
Dict: torrey - GOLD


Gold @ Found in the earth kjv@Job:28:1 kjv@Job:28:6
Abounded in
Havilah kjv@Genesis:2:11
Ophir kjv@1Kings:9:28 kjv@Psalms:45:9
Sheba kjv@Psalms:72:15 kjv@Isaiah:60:6
Parvaim kjv@2Chronicles:3:6
Belongs to God kjv@Joel:3:5 kjv@Haggai:2:8
Described as
Yellow kjv@Psalms:68:13
Malleable kjv@Exodus:39:3 kjv@1Kings:10:16 kjv@1Kings:10:17
Fusible kjv@Exodus:32:3 kjv@Exodus:32:4 kjv@Proverbs:17:3
Precious kjv@Ezra:8:27 kjv@Isaiah:13:12
Valuable kjv@Job:28:15 kjv@Job:28:16
Most valuable when pure and fine kjv@Job:28:19 kjv@Psalms:19:10 kjv@Psalms:21:3 kjv@Proverbs:3:14
Refined and tried by fire kjv@Zechariah:13:9 kjv@1Peter:1:7
Working in, a trade kjv@Nehemiah:3:8 kjv@Isaiah:40:19
An article of commerce kjv@Ezekiel:27:22
The patriarchs were rich in kjv@Genesis:13:2
Imported by Solomon kjv@1Kings:9:11 kjv@1Kings:9:28 kjv@1Kings:10:11
Abundance of, in Solomon's reign kjv@2Chronicles:1:15
Offerings of, for tabernacle kjv@Exodus:35:22
Offerings of, for temple kjv@1Chronicles:22:14 kjv@1Chronicles:29:4 kjv@1Chronicles:29:7
Used as money kjv@Matthew:10:9 kjv@Acts:3:6
Priestly and royal garments adorned with kjv@Exodus:28:4-6 kjv@Psalms:45:9 kjv@Psalms:45:13
Was used for
Overlaying the tabernacle kjv@Exodus:36:34 kjv@Exodus:36:38
Overlaying the temple kjv@1Kings:6:21 kjv@1Kings:6:22
Overlaying cherubims in temple kjv@2Chronicles:3:10
Overlaying the ark, &:c kjv@Exodus:25:11-13
Overlaying floor of temple kjv@1Kings:6:30
Overlaying throne of Solomon kjv@1Kings:10:18
Mercy seat and cherubims kjv@Exodus:25:17 kjv@Exodus:25:18
Sacred candlesticks kjv@Exodus:25:31 kjv@2Chronicles:4:7 kjv@2Chronicles:4:20
Sacred utensils kjv@Exodus:25:29 kjv@Exodus:25:38 kjv@2Chronicles:4:19-22
Crowns kjv@2Samuel:12:30 kjv@Psalms:21:3
Sceptres kjv@Esther:4:11
Chains kjv@Genesis:41:42 kjv@Daniel:5:29
Rings kjv@Songs:5:14 kjv@James:2:2
Earrings kjv@Judges:8:24 kjv@Judges:8:26
Ornaments kjv@Jeremiah:4:30
Shields kjv@2Samuel:8:7 kjv@1Kings:10:16 kjv@1Kings:10:17
Vessels kjv@1Kings:10:21 kjv@Esther:1:7
Idols kjv@Exodus:20:23 kjv@Psalms:115:4 kjv@Daniel:5:4
Couches kjv@Esther:1:6
Footstools kjv@2Chronicles:9:18
Estimated by weight kjv@1Chronicles:28:14
Given as presents kjv@1Kings:15:19 kjv@Matthew:2:11
Exacted as tribute kjv@1Kings:20:3 kjv@1Kings:20:5 kjv@2Kings:23:33 kjv@2Kings:23:35
Taken in war, dedicated to God kjv@Joshua:6:19 kjv@2Samuel:8:11 kjv@1Kings:15:15
Kings of Israel not to multiply kjv@Deuteronomy:17:17
Jews condemned for multiplying kjv@Isaiah:2:7
Vanity of heaping up kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:8 kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:11
Liable to
Grow dim kjv@Lamentations:4:1
Canker and rust kjv@James:5:3
Illustrative of
Saints after affliction kjv@Job:23:10
Tried faith kjv@1Peter:1:7
The doctrines of grace kjv@Revelation:3:18
True converts kjv@1Corinthians:3:12
Babylonish empire kjv@Daniel:2:38