

Dict: all - CLOUD


CLOUD @ appearance of the Lord in- kjv@Exodus:19:9; kjv@Exodus:24:15; kjv@Exodus:34:5; kjv@Numbers:11:25; kjv@Matthew:17:5; kjv@Luke:21:27; kjv@Revelation:1:7; kjv@Revelation:14:14


CLOUD - C>@ - The shelter given, and refreshment of rain promised, by clouds give them their peculiar prominence in Oriental imagery. When a cloud appears rain is ordinarily apprehended, and thus the "cloud without rain" becomes a proverb for the man of promise without performance. kjv@Proverbs:16:15; kjv@Isaiah:18:4 kjv@Isaiah:25:5; kjv@Jude:1:1:12) comp. kjv@Proverbs:25:14 The cloud is a figure of transitoriness, kjv@Job:30:15; kjv@Hosea:6:4) and of whatever intercepts divine favor or human supplication. kjv@Lamentations:2:1 kjv@Lamentations:3:44) A bright cloud at times visited and rested on the mercy-seat. kjv@Exodus:29:42-43; kjv@Kings:8:10-11; kjv@2Chronicles:5:14; kjv@Ezekiel:43:4) and was by later writers named Shechinah.

CLOUD, PILLAR OF - C>@ - The pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night that God caused to pass before the camp of the children of Israel when in the wilderness. The cloud, which became a pillar when the host moved, seems to have rested at other times on the tabernacle, whence god is said to have "come down in the pillar." kjv@Numbers:12:5; kjv@Exodus:33:9-10) It preceded the host, apparently resting on the ark which led the way. kjv@Exodus:13:21 kjv@Exodus:40:36) etc.; Numb kjv@9:15-23; 10:34


Cloud @ The Hebrew so rendered means "a covering," because clouds cover the sky. The word is used as a symbol of the Divine presence, as indicating the splendour of that glory which it conceals kjv@Exodus:16:10 kjv@Exodus:33:9; kjv@Numbers:11:25 kjv@Numbers:12:5; kjv@Job:22:14; kjv@Psalms:18:11). A "cloud without rain" is a proverbial saying, denoting a man who does not keep his promise kjv@Proverbs:16:15; kjv@Isaiah:18:4 kjv@Isaiah:25:5; kjv@Jude:1:1:12). A cloud is the figure of that which is transitory kjv@Job:30:15; kjv@Hosea:6:4). A bright cloud is the symbolical seat of the Divine presence kjv@Exodus:29:42-43; kjvKings:8:10; kjv@2Chronicals:5:14; kjv@Ezekiel:43:4), and was called the Shechinah (q.v.). Jehovah came down upon Sinai in a cloud kjv@Exodus:19:9); and the cloud filled the court around the tabernacle in the wilderness so that Moses could not enter it kjv@Exodus:40:34-35). At the dedication of the temple also the cloud "filled the house of the Lord" (kjvKings:8:10). Thus in like manner when Christ comes the second time he is described as coming "in the clouds" kjv@Matthew:17:5 kjv@Matthew:24:30; kjv@Acts:1:9-11). False teachers are likened unto clouds carried about with a tempest ( kjv@2Peter:2:17). The infirmities of old age, which come one after another, are compared by Solomon to "clouds returning after the rain" kjv@Ecclesiastes:12:2). The blotting out of sins is like the sudden disappearance of threatening clouds from the sky kjv@Isaiah:44:22). Cloud, the pillar of, was the glory-cloud which indicated God's presence leading the ransomed people through the wilderness kjv@Exodus:13:22 kjv@Exodus:33:9-10). This pillar preceded the people as they marched, resting on the ark kjv@Exodus:13:21 kjv@Exodus:40:36). By night it became a pillar of fire kjv@Numbers:9:17-23).



Clouds @ Formed from the sea kjv@1Kings:18:44 kjv@Amos:9:6
Are garment of the sea kjv@Job:38:9
Established kjv@Proverbs:8:28
Balanced in the air kjv@Job:37:16
Disposed in order kjv@Job:37:15
Brings over the earth kjv@Genesis:9:14
Binds up kjv@Job:26:8
Spreads out kjv@Job:26:9
Scatters kjv@Job:37:11
Power and wisdom of God exhibited in forming kjv@Psalms:135:6 kjv@Psalms:135:7 kjv@Psalms:147:5 kjv@Psalms:147:8 kjv@Jeremiah:10:13 kjv@Jeremiah:51:16
Power and wisdom of God exhibited in condensing kjv@Job:36:27 kjv@Job:36:28 kjv@Job:37:10 kjv@Job:37:11 kjv@Proverbs:3:20
Made for the glory of God kjv@Psalms:148:4
Called the
Clouds of heaven kjv@Daniel:7:13 kjv@Matthew:24:30
Windows of heaven kjv@Genesis:7:11 kjv@Isaiah:24:18
Bottles of heaven kjv@Job:38:37
Chambers of God kjv@Psalms:104:3 kjv@Psalms:104:13
Waters above the firmament kjv@Genesis:1:7
Dust of God's feet kjv@Nahum:1:3
Different kinds of, mentioned
White kjv@Revelation:14:14
Bright kjv@Job:37:11 kjv@Zechariah:10:1
Thick kjv@Job:22:14 kjv@Job:37:11
Black kjv@1Kings:18:45
Swift kjv@Isaiah:19:1
Great kjv@Ezekiel:1:4
Small kjv@1Kings:18:44
Often cover the heavens kjv@Psalms:147:8
Often obscure the sun, &:c kjv@Job:36:32 kjv@Ezekiel:32:7
Often dispersed by the wind kjv@Hosea:13:3
Uses of
To give rain kjv@Judges:5:4 kjv@Psalms:104:13 kjv@Psalms:104:14
To supply dew kjv@Proverbs:3:20 kjv@Isaiah:18:4
To moderate heat kjv@Isaiah:25:5
From the west, bring rain kjv@Luke:12:54
Though small, often bring much rain kjv@1Kings:18:44 kjv@1Kings:18:45
Thunder and lightning come from kjv@Psalms:77:17 kjv@Psalms:77:18
The rainbow appears in kjv@Genesis:9:13 kjv@Genesis:9:14
Frequently the instrument of God's judgments kjv@Genesis:7:11 kjv@Genesis:7:12 kjv@Job:37:13 kjv@Psalms:77:17
Ignorant of the spreading of kjv@Job:36:29
Ignorant of the disposing of kjv@Job:37:15
Ignorant of the balancing of kjv@Job:37:16
Cannot number kjv@Job:38:37
Cannot cause to rain kjv@Job:38:34
Cannot stay kjv@Job:38:37
Of multitudes of persons kjv@Isaiah:60:8 kjv@Hebrews:12:1
Of hostile armies kjv@Jeremiah:4:13 kjv@Ezekiel:38:9 kjv@Ezekiel:38:16
Of sins of men kjv@Isaiah:44:22
Of judgments of God kjv@Lamentations:2:1 kjv@Ezekiel:30:3 kjv@Ezekiel:34:12 kjv@Joel:2:2
Of unsearchableness of God kjv@2Samuel:22:12 kjv@Psalms:97:2 kjv@Ezekiel:1:4
(Riding upon,) of the power and greatness of God kjv@Psalms:104:3 kjv@Isaiah:19:1
(Passing away,) of the goodness and prosperity of hypocrites kjv@Hosea:6:4 kjv@Hosea:13:3
(Without water,) of false teachers kjv@Jude:1:12
(Carried away by a tempest,) of false teachers kjv@2Peter:2:17
(Without rain,) of the fraudulent kjv@Proverbs:25:14
(A morning without,) of wise rulers kjv@2Samuel:23:3 kjv@2Samuel:23:4
(When seasonable,) of the favour of good rulers kjv@Proverbs:16:15

Cloud of Glory @ First manifestation of kjv@Exodus:13:20 kjv@Exodus:13:21
The cloud kjv@Exodus:34:5
Pillar of cloud and pillar of fire kjv@Exodus:13:22
Cloudy pillar kjv@Exodus:33:9 kjv@Exodus:33:10
Cloud of the Lord kjv@Numbers:10:34
The presence of God kjv@Exodus:33:14 kjv@Exodus:33:15
God's glory manifested in kjv@Exodus:16:10 kjv@Exodus:40:35
God came down in kjv@Exodus:34:5 kjv@Numbers:11:25
God spoke from kjv@Exodus:24:16 kjv@Psalms:99:7
Was designed to
Regulate the movements of Israel kjv@Exodus:40:36 kjv@Exodus:40:37 kjv@Numbers:9:17-23
Guide Israel kjv@Exodus:13:21 kjv@Nehemiah:9:19
Show light to Israel kjv@Psalms:105:39
Defend Israel kjv@Exodus:14:19 kjv@Psalms:105:39
Cover the tabernacle kjv@Exodus:40:34 kjv@Numbers:9:15
Was dark to the enemies of Israel kjv@Exodus:14:20
Was the Shekinah over the mercy-seat kjv@Leviticus:16:2
Continued during the journeyings of Israel kjv@Exodus:13:22 kjv@Exodus:40:38
Manifested in the temple of Solomon kjv@1Kings:8:10 kjv@1Kings:8:11 kjv@2Chronicles:5:13 kjv@Ezekiel:10:4
Special appearances of:
At the murmuring for bread kjv@Exodus:16:10
At giving of the law kjv@Exodus:19:9 kjv@Exodus:19:16 kjv@Exodus:24:16-18
At sedition of Aaron and Miriam kjv@Numbers:12:5
At the murmuring of Israel on the report of the spies kjv@Numbers:14:10
At the rebellion of Korah &:c kjv@Numbers:16:19
At the murmuring of Israel on account of Korah's death kjv@Numbers:16:42
At Christ's transfiguration kjv@Matthew:17:5
At Christ's ascension kjv@Acts:1:9
Our Lord shall make his second appearance in kjv@Luke:21:27 kjv@Acts:1:11
Illustrative of
The glory of Christ kjv@Revelation:10:1
The protection of the church kjv@Isaiah:4:5




- FIGURATIVE kjv@Jeremiah:4:13; kjv@Hosea:6:4; kjv@Hosea:13:3

- SYMBOLICAL kjv@Revelation:14:14

- PILLAR OF kjv@Exodus:13:21-22; kjv@Exodus:14:19 kjv@Exodus:14:24 kjv@Exodus:16:10; kjv@Exodus:19:9 kjv@Exodus:19:16 kjv@Exodus:24:16-18; kjv@Exodus:33:9-10; kjv@Exodus:34:5; kjv@Exodus:40:36-38; kjv@Leviticus:16:2; kjv@Leviticus:10:11 kjv@Leviticus:10:Numbers:9:15-23; 12, 33-36; kjv@Numbers:11:25; kjv@Numbers:12:5 kjv@Numbers:12:10 kjv@Numbers:14:10; kjv@Numbers:16:19 kjv@Numbers:16:42 kjv@Deuteronomy:1:33; kjv@Deuteronomy:31:15; kjv@1Kings:8:10-11; kjv@2Chronicles:7:1-3; kjv@Nehemiah:9:12 kjv@Nehemiah:9:19 kjv@Psalms:78:14; kjv@Psalms:105:39; kjv@Isaiah:4:5; kjv@Isaiah:6:1 kjv@Isaiah:6:4 kjv@Ezekiel:10:18-19; kjv@Ezekiel:11:22-23; kjv@Matthew:17:5; kjv@Luke:2:8-9; kjv@Luke:9:34-35

- APPEARANCES OF .IN EZEKIEL'S VISION kjv@Ezekiel:10:3-4 kjv@Ezekiel:10:18; kjv@Ezekiel:11:22-23



kjv@STRING:Abdeel <HITCHCOCK>@ a vapor; a cloud of God - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abdon <HITCHCOCK>@ servant; cloud of judgment - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Adaliah <HITCHCOCK>@ one that draws water; poverty; cloud; death - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Adbeel <HITCHCOCK>@ vapor, or cloud of God - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Admatha <HITCHCOCK>@ a cloud of death; a mortal vapor - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Aenon <HITCHCOCK>@ a cloud; fountain; his eye - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Anani <HITCHCOCK>@ a cloud; prophecy; divination - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Ananias <HITCHCOCK>@ or Ananiah, the cloud of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Edrei <HITCHCOCK>@ a very great mass, or cloud - HITCHCOCK-E


kjv@STRING:Enon <HITCHCOCK>@ cloud; mass of darkness; fountain; eye - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Hazarenan <HITCHCOCK>@ imprisoned cloud - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Ophel <HITCHCOCK>@ a tower; darkness; small white cloud - HITCHCOCK-O


CLOUD @ appearance of the Lord in- kjv@Exodus:19:9; kjv@Exodus:24:15; kjv@Exodus:34:5; kjv@Numbers:11:25; kjv@Matthew:17:5; kjv@Luke:21:27; kjv@Revelation:1:7; kjv@Revelation:14:14


H2385 <STRHEB>@ חזיז chăzîyz khaw-zeez' From an unused root meaning to glare; a flash of lightning: - bright {cloud} lightning.

H2841 <STRHEB>@ חשׁרה chashrâh khash-raw' From the same as H2840; properly a combination or {gathering} that {is} of watery clouds: - dark.

H4215 <STRHEB>@ מזרה mezâreh mez-aw-reh' Apparently from H2219; properly a {scatterer} that {is} the north wind (as dispersing clouds; only in plural): - north.

H5387 <STRHEB>@ נשׂא נשׂיא nâώîy' nâώi' {naw-see'} naw-see' From H5375; properly an exalted {one} that {is} a king or sheik; also a rising mist: - {captain} {chief} {cloud} {governor} {prince} {ruler} vapour.

H5645 <STRHEB>@ עב ‛âb awb Masculine and feminine; from H5743; properly an {envelope} that {is} darkness (or {density} ); specifically a (scud) cloud; also a copse: - {clay} (thick) {cloud} X {thick} thicket. Compare H5672.

H5743 <STRHEB>@ עוּב ‛ûb oob A primitive root; to be dense or {dark} that {is} to becloud: - cover with a cloud.

H6049 <STRHEB>@ ענן ‛ânan aw-nan' A primitive root; to cover; used only as denominative from {H6051} to cloud over; figuratively to act {covertly} that {is} practise magic: - X {bring} {enchanter} {Meonemin} observe (-r of) {times} {soothsayer} sorcerer.

H6050 <STRHEB>@ ענן ‛ănan an-an' (Chaldee); corresponding to H6051: - cloud.

H6051 <STRHEB>@ ענן ‛ânân aw-nawn' From H6049; a cloud (as covering the {sky}) that {is} the nimbus or thunder cloud: - cloud (-y).

H6052 <STRHEB>@ ענן ‛ânân aw-nawn' The same as H6051; cloud; {Anan} an Israelite: - Anan.

H6053 <STRHEB>@ עננה ‛ănânâh an-aw-naw' Feminine of H6051; cloudiness: - cloud.

H6054 <STRHEB>@ ענני ‛ănânîy an-aw-nee' From H6051; cloudy; {Anani} an Israelite: - Anani.

H6205 <STRHEB>@ ערפל ‛ărâphel ar-aw-fel' Probably from H6201; gloom (as of a lowering sky): - ({gross} thick) dark ({cloud} -ness).

H7008 <STRHEB>@ קיטר קיטור qîyţôr qîyţôr {kee-tore'} kee-tore' From H6999; a {fume} that {is} cloud: - {smoke} vapour.

H7087 <STRHEB>@ קפא qâphâ' kaw-faw' A primitive root; to {shrink} that {is} thicken (as unracked {wine} curdled {milk} clouded {sky} frozen water): - {congeal} {curdle} {dark`} settle.

H7834 <STRHEB>@ שׁחק shachaq shakh'-ak From H7833; a powder (as beaten small); by analogy a thin vapor; by extension the firmament: - {cloud} small {dust} {heaven} sky.

H8064 <STRHEB>@ שׁמה שׁמים shâmayim shâmeh {shaw-mah'-yim} shaw-meh' The second form being dual of an unused singular; from an unused root meaning to be lofty; the sky (as aloft; the dual perhaps alluding to the visible arch in which the clouds {move} as well as to the higher ether where the celestial bodies revolve): - {air} X {astrologer} heaven (-s).

H8490 <STRHEB>@ תּמרה תּימרה tîymârâh timârâh {tee-maw-raw'} tee-maw-raw' From the same as H8558; a {column} that {is} cloud: - pillar.

G2217 <STRGRK>@ ζόφος zophos dzof'-os Akin to the base of G3509; gloom (as shrouding like a cloud): - blackness darkness mist.

G3507 <STRGRK>@ νεφέλη nephelē nef-el'-ay From G3509; properly cloudiness that is (concretely) a cloud: - cloud.

G3509 <STRGRK>@ νέφος nephos nef'-os Apparently a primary word; a cloud: - cloud.

G4768 <STRGRK>@ στυγνάζω stugnazō stoog-nad'-zo From the same as G4767; to render gloomy that is (by implication) glower (be overcast with clouds or sombreness of speech): - lower be sad.

G853 <STRGRK>@ ἀφανίζω aphanizō af-an-id'-zo From G852; to render unapparent that is (actively) consume (becloud) or (passively) disappear (be destroyed): - corrupt disfigure perish vanish away.