

Dict: all - SYNAGOGUE



(1) Christ and his Disciples Teach in- kjv@John:6:59; kjv@John:18:20; kjv@Acts:13:5; kjv@Acts:14:1; kjv@Acts:18:19

(2) General References to- kjv@Matthew:10:17; kjv@Luke:12:11; kjv@John:9:22; kjv@John:16:2; kjv@Acts:26:11

(3) Attendance upon- kjv@Matthew:12:9; kjv@Mark:1:21; kjv@Luke:4:16; kjv@Acts:13:14; kjv@Hebrews:10:25 Attendance upon the Sanctuary, WORSHIP, TRUE


SYNAGOGUE - S>@ - History .
The word synagogue (sunagoge), which means a "congregation," is used in the New Testament to signify a recognized place of worship. A knowledge of the history and worship of the synagogues is of great importance, since they are the characteristic institution of the later phase of Judaism. They appear to have arisen during the exile, in the abeyance of the temple-worship, and to have received their full development on the return of the Jews from captivity. The whole history of Ezra presupposes the habit of solemn, probably of periodic, meetings. kjv@Ezra:8:15; kjv@Nehemiah:8:2 kjv@Nehemiah:9:1; kjv@Zechariah:7:5) After the Maccabaean struggle for independence, we find almost every town or village had its one or more synagogues. Where the Jews were not in sufficient numbers to be able to erect and fill a building, there was the proseucha (proseuche), or place of prayer, sometimes open, sometimes covered in, commonly by a running stream or on the seashore, in which devout Jews and proselytes met to worship, and perhaps to read. kjv@Acts:16:13) Juven. Sat. kjv@3:296. It is hardly possible to overestimate the influence of the system thus developed. To it we may ascribe the tenacity with which, after the Maccabaean struggle, the Jews adhered to the religion of their fathers, and never again relapsed into idolatry. Structure .
The size of a synagogue varied with the population. Its position was, however, determinate. If stood, if possible, on the highest ground, in or near the city to which it belonged. And its direction too was fixed. Jerusalem was the Kibleh of Jewish devotion. The synagogue was so constructed that the worshippers, as they entered and as they prayed, looked toward it. The building was commonly erected at the cost of the district. Sometimes it was built by a rich Jew, or even, as in kjv@Luke:7:5) by a friend or proselyte. In the internal arrangement of the synagogue we trace an obvious analogy to the type of the tabernacle. At the upper or Jerusalem end stood the ark, the chest which, like the older and more sacred ark contained the Book of the Law. It gave to that end the name and character of a sanctuary. This part of the synagogue was naturally the place of honor. Here were the "chief seats," for which Pharisees and scribes strove so eagerly, kjv@Matthew:23:6) and to which the wealthy and honored worshipper was invited. kjv@James:2:2-3) Here too, in front of the ark, still reproducing the type of the tabernacle, was the eight-branched lamp, lighted only on the greater festivals. Besides this there was one lamp kept burning perpetually. More toward the middle of the building was a raised platform, on which several persons could stand at once, and in the middle of this rose a pulpit, in which the reader stood to read the lesson or sat down to teach. The congregation were divided, men on one side, women on the other a low partition, five or six feet high, running between them. The arrangements of modern synagogues, for many centuries, have made the separation more complete by placing the women in low side-galleries, screened off a lattice-work. Officers.
In smaller towns there was often but one rabbi. Where a fuller organization was possible, there was a college of elders, kjv@Luke:7:3) presided over by one who was "the chief of the synagogue." kjv@Luke:8:41 kjv@Luke:8:49 kjv@Luke:13:14; kjv@Acts:18:8 kjv@Acts:18:17) The most prominent functionary in a large synagogue was known as the sheliach (= legatus), the officiating minister who acted as the delegate of the congregation and was therefore the chief reader of prayers, etc.., in their name. The chazzan or "minister" of the synagogue, kjv@Luke:4:20) had duties of a lower kind, resembling those of the Christian deacon or sub-deacon. He was to open the doors and to prepare the building for service. Besides these there were ten men attached to every synagogue, known as the ballanim, (
otiosi). They were supposed to be men of leisure not obliged to labor for their livelihood able therefore to attend the week-day as well as the Sabbath services. The legatus of the synagogues appears in the angel , kjv@Revelation:1:20 kjv@Revelation:2:1) perhaps also in the apostle of the Christian Church. Worship .
It will be enough, in this place, to notice in what way the ritual, no less than the organization, was connected with the facts of the New Testament history, and with the life and order of the Christian Church. From the synagogue came the use of fixed forms of prayer. To that the first disciples had been accustomed from their youth. They had asked their Master to give them a distinctive one, and he had complied with their request, kjv@Luke:11:1) as the Baptist had done before for his disciples, as every rabbi did for his. "Moses" was "read in the synagogues every Sabbath day," kjv@Acts:15:21) the whole law being read consecutively, so as to be completed, according to one cycle, in three years. The writings of the prophets were read as second lessons in a corresponding order. They were followed by the derash kjv@Acts:13:15) the exposition, the sermon of the synagogue. The conformity extends also to the times of prayer. In the hours of service this was obviously the case. The third, sixth and ninth hours were in the times of the New Testament, kjv@Acts:3:1 kjv@Acts:10:3 kjv@Acts:10:9) and had been probably for some time before, kjv@Psalms:55:17; kjv@Daniel:6:10) the fixed times of devotion. The same hours, it is well known, were recognized in the Church of the second century, probably in that of the first also. The solemn days of the synagogue were the second, the fifth and the seventh, the last or Sabbath being the conclusion of the whole. The transfer of the sanctity of the Sabbath to the Lord’s day involved a corresponding change in the order of the week, and the first, the fourth the sixth became to the Christian society what the other days had been to the Jewish. From the synagogue, lastly, come many less conspicuous practices, which meet us in the liturgical life of the first three centuries: Ablution, entire or partial, before entering the place of meeting, kjv@John:13:1-15; kjv@Hebrews:10:22) standing, and not kneeling, as the attitude of prayer, kjv@Luke:18:11) the arms stretched out; the face turned toward the Kibleh of the east; the responsive amen of the congregation to the prayers and benedictions of the elders. ( kjv@1Corinthians:14:16) Judicial functions .
The language of the New Testament shows that the officers of the synagogue exercised in certain cases a judicial power. If is not quite so easy, however to define the nature of the tribunal and the precise limits of its jurisdiction. In two of the passages referred to
kjv@Matthew:10:17; kjv@Mark:13:9)
they are carefully distinguished from the councils. It seems probable that the council was the larger tribunal of twenty-three, which sat in every city, and that under the term synagogue we are to understand a smaller court, probably that of the ten judges mentioned in the Talmud. Here also we trace the outline of a Christian institution. The Church, either by itself or by appointed delegates, was to act as a court of arbitration in all disputes its members. The elders of the church were not however to descend to the trivial disputes of daily life. For the elders, as for those of the synagogue, were reserved the graver offences against religion and morals.

SYNAGOGUE, THE GREAT - S>@ - On the return of the Jews from Babylon, a great council was appointed according to rabbinic tradition, to reorganize the religious life of the people. It consisted of 120 members, and these were known as the men of the Great Synagogue, the successors of the prophets, themselves, in their turn, succeeded by scribes prominent, individually, as teachers. Ezra was recognized as president, Their aim was to restore again the crown , or glory , of Israel. To this end they collected all the sacred writings of the former ages and their own and so completed the canon of the Old Testament. They instituted the feast of Purim organized the ritual of the synagogue, and gave their sanction to the Shemoneh Esreh , the eighteen solemn benedictions in it. Much of this is evidently uncertain. The absence of any historical mention of such a body, not only in the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, but in Josephus, Philo, etc., has had some critics to reject the whole statement as a rabbinic invention. The narrative of kjv@Nehemiah:8:13) clearly implies the existence of a body of men acting as councillors under the presidency of Ezra; and these may have been an assembly of delegates from all provincial synagogues-a synod of the national Church.


Synagogue @ (Gr. sunagoge, i.e., "an assembly"), found only once in the Authorized Version of kjv@Psalms:74:8, where the margin of Revised Version has "places of assembly," which is probably correct; for while the origin of synagogues is unknown, it may well be supposed that buildings or tents for the accommodation of worshippers may have existed in the land from an early time, and thus the system of synagogues would be gradually developed. Some, however, are of opinion that it was specially during the Babylonian captivity that the system of synagogue worship, if not actually introduced, was at least reorganized on a systematic plan kjv@Ezekiel:8:1 kjv@Ezekiel:14:1). The exiles gathered together for the reading of the law and the prophets as they had opportunity, and after their return synagogues were established all over the land kjv@Ezra:8:15; kjv@Nehemiah:8:2). In after years, when the Jews were dispersed abroad, wherever they went they erected synagogues and kept up the stated services of worship kjv@Acts:9:20 kjv@Acts:13:5 kjv@Acts:17:1 ; 17:17; 18:4). The form and internal arrangements of the synagogue would greatly depend on the wealth of the Jews who erected it, and on the place where it was built. "Yet there are certain traditional pecularities which have doubtless united together by a common resemblance the Jewish synagogues of all ages and countries. The arrangements for the women's place in a separate gallery or behind a partition of lattice-work; the desk in the centre, where the reader, like Ezra in ancient days, from his 'pulpit of wood,' may 'open the book in the sight of all of people and read in the book of the law of God distinctly, and give the sense, and cause them to understand the reading' kjv@Nehemiah:8:4 kjv@Nehemiah:8:8); the carefully closed ark on the side of the building nearest to Jerusalem, for the preservation of the rolls or manuscripts of the law; the seats all round the building, whence 'the eyes of all them that are in the synagogue' may 'be fastened' on him who speaks kjv@Luke:4:20); the 'chief seats' kjv@Matthew:23:6) which were appropriated to the 'ruler' or 'rulers' of the synagogue, according as its organization may have been more or less complete;", these were features common to all the synagogues. Where perfected into a system, the services of the synagogue, which were at the same hours as those of the temple, consisted,

(1) of prayer, which formed a kind of liturgy, there were in all eighteen prayers;

(2) the reading of the Scriptures in certain definite portions; and

(3) the exposition of the portions read. (
See kjv@Luke:4:15 kjv@Luke:4:22 kjv@Acts:13:14.) The synagogue was also sometimes used as a court of judicature, in which the rulers presided kjv@Matthew:10:17; kjv@Mark:5:22; kjv@Luke:12:11 kjv@Luke:21:12; kjv@Acts:13:15 kjv@Acts:22:19); also as public schools. The establishment of synagogues wherever the Jews were found in sufficient numbers helped greatly to keep alive Israel's hope of the coming of the Messiah, and to prepare the way for the spread of the gospel in other lands. The worship of the Christian Church was afterwards modelled after that of the synagogue. Christ and his disciples frequently taught in the synagogues kjv@Matthew:13:54; kjv@Mark:6:2; kjv@John:18:20; kjv@Acts:13:5 kjv@Acts:13:15, 44; 14:1; 17:2-4, 10, 17; 18:4,26; 19:8). To be "put out of the synagogue," a phrase used by John (9:22; 12:42; 16:2), means to be excommunicated.



Synagogues @ Places in which the Jews assembled for worship kjv@Acts:13:5 kjv@Acts:13:14
Early notice of their existence kjv@Psalms:74:8
Probably originated in the schools of the prophets kjv@1Samuel:19:18-24 kjv@2Kings:4:23
Revival of, after the captivity kjv@Nehemiah:8:1-8
Service of, consisted of
Prayer kjv@Matthew:6:5
Reading the word of God kjv@Nehemiah:8:18 kjv@Nehemiah:9:3 kjv@Nehemiah:13:1 kjv@Acts:15:21
Expounding the word of God kjv@Nehemiah:8:8 kjv@Luke:4:21
Praise and thanksgiving kjv@Nehemiah:9:5
Service in, on the Sabbath day kjv@Luke:4:16 kjv@Acts:13:14
Governed by
A president or chief ruler kjv@Acts:18:8 kjv@Acts:18:17
Ordinary rulers kjv@Mark:5:22 kjv@Acts:13:15
Provided with a minister, who had charge of the sacred books kjv@Luke:4:17 kjv@Luke:4:20
Had seats fro the congregation kjv@Acts:13:14
Chief seats in, reserved for elders kjv@Matthew:23:6
The portion of Scripture for the day sometimes read by one of the congregation kjv@Luke:4:16
Strangers were invited to address the congregation in kjv@Acts:13:15
Christ often
Attended kjv@Luke:4:16
Preached and taught in kjv@Matthew:4:23 kjv@Mark:1:39 kjv@Luke:13:10
Performed miracles in kjv@Matthew:12:9 kjv@Matthew:12:10 kjv@Mark:1:23 kjv@Luke:13:11
The Apostles frequently taught and preached in kjv@Acts:9:20 kjv@Acts:13:5 kjv@Acts:17:1 kjv@Acts:17:17
Often used as courts of justice kjv@Acts:9:2 kjv@James:2:2
Offenders were often
Given up to, for trial kjv@Luke:12:11 kjv@Luke:21:12
Punished in kjv@Matthew:10:17 kjv@Matthew:23:34 kjv@Acts:22:19
Expelled from kjv@John:9:22 kjv@John:9:34 kjv@John:12:42 kjv@John:16:2
The building of, considered a noble and meritorious work kjv@Luke:7:5
Sometimes several, in the same city kjv@Acts:6:9 kjv@Acts:9:2
Each sect had its own kjv@Acts:6:9




-1. Primarily an assembly of Jews and God-fearers kjv@Acts:13:43 .R. V.) kjv@James:2:2 .Constitutes a court of justice kjv@Luke:12:11; kjv@Acts:9:2 .Had powers .Of criminal courts kjv@Matthew:10:17; kjv@Matthew:23:34; kjv@Acts:22:19; kjv@Acts:26:11 .Of religious courts kjv@John:9:22-34; kjv@John:12:42; kjv@John:16:2

-2. A phycial place of assembly for Jews and other God-fearers. The Scriptures were read and expounded in kjv@Nehemiah:8:1-8; kjv@Nehemiah:9:3-5; kjv@Matthew:4:23; kjv@Matthew:9:35; kjv@Matthew:13:54; kjv@Mark:1:39; kjv@Luke:4:15-33; kjv@Luke:13:10; kjv@John:18:20; kjv@Acts:9:20; kjv@Acts:13:5-44; kjv@Acts:14:1; kjv@Acts:15:21; kjv@Acts:17:2 kjv@Acts:17:10 kjv@Acts:18:4 kjv@Acts:18:19, 26 .In Jerusalem kjv@Acts:6:9 .In Damascus kjv@Acts:9:2 kjv@Acts:9:20 .In other cities kjv@Acts:14:1; kjv@Acts:17:1 kjv@Acts:17:10 kjv@Acts:18:4 .One was erected by Jairus kjv@Luke:7:5 .Jesus performed healing in kjv@Matthew:12:9-13; kjv@Luke:13:11-14 .Alms (charity) were given in kjv@Matthew:6:2 .Of Satan kjv@Revelation:2:9; kjv@Revelation:3:9 .





(1) Christ and his Disciples Teach in- kjv@John:6:59; kjv@John:18:20; kjv@Acts:13:5; kjv@Acts:14:1; kjv@Acts:18:19

(2) General References to- kjv@Matthew:10:17; kjv@Luke:12:11; kjv@John:9:22; kjv@John:16:2; kjv@Acts:26:11

(3) Attendance upon- kjv@Matthew:12:9; kjv@Mark:1:21; kjv@Luke:4:16; kjv@Acts:13:14; kjv@Hebrews:10:25 Attendance upon the Sanctuary, WORSHIP, TRUE


H4150 <STRHEB>@ מועדה מעד מועד mô‛êd mô‛êd mô‛âdâh {mo-ade'} {mo-ade'} mo-aw-daw' From H3259; properly an {appointment} that {is} a fixed time or season; specifically a festival; conventionally a year; by {implication} an assembly (as convened for a definite purpose); technically the congregation; by {extension} the place of meeting; also a signal (as appointed beforehand): - appointed ({sign} {time}) (place {of} solemn) {assembly} {congregation} ({set} solemn) {feast} ({appointed} due) {season} solemn ({-ity}) {synagogue} (set) time (appointed).

G1577 <STRGRK>@ ἐκκλησία ekklēsia ek-klay-see'-ah From a compound of G1537 and a derivative of G2564; a calling out that is (concretely) a popular meeting especially a religious congregation (Jewish synagogue or Christian community of members on earth or saints in heaven or both): - assembly church.

G4864 <STRGRK>@ συναγωγή sunagōgē soon-ag-o-gay' From (the reduplicated form of) G4863; an assemblage of persons; specifically a Jewish synagogue (the meeting or the place); by analogy a Christian church: - assembly congregation synagogue.

G656 <STRGRK>@ ἀποσυνάγωγος aposunagōgos ap-os-oon-ag'-o-gos From G575 and G4864; excommunicated: - (put) out of the synagogue (-s).

G752 <STRGRK>@ ἀρχισυνάγωγος archisunagōgos ar-khee-soon-ag'-o-gos From G746 and G4864; director of the synagogue services: - (chief) ruler of the synagogue.