
Dict: all - Tirza



(1) A Canaanitish city- kjv@Joshua:12:24; kjv@1Kings:14:17; kjv@1Kings:15:21; kjv@1Kings:16:6,23; kjv@2Kings:15:14

(2) Daughter of Zelophehad- kjv@Numbers:26:33; kjv@Numbers:36:11; kjv@Joshua:17:3


TIRZAH - T>@ - (delight), youngest of the five daughters of Zelophehad. kjv@Numbers:26:33 kjv@Numbers:27:1 kjv@Numbers:36:11 ; kjv@Joshua:17:3) (B.C. 1450.)

TIRZAH - T>@ - an ancient Canaanite city, whose king is enumerated among those overthrown in the conquest of the country. kjv@Joshua:12:24) It reappears as a royal city, the residence of Jeroboam and of his successors, (Kings:14:17-18) and as the seat of the conspiracy of Menahem ben
- Gaddi against the wretched Shallum. ( kjv@2Kings:15:16) Its reputation for beauty throughout the country must have been widespread. It is in this sense that it is spoken of in the Song of Solomon. Eusebius mentions it in connection with Menahem, and identifies it with a "village of Samaritans in Batanea." Its site is Telluzah , a place in the mountains north of Nablus .


Tirza @ pleasantness.

(1.) An old royal city of the Canaanites, which was destroyed by Joshua kjv@Joshua:12:24). Jeroboam chose it for his residence, and he removed to it from Shechem, which at first he made the capital of his kingdom. It remained the chief residence of the kings of Israel till Omri took Samaria (kjvKings:14:17; 15:21; 16:6-8, etc.). Here Zimri perished amid the flames of the palace to which in his despair he had set fire (kjvKings:16:18), and here Menahem smote Shallum ( kjv@2Kings:15:14-16). Solomon refers to its beauty (Cant. 6:4). It has been identified with the modern mud hamlet Teiasir, 11 miles north of Shechem. Others, however, would identify it with Telluza, a village about 6 miles east of Samaria.

(2.) The youngest of Zelophehad's five daughters kjv@Numbers:26:33; kjv@Joshua:17:3).






-1. A daughter of Zelophehad kjv@Numbers:26:33; kjv@Numbers:36:11; kjv@Joshua:17:3 .Special legislation in regard to the inheritance of kjv@Numbers:27:1-11; 36; kjv@Joshua:17:3-4

-2. A city of Canaan .Captured by Joshua kjv@Joshua:12:24 .Becomes the residence of the kings of the northern kingdom (Israel) kjv@1Kings:14:17; kjv@1Kings:16:6-8 kjv@1Kings:16:9 kjv@1Kings:16:15 kjv@1Kings:16:1Kings:15:21-33; 17, 23 .Royal residence moved from kjv@1Kings:16:23-24 .Base of military operations of Menahem kjv@2Kings:15:14-16 .Beauty of kjv@Songs:6:4



kjv@STRING:Tirzah <HITCHCOCK>@ benevolent; complaisant; pleasing - HITCHCOCK-T



(1) A Canaanitish city- kjv@Joshua:12:24; kjv@1Kings:14:17; kjv@1Kings:15:21; kjv@1Kings:16:6,23; kjv@2Kings:15:14

(2) Daughter of Zelophehad- kjv@Numbers:26:33; kjv@Numbers:36:11; kjv@Joshua:17:3


H8656 <STRHEB>@ תּרצה tirtsâh teer-tsaw' From H7521; delightsomeness; {Tirtsah} a place in Palestine; also an Israelitess: - also an Israelitess: - Tirzah.