
Dict: easton - Ah


Ah! @ an exclamation of sorrow or regret kjv@Psalms:35:25; kjv@Isaiah:1:4 kjv@Isaiah:1:24 kjv@Jeremiah:1:6 kjv@Jeremiah:22:18; kjv@Mark:15:29).

Aha! @ an exclamation of ridicule kjv@Psalms:35:21 kjv@Psalms:40:15 kjv@Psalms:70:3 ). In kjv@Isaiah:44:16 it signifies joyful surprise, as also in kjv@Job:39:25, R.V.

Ahab @ father's brother.

(1.) The son of Omri, whom he succeeded as the seventh king of Israel. His history is recorded in kjvKings:16-22. His wife was Jezebel (q.v.), who exercised a very evil influence over him. To the calf-worship introduced by Jeroboam he added the worship of Baal. He was severely admonished by Elijah (q.v.) for his wickedness. His anger was on this account kindled against the prophet, and he sought to kill him. He undertook three campaigns against Ben-hadad II., king of Damascus. In the first two, which were defensive, he gained a complete victory over Ben-hadad, who fell into his hands, and was afterwards released on the condition of his restoring all the cities of Israel he then held, and granting certain other concessions to Ahab. After three years of peace, for some cause Ahab renewed war (kjvKings:22:3) with Ben-hadad by assaulting the city of Ramoth-gilead, although the prophet Micaiah warned him that he would not succeed, and that the 400 false prophets who encouraged him were only leading him to his ruin. Micaiah was imprisoned for thus venturing to dissuade Ahab from his purpose. Ahab went into the battle disguised, that he might if possible escape the notice of his enemies; but an arrow from a bow "drawn at a venture" pierced him, and though stayed up in his chariot for a time he died towards evening, and Elijah's prophecy (kjvKings:21:19) was fulfilled. He reigned twenty-three years. Because of his idolatry, lust, and covetousness, Ahab is referred to as pre-eminently the type of a wicked king ( kjv@2Kings:8:18; kjv@2Chronicals:22:3; kjv@Micah:6:16).

(2.) A false prophet referred to by Jeremiah kjv@Jeremiah:29:21), of whom nothing further is known.

Ahasuerus @ There are three kings designated by this name in Scripture.

(1.) The father of Darius the Mede, mentioned in kjv@Daniel:9:1. This was probably the Cyaxares I. known by this name in profane history, the king of Media and the conqueror of Nineveh.

(2.) The king mentioned in kjv@Ezra:4:6, probably the Cambyses of profane history, the son and successor of Cyrus (B.C. 529).

(3.) The son of Darius Hystaspes, the king named in the Book of Esther. He ruled over the kingdoms of Persia, Media, and Babylonia, "from India to Ethiopia." This was in all probability the Xerxes of profane history, who succeeded his father Darius (B.C. 485). In the LXX. version of the Book of Esther the name Artaxerxes occurs for Ahasuerus. He reigned for twenty-one years (B.C. 486-465). He invaded Greece with an army, it is said, of more than 2,000,000 soldiers, only 5,000 of whom returned with him. Leonidas, with his famous 300, arrested his progress at the Pass of Thermopylae, and then he was defeated disastrously by Themistocles at Salamis. It was after his return from this invasion that Esther was chosen as his queen.

Ahava @ water, the river kjv@Ezra:8:21) by the banks of which the Jewish exiles assembled under Ezra when about to return to Jerusalem from Babylon. In all probability this was one of the streams of Mesopotamia which flowed into the Euphrates somewhere in the north-west of Babylonia. It has, however, been supposed to be the name of a place kjv@Ezra:8:15) now called Hit, on the Euphrates, east of Damascus.

Ahaz @ possessor.

(1.) A grandson of Jonathan ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:35 kjv@1Chronicles:9:42).

(2.) The son and successor of Jotham, king of Judah ( kjv@2Kings:16; Isaiah:7-9; 2Chronicals:28). He gave himself up to a life of wickedness and idolatry. Notwithstanding the remonstrances and warnings of Isaiah, Hosea, and Micah, he appealed for help against Rezin, king of Damascus, and Pekah, king of Israel, who threatened Jerusalem, to Tiglath-pileser, the king of Assyria, to the great injury of his kingdom and his own humilating subjection to the Assyrians ( kjv@2Kings:16:7-9 kjv@2Kings:15:29). He also introduced among his people many heathen and idolatrous customs kjv@Isaiah:8:19 kjv@Isaiah:38:8; kjv@2Kings:23:12). He died at the age of thirty-five years, after reigning sixteen years (B.C. 740-724), and was succeeded by his son Hezekiah. Because of his wickedness he was "not brought into the sepulchre of the kings."

Ahaziah @ held by Jehovah.

(1.) The son and successor of Ahab. He followed the counsels of his mother Jezebel, and imitated in wickedness the ways of his father. In his reign the Moabites revolted from under his authority ( kjv@2Kings:3:5-7). He united with Jehoshaphat in an attempt to revive maritime trade by the Red Sea, which proved a failure ( kjv@2Chronicals:20:35-37). His messengers, sent to consult the god of Ekron regarding his recovery from the effects of a fall from the roof-gallery of his palace, were met on the way by Elijah, who sent them back to tell the king that he would never rise from his bed (kjvKings:22:51; kjv@2Kings:1:18).

(2.) The son of Joram, or Jehoram, and sixth king of Judah. Called Jehoahaz ( kjv@2Chronicals:21:17 kjv@2Chronicals:25:23), and Azariah ( kjv@2Chronicals:22:6). Guided by his idolatrous mother Athaliah, his reign was disastrous ( kjv@2Kings:8:24-29 kjv@2Kings:9:29). He joined his uncle Jehoram, king of Israel, in an expedition against Hazael, king of Damascus; but was wounded at the pass of Gur when attempting to escape, and had strength only to reach Megiddo, where he died ( kjv@2Kings:9:22-28). He reigned only one year.

Ahiam @ mother's brother, one of David's thirty heroes ( kjv@2Samuel:23:33; kjv@1Chronicles:11:35).

Ahiezer @ brother of help; i.e., "helpful."

(1.) The chief of the tribe of Dan at the time of the Exodus kjv@Numbers:1:12 kjv@Numbers:2:25 kjv@Numbers:10:25 ).

(2.) The chief of the Benjamite slingers that repaired to David at Ziklag ( kjv@1Chronicles:12:3).

Ahihud @ brother (i.e., "friend") of union.

(1.) A son of Bela, the son of Benjamin ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:7).

(2.) Name different in Hebrew, meaning brother of Judah. Chief of the tribe of Asher; one of those appointed by Moses to superintend the division of Canaan among the tribe kjv@Numbers:34:27).

Ahijah @ brother (i.e., "friend") of Jehovah.

(1.) One of the sons of Bela ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:7, R.V.). In A.V. called "Ahiah."

(2.) One of the five sons of Jerahmeel, who was great-grandson of Judah ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:25).

(3.) Son of Ahitub ( kjv@1Samuel:14:3 kjv@1Samuel:14:18), Ichabod's brother; the same probably as Ahimelech, who was high priest at Nob in the reign of Saul ( kjv@1Samuel:22:11). Some, however, suppose that Ahimelech was the brother of Ahijah, and that they both officiated as high priests, Ahijah at Gibeah or Kirjath-jearim, and Ahimelech at Nob.

(4.) A Pelonite, one of David's heroes ( kjv@1Chronicles:11:36); called also Eliam ( kjv@2Samuel:23:34).

(5.) A Levite having charge of the sacred treasury in the temple ( kjv@1Chronicles:26:20).

(6.) One of Solomon's secretaries (kjvKings:4:3).

(7.) A prophet of Shiloh (kjvKings:11:29; 14:2), called the "Shilonite," in the days of Rehoboam. We have on record two of his remarkable prophecies, kjvKings:11:31-39, announcing the rending of the ten tribes from Solomon; and kjvKings:14:6-16, delivered to Jeroboam's wife, foretelling the death of Abijah the king's son, the destruction of Jeroboam's house, and the captivity of Israel "beyond the river." Jeroboam bears testimony to the high esteem in which he was held as a prophet of God (kjvKings:14:2-3).

Ahikam @ brother of support = helper, one of the five whom Josiah sent to consult the prophetess Huldah in connection with the discovery of the book of the law ( kjv@2Kings:22:12-14; kjv@2Chronicals:34:20). He was the son of Shaphan, the royal secretary, and the father of Gedaliah, governor of Judea after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians ( kjv@2Kings:25:22; kjv@Jeremiah:40:5-16 kjv@Jeremiah:43:6). On one occasion he protected Jeremiah against the fury of Jehoiakim kjv@Jeremiah:26:24). It was in the chamber of another son (Germariah) of Shaphan that Baruch read in the ears of all the people Jeremiah's roll.

Ahimaaz @ brother of anger = irascible.

(1.) The father Ahinoam, the wife of Saul ( kjv@1Samuel:14:50).

(2.) The son and successor of Zadok in the office of high priest ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:8 kjv@1Chronicles:6:53). On the occasion of the revolt of Absalom he remained faithful to David, and was of service to him in conveying to him tidings of the proceedings of Absalom in Jerusalem ( kjv@2Samuel:15:24-37 kjv@2Samuel:17:15-21). He was swift of foot, and was the first to carry to David tidings of the defeat of Absalom, although he refrained, from delicacy of feeling, from telling him of his death ( kjv@2Samuel:18:19-33).

Ahiman @ brother of a gift = liberal.

(1.) One of the three giant Anakim brothers whom Caleb and the spies saw in Mount Hebron kjv@Numbers:13:22) when they went in to explore the land. They were afterwards driven out and slain kjv@Joshua:15:14; kjv@Judges:1:10).

(2.) One of the guardians of the temple after the Exile ( kjv@1Chronicles:9:17).

Ahimelech @ brother of the king, the son of Ahitub and father of Abiathar ( kjv@1Samuel:22:20-23). He descended from Eli in the line of Ithamar. In kjv@1Chronicles:18:16 he is called Abimelech, and is probably the same as Ahiah ( kjv@1Samuel:14:3 kjv@1Samuel:14:18). He was the twelfth high priest, and officiated at Nob, where he was visited by David (to whom and his companions he gave five loaves of the showbread) when he fled from Saul ( kjv@1Samuel:21:1-9). He was summoned into Saul's presence, and accused, on the information of Doeg the Edomite, of disloyalty because of his kindness to David; whereupon the king commanded that he, with the other priests who stood beside him (86 in all), should be put to death. This sentence was carried into execution by Doeg in the most cruel manner ( kjv@1Samuel:22:9-23). Possibly Abiathar had a son also called Ahimelech, or the two names, as some think, may have been accidentally transposed in kjv@2Samuel:8:17; kjv@1Chronicles:18:16, marg.; 24:3,6, 31.

Ahinadab @ brother of liberality = liberal, one of the twelve commissariat officers appointed by Solomon in so many districts of his kingdom to raise supplies by monthly rotation for his household. He was appointed to the district of Mahanaim (kjvKings:4:14), east of Jordan.

Ahinoam @ brother of pleasantness = pleasant.

(1.) The daughter of Ahimaaz, and wife of Saul ( kjv@1Samuel:14:50).

(2.) A Jezreelitess, the first wife of David ( kjv@1Samuel:25:43 kjv@1Samuel:27:3). She was the mother of Amnon ( kjv@2Samuel:3:2). (
See kjv@1Samuel:30:5 kjv@1Samuel:30:18 kjv@2Samuel:2:2.)

Ahio @ brotherly.

(1.) One of the sons of Beriah ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:14).

(2.) One of the sons of Jehiel the Gibeonite ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:31 kjv@1Chronicles:9:37).

(3.) One of the sons of Abinadab the Levite. While Uzzah went by the side of the ark, he walked before it guiding the oxen which drew the cart on which it was carried, after having brought it from his father's house in Gibeah ( kjv@1Chronicles:13:7; kjv@2Samuel:6:3-4).

Ahira @ brother of evil = unlucky, or my brother is friend, chief of the tribe of Naphtali at the Exodus kjv@Numbers:1:15 kjv@Numbers:2:29).

Ahishar @ brother of song = singer, the officer who was "over the household" of Solomon (kjvKings:4:6).

Ahithophel @ brother of insipidity or impiety, a man greatly renowned for his sagacity among the Jews. At the time of Absalom's revolt he deserted David kjv@Psalms:41:9 kjv@Psalms:55:12-14) and espoused the cause of Absalom ( kjv@2Samuel:15:12). David sent his old friend Hushai back to Absalom, in order that he might counteract the counsel of Ahithophel ( kjv@2Samuel:15:31-37). This end was so far gained that Ahithophel saw he had no longer any influence, and accordingly he at once left the camp of Absalom and returned to Giloh, his native place, where, after arranging his wordly affairs, he hanged himself, and was buried in the sepulchre of his fathers ( kjv@2Samuel:17:1-23). He was the type of Judas kjv@Psalms:41:9).

Ahitub @ brother of goodness = good.

(1.) The son of Phinehas. On the death of his grandfather Eli he succeeded to the office of high priest, and was himself succeeded by his son Ahijah ( kjv@1Samuel:14:3 kjv@1Samuel:22:9-11, 12, 20).

(2.) The father of Zadok, who was made high priest by Saul after the extermination of the family of Ahimelech ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:7-8; kjv@2Samuel:8:17).

Ahlab @ fatness, a town of Asher lying within the unconquered Phoenician border kjv@Judges:1:31), north-west of the Sea of Galilee; commonly identified with Giscala, now el
- Jish.

Ahoah @ brotherly, one of the sons of Bela, the son of Benjamin ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:4). He is also called Ahiah (ver. 7) and Iri ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:7). His descendants were called Ahohites ( kjv@2Samuel:23:9 kjv@2Samuel:23:28).

Ahohite @ an epithet applied to Dodo, one of Solomon's captains ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:4); to his son Eleazar, one of David's three mightiest heroes ( kjv@2Samuel:23:9; kjv@1Chronicles:11:12); and to Zalmon, one of the thirty ( kjv@2Samuel:23:28; kjv@1Chronicles:11:29), from their descent from Ahoah.

Aholah @ she has her own tent, a name used by Ezekiel (23:4-5, 36, 44) as a symbol of the idolatry of the kingdom of Israel. This kingdom is described as a lewdwoman, an adulteress, given up to the abominations and idolatries of the Egyptians and Assyrians. Because of her crimes, she was carried away captive, and ceased to be a kingdom. (Comp. kjv@Psalms:78:67-69; kjvKings:12:25-33; kjv@2Chronicals:11:13-16.)

Aholiab @ tent of the father, an artist of the tribe of Dan, appointed to the work of preparing materials for the tabernacle kjv@Exodus:31:6 kjv@Exodus:35:34 kjv@Exodus:36:1 -2; 38:23).

Aholibah @ my tent is in her, the name of an imaginary harlot, applied symbolically to Jerusalem, because she had abandoned the worship of the true God and given herself up to the idolatries of foreign nations. kjv@Ezekiel:23:4 kjv@Ezekiel:23:11, 22, 36, 44).

Aholibamah @ tent of the height, the name given to Judith, the daughter of Beeri = Anah kjv@Genesis:26:34 kjv@Genesis:36:2), when she became the wife of Esau. A district among the mountains of Edom, probably near Mount Hor, was called after her name, or it may be that she received her name from the district. From her descended three tribes of Edomites, founded by her three sons.