

Dict: all - Uriah


URIAH @ the Hittite, husband of Bath-sheba- kjv@2Samuel:11:6; kjv@2Samuel:12:9; kjv@2Samuel:23:39


URIAH - U>@ - (light of Jehovah). One of the thirty commanders of the thirty bands into which the Israelite army of David was divided. ( kjv@1Chronicles:11:41; 2 Samuel 23:39) Like others of David’s officers he was a foreigner
a Hittite. His name, however and his manner of speech (2 Samuel 11:11) indicate that he had adopted the Jewish religion. He married Bath-sheba a woman of extraordinary beauty, the daughter of Eliam
possibly the same as the son of Ahithophel, and one of his brother officers, (2 Samuel 23:34) and hence, perhaps, Uriah’s first acquaintance with Bath-sheba. It may be inferred from Nathan’s parable, (2 Samuel 12:3) that he was passionately devoted to his wife, and that their union was celebrated in Jerusalem as one of peculiar tenderness. In the first war with Ammon, B.C. 1035, he followed Joab to the siege, and with him remained encamped in the open field. (2 Samuel 12:11) He returned to Jerusalem, at an order from the king on the pretext of asking news of the war
really in the hope that his return to his wife might cover the shame of his own crime. The king met with an unexpected obstacle in the austere, soldier-like spirit which guided all Uriah’s conduct, and which gives us a high notion of the character and discipline of David’s officers. On the morning of the third day David sent him back to the camp with a letter containing the command to Joab to cause his destruction in the battle. The device of Joab was to observe the part of the wall of Rabbath-ammon where the greatest force of the besieged was congregated, and thither, as a kind of forlorn hope to send Uriah. A sally took place. Uriah and the officers with him advanced as far as the gate of the city, and were there shot down by the archers on the wall. Just as Joab had forewarned the messenger, the king broke into a furious passion on hearing of the loss. The messenger, as instructed by Joab, calmly continued, and ended the story with the words, "Thy servant also Uriah the Hittite, is dead." In a moment David’s anger is appeased. It is one of the touching parts of the story that Uriah falls unconscious of his wife’s dishonor. High priest in the reign of Ahaz. kjv@Isaiah:8:2; kjv@2Kings:16:10-16) He is probably the same as Urijah the priest, who built the altar for Ahaz. ( kjv@2Kings:16:10) (B.C. about 738.) A priest of the family of Hakkoz, the head of the seventh course of priests. kjv@Ezra:8:33; kjv@Nehemiah:3:4 kjv@Nehemiah:3:21) (B.C. 458.)


Uriah @ the Lord is my light.

(1.) A Hittite, the husband of Bathsheba, whom David first seduced, and then after Uriah's death married. He was one of the band of David's "mighty men." The sad story of the curel wrongs inflicted upon him by David and of his mournful death are simply told in the sacred record ( kjv@2Samuel:11:2-12:26). (

(2.) A priest of the house of Ahaz kjv@Isaiah:8:2).

(3.) The father of Meremoth, mentioned in kjv@Ezra:8:33.






-1. One of David's mighty men kjv@2Samuel:23:39; kjv@1Chronicles:11:41 .David's adultery with the wife of kjv@2Samuel:11:2-5; kjv@1Kings:15:5 .Summoned from seat of war by David kjv@2Samuel:11:6-13 .Noble spirit of kjv@2Samuel:11:11 .David compasses the death of kjv@2Samuel:11:14-25 .David marries the widow of kjv@2Samuel:11:26-27 .Called URIAS (A. V.) kjv@Matthew:1:6

-2. A priest .The father of Meremoth kjv@Ezra:8:33 .Called URIJAH, (R. V. URIAH) kjv@Nehemiah:3:4 kjv@Nehemiah:3:21

-3. URIAH .
See URIJAH, Number three

-4. A priest .Witness to one of Isaiah's prophecies kjv@Isaiah:8:2 .Probably identical with Urijah kjv@2Kings:16:10 .
See URIJAH, Number one



kjv@STRING:Uriah <HITCHCOCK>@ or Urijah, the Lord is my light or fire - HITCHCOCK-U

kjv@STRING:Uriel <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Uriah - HITCHCOCK-U


URIAH @ the Hittite, husband of Bathsheba kjv@2Samuel:11:6; kjv@2Samuel:12:9; kjv@2Samuel:23:39


H223 <STRHEB>@ אוּריּהוּ אוּריּה 'ûrîyâhrîyâhû {oo-ree-yaw'} oo-ree-yaw'-hoo From H217 and H3050; flame of Jah; {Urijah} the name of one Hittite and five Israelites: - {Uriah} Urijah.