

Dict: all - Paran


PARAN @ wilderness- kjv@Numbers:10:12; kjv@Numbers:12:16; kjv@Numbers:13:26; kjv@Deuteronomy:1:1; kjv@Deuteronomy:33:2


PARAN, ELPARAN - P>@ - (peace of caverns), a desert or wilderness, bounded on the north by Palestine, on the east by the valley of Arabah, on the south by the desert of Sinai, and on the west by the wilderness of Etham, which separated it from the Gulf of Suez and Egypt. The first notice of Paran is in connection with the invasion of the confederate kings. kjv@Genesis:14:6) The detailed itinerary of the children of Israel in kjv@Numbers:33:1) ... does not mention Paran because it was the name of a wide region; but the many stations in Paran are recorded, chs. 17-36. and probably all the eighteen stations were mentioned between Hazeroth and Kadesh were in Paran. Through this very wide wilderness, from pasture to pasture as do modern Arab tribes, the Israelites wandered in irregular lines of march. This region through which the Israelites journeyed so long is now called by the name it has borne for ages
Bedu et
- Tih , "the wilderness of wandering." ("Bible Geography," Whitney.) "Mount" Paran occurs only in two poetic passages, (33:2); Habb 3:3 It probably denotes the northwestern member of the Sinaitic mountain group which lies adjacent to the Wady Teiran . (It is probably the ridge or series of ridges lying on the northeastern part of the desert of Paran, not far from Kadesh.


Paran @ abounding in foliage, or abounding in caverns, kjv@Genesis:21:21), a desert tract forming the north-eastern division of the peninsula of Sinai, lying between the 'Arabah on the east and the wilderness of Shur on the west. It is intersected in a north-western direction by the Wady el-'Arish. It bears the modern name of Badiet et
- Tih, i.e., "the desert of the wanderings." This district, through which the children of Israel wandered, lay three days' march from Sinai kjv@Numbers:10:12-33). From Kadesh, in this wilderness, spies (q.v.) were sent to spy the land (13:3,26). Here, long afterwards, David found refuge from Saul ( kjv@1Samuel:25:1 kjv@1Samuel:25:4).

Paran, Mount @ probably the hilly region or upland wilderness on the north of the desert of Paran forming the southern boundary of the Promised Land kjv@Deuteronomy:33:2; kjv@Habakkuk:3:3).





- Desert or wilderness of kjv@Genesis:21:21; kjv@Numbers:10:12; kjv@Numbers:12:16; kjv@Numbers:13:3 kjv@Numbers:13:26 kjv@Deuteronomy:1:1
- Mountains of kjv@Deuteronomy:33:2; kjv@Habbakkuk:3:3
- Israelites encamp in kjv@Numbers:12:16
- David takes refuge in kjv@1Samuel:25:1
- Hadad flees to kjv@1Kings:11:17-18



kjv@STRING:Paran <HITCHCOCK>@ beauty; glory; ornament - HITCHCOCK-P


PARAN @ wilderness- kjv@Numbers:10:12; kjv@Numbers:12:16; kjv@Numbers:13:26; kjv@Deuteronomy:1:1; kjv@Deuteronomy:33:2


H364 <STRHEB>@ איל פּארן 'êyl pâ'rân ale paw-rawn' From H352 and H6290; oak of Paran; El {Paran} a portion of the district of Paran: - El-paran.

H6290 <STRHEB>@ פּארן pâ'rân paw-rawn' From H6286; ornamental; {Paran} a desert of Arabia: - Paran.

G3891 <STRGRK>@ παρανομέω paranomeō par-an-om-eh'-o From a compound of G3844 and G3551; to be opposed to law that is to transgress: - contrary to law.

G3892 <STRGRK>@ παρανομία paranomia par-an-om-ee'-ah From the same as G3891; transgression: - iniquity.