Indexes Search Result: indexed - water
Found: kjv@Isaiah:55:1 @ Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters,...

Found: kjv@Isaiah:55:10 @ For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from...

Found: kjv@Psalms:42:1 @ As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth...

Found: kjv@Psalms:42:7 @ Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts:...

Found: kjv@Psalms:46:3 @ Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the...

Found: kjv@Amos:5:24 @ But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as...

Found: kjv@Exodus:20:4 @ Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or...

Found: kjv@Mark:9:41 @ For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to...

Found: kjv@Psalms:148:4 @ Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that...

Found: kjv@Luke:3:16 @ John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you...

Found: kjv@Ecclesiastes:11:1 @ Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find...

Found: kjv@Job:11:16 @ Because thou shalt forget thy misery, and remember it as...

Found: kjv@Psalms:1:3 @ And he shall be like a tree planted by the...

Found: kjv@Psalms:23:2 @ He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he...

Found: kjv@Isaiah:11:9 @ They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy...

Found: dict:easton Drawer of water @ Drawer of water

Found: dict:easton Shiloah, The waters of @ Shiloah, The waters of

Found: 001358 @ Edgewater United Methodist Church 2497 Fenton St Denver, CO 80214 Call: 303-233-0720

Found: 001365 @ Emmanuel Church 6400 W. 26th Ave Edgewater, CO 80214 Call: 303-233-9591

Found: 103179 @ Edgewater Elementary School 2280 Depew St Denver, CO 80214 CALL SCHOOL NOW Primary School

Found: dict:hitchcock Abel-maim @ mourning of waters - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Adaliah @ one that draws water; poverty; cloud; death - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Ahumai @ a meadow of waters; a brother of waters - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Bartholomew @ a son that suspends the waters - HITCHCOCK-B

Found: dict:hitchcock Carmi @ my vineyard; lamb of the waters - HITCHCOCK-C

Found: dict:hitchcock Drusilla @ watered by the dew - HITCHCOCK-D

Found: dict:hitchcock Jeremai @ my height; throwing forth waters - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Jidlaph @ he that distills water - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Leummim @ countries; without water - HITCHCOCK-L

Found: dict:hitchcock Medad @ he that measures; water of love - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Medeba @ waters of grief; waters springing up - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Mejarkon @ the waters of Jordan - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Mephaath @ appearance, or force, of waters - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Misrephoth-maim @ hot waters - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Palestina @ which is covered; watered; or brings and causes ruin - HITCHCOCK-P

Found: dict:hitchcock Rissah @ watering; distillation; dew - HITCHCOCK-R

Found: dict:hitchcock Talmai @ my furrow; that suspends the waters; heap of waters - HITCHCOCK-T

Found: dict:hitchcock Theudas @ flowing with water - HITCHCOCK-T

Found: diaglotnt@John:1 @ JOHN - The Gospel of John endeavors to explain the mystery of the Person of Christ by the use of the term "logos" (word) and was written to confirm Christians in the belief that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God. Its purpose is evangelical and is so stated in kjv@John:20:31. John not only records events as do the other Gospels but also uniquely interprets the events by giving them spiritual meaning. The author makes significant use of such words as light, water, life, love, and bread. Traditionally the author of this Gospel is considered to have been John, the Beloved Disciple.

Found: FEBRUARY10 PM @ He smote the rock, that the waters gushed out, and the streams overflowed.-diaglotnt@Psalms:78:20 diaglotnt@1Corinthians:10:1-4. diaglotnt@John:19:34. diaglotnt@Isaiah:53:5 diaglotnt@John:5:40. diaglotnt@Jeremiah:2:13 diaglotnt@John:7:37. diaglotnt@Revelation:22:17.

Found: MARCH22 AM @ Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered every where, before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, even as the garden of the Lord. Then Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan.-diaglotnt@Genesis:13:10-11@2:7-8 diaglotnt@Galatians:6:7. diaglotnt@Luke:17:32 diaglotnt@2Corinthians:6:14 diaglotnt@2Corinthians:6:17. diaglotnt@Ephesians:5:7-8-10-11.

Found: AUGUST4 PM @ He sent from above, he took me, he drew me out of many waters.-diaglotnt@Psalms:18:16 diaglotnt@Psalms:40:2. diaglotnt@Ephesians:2:1-3 diaglotnt@Psalms:61:1-2. diaglotnt@Jonah:2:2-3. diaglotnt@Psalms:66:12 diaglotnt@Isaiah:43:2.

Found: AUGUST9 PM @ Broken cisterns, that can hold no water.-diaglotnt@Jeremiah:2:13 diaglotnt@Genesis:4:1 diaglotnt@Genesis:11:4 diaglotnt@Genesis:11:8. diaglotnt@Genesis:13:11 diaglotnt@Genesis:13:10 diaglotnt@Genesis:13:13 diaglotnt@Ecclesiastes:1:17-18. diaglotnt@Ecclesiastes:2:4 diaglotnt@Ecclesiastes:2:8 diaglotnt@Ecclesiastes:2:11 diaglotnt@John:7:37. diaglotnt@Psalms:107:9 diaglotnt@Colossians:3:2.

Found: SEPTEMBER5 PM @ The fountain of living waters.-diaglotnt@Jeremiah:2:13. diaglotnt@Psalms:36:7-9 diaglotnt@Isaiah:65:13. diaglotnt@John:4:14. diaglotnt@John:7:39 diaglotnt@Isaiah:55:1. diaglotnt@Revelation:22:17.

Found: OCTOBER18 AM @ One of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.-diaglotnt@John:19:34 diaglotnt@Exodus:24:8. diaglotnt@Leviticus:17:11. diaglotnt@Hebrews:10:4 diaglotnt@Mark:14:24. diaglotnt@Hebrews:9:12. diaglotnt@Colossians:1:20 diaglotnt@1Peter:1:18-20 diaglotnt@Ezekiel:36:25. diaglotnt@Hebrews:10:22.

Found: OCTOBER24 PM @ When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue faileth for thirst, I the Lord will hear them.-diaglotnt@Isaiah:41:17 diaglotnt@Psalms:4:6. diaglotnt@Ecclesiastes:2:22-23 diaglotnt@Ecclesiastes:2:17. diaglotnt@Jeremiah:2:13 diaglotnt@John:6:37. diaglotnt@Isaiah:44:3. diaglotnt@Matthew:5:6 diaglotnt@Psalms:63:1.

Found: NOVEMBER13 AM @ Christ loved the church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word.-diaglotnt@Ephesians:5:25-26 diaglotnt@Ephesians:5:2 diaglotnt@1Peter:1:23. diaglotnt@John:17:17. diaglotnt@John:3:5. diaglotnt@Titus:3:5. diaglotnt@Psalms:119:50 diaglotnt@Psalms:19:7-8.

Found: DECEMBER3 PM @ Our bodies washed with pure water.-diaglotnt@Hebrews:10:22 diaglotnt@Exodus:30:18-21. diaglotnt@1Corinthians:6:19. diaglotnt@1Corinthians:3:17 diaglotnt@Job:19:26-27. diaglotnt@Revelation:21:27. diaglotnt@Habakkuk:1:13. diaglotnt@Romans:12:1.

Found: http://shepherdpuplinux.us/img/foster/storyofbible/StoryOTB109_p270-David-pours-out-the-water-from-the-well-at-Bethlehem.jpg @

Found: diaglotnt@Leviticus:11:17 @ Cormorant (large black water bird) - BibleAnimals

Found: 1Clement:33:3 <1CLEMENT>@ For by His exceeding great might He established the heavens, and in His incomprehensible wisdom He set them in order. And the earth He separated from the water that surroundeth it, and He set it firm on the sure foundation of His own will; and the living creatures which walk upon it He commanded to exist by His ordinance. Having before created the sea and the living creatures therein, He enclosed it by His own power.

Found: Barnabas:11:1 @ But let us enquire whether the Lord took care to signify before hand concerning the water and the cross. Now concerning the water it is written in reference to Israel, how that they would not receive the baptism which bringeth remission of sins, but would build for themselves.

Found: Barnabas:11:5 @ And; Thou shalt dwell in a lofty cave of a strong rock. And; His water shall be sure; ye shall see the King in glory, and your soul shall meditate on the fear of the Lord.

Found: Barnabas:11:6 @ And again He saith in another prophet; And He that doeth these things shall be as the tree that is planted by the parting streams of waters, which shall yield his fruit at his proper season, and his leaf shall not fall off, and all things whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

Found: Barnabas:11:8 @ Ye perceive how He pointed out the water and the cross at the same time. For this is the meaning; Blessed are they that set their hope on the cross, and go down into the water; for He speaketh of the reward at his proper season; then, saith He, I will repay. But now what saith He? His leaves shall not fall off; He meaneth by this that every word, which shall come forth from you through your mouth in faith and love, shall be for the conversion and hope of many.

Found: Barnabas:11:11 @ This He saith, because we go down into the water laden with sins and filth, and rise up from it bearing fruit in the heart, resting our fear and hope on Jesus in the spirit. And whosoever shall eat of these shall live forever; He meaneth this; whosoever, saith He, shall hear these things spoken and shall believe, shall live forever.

Found: Didache:7:1 @ But concerning baptism, thus shall ye baptize. Having first recited all these things, baptize in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit in living (running) water.

Found: Didache:7:2 @ But if thou hast not living water, then baptize in other water; and if thou art not able in cold, then in warm.

Found: Didache:7:3 @ But if thou hast neither, then pour water on the head thrice in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Found: Diognetus:8:2 @ Or dost thou accept the empty and nonsensical statements of those pretentious philosophers: of whom some said that God was fire (they call that God, where-unto they themselves shall go), and others water, and others some other of the elements which were created by God?

Found: Hermas:1:3 @ After a certain time, as I was journeying to Cumae, and glorifying God's creatures for their greatness and splendor and power, as I walked I fell asleep. And a Spirit took me, and bore me away through a pathless tract, through which no man could pass: for the place was precipitous, and broken into clefts by reason of the waters. When then I had crossed the river, I came into the level country, and knelt down, and began to pray to the Lord and to confess my sins.

Found: Hermas:3:4 @ "Behold, the God of Hosts, Who by His invisible and mighty power and by His great wisdom created the world, and by His glorious purpose clothed His creation with comeliness, and by His strong word fixed the heaven, and founded the earth upon the waters, and by His own wisdom and providence formed His holy Church, which also He blessed-behold, He removeth the heavens and the mountains and the hills and the seas, and all things are made level for His elect, that He may fulfill to them the promise which He promised with great glory and rejoicing, if so be that they shall keep the ordinances of God, which they received, with great faith."

Found: Hermas:210:4 @ Then she again took me by the hand, and raiseth me, and seateth me on the couch at the left hand, while she herself sat on the right. And lifting up a certain glistening rod, she saith to me, "Seest thou a great thing?" I say to her, "Lady, I see nothing." She saith to me, "Look thou; dost thou not see in front of thee a great tower being builded upon the waters, of glistening square stones?"

Found: Hermas:210:9 @ And I saw other stones thrown to a distance from the tower, and coming to the way, and yet not staying in the way, but rolling to where there was no way; and others falling into the fire and burning there; and others falling near the waters, and yet not able to roll into the water, although they desired to roll and to come to the water.

Found: Hermas:311:5 @ I asked her, "Wherefore is the tower builded upon waters, lady?" "I told thee so before," said she, "and indeed thou dost enquire diligently. So by thy enquiry thou discoverest the truth. Hear then why the tower is builded upon waters; it is because your life is saved and shall be saved by water. But the tower has been founded by the word of the Almighty and Glorious Name, and is strengthened by the unseen power of the Master."

Found: Hermas:715:3 @ But the others, which are near the waters and yet cannot roll into the water, wouldest thou know who are they? These are they that heard the word, and would be baptized unto the name of the Lord. Then, when they call to their remembrance the purity of the truth, they change their minds, and go back again after their evil desires."

Found: Hermas:331:1 @ "I will still proceed, Sir," say I, "to ask a further question." "Speak on," saith he. "I have heard, Sir," say I, "from certain teachers, that there is no other repentance, save that which took place when we rent down into the water and obtained remission of our former sins."

Found: Hermas:143:18 @ Listen then to the parable which I shall tell thee. Take a stone, and throw it up to heaven--see if thou canst reach it; or again, take a squirt of water, and squirt it up to heaven--see if thou canst bore through the heaven."

Found: Hermas:151:8 @ In the sight of men then the elm seemeth not to bear fruit, and they know not, neither perceive, that if there cometh a drought the elm having water nurtureth the vine, and the vine having a constant supply of water beareth fruit two fold, both for itself and for the elm. So likewise the poor, by interceding with the Lord for the rich, establish their riches, and again the rich, supplying their needs to the poor, establish their souls.

Found: Hermas:356:7 @ And thus shalt thou do. Having fulfilled what is written, on that day on which thou fastest thou shalt taste nothing but bread and water; and from thy meats, which thou wouldest have eaten, thou shalt reckon up the amount of that day's expenditure, which thou wouldest have incurred, and shalt give it to a widow, or an orphan, or to one in want, and so shalt thou humble thy soul, that he that hath received from thy humiliation may satisfy his own soul, and may pray for thee to the Lord.

Found: Hermas:268:7 @ He answered and said unto me; "This tree is a willow, and this class of trees clingeth to life. If then the rods shall be planted and get a little moisture, many of them will live. And afterwards let us try to pour some water also over them. If any of them shall be able to live, I will rejoice with it; but if it live not, I at least shall not be found neglectful."

Found: Hermas:268:8 @ So the shepherd bade me call them, just as each one of them was stationed. And they came row after row, and they delivered up the rods to the shepherd. And the shepherd took the rods, and planted them in rows, and after he had planted them, he poured much water over them, so that the rods could not be seen for the water.

Found: Hermas:268:9 @ And after he had watered the rods, he saith to me; "Let us go now. and after days let us return and inspect all the rods; for He Who created this tree willeth that all those who have received rods from this tree should live. And I myself hope that these little rods, after they have got moisture and been watered, will live the greater part of them."

Found: Hermas:369:8 @ But they that gave them up green just as they received them, are sober and righteous men, who walked altogether in a pure heart and have kept the commandments of the Lord. But all else thou shalt know, when I have examined these rods that have been planted and watered."

Found: Hermas:178:9 @ the ninth mountain had no water at all, and was entirely desert; and it had in it wild beasts and deadly reptiles, which destroy mankind. The tenth mountain had very large trees and was umbrageous throughout, and beneath the shade lay sheep resting and feeding.

Found: Hermas:1087:3 @ And the virgins took brooms and swept, and they removed all the rubbish from the tower, and sprinkled water, and the site of the tower was made cheerful and very seemly.

Found: Hermas:15[92^:2 @ "It was necessary for them," saith he, "to rise up through water, that they might be made alive; for otherwise they could not enter into the kingdom of God, except they had put aside the deadness of their former life.

Found: Hermas:15[92^:4 @ The seal then is the water: so they go down into the water dead, and they come up alive. "thus to them also this seal was preached, and they availed themselves of it that they might enter into the kingdom of God."

Found: Hermas:15[92^:6 @ Therefore they went down with them into the water, and came up again. But these went down alive and again came up alive; whereas the others that had fallen asleep before them went down dead and came up alive.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:18:2 @ For our God, Jesus the Christ, was conceived in the womb by Mary according to a dispensation, of the seed of David but also of the Holy Ghost; and He was born and was baptized that by His passion He might cleanse water.

Found: IgnatiusRomans:7:2 @ Even though I myself, when I am with you, should beseech you, obey me not; but rather give credence to these things which I write to you. For I write to you in the midst of life, yet lusting after death. My lust hath been crucified, and there is no fire of material longing in me, but only water living and speaking in me, saying within me, Come to the Father.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL water @ (7)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL waters @ (1)

Found: http://www.livingwaters.com @ Living Waters

Found: water @ kjv@CONCORD:water

Found: watercourse @ kjv@CONCORD:watercourse

Found: watered @ kjv@CONCORD:watered

Found: wateredst @ kjv@CONCORD:wateredst

Found: waterest @ kjv@CONCORD:waterest

Found: watereth @ kjv@CONCORD:watereth

Found: waterflood @ kjv@CONCORD:waterflood

Found: watering @ kjv@CONCORD:watering

Found: waterpot @ kjv@CONCORD:waterpot

Found: waterpots @ kjv@CONCORD:waterpots

Found: waters @ kjv@CONCORD:waters

Found: waterspouts @ kjv@CONCORD:waterspouts

Found: watersprings @ kjv@CONCORD:watersprings

Found: diaglotnt@Judges:7:5 @Men lapped water like dogs - UnusualStory

Found: diaglotnt@John:2:1-11 @ Jesus By Miracle - Turning water into wine

Found: diaglotnt@Matthew:14:22-33 @ Jesus By Miracle - Walking on water

Found: diaglotnt@John:6:15-21 @ Jesus By Miracle - Walking on water

Found: diaglotnt@Mark:6:45-52 @ Jesus By Miracle - Walking on water

Found: diaglotnt@Luke:13:15 @ doth not each one of you on the sabbath loose his ox or his ass from the stall, and lead him away to watering? - Jesus By Question

Found: dict:easton Drawer of water @ Drawer of water

Found: dict:easton Shiloah, The waters of @ Shiloah, The waters of

Found: http://journeywomenpodcast.libsyn.com/rss , Journeywomen , Religion and Spirituality , Hunter Beless; women; religion; redemption; freedom; christian; journeywomen , PODCAST , http://static.libsyn.com/p/assets/0/9/0/6/09068954327ea46f/Journeywomen_-_water-01.jpg , Australian English; ,

Found: http://feeds.feedburner.com/WatermarkVideoPorch , The Porch (Video) , Religion and Spirituality , Josiah Jones; adamyoung; attachment; christian; healing; heart; hope; interpersonalneurobiology; limbicsystem; neuroscience; psychotherapy; restoration; sexualab , PODCAST , http://s3.amazonaws.com/media-files.watermark.org/assets/20190227/2d54fab8-415e-463e-8e2a-c0c175caae42/The-Porch-Video-3000x3000.jpg , Australian English; ,

Found: http://feeds.buzzsprout.com/163669.rss , Water with Lemon , Religion and Spirituality , Emma Koch; christian; women; water with lemon; brittany rust; hearing God; God's voice; yopros; 20 somethings , PODCAST , http://storage.buzzsprout.com/variants/jcEN3NPzdPoR2SU6Ty1vyBtV/8d66eb17bb7d02ca4856ab443a78f2148cafbb129f58a3c81282007c6fe24ff2?.jpg , American English; United States ,

Found: Bitter Almond Essential Oil,Properties: It is traditionally used as a vermifuge/ febrifuge/ bactericide/ germicide/ fungicide/ sedative/ anesthetic/ aperient/ diuretic/ anti-intoxicant/ antispasmodic/ and as a cure for hydrophobia.,Health benefits: The uses of bitter almond essential oil are widely ranged/ and include killing worms/ reducing fever/ killing bacteria/ germs and fungi/ sedation and reducing inflammation. It can also cause numbness and act as an anesthetic or desensitizing agent. It is purgative/ increases urination and helps remove excess water/ salt/ toxins/ and fat from the body/ while countering the effects of intoxicants/ curing spasms/ and helping to cure hydrophobia/ which is the fear of water/ most commonly presenting itself in someone who has contracted rabies.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Cardamom Essential Oil,Properties: It is considered an antispasmodic/ and it also neutralizes the adverse effects of chemotherapy/ reduces nausea. It is used as an antiseptic/ antimicrobial/ aphrodisiac/ astringent/ digestive/ stomachic/ stimulant/ and diuretic agent.,Health benefits: It has been known to cure spasms/ fight nausea/ protect wounds and incisions/ curb microbial growth/ increase libido/ contract gums/ promote digestion/ and maintain stomach health. It stimulates secretions and other functions/ increases urination and thereby removes extra salt/ bile/ water/ toxins and fat from the body.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Cedarwood Essential Oil,Properties: It is antiseborrhoeic/ antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ tonic/ astringent/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ insecticidal/ sedative/ and a fungicide.,Health benefits: Cedarwood is known to help cure seborrhoea/ heal wounds/ fight spasms/ cause contractions in the gums/ muscles/ tissues/ skin and blood vessels/ while increasing urination and the subsequent removal of toxins/ water/ salt and fat from the body. It also regulates menstrual cycles/ cures coughs and colds/ kills insects/ sedates inflammation and nervous disturbances/ and inhibits fungal growth and infections.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Bitter Almond Essential Oil,Properties: It is traditionally used as a vermifuge/ febrifuge/ bactericide/ germicide/ fungicide/ sedative/ anesthetic/ aperient/ diuretic/ anti-intoxicant/ antispasmodic/ and as a cure for hydrophobia.,Health benefits: The uses of bitter almond essential oil are widely ranged/ and include killing worms/ reducing fever/ killing bacteria/ germs and fungi/ sedation and reducing inflammation. It can also cause numbness and act as an anesthetic or desensitizing agent. It is purgative/ increases urination and helps remove excess water/ salt/ toxins/ and fat from the body/ while countering the effects of intoxicants/ curing spasms/ and helping to cure hydrophobia/ which is the fear of water/ most commonly presenting itself in someone who has contracted rabies.,

Found: Cardamom Essential Oil,Properties: It is considered an antispasmodic/ and it also neutralizes the adverse effects of chemotherapy/ reduces nausea. It is used as an antiseptic/ antimicrobial/ aphrodisiac/ astringent/ digestive/ stomachic/ stimulant/ and diuretic agent.,Health benefits: It has been known to cure spasms/ fight nausea/ protect wounds and incisions/ curb microbial growth/ increase libido/ contract gums/ promote digestion/ and maintain stomach health. It stimulates secretions and other functions/ increases urination and thereby removes extra salt/ bile/ water/ toxins and fat from the body.,

Found: Cedarwood Essential Oil,Properties: It is antiseborrhoeic/ antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ tonic/ astringent/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ insecticidal/ sedative/ and a fungicide.,Health benefits: Cedarwood is known to help cure seborrhoea/ heal wounds/ fight spasms/ cause contractions in the gums/ muscles/ tissues/ skin and blood vessels/ while increasing urination and the subsequent removal of toxins/ water/ salt and fat from the body. It also regulates menstrual cycles/ cures coughs and colds/ kills insects/ sedates inflammation and nervous disturbances/ and inhibits fungal growth and infections.,

Found: http://emf.streamguys1.com/sk001_mp3_high_web , WJKE 101.3 FM Stillwater, NY , Christian , USA , , , ,http://emf.streamguys1.com/sk001_mp3_high_web, ;;;;-