
Dict: all - Dan



(1) Son of Jacob- kjv@Genesis:30:6; kjv@Genesis:49:16; kjv@Exodus:1:4; kjv@Numbers:26:42

(2) Town of- kjv@Joshua:19:47; kjv@1Kings:12:29; kjv@1Kings:15:20; kjv@2Chronicles:30:5

(3) Tribe of- kjv@Numbers:1:39; kjv@Joshua:19:48; kjv@Judges:18:30


(1) Worldly- kjv@Exodus:32:19; kjv@Judges:11:34; kjv@Judges:21:21; kjv@1Samuel:30:16; kjv@Job:21:11; kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:4 kjv@Jeremiah:31:4; kjv@Mark:6:22

(2) Before the Lord- kjv@Exodus:15:20; kjv@2Samuel:6:14; kjv@Psalms:149:3; kjv@Psalms:150:4

DANIEL @ carried captive to Babylon, one of the greater prophets

(1) General References to- kjv@Daniel:1:6; kjv@Daniel:2:14; kjv@Daniel:5:17; kjv@Daniel:6:10,21; kjv@Daniel:9:2; kjv@Daniel:12:4; kjv@Ezekiel:14:14; kjv@Ezekiel:28:3

(2) Characteristics of
- Self-control- kjv@Daniel:1:8; kjv@Daniel:10:3
- Courage- kjv@Daniel:5:22,23
- Integrity- kjv@Daniel:6:4
- Prayerfulness- kjv@Daniel:2:17,18; kjv@Daniel:6:10
- Humility- kjv@Daniel:10:17 Spiritual Vision Daniel:7:9-12; target="27;7;9-12">Daniel:10:5,6


DAN - D>@ - (a judge). The fifth son of Jacob, and the first of Bilhah, Rachel’s maid. kjv@Genesis:30:6) (B.C. after 1753.) The origin of the name is given in the exclamation of Rachel. The records of Dan are unusually meagre. Only one son is attributed to him, kjv@Genesis:46:23) but his tribe was, with the exception of Judah, the most numerous of all. In the division of the promised land Dan was the last of the tribes to receive his portion, which was the smallest of the twelve. kjv@Joshua:19:48) But notwithstanding its smallness it had eminent natural advantages. On the north and east it was completely embraced by its two brother tribes Ephraim and Benjamin, while on the southeast and south it joined Judah, and was thus surrounded by the three most powerful states of the whole confederacy. It was a rich and fertile district; but the Amorites soon "forced them into the mountain," kjv@Judges:1:34) and they had another portion granted them. kjv@Judges:18. In the "security" and "quiet," kjv@Judges:18:7 kjv@Judges:18:10) of their rich northern possession the Danites enjoyed the leisure and repose which had been denied them in their original seat. In the time of David Dan still kept its place among the tribes. ( kjv@1Chronicles:12:35) Asher is omitted, but the "prince of the tribe of Dan" is mentioned in the list of ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:22) But from this time forward the name as applied to the tribe vanishes; it is kept alive only by the northern city. In the genealogies of 1Chr 2-12, Dan is omitted entirely. Lastly, Dan is omitted from the list of those who were sealed by the angel in the vision of St. John. kjv@Revelation:7:5-7) The well-known city, so familiar as the most northern landmark of Palestine, in the common expression "from Dan even to beersheba." The name of the place was originally LAISH or LESHEM. kjv@Joshua:19:47) After the establishment of the Danites at Dan it became the acknowledged extremity of the country. It is now Tell el
- Kadi , a mound, three miles from Banias, from the foot of which gushes out one of the largest fountains in the world, the main source of the Jordan.

DANITES, THE - D>@ - The descendants of Dan and the members of his tribe. kjv@Judges:13:2 kjv@Judges:18:1 kjv@Judges:18:11; kjv@1Chronicles:12:35)

DANJAAN - D>@ - (Danian , i.e. belonging to Dan). (2 Samuel 24:6) Probably the same as DAN.

DANCE - D>@ - The dance is spoken of in Holy Scripture universally as symbolical of some rejoicing, and is often coupled for the sake of contrast with mourning, as in kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:4) comp. Psal 30:11; kjv@Matthew:11:17 In the earlier period it is found combined with some song or refrain, kjv@Exodus:15:20 kjv@Exodus:32:18-19; kjv@1Samuel:21:11) and with the tambourine (Authorized Version "timbrel"), more especially in those impulsive outbursts of popular feeling which cannot find sufficient vent in voice or in gesture singly. Dancing formed a part of the religious ceremonies of the Egyptians, and was also common in private entertainments. For the most part dancing was carried on by the women, the two sexes seldom and not customarily intermingling. The one who happened to be near of kin to the champion of the hour led the dance. In the earlier period of the Judges the dances of the virgins of Shiloh. kjv@Judges:21:19-23) were certainly part of a religious festivity. Dancing also had its place among merely festive amusements, apart from any religious character. kjv@Jeremiah:31:4 kjv@Jeremiah:31:13 kjv@Mark:6:22)

DANCE - D>@ - a musical instrument of percussion, supposed to have been used by the Hebrews at an early period of their history.

DANIEL - D>@ - (judgment of God). The second son of David, by Abigail the Carmelitess. ( kjv@1Chronicles:3:1) In (2 Samuel kjv@3:3) he is called Chileab. (B.C. about 1051.) The fourth of ’the greater prophets." Nothing is known of his parentage or family. He appears, however, to have been of royal or noble descent, kjv@Daniel:1:3) and to have possessed considerable personal endowments. kjv@Daniel:1:4) He was taken to Babylon in "the third year of Jehoiakim" (B.C. 604), and trained for the king’s service. He was divinely supported in his resolve to abstain from the "king’s meat" for fear of defilement. kjv@Daniel:1:8-16) At the close of his three years discipline, kjv@Daniel:1:5 kjv@Daniel:1:18) Daniel had an opportunity of exercising his peculiar gift, kjv@Daniel:1:17) of interpreting dreams, on the occasion of Nebuchadnezzar’s decree against the Magi. kjv@Daniel:2:14) ff. In consequence of his success he was made "ruler of the whole province of Babylon." kjv@Daniel:2:48) He afterwards interpreted the second dream of Nebuchadnezzar, kjv@Daniel:4:8-27) and the handwriting on the wall which disturbed the feast of Belshazzar. kjv@Daniel:5:10-28) At the accession of Darius he was made first of the "three presidents" of the empire, kjv@Daniel:6:2) and was delivered from the lion’s den, into which he had been cast for his faithfulness to the rites of his faith. kjv@Daniel:6:10-23) cf. Bel and Dr. 29-42. At the accession of Cyrus he still retained his prosperity, kjv@Daniel:6:28) cf. Dani 1:21 Though he does not appear to have remained at Babylon, cf. kjv@Daniel:1:21) and in "the third year of Cyrus" (B.C. 534) he saw his last recorded vision, on the banks of the Tigris. kjv@Daniel:10:1 kjv@Daniel:10:4) In the prophecies of Ezekiel mention is made of Daniel as a pattern of righteousness, kjv@Ezekiel:14:14 kjv@Ezekiel:14:20) and wisdom. kjv@Ezekiel:28:3) The narrative in kjv@Daniel:1:11) implies that Daniel was conspicuously distinguished for purity and knowledge at a very early age. A descendant of Ithamar, who returned with Ezra. kjv@Ezra:8:2) A priest who sealed the covenant drawn up by Nehemiah, B.C. 445. kjv@Nehemiah:10:6) He is perhaps the same as No. 3.

DANIEL, THE BOOK OF - D>@ - stands at the head of a series of writings in which the deepest thoughts of the Jewish people found expression after their close of the prophetic era. Daniel is composed partly in the vernacular Aramaic (Chaldee) and partly in the sacred Hebrew. The introduction, Daniel:1-2:4 a, is written in Hebrew. On the occasion of the "Syriac" (i.e. Aramaic) answer of the Chaldeans, the language changes to Aramaic, and this is retained till the close of the seventh chapter (2:4 b-7). The personal introduction of Daniel as the writer of the text, kjv@8:1, is marked by the resumption of the Hebrew, which continues to the close of the book. ch. 8-12. The book may be divided into three parts. The first chapter forms an introduction. The next six chapters, 2-7, give a general view of the progressive history of the powers of the world, and of the principles of the divine government as seen in the events of the life of Daniel. The remainder of the book, chs. 8-12, traces in minuter detail the fortunes of the people of God, as typical of the fortunes of the Church in all ages. In the first seven chapters Daniel is spoken of historically ; int he last five he appears personally as the writer. The cause of the difference of person is commonly supposed to lie int he nature of the case. It is, however, more probable that the peculiarity arose from the manner in which the book assumed its final shape. The book exercised a great influence upon the Christian Church. The New Testament incidentally acknowledges each of the characteristic elements of the book, its miracles, kjv@Hebrews:11:33-34) its predictions, kjv@Matthew:24:15) and its doctrine of angels. kjv@Luke:1:19 kjv@Luke:1:26) The authenticity of the book has been attacked in modern times. (But the evidence, both external and internal, is conclusive as to its genuineness. Rawlinson, in his "Historical Evidences," shows how some historical difficulties that had been brought against the book are solved by the inscription on a cylinder lately found among the ruins of Ur in Chaldea.

DANIEL, APOCRYPHAL ADDITIONS TO - D>@ - The Greek translations of Daniel contain several pieces which are not found int he original text. The most important are contained in the Apocrypha of the English Bible under the titles of The Son of the Three Holy Children, The History of Susannah, and The History of...Bel and the Dragon. The first of these is supposed to be the triumphal song of the three confessors in the furnace, kjv@Daniel:3:23) praising God for their deliverance, of which a chief part (35-66) has been used as a hymn in the Christian Church since the fourth century. The second, called also The Judgment of Daniel , relates the story of the clearing of Susannah from a charge of adultery; and the third gives an exaggerated account of Daniel’s deliverance.

DANNAH - D>@ - a city in the mountains of Judah, kjv@Joshua:15:49) and probably south or southwest of Hebron. No trace of its name has been discovered.


Dan @ a judge.

(1.) The fifth son of Jacob. His mother was Bilhah, Rachel's maid kjv@Genesis:30:6, "God hath judged me", Heb. dananni). The blessing pronounced on him by his father was, "Dan shall judge his people" (49:16), probably in allusion to the judgeship of Samson, who was of the tribe of Dan. The tribe of Dan had their place in the march through the wilderness on the north side of the tabernacle kjv@Numbers:2:25 kjv@Numbers:2:31 kjv@Numbers:10:25). It was the last of the tribes to receive a portion in the Land of Promise. Its position and extent are described in kjv@Joshua:19:40-48. The territory of Dan extended from the west of that of Ephraim and Benjamin to the sea. It was a small territory, but was very fertile. It included in it, among others, the cities of Lydda, Ekron, and Joppa, which formed its northern boundary. But this district was too limited. "Squeezed into the narrow strip between the mountains and the sea, its energies were great beyond its numbers." Being pressed by the Amorites and the Philistines, whom they were unable to conquer, they longed for a wider space. They accordingly sent out five spies from two of their towns, who went north to the sources of the Jordan, and brought back a favourable report regarding that region. "Arise," they said, "be not slothful to go, and to possess the land," for it is "a place where there is no want of any thing that is in the earth" kjv@Judges:18:10). On receiving this report, 600 Danites girded on their weapons of war, and taking with them their wives and their children, marched to the foot of Hermon, and fought against Leshem, and took it from the Sidonians, and dwelt therein, and changed the name of the conquered town to Dan kjv@Joshua:19:47). This new city of Dan became to them a new home, and was wont to be spoken of as the northern limit of Palestine, the length of which came to be denoted by the expression "from Dan to Beersheba", i.e., about 144 miles. "But like Lot under a similar temptation, they seem to have succumbed to the evil influences around them, and to have sunk down into a condition of semi-heathenism from which they never emerged. The mounds of ruins which mark the site of the city show that it covered a considerable extent of ground. But there remains no record of any noble deed wrought by the degenerate tribe. Their name disappears from the roll-book of the natural and the spiritual Israel.", Manning's Those Holy Fields. This old border city was originally called Laish. Its modern name is Tell el
- Kady, "Hill of the Judge." It stands about four miles below Caesarea Philippi, in the midst of a region of surpassing richness and beauty.

(2.) This name occurs in kjv@Ezekiel:27:19, Authorize Version; but the words there, "Dan also," should be simply, as in the Revised Version, "Vedan," an Arabian city, from which various kinds of merchandise were brought to Tyre. Some suppose it to have been the city of Aden in Arabia. (

- DAN.)

Dan-jaan @ woodland Dan, a place probably somewhere in the direction of Dan, near the sources of the Jordan ( kjv@2Samuel:24:6). The LXX. and the Vulgate read "Dan-ja'ar", i.e., "Dan in the forest."

Dance @ found in kjv@Judges:21:21-23; kjv@Psalms:30:11 kjv@Psalms:149:3 kjv@Psalms:150:4 ; kjv@Jeremiah:31:4 kjv@Jeremiah:31:13, etc., as the translation of hul, which points to the whirling motion of Oriental sacred dances. It is the rendering of a word (rakad') which means to skip or leap for joy, in kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:4; kjv@Job:21:11; kjv@Isaiah:13:21, etc. In the New Testament it is in like manner the translation of different Greek words, circular motion kjv@Luke:15:25); leaping up and down in concert kjv@Matthew:11:17), and by a single person kjv@Matthew:14:6). It is spoken of as symbolical of rejoicing kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:4. Comp. kjv@Psalms:30:11; kjv@Matthew:11:17). The Hebrews had their sacred dances expressive of joy and thanksgiving, when the performers were usually females kjv@Exodus:15:20; kjv@1Samuel:18:6). The ancient dance was very different from that common among Western nations. It was usually the part of the women only kjv@Exodus:15:20; kjv@Judges:11:34; comp. 5:1). Hence the peculiarity of David's conduct in dancing before the ark of the Lord ( kjv@2Samuel:6:14). The women took part in it with their timbrels. Michal should, in accordance with the example of Miriam and others, have herself led the female choir, instead of keeping aloof on the occasion and "looking through the window." David led the choir "uncovered", i.e., wearing only the ephod or linen tunic. He thought only of the honour of God, and forgot himself. From being reserved for occasions of religious worship and festivity, it came gradually to be practised in common life on occasions of rejoicing kjv@Jeremiah:31:4). The sexes among the Jews always danced separately. The daughter of Herodias danced alone kjv@Matthew:14:6).

Daniel @ God is my judge, or judge of God.

(1.) David's second son, "born unto him in Hebron, of Abigail the Carmelitess" ( kjv@1Chronicles:3:1). He is called also Chileab ( kjv@2Samuel:3:3).

(2.) One of the four great prophets, although he is not once spoken of in the Old Testament as a prophet. His life and prophecies are recorded in the Book of Daniel. He was descended from one of the noble families of Judah kjv@Daniel:1:3), and was probably born in Jerusalem about B.C. 623, during the reign of Josiah. At the first deportation of the Jews by Nebuchadnezzar (the kingdom of Israel had come to an end nearly a century before), or immediately after his victory over the Egyptians at the second battle of Carchemish, in the fourth year of the reign of Jehoiakim (B.C. 606), Daniel and other three noble youths were carried off to Babylon, along with part of the vessels of the temple. There he was obliged to enter into the service of the king of Babylon, and in accordance with the custom of the age received the Chaldean name of Belteshazzar, i.e., "prince of Bel," or "Bel protect the king!" His residence in Babylon was very probably in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar, now identified with a mass of shapeless mounds called the Kasr, on the right bank of the river. His training in the schools of the wise men in Babylon kjv@Daniel:1:4) was to fit him for service to the empire. He was distinguished during this period for his piety and his stict observance of the Mosaic law (1:8-16), and gained the confidence and esteem of those who were over him. His habit of attention gained during his education in Jerusalem enabled him soon to master the wisdom and learning of the Chaldeans, and even to excel his compeers. At the close of his three years of discipline and training in the royal schools, Daniel was distinguished for his proficiency in the "wisdom" of his day, and was brought out into public life. He soon became known for his skill in the interpretation of dreams (1:17; 2:14), and rose to the rank of governor of the province of Babylon, and became "chief of the governors" (Chald. Rab-signin) over all the wise men of Babylon. He made known and also interpreted Nebuchadnezzar's dream; and many years afterwards, when he was now an old man, amid the alarm and consternation of the terrible night of Belshazzar's impious feast, he was called in at the instance of the queen-mother (perhaps Nitocris, the daughter of Nebuchadnezzar) to interpret the mysterious handwriting on the wall. He was rewarded with a purple robe and elevation to the rank of "third ruler." The place of "second ruler" was held by Belshazzar as associated with his father, Nabonidus, on the throne (5:16). Daniel interpreted the handwriting, and "in that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain." After the taking of Babylon, Cyrus, who was now master of all Asia from India to the Dardanelles, placed Darius (q.v.), a Median prince, on the throne, during the two years of whose reign Daniel held the office of first of the "three presidents" of the empire, and was thus practically at the head of affairs, no doubt interesting himself in the prospects of the captive Jews Daniel:9), whom he had at last the happiness of seeing restored to their own land, although he did not return with them, but remained still in Babylon. His fidelity to God exposed him to persecution, and he was cast into a den of lions, but was miraculously delivered; after which Darius issued a decree enjoining reverence for "the God of Daniel" (6:26). He "prospered in the reign of Darius, and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian," whom he probably greatly influenced in the matter of the decree which put an end to the Captivity (B.C. 536). He had a series of prophetic visions vouch-safed to him which opened up the prospect of a glorious future for the people of God, and must have imparted peace and gladness to his spirit in his old age as he waited on at his post till the "end of the days." The time and circumstances of his death are not recorded. He probably died at Susa, about eighty-five years of age. Ezekiel, with whom he was contemporary, mentions him as a pattern of righteousness (14:14,20) and wisdom (28:3). (

Daniel, Book of @ is ranked by the Jews in that division of their Bible called the Hagiographa (Heb. Khethubim). (
See BIBLE.) It consists of two distinct parts. The first part, consisting of the first six chapters, is chiefly historical; and the second part, consisting of the remaining six chapters, is chiefly prophetical. The historical part of the book treats of the period of the Captivity. Daniel is "the historian of the Captivity, the writer who alone furnishes any series of events for that dark and dismal period during which the harp of Israel hung on the trees that grew by the Euphrates. His narrative may be said in general to intervene between Kings and Chronicles on the one hand and Ezra on the other, or (more strictly) to fill out the sketch which the author of the Chronicles gives in a single verse in his last chapter: 'And them that had escaped from the sword carried he [i.e., Nebuchadnezzar] away to Babylon; where they were servants to him and his sons until the reign of the kingdom of Persia'" ( kjv@2Chronicals:36:20). The prophetical part consists of three visions and one lengthened prophetical communication. The genuineness of this book has been much disputed, but the arguments in its favour fully establish its claims.

(1.) We have the testimony of Christ kjv@Matthew:24:15 kjv@Matthew:25:31 kjv@Matthew:26:64 ) and his apostles ( kjv@1Corinthians:6:2; kjv@2Thessalonians:2:3) for its authority; and

(2) the important testimony of Ezekiel (14:14,20; 28:3).

(3.) The character and records of the book are also entirely in harmony with the times and circumstances in which the author lived.

(4.) The linguistic character of the book is, moreover, just such as might be expected. Certain portions kjv@Daniel:2:4; 7) are written in the Chaldee language; and the portions written in Hebrew are in a style and form having a close affinity with the later books of the Old Testament, especially with that of Ezra. The writer is familiar both with the Hebrew and the Chaldee, passing from the one to the other just as his subject required. This is in strict accordance with the position of the author and of the people for whom his book was written. That Daniel is the writer of this book is also testified to in the book itself (7:1-28; kjv@8:2; 9:2; 10:1-2; 12:4-5). (

Dannah @ murmuring, a city kjv@Joshua:15:49) in the mountains of Judah about 8 miles south-west of Hebron.



Dan, the Tribe Of @ Descended from Jacob's fifth son kjv@Genesis:30:6
Predictions respecting kjv@Genesis:49:16 kjv@Genesis:49:17 kjv@Deuteronomy:33:22
Persons selected from
To number the people kjv@Numbers:1:12
To spy out the land kjv@Numbers:13:12
To divide the land kjv@Numbers:34:22
Strength of, on leaving Egypt kjv@Numbers:1:38 kjv@Numbers:1:39
Led the fourth and last division of Israel kjv@Numbers:2:31 kjv@Numbers:10:25
Encamped north of the tabernacle kjv@Numbers:2:25
Offering of, at dedication kjv@Numbers:7:66-71
Families of kjv@Numbers:26:42
Strength of, entering Canaan kjv@Numbers:26:43
On Ebal, said amen to the curses kjv@Deuteronomy:27:13
Bounds of its inheritance kjv@Joshua:19:40-46
A commercial people kjv@Judges:5:17 kjv@Ezekiel:27:19
Restricted to the hills by Amorites kjv@Judges:1:34
A part of
Sent to seek new settlements kjv@Judges:18:1 kjv@Judges:18:2
Tool Laish and called it Dan kjv@Joshua:19:47 kjv@Judges:18:8-13 kjv@Judges:18:27-29
Plundered Michah of his idols and his ephod kjv@Judges:18:17-21 kjv@Judges:18:27
Set up Micah's idols in Dan kjv@Judges:18:30 kjv@Judges:18:31
Reproved for not aiding against Sisera kjv@Judges:5:17
Samson was of kjv@Judges:13:2 kjv@Judges:13:24 kjv@Judges:13:25
Some of, at coronation of David kjv@1Chronicles:12:35
Ruler appointed over, by David kjv@1Chronicles:27:22




-1. Fifth son of Jacob and Bilhah kjv@Genesis:30:6; kjv@Genesis:35:25 .Descendants of kjv@Genesis:46:23; kjv@Numbers:26:42-43 .
See TRIBE OF, below .Blessed of Jacob kjv@Genesis:49:16-17

-2. TRIBE OF .Census of kjv@Numbers:1:39; kjv@Numbers:26:42-43 .Inheritance of, according to the allotment of Joshua kjv@Joshua:19:40-47 .Of Ezekiel kjv@Ezekiel:48:1 .Position of, in journey and camp, during the exodus kjv@Numbers:2:25 kjv@Numbers:2:31 kjv@Numbers:10:25 .Blessed by Moses kjv@Deuteronomy:33:22 .Fail to conquer the Amorites kjv@Judges:1:34-35 .Conquests by kjv@Joshua:19:47; kjv@Judges:18:27-29 .Deborah rebukes, for their cowardice kjv@Judges:5:17 .Idolatry of Judges:18 .Commerce of kjv@Judges:5:17; kjv@Ezekiel:27:19 .

-3. A city of the tribe of Dan .Also called LAISH, and LESHEM kjv@Genesis:14:14; kjv@Deuteronomy:34:1; kjv@Judges:20:1; kjv@Jeremiah:8:16 .Captured by the people of Dan kjv@Joshua:19:47 .Idolatry established at kjv@Judges:18; 1Kings:12:28-29; kjv@Amos:8:14 .Capture by Ben-hadad kjv@1Kings:15:20; kjv@2Chronicles:16:4

- General scriptures concerning kjv@Exodus:15:20; kjv@Exodus:32:19; kjv@Judges:11:34; kjv@Judges:21:19-21; kjv@1Samuel:18:6; kjv@1Samuel:21:11; kjv@1Samuel:30:16; kjv@2Samuel:6:14-16; kjv@Job:21:11; kjv@Psalms:30:11; kjv@Psalms:149:3; kjv@Psalms:150:4; kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:4; kjv@Jeremiah:31:4 kjv@Jeremiah:31:13 kjv@Lamentations:5:15; kjv@Matthew:11:17; kjv@Luke:15:23-25
- Herodias dances in the presence of Herod (Antipas) kjv@Matthew:14:6; kjv@Mark:6:22
- Idolatrous kjv@Exodus:32:19 kjv@Exodus:32:25


-1. A Jewish captive, also called BELTESHAZZAR .Educated at king's court Daniel:1 .Interprets visions kjv@Daniel:2; 4; 5 .Promotion and executive authority of kjv@Daniel:2:48-49; kjv@Daniel:5:11-29; kjv@Daniel:6:2 .Conspiracy against, cast into the lions' den Daniel:6 .Prophecies of kjv@Daniel:4:8-9; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; kjv@Matthew:24:15 .Abstinence of kjv@Daniel:1:8-16 .Wisdom of kjv@Daniel:1:17; kjv@Ezekiel:28:3 .Devoutness of kjv@Daniel:2:18; 6; 9; 10; 12; kjv@Ezekiel:14:14 .Courage and fidelity of kjv@Daniel:4:27; kjv@Daniel:5:17-23; kjv@Daniel:6:10-23 .Worshiped by Nebuchadnezzar kjv@Daniel:2:6

-2. David's son .Also called CHILEAB kjv@2Samuel:3:3; kjv@1Chronicles:3:1

-3. A descendant of Ithamar, and a companion of Ezra kjv@Ezra:8:2; kjv@Nehemiah:10:6


- JAAN @
- A place near the source of the Jordan River kjv@2Samuel:24:6

- A city in the mountains of Judah kjv@Joshua:15:49



kjv@STRING:Abidan <HITCHCOCK>@ father of judgment - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Asnapper <HITCHCOCK>@ unhappiness; increase of danger - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Baladan <HITCHCOCK>@ one without judgment - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Bedan <HITCHCOCK>@ according to judgment - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Berodach-baladan <HITCHCOCK>@ the son of death - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Dan <HITCHCOCK>@ judgment; he that judges - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Daniel <HITCHCOCK>@ judgment of God; God my judge - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Dannah <HITCHCOCK>@ judging - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Dedan <HITCHCOCK>@ their breasts; friendship; a judge - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Dedanim <HITCHCOCK>@ the descendants of Dedan - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Dibon <HITCHCOCK>@ abundance of knowledge - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Dibon-gad <HITCHCOCK>@ great understanding; abundance of sons - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Hebrews <HITCHCOCK>@ descendants of Heber - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hoglah <HITCHCOCK>@ his festival or dance - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Jehoaddan <HITCHCOCK>@ pleasure, or time, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jordan <HITCHCOCK>@ the river of judgment - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Laadan <HITCHCOCK>@ for pleasure; devouring; judgment - HITCHCOCK-L

kjv@STRING:Mahanehdan <HITCHCOCK>@ tents of judgment - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Medan <HITCHCOCK>@ judgment; process - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mejarkon <HITCHCOCK>@ the waters of Jordan - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Merodach-baladan <HITCHCOCK>@ bitter contrition, without judgment - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Nebuzar-adan <HITCHCOCK>@ fruits or prophecies of judgment - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Nimshi <HITCHCOCK>@ rescued from danger - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Padan-aram <HITCHCOCK>@ cultivated field or table-land - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Shiloh -S(name of a city) <HITCHCOCK>@ peace; abundance - HITCHCOCK

kjv@STRING:Zebedee <HITCHCOCK>@ abundant; portion - HITCHCOCK-Z



(1) Son of Jacob- kjv@Genesis:30:6; kjv@Genesis:49:16; kjv@Exodus:1:4; kjv@Numbers:26:42

(2) Town of- kjv@Joshua:19:47; kjv@1Kings:12:29; kjv@1Kings:15:20; kjv@2Chronicles:30:5

(3) Tribe of- kjv@Numbers:1:39; kjv@Joshua:19:48; kjv@Judges:18:30


(1) Worldly- kjv@Exodus:32:19; kjv@Judges:11:34; kjv@Judges:21:21; kjv@1Samuel:30:16; kjv@Job:21:11; kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:4 kjv@Jeremiah:31:4; kjv@Mark:6:22

(2) Before the Lord- kjv@Exodus:15:20; kjv@2Samuel:6:14; kjv@Psalms:149:3; kjv@Psalms:150:4

DANIEL @ carried captive to Babylon, one of the greater prophets

(1) General References to- kjv@Daniel:1:6; kjv@Daniel:2:14; kjv@Daniel:5:17; kjv@Daniel:6:10,21; kjv@Daniel:9:2; kjv@Daniel:12:4; kjv@Ezekiel:14:14; kjv@Ezekiel:28:3

(2) Characteristics of
- Selfcontrol kjv@Daniel:1:8; kjv@Daniel:10:3 Courage kjv@Daniel:5:22,23 Integrity kjv@Daniel:6:4 Prayerfulness kjv@Daniel:2:17,18; kjv@Daniel:6:10 Humility kjv@Daniel:10:17 Spiritual Vision Daniel:7:9-12; target="27;7;9-12">Daniel:10:5,6


H27 <STRHEB>@ אבידן 'ăbîydân ab-ee-dawn' From H1 and H1777; father of judgment (that is judge); {Abidan} an Israelite: - Abidan.

H33 <STRHEB>@ אבי העזרי 'ăbîy hâ‛ezrîy ab-ee'-haw-ez-ree' From H44 with the article inserted; father of the Ezrite; and Abiezrite or descendant of Abiezer: - Abiezrite.

H54 <STRHEB>@ אביתר 'ebyâthâr eb-yaw-thawr' Contracted from H1 and H3498; father of abundance (that {is} liberal); {Ebjathar} an Israelite: - Abiathar.

H65 <STRHEB>@ אבל מחולה 'âbêl mechôlâh aw-bale' mekh-o-law' From H58 and H4246; meadow of dancing; {Abel-Mecholah} a place in Palestine: - Abel-meholah.

H91 <STRHEB>@ אגגי 'ăgâgîy ag-aw-ghee' Patrial or patronymic from H90; an Agagite or descendant (subject) of Agag: - Agagite.

H1014 <STRHEB>@ בּית גּמוּל bêyth gâmûl bayth gaw-mool' From H1004 and the passive participle of H1576; house of (the) weaned; {Beth-Gamul} a place East of the Jordan: - Beth-gamul.

H1015 <STRHEB>@ בּית דּבלתים bêyth diblâthayim bayth dib-law-thah'-yim From H1004 and the dual of H1690; house of (the) two fig cakes; {Beth-Diblathajim} a place East of the Jordan: - Beth-diblathaim.

H1020 <STRHEB>@ בּית הישׁימות bêyth hayeshîymôth bayth hah-yesh-ee-moth' From H1004 and the plural of H8451 with the article interposed; house of the deserts; {Beth-ha-Jeshimoth} a town East of the Jordan: - Beth-jeshimoth.

H1027 <STRHEB>@ בּית הרם bêyth hârâm bayth haw-rawm' From H1004 and H7311 with the article interposed; house of the height; {Beth-ha-Ram} a place East of the Jordan: - Beth-aram.

H1028 <STRHEB>@ בּית הרן bêyth hârân bayth haw-rawn' Probably for H1027; {Beth-ha-ran} a place East of the Jordan: - Beth-haran.

H1039 <STRHEB>@ בּית נמרה bêyth nimrâh bayth nim-raw' From H1004 and the feminine of H5246; house of (the) leopard; {Beth-Nimrah} a place east of the Jordan: - Beth-nimrah. Compare H5247.

H1047 <STRHEB>@ בּית פּעור bêyth pe‛ôr bayth pe-ore' From H1004 and H6465; house of Peor; {Beth-Peor} a place East of the Jordan: - Beth-peor.

H1076 <STRHEB>@ בּכרי bakrîy bak-ree' Patronymic from H1071; a Bakrite (collectively) or descendant of Beker: - Bachrites.

H1081 <STRHEB>@ בּלאדן baldân bal-ad-awn' From H1078 and H113 (contracted); Bel (is his) lord; {Baladan} the name of a Babylonian prince: - Baladan.

H1095 <STRHEB>@ בּלטשׁאצּר bêlţesha'tstsar bale-tesh-ats-tsar' Of foreign derivation; {Belteshatstsar} the Babylonian name of Daniel: - Belteshazzar.

H1108 <STRHEB>@ בּלעי bal‛îy bel-ee' Patronymic from H1106; a Belaite (collectively) or descendant of Bela: - Belaites.

H1120 <STRHEB>@ בּמות בּעל בּמות bâmôth bâmôth baal {baw-moth'} baw-moth' bah'-al Plural of H1116; heights; the second form is a more complete form of the first form; from the same and H1168; heights of Baal; Bamoth or Bamoth {Baal} a place East of the Jordan: - {Bamoth} Bamoth-baal.

H1145 <STRHEB>@ בּן־אישׁ ימיני בּן־היּמיני בּן־ימיני ben-yemîynîy ben-ha-yemînîy ben-'îysh yemîynîy {ben-yem-ee-nee'} ben-eesh' yem-ee-nee' Multiple forms. Sometimes (with the article inserted); with H376 inserted (); son of a man of Jemini; or shorter (; ); a man of Jemini; or (); more simply: a Jeminite; (plural patronymic from H1144; a {Benjaminite} or descendant of Benjamin: - {Benjamite} of Benjamin.

H1181 <STRHEB>@ בּעלי בּמות ba‛ălêy bâmôth bah-al-ay' baw-moth From the plural of H1168 and the plural of H1116; Baals of (the) heights; Baale {Bamoth} a place East of the Jordan: - lords of the high places.

H1186 <STRHEB>@ בּעל מעון baal me‛ôn bah'-al meh-one' From H1168 and H4583; Baal of (the) habitation (of) (compare H1010); Baal {Meon} a place East of the Jordan: - Baal-meon.

H1194 <STRHEB>@ בּען be‛ôn beh-ohn' Probably a contraction of H1010; {Beon} a place East of the Jordan: - Beon.

H1203 <STRHEB>@ בּעשׁתּרה beeshterâh beh-esh-ter-aw' From H6251 (as singular of H6252) with prepositional prefix; with Ashtoreth; {Beeshterah} a place East of the Jordan: - Beeshterah.

H1255 <STRHEB>@ בּראדך בּלאדן berô'dak baldân ber-o-dak' bal-ad-awn' A variation of H4757; Berodak {Baladan} a Babylonian king: - Berodach-baladan.

H1284 <STRHEB>@ בּריעי berîy‛îy ber-ee-ee' Patronymic from H1283; a Beriite (collectively) or descendant of Beriah: - Beerites.

H1288 <STRHEB>@ בּרך bârak baw-rak' A primitive root; to kneel; by implication to bless God (as an act of {adoration}) and (vice-versa) man (as a benefit); also (by euphemism) to curse (God or the {king} as treason): - X {abundantly} X {altogether} X at {all} {blaspheme} {bless} {congratulate} {curse} X {greatly} X {indeed} kneel ({down}) {praise} {salute} X {still} thank.

H1316 <STRHEB>@ בּשׁן bâshân baw-shawn' Of uncertain derivation; Bashan (often with the {article}) a region East of the Jordan: - Bashan.

H1338 <STRHEB>@ בּתרון bithrôn bith-rone' From H1334; (with the article) the craggy spot; {Bithron} a place East of the Jordan: - Bithron.

H1425 <STRHEB>@ גּדי gâdîy gaw-dee' Patronymic from H1410; a Gadite (collectively) or descendant of Gad: - {Gadites} children of Gad.

H1474 <STRHEB>@ גּולן gôlân go-lawn' From H1473; captive; {Golan} a place East of the Jordan: - Golan.

H1477 <STRHEB>@ גּוּני gûnîy goo-nee' Patronymic from H1476; a Gunite (collectively with article prefixed) or descendant of Guni: - Gunites.

H1567 <STRHEB>@ גּלעד galyêd gal-ade' From H1530 and H5707; heap of testimony; {Galed} a memorial cairn East of the Jordan: - Galeed.

H1568 <STRHEB>@ גּלעד gil‛âd ghil-awd' Probably from H1567; {Gilad} a region East of the Jordan; also the name of three Israelites: - {Gilead} Gileadite.

H1569 <STRHEB>@ גּלעדי gil‛âdîy ghil-aw-dee' Patronymic from H1568; a Giladite or descendant of Gilad: - Gileadite.

H1586 <STRHEB>@ גּמר gômer go'-mer From H1584; completion; {Gomer} the name of a son of Japheth and of his descendants; also of a Hebrewess: - Gomer.

H1649 <STRHEB>@ גּרשׁנּי gêreshûnnîy gay-resh-oon-nee' Patronymic from H1648; a Gereshonite or descendant of Gereshon: - {Gershonite} sons of Gershon.

H1719 <STRHEB>@ דּדנה דּדן dedân dedâneh {ded-awn'} deh-daw'-neh Of uncertain derivation; {Dedan} the name of two Cushites and of their territory. The second form used in - Dedan.

H1720 <STRHEB>@ דּדנים dedânîym ded-aw-neem' Plural of H1719 (as patrial); {Dedanites} the descendants or inhabitants of Dedan: - Dedanim.

H1721 <STRHEB>@ רדנים דּדנים dôdânîym rôdânîym {do-daw-neem'} ro-daw-neem' The second form is used by orthographical error in . A plural of uncertain derivation; {Dodanites} or descendants of a son of Javan: - Dodanim.

H1800 <STRHEB>@ דּל dal dal From H1809; properly {dangling} that {is} (by implication) weak or thin: - {lean} {needy} poor ({man}) weaker.

H1802 <STRHEB>@ דּלה dâlâh daw-law' A primitive root (compare H1809); properly to {dangle} that {is} to let down a bucket (for drawing out water); figuratively to deliver: - draw ({out}) X {enough} lift up.

H1803 <STRHEB>@ דּלּה dallâh dal-law' From H1802; properly something {dangling} that {is} a loose thread or hair; figuratively indigent: - {hair} pining {sickness} poor (-est sort).

H1808 <STRHEB>@ דּליּה dâlîyâh daw-lee-yaw' From H1802; something {dangling} that {is} a bough: - branch.

H1835 <STRHEB>@ דּן dân dawn From H1777; judge; {Dan} one of the sons of Jacob; also the tribe descended from {him} and its territory; likewise a place in Palestine colonized by them: - Dan.

H1836 <STRHEB>@ דּן dên dane (Chaldee); an orthographical variation of H1791; this: - [afore-] {time} + after this {manner} here {[-after]} one . . . {another} {such} there {[-fore]} {these} this ({matter}) + {thus} where {[-fore]} which.

H1837 <STRHEB>@ דּנּה dannâh dan-naw' Of uncertain derivation; {Dannah} a place in Palestine: - Dannah.

H1839 <STRHEB>@ דּני dânîy daw-nee' Patronymic from H1835; a Danite (often collectively) or descendant (or inhabitant) of Dan: - {Danites} of Dan.

H1840 <STRHEB>@ דּנאל דניּאל dânîyê'l dânil {daw-nee-yale'} daw-nee-ale' From H1835 and H410; judge of God; Daniel or {Danijel} the name of two Israelites: - Daniel.

H1841 <STRHEB>@ דּניּאל dânîyê'l daw-nee-yale' (Chaldee); corresponding to H1840; {Danijel} the Hebrew prophet: - Daniel.

H1842 <STRHEB>@ דּן יען dân yaan dawn yah'-an From H1835 and (apparently) H3282; judge of purpose; Dan {Jaan} a place in Palestine: - Dan-jaan.

H1880 <STRHEB>@ דּשׁן deshen deh'-shen From H1878; the fat; abstractly {fatness} that {is} (figuratively) abundance; specifically the (fatty) ashes of sacrifices: - {ashes} fatness.

H1991 <STRHEB>@ הם hêm haym From H1993; {abundance} that {is} wealth: - any of theirs.

H1995 <STRHEB>@ המן המון hâmôn hâmôn {haw-mone'} haw-mone' From H1993; a {noise} tumult6 crowd; also {disquietude} wealth: - {abundance} {company} {many} {multitude} {multiply} {noise} {riches} {rumbling} {sounding} {store} tumult.

H130 <STRHEB>@ אדמי 'ĕdômîy ed-o-mee' Patronymic from H123; an {Edomite} or descendant from (or inhabitant of) Edom: - Edomite. See H726.

H135 <STRHEB>@ אדּן 'addân ad-dawn' Intensive from the same as H134; firm; {Addan} an Israelite: - Addan.

H2051 <STRHEB>@ ודן vedân ved-awn' Perhaps for H5730; Vedan (or {Aden}) a place in Arabia: - Dan also.

H2075 <STRHEB>@ זבוּלני zebûlônîy zeb-oo-lo-nee' Patronymic from H2074; a Zebulonite or descendant of Zebulun: - Zebulonite.

H2123 <STRHEB>@ זיז zîyz zeez From an unused root apparently meaning to be conspicuous; fulness of the breast; also a moving creature: - {abundance} wild beast.

H2199 <STRHEB>@ זעק zâ‛aq zaw-ak' A primitive root; to shriek (from anguish or danger); by analogy (as a herald) to announce or convene publicly: - {assemble} call ({together}) (make a) cry ({out}) come with such a {company} gather ({together}) cause to be proclaimed.

H2227 <STRHEB>@ זרחי zarchîy zar-khee' Patronymic from H2226; a Zarchite or descendant of Zerach: - Zarchite.

H2277 <STRHEB>@ חברי chebrîy kheb-ree' Patronymic from H2268; a Chebrite (collectively) or descendant of Cheber: - Heberites.

H2287 <STRHEB>@ חגג châgag khaw-gag' A primitive root (compare {H2283} H2328); properly to move in a {circle} that {is} (specifically) to march in a sacred {procession} to observe a festival; by implication to be giddy: - {celebrate} {dance} ({keep} hold) a (solemn) feast ({holiday}) reel to and fro.

H2291 <STRHEB>@ חגּי chaggîy khag-ghee' From H2287; festive; {Chaggi} an Israelite; also (patronymically) a {Chaggite} or descendant of the same: - {Haggi} Haggites.

H2325 <STRHEB>@ חיב חוּב chûb châyab {khoob} khaw-yab' A primitive root; properly perhaps to {tie} that {is} (figuratively and reflexively) to {owe} or (by implication) to forfeit: - make endanger.

H2342 <STRHEB>@ חיל חוּל chûl chîyl {khool} kheel A primitive root; properly to twist or whirl (in a circular or spiral {manner}) that {is} (specifically) to {dance} to writhe in pain (especially of parturition) or fear; figuratively to {wait} to pervert: - {bear} (make to) bring {forth} (make to) {calve} {dance} drive {away} fall grievously (with {pain}) {fear} {form} {great} {grieve} (be) {grievous} {hope} {look} {make} be in {pain} be much (sore) {pained} {rest} {shake} {shapen} (be) sorrow ({-ful}) {stay} {tarry} travail (with {pain}) {tremble} {trust} wait carefully ({patiently}) be wounded.

H2350 <STRHEB>@ חוּפמי chûphâmîy khoo-faw-mee' Patronymic from H2349; a Chuphamite or descendant of Chupham: - Huphamites.

H2362 <STRHEB>@ חורן chavrân khav-rawn' Apparently from H2357 (in the sense of H2352); cavernous; {Chavran} a region East of the Jordan: - Hauran.

H2516 <STRHEB>@ חלקי chelqîy khel-kee' Patronymic from H2507; a Chelkite or descendant of Chelek: - Helkites.

H2526 <STRHEB>@ חם châm khawm The same as H2525; hot (from the tropical habitat); {Cham} a son of Noah; also (as a patronymic) his descendants or their country: - Ham.

H2533 <STRHEB>@ חמדּן chemdân khem-dawn' From H2531; pleasant; {Chemdan} an Idumaean: - Hemdan.

H2539 <STRHEB>@ חמוּלי châmûlîy khaw-moo-lee' Patronymic from H2538; a Chamulite (collectively) or descendant of Chamul: - Hamulites.

H2599 <STRHEB>@ חנכי chănôkîy khan-o-kee' Patronymic from H2585; a Chanokite (collectively) or descendant of Chanok: - Hanochites.

H2662 <STRHEB>@ חפרי chephrîy khef-ree' Patronymic from H2660; a Chephrite (collectively) or descendant of Chepher: - Hepherites.

H2680 <STRHEB>@ חצי המּנחתּי chătsîy hammenachtîy khat-see' ham-men-akh-tee' Patronymic from H2679; a Chatsi ham-Menachtite or descendant of Chatsi ham-menuchoth: - half of the Manahethites.

H2697 <STRHEB>@ חצרוני chetsrônîy khets-ro-nee' Patron from H2696; a Chetsronite or (collectively) descendant of Chetsron: - Hezronites.

H2806 <STRHEB>@ חשׁבּדּנה chashbaddânâh khash-bad-daw'-naw From H2803 and H1777; considerate judge; {Chasbaddanah} an Israelite: - Hasbadana.

H2809 <STRHEB>@ חשׁבּון cheshbôn khesh-bone' The same as H2808; {Cheshbon} a place East of the Jordan: - Heshbon.

H2843 <STRHEB>@ חשׁתי chûshâthîy khoo-shaw-thee' Patronymic from H2364; a Chushathite or descendant of Chushah: - Hushathite.

H2850 <STRHEB>@ חתּי chittîy khit-tee' Patronymic from H2845; a {Chittite} or descendant of Cheth: - {Hittite} Hittites.

H2888 <STRHEB>@ טבּת ţabbath tab-bath' Of uncertain derivation; {Tabbath} a place East of the Jordan: - Tabbath.

H2897 <STRHEB>@ טוב ţôb tobe The same as H2896; good; {Tob} a region apparently East of the Jordan: - Tob.

H2946 <STRHEB>@ טפח ţâphach taw-fakh' A primitive root; to flatten out or extend (as a tent); figuratively to nurse a child (as promotive of growth); or perhaps a denominative from {H2947} from dandling on the palms: - {span} swaddle.

H2972 <STRHEB>@ יארי yâ'irîy yaw-ee-ree' Patronymic from H2971; a Jairite or descendant of Jair: - Jairite.

H2999 <STRHEB>@ יבּק yabbôq yab-boke' Probably from H1238; pouring forth; {Jabbok} a river East of the Jordan: - Jabbok.

H244 <STRHEB>@ אזני 'oznîy oz-nee' From H241; having (quick) ears; {Ozni} an Israelite; also an Oznite ({collectively}) his descendants: - {Ozni} Oznites.

H250 <STRHEB>@ אזרחי 'ezrâchîy ez-raw-khee' Patronymic from H2246; an Ezrachite or descendants of Zerach: - Ezrahite.

H266 <STRHEB>@ אחוחי 'ăchôchîy akh-o-khee' Patronymic from H264; an Achochite or descendants of Achoach: - Ahohite.

H298 <STRHEB>@ אחירמי 'ăchîyrâmîy akh-ee-raw-mee' Patronymic from H297; an Achiramite or descendants (collectively) of Achiram: - Ahiramites.

H3011 <STRHEB>@ יגבּהה yogbehâh yog-beh-haw' Feminine from H1361; hillock; {Jogbehah} a place East of the Jordan: - Jogbehah.

H3026 <STRHEB>@ יגר שׂהדוּתא yegar ώahădûthâ' yegar' sah-had-oo-thaw' (Chaldee); from a word derived from an unused root (meaning to gather) and a derivative of a root corresponding to H7717; heap of the testimony; {Jegar-Sahadutha} a cairn East of the Jordan: - Jegar-Sahadutha.

H3064 <STRHEB>@ יהוּדי yehûdîy yeh-hoo-dee' Patronymic from H3063; a Jehudite (that {is} Judaite or {Jew}) or descendant of Jehudah (that {is} Judah): - Jew.

H3086 <STRHEB>@ יהועדּן יהועדּין yehô‛addîyn yehô‛addân {yeh-ho-ad-deen'} yeh-ho-ad-dawn' From H3068 and H5727; Jehovah-pleased; Jehoaddin or {Jehoaddan} an Israelitess: - Jehoaddan.

H3096 <STRHEB>@ יהצה יהצה יהץ yahats yahtsâh yahtsâh {yah'-hats} {yah'-tsaw} yah-tsaw' From an unused root meaning to stamp; perhaps threshing floor; Jahats or {Jahtsah} a place East of the Jordan: - {Jahaz} {Jahazah} Jahzah.

H3125 <STRHEB>@ יוני yevânîy yev-aw-nee' Patronymic from H3121; a {Jevanite} or descendant of Javan: - Grecian.

H3148 <STRHEB>@ יותר yôthêr yo-thare' Active participle of H8498; properly redundant; hence over and {above} as {adjective} {noun} adverb or conjugation: - {better} more ({-over}) {over} profit.

H3155 <STRHEB>@ יזרח yizrâch yiz-rawkh' A variation for H250; a Jizrach (that {is} Ezrachite or Zarchite) or descendant of Zerach: - Izrahite.

H3172 <STRHEB>@ יחיאלי yechîylîy yekh-ee-ay-lee' Patronymic from H3171; a Jechielite or descendant of Jechiel: - Jehieli.

H3178 <STRHEB>@ יחלאלי yachlelîy yakh-leh-ay-lee' Patronymic from H3177; a Jachleelite or descendant of Jachleel: - Jahleelites.

H3184 <STRHEB>@ יחצאלי yachtselîy yakh-tseh-ay-lee' Patronymic from H3183; a Jachtseelite (collectively) or descendant of Jachtseel: - Jahzeelites.

H3200 <STRHEB>@ יכיני yâkîynîy yaw-kee-nee' Patronymic from H3199; a Jakinite (collectively) or descendant of Jakin: - Jachinites.

H3228 <STRHEB>@ ימיני yemîynîy yem-ee-nee' Patronymic from H3226; a Jeminite (collectively) or descendant of Jamin: - Jaminites. See also H1145.

H3240 <STRHEB>@ ינח yânach yaw-nakh' A primitive root; to deposit; by implication to allow to stay. (The Hiphil forms with the dagesh are here referred {to} in accordance with the older grammarians; but if any distinction of the kind is to be {made} these should rather be referred to {H5117} and the others here): - {bestow} cast {down} lay ({down} {up}) leave ({off}) let alone ({remain}) {pacify} {place} {put} set ({down}) {suffer} {withdraw} withhold. (The Hiphil forms with the dagesh are here referred {to} in accordance with the older grammarians; but if any distinction of the kind is to be {made} these should rather be referred to {H5117} and the others here.)

H3270 <STRHEB>@ יעזר יעזיר ya‛ăzêyr yazêr {yah-az-ayr'} yah-zare' From H5826; helpful; Jaazer or {Jazer} a place East of the Jordan: - {Jaazer} Jazer.

H3311 <STRHEB>@ יפלטי yaphlêţîy yaf-lay-tee' Patronymic from H3310; a Japhletite or descendant of Japhlet: - Japhleti.

H3325 <STRHEB>@ יצהרי yitshârîy yits-haw-ree' Patronymic from H3324; a Jitsharite or descendant of Jitshar: - {Izeharites} Izharites.

H3340 <STRHEB>@ יצרי yitsrîy yits-ree' Patronymic from H3337; a Jitsrite (collectively) or descendant of Jetser: - Jezerites.

H3381 <STRHEB>@ ירד yârad yaw-rad' A primitive root; to descend (literally to go downwards; or conventionally to a lower {region} as the {shore} a {boundary} the {enemy} etc.; or figuratively to fall); causatively to bring down (in all the above applications): - X {abundantly} bring {down} carry {down} cast {down} (cause to) come (-ing) {down} fall ({down}) get {down} go (-ing) down ({-ward}) hang {down} X {indeed} let {down} light ({down}) put down ({off}) (cause {to} let) run {down} {sink} {subdue} take down.

H3383 <STRHEB>@ ירדּן yardên yar-dane' From H3381; a descender; {Jarden} the principal river of Palestine: - Jordan.

H3397 <STRHEB>@ ירחמאלי yerachmelîy yer-akh-meh-ay-lee' Patronymic from H3396; a Jerachmeelite or descendant of Jerachmeel: - Jerahmeelites.

H3432 <STRHEB>@ ישׁבי yâshûbîy yaw-shoo-bee' Patronymic from H3437; a {Jashubite} or descendant of Jashub: - Jashubites.

H3441 <STRHEB>@ ישׁוי yishvîy yish-vee' Patronymic from H3440; a Jishvite (collectively) or descendant of Jishvi: - Jesuites.

H3459 <STRHEB>@ ישׁמעאלי yishmâ‛ê'lîy yish-maw-ay-lee' Patronymic from H3458; a Jishmaelite or descendant of Jishmael: - Ishmaelite.

H3481 <STRHEB>@ ישׂראלי yiώrelîy yish-reh-ay-lee' Patronymic from H3478; a Jisreelite or descendant of Jisrael: - of {Israel} Israelite.

H3482 <STRHEB>@ ישׂראלית yiώrelîyth yis-reh-ay-leeth' Feminine of H3481; a Jisreelitess or female descendant of Jisrael: - Israelitish.

H3492 <STRHEB>@ יתּיר yattîyr yat-teer' From H3498; redundant; {Jattir} a place in Palestine: - Jattir.

H3499 <STRHEB>@ יתר yether yeh'-ther Properly an {overhanging} that {is} (by implication) an {excess} superiority6 remainder; also a small rope (as hanging free): - + {abundant} {cord} {exceeding} excellency ({-ent}) what they {leave} that hath {left} {plentifully} {remnant} {residue} {rest} {string} with.

H3502 <STRHEB>@ יתרה yithrâh yith-raw' Feminine of H3499; properly {excellence} that {is} (by implication) wealth: - {abundance} riches.

H3505 <STRHEB>@ יתרי yithrîy yith-ree' Patronymic from H3500; a Jithrite or descendant of Jether: - Ithrite.

H3508 <STRHEB>@ יתרת yôthereth yo-theh'-reth Feminine active participle of H3498; the lobe or flap of the liver (as if redundant or outhanging): - caul.

H3527 <STRHEB>@ כּבר kâbar kaw-bar' A primitive root; properly to plait {together} that {is} (figuratively) to augment (especially in number or {quantity} to accumulate): - in {abundance} multiply.

H3569 <STRHEB>@ כּוּשׁי kûshîy koo-shee' Patronymic from H3568; a {Cushite} or descendant of Cush: - {Cushi} {Cushite} Ethiopian (-s).

H3603 <STRHEB>@ כּכר kikâr kik-kawr' From H3769; a {circle} that {is} (by implication) a circumjacent tract or {region} especially the Ghor or valley of the Jordan; also a (round) loaf; also a talent (or large (round) coin): - {loaf} {morsel} {piece} {plain} talent.

H3614 <STRHEB>@ כּלבי כּלבּוo kâlibbô kâlêbîy {kaw-lib-bo'} kaw-lay-bee' The first form is probably by erroneous transcription for the second form; patronymic from H3612; a Calebite or descendant of Caleb: - of the house of Caleb.

H3615 <STRHEB>@ כּלה kâlâh kaw-law' A primitive root; to {end} whether intransitively (to {cease} be {finished} perish) or transitively (to {complete} {prepare} consume): - {accomplish} {cease} consume ({away}) {determine} destroy ({utterly}) be (when . . . were) {done} (be an) end ({of}) {expire} (cause to) {fail} {faint} {finish} {fulfil} X {fully} X {have} leave ({off}) {long} bring to {pass} wholly {reap} make clean {riddance} {spend} quite take {away} waste.

H3617 <STRHEB>@ כּלה kâlâh kaw-law' From H3615; a completion; adverbially completely; also destruction: - {altogether} ({be} utterly) consume ({-d}) consummation ({-ption}) was {determined} ({full} utter) {end} riddance.

H3753 <STRHEB>@ כּרכּרה karkârâh kar-kaw-raw' From H3769; a dromedary (from its rapid motion as if dancing): - swift beast.

H3757 <STRHEB>@ כּרמי karmîy kar-mee' Patronymic from H3756; a Karmite or descendant of Karmi: - Carmites.

H3769 <STRHEB>@ כּרר kârar kaw-rar' A primitive root; to dance (that {is} whirl): - dance (-ing).

H3778 <STRHEB>@ כּשׂדּימה כּשׂדּי kaώdîy kaώdîymâh {kas-dee'} kas-dee'-maw (Occasionally shown as the second form with enclitic; meaning towards the Kasdites); patronymic from H3777 (only in the plural); a {Kasdite} or descendant of Kesed; by implication a Chaldaean (as if so descended); also an astrologer (as if proverbial of that people): - into {Chaldea}) patronymicallyn. from H3777 (only in the plural); a Kasdite; or descendant of Kesed; by implication a Chaldan (as if so descended); also an astrologer (as if proverbial of that people): - {Chaldeans} {Chaldees} inhabitants of Chaldea.

H3846 <STRHEB>@ לבני libnîy lib-nee' Patronymic from H3845; a Libnite or descendant of Libni (collectively): - Libnites.

H3872 <STRHEB>@ לחות לוּחיתo lûchîyth lûchôth {loo-kheeth'} loo-khoth' From the same as H3871; floored; {Luchith} a place East of the Jordan: - Luhith.

H3881 <STRHEB>@ לוי לויּי lêvîyîy lêvîy {lay-vee-ee'} lay-vee' Patronymic from H3878; a Leviite or descendant of Levi: - Levite.

H3910 <STRHEB>@ לט lôţ lote Probably from H3874; a gum (from its sticky {nature}) probably ladanum: - myrrh.

H3936 <STRHEB>@ לעדּן ladân lah-dawn' From the same as H3935; {Ladan} the name of two Israelites: - Laadan.

H3962 <STRHEB>@ לשׁע leshaleh'-shah From an unused root thought to mean to break through; a boiling spring; {Lesha} a place probably East of the Jordan: - Lasha.

H373 <STRHEB>@ איעזרי 'îyezrîy ee-ez-ree' Patronymic from H372; an Iezrite or descendant of Iezer: - Jezerite.

H4080 <STRHEB>@ מדין midyân mid-yawn' The same as H4079; {Midjan} a son of Abraham; also his country and (collectively) his descendants: - {Midian} Midianite.

H4084 <STRHEB>@ מדיני midyânîy mid-yaw-nee' Patronymic or patrial from H4080; a Midjanite or descendant (native) of Midjan: - Midianite. Compare H4092.

H4091 <STRHEB>@ מדן medân med-awn' The same as H4090; {Medan} a son of Abraham: - Medan.

H4124 <STRHEB>@ מואב mô'âb mo-awb From a prolonged form of the prepositional prefix m- and H1; from (her (the mother´ s)) father; {Moab} an incestuous son of Lot; also his territory and descendants: - Moab.

H4125 <STRHEB>@ מואבית מואביּה מואבי mô'âbîy mô'âbîyâh mô'âbîyth {mo-aw-bee'} {mo-aw-bee-yaw'} mo-aw-beeth' Patronymic from H4124; a Moabite or {Moabitess} that {is} a descendant from Moab: - (woman) of {Moab} Moabite ({-ish} -ss).

H4188 <STRHEB>@ מוּשׁי mûshîy moo-shee' Patronymic from H4187; a Mushite (collectively) or descendant of Mushi: - Mushites.

H4234 <STRHEB>@ מחול mâchôl maw-khole' From H2342; a (round) dance: - dance (-cing).

H4235 <STRHEB>@ מחול mâchôl maw-khole' The same as H4234; dancing; {Machol} an Israelite: - Mahol.

H4246 <STRHEB>@ מחלה mechôlâh mekh-o-law' Feminine of H4234; a dance: - {company} dances (-cing).

H4250 <STRHEB>@ מחלי machlîy makh-lee' Patronymic from H4249; a Machlite or (collectively) descendant of Machli: - Mahlites.

H4264 <STRHEB>@ מחנה machăneh makh-an-eh' From H2583; an encampment (of travellers or troops); hence an {army} whether literally (of soldiers) or figuratively (of {dancers} {angels} {cattle} {locusts} stars; or even the sacred courts): - {army} {band} {battle} {camp} {company} {drove} {host} tents.

H4265 <STRHEB>@ מחנה־דן machănêh-dân makh-an-ay'-dawn From H4264 and H1835; camp of Dan; {Machaneh-Dan} a place in Palestine: - Mahaneh-dan.

H4342 <STRHEB>@ מכבּיר makbîyr mak-beer' Transitive participle of H3527; plenty: - abundance.

H4354 <STRHEB>@ מכירי mâkîyrîy maw-kee-ree' Patronymic from H4353; a Makirite or descendant of Makir: - of Machir.

H4395 <STRHEB>@ מלאה melê'âh mel-ay-aw' Feminine of H4392; something {fulfilled} that {is} abundance (of produce): - (first of ripe) {fruit} fulness.

H4440 <STRHEB>@ מלכּיאלי malkîylîy mal-kee-ay-lee' Patronymic from H4439; a Malkielite or descendant of Malkiel: - Malchielite.

H4511 <STRHEB>@ מנּית minnîyth min-neeth' From the same as H4482; enumeration; {Minnith} a place East of the Jordan: - Minnith.

H4519 <STRHEB>@ מנשּׁה menashsheh men-ash-sheh' From H5382; causing to forget; {Menashsheh} a grandson of {jacob} also the tribe descendant from {him} and its territory: - Manasseh.

H4520 <STRHEB>@ מנשּׁי menashshîy men-ash-shee' From H4519; a Menashshite or descendant of Menashsheh: - of {Manasseh} Manassites.

H4530 <STRHEB>@ מסּה missâh mis-saw' From H4549 (in the sense of flowing); {abundance} that {is} (adverbially) liberally: - tribute.

H4557 <STRHEB>@ מספּר mispâr mis-pawr' From H5608; a {number} definitely (arithmetical) or indefinitely ({large} innumerable; {small} a few); also (abstractly) narration: - + {abundance} {account} X {all} X {few} [in-] {finite} (certain) number ({-ed}) {tale} {telling} + time.

H4574 <STRHEB>@ מעדנּה מעדן ma‛ădân ma‛ădannâh {mah-ad-awn'} mah-ad-an-naw' From H5727; a delicacy or (abstractly) pleasure (adverbially cheerfully): - {dainty} {delicately} delight.

H4575 <STRHEB>@ מעדנּה ma‛ădannâh mah-ad-an-naw' By transposition from H6029; a {bond} that {is} group: - influence.

H4612 <STRHEB>@ מעמד ma‛ămâd mah-am-awd' From H5975; (figuratively) a position: - {attendance} {office} {place} state.

H4757 <STRHEB>@ מראדך בּלאדן merdak baldân mer-o-dak' bal-aw-dawn' Of foreign derivation; {Merodak-Baladan} a Babylonian king: - Merodach-baladan. Compare H4781.

H4767 <STRHEB>@ מרבּה mirbâh meer-baw' From H7235; {abundance} that {is} a great quantity: - much.

H4848 <STRHEB>@ מררי merârîy mer-aw-ree' From H4847; a Merarite ({collectively}) or descendant of Merari: - Merarites.

H4851 <STRHEB>@ משׁ mash mash Of foreign derivation; {Mash} a son of {Aram} and the people descendant from him: - Mash.

H4902 <STRHEB>@ משׁך meshek meh'-shek The same in form as {H4901} but probably of foreign derivation; {Meshek} a son of {Japheth} and the people descendant from him: - {Mesech} Meshech.

H440 <STRHEB>@ אלני אלוני 'êlônîylônîy {ay-lo-nee'} ay-lo-nee' Patronymic from H438; an Elonite or descendant (collectively) of Elon: - Elonites.

H5018 <STRHEB>@ נבוּזראדן nebûzardân neb-oo-zar-ad-awn' Of foreign origin; {Nebuzaradan} a Babylonian general: - Nebuzaradan.

H5025 <STRHEB>@ נבח nôbach no'-bach From H5024; a bark; {Nobach} the name of an Israelite and of a place East of the Jordan: - Nobah.

H5042 <STRHEB>@ נבע nâbanaw-bah' A primitive root; to gush forth; figuratively to utter (good or bad words); specifically to emit (a foul odor): - belch {out} {flowing} pour {out} send {forth} utter (abundantly).

H5071 <STRHEB>@ נדבה nedâbâh ned-aw-baw' From H5068; properly (abstractly) {spontaneity} or (adjectively) spontaneous; also (concretely) a spontaneous or (by {inference} in plural) abundant gift: - free (-will) {offering} {freely} {plentiful} voluntary ({-ily} {offering}) willing ({-ly} offering).

H5161 <STRHEB>@ נחלמי nechĕlâmîy nekh-el-aw-mee' Apparently a patronymic from an unused name (apparently passive participle of H2492); dreamed; a {Nechelamite} or descendant of Nechlam: - Nehelamite.

H5188 <STRHEB>@ נטיפה neţîyphâh net-ee-faw' From H5197; a pendant for the ears (especially of pearls): - {chain} collar.

H5242 <STRHEB>@ נמוּאלי nemû'êlîy nem-oo-ay-lee' From H5241; a {Nemuelite} or descendant of Nemuel: - Nemuelite.

H5247 <STRHEB>@ נמרה nimrâh nim-raw' From the same as H5246; clear water; {Nimrah} a place East of the Jordan: - Nimrah. See also {H1039} H5249.

H5249 <STRHEB>@ נמרים nimrîym nim-reem' Plural of a masculine corresponding to H5247; clear waters; {Nimrim} a place East of the Jordan: - Nimrim. Compare H1039.

H5280 <STRHEB>@ נעמי na‛ămîy nah-am-ee' Patronymic from H5283; a {Naamanite} or descendant of Naaman (collectively): - Naamites.

H5342 <STRHEB>@ נצר nêtser nay'-tser From H5341 in the sense of greenness as a striking color; a shoot; {figuratively} a descendant: - branch.

H5476 <STRHEB>@ סודי sôdîy so-dee' From H5475; a confidant; {Sodi} an Israelite: - Sodi.

H5513 <STRHEB>@ סיני sîynîy see-nee' From an otherwise unknown name of a man; a {Sinite} or descendant of one of the sons of Canaan: - Sinite.

H5533 <STRHEB>@ סכן sâkan saw-kan' Probably a denominative from H7915; properly to {cut} that {is} damage; also to grow (causatively make) poor: - {endanger} impoverish.

H5548 <STRHEB>@ סלכה salkâh sal-kaw' From an unused root meaning to walk; walking; {Salcah} a place East of the Jordan: - {Salcah} Salchah.

H5625 <STRHEB>@ סרדּי sardîy sar-dee' Patronymic from H5624; a Seredite (collectively) or descendant of Sered: - Sardites.

H5629 <STRHEB>@ סרח serach seh'-rakh From H5628; a redundancy: - remnant.

H5664 <STRHEB>@ עבד נגו ‛ăbêd negô ab-ade' neg-o' The same as H5665; {Abed-Nego} the Babylonian name of one of Daniel´ s companions: - Abed-nego.

H5676 <STRHEB>@ עבר ‛êber ay'-ber From H5674; properly a region across; but used only adverbially (with or without a preposition) on the opposite side (especially of the Jordan; usually meaning the east): - X {against} {beyond} {by} X {from} {over} {passage} {quarter} ({other} this) {side} straight.

H5680 <STRHEB>@ עברי ‛ibrîy ib-ree' Patronymic from H5677; an Eberite (that {is} Hebrew) or descendant of Eber: - Hebrew ({-ess} woman).

H5727 <STRHEB>@ עדן ‛âdan aw-dan' A primitive root; to be soft or pleasant; figuratively and reflexively to live voluptuously: - delight self.

H5736 <STRHEB>@ עדף ‛âdaph aw-daf' A primitive root; to be (causatively have) redundant: - be {more} odd {number} be (have) over (and {above}) {overplus} remain.

H5817 <STRHEB>@ עזּיאלי ‛ozzîylîy oz-zee-ay-lee' Patronymic from H5816; an Uzzielite (collectively) or descendant of Uzziel: - Uzzielites.

H5839 <STRHEB>@ עזריה ‛ăzaryâh az-ar-yaw' (Chaldee); corresponding to H5838; {Azarjah} one of Daniel´ s companions: - Azariah.

H5867 <STRHEB>@ עולם עילםo ‛êylâm ‛ôlâm {ay-lawm'} o-lawm' Probably from H5956; {hidden} that {is} distant; {Elam} a son of {Shem} and his {descendants} with their country; also of six Israelites: - Elam.

H5971 <STRHEB>@ עם ‛am am From H6004; a people (as a congregated unit); specifically a tribe (as those of Israel); hence (collectively) troops or attendants; figuratively a flock: - {folk} {men} {nation} people.

H500 <STRHEB>@ אלעלה אלעלא 'el‛âlê' 'el‛âlêh {el-aw-lay'} el-aw-lay' From H410 and H5927; God (is) going up; Elale or {Elaleh} a place east of the Jordan: - Elealeh.

H6002 <STRHEB>@ עמלק ‛ămâlêq am-aw-lake' Probably of foreign origin; {Amalek} a descendant of Esau; also his posterity and their country: - Amalek.

H6003 <STRHEB>@ עמלקי ‛ămâlêqîy am-aw-lay-kee' Patronymic from H6002; an Amalekite (or collectively the Amalekites) or descendant of Amalek: - Amalekite (-s).

H6020 <STRHEB>@ עמרמי ‛amrâmîy am-raw-mee' Patronymic from H6019; an Amramite or descendant of Amram: - Amramite.

H6047 <STRHEB>@ ענמים ‛ănâmîym an-aw-meem' As if plural of some Egyptian word; {Anamim} a son of Mizraim and his {descendants} with their country: - Anamim.

H6062 <STRHEB>@ ענקי ‛ănâqîy an-aw-kee' Patronymic from H6061; an Anakite or descendant of Anak: - Anakim.

H6109 <STRHEB>@ עצמה ‛otsmâh ots-maw' Feminine of H6108; powerfulness; by extension numerousness: - {abundance} strength.

H6159 <STRHEB>@ עורב ערב ‛ôrêb ‛ôrêb {o-rabe'} o-rabe' The same as H6158; {Oreb} the name of a Midianite and of a cliff near the Jordan: - Oreb.

H6160 <STRHEB>@ ערבה ‛ărâbâh ar-aw-baw' From H6150 (in the sense of sterility); a desert; especially (with the article prefixed) the (generally) sterile valley of the Jordan and its continuation to the Red Sea: - {Arabah} {champaign} {desert} {evening} {heaven} {plain} wilderness. See also H1026.

H6180 <STRHEB>@ ערי ‛êrîy ay-ree' Patronymic of H6179; an Erite (collectively) or descendant of Eri: - Erites.

H6198 <STRHEB>@ ערני ‛êrânîy ay-raw-nee' Patronymic from H6197; an Eranite or descendant (collectively) of Eran: - Eranites.

H6252 <STRHEB>@ עשׁתּרת עשׁתּרות ‛ashtârôthashtârôth {ash-taw-roth'} ash-taw-roth' Plural of H6251; {Ashtaroth} the name of a Sidonian {deity} and of a place East of the Jordan: - {Ashtaroth} Astaroth. See also {H1045} {H6253} H6255.

H6255 <STRHEB>@ עשׁתּרת קרנים ‛ashterôth qarnayim ash-ter-oth' kar-nah'-yim From H6252 and the dual of H7161; Ashtaroth of (the) double horns (a symbol of the deity); Ashteroth {Karnaim} a place East of the Jordan: - Ashtoreth Karnaim.

H6280 <STRHEB>@ עתר ‛âthar aw-thar' A primitive root; to be (causatively make) abundant: - {deceitful} multiply.

H6281 <STRHEB>@ עתר ‛ether eh'-ther From H6280; abundance; {Ether} a place in Palestine: - Ether.

H6283 <STRHEB>@ עתרת ‛ăthereth ath-eh'-reth From H6280; copiousness: - abundance.

H6307 <STRHEB>@ פדּן ארם פּדּן paddân paddanrâm {pad-dawn'} pad-dan' ar-awm' From an unused root meaning to extend; a plateau; or the second form which is from the same and H758; the table land of Aram; Paddan or {Paddan-Aram} a region of Syria: - {Padan} Padan-aram.

H6316 <STRHEB>@ פּוּט pûţ poot Of foreign origin; {Put} a son of {Ham} also the name of his descendants or thier {region} and of a Persian tribe: - {Phut} Put.

H6324 <STRHEB>@ פּוּני pûnîy poo-nee' Patronymic from an unused name meaning a turn; a Punite (collectively) or descendant of an unknown Pun: - Punites.

H6336 <STRHEB>@ פּוּתי pûthîy poo-thee' Patronymic from an unused name meaning a hinge; a Puthite (collectively) or descendant of an unknown Puth. (As if from H6312.): - Puhites [as if from H6312].

H6384 <STRHEB>@ פּלּאי pallû'îy pal-loo-ee' Patronymic from H6396; a Palluite (collectively) or descendant of Pallu: - Palluites.

H6407 <STRHEB>@ פּלטי palţîy pal-tee' Patronymic from H6406; a Paltite or descendant of Palti: - Paltite.

H6439 <STRHEB>@ פּניאל פּנוּאל penû'êl penîyl {pen-oo-ale'} pen-ee-ale' From H6437 and H410; face of God; Penuel or {Peniel} a place East of Jordan; also (as Penuel) the name of two Israelites: - {Peniel} Penuel.

H6449 <STRHEB>@ פּסגּה pisgâh pis-gaw' From H6448; a cleft; {Pisgah} a mountain East of Jordan: - Pisgah.

H6451 <STRHEB>@ פּסּה pissâh pis-saw' From H6461; {expansion} that {is} abundance: - handful.

H6452 <STRHEB>@ פּסח pâsach paw-sakh' A primitive root; to {hop} that {is} (figuratively) skip over (or spare); by implication to hesitate; also (literally) to {limp} to dance: - {halt} become {lame} {leap} pass over.

H6465 <STRHEB>@ פּעור pe‛ôr peh-ore' From H6473; a gap; {Peor} a mountain East of Jordan; also (for H1187) a deity worshipped there: - Peor. See also H1047.

H6524 <STRHEB>@ פּרח pârach paw-rakh' A primitive root; to break forth as a {bud} that {is} bloom; generally to spread; specifically to fly (as extending the wings); figuratively to flourish: - X {abroad} X {abundantly} {blossom} break forth ({out}) {bud} {flourish} make {fly} {grow} {spread} spring (up).

H6558 <STRHEB>@ פּרצי partsîy par-tsee' Patronymic from H6557; a Partsite (collectively) or descendant of Perets: - Pharzites.

H6820 <STRHEB>@ צער tsô‛ar tso'-ar From H6819; little; {Tsoar} a place East of the Jordan: - Zoar.

H6831 <STRHEB>@ צפוני tsephônîy tsef-o-nee' Patronymic from H6827; a {Tsephonite} or (collectively) a descendant of Tsephon: - Zephonites.

H6839 <STRHEB>@ צפים tsôphîym tso-feem' Plural of active participle of H6822; watchers; {Tsophim} a place East of Jordan: - Zophim.

H6938 <STRHEB>@ קדר qêdâr kay-dawr' From H6937; dusky (of the skin or the tent); {Kedar} a son of Ishmael; also (collectively) bedawin (as his descendants or representatives): - Kedar.

H6956 <STRHEB>@ קהתי qŏhâthîy ko-haw-thee' Patronymic from H6955; a Kohathite (collectively) or descendant of Kehath: - Kohathites.

H692 <STRHEB>@ אראלי 'arlîy ar-ay-lee' From H691; heroic; Areli (or an {Arelite} {collectively}) an Israelite and his descendants: - {Areli} Arelites.

H7056 <STRHEB>@ קמון qâmôn kaw-mone' From H6965; an elevation; {Kamon} a place East of the Jordan: - Camon.

H7074 <STRHEB>@ קנזּי qenizzîy ken-iz-zee' Patronymic from {H7073} a Kenizzite or descendant of Kenaz: - {Kenezite} Kenizzites.

H7079 <STRHEB>@ קנת qenâth ken-awth' From H7069; possession; {Kenath} a place East of the Jordan: - Kenath.

H7145 <STRHEB>@ קרחי qorchîy kor-khee' Patronymic from H7141; a Korchite (collectively) or descendant of Korach: - {Korahite} {Korathite} sons of {Kore} Korhite.

H7174 <STRHEB>@ קרקר qarqôr kar-kore' From H6979; foundation; {Karkor} a place East of the Jordan: - Karkor.

H7206 <STRHEB>@ ראוּבני rebênîy reh-oo-bay-nee' Patronymic from H7205; a Reubenite or descendant of Reuben: - children of {Reuben} Reubenites.

H7227 <STRHEB>@ רב rab rab By contraction from H7231; abundant (in {quantity} {size} {age} {number} {rank} quality): - (in) abound ({-undance} {-ant} {-antly}) {captain} {elder} {enough} {exceedingly} {full} great ({-ly} {man} {one}) {increase} long ({enough} {[time]}) ({do} have) many ({-ifold} {things} a {time}) ([ship-]) {master} {mighty} {more} ({too} very) {much} multiply ({-tude}) {officer} often {[-times]} {plenteous} {populous} {prince} process [of {time]} suffice (-ient).

H7230 <STRHEB>@ רב rôb robe From H7231; abundance (in any respect): - abundance ({-antly}) {all} X common {[sort]} {excellent} great ({-ly} {-ness} {number}) {huge} be {increased} {long} {many} more in {number} {most} {much} {multitude} plenty ({-ifully}) X very [age].

H7233 <STRHEB>@ רבבה rebâbâh reb-aw-baw From H7231; abundance (in {number}) that {is} (specifically) a myriad (whether definite or indefinite): - {many} {million} X {multiply} ten thousand.

H7235 <STRHEB>@ רבה râbâh raw-baw' A primitive root; to increase (in whatever respect): - [bring in] abundance (X {-antly}) + archer [by mistake for {H7232]} be in {authority} bring {up} X {continue} {enlarge} {excel} exceeding ({-ly}) be full {of} ({be} make) great ({-er} {-ly}) X {-ness}) grow {up} {heap} {increase} be {long} ({be} {give} {have} {make} use) many (a {time}) ({any} {be} {give} give {the} have) more (in {number}) ({ask} {be} be {so} {gather} {over} {take} yield) much ({greater} {more}) (make to) {multiply} {nourish} plenty ({-eous}) X process [of {time]} {sore} {store} {thoroughly} very.

H7256 <STRHEB>@ רבּע ribbêarib-bay'-ah From H7251; a descendant of the fourth {generation} that {is} great great grandchild: - fourth.

H7274 <STRHEB>@ רגלים rôgelîym ro-gel-eem' Plural of active participle of H7270; fullers (as tramping the cloth in washing); {Rogelim} a place East of the Jordan: - Rogelim.

H7301 <STRHEB>@ רוה râvâh raw-vaw' A primitive root; to slake the thirst (occasionally of other appetites): - {bathe} make {drunk} (take the) {fill} {satiate} (abundantly) {satisfy} {soak} water (abundantly).

H7384 <STRHEB>@ ריפת rîyphath ree-fath' The second form is probably by orthographical error; of foreign origin; {Riphath} a grandson of Jepheth and his descendants: - Riphath.

H7433 <STRHEB>@ רמות גּלעד רמת גּלעד râmôth gil‛âd râmôth gil‛âd raw-moth' gil-awd' From the plural of H7413 and H1568; heights of Gilad; Ramoth {Gilad} a place East of the Jordan: - {Ramoth-gilead} Ramoth in Gilead. See also H7216.

H7488 <STRHEB>@ רענן ra‛ănân rah-an-awn' From an unused root meaning to be green; verdant; by analogy new; figuratively prosperous: - {green} flourishing.

H7540 <STRHEB>@ רקד râqad raw-kad' A primitive root; properly to {stamp} that {is} to spring about (wildly or for joy): - {dance} {jump} {leap} skip.

H7587 <STRHEB>@ שׁאוּלי shâ'ûlîy shaw-oo-lee' Patronymic from H7856; a Shaulite or descendant of Shaul: - Shaulites.

H7604 <STRHEB>@ שׁאר shâ'ar shaw-ar' A primitive root; properly to swell {up} that {is} be (causatively make) redundant: - {leave} (be) {left} {let} {remain} {remnant} {reserve} the rest.

H7615 <STRHEB>@ שׁבאי shebâ'îy sheb-aw-ee' Patronymic from H7614; a Shebaite or descendant of Sheba: - Sabean.

H7647 <STRHEB>@ שׂבע ώâbâ‛ saw-baw' From H7646; copiousness: - {abundance} plenteous ({-ness} -ly).

H7714 <STRHEB>@ שׁדרך shadrak shad-rak' Probably of foreign origin; {Shadrak} the Babylonian name of one of Daniel´ s companions: - Shadrach.

H7720 <STRHEB>@ שׂהרן ώahărôn sah-har-one' From the same as H5469; a round pendant for the neck: - {ornament} round tire like the moon.

H7741 <STRHEB>@ שׁוה קריתים shâvêh qiryâthayim shaw-vay' kir-yaw-thah'-yim From the same as H7740 and the dual of H7151; plain of a double city; Shaveh {Kirjathajim} a place East of the Jordan: - Shaveh Kiriathaim.

H7747 <STRHEB>@ שׁוּחי shûchîy shoo-khee' Patronymic from H7744; a Shuchite or descendant of Shuach: - Shuhite.

H7756 <STRHEB>@ שׂוּכתי ώûkâthîy soo-kaw-thee' Probably patronymic from a name corresponding to H7754 (feminine); a Sukathite or descendant of an unknown Israelite named Sukah: - Suchathite.

H7765 <STRHEB>@ שׁוּני shûnîy shoo-nee' Patronymic from H7764; a Shunite (collectively) or descendant of Shuni: - Shunites.

H7781 <STRHEB>@ שׁוּפמי shûphâmîy shoo-faw-mee' Patronymic from H8197; a Shuphamite (collectively) or descendant of Shephupham: - Shuphamite.

H7851 <STRHEB>@ שׁטּים shiţţîym shit-teem' The same as the plural of H7848; acacia trees; {Shittim} a place East of the Jordan: - Shittim.

H7930 <STRHEB>@ שׁכמי shikmîy shik-mee' Patronymic from H7928; a Shikmite ({collectively}) or descendant of Shekem: - Shichemites.

H7937 <STRHEB>@ שׁכר shâkar shaw-kar' A primitive root; to become tipsy; in a qualified {sense} to satiate with a stimulating drink or (figuratively) influence. (Superlative of H8248.): - (be filled with) drink ({abundantly}) ({be} make) drunk ({-en}) be merry. [Superlative of H8248.]

H7962 <STRHEB>@ שׁלוה shalvâh shal-vaw' From H7951; security (genuine or false): - {abundance} peace ({-ably}) {prosperity} quietness.

H716 <STRHEB>@ ארדּי 'ardîy ar-dee' Patronymic from H714; an Ardite (collectively) or descendant of Ard: - Ardites.

H722 <STRHEB>@ ארודי 'ărôdîy ar-o-dee' Patronymic from H721; an Arodite or descendant of Arod: - {Arodi} Arodites.

H769 <STRHEB>@ ארנן ארנון 'arnôn 'arnôn {ar-nohn'} ar-nohn' From H7442; a brawling stream; the {Arnon} a river east of the Jordan; also its territory: - Arnon.

H789 <STRHEB>@ אשׁבּלי 'ashbêlîy ash-bay-lee' Patronymic from H788; an Ashbelite (collectively) or descendant of Ashbel: - Ashbelites.

H798 <STRHEB>@ אשׁדּות הפּסגּה 'ashdôth happisgâh ash-doth' hap-pis-gaw' From the plural of H794 and H6449 with the article interposed; ravines of the Pisgah; {Ashdoth-Pisgah} a place east of the Jordan: - Ashdoth-pisgah.

H8016 <STRHEB>@ שׁלּמי shillêmîy shil-lay-mee Patronymic from H8006; a Shilemite (collectively) or descendant of Shillem: - Shillemites.

H8024 <STRHEB>@ שׁלני shêlânîy shay-law-nee' From H7956; a Shelanite ({collectively}) or descendant of Shelah: - Shelanites.

H8029 <STRHEB>@ שׁלּשׁ shillêsh shil-laysh' From H8027; a descendant of the third {degree} that {is} great grandchild: - third [generation].

H8062 <STRHEB>@ שׁמידעי shemîydâ‛îy shem-ee-daw-ee' Patronymic from H8061; a Shemidaite (collectively) or descendant of Shemida: - Shemidaites.

H8095 <STRHEB>@ שׁמעון shim‛ôn shim-one' From H8085; hearing; {Shimon} one of Jacob´ s {sons} also the tribe descendant from him: - Simeon.

H8097 <STRHEB>@ שׁמעי shim‛îy shim-ee' Patronymic from H8096; a Shimite (collectively) or descendant of Shimi: - of {Shimi} Shimites.

H8099 <STRHEB>@ שׁמעני shim‛ônîy shim-o-nee' Patronymic from H8095; a Shimonite (collectively) or descendant of Shimon: - tribe of {Simeon} Simeonites.

H8101 <STRHEB>@ שׁמעתי shim‛âthîy shim-aw-thee' Patronymic from H8093; a Shimathite (collectively) or descendant of Shimah: - Shimeathites.

H8117 <STRHEB>@ שׁמרני shimrônîy shim-ro-nee' Patronymic from H8110; a Shimronite (collectively) or descendant of Shimron: - Shimronites.

H8126 <STRHEB>@ שׁמתי shûmâthîy shoo-maw-thee' Patronymic from an unused name from H7762 probably meaning garlic smell; a Shumathite (collectively) or descendant of Shumah: - Shumathites.

H8173 <STRHEB>@ שׁעע shâ‛ashaw-ah' A primitive root; (in a good acceptation) to look upon (with {complacency}) that {is} fondle6 please or amuse (self); (in a bad one) to look about (in {dismay}) that {is} stare. (cry out is by confusion with H7768.): - cry (out) [by confusion with {H7768]} {dandle} delight ({self}) {play} shut.

H8228 <STRHEB>@ שׁפע shephasheh'-fah From an unused root meaning to abound; resources: - abundance.

H8229 <STRHEB>@ שׁפעה shiph‛âh shif-aw' Feminine of H8228; copiousness: - {abundance} {company} multitude.

H8317 <STRHEB>@ שׁרץ shârats shaw-rats' A primitive root; to {wriggle} that {is} (by implication) swarm or abound: - breed (bring {forth} increase) abundantly (in {abundance}) {creep} move.

H8364 <STRHEB>@ שׁתלחי shûthalchîy shoo-thal-khee' Patronymic from H7803; a Shuthalchite (collectively) or descendant of Shuthelach: - Shuthalhites.

H8440 <STRHEB>@ תּולעי tôlâ‛îy to-law-ee' Patronymic from H8439; a Tolaite (collectively) or descendant of Tola: - Tolaites.

H8458 <STRHEB>@ תּחבּוּלה תּחבּלה tachbûlâh tachbûlâh {takh-boo-law'} takh-boo-law' From H2254 as denominative from H2256; (only in plural) properly steerage (as a management of {ropes}) that {is} (figuratively) guidance or (by implication) a plan: - good {advice} (wise) counsels.

H8470 <STRHEB>@ תּחני tachănîy takh-an-ee' Patronymic from H8465; a Tachanite (collectively) or descendant of Tachan: - Tahanites.

H8487 <STRHEB>@ תּמן תּימן têymân têmân {tay-mawn'} tay-mawn' The same as H8486; {Teman} the name of two {Edomites} and of the region and descendants of one of them: - {south} Teman.

H8489 <STRHEB>@ תּימני têymânîy tay-maw-nee' Patronymic from H8487; a Temanite or descendant of Teman: - {Temani} Temanite.

H8491 <STRHEB>@ תּיצי tîytsîy tee-tsee' Partrial or patronymic from an unused noun of uncertain meaning; a Titsite or descendant or inhabitant of an unknown Tits: - Tizite.

H804 <STRHEB>@ אשּׁר אשּׁוּר 'ashshûr 'ashshûr {ash-shoor'} ash-shoor' Apparently from H833 (in the sense of successful); {Ashshur} the second son of Shem; also his descendants and the country occupied by them (that {is} {Assyria}) its region and its empire: - {Asshur} {Assur} {Assyria} Assyrians. See H838.

H813 <STRHEB>@ אשׁכּנז 'ashkenaz ash-ken-az' Of foreign origin; {Ashkenaz} a {Japhethite} also his descendants: - Ashkenaz.

H843 <STRHEB>@ אשׁרי 'âshêrîy aw-shay-ree' Patronymic from H836; an Asherite (collectively) or descendant of Asher: - Asherites.

H845 <STRHEB>@ אשׂראלי 'aώrilîy as-ree-ale-ee' Patronymic from H844; an Asrielite (collectively) or descendant of Asriel: - Asrielites.

H917 <STRHEB>@ בּדן bedân bed-awn' Probably shortened for H5658; servile; {Bedan} the name of two Israelite: - Bedan.

H940 <STRHEB>@ בּוּזי bûzîy boo-zee' Patronymic from H938; a Buzite or descendant of Buz: - Buzite.

G100 <STRGRK>@ ἁδρότης hadrotēs had-rot'-ace From ἁδρός hadros (stout); plumpness that is (figuratively) liberality: - abundance.

G1046 <STRGRK>@ Γαδαρηνός Gadarēnos gad-ar-ay-nos' From Γαδαρά Gadara (a town East of the Jordan); a Gadarene or inhabitant of Gadara: - Gadarene.

G1155 <STRGRK>@ δανείζω daneizō dan-ide'-zo From G1156; to loan on interest; reflexively to borrow: - borrow lend.

G1156 <STRGRK>@ δάνειον daneion dan'-i-on From δάνος danos (a gift); probably akin to the base of G1325; a loan: - debt.

G1157 <STRGRK>@ δανειστής daneistēs dan-ice-tace' From G1155; a lender: - creditor.

G1158 <STRGRK>@ Δανιήλ Daniēl dan-ee-ale' Of Hebrew origin [H1840]; Daniel an Israelite: - Daniel.

G1247 <STRGRK>@ διακονέω diakoneō dee-ak-on-eh'-o From G1249; to be an attendant that is wait upon (menially or as a host friend or [figuratively] teacher); technically to act as a Christian deacon: - (ad-) minister (unto) serve use the office of a deacon.

G1248 <STRGRK>@ διακονία diakonia dee-ak-on-ee'-ah From G1249; attendance (as a servant etc.); figuratively (eleemosynary) aid (official) service (especially of the Christian teacher or technically of the diaconate): - (ad-) minister (-ing -tration -try) office relief service (-ing).

G1249 <STRGRK>@ διάκονος diakonos dee-ak'-on-os Probably from διάκω diakō (obsolete to run on errands; compare G1377); an attendant that is (generally) a waiter (at table or in other menial duties); specifically a Christian teacher and pastor (technically a deacon or deaconess): - deacon minister servant.

G1411 <STRGRK>@ δύναμις dunamis doo'-nam-is From G1410; force (literally or figuratively); specifically miraculous power (usually by implication a miracle itself): - ability abundance meaning might (-ily -y -y deed) (worker of) miracle (-s) power strength violence mighty (wonderful) work.

G1519 <STRGRK>@ εἰς eis ice A primary preposition; to or into (indicating the point reached or entered) of place time or (figuratively) purpose (result etc.); also in adverbial phrases.: - [abundant-] ly against among as at [back-] ward before by concerning + continual + far more exceeding for [intent purpose] fore + forth in (among at unto -so much that -to) to the intent that + of one mind + never of (up-) on + perish + set at one again (so) that therefore (-unto) throughout till to (be the end -ward) (here-) until (-to) . . . ward [where-] fore with. Often used in composition with the same general import but only with verbs (etc.) expressing motion (literallyor figuratively.

G1520 <STRGRK>@ εἷς heis hice (Including the neuter [etc.] ἕν hen); a primary numeral; one: - a (-n -ny certain) + abundantly man one (another) only other some. See also G1527 G3367 G3391 G3762.

G1537 <STRGRK>@ ἐκ ἐξ ek ex ek ex A primary preposition denoting origin (the point whence motion or action proceeds) from6 out (of place time or cause; literally or figuratively; direct or remote): - after among X are at betwixt (-yond) by (the means of) exceedingly (+ abundantly above) for (-th) from (among forth up) + grudgingly + heartily X heavenly X hereby + very highly in . . . ly (because by reason) of off (from) on out among (from of) over since X thenceforth through X unto X vehemently with (-out). Often used in composition with the same general import; often of completion.

G1549 <STRGRK>@ ἔκγονον ekgonon ek'-gon-on Neuter of a derivative of a compound of G1537 and G1096; a descendant that is (specifically) grandchild: - nephew.

G1777 <STRGRK>@ ἔνοχος enochos en'-okh-os From G1758; liable to (a condition penalty or imputation): - in danger of guilty of subject to.

G2000 <STRGRK>@ ἐπισφαλής episphalēs ep-ee-sfal-ace' From a compound of G1909 and σφάλλω sphallō (to trip); figuratively insecure: - dangerous.

G2086 <STRGRK>@ ἑτεροζυγέω heterozugeō het-er-od-zoog-eh'-o From a compound of G2087 and G2218; to yoke up differently that is (figuratively) to associate discordantly: - unequally yoke together with.

G2164 <STRGRK>@ εὐφορέω euphoreō yoo-for-eh'-o From G2095 and G5409; to bear well that is be fertile: - bring forth abundantly.

G2237 <STRGRK>@ ἡδονή hēdonē hay-don-ay' From ἁνδάνω handanō (to please); sensual delight; by implication desire: - lust pleasure.

G2322 <STRGRK>@ θεραπεία therapeia ther-ap-i'-ah From G2323; attendance (specifically medical that is cure); figuratively and collectively domestics: - healing household.

G2324 <STRGRK>@ θεράπων therapōn ther-ap'-ohn Apparently a participle from an otherwise obsolete derivation of the base of G2330; a menial attendant (as if cherishing): - servant.

G2342 <STRGRK>@ θηρίον thērion thay-ree'-on Diminutive from the same as G2339; a dangerous animal: - (venomous wild) beast.

G2364 <STRGRK>@ θυγάτηρ thugatēr thoo-gat'-air Apparently a primary word (compare daughter); a female child or (by Hebraism) descendant (or inhabitant): - daughter.

G2446 <STRGRK>@ Ἰορδάνης Iordanēs ee-or-dan'-ace Of Hebrew origin [H3383]; the Jordanes (that is Jarden) a river of Palestine: - Jordan.

G2466 <STRGRK>@ Ἰσαχάρ Isachar ee-sakh-ar' Of Hebrew origin [H3485]; Isachar (that is Jissaskar) a son of Jacob (figuratively his descendants): - Issachar.

G2474 <STRGRK>@ Ἰσραήλ Israēl is-rah-ale' Of Hebrew origin [H3478]; Israel (that is Jisrael) the adopted name of Jacob including his descendants (literally or figuratively): - Israel.

G2475 <STRGRK>@ Ἰσραηλίτης Israēlitēs is-rah-ale-ee'-tace From G2474; an israelite that is descendant of Israel (literally or figuratively): - Israelite.

G2793 <STRGRK>@ κινδυνέυω kinduneuō kin-doon-yoo'-o From G2794; to undergo peril: - be in danger be (stand) in jeopardy.

G2794 <STRGRK>@ κίνδυνος kindunos kin'-doo-nos Of uncertain derivation; danger: - peril.

G2886 <STRGRK>@ κοσμικός kosmikos kos-mee-kos' From G2889 (in its secondary sense); terrene (cosmic) literally (mundane) or figuratively (corrupt): - worldly.

G3019 <STRGRK>@ Λευΐ́της Leuitēs lyoo-ee'-tace From G3017; a Levite that is descendant of Levi: - Levite.

G3738 <STRGRK>@ ὀρχέομαι orcheomai or-kheh'-om-ahee Middle voice fromόρχος orchos (a row or ring); to dance (from the ranklike or regular motion): - dance.

G3754 <STRGRK>@ ὅτι hoti hot'-ee Neuter of G3748 as conjugation; demonstrative that (sometimes redundant); causatively because: - as concerning that as though because (that) for (that) how (that) (in) that though why.

G4007 <STRGRK>@ περ per per From the base of G4008; an enclitic particle significant of abundance (thoroughness) that is emphasis; much very or ever: - [whom-] soever.

G4050 <STRGRK>@ περισσεία perisseia per-is-si'-ah From G4052; surplusage that is superabundance: - abundance (-ant [-ly]) superfluity.

G4051 <STRGRK>@ περίσσευμα perisseuma per-is'-syoo-mah From G4052; a surplus or superabundance: - abundance that was left over and above.

G4052 <STRGRK>@ περισσεύω perisseuō per-is-syoo'-o From G4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality) be in excess be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: - (make more) abound (have have more) abundance (be more) abundant be the better enough and to spare exceed excel increase be left redound remain (over and above).

G4053 <STRGRK>@ περισσός perissos per-is-sos' From G4012 (in the sense of beyond); superabundant (in quantity) or superior (in quality); by implication excessive; adverb (with G1537) violently; neuter (as noun) preeminence: - exceeding abundantly above more abundantly advantage exceedingly very highly beyond measure more superfluous vehement [-ly].

G4054 <STRGRK>@ περισσότερον perissoteron per-is-sot'-er-on Neuter of G4055 (as adverb); in a more superabundant way: - more abundantly a great deal far more.

G4055 <STRGRK>@ περισσότερος perissoteros per-is-sot'-er-os Comparative of G4053; more superabundant (in number degree or character): - more abundant greater (much) more overmuch.

G4056 <STRGRK>@ περισσοτέρως perissoterōs per-is-sot-er'-oce Adverb from G4055; more superabundantly: - more abundant (-ly) X the more earnest (more) exceedingly more frequent much more the rather.

G4057 <STRGRK>@ περισσῶς perissōs per-is-soce' Adverb from G4053; superabundantly: - exceedingly out of measure the more.

G4121 <STRGRK>@ πλεονάζω pleonazō pleh-on-ad'-zo From G4119; to do make or be more that is increase (transitively or intransitively); by extension to superabound: - abound abundant make to increase have over.

G4146 <STRGRK>@ πλουσίως plousiōs ploo-see'-oce From G4145; copiously: - abundantly richly.

G4149 <STRGRK>@ πλοῦτος ploutos ploo'-tos From the base of G4130; wealth (as fulness) that is (literally) money possessions or (figuratively) abundance richness (specifically) valuable bestowment: - riches.

G4183 <STRGRK>@ πολύς πολλός polus polos pol-oos' Including the forms from the alternate pollos; (singular) much (in any respect) or (plural) many; neuter (singular) as adverb largely; neuter (plural) as adverb or noun often mostly largely: - abundant + altogether common + far (passed spent) (+ be of a) great (age deal -ly while) long many much oft (-en [-times]) plenteous sore straitly. Compare G4118 G4119.

G4402 <STRGRK>@ Πρόχορος Prochoros prokh'-or-os From G4253 and G5525; before the dance; Prochorus a Christian: - Prochorus.

G4593 <STRGRK>@ σημειόω sēmeioō say-mi-o'-o From G4592; to distinguish that is mark (for avoidance): - note.

G4752 <STRGRK>@ στρατεία strateia strat-i'-ah From G4754; military service that is (figuratively) the apostolic career (as one of hardship and danger): - warfare.

G4857 <STRGRK>@ συμφόνησις sumphonēsis soom-fo'-nay-sis From G4856; accordance: - concord.

G4859 <STRGRK>@ σύμφωνος sumphōnos soom'-fo-nos From G4862 and G5456; sounding together (alike) that is (figuratively) accordant (neuter as noun agreement): - consent.

G5228 <STRGRK>@ ὑπέρ huper hoop-er' A primary preposition; over that is (with the genitive case) of place above6 beyond across or causal for the sake of instead6 regarding; with the accusative case superior to more than. In compounds it retains many of the listed applications: - (+ exceeding abundantly) above in (on) behalf of beyond by + very chiefest concerning exceeding (above -ly) for + very highly more (than) of over on the part of for sake of in stead than to (-ward) very. In compounds it retains many of the above applications.

G5236 <STRGRK>@ ὑπερβολή huperbolē hoop-er-bol-ay' From G5235; a throwing beyond others that is (figuratively) supereminence; adverbially (with G1519 or G2596) pre-eminently: - abundance (far more) exceeding excellency more excellent beyond (out of) measure.

G5249 <STRGRK>@ ὑπερπερισσῶς huperperissōs hoop-er-per-is-soce' From G5228 and G4057; superabundantly that is exceedingly: - beyond measure.

G5250 <STRGRK>@ ὑπερπλεονάζω huperpleonazō hoop-er-pleh-on-ad'-zo From G5228 and G4121; to super abound: - be exceeding abundant.

G5466 <STRGRK>@ Χαλδαῖος Chaldaios khal-dah'-yos Probably of Hebrew origin [H3778]; a Chaldaean (that is Kasdi) or native of the region of the lower Euphrates: - Chaldan.

G5467 <STRGRK>@ χαλεπός chalepos khal-ep-os' Perhaps from G5465 through the idea of reducing the strength; difficult that is dangerous or (by implication) furious: - fierce perilous.

G5486 <STRGRK>@ χάρισμα charisma char'-is-mah From G5483; a (divine) gratuity that is deliverance (from danger or passion); (specifically) a (spiritual) endowment that is (subjectively) religious qualification or (objectively) miraculous faculty: - (free) gift.

G5515 <STRGRK>@ χλωρός chlōros khlo-ros' From the same as G5514; greenish that is verdant dun-colored: - green pale.

G5524 <STRGRK>@ χορηγέω chorēgeō khor-ayg-eh'-o From a compound of G5525 and G71; to be a dance leader that is (genitive case) to furnish: - give minister.

G5525 <STRGRK>@ χορός choros khor-os' Of uncertain derivation; a ring that is round dance (choir): - dancing.

G5526 <STRGRK>@ χορτάζω chortazō khor-tad'-zo From G5528; to fodder that is (genitive case) to gorge (supply food in abundance): - feed fill satisfy.

G629 <STRGRK>@ ἀπολύτρωσις apolutrōsis ap-ol-oo'-tro-sis From a compound of G575 and G3083; (the act) ransom in full that is (figuratively) riddance or (specifically) Christian salvation: - deliverance redemption.

G922 <STRGRK>@ βάρος baros bar'-os Probably from the same as G939 (through the notion of going down; compare G899); weight; in the New Testament only figuratively a load abundance authority: - burden (-some) weight.

G962 <STRGRK>@ Βηθαβαρά Bēthabara bay-thab-ar-ah' Of Hebrew origin ([H1004] and [H5679]); ferry house; Bethabara (that is Bethabarah) a place on the Jordan: - Bethabara.