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Dict: smith - KENITE, THE


KENITE, THE - K>@ - and Ken’ites (smiths), The, inhabited the rocky and desert region between southern Palestine and the mountains of Sinai, east of the Gulf of Akabah. They were a branch of the larger nation of Midian,
from the fact that Jethro, who in Exodus (see kjv@Exodus:2:15-16 kjv@Exodus:4:19) etc.) is represented as dwelling in the land of Midian, and as priest or prince of that nation, is in kjv@Judges:1:16 kjv@Judges:4:11) as distinctly said to have been a Kenite. The important services rendered by the sheikh of the Kenites to Moses during a time of great pressure and difficulty were rewarded by the latter with a promise of firm friendship between the two peoples. They seem to have accompanied the Hebrews during their wanderings, kjv@Numbers:24:21-22; kjv@Judges:1:16) comp. kjv@2Chronicals:28:15 But, the wanderings of Israel over, they forsook the neighborhood of the towns and betook themselves to freer air,
to "the wilderness of Judah, which is to the south of Arad." kjv@Judges:1:16) But one of the sheikhs of the tribe, Heber by name, had wandered north instead of south. kjv@Judges:4:11) The most remarkable development of this people is to be found in the sect or family of the Rechabites.