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CAVES @ kjv@Genesis:19:30; kjv@Genesis:23:9; kjv@Genesis:50:13; kjv@Joshua:10:16; kjv@Judges:6:2; kjv@1Samuel:13:6; kjv@1Samuel:22:1; kjv@2Samuel:23:13 kjv@1Kings:18:4; kjv@1Kings:19:9; kjv@1Chronicles:11:15; kjv@Ezekiel:33:27; kjv@John:11:38; kjv@Hebrews:11:38 Adullam, ADULLAM Machpelah, MACHPELAH


CAVE - C>@ - The most remarkable caves noticed in Scripture are, that in which Lot dwelt after the destruction of Sodom, kjv@Genesis:19:30) the cave of Machpelah, kjv@Genesis:23:17) cave of Makkedah, kjv@Joshua:10:10) cave of Adullam, ( kjv@1Samuel:22:1) cave od Engedi, ( kjv@1Samuel:24:3) Obadiah’s cave, (Kings:18:4) Elijah’s cave in Horeb, (Kings:19:9) the rock sepulchres of Lazarus and of our Lord. kjv@Matthew:27:60; kjv@John:11:38) Caves were used for temporary dwelling-places and for tombs.


Cave @ There are numerous natural caves among the limestone rocks of Syria, many of which have been artificially enlarged for various purposes. The first notice of a cave occurs in the history of Lot kjv@Genesis:19:30). The next we read of is the cave of Machpelah (q.v.), which Abraham purchased from the sons of Heth kjv@Genesis:25:9-10). It was the burying-place of Sarah and of Abraham himself, also of Isaac, Rebekah, Leah, and Jacob kjv@Genesis:49:31 kjv@Genesis:50:13). The cave of Makkedah, into which the five Amorite kings retired after their defeat by Joshua (10:16,27). The cave of Adullam (q.v.), an immense natural cavern, where David hid himself from Saul ( kjv@1Samuel:22:1-2). The cave of Engedi (q.v.), now called 'Ain Jidy, i.e., the "Fountain of the Kid", where David cut off the skirt of Saul's robe (24:4). Here he also found a shelter for himself and his followers to the number of 600 (23:29; 24:1). "On all sides the country is full of caverns which might serve as lurking-places for David and his men, as they do for outlaws at the present day." The cave in which Obadiah hid the prophets (kjvKings:18:4) was probably in the north, but it cannot be identified. The cave of Elijah (kjvKings:19:9), and the "cleft" of Moses on Horeb kjv@Exodus:33:22), cannot be determined. In the time of Gideon the Israelites took refuge from the Midianites in dens and caves, such as abounded in the mountain regions of Manasseh kjv@Judges:6:2). Caves were frequently used as dwelling-places kjv@Numbers:24:21; Cant. kjv@2:14; Jeremiah:49:16; kjv@Obadiah:1:3). "The excavations at Deir Dubban, on the south side of the wady leading to Santa Hanneh, are probably the dwellings of the Horites," the ancient inhabitants of Idumea Proper. The pits or cavities in rocks were also sometimes used as prisons kjv@Isaiah:24:22 kjv@Isaiah:51:14; kjv@Zechariah:9:11). Those which had niches in their sides were occupied as burying-places kjv@Ezekiel:32:23; kjv@John:11:38).



Caves @ Natural kjv@Hebrews:11:38
Artificial kjv@Judges:6:2
Found in the
Open fields kjv@Genesis:23:20
Rocks kjv@Isaiah:2:19
Were used as
Dwelling-places kjv@Genesis:19:30
Places of concealment kjv@1Samuel:13:6 kjv@1Samuel:14:11 kjv@1Kings:18:4 kjv@Hebrews:11:38
Resting places kjv@1Samuel:24:3 kjv@1Kings:19:9
Burial places kjv@Genesis:23:19 kjv@John:11:38
Haunts of robbers kjv@Jeremiah:7:11 kjv@Matthew:21:13
Hiding placed of wild beasts kjv@Nahum:2:12
Often capacious kjv@1Samuel:22:1 kjv@1Samuel:22:2 kjv@1Samuel:24:3
Afford no protection from the judgments of God kjv@Isaiah:2:19 kjv@Ezekiel:33:27 kjv@Revelation:6:15
Mentioned in scripture
Adullam kjv@1Samuel:22:1
Engedi kjv@1Samuel:23:29 kjv@1Samuel:24:1 kjv@1Samuel:24:3
Machpelah kjv@Genesis:23:9
Makkedah kjv@Joshua:10:16 kjv@Joshua:10:17



CAVE @ -(Used as a dwelling) .By Lot kjv@Genesis:19:30 .Elijah kjv@1Kings:19:9 .Israelites kjv@Ezekiel:33:27 .Saints kjv@Hebrews:11:38
- Place of refuge kjv@Joshua:10:16-27; kjv@Judges:6:2; kjv@1Samuel:13:6; kjv@1Kings:18:4 kjv@1Kings:18:13 kjv@1Kings:19:9 kjv@1Kings:19:13
- Burial place kjv@Genesis:23:9-20; kjv@Genesis:25:9; kjv@Genesis:49:29-32; kjv@Genesis:50:13; kjv@John:11:38
- Of Adullam kjv@1Samuel:22:1; kjv@2Samuel:23:13; kjv@1Chronicles:11:15
- En-gedi kjv@1Samuel:24:3-8



kjv@STRING:Dalphon <HITCHCOCK>@ the house of caves - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Mearah <HITCHCOCK>@ den; cave; making empty - HITCHCOCK-M


CAVES @ kjv@Genesis:19:30; kjv@Genesis:23:9; kjv@Genesis:50:13; kjv@Joshua:10:16; kjv@Judges:6:2; kjv@1Samuel:13:6; kjv@1Samuel:22:1; kjv@2Samuel:23:13 kjv@1Kings:18:4; kjv@1Kings:19:9; kjv@1Chronicles:11:15; kjv@Ezekiel:33:27; kjv@John:11:38; kjv@Hebrews:11:38 Adullam, ADULLAM Machpelah, MACHPELAH


H2356 <STRHEB>@ חר חור chôr chôr {khore} khore The same as H2352; a {cavity} {socket} den: - {cave} hole.

H2362 <STRHEB>@ חורן chavrân khav-rawn' Apparently from H2357 (in the sense of H2352); cavernous; {Chavran} a region East of the Jordan: - Hauran.

H2752 <STRHEB>@ חרי chôrîy kho-ree' From H2356; cave dweller or troglodyte; a Chorite or aboriginal Idumaean: - {Horims} Horites.

H2773 <STRHEB>@ חרנים chôrônayim kho-ro-nah'-yim Dual of a derivative from H2356; double cave town; {Choronajim} a place in Moab: - Horonaim.

H4247 <STRHEB>@ מחלּה mechillâh mekh-il-law' From H2490; a cavern (as if excavated): - cave.

H4492 <STRHEB>@ מנהרה minhârâh min-haw-raw' From H5102; properly a channel or {fissure} that {is} (by implication) a cavern: - den.

H4631 <STRHEB>@ מערה me‛ârâh meh-aw-raw' From H5783; a cavern (as dark): - {cave} {den} hole.

H4632 <STRHEB>@ מערה me‛ârâh meh-aw-raw' The same as H4631; cave; {Mearah} a place in Palestine: - Mearah.

G3692 <STRGRK>@ ὀπή opē op-ay' Probably from G3700; a hole (as if for light) that is cavern; by analogy a spring (of water): - cave place.

G4693 <STRGRK>@ σπήλαιον spēlaion spay'-lah-yon Neuter of a presumed derivation of σπέος speos (a grotto); a cavern; by implication a hiding place or resort: - cave den.