

Dict: all - Elam


ELAM @ a district S. E. of Mesopotamia- kjv@Genesis:14:1; kjv@Isaiah:21:2; kjv@Jeremiah:25:25; kjv@Ezekiel:32:24; kjv@Acts:2:9


ELAM - E>@ - (eternity). This seems to have been originally the name of a man, the son of Shem. kjv@Genesis:10:22; kjv@1Chronicles:1:17) Commonly, however, it is used as the appellation of a country. kjv@Genesis:14:1 kjv@Genesis:14:9 kjv@Isaiah:11:11 kjv@Isaiah:21:2) The Elam of Scripture appears to be the province lying south of Assyria and east of Persia proper, to which Herodotus gives the name of Cissia (iii. 91, kjv@5:49, etc.), and which is termed Susis or Susiana by the geographers. Its capital was Susa. This country was originally people by descendants of Shem. By the time of Abraham a very important power had been built up in the same region. It is plain that at this early time the predominant power in lower Mesopotamia was Elam, which for a while held the place possessed earlier by Babylon, kjv@Genesis:10:10) and later by either Babylon or Assyria. A Korhite Levite in the time of King David. ( kjv@1Chronicles:26:3) (B.C. 1014.) A chief man of the tribe of Benjamin. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:24) "Children of Elam," to the number of 1254, returned with Zerubbabel from Babylon. kjv@Ezra:2:7; kjv@Nehemiah:7:12) 1Esd. kjv@5:12. (B.C. 536 or before.) Elam occurs amongst the names of the chief of the people who signed the covenant with Nehemiah. kjv@Nehemiah:10:14) In the same lists is a second Elam, whose sons, to the same number as in the former case, returned with Zerubbabel, kjv@Ezra:2:31; kjv@Nehemiah:7:34) and which for the sake of distinction is called "the other Elam." One of the priests who accompanied Nehemiah at the dedication of the new wall of Jerusalem. kjv@Nehemiah:12:42)

ELAMITES - E>@ - This word is found only in kjv@Ezra:4:9) The Elamites were the original inhabitants of the country called Elam; they were descendants of Shem, and perhaps drew their name from an actual man Elam. kjv@Genesis:10:22)


Elam @ highland, the son of Shem kjv@Genesis:10:22), and the name of the country inhabited by his descendants (14:1,9; kjv@Isaiah:11:11 kjv@Isaiah:21:2, etc.) lying to the east of Babylonia, and extending to the shore of the Mediterranean, a distance in a direct line of about 1,000 miles. The name Elam is an Assyrian word meaning "high." "The inhabitants of Elam, or 'the Highlands,' to the east of Babylon, were called Elamites. They were divided into several branches, speaking different dialects of the same agglutinative language. The race to which they belonged was brachycephalic, or short-headed, like the pre
- Semitic Sumerians of Babylonia. "The earliest Elamite kingdom seems to have been that of Anzan, the exact site of which is uncertain; but in the time of Abraham, Shushan or Susa appears to have already become the capital of the country. Babylonia was frequently invaded by the Elamite kings, who at times asserted their supremacy over it (as in the case of Chedorlaomer, the Kudur
- Lagamar, or 'servant of the goddess Lagamar,' of the cuneiform texts). "The later Assyrian monarchs made several campaigns against Elam, and finally Assur-bani-pal (about B.C. 650) succeeded in conquering the country, which was ravaged with fire and sword. On the fall of the Assyrian Empire, Elam passed into the hands of the Persians" (A.H. Sayce). This country was called by the Greeks Cissia or Susiana.






-1. A district southeast of Babylon, on Persian Gulf kjv@Genesis:14:1 kjv@Genesis:14:9 kjv@Daniel:8:2 .Prophecies concerning kjv@Isaiah:11:11 .Jews from kjv@Acts:2:9 .

-2. A Korhite Levite kjv@1Chronicles:26:3

-3. A Benjamite chief kjv@1Chronicles:8:24

-5. A Jewish captive, whose descendants, to the number of One-thousand two-hundred and fifty-four returned from Babylon kjv@Ezra:2:7; kjv@Ezra:8:7; kjv@Nehemiah:7:12

-6. A Levite musician kjv@Nehemiah:12:42

-7. One of the Israelitish chiefs with Nehemiah kjv@Nehemiah:10:14

- Descendants of Elam, whose name was given to the district of Elam kjv@Genesis:10:22
- Present at Pentecost kjv@Acts:2:9



kjv@STRING:Elam <HITCHCOCK>@ a young man; a virgin; a secret - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Helam <HITCHCOCK>@ their army; their trouble - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Nehelamite <HITCHCOCK>@ dreamer; vale; brook - HITCHCOCK-N


ELAM @ a district S. E. of Mesopotamia- kjv@Genesis:14:1; kjv@Isaiah:21:2; kjv@Jeremiah:25:25; kjv@Ezekiel:32:24; kjv@Acts:2:9


H2431 <STRHEB>@ חלאם חילם chêylâm chêlm {khay-lawm'} khay-lawm' From H2428; fortress; {Chelam} a place East of Palestine: - Helam.

H5161 <STRHEB>@ נחלמי nechĕlâmîy nekh-el-aw-mee' Apparently a patronymic from an unused name (apparently passive participle of H2492); dreamed; a {Nechelamite} or descendant of Nechlam: - Nehelamite.

H5867 <STRHEB>@ עולם עילםo ‛êylâm ‛ôlâm {ay-lawm'} o-lawm' Probably from H5956; {hidden} that {is} distant; {Elam} a son of {Shem} and his {descendants} with their country; also of six Israelites: - Elam.

H5962 <STRHEB>@ עלמי ‛almîy al-mee' (Chaldee); patrial from a name corresponding to H5867 contracted; an Elamite or inhabitant of Elam: - Elamite.

H8000 <STRHEB>@ שׁלם shelam shel-am' (Chaldee); corresponding to H7999; to {complete} to restore: - {deliver} finish.

G1639 <STRGRK>@ Ἐλαμίτης Elamitēs el-am-ee'-tace Of Hebrew origin [H5867]; an Elamite or Persian: - Elamite.