
Dict: tcr - Miracles



(1) DESIGN OF, that Men might Know the Power of the Lord Knowledge

(5), KNOWLEDGE Faith

(9), FAITH - to Witness to Christ as Messiah. Miracles


(2) Spurious. Wonders

(2), MAGIC

(3) Of Moses and Aaron Rod made serpent- kjv@Exodus:4:3; kjv@Exodus:7:10 Rod restored- kjv@Exodus:4:4 Hand made leprous- kjv@Exodus:4:6,7 Water turned into blood- kjv@Exodus:4:9,30 River into blood- kjv@Exodus:7:20 Frogs- kjv@Exodus:8:6,13 Lice- kjv@Exodus:8:17 Flies- kjv@Exodus:8:21,31 Murrain- kjv@Exodus:9:3 Boils- kjv@Exodus:9:10 Hail- kjv@Exodus:9:23 Locusts- kjv@Exodus:10:13,19 Darkness- kjv@Exodus:10:22 Firstborn destroyed kjv@Exodus:12:29 Sea divided- kjv@Exodus:14:21 Egyptians overwhelmed- Exodus:14:2628 Water sweetened kjv@Exodus:15:25 Water from rock- kjv@Exodus:17:6 Amalek vanquished- kjv@Exodus:17:11 Destruction of Korah- kjv@Numbers:16:32 Water from rock in Kadesh- kjv@Numbers:20:11 Brazen Serpent- kjv@Numbers:21:8 Aaron's rod blossoms- kjv@Numbers:17:8

(4) Of Joshua Jordan divided- Joshua:3:117 Jericho taken Joshua:6:127 Sun and moon stayed kjv@Joshua:10:12 For other miracles. SEE Victories, ISRAEL


(5) Of Samson Lion slain- kjv@Judges:14:6 Philistines killed- kjv@Judges:14:19 Gates carried away- kjv@Judges:16:3 Dagon's house pulled down- kjv@Judges:16:30

(6) Of Samuel Thunder and rain- kjv@1Samuel:12:18

(7) Prophet of Judah Jeroboam's hand withered- kjv@1Kings:13:4 Altar rent- kjv@1Kings:13:5 Hand restored- kjv@1Kings:13:6

(8) Of Elijah Drought- kjv@1Kings:17:1; kjv@James:5:17 Meal and oil multiplied- kjv@1Kings:17:14 Child restored to life- kjv@1Kings:17:22 Sacrifice consumed by fire- kjv@1Kings:18:38 Captains and men slain by fire- kjv@2Kings:1:10 Rain brought- kjv@1Kings:18:41 Waters of Jordan divided- kjv@2Kings:2:8

(9) Of Elisha Jordan divided- kjv@2Kings:2:14 Waters healed- kjv@2Kings:2:21 Mocking children torn by bears- kjv@2Kings:2:24 Water supplied- kjv@2Kings:3:16 Widow's oil multiplied- kjv@2Kings:4:5 Pottage rendered harmless- kjv@2Kings:4:41 Loaves multiplied- kjv@2Kings:4:43 Child raised- kjv@2Kings:4:35 Naaman healed- kjv@2Kings:5:10 Gehazi struck with leprosy- kjv@2Kings:5:27 Iron caused to swim- kjv@2Kings:6:6 Syrians smitten- kjv@2Kings:6:18 Resurrection of a man- kjv@2Kings:13:21

(10) Of Isaiah Hezekiah healed- kjv@2Kings:20:7 Shadow put back- kjv@2Kings:20:11

(11) Of Christ Water changed to wine- kjv@John:2:9 Nobleman's son- kjv@John:4:46 Draught of fishes- kjv@Luke:5:6 Demoniac in the synagogue- kjv@Mark:1:26; kjv@Luke:4:35 Peter's mother-inlaw healed kjv@Matthew:8:14; kjv@Mark:1:31; kjv@Luke:4:38 Cleansing the leper- kjv@Matthew:8:3; kjv@Mark:1:41; kjv@Luke:5:13 Paralytic- kjv@Matthew:9:2; kjv@Mark:2:3; kjv@Luke:5:18 Impotent man healed- kjv@John:5:5 Withered hand- kjv@Matthew:12:10; kjv@Mark:3:1; kjv@Luke:6:6 Centurion's servant- kjv@Matthew:8:5; kjv@Luke:7:2 Raising the widow's son- kjv@Luke:7:11 Demoniac- kjv@Matthew:12:22; kjv@Luke:11:14 Tempest stilled- kjv@Matthew:8:26; kjv@Mark:4:39; kjv@Luke:8:24 Demoniacs of Gadara- kjv@Matthew:8:28; kjv@Mark:5:1; kjv@Luke:8:26 Raising of Jairus' daughter- kjv@Matthew:9:18; kjv@Mark:5:42; kjv@Luke:8:41 Issue of blood- kjv@Matthew:9:20; kjv@Mark:5:25; kjv@Luke:8:43 Blind men- kjv@Matthew:9:27 Demoniac- kjv@Matthew:9:32 Feeding the five thousand- kjv@Matthew:14:15; kjv@Mark:6:41; kjv@Luke:9:12; kjv@John:6:5 Walking on the sea- kjv@Matthew:14:25; kjv@Mark:6:49; kjv@John:6:19 Daughter of Syrophenician- kjv@Matthew:15:22; kjv@Mark:7:25 Feeding the four thousand- kjv@Matthew:15:32; kjv@Mark:8:8 Deaf and dumb healed- kjv@Mark:7:33 Blind man- kjv@Mark:8:23 Lunatic child- kjv@Matthew:17:14; kjv@Mark:9:26; kjv@Luke:9:37 Tribute money- kjv@Matthew:17:24 Ten lepers- kjv@Luke:17:12 Blind man- kjv@John:9:1 Lazarus raised- John:11:144 Heals woman with the spirit of infirmity kjv@Luke:13:11 Man with dropsy- kjv@Luke:14:2 Blind men- kjv@Matthew:20:30; kjv@Mark:10:46 Cursing the fig tree- kjv@Matthew:21:19 Malchus healed- kjv@Luke:22:51 Second drought of fishes- kjv@John:21:6 His resurrection- kjv@Luke:24:6; kjv@John:10:18 Appearing to his disciples Appearances, Divine

(2), IMMORTALITY Other References to Cures by. SEE Healing

(2), 1539 Also- kjv@Matthew:14:14; 15:29-31

(12) Of Peter Lame man cured- kjv@Acts:3:7 Ananias and Sapphira- kjv@Acts:5:5,10 Sick healed- kjv@Acts:5:15 Aeneas- kjv@Acts:9:34 Dorcas- kjv@Acts:9:40

(13) Of Paul Elymas blinded- kjv@Acts:13:11 Lame man cured- kjv@Acts:14:10 Damsel with the spirit of divination- kjv@Acts:16:18; kjv@Acts:19:11 Eutychus restored to life- kjv@Acts:20:10 Vipers bite- kjv@Acts:28:5 Father of Publius healed- kjv@Acts:28:8 Other special miracles by Paul- kjv@Acts:14:3; kjv@Acts:19:11 Healing

(3), 1540

(14) Miracles Performed by the Disciples and Apostles Healing

(3), 1540

(14) Miracles Performed by the Seventy- kjv@Luke:10:17

(14) Miracles Performed by Stephen- kjv@Acts:6:8

(14) Miracles Performed by Philip- Acts:8:6-13

MIRACLES TESTIFY @ kjv@Matthew:11:4; kjv@John:2:11; kjv@John:3:2; kjv@John:7:31; kjv@John:10:25,38; kjv@John:20:30; kjv@Acts:8:6 Works Prove, WORKS PROVE