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ABRAHAM OR ABRAM @ son of Terah, father of the chosen family

(1) General References to- kjv@Genesis:11:27,31; kjv@Genesis:12:1; kjv@Genesis:13:1,12; kjv@Genesis:14:14; kjv@Genesis:15:1; kjv@Genesis:16:3; kjv@Genesis:17:1; kjv@Genesis:18:10 kjv@Genesis:20:1; kjv@Genesis:21:2; kjv@Genesis:22:1; kjv@Genesis:23:2; kjv@Genesis:24:1; kjv@Genesis:25:1,8; kjv@2Chronicles:20:7; kjv@Nehemiah:9:7 kjv@Psalms:105:6; kjv@Romans:4:3; kjv@Galatians:3:6; kjv@Hebrews:11:8; kjv@James:2:21

(2) Called "THE FATHER OF THE FAITHFUL", Characteristics of OBEDIENCE-left home and friends at the call of God- kjv@Genesis:12:4 UNSELFISHNESS-gave Lot the first choice of the land- kjv@Genesis:13:9 COURAGE-defeated the robber kings- kjv@Genesis:14:14 BENEVOLENCE-gave tithes to Melchizedek, the priest- kjv@Genesis:14:20 INCORRUPTIBILITY-refused to receive gifts for service rendered- kjv@Genesis:14:23 MIGHTY IN PRAYER- Genesis:18:23-33 WONDERFUL IN FAITH-was willing to offer up his only son, Isaac- kjv@Hebrews:11:17


ABRAHAM - A>@ - (father of a multitude) was the son of Terah, and founder of the great Hebrew nation. (B.C. 1996-1822.) His family, a branch of the descendants of Shem, was settled in Ur of the Chaldees, beyond the Euphrates, where Abraham was born. Terah had two other sons, Nahor and Haran. Haran died before his father in Ur of the Chaldees, leaving a son, Lot; and Terah, taking with him Abram, with Sarai his wife and his grandson Lot, emigrated to Haran in Mesopotamia, where he died. On the death of his father, Abram, then in the 75th year of his age, with Sarai and Lot, pursued his course to the land of Canaan, whither he was directed by divine command, kjv@Genesis:12:5) when he received the general promise that he should become the founder of a great nation, and that all the families of the earth should be blessed in him. He passed through the heart of the country by the great highway to Shechem, and pitched his tent beneath the terebinth of Moreh. kjv@Genesis:12:6) Here he received in vision from Jehovah the further revelation that this was the land which his descendants should inherit. kjv@Genesis:12:7) The next halting-place of the wanderer was on a mountain between Bethel and Ai, kjv@Genesis:12:8) but the country was suffering from famine, and Abram journeyed still southward to the rich cornlands of Egypt. There, fearing that the great beauty of Sarai might tempt the powerful monarch of Egypt and expose his own life to peril, he arranged that Sarai should represent herself as his sister, which her actual relationship to him, as probably the daughter of his brother Haran, allowed her to do with some semblance of truth. But her beauty was reported to the king, and she was taken into the royal harem. The deception was discovered, and Pharaoh with some indignation dismissed Abram from the country. kjv@Genesis:12:10-20) He left Egypt with great possessions, and, accompanied by Lot, returned by the south of Palestine to his former encampment between Bethel and Ai. The increased wealth of the two kinsmen was the ultimate cause of their separation. Lot chose the fertile plain of the Jordan near Sodom, while Abram pitched his tent among the groves of Mamre, close to Hebron. kjv@Genesis:13:1) ... Lot with his family and possessions having been carried away captive by Chedorlaomer king of Elam, who had invaded Sodom, Abram pursued the conquerors and utterly routed them not far from Damascus. The captives and plunder were all recovered, and Abram was greeted on his return by the king of Sodom, and by Melchizedek king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who mysteriously appears upon the scene to bless the patriarch and receive from him a tenth of the spoil. kjv@Genesis:14:1) ... After this the thrice-repeated promise that his descendants should become a mighty nation and possess the land in which he was a stranger was confirmed with all the solemnity of a religious ceremony. kjv@Genesis:15:1) ... Ten years had passed since he had left his father’s house, and the fulfillment of the promise was apparently more distant than at first. At the suggestion of Sarai, who despaired of having children of her own, he took as his concubine Hagar, her Egyptian main, who bore him Ishmael in the 86th year of his age. kjv@Genesis:16:1) ... HAGAR; ISHMAEL But this was not the accomplishment of the promise. Thirteen years elapsed, during which Abram still dwelt in Hebron, when the covenant was renewed, and the rite of circumcision established as its sign. This most important crisis in Abram’s life, when he was 99 years old, is marked by the significant change of his name to Abraham, "father of a multitude;" while his wife’s from Sarai became Sarah. The promise that Sarah should have a son was repeated in the remarkable scene described in ch. 18. Three men stood before Abraham as he sat in his tent door in the heat of the day. The patriarch, with true Eastern hospitality, welcomed the strangers, and bade them rest and refresh themselves. The meal ended, they foretold the birth of Isaac, and went on their way to Sodom. Abraham accompanied them, and is represented as an interlocutor in a dialogue with Jehovah, in which he pleaded in vain to avert the vengeance threatened to the devoted cities of the plain. kjv@Genesis:18:17-33) In remarkable contrast with Abraham’s firm faith with regard to the magnificent fortunes of his posterity stand the incident which occurred during his temporary residence among the Philistines in Gerar, whither he had for some cause removed after the destruction of Sodom. It was almost a repetition of what took place in Egypt a few years before. At length Isaac, the long-looked for child, was born. Sarah’s jealousy aroused by the mockery of Ishmael at the "great banquet" which Abram made to celebrate the weaning of her son, kjv@Genesis:21:9) demanded that, with his mother Hagar, he should be driven out. kjv@Genesis:21:10) But the severest trial of his faith was yet to come. For a long period the history is almost silent. At length he receives the strange command to take Isaac, his only son, and offer him for a burnt offering at an appointed place Abraham hesitated not to obey. His faith, hitherto unshaken, supported him in this final trial, "accounting that God was able to raise up his son, even from the dead, from whence also he received him in a figure." kjv@Hebrews:11:19) The sacrifice was stayed by the angel of Jehovah, the promise of spiritual blessing made for the first time, and Abraham with his son returned to Beersheba, and for a time dwelt there. kjv@Genesis:22:1) ... But we find him after a few years in his original residence at Hebron, for there Sarah died, kjv@Genesis:23:2) and was buried in the cave of Machpelah. The remaining years of Abraham’s life are marked by but few incidents. After Isaac’s marriage with Rebekah and his removal to Lahai-roi, Abraham took to wife Keturah, by whom he had six children, Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbok and Shuah, who became the ancestors of nomadic tribes inhabiting the countries south and southeast of Palestine. Abraham lived to see the gradual accomplishment of the promise in the birth of his grandchildren Jacob and Esau, and witnessed their growth to manhood. kjv@Genesis:25:26) At the goodly age of 175 he was "gathered to his people," and laid beside Sarah in the tomb of Machpelah by his sons Isaac and Ishmael. kjv@Genesis:25:7-10)


Abraham @ father of a multitude, son of Terah, named kjv@Genesis:11:27) before his older brothers Nahor and Haran, because he was the heir of the promises. Till the age of seventy, Abram sojourned among his kindred in his native country of Chaldea. He then, with his father and his family and household, quitted the city of Ur, in which he had hitherto dwelt, and went some 300 miles north to Haran, where he abode fifteen years. The cause of his migration was a call from God kjv@Acts:7:2-4). There is no mention of this first call in the Old Testament; it is implied, however, in kjv@Genesis:12. While they tarried at Haran, Terah died at the age of 205 years. Abram now received a second and more definite call, accompanied by a promise from God kjv@Genesis:12:1-2); whereupon he took his departure, taking his nephew Lot with him, "not knowing whither he went" kjv@Hebrews:11:8). He trusted implicitly to the guidance of Him who had called him. Abram now, with a large household of probably a thousand souls, entered on a migratory life, and dwelt in tents. Passing along the valley of the Jabbok, in the land of Canaan, he formed his first encampment at Sichem kjv@Genesis:12:6), in the vale or oak-grove of Moreh, between Ebal on the north and Gerizim on the south. Here he received the great promise, "I will make of thee a great nation," etc. kjv@Genesis:12:2-3 kjv@Genesis:12:7). This promise comprehended not only temporal but also spiritual blessings. It implied that he was the chosen ancestor of the great Deliverer whose coming had been long ago predicted kjv@Genesis:3:15). Soon after this, for some reason not mentioned, he removed his tent to the mountain district between Bethel, then called Luz, and Ai, towns about two miles apart, where he built an altar to "Jehovah." He again moved into the southern tract of Palestine, called by the Hebrews the Negeb; and was at length, on account of a famine, compelled to go down into Egypt. This took place in the time of the Hyksos, a Semitic race which now held the Egyptians in bondage. Here occurred that case of deception on the part of Abram which exposed him to the rebuke of Pharaoh kjv@Genesis:12:18). Sarai was restored to him; and Pharaoh loaded him with presents, recommending him to withdraw from the country. He returned to Canaan richer than when he left it, "in cattle, in silver, and in gold" kjv@Genesis:12:8 kjv@Genesis:13:2. Comp. kjv@Psalms:105:13-14). The whole party then moved northward, and returned to their previous station near Bethel. Here disputes arose between Lot's shepherds and those of Abram about water and pasturage. Abram generously gave Lot his choice of the pasture-ground. (Comp. kjv@1Corinthians:6:7.) He chose the well-watered plain in which Sodom was situated, and removed thither; and thus the uncle and nephew were separated. Immediately after this Abram was cheered by a repetition of the promises already made to him, and then removed to the plain or "oak-grove" of Mamre, which is in Hebron. He finally settled here, pitching his tent under a famous oak or terebinth tree, called "the oak of Mamre" kjv@Genesis:13:18). This was his third resting-place in the land. Some fourteen years before this, while Abram was still in Chaldea, Palestine had been invaded by Chedorlaomer, King of Elam, who brought under tribute to him the five cities in the plain to which Lot had removed. This tribute was felt by the inhabitants of these cities to be a heavy burden, and after twelve years they revolted. This brought upon them the vengeance of Chedorlaomer, who had in league with him four other kings. He ravaged the whole country, plundering the towns, and carrying the inhabitants away as slaves. Among those thus treated was Lot. Hearing of the disaster that had fallen on his nephew, Abram immediately gathered from his own household a band of 318 armed men, and being joined by the Amoritish chiefs Mamre, Aner, and Eshcol, he pursued after Chedorlaomer, and overtook him near the springs of the Jordan. They attacked and routed his army, and pursued it over the range of Anti
- Libanus as far as to Hobah, near Damascus, and then returned, bringing back all the spoils that had been carried away. Returning by way of Salem, i.e., Jerusalem, the king of that place, Melchizedek, came forth to meet them with refreshments. To him Abram presented a tenth of the spoils, in recognition of his character as a priest of the most high God kjv@Genesis:14:18-20). In a recently-discovered tablet, dated in the reign of the grandfather of Amraphel kjv@Genesis:14:1), one of the witnesses is called "the Amorite, the son of Abiramu," or Abram. Having returned to his home at Mamre, the promises already made to him by God were repeated and enlarged kjv@Genesis:13:14). "The word of the Lord" (an expression occurring here for the first time) "came to him" (15:1). He now understood better the future that lay before the nation that was to spring from him. Sarai, now seventy-five years old, in her impatience, persuaded Abram to take Hagar, her Egyptian maid, as a concubine, intending that whatever child might be born should be reckoned as her own. Ishmael was accordingly thus brought up, and was regarded as the heir of these promises Genesis:16). When Ishmael was thirteen years old, God again revealed yet more explicitly and fully his gracious purpose; and in token of the sure fulfilment of that purpose the patriarch's name was now changed from Abram to Abraham kjv@Genesis:17:4-5), and the rite of circumcision was instituted as a sign of the covenant. It was then announced that the heir to these covenant promises would be the son of Sarai, though she was now ninety years old; and it was directed that his name should be Isaac. At the same time, in commemoration of the promises, Sarai's name was changed to Sarah. On that memorable day of God's thus revealing his design, Abraham and his son Ishmael and all the males of his house were circumcised Genesis:17). Three months after this, as Abraham sat in his tent door, he saw three men approaching. They accepted his proffered hospitality, and, seated under an oak-tree, partook of the fare which Abraham and Sarah provided. One of the three visitants was none other than the Lord, and the other two were angels in the guise of men. The Lord renewed on this occasion his promise of a son by Sarah, who was rebuked for her unbelief. Abraham accompanied the three as they proceeded on their journey. The two angels went on toward Sodom; while the Lord tarried behind and talked with Abraham, making known to him the destruction that was about to fall on that guilty city. The patriarch interceded earnestly in behalf of the doomed city. But as not even ten righteous persons were found in it, for whose sake the city would have been spared, the threatened destruction fell upon it; and early next morning Abraham saw the smoke of the fire that consumed it as the "smoke of a furnace" kjv@Genesis:19:1-28). After fifteen years' residence at Mamre, Abraham moved southward, and pitched his tent among the Philistines, near to Gerar. Here occurred that sad instance of prevarication on his part in his relation to Abimelech the King Genesis:20). (
See ABIMELECH.) Soon after this event, the patriarch left the vicinity of Gerar, and moved down the fertile valley about 25 miles to Beer-sheba. It was probably here that Isaac was born, Abraham being now an hundred years old. A feeling of jealousy now arose between Sarah and Hagar, whose son, Ishmael, was no longer to be regarded as Abraham's heir. Sarah insisted that both Hagar and her son should be sent away. This was done, although it was a hard trial to Abraham kjv@Genesis:21:12). (
See HAGAR ; ISHMAEL.) At this point there is a blank in the patriarch's history of perhaps twenty-five years. These years of peace and happiness were spent at Beer-sheba. The next time we see him his faith is put to a severe test by the command that suddenly came to him to go and offer up Isaac, the heir of all the promises, as a sacrifice on one of the mountains of Moriah. His faith stood the test kjv@Hebrews:11:17-19). He proceeded in a spirit of unhesitating obedience to carry out the command; and when about to slay his son, whom he had laid on the altar, his uplifted hand was arrested by the angel of Jehovah, and a ram, which was entangled in a thicket near at hand, was seized and offered in his stead. From this circumstance that place was called Jehovah-jireh, i.e., "The Lord will provide." The promises made to Abraham were again confirmed (and this was the last recorded word of God to the patriarch); and he descended the mount with his son, and returned to his home at Beer-sheba kjv@Genesis:22:19), where he resided for some years, and then moved northward to Hebron. Some years after this Sarah died at Hebron, being 127 years old. Abraham acquired now the needful possession of a burying-place, the cave of Machpelah, by purchase from the owner of it, Ephron the Hittite Genesis:23); and there he buried Sarah. His next care was to provide a wife for Isaac, and for this purpose he sent his steward, Eliezer, to Haran (or Charran, kjv@Acts:7:2), where his brother Nahor and his family resided kjv@Genesis:11:31). The result was that Rebekah, the daughter of Nahor's son Bethuel, became the wife of Isaac Genesis:24). Abraham then himself took to wife Keturah, who became the mother of six sons, whose descendants were afterwards known as the "children of the east" kjv@Judges:6:3), and later as "Saracens." At length all his wanderings came to an end. At the age of 175 years, 100 years after he had first entered the land of Canaan, he died, and was buried in the old family burying-place at Machpelah kjv@Genesis:25:7-10). The history of Abraham made a wide and deep impression on the ancient world, and references to it are interwoven in the religious traditions of almost all Eastern nations. He is called "the friend of God" kjv@James:2:23), "faithful Abraham" kjv@Galatians:3:9), "the father of us all" kjv@Romans:4:16).

Abraham's bosom @ kjv@Luke:16:22-23) refers to the custom of reclining on couches at table, which was prevalent among the Jews, an arrangement which brought the head of one person almost into the bosom of the one who sat or reclined above him. To "be in Abraham's bosom" thus meant to enjoy happiness and rest kjv@Matthew:8:11; kjv@Luke:16:23) at the banquet in Paradise. (





- Also called ABRAM
- Son of Terah kjv@Genesis:11:26-27
- Marries Sarah kjv@Genesis:11:29
- Lives in Ur, but removes to Haran kjv@Genesis:11:31; kjv@Nehemiah:9:7; kjv@Acts:7:4
- And Canaan kjv@Genesis:12:4-5 kjv@Genesis:12:6; kjv@Acts:7:4
- Divine call of kjv@Genesis:12:1-3; kjv@Joshua:24:3; kjv@Nehemiah:9:7; kjv@Isaiah:51:2; kjv@Acts:7:2-3; kjv@Hebrews:11:8
- Canaan given to kjv@Genesis:12:1 kjv@Genesis:12:7 kjv@Genesis:15:7-21; kjv@Ezekiel:33:24
- Lives in Bethel kjv@Genesis:12:8
- Sojourns in Egypt kjv@Genesis:12:10-20; kjv@Genesis:26:1
- Deferring to Lot, chooses Hebron kjv@Genesis:13; Genesis:14:13; kjv@Genesis:35:27
- Lives in Gerar kjv@Genesis:20; Genesis:21:22-34
- Defeats Chedorlaomer kjv@Genesis:14:5-24; kjv@Hebrews:7:1
- Is blessed by Melchizedek kjv@Genesis:14:18-20; kjv@Hebrews:7:1-10
- God's covenant with kjv@Genesis:15; Hebrews:17:1-22; kjv@Micah:7:20; kjv@Luke:1:73; kjv@Romans:4:13; kjv@Romans:15:8; kjv@Hebrews:6:13-14; kjv@Galatians:3:6-18 kjv@Galatians:3:29 kjv@Galatians:4:22-31
- Called ABRAHAM kjv@Genesis:17:5; kjv@Nehemiah:9:7
- Circumcision of kjv@Genesis:17:10-14 kjv@Genesis:17:23-27
- Angels appear to kjv@Genesis:18:1-16; kjv@Genesis:22:11 kjv@Genesis:22:15 kjv@Genesis:24:7
- His questions about the destruction of the righteous and wicked in Sodom kjv@Genesis:18:23-32
- Witnesses the destruction of Sodom kjv@Genesis:19:27-28
- Ishmael born to kjv@Genesis:16:3 kjv@Genesis:16:15
- Lives in Gerar; deceives Abimelech concerning Sarah, his wife Genesis:20
- Isaac born to kjv@Genesis:21:2-3; kjv@Galatians:4:22-30
- Sends Hagar and Ishmael away kjv@Genesis:21:10-14; kjv@Galatians:4:22-30
- Trial of his faith in the offering of Isaac kjv@Genesis:22:1-19; kjv@Hebrews:11:17; kjv@James:2:21
- Sarah, his wife, dies kjv@Genesis:23:1-2
- He purchases a place for her burial, and buries her in a cave kjv@Genesis:23:3-20
- Marries Keturah kjv@Genesis:25:1
- Provides a wife for Isaac Genesis:24
- Children of kjv@Genesis:16:15; kjv@Genesis:21:2-3; kjv@Genesis:25:1-4; kjv@1Chronicles:1:32-34
- Testament of kjv@Genesis:25:5-6
- Wealth of kjv@Genesis:13:2; kjv@Genesis:24:35; kjv@Isaiah:51:2
- Age of, at different periods kjv@Genesis:12:4; kjv@Genesis:16:16; kjv@Genesis:21:5; kjv@Genesis:25:7
- Death kjv@Genesis:15:15; kjv@Genesis:25:8-10
- In Paradise kjv@Matthew:8:11; kjv@Luke:13:28; kjv@Luke:16:22-31
- Friend of God kjv@Isaiah:41:8; kjv@2Chronicles:20:7; kjv@James:2:23
- Piety of kjv@Genesis:12:7-8; kjv@Genesis:13:4 kjv@Genesis:13:18 kjv@Genesis:18:19; kjv@Genesis:20:7; kjv@Genesis:21:33; kjv@Genesis:22:3-13; kjv@Genesis:26:5; kjv@Nehemiah:9:7-8; kjv@Romans:4:16-18; kjv@2Chronicles:20:7; kjv@Isaiah:41:8; kjv@James:2:23
- A prophet kjv@Genesis:20:7
- Faith of kjv@Genesis:15:6; kjv@Romans:4:1-22; kjv@Galatians:3:6-9; kjv@Hebrews:11:8-10 kjv@Hebrews:11:17-19 kjv@James:2:21-24
- Unselfishness of kjv@Genesis:13:9; kjv@Genesis:21:25-30
- Independence of, in character kjv@Genesis:14:23; kjv@Genesis:23:6-16
- Ancestors of, idolatrous kjv@Joshua:24:2
- How regarded by his descendants kjv@Matthew:3:9; kjv@Luke:13:16 kjv@Luke:13:28 kjv@Luke:19:9; kjv@John:8:33-40



kjv@STRING:Abraham <HITCHCOCK>@ father of a great multitude - HITCHCOCK-A


ABRAHAM OR ABRAM @ son of Terah, father of the chosen family

(1) General References to- kjv@Genesis:11:27,31; kjv@Genesis:12:1; kjv@Genesis:13:1,12; kjv@Genesis:14:14; kjv@Genesis:15:1; kjv@Genesis:16:3; kjv@Genesis:17:1; kjv@Genesis:18:10 kjv@Genesis:20:1; kjv@Genesis:21:2; kjv@Genesis:22:1; kjv@Genesis:23:2; kjv@Genesis:24:1; kjv@Genesis:25:1,8; kjv@2Chronicles:20:7; kjv@Nehemiah:9:7 kjv@Psalms:105:6; kjv@Romans:4:3; kjv@Galatians:3:6; kjv@Hebrews:11:8; kjv@James:2:21

(2) Called "THE FATHER OF THE FAITHFUL", Characteristics of OBEDIENCEleft home and friends at the call of God kjv@Genesis:12:4 UNSELFISHNESSgave Lot the first choice of the land kjv@Genesis:13:9 COURAGEdefeated the robber kings kjv@Genesis:14:14 BENEVOLENCEgave tithes to Melchizedek, the priest kjv@Genesis:14:20 INCORRUPTIBILITYrefused to receive gifts for service rendered kjv@Genesis:14:23 MIGHTY IN PRAYER- Genesis:18:23-33 WONDERFUL IN FAITHwas willing to offer up his only son, Isaac kjv@Hebrews:11:17


H28 <STRHEB>@ אבידע 'ăbîydâ‛ ab-ee-daw' From H1 and H3045; father of knowledge (that is knowing); {Abida} a son of Abraham by Keturah: - {Abida} Abidah.

H85 <STRHEB>@ אברהם 'abrâhâm ab-raw-hawm' Contracted from H1 and an unused root (probably meaning to be populous); father of a multitude; {Abraham} the later name of Abram: - Abraham.

H87 <STRHEB>@ אברם 'abrâm ab-rawm' Contracted from H48; high father; {Abram} the original name of Abraham: - Abram.

H1328 <STRHEB>@ בּתוּאל bethû'êl beth-oo-ale' Apparently from the same as H1326 and H410; destroyed of God; {Bethuel} the name of a nephew of {Abraham} and of a place in Palestine: - Bethuel. Compare H1329.

H2175 <STRHEB>@ זמרן zimrân zim-rawn' From H2167; musical; {Zimran} a son of Abraham by Keturah: - Zimran.

H2375 <STRHEB>@ חזו chăzô khaz-o' From H2372; seer; {Chazo} a nephew of Abraham: - Hazo.

H3327 <STRHEB>@ יצחק yitschâq yits-khawk' From H6711; laughter (that {is} mockery); Jitschak (or {Isaac}) son of Abraham: - Isaac. Compare H3446.

H3435 <STRHEB>@ ישׁבּק yishbâq yish-bawk' From an unused root corresponding to H7662; he will leave; {Jishbak} a son of Abraham: - Ishbak.

H3446 <STRHEB>@ ישׂחק yiώchâq yis-khawk' From H7831; he will laugh; {Jischak} the heir of Abraham: - Isaac. Compare H3327.

H3458 <STRHEB>@ ישׁמעאל yishmâ‛ê'l yish-maw-ale' From H8085 and H410; God will hear; {Jishmael} the name of Abraham´ s oldest {son} and of five Israelites: - Ishmael.

H3777 <STRHEB>@ כּשׂד keώed keh'-sed From an unused root of uncertain meaning; {Kesed} a relative of Abraham: - Chesed.

H3876 <STRHEB>@ לוט lôţ lote The same as H3875; {Lot} Abraham´ s nephew: - Lot.

H4080 <STRHEB>@ מדין midyân mid-yawn' The same as H4079; {Midjan} a son of Abraham; also his country and (collectively) his descendants: - {Midian} Midianite.

H4091 <STRHEB>@ מדן medân med-awn' The same as H4090; {Medan} a son of Abraham: - Medan.

H5152 <STRHEB>@ נחור nâchôr naw-khore' From the same as H5170; snorer; {Nachor} the name of the grandfather and a brother of Abraham: - Nahor.

H6394 <STRHEB>@ פּלדּשׁ pildâsh pil-dawsh' Of uncertain derivation; {Pildash} a relative of Abraham: - Pildash.

H6989 <STRHEB>@ קטוּרה qeţûrâh ket-oo-raw' Feminine passive participle of H6999; perfumed; {Keturah} a wife of Abraham: - Keturah.

H7055 <STRHEB>@ קמוּאל qemû'êl kem-oo-ale' From H6965 and H410; raised of God; {Kemuel} the name of a relative of {Abraham} and of two Israelites: - Kemuel.

H7744 <STRHEB>@ שׁוּח shûach shoo'-akh From H7743; dell; {Shuach} a son of Abraham: - Shuah.

H8283 <STRHEB>@ שׂרה ώârâh saw-raw' The same as H8282; {Sarah} Abraham´ s wife: - Sarah.

H8297 <STRHEB>@ שׂרי ώâray saw-rah'ee From H8269; dominative; {Sarai} the wife of Abraham: - Sarai.

H8477 <STRHEB>@ תּחשׁ tachash takh'-ash The same as H8476; {Tachash} a relative of Abraham: - Thahash.

H8646 <STRHEB>@ תּרח terach teh'-rakh Of uncertain derivation; {Terach} the father of Abraham; also a place in the Desert: - {Tarah} Terah.

G11 <STRGRK>@ Ἀβραάμ Abraam ab-rah-am' Of Hebrew origin [H85]; Abraham the Hebrew patriarch. In the text should probably read Jacob: - Abraham.

G28 <STRGRK>@ Ἄγαρ Agar ag'-ar Of Hebrew origin [H1904]; Hagar the concubine of Abraham: - Hagar.

G2291 <STRGRK>@ Θάρα Thara thar'-ah Of Hebrew origin [H8646]; Thara (that is Terach) the father of Abraham: - Thara.

G2464 <STRGRK>@ Ἰσαάκ Isaak ee-sah-ak' Of Hebrew origin [H3327]; Isaac (that is Jitschak) the son of Abraham: - Isaac.

G3493 <STRGRK>@ Ναχώρ Nachōr nakh-ore' Of Hebrew origin [H5152]; Nachor the grandfather of Abraham: - Nachor.

G4564 <STRGRK>@ Σάῤῥα Sarrha sar'-hrah Of Hebrew origin [H8283]; Sarra (that is Sarah) the wife of Abraham: - Sara Sarah.