found: Didache:4:1 @ My child, thou shalt remember him that speaketh unto thee the word of God night and day, and shalt honor him as the Lord; for whencesoever the Lordship speaketh, there is the Lord.

Found: Didache:6:1 @ See lest any man lead you astray from this way of righteousness, for he teacheth thee apart from God.

Found: Didache:13:7 @ yea and of money and raiment and every possession take the firstfruit, as shall seem good to thee, and give according to the commandment.

Found: Diognetus:1:1 @ Since I see, most excellent Diognetus, that thou art exceedingly anxious to understand the religion of the Christians, and that thy enquiries respecting them are distinctly and carefully made, as to what God they trust and how they worship Him, that they all disregard the world and despise death, and take no account of those who are regarded as gods by the Greeks, neither observe the superstition of the Jews, and as to the nature of the affection which they entertain one to another, and of this new development or interest, which has entered into men's lives now and not before: I gladly welcome this zeal in thee, and I ask of God, Who supplieth both the speaking and the hearing to us, that it may be granted to myself to speak in such a way that thou mayest be made better by the hearing, and to thee that thou mayest so listen that I the speaker may not be disappointed.

Found: Diognetus:2:1 @ Come then, clear thyself of all the prepossessions which occupy thy mind, and throw off the habit which leadeth thee astray, and become a new man, as it were, from the beginning, as one who would listen to a new story, even as thou thyself didst confess. See not only with thine eyes, but with thine intellect also, of what substance or of what form they chance to be whom ye call and regard as gods.

Found: Diognetus:10:3 @ And when thou hast attained to this full knowledge, with what joy thinkest thou that thou wilt be filled, or how wilt thou love Him that so loved thee before?

Found: Hermas:1:5 @ And, looking at her, I said to her, "Lady, what doest thou here?" Then she answered me, "I was taken up, that I might convict thee of thy sins before the Lord."

Found: Hermas:1:6 @ I said to her, "Dost thou now convict me?" "Nay, not so," said she, "but hear the words, that I shall say to thee. God, Who dwelleth in the heavens, and created out of nothing the things which are, and increased and multiplied them for His holy Church's sake, is wroth with thee, for that thou didst sin against me."

Found: Hermas:1:7 @ I answered her and said, "Sin against thee? In what way? Did I ever speak an unseemly word unto thee? Did I not always regard thee as a goddess? Did I not always respect thee as a sister? How couldst thou falsely charge me, lady, with such villainy and uncleanness?

Found: Hermas:3:1 @ "Yet it is not for this that God is wroth with thee, but that thou mayest convert thy family, that hath done wrong against the Lord and against you their parents. But out of fondness for thy children thou didst not admonish thy family, but didst suffer it to become fearfully corrupt. Therefore the Lord is wroth with thee. But He will heal all thy past sins, which have been committed in thy family; for by reason of their sins and iniquities thou hast been corrupted by the affairs of this world.

Found: Hermas:3:2 @ But the great mercy of the Lord had pity on thee and thy family, and will strengthen thee, and establish thee in His glory. Only be not thou careless, but take courage, and strengthen thy family. For as the smith hammering his work conquers the task which he wills, so also doth righteous discourse repeated daily conquer all evil. Cease not therefore to reprove thy children; for I know that if they shall repent with all their heart, they shall be written in the books of life with the saints."

Found: Hermas:4:2 @ Then she calleth me unto her, and she touched my breast, and saith to me, "Did my reading please thee?" And I say unto her, "Lady, these last words please me, but the former were difficult and hard." Then she spake to me, saying, "These last words are for the righteous, but the former are for the heathen and the rebellious."

Found: Hermas:26:4 @ After that thou hast made known unto them all these words, which the Master commanded me that they should be revealed unto thee, then all their sins which they sinned aforetime are forgiven to them; yea, and to all the saints that have sinned unto this day, if they repent with their whole heart, and remove double-mindedness from their heart.

Found: Hermas:37:2 @ But herein is thy salvation, in that thou didst not depart from the living God, and in thy simplicity and thy great continence. These have saved thee, if thou abidest therein; and they save all who do such things, and walk in guilelessness and simplicity. These men prevail over all wickedness, and continue unto life eternal.

Found: Hermas:37:4 @ But thou shalt say to Maximus, "Behold tribulation cometh (upon thee), if thou think fit to deny a second time. The Lord is nigh unto them that turn unto him, as it is written in Eldad and Modat, who prophesied to the people in the wilderness."

Found: Hermas:19y:2 @ After fasting often, and entreating the Lord to declare unto me the revelation which He promised to show me by the mouth of the aged woman, that very night the aged woman was seen of me, and she said to me, "Seeing that thou art so importunate and eager to know all things, come into the country where thou abidest, and about the fifth hour I will appear, and will show thee what thou oughtest to see."

Found: Hermas:19y:8 @ And after the young men had retired and we were left alone, she saith to me, "Sit down here." I say to her, "Lady, let the elders sit down first." "Do as I bid thee," saith she, "sit down."

Found: Hermas:210:4 @ Then she again took me by the hand, and raiseth me, and seateth me on the couch at the left hand, while she herself sat on the right. And lifting up a certain glistening rod, she saith to me, "Seest thou a great thing?" I say to her, "Lady, I see nothing." She saith to me, "Look thou; dost thou not see in front of thee a great tower being builded upon the waters, of glistening square stones?"

Found: Hermas:311:2 @ "Many shall hear; but when they hear, some of them shall be glad, and others shall weep. Yet even these latter, if they hear and repent, shall likewise be glad. Hear thou therefore the parables of the tower; for I will reveal all things unto thee. And trouble me no more about revelation; for these revelations have an end, seeing that they have been completed. Nevertheless thou wilt not cease asking for revelations; for thou art shameless."

Found: Hermas:311:3 @ The tower, which thou seest building, is myself, the Church, which was seen of thee both now and aforetime. Ask, therefore, what thou willest concerning the tower, and I will reveal it unto thee, that thou mayest rejoice with the saints."

Found: Hermas:311:4 @ I say unto her, "Lady, since thou didst hold me worthy once for all, that thou shouldest reveal all things to me, reveal them." Then she saith to me, "Whatsoever is possible to be revealed to thee, shall be revealed. Only let thy heart be with God, and doubt not in thy mind about that which thou seest."

Found: Hermas:311:5 @ I asked her, "Wherefore is the tower builded upon waters, lady?" "I told thee so before," said she, "and indeed thou dost enquire diligently. So by thy enquiry thou discoverest the truth. Hear then why the tower is builded upon waters; it is because your life is saved and shall be saved by water. But the tower has been founded by the word of the Almighty and Glorious Name, and is strengthened by the unseen power of the Master."

Found: Hermas:412:3 @ I enquired of her, saying, "Lady, I could wish to know concerning the end of the stones, and their power, of what kind it is." She answered and said unto me, "It is not that thou of all men art especially worthy that it should be revealed to thee; for there are others before thee, and better than thou art, unto whom these visions ought to have been revealed. But that the name of God may be glorified, it hath been revealed to thee, all shall be revealed, for the sake of the doubtful-minded, who question in their hearts whether these things are so or not. Tell them that all these things are true, and that there is nothing beside the truth, but that all are steadfast, and valid, and established on a firm foundation.

Found: Hermas:816:11 @ for thou must understand first, and I charge thee, Hermas, first with these words, which I am about to speak to thee--(I charge thee to) tell all these things into the ears of the saints, that hearing them and doing them they may be purified from their wickednesses, and thyself also with them."

Found: Hermas:1018:2 @ And, as she went, I asked her to reveal to me concerning the three forms, in which she had appeared to me. She answered and said to me; "As concerning these things thou must ask another, that they may be revealed to thee."

Found: Hermas:1018:8 @ Sufficient for thee are these revelations. Canst thou see mightier revelations than those thou hast seen?"

Found: Hermas:1018:10 @ I answered and said unto him again, "From thee, Sir, we shall learn the matters more accurately."

Found: Hermas:1119:2 @ In the first vision wherefore did she appear to thee an aged woman and seated on a chair? Because your spirit was aged, and already decayed, and had no power by reason of your infirmities and acts of double-mindedness.

Found: Hermas:1321:4 @ They then that have fully repented shall be young again, and founded firmly, seeing that they have repented with their whole heart. There thou hast the revelation entire and complete. Thou shalt ask nothing more as touching revelation-- but if anything be lacking still, it shall be revealed unto thee."

Found: Hermas:223:3 @ She answered and said unto me, "Did nothing meet thee? "I say unto her, Lady, such a huge beast, that could have destroyed whole peoples: but, by the power of the Lord and by His great mercy, I escaped it."

Found: Hermas:223:4 @ "Thou didst escape it well," saith she, "because thou didst cast thy care upon God, and didst open thy heart to the Lord, believing that thou canst be saved by nothing else but by His great and glorious Name. Therefore the Lord sent His angel, which is over the beasts, whose name is Segri, and shut his mouth that it might not hurt thee. Thou hast escaped a great tribulation by reason of thy faith, and because, though thou sawest so huge a beast, thou didst not doubt in thy mind.

Found: Hermas:525:2 @ And he immediately sat down by my side, and he saith unto me, "I was sent by the most holy angel, that I might dwell with thee the remaining days of thy life."

Found: Hermas:525:5 @ But he answered and said unto me, "Be not confounded, but strengthen thyself in my commandments which I am about to command thee. For I was sent," saith he, "that I might show thee again all the things which thou didst see before, merely the heads which are convenient for you. First of all, write down my commandments and my parables; and the other matters thou shalt write down as I shall show them to thee. The reason why," saith he, "I command thee to write down first the commandments and parables is, that thou mayest read them off-hand, and mayest be able to keep them."

Found: Hermas:127:4 @ But clothe thyself in reverence, wherein is no evil stumbling-block, but all things are smooth and gladsome. Work that which is good, and of thy labors, which God giveth thee, give to all that are in want freely, not questioning to whom thou shalt give, and to whom thou shalt not give. Give to all; for to all God desireth that there should be given of His own bounties.

Found: Hermas:127:7 @ Therefore keep this commandment, as I have told thee, that thine own repentance and that of thy household may be found to be sincere, and thy heart pure and undefiled."

Found: Hermas:128:1 @ Again he saith to me; "Love truth, and let nothing but truth proceed out of thy mouth, that the Spirit which God made to dwell in this flesh, may be found true in the sight of all men; and thus shall the Lord, Who dwelleth in thee, be glorified; for the Lord is true in every word, and with Him there is no falsehood.

Found: Hermas:128:4 @ "Your supposition," he saith, "is right and true, for it behoved thee as a servant of God to walk in truth, and no complicity with evil should abide with the Spirit of truth, nor bring grief to the Spirit which is holy and true." "Never, Sir," say I, "heard I clearly words such as these."

Found: Hermas:129:1 @ "I charge thee, "saith he, "to keep purity, and let not a thought enter into thy heart concerning another's wife, or concerning fornication, or concerning any such like evil deeds; for in so doing thou commitest a great sin. But remember thine own wife always, and thou shalt never go wrong.

Found: Hermas:129:4 @ I say to him, "Sir, permit me to ask thee a few more questions" "Say on," saith he. "Sir," say I, "if a man who has a wife that is faithful in the Lord detect her in adultery, doth the husband sin in living with her?"

Found: Hermas:230:3 @ "It is on this account therefore, Sir," say I, "that I enquire everything accurately of thee; first, because I am a sinner; secondly, because I know not what deeds I must do that I may live, for my sins are many and various."

Found: Hermas:331:3 @ But, since thou enquirest all things accurately, I will declare unto thee this also, so as to give no excuse to those who shall hereafter believe or those who have already believed, on the Lord. For they that have already believed, or shall hereafter believe, have not repentance for sins, but have only remission of their former sins.

Found: Hermas:331:7 @ I say unto him, "I was quickened unto life again, when I heard these things from thee so precisely. For I know that, if I shall add no more to my sins, I shall be saved." "Thou shalt be saved," he saith, "thou and all, as many as shall do these things."

Found: Hermas:432:3 @ Preserve purity and holiness therefore, and thou shalt live unto God. All these things, which I speak and shall hereafter speak unto thee, guard from this time forward, from the day when thou wast committed unto me, and I will dwell in thy house.

Found: Hermas:133:2 @ For if thou art long-suffering, the Holy Spirit that abideth in thee shall be pure, not being darkened by another evil spirit, but dwelling in a large room shall rejoice and be glad with the vessel in which he dwelleth, and shall serve God with much cheerfulness, having prosperity in himself.

Found: Hermas:133:7 @ "I would fain know, Sir," say I, "the working of angry temper, that I may guard myself from it." "Yea, verily," saith he, "if thou guard not thyself from it--thou and thy family--thou hast lost all thy hope. But guard thyself from it; for I am with thee. Yea, and all men shall hold aloof from it, as many as have repented with their whole heart. For I will be with them and will preserve them; for they all were justified by the most holy angel.

Found: Hermas:234:8 @ Refrain therefore from angry temper, the most evil of evil spirits. But clothe thyself in long-suffering, and resist angry temper and bitterness, and thou shalt be round in company with the holiness which is beloved of the Lord. See then that thou never neglect this commandment; for if thou master this commandment, thou shalt be able likewise to keep the remaining commandments, which I am about to give thee. Be strong in them and endowed with power; and let all be endowed with power, as many as desire to walk in them."

Found: Hermas:135:1 @ I charged thee," saith he, "in my first commandment to guard faith and fear and temperance." "Yes, Sir," say I. "But now," saith he, "I wish to show thee their powers also, that thou mayest understand what is the power and effect of each one of them. For their effects are two fold. Now they are prescribed alike to the righteous and the unrighteous.

Found: Hermas:236:3 @ "Hear," saith he, "and understand their workings. The angel of righteousness is delicate and bashful and gentle and tranquil. When then this one enters into thy heart, forthwith he speaketh with thee of righteousness, of purity, of holiness, and of contentment, of every righteous deed and of every glorious virtue. When all these things enter into thy heart, know that the angel of righteousness is with thee. [These then are the works of the angel of righteousness.] Trust him therefore and his works.

Found: Hermas:236:5 @ "How I shall discern him, Sir," I reply, "I know not." Listen," saith he. "When a fit of angry temper or bitterness comes upon thee, know that he is in thee. Then the desire of much business and the costliness of many viands and drinking bouts and of many drunken fits and of various luxuries which are unseemly, and the desire of women, and avarice, and haughtiness and boastfulness, and whatsoever things are akin and like to these--when then these things enter into thy heart, know that the angel of wickedness is with thee.

Found: Hermas:138:1 @ "I told thee," saith he, "that the creatures of God are twofold; for temperance also is twofold. For in some things it is right to be temperate, but in other things it is not right."

Found: Hermas:138:11 @ Do these things," saith he, "seem to thee to be good?" "Why, what, Sir," say I, "can be better than these?" "Then walk in them," saith he, "and abstain not from them, and thou shalt live unto God.

Found: Hermas:139:2 @ Reason not thus, but turn to the Lord with thy whole heart, and ask of Him nothing wavering, and thou shalt know His exceeding compassion, that He will surely not abandon thee, but will fulfill the petition of thy soul.

Found: Hermas:139:8 @ Do thou therefore cease not to make thy soul's petition, and thou shalt receive it. But if thou grow weary, and doubt as thou askest, blame thyself and not Him that giveth unto thee. See to this doubtful-mindedness; for it is evil and senseless, and uprooteth many from the faith, yea, even very faithful and strong men. For indeed this doubtful-mindedness is a daughter of the devil, and worketh great wickedness against the servants of God.

Found: Hermas:241:5 @ Put away therefore from thyself sadness, and afflict not the Holy Spirit that dwelleth in thee, lest haply He intercede with God against thee, and depart from thee.

Found: Hermas:143:7 @ "How then, Sir," say I, "shall a man know who of them is a prophet, and who a false prophet?" "Hear," saith he, "concerning both the prophets; and, as I shall tell thee, so shalt thou test the prophet and the false prophet. By his life test the man that hath the divine Spirit.

Found: Hermas:143:16 @ I have given thee the life of both kinds of prophets. Therefore test, by his life and his works, the man who says that he is moved by the Spirit.

Found: Hermas:143:18 @ Listen then to the parable which I shall tell thee. Take a stone, and throw it up to heaven--see if thou canst reach it; or again, take a squirt of water, and squirt it up to heaven--see if thou canst bore through the heaven."

Found: Hermas:245:4 @ But do thou clothe thyself in the desire of righteousness, and, having armed thyself with the fear of the Lord, resist them. For the fear of God dwelleth in the good desire. If the evil desire shall see thee armed with the fear of God and resisting itself, it shall flee far from thee, and shall no more be seen of thee, being in fear of thine arms.

Found: Hermas:346:3 @ This ministration, which I give thee, fulfill thou with all diligence to the end, and thou shalt effect much. For thou shalt find favor among those who are about to repent, and they shall obey thy words. For I will be with thee, and will compel them to obey thee."

Found: Hermas:346:6 @ But now I say unto thee; if thou keep them not. but neglect them thou shalt not have salvation, neither thy children nor thy household, since thou hast already pronounced judgment against thyself that these commandments cannot be kept by a man."

Found: Hermas:150:3 @ O foolish and double-minded and miserable man, perceivest thou not that all these things are foreign, and are under the power of another For the lord of this city shall say, "I do not wish thee to dwell in my city; go forth from this city, for thou dost not conform to my laws."

Found: Hermas:150:4 @ Thou, therefor who hast fields and dwellings and many other possessions, when thou art cast out by him, what wilt thou do with thy field and thy house am all the other things that thou preparedst for thyself? For the lord of this country saith to thee justly, "Either conform to my laws, or depart from my country."

Found: Hermas:150:6 @ Take heed therefore; as dwelling in a strange land prepare nothing more for thyself but a competency which is sufficient for thee, and make ready that, whensoever the master of this city may desire to cast thee out for thine opposition to his law, thou mayest go forth from his city and depart into thine own city and use thine own law joyfully, free from all insult.

Found: Hermas:154:3 @ "Ye know not," saith he, "how to fast unto the Lord, neither is this a fast, this unprofitable fast which ye make unto Him." "wherefore, Sir," say I, "sayest thou this?" "I tell thee," saith he, "that this is not a fast, wherein ye think to fast; but I will teach thee what is a complete fast and acceptable to the Lord. Listen," saith he;

Found: Hermas:255:1 @ "Hear the parable which I shall tell thee relating to fasting.

Found: Hermas:356:2 @ "I will explain everything to thee," saith he; "and will show thee whatsoever things I shall speak with thee. Keep the commandments of the Lord, and thou shalt be well-pleasing to God, and shalt be enrolled among the number of them that keep His commandments.

Found: Hermas:356:4 @ I say to him, "Sir, whatsoever thou commandest me, I will keep it; for I know that thou art with me." "I will be with thee," saith he, "because thou hast so great zeal for doing good; yea, and I will be with all," saith he, "whosoever have such zeal as this.

Found: Hermas:356:6 @ First of all, keep thyself from every evil word and every evil desire, and purify thy heart from all the vanities of this world. If thou keep these things, this fast shall be perfect for thee.

Found: Hermas:356:7 @ And thus shalt thou do. Having fulfilled what is written, on that day on which thou fastest thou shalt taste nothing but bread and water; and from thy meats, which thou wouldest have eaten, thou shalt reckon up the amount of that day's expenditure, which thou wouldest have incurred, and shalt give it to a widow, or an orphan, or to one in want, and so shalt thou humble thy soul, that he that hath received from thy humiliation may satisfy his own soul, and may pray for thee to the Lord.

Found: Hermas:356:8 @ If then thou shalt so accomplish this fast, as I have commanded thee, thy sacrifice shall be acceptable in the sight of God, and this fasting shall be recorded; and the service so performed is beautiful and joyous and acceptable to the Lord.

Found: Hermas:457:2 @ But he answered and said unto me; "Thou art exceedingly importunate in enquiries. Thou oughtest not," saith he, "to make any enquiry at all; for if it be right that a thing be explained unto thee, it shall be explained." I say to him; "Sir, whatsoever things thou showest unto me and dost not explain, I shall have seen them in vain, and without understanding what they are. In like manner also, if thou speak parables to me and interpret them not, I shall have heard a thing in vain from thee."

Found: Hermas:457:5 @ I say to him, "Sir, I that have thee with me have (but) need to ask thee and enquire of thee; for thou showest me all things, and speakest with me; but if I had seen or heard them apart from thee I should have asked of the Lord, that they might be shown to me."

Found: Hermas:558:1 @ "I told thee just now," saith he, "that thou art unscrupulous and importunate, in enquiring for the interpretations of the parables. But since thou art so obstinate, I will interpret to thee the parable of the estate and all the accompaniments thereof, that thou mayest make them known unto all. Hear now," saith he, "and understand them.

Found: Hermas:558:4 @ I say to him; "Sir, great and marvelous are all things and all things are glorious; was it likely then," say I, "that I could have apprehended them?" "Nay, nor can any other man, though he be full of understanding, apprehend them." "Yet again, Sir," say I, "explain to me what I am about to enquire of thee."

Found: Hermas:161:2 @ As I spake these things within myself, I see him suddenly seated by me, and saying as follows; "Why art thou of a doubtful mind concerning the commandments, which I commanded thee? They are beautiful. Doubt not at all; but clothe thyself in the faith of the Lord, and thou shalt walk in them. For I will strengthen thee in them.

Found: Hermas:161:5 @ And after he had told these things to me, he saith to me, "Let us go into the country, and I will show thee the shepherds of the sheep." "Let us go, Sir," say I. And we came to a certain plain, and he showeth me a young man, a shepherd, clothed in a light cloak, of saffron color;

Found: Hermas:3[63^:3 @ He saith to me, "Thou art foolish, and comprehendest not the power of the torment" "True," say I, "for if I had comprehended it, I should not have asked thee to declare it to me." "Listen," saith he, "to the power of both, [of the self-indulgence and of the torment].

Found: Hermas:565:2 @ He answered and said unto me; "Thy stupidity cleaveth to thee; and thou wilt not cleanse thy heart and serve God Take heed," saith he, "lest haply the time be fulfilled, and thou be found in thy foolishness. Listen then," saith he, "even as thou wishest, that thou mayest comprehend the matter.

Found: Hermas:166:1 @ After a few days I saw him on the same plain, where also I had seen the shepherds, and he saith to me, "What seekest thou?" "I am here, Sir," say I, "that thou mayest bid the shepherd that punisheth go out of my house; for he afflicteth me much." "It is necessary for thee," saith he, "to be afflicted; for so," saith he, "the glorious angel ordered as concerning thee, for he wisheth thee to be proved." "Why, what so evil thing have I done, Sir," say I, "that I should be delivered over to this angel?"

Found: Hermas:166:2 @ "Listen," saith he. "Thy sins are many, yet not so many that thou shouldest be delivered over to this angel; but thy house has committed great iniquities and sins, and the glorious angel was embittered at their deeds, and for this cause he bade thee be afflicted for a certain time, that they also might repent and cleanse themselves from every lust of this world. When therefore they shall repent and be cleansed, then shall the angel of punishment depart."

Found: Hermas:166:5 @ And this (will God do), if in any way He perceive the heart of the penitent pure from every evil thing. But it is expedient for thee and for thy house that thou shouldest be afflicted now. But why speak I many words to thee? Thou must be afflicted as the angel of the Lord commanded, even he that delivered thee unto me; and for this give thanks to the Lord, in that He deemed thee worthy that I should reveal unto thee beforehand the affliction, that foreknowing it thou might endure it with fortitude."

Found: Hermas:166:6 @ I say to him; "Sir, be thou with me, and I shall be able to endure all affliction easily." "I will be with thee," saith he; "and I will ask the angel that punisheth to afflict thee more lightly; but thou shalt be afflicted for a short time, and thou shalt be restored again to thy house. Only continue to be humble and to minister unto the Lord with a pure heart, thou and thy children and thy house, and walk in my commandments which I command thee, and thus it will be possible for thy repentance to be strong and pure.

Found: Hermas:166:7 @ And if thou keep these commandments with thy household, all affliction shall hold aloof from thee; yea, and affliction," saith he, "shall hold aloof from all whosoever shall walk in these my commandments."

Found: Hermas:167:4 @ Then I marvelled within myself, saying, "How is the tree sound after so many branches have been lopped off?" The shepherd saith to me, "Marvel not that the tree remained sound, after so many branches were lopped off but wait until thou seest all things, and it shall be shown to thee what it is."

Found: Hermas:268:5 @ After the angel had finished these things, he saith to the shepherd; "I go away; but these thou shalt send away to (their places within) the walls, according as each deserveth to dwell; but examine their rods carefully), and so send them away. But be careful in examining them. Take heed lest any escape thee," saith he. "Still if any escape thee, I will test them at the altar." When he had thus spoken to the shepherd, he departed.

Found: Hermas:369:5 @ I say unto him; "Sir, wherefore did he send away some into the tower, and leave others for thee?" "As many," saith he, "as transgressed the law which they received from him, these he left under my authority for repentance; but as many as already satisfied the law and have observed it, these he has under his own authority."

Found: Hermas:672:1 @ After the shepherd had examined the rods of all, he saith to me, "I told thee that this tree clingeth to life. Seest thou," saith he, "how many repented and were saved?" "I see, Sir," say I. "It is," saith he, that thou mayest see the abundant compassion of the Lord, how great and glorious it is, and He hath given (His) Spirit to those that are worthy of repentance."

Found: Hermas:672:3 @ I say unto him, "Sir, now then show me concerning those that have given up their rods, what manner of man each of them is, and their abode, that when they hear this, they that believed and have received the seal and have broken it and did not keep it sound may fully understand what they are doing, and repent, receiving from thee a seal, and may glorify the Lord, that He had compassion upon them and sent thee to renew their spirits."

Found: Hermas:672:4 @ "Listen," saith he; "those whose rods were found withered and grub-eaten, these are the renegades and traitors to the Church, that blasphemed the Lord in their sins, and still further were ashamed of the Name of the Lord, which was invoked upon them. These then perished altogether unto God. But thou seest how not one of them repented, although they heard the words which thou spakest to them, which I commanded thee. From men of this kind life departed.

Found: Hermas:1177:5 @ Having shown me all these things and told me them he saith to me; "Now the rest will I declare (unto thee) after a few days."

Found: Hermas:178:1 @ After I had written down the commandments and parables of the shepherd, the angel of repentance, he came to me and saith to me; "I wish to show thee all things that the Holy Spirit, which spake with thee in the form of the Church, showed unto thee. For that Spirit is the Son of God.

Found: Hermas:178:2 @ For when thou wast weaker in the flesh, it was not declared unto thee through an angel; but when thou wast enabled through the Spirit, and didst grow mighty in thy strength so that thou couldest even see an angel, then at length was manifested unto thee, through the Church, the building of the tower. In fair and seemly manner hast thou seen all things, (instructed) as it were by a virgin; but now thou seest (being instructed) by an angel, though by the same Spirit;

Found: Hermas:279:7 @ What is behind thee thou canst not see, but what is before thee thou beholdest. The things therefore which thou canst not see, let alone, and trouble not thyself (about them; but the things which thou seest, these master, and be not over curious about the rest; but I will explain unto thee all things whatsoever I shall show thee. Have an eye therefore to what remaineth."

Found: Hermas:1087:5 @ But I caught hold of his wallet, and began to adjure him by the Lord that he would explain to me all what he had showed me. He saith to me; "I am busy for a little while, and then I will explain everything to thee. Await me here till I come."

Found: Hermas:1087:6 @ I say to him; "Sir, when I am here alone what shall I do?" "Thou art not alone," saith he; "for these virgins are here with thee." "Commend me then to them," say I. The shepherd calleth them to him and saith to them; "I commend this man to you till I come," and he departed.

Found: Hermas:1188:1 @ The virgins say to me; "Today the shepherd cometh not here." "What then shall I do?" say I. "Stay for him," say they, "till eventide; and if he come, he will speak with thee; but if he come not, thou shalt stay here with us till he cometh."

Found: Hermas:1188:3 @ "Where then," say I, "shall I remain?" "Thou shalt pass the night with us," say they as a brother, not as a husband; for thou art our brother, and henceforward we will dwell with thee; for we love thee dearly." But I was ashamed to abide with them.

Found: Hermas:1188:8 @ Then came the shepherd, and saith to the virgins; "Have ye done him any injury?" "Ask him," say they. I say to him, "Sir, I was rejoiced to stay with them." "On what didst thou sup?" saith he "I supped, Sir," say I, "on the words of the Lord the whole night through." "Did they treat thee well?" saith he. "Yes, Sir," say I.

Found: Hermas:1188:9 @ "Now," saith he, "what wouldest thou hear first?" "In the order as thou showedst to me, Sir, from the beginning," say I; "I request thee, Sir, to explain to me exactly in the order that I shall enquire of thee." According as thou desirest," saith he, "even so will I interpret to thee, and I will conceal nothing whatever from thee."

Found: Hermas:1390:6 @ "The stones then, Sir," say I, "which are cast aside, wherefore were they cast aside? For they passed through the gate and were placed in the building of the tower by the hands of the virgins." "Since all these things interest thee," saith he, "and thou enquirest diligently, listen as touching the stones that have been cast aside.

Found: Hermas:13[90^:4 @ "Now, Sir," say I, "show me why the tower is not built upon the ground, but upon the rock and upon the gate." "Because thou art senseless," saith he, "and without understanding thou askest the question." "I am obliged, Sir," say I, "to ask all questions of thee, because I am absolutely unable to comprehend anything at all; for all are great and glorious and difficult for men to understand."

Found: Hermas:1794:2 @ But explain to me, Sir, why they are various--these mountains--and each has a different appearance." "Listen," saith he. "These twelve tribes which inhabit the whole world are twelve nations; and they are various in understanding and in mind. As various, then, as thou sawest these mountains to be, such also are the varieties in the mind of these nations, and such their understanding. And I will show unto thee the conduct of each."

Found: Hermas:32109:3 @ For suppose thou hast given to a fuller a new garment whole, and desirest to receive it back again whole, but the fuller give it back to thee torn, wilt thou receive it thus? Wilt thou not at once blaze out and attack him with reproaches, saying; "The garment which I gave thee was whole; wherefore hast thou rent it and made it useless? See, by reason of the rent, which thou hast made in it, it cannot be of use." Wilt thou not then say all this to a fuller even about a rent which he has made in thy garment?

Found: Hermas:32109:4 @ If therefore thou art thus vexed in the matter of thy garment, and complainest because thou receivest it not back whole, what thinkest thou the Lord will do to thee, He, Who gave thee the spirit whole, and thou hast made it absolutely useless, so that it cannot be of any use at all to its Lord? For its use began to be useless, when it was corrupted by thee. Will not therefore the Lord of this spirit for this thy deed punish thee with death?"

Found: Hermas:1111:2 @ "I delivered thee," said he, "and thy house to this shepherd, that thou mightest be protected by him." "True, Sir," I said "If therefore," said he, "thou desirest to be protected from all annoyance and all cruelty, to have also success in every good work and word, and all the power of righteousness, walk in his commandments, which I have given thee, and thou shalt be able to get the mastery over all wickedness.

Found: Hermas:1111:3 @ For if thou keep his commandments, all evil desire and the sweetness of this world shall be subject unto thee; moreover success shall attend thee in every good undertaking. Embrace his gravity and self-restraint, and tell it out unto all men that he is held in great honor and dignity with the Lord, and is a ruler of great authority, and powerful in his office. To him alone in the whole world hath authority over repentance been assigned. Seemeth he to thee to be powerful? Yet ye despise the gravity and moderation which he useth towards you."

Found: Hermas:2112:2 @ "I myself know," said he, "that thou hast done nothing out of order, nor art about to do so. And so I speak these things unto thee, that thou mayest persevere. For he hath given a good account of thee unto me. Thou therefore shalt speak these words to others, that they too who have practiced or shall practice repentance may be of the same mind as thou art; and he may give a good report of them to me, and I unto the Lord."

Found: Hermas:2112:4 @ "Continue therefore," said he, "in this ministry, and complete it unto the end. For whosoever fulfill his commandments shall have life; yea such a man (shall have) great honor with the Lord. But whosoever keep not his commandments, fly from their life, and oppose him, and follow not his commandments, but deliver themselves over to death; and each one becometh guilty of his own blood. But I bid thee obey these commandments, and thou shalt have a remedy for thy sins.

Found: Hermas:3113:1 @ "Moreover, I have sent these virgins unto thee, that they may dwell with thee; for I have seen that they are friendly towards thee. Thou hast them therefore as helpers, that thou mayest be the better able to keep his commandments; for it is impossible that these commandments be kept without the help of these virgins. I see too that they are glad to be with thee. But I will charge them that they depart not at all from thy house.

Found: Hermas:3113:2 @ Only do thou purify thy house; for in a clean house they will gladly dwell. For they are clean and chaste and industrious, and have favor in the sight of the Lord. If, therefore, they shall find thy house pure, they will continue with thee; but if the slightest pollution arise, they will depart from thy house at once. For these virgins love not pollution in any form."

Found: IgnatiusPolycarp:1:2 @ whereof I would fain have joy in God. I exhort thee in the grace wherewith thou art clothed to press forward in thy course and to exhort all men that they may be saved. Vindicate thine office in all diligence of flesh and of spirit. Have a care for union, than which there is nothing better. Bear all men, as the Lord also beareth thee. Suffer all men in love, as also thou doest.

Found: IgnatiusPolycarp:2:1 @ If thou lovest good scholars, this is not thankworthy in thee. Rather bring the more pestilent to submission by gentleness. All wounds are not healed by the same salve. Allay sharp pains by fomentations.

Found: IgnatiusPolycarp:2:2 @ Be thou prudent as the serpent in all things and guileless always as the dove. Therefore art thou made of flesh and spirit, that thou mayest humor the things which appear before thine eyes; and as for the invisible things, pray thou that they may be revealed unto thee; that thou mayest be lacking in nothing, but mayest abound in every spiritual gift.

Found: IgnatiusPolycarp:2:3 @ The season requireth thee, as pilots require winds or as a storm-tossed mariner a haven, that it may attain unto God. Be sober, as God's athlete. The prize is incorruption and life eternal, concerning which thou also art persuaded. In all things I am devoted to thee--I and my bonds which thou didst cherish.

Found: IgnatiusPolycarp:3:1 @ Let not those that seem to be plausible and yet teach strange doctrine dismay thee. Stand thou firm, as an anvil when it is smitten. It is the part of a great athlete to receive blows and be victorious. But especially must we for God's sake endure all things, that He also may endure us.

Found: IgnatiusPolycarp:7:2 @ It becometh thee, most blessed Polycarp, to call together a godly council and to elect some one among you who is very dear to you and zealous also, who shall be fit to bear the name of God's courier--to appoint him, I say, that he may go to Syria and glorify your zealous love unto the glory of God.

Found: IgnatiusPolycarp:8:1 @ Since I have not been able to write to all the churches, by reason of my sailing suddenly from Troas to Neapolis, as the Divine will enjoineth, thou shalt write to the churches in front, as one possessing the mind of God, to the intent that they also may do this same thing--let those who are able send messengers, and the rest letters by the persons who are sent by thee, that ye may be glorified by an ever memorable deed--for this is worthy of thee.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:9:3 @ But when the magistrate pressed him hard and said, 'Swear the oath, and I will release thee; revile the Christ,' Polycarp said, 'Fourscore and six years have I been His servant, and He hath done me no wrong. How then can I blaspheme my King who saved me?'

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:10:2 @ The proconsul said; 'Prevail upon the people.' But Polycarp said; 'As for thyself, I should have held thee worthy of discourse; for we have been taught to render, as is meet, to princes and authorities appointed by God such honor as does us no harm; but as for these, I do not hold them worthy, that I should defend myself before them.'

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:11:1 @ Whereupon the proconsul said; 'I have wild beasts here and I will throw thee to them, except thou repent' But he said, 'Call for them: for the repentance from better to worse is a change not permitted to us; but it is a noble thing to change from untowardness to righteousness'

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:11:2 @ Then he said to him again, 'I will cause thee to be consumed by fire, if thou despisest the wild beasts, unless thou repent.' But Polycarp said; 'Thou threatenest that fire which burneth for a season and after a little while is quenched: for thou art ignorant of the fire of the future judgment and eternal punishment, which is reserved for the ungodly. But why delayest thou? Come, do what thou wilt.'

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL thee @ (100)

Found: noyes@Exodus:15:26 @ The LORD healeth thee--if you obey - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: joktheel @ kjv@CONCORD:joktheel

Found: thee @ kjv@CONCORD:thee

Found: theeward @ kjv@CONCORD:theeward

Found: noyes@Luke:11:35 @ Jesus By Command - Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness

Found: noyes@Luke:17:3-4 @ Jesus By Command - Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him...seven times in a day

Found: noyes@Mark:5:19 @ Jesus By Command - Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee

Found: noyes@Matthew:18:15-17 @ Jesus By Command - go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone...if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more...tell it unto the church...let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican

Found: noyes@Matthew:4:10 @ Jesus By Command - Get thee hence, Satan

Found: noyes@Matthew:5:42 @ Jesus By Command - Give to him that asketh thee...borrow of thee turn not thou away

Found: noyes@Matthew:9:5 @ For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and walk? - Jesus By Question

Found: noyes@Matthew:18:33 @ Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant, even as I had pity on thee? - Jesus By Question

Found: noyes@Matthew:20:13 @ Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny? - Jesus By Question

Found: noyes@Matthew:25:37 @ Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? - Jesus By Question

Found: noyes@Mark:2:9 @ Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk? - Jesus By Question

Found: noyes@Mark:10:51 @ What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? - Jesus By Question

Found: noyes@Luke:5:23 @ Whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Rise up and walk? - Jesus By Question

Found: noyes@Luke:16:2 @ How is it that I hear this of thee? - Jesus By Question

Found: noyes@Luke:18:41 @ What wilt thou that I shall do unto thee? - Jesus By Question

Found: noyes@John:1:50 @ Because I said unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree, believest thou? - Jesus By Question

Found: noyes@John:2:4 @ Woman, what have I to do with thee? - Jesus By Question

Found: noyes@John:8:10 @ Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? - Jesus By Question

Found: noyes@John:11:40 @ Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God? - Jesus By Question

Found: noyes@John:18:34 @ Sayest thou this thing of thyself, or did others tell it thee of me? - Jesus By Question

Found: noyes@John:21:22 @ If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? - Jesus By Question

Found: dict:easton Joktheel @ Joktheel

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto thee, @ 14

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL is better for thee to enter @ 5

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL it is better for thee to @ 5

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL thy faith hath made thee @ 5

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL verily, I say unto thee, @ 5

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL Verily, verily, I say unto thee, @ 5