

Dict: smith - RAM


RAM - R>@ - [

- RAM]

RAM - R>@ - (high, exalted). A son of Hezron and the father of Ammin-adab, born in Egypt after Jacob’s migration there. kjv@Ruth:4:19) (B.C. 1706.) In kjv@Matthew:1:3-4) and kjv@Luke:3:33 He is called ARAM in the Authorized Version, but RAM in the Revised Version of kjv@Matthew:1:3-4) and ARNI in the Revised Version of kjv@Luke:3:33) The first-born of Jerahmeel, and therefore nephew of the preceding. ( kjv@1Chronicles:3:25-27) (B.C. after 1706.) One of the kindred of Elihu. kjv@Job:32:2) Ewald identified this Ram with ARAM in kjv@Genesis:22:21)

RAMA - R>@ - kjv@Matthew:2:15) referring to kjv@Jeremiah:31:15) It is the Greek form of Ramah.

RAMAH - R>@ - (a hill). This is the name of several places in the holy land. One of the cities of the allotment of Benjamin. kjv@Joshua:18:25) Its site is at er
- Ram , about five miles from Jerusalem, and near to Gibeah. kjv@Judges:4:5 kjv@Judges:19:13; kjv@1Samuel:22:6) Its people returned after the captivity. kjv@Ezra:2:26; kjv@Nehemiah:7:30) The home of Elkanah, Samuel’s father, ( kjv@1Samuel:1:19 kjv@1Samuel:2:11) the birthplace of Samuel himself, his home and official residence, the site of his altar ch. ( kjv@1Samuel:7:17 kjv@1Samuel:8:4 kjv@1Samuel:15:34 ; 16:13; 19:18) and finally his burial-place, ch. ( kjv@1Samuel:25:1 kjv@1Samuel:28:3) It is a contracted form of Ramathaim-zophim. All that is directly said as to its situation is that it was in Mount Ephraim, ( kjv@1Samuel:1:1) a district without defined boundaries, The position of Ramah is a much-disputed question. Tradition, however places the residence of Samuel on the lofty and remarkable eminence of Neby Samwil which rises four miles to the northwest of Jerusalem. Since the days of Arcult the tradition appears to have been continuous. Here, then, we are inclined in the present state of the evidence, to place the Ramah of Samuel. One of the nineteen fortified places of Naphtali. kjv@Joshua:19:36) Dr. Robinson has discovered a Rameh northwest of the Sea of Galilee, about 8 miles east-south-east of Safed. One of the landmarks on the boundary of Asher, kjv@Joshua:19:29) apparently between Tyre and Zidon. Some place it 3 miles east of Tyre, others 10 miles off and east-southeast of the same city. By this name in ( kjv@2Kings:8:29) and kjv@2Chronicals:22:6 only, is designated Ramoth-gilead. A place mentioned in the catalogue of those reinhabited by the Benjamites after their return from the captivity. kjv@Nehemiah:11:33)

RAMATHLEHI - R>@ - (hill of the jawbone , or hill of Lehi), the name bestowed by Samson on the scene of his slaughter of the thousand Philistines with the jaw bone, kjv@Judges:15:17) a place by the rock Elam, in western Judah of the Philistines.

RAMATHMIZPEH - R>@ - (high place of the watch-tower). [RAMOTH


RAMATH OF THE SOUTH - R>@ - one of the towns at the extreme south limit of Simeon. kjv@Joshua:19:8) It is in all probability the same place as south Ramoth. ( kjv@1Samuel:30:27)

RAMATHAIMZOPHIM - R>@ - (the two heights of the watchers). RAMAH, 2

RAMATHITE, THE - R>@ - Shimei the Ramathite, i.e. a native of Ramah, had charge of the royal vineyards of King David. ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:27) (B.C. 1050.)

RAMESES, OR RAAMSES - R>@ - (child of the sun), a city and district of lower Egypt. kjv@Genesis:47:11; kjv@Exodus:12:37; kjv@Numbers:33:3-5) This land of Rameses either corresponds to the land of Goshen or was a district of it, more probably the former. The city was one of the two store-cities built for the Pharaoh who first oppressed the children of Israel. kjv@Exodus:1:11) (It was probably the capital of Goshen and situated in the valley of the Pelusiac mouth of the Nile. McClintock and Strong say that its location is indicated by the present Tell Ramsis , a quadrangular mound near Belbeis. Dr. Brugsch thinks that it was at Zoan
- Tanis, the modern San, on the Tanitic branch of the Nile, and that it was built or enlarged by Rameses II and made his capital.

RAMIAH - R>@ - one who had taken "a strange wife." kjv@Ezra:10:25)

RAMOTHGILEAD - R>@ - (heights of Gilead), one of the great fastnesses on the east of jordan, and the key to an important district. (Kings:4:13) It was the city of refuge for the tribe of Gad, (4:43; kjv@Joshua:20:8 kjv@Joshua:21:38) and the residence of one of Solomon’s commissariat officers. (Kings:4:13) During the invasion related in (Kings:15:20) or some subsequent incursion, this important place had seized by Ben-hadad I., king of Syria. The incidents of Ahab’s expedition are well known. AHAB Later it was taken by Israel, and held in spite of all the efforts of Hazael who was now on the throne of Damascus, to regain it. ( kjv@2Kings:9:14) Henceforward Ramoth-gilead disappears from our view. Eusebius and Jerome specify the position of Ramoth as 15 miles from Philadelphia (Amman). It may correspond to the site bearing the name of Jel’ad , exactly identical with the ancient Hebrew Gilead, which is four or five miles north of es
- Salt , 25 miles east of the Jordan and 13 miles south of the brook Jabbok.