

Dict: smith - PASHUR


PASHUR - P>@ - (freedom). One of the families of priests of the chief house of Malchijah. ( kjv@1Chronicles:9:12 kjv@1Chronicles:24:9; kjv@Nehemiah:11:12; kjv@Jeremiah:21:1 kjv@Jeremiah:38:1) In the time of Nehemiah this family appears to have become a chief house, and its head the head of a course. kjv@Ezra:2:38; kjv@Nehemiah:7:41 kjv@Nehemiah:10:3) The individual from whom the family was named was probably Pushur the son of Malchiah, who in the reign of Zedekiah was one of the chief princes of the court. kjv@Jeremiah:38:1) (B.C. 607.) He was sent, with others, by Zedekiah to Jeremiah at the time when Nebuchudnezzar was preparing his attack upon Jerusalem. kjv@Jeremiah:21:1) ... Again somewhat later Pashur joined with several other chief men in petitioning the king that Jeremiah might be put to death as a traitor. kjv@Jeremiah:38:4) Another person of this name, also a priest, and "chief governor of the house of the Lord," is mentioned in kjv@Jeremiah:20:1) He is described as "the son of Immer." ( kjv@1Chronicles:24:14) probably the same as Amariah. kjv@Nehemiah:10:3 kjv@Nehemiah:12:2) etc. In the reign of Jehoiakim he showed himself as hostile to Jeremiah as his namesake the son of Malchiah did afterward, and put him in the stocks by the gate of Benjamin. For this indignity to God’s prophet Pashur was told by Jeremiah that his name was changed to Magor-missabib (terror on every side) and that he and all his house should be carried captives to Babylon and there die. kjv@Jeremiah:20:1-6) (B.C. 589.)