
Dict: all - HOSHEA


HOSHEA @ a king of Israel, son of Elah- kjv@2Kings:15:30; kjv@2Kings:17:1; kjv@2Kings:18:9


HOSHEA - H>@ - (salvation). The nineteenth, last and best king of Israel. He succeeded Pekah, whom he slew in a successful conspiracy, thereby fulfilling a prophecy of Isaiah. kjv@Isaiah:7:16) In the third year of his reign (B.C. 726) Shalmaneser cruelly stormed the strong caves of Beth-arbel, kjv@Hosea:8:14) and made cruel tributary, ( kjv@2Kings:17:3) for three years. At the end of this period Hoshea entered into a secret alliance with So, king, of Egypt, to throw off the Assyrian yoke. The alliance did him no good; it was revealed, to the court of Nineveh by the Assyrian party in Ephraim, and Hoshea was immediately seized as a rebellious vasal, shut up in prison, and apparently treated with the utmost indignity. kjv@Micah:5:1) Of the subsequent fortunes of Hoshea nothing is known. The son of Nun, i.e. Joshua, (32:44) and also in Numb 13:8 Though to there the Authorized Version has OSHEA. Shon of Azaziah, ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:20) like his great namesake, a man of Ephraim, ruler of his tribe in the time of King David. (B.C. 1019.) One of the heads of the people who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah. kjv@Nehemiah:10:23) (B.C. 410.)


Hoshea @ salvation.

(1.) The original name of the son of Nun, afterwards called Joshua kjv@Numbers:13:8 kjv@Numbers:13:16 kjv@Deuteronomy:32:44).

(2.) kjv@1Chronicles:27:20. The ruler of Ephraim in David's time.

(3.) The last king of Israel. He conspired against and slew his predecessor, Pekah kjv@Isaiah:7:16), but did not ascend the throne till after an interregnum of warfare of eight years ( kjv@2Kings:17:1-2). Soon after this he submitted to Shalmaneser, the Assyrian king, who a second time invaded the land to punish Hoshea, because of his withholding tribute which he had promised to pay. A second revolt brought back the Assyrian king Sargon, who besieged Samaria, and carried the ten tribes away beyond the Euphrates, B.C. 720 ( kjv@2Kings:17:5-6 kjv@2Kings:18:9-12). No more is heard of Hoshea. He disappeared like "foam upon the water" kjv@Hosea:10:7 kjv@Hosea:13:11).






-1. Also called OSHEA .The original name of Joshua kjv@Numbers:13:8 kjv@Numbers:13:16 kjv@Deuteronomy:32:44

-2. A chief of Ephraim kjv@1Chronicles:27:20

-3. King of Israel .Assassinates Pekah and usurps the throne kjv@2Kings:15:30 .The evil reign of kjv@2Kings:17:1-2 .Becomes subject to Assyria kjv@2Kings:17:3 .Conspires against Assyria and is imprisoned kjv@2Kings:17:4 .Last king of Israel kjv@2Kings:17:6; kjv@2Kings:18:9-12; kjv@Hosea:10:3 kjv@Hosea:10:7

-4. A Jewish exile kjv@Nehemiah:10:23




HOSHEA @ a king of Israel, son of Elah- kjv@2Kings:15:30; kjv@2Kings:17:1; kjv@2Kings:18:9


H1954 <STRHEB>@ הושׁע hôshêaho-shay'-ah From H3467; deliverer; {Hoshea} the name of five Israelites: - {Hosea} {Hoshea} Oshea.

G5617 <STRGRK>@ Ὡσηέ Hōsēe ho-say-eh' Of Hebrew origin [H1954]; Hosee (that is Hoshea) an Israelite: - Osee.