

Dict: torrey - Ships


Ships @ Probably originated from the ark made by Noah kjv@Genesis:7:17 kjv@Genesis:7:18
Antiquity of, among the Jews kjv@Genesis:49:13 kjv@Judges:5:17
Described as
Gallant kjv@Isaiah:33:21
Large kjv@James:3:4
Strong kjv@Isaiah:23:14
Swift kjv@Job:9:26
Solomon built a navy of kjv@1Kings:9:26
Mentioned in scripture
Of Chittim kjv@Numbers:24:24 kjv@Daniel:11:30
Of Tarshish kjv@Isaiah:23:1 kjv@Isaiah:60:9
Of Adramyttium kjv@Acts:27:2
Of Alexandria kjv@Acts:27:6
Of Chaldea kjv@Isaiah:43:14
Of Tyre kjv@2Chronicles:8:18
Generally made of the fir tree kjv@Ezekiel:27:5
Sometimes made of bulrushes kjv@Isaiah:18:2
The seams of, were caulked kjv@Ezekiel:27:9 kjv@Ezekiel:27:27
Parts of mentioned
The forepart or foreship kjv@Acts:27:30 kjv@Acts:27:41
The hinder part or stern kjv@Acts:27:29 kjv@Acts:27:41
The hold or between the sides kjv@Jonah:1:5
The mast kjv@Isaiah:33:23 kjv@Ezekiel:27:5
The sails kjv@Isaiah:33:23 kjv@Ezekiel:27:7
The tackling kjv@Isaiah:33:23 kjv@Acts:27:19
The rudder or helm kjv@James:3:4
The rudder-bands kjv@Acts:27:40
The anchors kjv@Acts:27:29 kjv@Acts:27:40
The boats kjv@Acts:27:30 kjv@Acts:27:32
The oars kjv@Isaiah:33:21 kjv@Ezekiel:27:6
Often the property of individuals kjv@Acts:27:11
Commanded by a master kjv@Jonah:1:6 kjv@Acts:27:11
Guided in their course by pilots kjv@Ezekiel:27:8 kjv@Ezekiel:27:27-29
Governed and directed by the helm kjv@James:3:4
Course of frequently directed by the heavenly bodies kjv@Acts:27:20
Worked by mariners or sailors kjv@Ezekiel:27:9 kjv@Ezekiel:27:27 kjv@Jonah:1:5 kjv@Acts:27:30
Generally impelled by sails kjv@Acts:27:2-7
Often impelled by oars kjv@Jonah:1:13 kjv@John:6:19
Rivers kjv@Isaiah:33:21
Lakes kjv@Luke:5:1 kjv@Luke:5:2
The ocean kjv@Psalms:104:26 kjv@Psalms:107:23
Soundings usually taken for, in dangerous places kjv@Acts:27:28
Usually distinguished by signs or figure heads kjv@Acts:28:11
Course of, through the midst of the sea, wonderful kjv@Proverbs:30:18 kjv@Proverbs:30:19
Employed in
Trading kjv@1Kings:22:48 kjv@2Chronicles:8:18 kjv@2Chronicles:9:21
Fishing kjv@Matthew:4:21 kjv@Luke:5:4-9 kjv@John:21:3-8
War kjv@Numbers:24:24 kjv@Daniel:11:30 kjv@Daniel:11:40
Carrying passengers kjv@Jonah:1:3 kjv@Acts:27:2 kjv@Acts:27:6 kjv@Acts:28:11
The hinder part of, occupied by the passengers kjv@Mark:4:38
Endangered by
Storms kjv@Jonah:1:4 kjv@Mark:4:37 kjv@Mark:4:38
Quicksands kjv@Acts:27:17
Rocks kjv@Acts:27:29
When damaged were sometimes undergirded with cables kjv@Acts:27:17
Were often wrecked kjv@1Kings:22:48 kjv@Psalms:48:7 kjv@Acts:27:41-44 kjv@2Corinthians:11:25
Of industrious women kjv@Proverbs:31:14
(Wrecked,) of departure from the faith kjv@1Timothy:1:19