

Dict: all - Maachah



MAACHAH - M>@ - (oppression). The daughter of Nahor by his concubine Beumah. kjv@Genesis:22:24) The father of Achish who was king of Gath at the beginning of Solomon’s reign. (Kings:2:39) The daughter, or more probably granddaughter, of Absalom named after his mother; the third and favorite wife of Rehoboam, and mother of Abijah. (Kings:15:22; kjv@2Chronicles:11:20-22) The mother of Abijah is elsewhere called "Michaiah the daughter of Uriel of Gibeah." ( kjv@2Chronicles:13:2) During the reign of her grandson Asa she occupied at the court of Judah the high position of "king’s mother," comp. (Kings:15:13) but when he came of age she was removed because of her idolatrous habits. ( kjv@2Chronicles:15:16) The concubine of Caleb the son of Hezron. ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:48) The daughter of Talmai king of Geshur, and mother of Absalom ( kjv@1Chronicles:3:2) also called Maacah in Authorized Version of (2 Samuel kjv@3:3) The wife of Machir the Manassite. ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:15-16) The wife of Jehiel, father or founder of Gibeon. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:20 kjv@1Chronicles:9:35) The father of Hanan, one of the heroes of David body-guard. ( kjv@2Chronicles:11:43) A Simeonite, father of Sephatiah, prince of his tribe in the reign of David. ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:16)


Maachah @ oppression, a small Syrian kingdom near Geshur, east of the Hauran, the district of Batanea kjv@Joshua:13:13; kjv@2Samuel:10:6-8; kjv@1Chronicles:19:7).

(2.) A daughter of Talmai, king of the old native population of Geshur. She became one of David's wives, and was the mother of Absalom ( kjv@2Samuel:3:3).

(3.) The father of Hanan, who was one of David's body-guard ( kjv@1Chronicles:11:43).

(4.) The daughter of Abishalom (called Absalom, kjv@2Chronicals:11:20-22), the third wife of Rehoboam, and mother of Abijam (kjvKings:15:2). She is called "Michaiah the daughter of Uriel," who was the husband of Absalom's daughter Tamar ( kjv@2Chronicals:13:2). Her son Abijah or Abijam was heir to the throne.

(5.) The father of Achish, the king of Gath (kjvKings:2:39), called also Maoch ( kjv@1Samuel:27:2).






-1. Son of Nahor kjv@Genesis:22:24

-2. Also called MAACAH .Mother of Absalom kjv@2Samuel:3:3; kjv@1Chronicles:3:2

-3. Also called MAOCH .Father of Achish kjv@1Samuel:27:2; kjv@1Kings:2:39

-4. Also called MICHAIAH .Mother of Abijam and grandmother of Asa kjv@1Kings:15:2 kjv@1Kings:15:10-13 kjv@2Chronicles:11:20-23; kjv@2Chronicles:13:2; kjv@2Chronicles:15:16

-5. Wife of Machir kjv@1Chronicles:7:15-16

-6. Concubine of Caleb kjv@1Chronicles:2:48

-7. Wife of Jehiel kjv@1Chronicles:8:29; kjv@1Chronicles:9:35

-8. Father of Hanan kjv@1Chronicles:11:43

-9. Father of Shephatiah kjv@1Chronicles:27:16

-10. Also called MAACAH and MAACHATHI .A small kingdom east of Bashan kjv@Deuteronomy:3:14; kjv@Joshua:12:5; kjv@2Samuel:10:6-8; kjv@1Chronicles:19:6-7



kjv@STRING:Abel-beth-maachah <HITCHCOCK>@ mourning to the house of Maachah - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Maachah <HITCHCOCK>@ pressed down; worn; fastened - HITCHCOCK-M



H62 <STRHEB>@ אבל בּית־מעכה 'âbêl bêyth mă‛akâh aw-bale' bayth ma-a-kaw' From H58 and H1004 and H4601; meadow of Beth-Maakah; Abel of {Beth-Maakah} a place in Palestine: - {Abel-beth-maachah} Abel of Beth-maachah.

H1038 <STRHEB>@ בּית מעכה bêyth ma‛ăkâh bayth mah-ak-aw' From H1004 and H4601; house of Maakah; {Beth-Maakah} a place in Palestine: - Beth-maachah.

H4601 <STRHEB>@ מעכת מעכה ma‛ăkâh ma‛ăkâth {mah-ak-aw'} mah-ak-awth' From H4600; depression; Maakah (or {Maakath}) the name of a place in {Syria} also of a {Mesopotamian} of three {Israelites} and of four Israelitesses and one Syrian woman: - {Maachah} Maachathites. See also H1038.