
Dict: easton - James


James @

(1.) The son of Zebedee and Salome; an elder brother of John the apostle. He was one of the twelve. He was by trade a fisherman, in partnership with Peter kjv@Matthew:20:20 kjv@Matthew:27:56). With John and Peter he was present at the transfiguration kjv@Matthew:17:1; kjv@Mark:9:2), at the raising of Jairus's daughter kjv@Mark:5:37-43), and in the garden with our Lord (14:33). Because, probably, of their boldness and energy, he and John were called Boanerges, i.e., "sons of thunder." He was the first martyr among the apostles, having been beheaded by King Herod Agrippa kjv@Acts:12:1-2), A.D. 44. (Comp. kjv@Matthew:4:21 kjv@Matthew:20:20-23).

(2.) The son of Alphaeus, or Cleopas, "the brother" or near kinsman or cousin of our Lord kjv@Galatians:1:18-19), called James "the Less," or "the Little," probably because he was of low stature. He is mentioned along with the other apostles kjv@Matthew:10:3; kjv@Mark:3:18; kjv@Luke:6:15). He had a separate interview with our Lord after his resurrection ( kjv@1Corinthians:15:7), and is mentioned as one of the apostles of the circumcision kjv@Acts:1:13). He appears to have occupied the position of head of the Church at Jerusalem, where he presided at the council held to consider the case of the Gentiles kjv@Acts:12:17 kjv@Acts:15:13-29: 21:18-24). This James was the author of the epistle which bears his name.