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SALOME @ mother of James and John- kjv@Mark:15:40; kjv@Mark:16:1


(1) General References to- kjv@Genesis:19:26; kjv@Leviticus:2:13; kjv@Numbers:18:19; kjv@2Kings:2:20; kjv@Ezra:6:9

(2) Pillar of, Lot's wife became- kjv@Genesis:19:26; kjv@Luke:17:32
Christians as.
Sea. SEE Dead Sea, DEAD SEA



(1) Of God- kjv@Psalms:27:1; kjv@Psalms:37:39; kjv@Psalms:62:2; kjv@Isaiah:12:2; kjv@Isaiah:25:9; kjv@Jeremiah:3:23; kjv@Zephaniah:3:17 kjv@1Timothy:4:10 Redeemer, REDEEMER

(2) Only Through Christ- kjv@Luke:1:69, kjv@Luke:2:30 The only door- kjv@John:10:9 The only Saviour- kjv@Acts:4:12 His grace sufficient- kjv@Acts:15:11 His blood avails- kjv@Romans:5:9; kjv@1Thessalonians:5:9 For the obedient- kjv@Hebrews:5:9 At his coming- kjv@Hebrews:9:28 Saviour, SAVIOUR Faith in Christ, FAITH

(3) Conditions of Endurance- kjv@Matthew:10:22 Faith and Confession- kjv@Romans:10:9; kjv@1Corinthians:1:21; kjv@1Corinthians:15:2; kjv@2Timothy:3:15 Spiritual Receptivity- kjv@James:1:21 Spiritual Diligence- kjv@2Peter:1:10,11 Spiritual Cleansing- kjv@Revelation:22:14 Faith, FAITH & FAITH Justification, JUSTIFICATION Eternal Life, LIFE

(4) Possible to all Men- kjv@Luke:3:6; kjv@Acts:2:21; kjv@Romans:5:18; kjv@Romans:10:13; kjv@1Timothy:2:4; kjv@Titus:2:11,12; kjv@2Peter:3:9 Whosoever, WHOSOEVER & WHOSOEVER Impartiality, JUSTICE & JUSTICE Divine Call, INVITATIONS Gospel Universal, GOSPEL Gentiles, WORLD



(5) Free- kjv@Isaiah:55:1; kjv@Romans:3:24; kjv@Revelation:22:17 Salvation


(6) Sought- kjv@1Chronicles:16:35; kjv@Psalms:31:16; kjv@Psalms:54:1; kjv@Psalms:86:7; kjv@Psalms:106:4; kjv@Psalms:119:41; kjv@Acts:16:30 Pardon Sought, SALVATION Deliverance Sought, DELIVERANCE

(7) Promised- kjv@Psalms:91:16; kjv@Isaiah:45:17; kjv@Mark:16:16; kjv@Luke:19:9; kjv@Acts:11:14; kjv@Acts:16:31 Obedience, OBEDIENCE

(8) The Gift of God- kjv@John:3:16; kjv@John:4:10; kjv@Romans:5:15; kjv@Romans:6:23; kjv@Romans:8:32; kjv@2Corinthians:9:15; kjv@Ephesians:2:8 (B) NO CONDEMNATION, for the righteous- kjv@Isaiah:50:9; kjv@Luke:6:37; kjv@John:3:18; kjv@John:5:24; kjv@Romans:8:1; kjv@Romans:8:34; kjv@1John:3:21 (C) PARDON, DIVINE

(1) Promised- kjv@Isaiah:43:25; kjv@Isaiah:44:22; kjv@Isaiah:55:7; kjv@Jeremiah:5:1; kjv@Jeremiah:31:34; kjv@Jeremiah:33:8; kjv@Ezekiel:36:25 kjv@Micah:7:18; kjv@Hebrews:8:12; kjv@1John:1:9 Forgiveness, FORGIVENESS Mercy Promised, MERCIFULNESS Restoration, RESTORATION

(2) Sought- kjv@Exodus:32:32; kjv@Exodus:34:9; kjv@Numbers:14:19; kjv@1Samuel:15:25; kjv@2Samuel:24:10; kjv@Psalms:25:11; kjv@Psalms:51:1 kjv@Daniel:9:19 Mercy, MERCIFULNESS (D) REMISSION OF SIN, general references to- kjv@Matthew:26:28; kjv@Luke:3:3; kjv@Luke:24:47; kjv@Acts:2:38; kjv@Romans:3:25; kjv@Hebrews:9:22; kjv@Hebrews:10:18 Sin Forgiven, SIN Forgiveness, FORGIVENESS (E) PROPITIATION for sin, general references to- kjv@Romans:3:25; kjv@1John:2:2; kjv@1John:4:10 (F) CONDEMNATION

(1) General References to- kjv@John:3:19; kjv@Romans:5:18; kjv@1Corinthians:11:34; kjv@1Timothy:3:6; kjv@Titus:3:11; kjv@James:5:12

(2) Men under- kjv@2Samuel:24:10; kjv@Job:42:6; kjv@Psalms:31:10; kjv@Psalms:32:3; kjv@Ezekiel:33:10 Conviction of Sin, GUILT Remorse, GUILT Self-condemnation, SELF

- CONDEMNATION (G) DIVINE VENGEANCE- kjv@Deuteronomy:32:35; kjv@Psalms:94:1; kjv@Ezekiel:25:17; kjv@Micah:5:15; kjv@Nahum:1:2; kjv@Romans:12:19 kjv@2Thessalonians:1:8; kjv@Hebrews:10:30 Punishment, PUNISHMENT & PUNISHMENT Threatenings, THREATENINGS Retribution, PUNISHMENT & PUNISHMENT (H) GOD'S WRATH- kjv@2Kings:22:13; kjv@Psalms:2:12; kjv@John:3:36; kjv@Romans:1:18; kjv@Romans:2:8; kjv@Ephesians:5:6; kjv@1Thessalonians:2:16 God's Anger, ANGER Indignation, ANGER Provoking God, PROVOKING GOD


SALA, OR SALAH - S>@ - (sprout), the son of Arphaxad, and father of Eber. kjv@Genesis:10:24 kjv@Genesis:11:18-14; kjv@Luke:3:35) (B.C. 2307.)

SALAMIS - S>@ - (suit), a city at the east end of the island of Cyprus, and the first place visited by Paul and Barnabas, on the first missionary journey, after leaving the mainland at Seleucia. Here alone, among all the Greek cities visited by St. Paul, we read expressly of "synagogues" in the plural, kjv@Acts:13:5) hence we conclude that there were many Jews in Cyprus. And this is in harmony with what we read elsewhere. Salamis was not far from the modern Famagousta , it was situated near a river called the Pediaeus, on low ground, which is in fact a continuation of the plain running up into the interior toward the place where Nicosia , the present capital of Cyprus, stands.

SALATHIEL - S>@ - (I have asked of God). ( kjv@1Chronicles:3:17) The Authorized Version has Salathiel in ( kjv@1Chronicles:3:17) but everywhere else in the Old Testament Shealtiel.

SALCAH, OR SALCHAH - S>@ - (migration), a city named in the early records of Israel as the extreme limit of Bashan, (3:10; kjv@Joshua:13:11) and of the tribe of Gad. ( kjv@1Chronicles:5:71) On another occasion the name seems to denote a district rather than a town. kjv@Joshua:12:5) It is identical with the town of Sulkhad (56 miles east of the Jordan, at the southern extremity of the Hauran range of mountains. The place is nearly deserted, though it contains 800 stone houses, many of them in a good state of preservation.

- ED.)

SALEM - S>@ - (peace). The place of which Melchizedek was king. kjv@Genesis:14:18; kjv@Hebrews:7:1-2) No satisfactory identification of it is perhaps possible. Two main opinions have been current from the earliest ages of interpretation:

(1). That of the Jewish commentators, who affirm that Salem is Jerusalem, on the ground that Jerusalem is so called in kjv@Psalms:76:2) Nearly all Jewish commentators hold this opinion.

(2). Jerome, however, states that the Salem of Melchizedek was not Jerusalem, but a town eight Roman miles south of Scythopolis, and gives its then name as Salumias, and identifies it with Salem, where John baptized. kjv@Psalms:76:2) it is agreed on all hands that Salem is here employed for Jerusalem.

SALIM - S>@ - (peace), a place named kjv@John:3:23) to denote the situation of AEnon, the scene of St. John’s last baptisms; Salim being the well-known town, and AEnon a place of fountains or other waters near it. SALEM The name of Salim has been discovered by Mr. Van Deuteronomy Velde in a position exactly in accordance with the notice of Eusebius, viz., six English miles south of Beisan (Scythopolis), end two miles west of the Jordan. Near here is an abundant supply of water.

SALMA, OR SALMON - S>@ - (garment), kjv@Ruth:4:20-21; kjv@1Chronicles:2:11 kjv@1Chronicles:2:51,54; kjv@Matthew:1:4-5; kjv@Luke:3:32) son of Nahshon. the prince of the children of Judah, and father of Boat, the husband of Ruth. (B.C. 1296.) Bethlehem-ephratah, which was Salmon’s inheritance, was part of the territory of Caleb, the grandson of Ephratah; and this caused him to be reckoned among the sons of Caleb.

SALMON - S>@ - a hill near Shechem, on which Abimelech and his followers cut down the boughs with which they set the tower of Shechem on fire. kjv@Judges:9:48) Its exact position is not known. Referred to in kjv@Psalms:68:14)

SALMON - S>@ - the father of Boar. SALMA, OR SALMON

SALMONE - S>@ - (clothed), the east point of the island of Crete. kjv@Acts:27:7) It is a bold promontory, and is visible for a long distance.

SALOME - S>@ - (peaceful). The wife of Zebedee, kjv@Matthew:27:56; kjv@Mark:15:40) and probably sister of Mary the mother of Jesus, to whom reference is made in kjv@John:19:25) The only events recorded of Salome are that she preferred a request on behalf of her two sons for seats of honor in the kingdom of heaven, kjv@Matthew:20:20) that she attended at the crucifixion of Jesus, kjv@Mark:15:40) and that she visited his sepulchre. kjv@Mark:16:1) She is mentioned by name on only the two latter occasions. The daughter of Herodias by her first husband, Herod Philip. kjv@Matthew:14:6) She married in the first the tetrarch of Trachonitis her paternal uncle, sad secondly Aristobulus, the king of Chalcis.

SALT - S>@ - Indispensable as salt is to ourselves, it was even more so to the Hebrews, being to them not only an appetizing condiment in the food both of man, kjv@Job:11:6) and beset, kjv@Isaiah:30:24) see margin, and a valuable antidote to the effects of the heat of the climate on animal food, but also entering largely into the religious services of the Jews as an accompaniment to the various offerings presented on the altar. kjv@Leviticus:2:13) They possessed an inexhaustible and ready supply of it on the southern shores of the Dead Sea. SEA, THE SALT, THE SALT There is one mountain here called Jebel Usdum, seven miles long and several hundred feet high, which is composed almost entirely of salt. The Jews appear to have distinguished between rock-salt and that which was gained by evaporation as the Talmudists particularize one species (probably the latter) as the "salt of Sodom." The salt-pits formed an important source of revenue to the rulers of the country, and Antiochus conferred a valuable boon on Jerusalem by presenting the city with 375 bushels of salt for the temple service. As one of the most essential articles of diet, salt symbolized hospitality; as an antiseptic, durability, fidelity and purity. Hence the expression "covenant of salt," kjv@Leviticus:2:13; kjv@Numbers:18:19; kjv@2Chronicles:13:5) as betokening an indissoluble alliance between friends; and again the expression "salted with the salt of the palace." kjv@Ezra:4:14) not necessarily meaning that they had "maintenance from the palace," as Authorized Version has it, but that they were bound by sacred obligations fidelity to the king. So in the present day, "to eat bread and salt together" is an expression for a league of mutual amity. It was probably with a view to keep this idea prominently before the minds of the Jews that the use of salt was enjoined on the Israelites in their offerings to God.

SALT, CITY OF - S>@ - the fifth of the six cities of Judah which lay in the "wilderness." kjv@Joshua:15:62) Mr. Robinson expresses his belief that it lay somewhere near the plain at the south end of the Salt Sea.


SALT, VALLEY OF - S>@ - a valley in which occurred two memorable victories of the Israelite arms: That of David over the Edomites. (2 Samuel kjv@8:13; 1Chronicles:18:12) That of Amaziah. ( kjv@2Kings:14:7; kjv@2Chronicles:25:11) It is perhaps the broad open plain which lies at the lower end of the Dead Sea, and intervenes between the lake itself and the range of heights which crosses the valley at six or eight miles to the south. This same view is taken by Dr. Robinson. Others suggest that it is nearer to Petra. What little can be inferred from the narrative as to its situation favors the latter theory.

SALU - S>@ - (weighed), the father of Zimri the prince of the Simeonites who was slain by Phinehas. kjv@Numbers:25:14) Called also Salom. (B.C.1452.)

SALUTATION - S>@ - Salutations may be classed under the two heads of conversational and epistolary. The salutation at meeting consisted in early times of various expressions of blessing, such as "God be gracious unto thee," kjv@Genesis:43:29) "The Lord be with you;" "The Lord bless thee." kjv@Ruth:2:4) Hence the term "bless" received the secondary sense of "salute." The salutation at parting consisted originally of a simple blessing, kjv@Genesis:24:60) but in later times the form "Go in peace," or rather "Farewell" ( kjv@1Samuel:1:17) was common. In modern times the ordinary mode of address current in the East resembles the Hebrew Es-selam aleykum , "Peace be on you," and the term "salam," peace, has been introduced into our own language to describe the Oriental salutation. In epistolary salutations the writer placed-his own name first, and then that of the person whom he sainted. A form of prayer for spiritual mercies was also used. The concluding salutation consisted generally of the term "I salute," accompanied by a prayer for peace or grace.


Sala @ a shoot, a descendant of Arphaxed kjv@Luke:3:35-36); called also Shelah ( kjv@1Chronicles:1:18 kjv@1Chronicles:1:24).

Salamis @ a city on the south-east coast of Cyprus kjv@Acts:13:5), where Saul and Barnabas, on their first missionary journey, preached the word in one of the Jewish synagogues, of which there seem to have been several in that place. It is now called Famagusta.

Salathiel @ whom I asked of God, the son of Jeconiah kjv@Matthew:1:12; kjv@1Chronicles:3:17); also called the son of Neri kjv@Luke:3:27). The probable explanation of the apparent discrepancy is that he was the son of Neri, the descendant of Nathan, and thus heir to the throne of David on the death of Jeconiah (comp. kjv@Jeremiah:22:30).

Salcah @ wandering, a city of Bashan assigned to the half tribe of Manasseh kjv@Deuteronomy:3:10; kjv@Joshua:12:5 kjv@Joshua:13:11), identified with Salkhad, about 56 miles east of Jordan.

Salem @ peace, commonly supposed to be another name of Jerusalem kjv@Genesis:14:18; kjv@Psalms:76:2; kjv@Hebrews:7:1-2).

Salim @ peaceful, a place near AEnon (q.v.), on the west of Jordan, where John baptized kjv@John:3:23). It was probably the Shalem mentioned in kjv@Genesis:33:18, about 7 miles south of AEnon, at the head of the great Wady Far'ah, which formed the northern boundary of Judea in the Jordan valley.

Sallai @ basket-maker.

(1.) A Benjamite kjv@Nehemiah:11:8).

(2.) A priest in the days of Joshua and Zerubbabel kjv@Nehemiah:12:20).

Sallu @ weighed.

(1.) A priest kjv@Nehemiah:12:7).

(2.) A Benjamite ( kjv@1Chronicles:9:7; kjv@Nehemiah:11:7).


(1) @ garment, the son of Nashon kjv@Ruth:4:20; kjv@Matthew:1:4-5), possibly the same as Salma in kjv@1Chronicles:2:51.


(2) @ shady; or Zalmon (q.v.), a hill covered with dark forests, south of Shechem, from which Abimelech and his men gathered wood to burn that city kjv@Judges:9:48). In kjv@Psalms:68:14 the change from war to peace is likened to snow on the dark mountain, as some interpret the expression. Others suppose the words here mean that the bones of the slain left unburied covered the land, so that it seemed to be white as if covered with snow. The reference, however, of the psalm is probably to Joshua:11 and 12. The scattering of the kings and their followers is fitly likened unto the snow-flakes rapidly falling on the dark Salmon. It is the modern Jebel Suleiman.

Salmone @ a promontory on the east of Crete, under which Paul sailed on his voyage to Rome kjv@Acts:27:7); the modern Cape Sidero.

Salome @ perfect.

(1.) The wife of Zebedee and mother of James and John kjv@Matthew:27:56), and probably the sister of Mary, the mother of our Lord kjv@John:19:25). She sought for her sons places of honour in Christ's kingdom kjv@Matthew:20:20-21; comp. 19:28). She witnessed the crucifixion kjv@Mark:15:40), and was present with the other women at the sepulchre kjv@Matthew:27:56).

(2.) "The daughter of Herodias," not named in the New Testament. On the occasion of the birthday festival held by Herod Antipas, who had married her mother Herodias, in the fortress of Machaerus, she "came in and danced, and pleased Herod" kjv@Mark:6:14-29). John the Baptist, at that time a prisoner in the dungeons underneath the castle, was at her request beheaded by order of Herod, and his head given to the damsel in a charger, "and the damsel gave it to her mother," whose revengeful spirit was thus gratified. "A luxurious feast of the period" (says Farrar, Life of Christ) "was not regarded as complete unless it closed with some gross pantomimic representation; and doubtless Herod had adopted the evil fashion of his day. But he had not anticipated for his guests the rare luxury of seeing a princess, his own niece, a grand-daughter of Herod the Great and of Mariamne, a descendant, therefore, of Simon the high priest and the great line of Maccabean princes, a princess who afterwards became the wife of a tetrarch Philip, tetrarch of Trachonitis and the mother of a king, honouring them by degrading herself into a scenic dancer."

Salt @ used to season food kjv@Job:6:6), and mixed with the fodder of cattle kjv@Isaiah:30:24, "clean;" in marg. of R.V. "salted"). All meat-offerings were seasoned with salt kjv@Leviticus:2:13). To eat salt with one is to partake of his hospitality, to derive subsistence from him; and hence he who did so was bound to look after his host's interests kjv@Ezra:4:14, "We have maintenance from the king's palace;" A.V. marg., "We are salted with the salt of the palace;" R.V., "We eat the salt of the palace"). A "covenant of salt" kjv@Numbers:18:19; kjv@2Chronicals:13:5) was a covenant of perpetual obligation. New-born children were rubbed with salt kjv@Ezekiel:16:4). Disciples are likened unto salt, with reference to its cleansing and preserving uses kjv@Matthew:5:13). When Abimelech took the city of Shechem, he sowed the place with salt, that it might always remain a barren soil kjv@Judges:9:45). Sir Lyon Playfair argues, on scientific grounds, that under the generic name of "salt," in certain passages, we are to understand petroleum or its residue asphalt. Thus in kjv@Genesis:19:26 he would read "pillar of asphalt;" and in kjv@Matthew:5:13, instead of "salt," "petroleum," which loses its essence by exposure, as salt does not, and becomes asphalt, with which pavements were made. The Jebel Usdum, to the south of the Dead Sea, is a mountain of rock salt about 7 miles long and from 2 to 3 miles wide and some hundreds of feet high.

Salt Sea @ kjv@Joshua:3:16).

Salt, The city of @ one of the cities of Judah kjv@Joshua:15:62), probably in the Valley of Salt, at the southern end of the Dead Sea.

Salt, Valley of @ a place where it is said David smote the Syrians ( kjv@2Samuel:8:13). This valley (the' Arabah) is between Judah and Edom on the south of the Dead Sea. Hence some interpreters would insert the words, "and he smote Edom," after the words, "Syrians" in the above text. It is conjectured that while David was leading his army against the Ammonites and Syrians, the Edomites invaded the south of Judah, and that David sent Joab or Abishai against them, who drove them back and finally subdued Edom. (Comp. title to Psalms:60.) Here also Amaziah "slew of Edom ten thousand men" ( kjv@2Kings:14:7; comp. 8: 20-22 and kjv@2Chronicals:25:5-11).

Salutation @ "Eastern modes of salutation are not unfrequently so prolonged as to become wearisome and a positive waste of time. The profusely polite Arab asks so many questions after your health, your happiness, your welfare, your house, and other things, that a person ignorant of the habits of the country would imagine there must be some secret ailment or mysterious sorrow oppressing you, which you wished to conceal, so as to spare the feelings of a dear, sympathizing friend, but which he, in the depth of his anxiety, would desire to hear of. I have often listened to these prolonged salutations in the house, the street, and the highway, and not unfrequently I have experienced their tedious monotony, and I have bitterly lamented useless waste of time" (Porter, Through Samaria, etc.). The work on which the disciples were sent forth was one of urgency, which left no time for empty compliments and prolonged greetings kjv@Luke:10:4).

Salvation @ This word is used of the deliverance of the Israelites from the Egyptians kjv@Exodus:14:13), and of deliverance generally from evil or danger. In the New Testament it is specially used with reference to the great deliverance from the guilt and the pollution of sin wrought out by Jesus Christ, "the great salvation" kjv@Hebrews:2:3). (



Salt @ Characterised as good and useful kjv@Mark:9:50
Used For
Seasoning food kjv@Job:6:6
Seasoning sacrifices kjv@Leviticus:2:13 kjv@Ezekiel:43:24
Ratifying covenants kjv@Numbers:18:19 kjv@2Chronicles:13:5
Strengthening new-born infants kjv@Ezekiel:16:4
Partaking of another's a bond of friendship kjv@Ezra:4:14
Lost its savour when exposed to the air kjv@Matthew:5:13 kjv@Mark:9:50
Often found
In pits kjv@Joshua:11:8 kjv@Zephaniah:2:9
In springs kjv@James:3:12
Near the Dead Sea kjv@Numbers:34:12 kjv@Deuteronomy:3:17
Places where it abounded barren and unfruitful kjv@Jeremiah:17:6 kjv@Ezekiel:47:11
The valley of, celebrated for victories kjv@2Samuel:8:13 kjv@2Kings:14:7 kjv@1Chronicles:18:12
Miracles connected with
Lot's wife turned into a pillar of kjv@Genesis:19:26
Elisha healed the bad water with kjv@2Kings:2:21
Places sown with, to denote perpetual desolation kjv@Judges:9:45
Liberally afforded to the Jews after the captivity kjv@Ezra:6:9 kjv@Ezra:7:22
Of saints kjv@Matthew:5:13
Of grace in the heart kjv@Mark:9:50
Of wisdom in speech kjv@Colossians:4:6
(Without savour,) of graceless professors kjv@Matthew:5:13 kjv@Mark:9:50
(Pits of,) of desolation kjv@Zephaniah:2:9
Salted with fire,) of preparation of the wicked for destruction kjv@Mark:9:49

Salutations @ Antiquity of kjv@Genesis:18:2 kjv@Genesis:19:1
Were given
By brethren to each other kjv@1Samuel:17:22
By inferiors to their superiors kjv@Genesis:47:7
By superiors to inferiors kjv@1Samuel:30:21
By all passers-by kjv@1Samuel:10:3 kjv@1Samuel:10:4 kjv@Psalms:129:8
On entering a house kjv@Judges:18:15 kjv@Matthew:10:12 kjv@Luke:1:40 kjv@Luke:1:41 kjv@Luke:1:44
Often sent through messengers kjv@1Samuel:25:5 kjv@1Samuel:25:14 kjv@2Samuel:8:10
Often sent by letter kjv@Romans:16:21-23 kjv@1Corinthians:16:21 kjv@Colossians:4:18 kjv@2Thessalonians:3:17
Denied to persons of bad character kjv@2John:1:10
Persons in haste excused from giving or receiving kjv@2Kings:4:29 kjv@Luke:10:24
Expressions used as
Peace be with thee kjv@Judges:19:20
Peace to thee, and peace to thine house, and peace to all that thou hast kjv@1Samuel:25:6
Peace be to this house kjv@Luke:10:5
The Lord be with you kjv@Ruth:2:4
The Lord bless thee kjv@Ruth:2:4
The blessing of the Lord be upon you, we bless you in the name of the Lord kjv@Psalms:129:8
Blessed be thou of the Lord kjv@1Samuel:15:13
God be gracious to thee kjv@Genesis:43:29
Art thou in health? kjv@2Samuel:20:9
Hail kjv@Matthew:26:49 kjv@Luke:1:28
All hail kjv@Matthew:28:9
Often perfidious kjv@2Samuel:20:9 kjv@Matthew:26:49
Given to Christ in derision kjv@Matthew:27:29 kjv@Matthew:15:18
Often accompanied by
Falling on the neck and kissing kjv@Genesis:33:4 kjv@Genesis:45:14 kjv@Genesis:45:15 kjv@Luke:15:20
Laying hold of the bear with the right hand kjv@2Samuel:20:9
Bowing frequently to the ground kjv@Genesis:33:3
Embracing and kissing the feet kjv@Matthew:28:9 kjv@Luke:7:38 kjv@Luke:7:45
Touching the hem of the garment kjv@Matthew:14:36
Falling prostrate on the ground kjv@Esther:8:3 kjv@Matthew:2:11 kjv@Luke:8:41
Kissing the dust kjv@Psalms:72:9 kjv@Isaiah:49:23
The Jews condemned for giving, only to their countrymen kjv@Matthew:5:47
The Pharisees condemned for seeking, in public kjv@Matthew:23:7 kjv@Mark:12:38

Salvation @ Is of God kjv@Psalms:3:8 kjv@Psalms:37:39 kjv@Jeremiah:3:23
Is of the purpose of God kjv@2Timothy:1:9
Is of the appointment of God kjv@1Thessalonians:5:9
God is willing to give kjv@1Timothy:2:4
Is by Christ kjv@Isaiah:63:9 kjv@Ephesians:5:23
Is by Christ alone kjv@Isaiah:45:21 kjv@Isaiah:45:22 kjv@Isaiah:59:16 kjv@Acts:4:12
Announced after the fall kjv@Genesis:3:15
Of Israel, predicted kjv@Isaiah:35:4 kjv@Isaiah:45:17 kjv@Zechariah:9:16 kjv@Romans:11:26
Of the Gentiles, predicted kjv@Isaiah:45:22 kjv@Isaiah:49:6 kjv@Isaiah:52:10
Revealed in the gospel kjv@Ephesians:1:13 kjv@2Timothy:1:10
Came to the Gentiles through the fall of the Jews kjv@Romans:11:11
The Captain of kjv@Hebrews:2:10
The Author of kjv@Hebrews:5:9
Appointed for kjv@Isaiah:49:6
Raised up for kjv@Luke:1:69
Has kjv@Zechariah:9:9
Brings, with him kjv@Isaiah:62:11 kjv@Luke:19:9
Mighty to effect kjv@Isaiah:63:1 kjv@Hebrews:7:25
Came to effect kjv@Matthew:18:11 kjv@1Timothy:1:15
Died to effect kjv@John:3:14 kjv@John:3:15 kjv@Galatians:1:4
Exalted to give kjv@Acts:5:31
Is not by works kjv@Romans:11:6 kjv@Ephesians:2:9 kjv@2Timothy:1:9 kjv@Titus:3:5
Is of grace kjv@Ephesians:2:5 kjv@Ephesians:2:8 kjv@2Timothy:1:9 kjv@Titus:2:11
Is of love kjv@Romans:5:8 kjv@1John:4:9 kjv@1John:4:10
Is of mercy kjv@Psalms:6:4 kjv@Titus:3:5
Is of the long-suffering of God kjv@2Peter:3:15
Is through faith in Christ kjv@Mark:16:16 kjv@Acts:16:31 kjv@Romans:10:9 kjv@Ephesians:2:8 kjv@1Peter:1:5
Reconciliation to God, a pledge of kjv@Romans:5:10
Is deliverance from
Sin kjv@Matthew:1:21 kjv@1John:3:5
Uncleanness kjv@Ezekiel:36:29
The devil kjv@Colossians:2:15 kjv@Hebrews:2:14 kjv@Hebrews:2:15
Wrath kjv@Romans:5:9 kjv@1Thessalonians:1:10
This present evil world kjv@Galatians:1:4
Enemies kjv@Luke:1:71 kjv@Luke:1:74
Eternal death kjv@John:3:16 kjv@John:3:17
Confession of Christ necessary to kjv@Romans:10:10
Regeneration necessary to kjv@John:3:3
Final perseverance necessary to kjv@Matthew:10:22
Described as
Great kjv@Hebrews:2:3
Glorious kjv@2Timothy:2:10
Common kjv@Jude:1:3
From generation to generation kjv@Isaiah:51:8
To the uttermost kjv@Hebrews:7:25
Eternal kjv@Isaiah:45:17 kjv@Isaiah:51:6 kjv@Hebrews:5:9
Searched into and exhibited by the prophets kjv@1Peter:1:10
The gospel is the power of God to kjv@Romans:1:16 kjv@1Corinthians:1:18
Preaching the word is the appointed means of kjv@1Corinthians:1:21
The Scriptures are able to make wise to kjv@2Timothy:3:15 kjv@James:1:21
Now is the day of kjv@Isaiah:49:8 kjv@2Corinthians:6:2
From sin, to be worked out with fear and trembling kjv@Philippians:2:12
Chosen to kjv@2Thessalonians:2:13 kjv@2Timothy:1:9
Appointed to obtain kjv@1Thessalonians:5:9
Are heirs of kjv@Hebrews:1:14
Have, through grace kjv@Acts:15:11
Have a token of, in their patient suffering for Christ kjv@Philippians:1:28 kjv@Philippians:1:29
Kept by the power of God to kjv@1Peter:1:5
Beautified with kjv@Psalms:149:4
Clothed with kjv@Isaiah:61:10
Satisfied by kjv@Luke:2:30
Love kjv@Psalms:40:16
Hope for kjv@Lamentations:3:26 kjv@Romans:8:24
Wait for kjv@Genesis:49:18 kjv@Lamentations:3:26
Long for kjv@Psalms:119:81 kjv@Psalms:119:174
Earnestly look for kjv@Psalms:119:123
Daily approach nearer to kjv@Romans:13:11
Receive, as the end of their faith kjv@1Peter:1:9
Welcome the tidings of kjv@Isaiah:52:7 kjv@Romans:10:15
Pray to be visited with kjv@Psalms:85:7 kjv@Psalms:106:4 kjv@Psalms:119:41
Pray for the assurance of kjv@Psalms:35:3
Pray for a joyful sense of kjv@Psalms:51:12
Evidence, by works kjv@Hebrews:6:9 kjv@Hebrews:6:10
Ascribe, to God kjv@Psalms:25:5 kjv@Isaiah:12:2
Praise God for kjv@1Chronicles:16:23 kjv@Psalms:96:2
Commemorate, with thanks kjv@Psalms:116:12
Rejoice in kjv@Psalms:9:14 kjv@Psalms:21:1 kjv@Isaiah:25:9
Glory in kjv@1Corinthians:1:31 kjv@Galatians:6:14
Declare kjv@Psalms:40:10 kjv@Psalms:71:15
Godly sorrow works repentance to kjv@2Corinthians:7:10
All the earth shall see kjv@Isaiah:52:10 kjv@Luke:3:6
Give the knowledge of kjv@Luke:1:77
Show the way of kjv@Acts:16:17
Should exhort to kjv@Ezekiel:3:18 kjv@Ezekiel:3:19 kjv@Acts:2:40
Should labour to lead others to kjv@Romans:11:14
Should be clothed in kjv@2Chronicles:6:41 kjv@Psalms:132:16
Should use self-denial to lead others to kjv@1Corinthians:9:22
Should endure suffering that the elect may obtain kjv@2Timothy:2:10
Are a sweet savour of Christ to God, in those who obtain kjv@2Corinthians:2:15
The heavenly host ascribe, to God kjv@Revelation:7:10 kjv@Revelation:19:1
Sought in vain from
Idols kjv@Isaiah:45:20 kjv@Jeremiah:2:28
Earthly power kjv@Jeremiah:3:23
No escape for those who neglect kjv@Hebrews:2:3
Is far off from the wicked kjv@Psalms:119:155 kjv@Isaiah:59:11
Illustrated by
A rock kjv@Deuteronomy:32:15 kjv@2Samuel:22:47 kjv@Psalms:95:1
A horn kjv@Psalms:18:2 kjv@Luke:1:69
A tower kjv@2Samuel:22:51
A helmet kjv@Isaiah:59:17 kjv@Ephesians:6:17
A shield kjv@2Samuel:22:36
A lamp kjv@Isaiah:62:1
A cup kjv@Psalms:116:13
Clothing kjv@2Chronicles:6:41 kjv@Psalms:132:16 kjv@Psalms:149:4 kjv@Isaiah:61:10
Wells kjv@Isaiah:12:3
Walls and bulwarks kjv@Isaiah:26:1 kjv@Isaiah:60:18
Chariots kjv@Habakkuk:3:8
A victory kjv@1Corinthians:15:57
Typified kjv@Numbers:21:4-9 kjv@John:3:14 kjv@John:3:15



- Also called SALA and SHELAH
- Son of Arphaxad and an ancestor of Joseph kjv@Genesis:10:24; kjv@Genesis:11:12-15; kjv@1Chronicles:1:18 kjv@1Chronicles:1:24 kjv@Luke:3:35

SALAMIS @ -(A city of the island of Cyprus)
- Paul and Barnabas preach in kjv@Acts:13:4-5


- Also called SALCHAH
- A city of the tribe of Gad kjv@Deuteronomy:3:10; kjv@Joshua:12:5; kjv@Joshua:13:11; kjv@1Chronicles:5:11


- A city which is near Aenon kjv@John:3:23


-1. A Benjamite living in Jerusalem kjv@Nehemiah:11:8

-2. A priest who returned to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel kjv@Nehemiah:12:20 .Called SALLU kjv@Nehemiah:12:7


-1. A Benjamite living in Jerusalem kjv@1Chronicles:9:7; kjv@Nehemiah:11:7

-2. SALLU .


-1. Son of Caleb kjv@1Chronicles:2:51 kjv@1Chronicles:2:54

-2. Called also SALMON .Father of Boaz kjv@Ruth:4:20-21; kjv@1Chronicles:2:11 .In the lineage of Joseph kjv@Matthew:1:4-5; kjv@Luke:3:32


-1. A hill kjv@Psalms:68:14

-2. SALMON .

- A promontory of the island of Crete kjv@Acts:27:7

- Mother of James and John kjv@Matthew:27:56; with_Mark:15:40; with_Mark:16:1
- Asks Jesus to promote her sons kjv@Matthew:20:20-21
- Present at the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth kjv@Mark:15:40
- Present at the gravesite of Jesus kjv@Mark:16:1-2

- Lot's wife turned into a pillar of kjv@Genesis:19:26
- The city of Salt kjv@Joshua:15:62
- The valley of salt kjv@2Samuel:8:13; kjv@2Kings:14:7
- Salt Sea kjv@Genesis:14:3; kjv@Numbers:34:12; kjv@Deuteronomy:3:17; kjv@Joshua:3:16; kjv@Joshua:12:3; kjv@Joshua:15:2
- Salt pits kjv@Zephaniah:2:9
- All animal sacrifices were required to be seasoned with kjv@Leviticus:2:13; kjv@Ezra:6:9; kjv@Ezekiel:43:24; kjv@Mark:9:49
- Used in ratifying covenants kjv@Numbers:18:19; kjv@2Chronicles:13:5
- Elisha throws, into the pool of Jericho, to purify it kjv@2Kings:2:20-21

- FIGURATIVE .Of the saving efficacy of the ekklesia of Christ kjv@Matthew:5:13; kjv@Mark:9:49-50; kjv@Luke:14:34 .Of wise behavior kjv@Colossians:4:6

- By kissing kjv@2Samuel:20:9; kjv@Matthew:26:49
- By bowing kjv@Genesis:18:2; kjv@Genesis:19:1-2; kjv@Genesis:23:7; kjv@Genesis:27:29; kjv@Genesis:33:3; kjv@Genesis:37:10; kjv@Genesis:41:43; kjv@Genesis:43:26-28; kjv@Genesis:49:8; kjv@1Samuel:25:23; kjv@2Samuel:18:28; kjv@1Kings:1:16; kjv@Esther:8:3; kjv@Matthew:2:11; kjv@Mark:5:22
- By letter kjv@1Corinthians:16:21; kjv@2Corinthians:13:13; kjv@Colossians:4:18; kjv@Philippians:4:21; kjv@2Thessalonians:3:17; kjv@2John:1:13; kjv@3John:1:14
- To rulers .


- ILLUSTRATED BY .A horn kjv@Psalms:18:2; kjv@Luke:1:69 .A tower kjv@2Samuel:22:51 .A helmet kjv@Isaiah:59:17; kjv@Ephesians:6:17 .A shield kjv@2Samuel:22:36 .A lamp kjv@Isaiah:62:1 .A cup kjv@Psalms:116:13 .Clothing kjv@2Chronicles:6:41; kjv@Psalms:132:16; kjv@Psalms:149:4; kjv@Isaiah:61:10 .Wells kjv@Isaiah:12:3 .Walls and bulwarks kjv@Isaiah:26:1; kjv@Isaiah:60:18 .Chariots kjv@Habbakkuk:3:8 .A victory kjv@1Corinthians:15:57 .Typified by the bronze serpent kjv@Numbers:21:4-9; with_John:3:14-15 .

- UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO kjv@Genesis:12:1-3; kjv@Exodus:15:2; kjv@Deuteronomy:30:19-20; kjv@Deuteronomy:32:15; kjv@2Samuel:14:14; kjv@1Kings:8:41-43; kjv@1Chronicles:16:35; kjv@2Chronicles:6:41; kjv@Psalms:3:8; kjv@Psalms:36:8-9; kjv@Psalms:37:39; kjv@Psalms:46:4; kjv@Psalms:63:5-6; kjv@Psalms:65:4; kjv@Psalms:68:18-20; kjv@Psalms:86:13; kjv@Psalms:90:14; kjv@Psalms:91:16; kjv@Psalms:95:1; kjv@Psalms:98:2-3; kjv@Psalms:106:8; kjv@Psalms:107:9; kjv@Psalms:121:1-8; kjv@Psalms:132:16; kjv@Proverbs:1:20-21; kjv@Proverbs:8:1-5; kjv@Proverbs:9:1-6; kjv@Isaiah:1:18; kjv@Isaiah:2:5; kjv@Isaiah:29:18 kjv@Isaiah:29:Isaiah:25:6-7; 19, 24; kjv@Isaiah:32:1-4; kjv@Isaiah:35:8; kjv@Isaiah:44:3; kjv@Isaiah:45:17; kjv@Isaiah:46:12-13; kjv@Isaiah:49:10-11; kjv@Isaiah:50:10; kjv@Isaiah:51:4-5; kjv@Isaiah:55:1-3 kjv@Isaiah:55:Isaiah:52:10 kjv@Isaiah:52:15 6, 7; kjv@Isaiah:56:1 kjv@Isaiah:56:6-8 kjv@Isaiah:57:18-19; kjv@Isaiah:61:1-3; kjv@Isaiah:63:9; kjv@Jeremiah:3:23; kjv@Jeremiah:21:8; kjv@Ezekiel:18:32; kjv@Joel:2:32; kjv@Amos:5:4; kjv@Zechariah:14:8; kjv@Malachi:4:2; kjv@Matthew:1:21; kjv@Matthew:3:9; kjv@Matthew:11:28-30; kjv@Matthew:18:14; kjv@Matthew:22:9 kjv@Matthew:22:Matthew:21:31; 10, 14; kjv@Matthew:23:37; kjv@Matthew:24:14; kjv@Matthew:28:19; kjv@Mark:2:17; kjv@Luke:2:10 kjv@Luke:2:Luke:16:15-16; 31, 32; kjv@Luke:3:6; kjv@Luke:5:31-32; kjv@Luke:7:47; kjv@Luke:13:29-30; kjv@Luke:14:16-24; kjv@Luke:15:2-4-32; kjv@Luke:19:10; kjv@Luke:24:47; kjv@John:1:7; kjv@John:3:14-17; kjv@John:4:14 kjv@John:4:22 kjv@John:5:40; kjv@John:6:35-37; kjv@John:7:37-38; kjv@John:10:16; kjv@John:11:51-52; kjv@John:12:32; kjv@John:15:4-5; kjv@Acts:2:39; kjv@Acts:4:12; kjv@Acts:5:20; kjv@Acts:13:26 kjv@Acts:13:38, kjv@Acts:11:17-18; 39, 47; kjv@Acts:16:17 kjv@Acts:16:Acts:15:7-9-11; 30, 31; kjv@Acts:20:21; kjv@Romans:1:5 kjv@Romans:1:14, kjv@Romans:28:28; 16, 17; kjv@Romans:2:26; kjv@Romans:3:21-26-28-30; kjv@Romans:5:1 kjv@Romans:5:Romans:4:1-25; 2, 15-21; kjv@Romans:7:24-25; kjv@Romans:9:30-33; kjv@Romans:10:4 kjv@Romans:10:8-13 kjv@Romans:11:1-36; kjv@Romans:15:9 kjv@Romans:15:16 kjv@1Corinthians:1:18; kjv@1Corinthians:6:11; kjv@2Corinthians:5:17 kjv@2Corinthians:5:20 kjv@2Corinthians:6:1 kjv@2Corinthians:6:17 kjv@2Corinthians:7:10; kjv@Galatians:1:4; kjv@Galatians:2:16; kjv@Ephesians:1:9 kjv@Ephesians:1:Ephesians:3:1-28; 10, 13; kjv@Ephesians:2:1-3-5 kjv@Ephesians:2:8 kjv@Ephesians:2:9 kjv@Ephesians:2:14, 15, 17; kjv@Ephesians:3:6 kjv@Ephesians:3:9 kjv@Ephesians:5:14; kjv@Philippians:2:12; kjv@Philippians:3:7-11; kjv@Colossians:1:5-6 kjv@Colossians:1:20-23 kjv@Colossians:1:26 kjv@Colossians:1:27; kjv@Colossians:3:11; kjv@1Thessalonians:5:8-10; kjv@2Thessalonians:2:13-14; kjv@1Timothy:1:13-15 kjv@1Timothy:1:16; kjv@1Timothy:2:3-6; kjv@1Timothy:4:10; kjv@2Timothy:1:9-10; kjv@2Timothy:2:10; kjv@2Timothy:3:15; kjv@Titus:2:11; kjv@Titus:3:3-7; kjv@Hebrews:1:14; kjv@Hebrews:2:3 kjv@Hebrews:2:10 kjv@Hebrews:4:1-10; kjv@Hebrews:5:9; kjv@Hebrews:7:25; kjv@James:1:21; kjv@1Peter:1:5 kjv@1Peter:1:9, 10; kjv@2Peter:3:9 kjv@2Peter:3:15 kjv@1John:2:25; kjv@1John:4:9-10; kjv@1John:5:11; kjv@Jude:1:3; kjv@Revelation:3:17-18 kjv@Revelation:3:20; kjv@Revelation:5:9; kjv@Revelation:7:9-10; kjv@Revelation:14:6; kjv@Revelation:21:6; kjv@Revelation:22:17 .

- CONDITIONS OF kjv@Matthew:3:2; kjv@Matthew:18:3; kjv@Matthew:19:16-21; kjv@Matthew:24:13; kjv@Mark:1:4; kjv@Luke:3:8; kjv@Luke:14:25-33; kjv@Luke:18:18-26; kjv@John:3:3-12-14-18; kjv@John:6:28 kjv@John:6:John:5:24; 29, 47; kjv@John:9:35; kjv@John:11:25-26; kjv@John:12:36; kjv@John:20:31; kjv@Acts:2:38; kjv@Acts:3:19 kjv@Acts:3:23 .

- PLAN OF kjv@John:6:37 kjv@John:6:44, kjv@Mark:4:11; 45, 65; kjv@Mark:17:4; kjv@Mark:18:11; kjv@Mark:19:28-30; kjv@Acts:3:18; kjv@Acts:17:3; kjv@Romans:1:16-17; kjv@Romans:10:3-9; kjv@Romans:16:25-26; kjv@1Corinthians:1:21-25; kjv@1Corinthians:2:7-9; kjv@2Corinthians:5:18-19; kjv@Galatians:4:4-5; kjv@Ephesians:1:3-23; kjv@Ephesians:2:4-10; kjv@Ephesians:3:1-11; kjv@Ephesians:6:19; kjv@Colossians:1:19-23 kjv@Colossians:1:26, 27; kjv@2Thessalonians:2:13-14; kjv@1Timothy:3:16; kjv@2Timothy:1:9-10; kjv@Hebrews:2:9-10 kjv@Hebrews:2:14-18; kjv@Hebrews:6:17-20; kjv@Revelation:5:2-5; kjv@Revelation:10:7 .



kjv@STRING:Abishua <HITCHCOCK>@ father of salvation - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Absalom <HITCHCOCK>@ father of peace - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Elisha <HITCHCOCK>@ salvation of God - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Hoshaiah <HITCHCOCK>@ the salvation of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Isaiah <HITCHCOCK>@ the salvation of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-I

kjv@STRING:Ishi <HITCHCOCK>@ salvation - HITCHCOCK-I

kjv@STRING:Jerusalem <HITCHCOCK>@ vision of peace - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jesaiah <HITCHCOCK>@ health, or salvation, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Mesha <HITCHCOCK>@ burden; salvation - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Methusaleh <HITCHCOCK>@ he has sent his death - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Michtam <HITCHCOCK>@ golden psalm - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Salah <HITCHCOCK>@ mission; sending - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Salamis <HITCHCOCK>@ shaken; test; beaten - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Salathiel <HITCHCOCK>@ asked or lent of God - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Salcah <HITCHCOCK>@ thy basket; thy lifting up - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Salem <HITCHCOCK>@ complete or perfect peace - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Salim <HITCHCOCK>@ foxes; fists; path - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Salma <HITCHCOCK>@ peace; perfection - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Salmon <HITCHCOCK>@ peaceable; perfect; he that rewards - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Salome <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Salmon - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shalem <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Salem - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shalim <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Salim - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shealtiel <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Salathiel - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Tel-melah <HITCHCOCK>@ heap of salt - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Thessalonica <HITCHCOCK>@ victory against the Thessalians - HITCHCOCK-T


SALOME @ mother of James and John- kjv@Mark:15:40; kjv@Mark:16:1


(1) General References to- kjv@Genesis:19:26; kjv@Leviticus:2:13; kjv@Numbers:18:19; kjv@2Kings:2:20; kjv@Ezra:6:9

(2) Pillar of, Lot's wife became- kjv@Genesis:19:26; kjv@Luke:17:32
Christians as.
Sea. SEE Dead Sea, DEAD SEA



(1) Of God- kjv@Psalms:27:1; kjv@Psalms:37:39; kjv@Psalms:62:2; kjv@Isaiah:12:2; kjv@Isaiah:25:9; kjv@Jeremiah:3:23; kjv@Zephaniah:3:17 kjv@1Timothy:4:10 Redeemer, REDEEMER

(2) Only Through Christ- kjv@Luke:1:69, kjv@Luke:2:30 The only door- kjv@John:10:9 The only Saviour- kjv@Acts:4:12 His grace sufficient- kjv@Acts:15:11 His blood avails- kjv@Romans:5:9; kjv@1Thessalonians:5:9 For the obedient- kjv@Hebrews:5:9 At his coming- kjv@Hebrews:9:28 Saviour, SAVIOUR Faith in Christ, FAITH

(3) Conditions of Endurance- kjv@Matthew:10:22 Faith and Confession- kjv@Romans:10:9; kjv@1Corinthians:1:21; kjv@1Corinthians:15:2; kjv@2Timothy:3:15 Spiritual Receptivity- kjv@James:1:21 Spiritual Diligence- kjv@2Peter:1:10,11 Spiritual Cleansing- kjv@Revelation:22:14 Faith, FAITH & FAITH Justification, JUSTIFICATION Eternal Life, LIFE

(4) Possible to all Men- kjv@Luke:3:6; kjv@Acts:2:21; kjv@Romans:5:18; kjv@Romans:10:13; kjv@1Timothy:2:4; kjv@Titus:2:11,12; kjv@2Peter:3:9 Whosoever, WHOSOEVER & WHOSOEVER Impartiality, JUSTICE & JUSTICE Divine Call, INVITATIONS Gospel Universal, GOSPEL Gentiles, WORLD



(5) Free- kjv@Isaiah:55:1; kjv@Romans:3:24; kjv@Revelation:22:17 Salvation


(6) Sought- kjv@1Chronicles:16:35; kjv@Psalms:31:16; kjv@Psalms:54:1; kjv@Psalms:86:7; kjv@Psalms:106:4; kjv@Psalms:119:41; kjv@Acts:16:30 Pardon Sought, SALVATION Deliverance Sought, DELIVERANCE

(7) Promised- kjv@Psalms:91:16; kjv@Isaiah:45:17; kjv@Mark:16:16; kjv@Luke:19:9; kjv@Acts:11:14; kjv@Acts:16:31 Obedience, OBEDIENCE

(8) The Gift of God- kjv@John:3:16; kjv@John:4:10; kjv@Romans:5:15; kjv@Romans:6:23; kjv@Romans:8:32; kjv@2Corinthians:9:15; kjv@Ephesians:2:8 (B) NO CONDEMNATION, for the righteous- kjv@Isaiah:50:9; kjv@Luke:6:37; kjv@John:3:18; kjv@John:5:24; kjv@Romans:8:1; kjv@Romans:8:34; kjv@1John:3:21 (C) PARDON, DIVINE

(1) Promised- kjv@Isaiah:43:25; kjv@Isaiah:44:22; kjv@Isaiah:55:7; kjv@Jeremiah:5:1; kjv@Jeremiah:31:34; kjv@Jeremiah:33:8; kjv@Ezekiel:36:25 kjv@Micah:7:18; kjv@Hebrews:8:12; kjv@1John:1:9 Forgiveness, FORGIVENESS Mercy Promised, MERCIFULNESS Restoration, RESTORATION

(2) Sought- kjv@Exodus:32:32; kjv@Exodus:34:9; kjv@Numbers:14:19; kjv@1Samuel:15:25; kjv@2Samuel:24:10; kjv@Psalms:25:11; kjv@Psalms:51:1 kjv@Daniel:9:19 Mercy, MERCIFULNESS (D) REMISSION OF SIN, general references to- kjv@Matthew:26:28; kjv@Luke:3:3; kjv@Luke:24:47; kjv@Acts:2:38; kjv@Romans:3:25; kjv@Hebrews:9:22; kjv@Hebrews:10:18 Sin Forgiven, SIN Forgiveness, FORGIVENESS (E) PROPITIATION for sin, general references to- kjv@Romans:3:25; kjv@1John:2:2; kjv@1John:4:10 (F) CONDEMNATION

(1) General References to- kjv@John:3:19; kjv@Romans:5:18; kjv@1Corinthians:11:34; kjv@1Timothy:3:6; kjv@Titus:3:11; kjv@James:5:12

(2) Men under- kjv@2Samuel:24:10; kjv@Job:42:6; kjv@Psalms:31:10; kjv@Psalms:32:3; kjv@Ezekiel:33:10 Conviction of Sin, GUILT Remorse, GUILT Self-condemnation, SELF

- CONDEMNATION (G) DIVINE VENGEANCE- kjv@Deuteronomy:32:35; kjv@Psalms:94:1; kjv@Ezekiel:25:17; kjv@Micah:5:15; kjv@Nahum:1:2; kjv@Romans:12:19 kjv@2Thessalonians:1:8; kjv@Hebrews:10:30 Punishment, PUNISHMENT & PUNISHMENT Threatenings, THREATENINGS Retribution, PUNISHMENT & PUNISHMENT (H) GOD'S WRATH- kjv@2Kings:22:13; kjv@Psalms:2:12; kjv@John:3:36; kjv@Romans:1:18; kjv@Romans:2:8; kjv@Ephesians:5:6; kjv@1Thessalonians:2:16 God's Anger, ANGER Indignation, ANGER Provoking God, PROVOKING GOD


H53 <STRHEB>@ אבשׁלום אבישׁלום 'ăbîyshâlôm 'abshâlôm {ab-ee-shaw-lome'} ab-shaw-lome' From H1 and H7965; father of peace (that {is} friendly); {Abshalom} a son of David; also (the fuller form) a later Israelite: - {Abishalom} Absalom.

H1212 <STRHEB>@ בּצלאל betsall bets-al-ale' Probably from H6738 and H410 with prepositional prefix; in (the) shadow (that {is} protection) of God; Betsalel; the name of two Israelites: - Bezaleel.

H1288 <STRHEB>@ בּרך bârak baw-rak' A primitive root; to kneel; by implication to bless God (as an act of {adoration}) and (vice-versa) man (as a benefit); also (by euphemism) to curse (God or the {king} as treason): - X {abundantly} X {altogether} X at {all} {blaspheme} {bless} {congratulate} {curse} X {greatly} X {indeed} kneel ({down}) {praise} {salute} X {still} thank.

H1521 <STRHEB>@ גּחון גּיחון gîychôn gichôn {ghee-khone'} ghee-khone' From H1518; stream; {Gichon} a river of Paradise; also a valley (or pool) near Jerusalem: - Gihon.

H1601 <STRHEB>@ גּעה gô‛âh go-aw' Feminine active participle of H1600; lowing; {Goah} a place near Jerusalem: - Goath.

H1619 <STRHEB>@ גּרב gârêb gaw-rabe' From the same as H1618; scabby; {Gareb} the name of an {Israelite} also of a hill near Jerusalem: - Gareb.

H1925 <STRHEB>@ הדר heder heh'-der From H1921; honour; used (figuratively) for the capital city (Jerusalem): - glory.

H2158 <STRHEB>@ זמרה זמר זמיר zâmîyr zâmir zemirâh {zaw-meer'} {zaw-meer'} zem-ee-raw' (Feminine): from H2167; a song to be accompanied with instrumental music: - psalm ({-ist}) {singing} song.

H2167 <STRHEB>@ זמר zâmar zaw-mar' A primitive root (perhaps identical with H2168 through the idea of striking with the fingers); properly to touch the strings or parts of a musical {instrument} that {is} play upon it; to make {music} accompanied by the voice; hence to celebrate in song and music: - give {praise} sing forth {praises} psalms.

H2172 <STRHEB>@ זמרה zimrâh zim-raw' From H2167; a musical piece or song to be accompanied by an instrument: - {melody} psalm.

H2548 <STRHEB>@ חמיץ châmîyts khaw-meets' From H2556; {seasoned} that {is} salt provender: - clean.

H2606 <STRHEB>@ חננאל chănanl khan-an-ale' From H2603 and H410; God has favored; {Chananel} probably an {Israelite} from whom a tower of Jerusalem was named: - Hananeel.

H2628 <STRHEB>@ חסל châsal khaw-sal' A primitive root; to eat off: - consume.

H2777 <STRHEB>@ חרסוּת charsûth khar-sooth' From H2775 (Apparently in the sense of a red tile used for scraping); a {potsherd} that {is} (by implication) a pottery; the name of a gate at Jerusalem: - east.

H2798 <STRHEB>@ חרשׁים chărâshîym khar-aw-sheem' Plural of H2796; {mechanics} the name of a valley in Jerusalem: - {Charashim} craftsmen.

H2860 <STRHEB>@ חתן châthân khaw-thawn' From H2859; a relative by marriage (especially through the bride); figuratively a circumcised child (as a species of religious espousal): - {bridegroom} {husband} son in law.

H2861 <STRHEB>@ חתנּה chăthûnnâh khath-oon-naw' From H2859; a wedding: - espousal.

H2982 <STRHEB>@ יבוּס yebûs yeb-oos' From H947; {trodden} that {is} threshing place; {Jebus} the aboriginal name of Jerusalem: - Jebus.

H3072 <STRHEB>@ יהוה צדקנוּ yehôvâh tsidqênû yeh-ho-vaw' tsid-kay'-noo From H3068 and H6664 with pronominal suffix.; Jehovah (is) our right; {Jehovah-Tsidkenu} a symbolical epithet of the Messiah and of Jerusalem: - the Lord our righteousness.

H3074 <STRHEB>@ יהוה שׁמּה yehôvâh shâmmâh yeh-ho-vaw' shawm'-maw From H3068 and H8038 with directive enclitic; Jehovah (is) thither; {Jehovah-Shammah} a symbolical title of Jerusalem: - Jehovah-shammah.

H3092 <STRHEB>@ יהושׁפט yehôshâphâţ yeh-ho-shaw-fawt' From H3068 and H8199; Jehovah-judged; {Jehoshaphat} the name of six Israelites; also of a valley near Jerusalem : - Jehoshaphat. Compare H3146.

H3389 <STRHEB>@ ירוּשׁלים ירוּשׁלם yerûshâlaim yerûshâlayim {yer-oo-shaw-lah'-im} yer-oo-shaw-lah'-yim A dual (in allusion to its two main hills (the true {pointing} at least of the former {reading} seems to be that of H3390)); probably from (the passive participle of) H3384 and H7999; founded peaceful; Jerushalaim or {Jerushalem} the capital city of Palestine: - Jerusalem.

H3390 <STRHEB>@ ירוּשׁלם yerûshâlêm yer-oo-shaw-lame' (Chaldee); corresponding to H3389: - Jerusalem.

H3444 <STRHEB>@ ישׁוּעה yeshû‛âh yesh-oo'-aw Feminine passive participle of H3467; something {saved} that {is} (abstractly) deliverance; hence {aid} {victory} prosperity: - {deliverance} {health} help ({-ing}) {salvation} {save} saving ({health}) welfare.

H3467 <STRHEB>@ ישׁע yâshayaw-shah' A primitive root; properly to be {open} wide or {free} that {is} (by implication) to be safe; causatively to free or succor: - X at {all} {avenging} {defend} deliver ({-er}) {help} {preserve} {rescue} be {safe} bring (having) {salvation} save ({-iour}) get victory.

H3468 <STRHEB>@ ישׁע ישׁע yeshayêsha‛ {yeh'-shah} yay'-shah From H3467; {liberty} {deliverance} prosperity: - {safety} {salvation} saving.

H3588 <STRHEB>@ כּי kîy kee A primitive particle (the full form of the prepositional prefix) indicating causal relations of all {kinds} antecedent or consequent; (by implication) very widely used as a relative conjugation or adverb; often largely modified by other particles annexed: - {and} + ({forasmuch} {inasmuch} where-) {as} assured {[-ly]} + {but} {certainly} {doubtless} + {else} {even} + {except} {for} {how} ({because} {in} {so} than) {that} + {nevertheless} {now} {rightly} {seeing} {since} {surely} {then} {therefore} + (al-) {though} + {till} {truly} + {until} {when} {whether} {while} {who} {yea} {yet}

H3623 <STRHEB>@ כּלוּלה kelûlâh kel-oo-law' Denominative passive participle from H3618; bridehood (only in the plural): - espousal.

H3627 <STRHEB>@ כּלי kelîy kel-ee' From H3615; something {prepared} that {is} any apparatus (as an {implement} {utensil} {dress} vessel or weapon): - armour ({[-bearer]}) {artillery} {bag} {carriage} + {furnish} {furniture} {instrument} {jewel} that is made {of} X one from {another} that which {pertaineth} {pot} + {psaltery} {sack} {stuff} {thing} {tool} {vessel} {ware} {weapon} + whatsoever.

H3688 <STRHEB>@ כּסל kâsal kaw-sal' A primitive root; properly to be {fat} that {is} (figuratively) silly: - be foolish.

H3693 <STRHEB>@ כּסלון kesâlôn kes-aw-lone' From H3688; fertile; {Kesalon} a place in Palestine: - Chesalon.

H3968 <STRHEB>@ מאה mê'âh may-aw' The same as H3967; {Meah} a tower in Jerusalem: - Meah.

H4142 <STRHEB>@ מסבּה מוּסבּה mûsabbâh mûsabbâh {moo-sab-baw'} moo-sab-baw' Feminine of H4141; a {reversal} that {is} the backside (of a {gem}) fold (of a double leaved {door}) transmutation (of a name): - being {changed} {inclosed} be {set} turning.

H4190 <STRHEB>@ מושׁעה môshâ‛âh mo-shaw-aw' From H3467; deliverance: - salvation.

H4210 <STRHEB>@ מזמור mizmôr miz-more' From H2167; properly instrumental music; by implication a poem set to notes: - psalm.

H4353 <STRHEB>@ מכיר mâkîyr maw-keer' From H4376; salesman; {Makir} an Israelite: - Machir.

H4379 <STRHEB>@ מכרה mikreh mik-reh' From H3738; a pit (for salt): - [salt-] pit.

H4381 <STRHEB>@ מכרי mikrîy mik-ree' From H4376; salesman; {Mikri} an Israelite: - Michri.

H4389 <STRHEB>@ מכתּשׁ maktêsh mak-taysh' The same as H4388; dell; the {Maktesh} a place in Jerusalem: - Maktesh.

H4408 <STRHEB>@ מלּוּח mallûach mal-loo'-akh From H4414; sea purslain (from its saltness): - mallows.

H4414 <STRHEB>@ מלח mâlach maw-lakh' A primitive root; properly to rub to pieces or pulverize; intransitively to disappear as dust; also (as denominative from H4417) to salt whether internally (to season with salt) or externally (to rub with salt): - X at {all} {salt} {season} temper {together} vanish away.

H4415 <STRHEB>@ מלח melach mel-akh' (Chaldee); corresponding to H4414; to eat {salt} that {is} (generally) subsist: - + have maintenance.

H4416 <STRHEB>@ מלח melach mel-akh' (Chaldee); from H4415; salt: - + {maintenance} salt.

H4417 <STRHEB>@ מלח melach meh'-lakh From H4414; properly {powder} that {is} (specifically) salt (as easily pulverized and dissolved): - salt ([-pit]).

H4419 <STRHEB>@ מלּח mallâch mal-lawkh' From H4414 in its secondary sense; a sailor (as followingthe salt´ ): - mariner.

H4420 <STRHEB>@ מלחה melêchâh mel-ay-khaw' From H4414 (in its denominative sense); properly salted (that {is} land (H776 being {understood)}) that {is} a desert: - barren land ({-ness}) salt [land].

H4465 <STRHEB>@ ממכּר mimkâr mim-kawr' From H4376; merchandise; abstractly a selling: - X {ought} (that which cometh of) {sale} that which . . . {sold} ware.

H4466 <STRHEB>@ ממכּרת mimkereth mim-keh'-reth Feminine of H4465; a sale: - + sold as.

H4609 <STRHEB>@ מעלה ma‛ălâh mah-al-aw' Feminine of H4608; {elevation} that {is} the act (literally a journey to a higher {place} figuratively a thought {arising}) or (concretely) the condition (literally a step or grade {mark} figuratively a superiority of station); specifically a climactic progression (in certain Psalms): - things that come {up} (high) {degree} {deal} go {up} {stair} {step} story.

H4663 <STRHEB>@ מפקד miphqâd mif-kawd' The same as H4662; assignment; {Miphkad} the name of a gate in Jerusalem: - Miphkad.

H4744 <STRHEB>@ מקרא miqrâ' mik-raw' From H7121; something called {out} that {is} a public meeting (the {act} the {persons} or the palce); also a rehearsal: - {assembly} {calling} {convocation} reading.

H4916 <STRHEB>@ משׁלח משׁלח משׁלוח mishlôach mishlôach mishlâch (1,2) {mish-lo'-akh} mish-lawkh' From H7971; a sending {out} that {is} (abstractly) presentation ({favorable}) or seizure (unfavorable); also (concretely) a place of {dismissal} or a business to be discharged: - to {lay} to {put} sending ({forth}) to set.

H4995 <STRHEB>@ נא nâ' naw Apparently from H5106 in the sense of harshness from refusal; properly {tough} that {is} uncooked (flesh): - raw.

H5035 <STRHEB>@ נבל נבל nebel nêbel {neh'-bel} nay'-bel From H5034; a skin bag for liquids (from collapsing when empty); {hence} a vase (as similar in shape when full); also a lyre (as having a body of like form): - {bottle} {pitcher} {psaltery} {vessel} viol.

H5066 <STRHEB>@ נגשׁ nâgash naw-gash' A primitive root; to be or come (causatively bring) near (for any purpose); euphemistically to lie with a woman; as an {enemy} to attack; religiously to worship; causatively to present; figuratively to adduce an argument; by {reversal} to stand back: - (make to) approach ({nigh}) bring ({forth} {hither} {near}) (cause to) come ({higher} {near} {nigh}) give {place} go hard ({up}) ({be} {draw} go) near ({nigh}) {offer} {overtake} {present} {put} stand.

H5106 <STRHEB>@ נוּא nû' noo A primitive root; to {refuse} forbid6 {dissuade} or neutralize: - {break} {disallow} {discourage} make of none effect.

H5275 <STRHEB>@ נעלה נעל naal na‛ălâh {nah'-al} nah-al-aw' From H5274; properly a sandal tongue; by extension a sandal or slipper (sometimes as a symbol of {occupancy} a refusal to {marry} or of something valueless): - {dryshod} (pair of) shoe ({[-latchet]} -s).

H5337 <STRHEB>@ נצל nâtsal naw-tsal' A primitive root; to snatch {away} whether in a good or a bad sense: - X at {all} {defend} deliver ({self}) {escape} X without {fail} {part} {pluck} {preserve} {recover} {rescue} {rid} {save} {spoil} {strip} X {surely} take (out).

H5338 <STRHEB>@ נצל netsal nets-al' (Chaldee); corresponding to H5337; to extricate: - {deliver} rescue.

H5435 <STRHEB>@ סבא sôbe' so'-beh From H5433; {potation} concretely ({wine}) or abstractly (carousal): - {drink} {drunken} wine.

H5536 <STRHEB>@ סל sal sal From H5549; properly a willow twig (as {pendulous}) that {is} an osier; but only as woven into a basket: - basket.

H5538 <STRHEB>@ סלּא sillâ' sil-law' From H5549; an embankment; {Silla} a place in Jerusalem: - Silla.

H5543 <STRHEB>@ סלּי סלוּא סלּוּא סלּוּ salû salû' sâlû' sallay {sal-loo'} {sal-loo'} {saw-loo'} sal-lah'ee From H5541; weighed; Sallu or {Sallai} the name of two Israelites: - {Sallai} {Sallu} Salu.

H5544 <STRHEB>@ סלּון סלּון sillôn sallôn {sil-lone'} sal-lone' From H5541; a prickle (as if pendulous): - {brier} thorn.

H5546 <STRHEB>@ סלּח sallâch sal-lawkh' From H5545; placable: - ready to forgive.

H5548 <STRHEB>@ סלכה salkâh sal-kaw' From an unused root meaning to walk; walking; {Salcah} a place East of the Jordan: - {Salcah} Salchah.

H5552 <STRHEB>@ סלסלּה salsillâh sal-sil-law' From H5541; a twig (as pendulous): - basket.

H5883 <STRHEB>@ עין רגל ‛êyn rôgêl ane ro-gale' From H5869 and the active participle of H7270; fountain of a traveller; {En-Rogel} a place near Jerusalem: - En-rogel.

H5886 <STRHEB>@ עין תּנּים ‛êyn tannîym ane tan-neem' From H5869 and the plural of H8565; fountain of jackals; {En-Tannim} a pool near Jerusalem: - dragon well.

H5898 <STRHEB>@ עיר המּלח ‛îyr hammelach eer ham-meh'-lakh From H5892 and H4417 with the article of substance interposed; city of (the) salt; {Ir-ham-Melach} a place near Palestine: - the city of salt.

H6077 <STRHEB>@ עפל ‛ôphel o'-fel The same as H6076; {Ophel} a ridge in Jerusalem: - Ophel.

H6101 <STRHEB>@ עצל ‛âtsal aw-tsal' A primitive root; to lean {idly} that {is} to be indolent or slack: - be slothful.

H6102 <STRHEB>@ עצל ‛âtsêl aw-tsale From H6101; indolent: - {slothful} sluggard.

H6458 <STRHEB>@ פּסל pâsal paw-sal' A primitive root; to {carve} whether wood or stone: - {grave} hew.

H6460 <STRHEB>@ פּסנתּרין פּסנטרין pesanţêrîyn pesantêrîyn {pes-an-tay-reen'} pes-an-tay-reen' (Chaldee); a transliteration of the Greek (not in lexicon) psalterion; a lyre: - psaltery.

H6478 <STRHEB>@ פּצל pâtsal paw-tsal' A primitive root; to peel: - pill.

H6495 <STRHEB>@ פּקח־קוח peqach-qôach pek-akh-ko'-akh From H6491 redoubled; opening (of a {dungeon}) that {is} jail delivery (figuratively salvation from sin): - opening of the prison.

H6503 <STRHEB>@ פּרור פּרבּר parbâr parvâr {par-bawr'} par-vawr' Of foreign origin; Parbar or {Parvar} a quarter of Jerusalem: - {Parbar} suburb.

H6726 <STRHEB>@ ציּון tsîyôn tsee-yone' The same (regular) as H6725; Tsijon (as a permanent {capital}) a mountain of Jerusalem: - Zion.

H6738 <STRHEB>@ צל tsêl tsale From H6751; {shade} whether literally or figuratively: - {defence} shade (-ow).

H6746 <STRHEB>@ צלחית tselôchîyth tsel-o-kheeth' From H6743; something prolonged or {tall} that {is} a vial or salt cellar: - cruse.

H6747 <STRHEB>@ צלּחת tsallachath tsal-lakh'-ath From H6743; something advanced or {deep} that {is} a bowl; figuratively the bosom: - {bosom} dish.

H6756 <STRHEB>@ צלמון tsalmôn tsal-mone' From H6754; shady; {Tsalmon} the name of a place in Palestine and of an Israelite: - Zalmon.

H6757 <STRHEB>@ צלמות tsalmâveth tsal-maw'-veth From H6738 and H4194; shade of {death} that {is} the grave (figuratively calamity): - shadow of death.

H6758 <STRHEB>@ צלמנה tsalmônâh tsal-mo-naw' Feminine of H6757; shadiness; {Tsalmonah} a palce in the Desert: - Zalmonah.

H6759 <STRHEB>@ צלמנּע tsalmûnnâ‛ tsal-moon-naw' From H6738 and H4513; shade has been denied; {Tsalmunna} a Midianite: - Zalmunna.

H6763 <STRHEB>@ צלעה צלע tsêlâ‛ tsal‛âh {tsay-law'} tsal-aw' From H6760; a rib (as {curved}) literally (of the body) or figuratively (of a {door} that {is} leaf); hence a {side} literally (of a person) or figuratively (of an object or the {sky} that {is} quarter); arcitecturally a timber (especially floor or ceiling) or plank (single or {collectively} that {is} a flooring): - {beem} {board} {chamber} {corner} {leaf} {plank} {rib} side (chamber).

H6764 <STRHEB>@ צלף tsâlâph tsaw-lawf' From an unused root of unknown meaning; {Tsalaph} an Israelite: - Zalaph.

H6767 <STRHEB>@ צלצל tselâtsal tsel-aw-tsal' From H6750 reduplicated; a {clatter} that {is} (abstractly) whirring (of wings); (concretely) a cricket; also a harpoon (as {rattling}) a cymbal (as clanging): - {cymbal} {locust} {shadowing} spear.

H6939 <STRHEB>@ קדרון qidrôn kid-rone' From H6937; dusky place; {Kidron} a brook near Jerusalem: - Kidron.

H680 <STRHEB>@ אצל 'âtsal aw-tsal' A primitive root; properly to join; used only as a denominative from H681; to separate; hence to {select} {refuse} contract: - {keep} {reserve} {straiten} take.

H682 <STRHEB>@ אצל 'atsêl aw-tsale' From H680; noble; {Atsel} the name of an {Israelite} and of a place in Palestine: - {Azal} Azel.

H683 <STRHEB>@ אצליהוּ 'ătsalyâhû ats-al-yaw'-hoo From H680 and H3050 prolonged; Jah has reserved; {Atsaljah} an Israelite: - Azaliah.

H7388 <STRHEB>@ ריר rîyr reer From H7325; saliva; by resemblance broth: - {spittle} white [of an egg].

H7592 <STRHEB>@ שׁאל שׁאל shâ'al shâ'êl {shaw-al'} shaw-ale' A primitive root; to inquire; by implication to request; by extension to demand: - ask ({counsel} {on}) {beg} {borrow} lay to {charge} {consult} {demand} {desire} X {earnestly} {enquire} + {greet} obtain {leave} {lend} {pray} {request} {require} + {salute} X {straitly} X {surely} wish.

H7939 <STRHEB>@ שׂכר ώâkâr saw-kawr' From H7986; payment of contract; concretely {salary} fare6 maintenance; by implication {compensation} benefit: - {hire} {price} reward {[-ed]} {wages} worth.

H7964 <STRHEB>@ שׁלּח שׁלּוּח shillûach shillûach {shil-loo'-akh} shil-loo'-akh From H7971; (only in plural) a {dismissal} that {is} (of a wife) divorce (especially the document); also (of a daughter) dower: - {presents} have sent back.

H7965 <STRHEB>@ שׁלם שׁלום shâlôm shâlôm {shaw-lome'} shaw-lome' From H7999; {safe} that {is} (figuratively) {well} happy6 friendly; also (abstractly) {welfare} that {is} {health} {prosperity} peace: - X {do} {familiar} X {fare} {favour} + {friend} X {greet} (good) {health} (X {perfect} such as be at) peace ({-able} {-ably}) prosper ({-ity} {-ous}) {rest} safe ({-ly}) {salute} {welfare} (X all {is} be) {well} X wholly.

H7974 <STRHEB>@ שׁלח shelach sheh'-lakh The same as H7973; {Shelach} a postdiluvian patriarch: - {Salah} Shelah. Compare H7975.

H7975 <STRHEB>@ שׁלח שׁלּח shillôach shelach {shee-lo'-akh} sheh'-lakh The second form is in imitation of {H7974} used in ; from H7971; rill; {Shiloach} a fountain of Jerusalem: - {Shiloah} Siloah.

H7996 <STRHEB>@ שׁלּכת shalleketh shal-leh'-keth The same as H7995; {Shalleketh} a gate in Jerusalem: - Shalleketh.

H740 <STRHEB>@ אריאל 'ărîyl ar-ee-ale' The same as H739; {Ariel} a symbolical name for {Jerusalem} also the name of an Israelite: - Ariel.

H8004 <STRHEB>@ שׁלם shâlêm shaw-lame' The same as H8003; peaceful; {Shalem} an early name of Jerusalem: - Salem.

H8007 <STRHEB>@ שׂלמא ώalmâ' sal-maw' Probably for H8008; clothing; {Salma} the name of two Israelites: - Salma.

H8008 <STRHEB>@ שׂלמה ώalmâh sal-maw' Transposition for H8071; a dress ;: - {clothes} {garment} raiment.

H8009 <STRHEB>@ שׂלמה ώalmâh sal-maw' The same as H8008; clothing; {Salmah} an Israelite: - Salmon. Compare H8012.

H8012 <STRHEB>@ שׂלמון ώalmôn sal-mone' From H8008; investiture; {Salmon} an Israelite: - Salmon. Compare H8009.

H8014 <STRHEB>@ שׂלמי ώalmay sal-mah'ee From H8008; clothed; {Salmai} an Israelite: - Shalmai.

H8528 <STRHEB>@ תּל מלח têl melach tale meh'-lakh From H8510 and H4417; mound of salt; {Tel-Melach} a palce in Babylon: - Tel-melah.

H8600 <STRHEB>@ תּפוצה tephôtsâh tef-o-tsaw' From H6327; a dispersal: - dispersion.

H8612 <STRHEB>@ תּפת tôpheth to'-feth The same as H8611; {Topheth} a place near Jerusalem: - {Tophet} Topheth.

H8668 <STRHEB>@ תּשׁעה תּשׁוּעה teshû‛âh teshû‛âh {tesh-oo-aw'} tesh-oo-aw' From H7768 in the sense of H3467; rescue (literally or {figuratively} {personal} national or spiritual): - {deliverance} {help} {safety} {salvation} victory.

G1042 <STRGRK>@ γαββαθά gabbatha gab-bath-ah' Of Chaldee origin (compare [H1355]); the knoll; gabbatha a vernacular term for the Roman tribunal in Jerusalem: - Gabbatha.

G1067 <STRGRK>@ γέεννα geenna gheh'-en-nah Of Hebrew origin ([H1516] and [H2011]); valley of (the son of) Hinnom; gehenna (or Ge-Hinnom) a valley of Jerusalem used (figuratively) as a name for the place (or state) of everlasting punishment: - hell.

G1068 <STRGRK>@ Γεθσημανῆ Gethsēmanē gheth-say-man-ay' Of Chaldee origin (compare [H1660] and [H8081]); oil press; Gethsemane a garden near Jerusalem: - Gethsemane.

G1099 <STRGRK>@ γλυκύς glukus gloo-koos' Of uncertain affinity; sweet (that is not bitter nor salt): - sweet fresh.

G1115 <STRGRK>@ Γολγοθᾶ Golgotha gol-goth-ah' Of Chaldee origin (compare [H1538]); the skull; Golgotha a knoll near Jerusalem: - Golgotha.

G1223 <STRGRK>@ διά dia dee-ah' A primary preposition denoting the channel of an act; through (in very wide applications local causal or occasional). In composition it retains the same general import: - after always among at to avoid because of (that) briefly by for (cause) . . . fore from in by occasion of of by reason of for sake that thereby therefore X though through (-out) to wherefore with (-in). In composition it retains the same general import.

G1516 <STRGRK>@ εἰρηνικός eirēnikos i-ray-nee-kos' From G1515; pacific; by implication salutary: - peaceable.

G1713 <STRGRK>@ ἔμπορος emporos em'-por-os From G1722 and the base of G4198; a (wholesale) tradesman: - merchant.

G184 <STRGRK>@ Ἀκελδαμά Akeldama ak-el-dam-ah' Of Chaldee origin (meaning field of blood; corresponding to [H2506] and [H1818]); Akeldama a place near Jerusalem: - Aceldama.

G2331 <STRGRK>@ Θεσσαλονικεύς Thessalonikeus thes-sal-on-ik-yoos' From G2332; a Thessalonican that is inhabitant of Thessalonice: - Thessalonian.

G2332 <STRGRK>@ Θεσσαλονίκη Thessalonikē thes-sal-on-ee'-kay From Θεσσαλός Thessalos (a Thessalian) and G3529; Thessalonice a place in Asia Minor: - Thessalonica.

G2411 <STRGRK>@ ἱερόν hieron hee-er-on' Neuter of G2413; a sacred place that is the entire precincts (whereas G3485 denotes the central sanctuary itself) of the Temple (at Jerusalem or elsewhere): - temple.

G2414 <STRGRK>@ Ἱεροσόλυμα Hierosoluma hee-er-os-ol'-oo-mah Of Hebrew origin [H3389]; Hierosolyma (that is Jerushalaim) the capital of Palestine: - Jerusalem. Compare G2419.

G2415 <STRGRK>@ Ἱεροσολυμίτης Hierosolumitēs hee-er-os-ol-oo-mee'-tace From G2414; a Hierosolymite that is inhabitant of Hierosolyma: - of Jerusalem.

G2419 <STRGRK>@ Ἱερουσαλήμ Hierousalēm hee-er-oo-sal-ame' Of Hebrew origin [H3389]; Hierusalem (that is Jerushalem) the capital of Palestine: - Jerusalem. Compare G2414.

G2526 <STRGRK>@ καθό katho kath-o' From G2596 and G3739; according to which thing that is precisely as in proportion as: - according to that (inasmuch) as. 2526' καθολικός katholikos kath-ol-ee-kos' From G2527; universal: - general.

G2603 <STRGRK>@ καταβραβεύω katabrabeuō kat-ab-rab-yoo'-o From G2596 and G1018 (in its original sense); to award the price against that is (figuratively) to defraud (of salvation): - beguile of reward.

G2748 <STRGRK>@ Κεδρών Kedrōn ked-rone' Of Hebrew origin [H6939]; Cedron (that is Kidron) a brook near Jerusalem: - Cedron.

G2854 <STRGRK>@ κολλούριον kollourion kol-loo'-ree-on Neuter of a presumed derivative of κολλύρα kollura (a cake; probably akin to the base of G2853); properly a poultice (as made of or in the form of crackers) that is (by analogy) a plaster: - eyesalve.

G2857 <STRGRK>@ Κολοσσαί Kolossai kol-os-sah'ee Apparently feminine plural of κολοσσός kolossos (colossal); Colossae a place in Asia Minor: - Colosse.

G2970 <STRGRK>@ κῶμος kōmos ko'-mos From G2749; a carousal (as if a letting loose): - revelling rioting.

G217 <STRGRK>@ ἅλας halas hal'-as From G251; salt; figuratively prudence: - salt.

G231 <STRGRK>@ ἁλιεύς halieus hal-ee-yoos' From G251; a sailor (as engaged on the salt water) that is (by implication) a fisher: - fisher (-man).

G233 <STRGRK>@ ἁλίζω halizō hal-id'-zo From G251; to salt: - salt.

G251 <STRGRK>@ ἅλς hals halce A primary word; salt: - salt.

G252 <STRGRK>@ ἁλυκός halukos hal-oo-kos' From G251; briny: - salt.

G3103 <STRGRK>@ Μαθουσάλα Mathousala math-oo-sal'-ah Of Hebrew origin [H4968]; Mathusala (that is Methushelach) an antediluvian: - Mathusala.

G3326 <STRGRK>@ μετά meta met-ah' A primary preposition (often used adverbially); properly denoting accompaniment; amid (local or causal); modified variously according to the case (genitive case association or accusative case succession) with which it is joined; occupying an intermediate position between G575 or G1537 and G1519 or G4314; less intimate than G1722 and less close than G4862): - after (-ward)6X that he again against among X and + follow hence hereafter in of (up-) on + our X and setting since (un-) to + together when with (+ -out). Often used in composition in substantially the same relations of participation or proximity and transfer or sequence.

G3341 <STRGRK>@ μετάνοια metanoia met-an'-oy-ah From G3340; (subjectively) compunction (for guilt including reformation); by implication reversal (of [another´ s] decision): - repentance.

G3795 <STRGRK>@ ὀψάριον opsarion op-sar'-ee-on Neuter of a presumed derivative of the base of G3702; a relish to other food (as if cooked sauce) that is (specifically) fish (presumably salted and dried as a condiment): - fish.

G3831 <STRGRK>@ πανήγυρις panēguris pan-ay'-goo-ris From G3956 and a derivative of G58; a mass meeting that is (figuratively) universal companionship: - general assembly.

G3837 <STRGRK>@ πανταχοῦ pantachou pan-takh-oo' Genitive case (as adverb of place) of a presumed derivative of G3956; universally: - in all places everywhere.

G3841 <STRGRK>@ παντοκράτωρ pantokratōr pan-tok-rat'-ore From G3956 and G2904; the all ruling that is God (as absolute and universal sovereign): - Almighty Omnipotent.

G3844 <STRGRK>@ παρά para par-ah' A primary preposition; properly near that is (with genitive case) from beside (literally or figuratively) (with dative case) at (or in) the vicinity of (objectively or subjectively) (with accusative case) to the proximity with (local [especially beyond or opposed to] or causal [on account of]). In compounds it retains the same variety of application: - above against among at before by contrary to X friend from + give [such things as they] + that [she] had X his in more than nigh unto (out) of past save side . . . by in the sight of than [there-] fore with. In compounds it retains the same variety of application.

G3882 <STRGRK>@ παράλιος paralios par-al'-ee-os From G3844 and G251; beside the salt (sea) that is maritime: - sea coast.

G3952 <STRGRK>@ παρουσία parousia par-oo-see'-ah From the present participle of G3918; a being near that is advent (often return; specifically of Christ to punish Jerusalem or finally the wicked); (by implication) physical aspect: - coming presence.

G303 <STRGRK>@ ἀνά ana an-ah' A primary preposition and adverb; properly up; but (by extension) used (distributively) severally or (locally) at (etc.): - and apiece by each every (man) in through. In compounds (as a prefix) it often means (by implication) repetition intensity6 reversal etc.

G343 <STRGRK>@ ἀνακαλύπτω anakaluptō an-ak-al-oop'-to From G303 (in the sense of reversal) and G2572; to unveil: - open ([un-]) taken away.

G352 <STRGRK>@ ἀνακύπτω anakuptō an-ak-oop'-to From G303 (in the sense of reversal) and G2955; to unbend that is rise; figuratively be elated: - lift up look up.

G358 <STRGRK>@ ἄναλος analos an'-al-os From G1 (as a negative particle) and G251; saltless that is insipid: - X lose saltness.

G380 <STRGRK>@ ἀναπτύσσω anaptussō an-ap-toos'-so From G303 (in the sense of reversal) and G4428; to unroll (a scroll or volume): - open.

G384 <STRGRK>@ ἀνασκευάζω anaskeuazō an-ask-yoo-ad'-zo From G303 (in the sense of reversal) and a derivative of G4632; properly to pack up (baggage) that is (by implication and figuratively) to upset: - subvert.

G4102 <STRGRK>@ πίστις pistis pis'-tis From G3982; persuasion that is credence; moral conviction (of religious truth or the truthfulness of God or a religious teacher) especially reliance upon Christ for salvation; abstractly constancy in such profession; by extension the system of religious (Gospel) truth itself: - assurance belief believe faith fidelity.

G4224 <STRGRK>@ πότος potos pot'-os From the alternate of G4095; a drinking bout or carousal: - banqueting.

G4262 <STRGRK>@ προβατικος probatikos prob-at-ik-os' From G4263; relating to sheep that is (a gate) through which they were led into Jerusalem: - sheep (market).

G4286 <STRGRK>@ πρόθεσις prothesis proth'-es-is From G4388; a setting forth that is (figuratively) proposal (intention); specifically the show bread (in the Temple) as exposed before God: - purpose shew [-bread].

G4316 <STRGRK>@ προσαγορεύω prosagoreuō pros-ag-or-yoo'-o From G4314 and a derivative of G58 (meaning to harangue); to address that is salute by name: - call.

G4417 <STRGRK>@ πταίω ptaiō ptah'-yo A form of G4098; to trip that is (figuratively) to err sin6 fail (of salvation): - fall offend stumble.

G4427 <STRGRK>@ πτύσμα ptusma ptoos'-mah From G4429; saliva: - spittle.

G4527 <STRGRK>@ Σαλά Sala sal-ah' Of Hebrew origin [H7974]; Sala (that is Shelach) a patriarch: - Sala.

G4528 <STRGRK>@ Σαλαθιήλ Salathiēl sal-ath-ee-ale' Of Hebrew origin [H7597]; Salathiel (that is Shealtiel) an Israelite: - Salathiel.

G4529 <STRGRK>@ Σαλαμίς Salamis sal-am-ece' Probably from G4535 (from the surge on the shore); Salamis a place in Cyprus: - Salamis.

G4530 <STRGRK>@ Σαλείμ Saleim sal-ime' Probably from the same as G4531; Salim a place in Palestine: - Salim.

G4531 <STRGRK>@ σαλεύω saleuō sal-yoo'-o From G4535; to waver that is agitate6 rock topple or (by implication) destroy; figuratively to disturb incite: - move shake (together) which can [-not] be shaken stir up.

G4532 <STRGRK>@ Σαλήμ Salēm sal-ame' Of Hebrew origin [H8004]; Salem (that is Shalem) a place in Palestine: - Salem.

G4533 <STRGRK>@ Σαλμών Salmōn sal-mone' Of Hebrew origin [H8012]; Salmon an Israelite: - Salmon.

G4534 <STRGRK>@ Σαλμώνη Salmōnē sal-mo'-nay Perhaps of similar origin to G4529; Salmone a place in Crete: - Salmone.

G4535 <STRGRK>@ σάλος salos sal'-os Probably from the base of G4525; a vibration that is (specifically) billow: - wave.

G4536 <STRGRK>@ σάλπιγξ salpigx sal'-pinx Perhaps from G4535 (through the idea of quavering or reverberation); a trumpet: - trump (-et).

G4537 <STRGRK>@ σαλπίζω salpizō sal-pid'-zo From G4536; to trumpet that is sound a blast (literally or figuratively): - (which are yet to) sound (a trumpet).

G4538 <STRGRK>@ σαλπιστής salpistēs sal-pis-tace' From G4537; a trumpeter: - trumpeter.

G4539 <STRGRK>@ Σαλώμη Salōmē sal-o'-may Probably of Hebrew origin (feminine from [H7965]); Salome (that is Shelomah) an Israelitess: - Salome.

G4611 <STRGRK>@ Σιλωάμ Silōam sil-o-am' Of Hebrew origin [H7975]; Siloam (that is Shiloach) a pool of Jerusalem: - Siloam.

G4622 <STRGRK>@ Σιών Siōn see-own' Of Hebrew origin [H6726]; Sion (that is Tsijon) a hill of Jerusalem; figuratively the Church (militant or triumphant): - Sion.

G4623 <STRGRK>@ σιωπάω siōpaō see-o-pah'-o From σιωπη siōpē (silence that is a hush; properly muteness that is involuntary stillness or inability ot speak; and thus differing from G4602 which is rather a voluntary refusal or indisposition to speak although the terms are often used synonymously); to be dumb (but not deaf also like G2974 properly); figuratively to be calm (as quiet water): - dumb (hold) peace.

G4747 <STRGRK>@ στοιχεῖον stoicheion stoy-khi'-on Neuter of a presumed derivative of the base of G4748; something orderly in arrangement that is (by implication) a serial (basal fundamental6 initial) constituent (literally) proposition (figuratively): - element principle rudiment.

G4991 <STRGRK>@ σωτηρία sōtēria so-tay-ree'-ah Feminine of a derivative of G4990 as (properly abstract) noun; rescue or safety (physically or morally): - deliver health salvation save saving.

G4992 <STRGRK>@ σωτήριον sōtērion so-tay'-ree-on Neuter of the same as G4991 as (properly concrete) noun; defender or (by implication) defence: - salvation.

G5215 <STRGRK>@ ὕμνος humnos hoom'-nos Apparently from a simpler (obsolete) form of ὕδέω hudeō (to celebrate; probably akin to G103; compare G5567); a hymn or religious ode (one of the Psalms): - hymn.

G5228 <STRGRK>@ ὑπέρ huper hoop-er' A primary preposition; over that is (with the genitive case) of place above6 beyond across or causal for the sake of instead6 regarding; with the accusative case superior to more than. In compounds it retains many of the listed applications: - (+ exceeding abundantly) above in (on) behalf of beyond by + very chiefest concerning exceeding (above -ly) for + very highly more (than) of over on the part of for sake of in stead than to (-ward) very. In compounds it retains many of the above applications.

G5463 <STRGRK>@ χαίρω chairō khah'ee-ro A primary verb; to be full of cheer that is calmly happy or well off; impersonal especially as a salutation (on meeting or parting) be well: - farewell be glad God speed greeting hail joy (-fully) rejoice.

G5567 <STRGRK>@ ψάλλω psallō psal'-lo Probably strengthened from ψάω psaō (to rub or touch the surface; compare G5597); to twitch or twang that is to play on a stringed instrument (celebrate the divine worship with music and accompanying odes): - make melody sing (psalms).

G5568 <STRGRK>@ ψαλμός psalmos psal-mos' From G5567; a set piece of music that is a sacred ode (accompanied with the voice harp or other instrument; a psalm); collectively the book of the Psalms: - psalm. Compare G5603.

G575 <STRGRK>@ ἀπό apo apo' A primary particle; off that is away (from something near) in various senses (of place time or relation; literally or figuratively): - (X here-) after ago at because of before by (the space of) for (-th) from in (out) of off (up-) on (-ce) since with. In composition (as a prefix) it usually denotes separation departure6 cessation completion6 reversal etc.

G593 <STRGRK>@ ἀποδοκιμάζω apodokimazō ap-od-ok-ee-mad'-zo From G575 and G1381; to disapprove that is (by implication) to repudiate: - disallow reject.

G629 <STRGRK>@ ἀπολύτρωσις apolutrōsis ap-ol-oo'-tro-sis From a compound of G575 and G3083; (the act) ransom in full that is (figuratively) riddance or (specifically) Christian salvation: - deliverance redemption.

G761 <STRGRK>@ ἀσάλευτος asaleutos as-al'-yoo-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of G4531; unshaken that is (by implication) immovable (figuratively): - which cannot be moved ummovable.

G782 <STRGRK>@ ἀσπάζομαι aspazomai as-pad'-zom-ahee From G1 (as a particle of union) and a presumed form of G4685; to enfold in the arms that is (by implication) to salute (figuratively) to welcome: - embrace greet salute take leave.

G783 <STRGRK>@ ἀσπασμός aspasmos as-pas-mos' From G782; a greeting (in person or by letter): - greeting salutation.

G949 <STRGRK>@ βέβαιος bebaios beb'-ah-yos From the base of G939 (through the idea of basality); stable (literally or figuratively): - firm of force stedfast sure.

G964 <STRGRK>@ Βηθεσδά Bēthesda bay-thes-dah' Of Chaldee origin (compare [H1004] and [H2617]); house of kindness; Bethesda a pool in Jerusalem: - Bethesda.