
Dict: naves - Jose


- An ancestor of Jesus kjv@Luke:3:29



-2. Father of Igal, the spy kjv@Numbers:13:7

-3. Of the sons of Asaph kjv@1Chronicles:25:2 kjv@1Chronicles:25:9

-4. A returned exile kjv@Ezra:10:42

-5. A priest kjv@Nehemiah:12:14

-6. Husband of Mary kjv@Matthew:13:55; kjv@Mark:6:3; kjv@Matthew:1:18-25; kjv@Luke:1:27 .His genealogy kjv@Matthew:1:1-16; kjv@Luke:3:23-38 .An angel appears and testifies to the innocence of his betrothed kjv@Matthew:1:19-24 .Lives at Nazareth kjv@Luke:2:4 .Belongs to the town of Bethlehem kjv@Luke:2:4 .Goes to Bethlehem to be enrolled kjv@Luke:2:1-4 .Jesus born to kjv@Matthew:1:25; kjv@Luke:2:7 .Presents Jesus in the temple kjv@Luke:2:22-39 .Returns to Nazareth kjv@Luke:2:39 .Warned in a dream to escape to Egypt in order to save the infant's life kjv@Matthew:2:13-15 .Warned in a dream to return to Nazareth kjv@Matthew:2:19-23 .Attends the annual feast at Jerusalem with his family kjv@Luke:2:42-51

-7. Of Arimathaea .Begs for the body of Jesus for burial in his own tomb kjv@Matthew:27:57-60; kjv@Mark:15:42-47; kjv@Luke:23:50-56; kjv@John:19:38-42

-8. Three ancestors of Joseph kjv@Luke:3:24-26 kjv@Luke:3:30

-9. Also called BARSABAS, surnamed JUSTUS .One of the two persons nominated in place of Judas kjv@Acts:1:21-22 kjv@Acts:1:23

-10. A designation of the ten tribes of Israel kjv@Amos:5:6


-1. One of the physical brothers of Jesus kjv@Matthew:13:55; kjv@Matthew:27:56; kjv@Mark:6:3; kjv@Mark:15:40 kjv@Mark:15:47

-2. A Levite, surnamed Barnabas by the apostles kjv@Acts:4:36