
Dict: all - WORK



(1) Examples of Helpful- kjv@2Chronicles:28:15; kjv@Job:29:15,16; kjv@Proverbs:31:20; kjv@Isaiah:21:14; kjv@Isaiah:50:4 kjv@Matthew:25:35; kjv@Luke:10:34; kjv@1Corinthians:16:15,16; kjv@2Corinthians:1:11; kjv@Philippians:4:3

(2) Various Forms of, to which Men are Called Working with God- kjv@Haggai:2:4 Immediate Service- kjv@Matthew:21:28 Individual Tasks- kjv@Mark:13:34 Abundant Labours- kjv@1Corinthians:15:58 In the Field of their Own Lives- kjv@Philippians:2:12 In Evangelizing the World- kjv@2Timothy:4:5

(3) Required According to Ability- kjv@Matthew:25:22,23; kjv@Mark:14:8; kjv@Luke:12:48; kjv@1Peter:4:11

(4) Wrought in Co-operation with God- kjv@1Samuel:14:45; kjv@Mark:16:20; kjv@1Corinthians:3:9; kjv@2Corinthians:6:1

(5) Willingness, an Essential Element in- kjv@Judges:5:2; kjv@Judges:8:25; kjv@Nehemiah:11:2; kjv@Psalms:110:3; kjv@Isaiah:1:19 kjv@2Corinthians:8:3; kjv@1Thessalonians:2:8 Obedience, OBEDIENCE

(6) Should be Carried to Completion- kjv@Zechariah:4:9; kjv@John:4:34; kjv@John:17:4; kjv@John:19:30; kjv@Acts:20:24; kjv@2Timothy:4:7 Perseverance, STEADFASTNESS (B) SERVICE, SPIRITUAL

(1) God Demands- kjv@Exodus:23:25; kjv@Deuteronomy:10:12; kjv@Joshua:24:14; kjv@1Chronicles:28:9; kjv@Psalms:2:11; kjv@Psalms:100:2 kjv@1Corinthians:15:58; kjv@Ephesians:6:7; kjv@Hebrews:12:28

(2) To be Rendered to Christ- kjv@John:12:26; kjv@1Corinthians:7:22; kjv@Ephesians:6:6; kjv@Philippians:1:1; kjv@Colossians:3:24

(3) The Duty of Serving Men It Ennobles Life- kjv@Mark:10:43,44 It Exemplifies Neighbourliness- kjv@Luke:10:36,37 It is Christlike- kjv@John:13:14 It Demonstrates Love- kjv@John:21:16 It Lightens Life's Burdens- kjv@Galatians:6:2,10

(4) Performed in Humility- kjv@Matthew:10:42; kjv@John:12:3; kjv@Acts:20:18,19 (C) UNDIVIDED SERVICE, required by the Lord- kjv@1Samuel:7:3; kjv@2Chronicles:15:15; kjv@Matthew:4:10; kjv@Luke:16:13 (D) IMMEDIATE SERVICE, examples of prompt response to the call of duty Elisha- kjv@1Kings:19:20 Peter and Andrew- kjv@Mark:1:18 Peter's Mother-in-law- kjv@Luke:4:39 Zacchaeus- kjv@Luke:19:6 Paul after his Conversion- kjv@Acts:9:20; kjv@Acts:10:29 Paul and Silas in Responding to the Macedonian Call- kjv@Acts:16:10; Gal kjv@Acts:1:16 Willingness, WORK AND WORKERS, RELIGIOUS (E) JOY IN SERVICE, found by the faithful- kjv@Nehemiah:12:43; kjv@Psalms:40:8; kjv@Psalms:100:2; kjv@Psalms:126:5,6; kjv@Luke:10:17; kjv@John:4:36; kjv@Acts:11:23 (F) CHRIST AS SERVANT, of men- kjv@Matthew:20:28; kjv@Luke:22:27; kjv@John:13:4,5; kjv@Philippians:2:7 (G) WORKS, GOOD

(1) Enjoined Glorify God- kjv@Matthew:5:16; kjv@Colossians:1:10 Enriched Life- kjv@1Timothy:6:18 Furnish a Pattern for Imitation- kjv@Titus:2:7; kjv@Titus:2:14; kjv@Titus:3:8 Tend to Summons Others to their Tasks- kjv@Hebrews:10:24 Demonstrate the Reality of Faith- kjv@James:2:17,18; kjv@1Peter:2:12 Requirements, REQUIREMENTS, DIVINE & REQUIREMENTS, DIVINE Righteousness, RIGHTEOUSNESS

(2) Examples of- kjv@Nehemiah:13:14; kjv@Matthew:25:35,36; kjv@Matthew:26:7,8,10; kjv@Acts:9:36; kjv@1Thessalonians:1:3; kjv@Revelation:2:2 Righteousness

(3), RIGHTEOUSNESS Obedience


(3) Insufficient to Secure Salvation- kjv@Matthew:7:22,23; kjv@Romans:3:20; kjv@Romans:9:32; kjv@Romans:11:6; Gal kjv@Romans:2:16; kjv@Ephesians:2:8,9 kjv@2Timothy:1:9; kjv@Titus:3:4,5 Faith, FAITH Grace


(4) Special Commands Concerning Doing Good- kjv@Psalms:34:14; kjv@Psalms:37:3,27; kjv@Luke:6:35; kjv@Romans:13:13; Gal kjv@Romans:6:10; kjv@1Timothy:6:18 kjv@Hebrews:13:16; kjv@James:4:17; kjv@1Peter:2:15; kjv@1Peter:3:11,17 (H) LABOURERS, SPIRITUAL, general references to Prayer for the Increase of- kjv@Matthew:9:37,38; kjv@Matthew:20:8 Great Opportunity Afforded to- kjv@John:4:35,36; kjv@1Corinthians:3:9 Worthy of Reward- kjv@1Timothy:5:17,18 (I) WORKERS, PERSONAL, character of service rendered by Bringing the Helpless to Christ- kjv@Mark:2:3 Winning Members of their own Household- kjv@John:1:41,42 Recommending Christ to Personal Friends- kjv@John:1:45 Inspiring other Workers- kjv@Acts:11:25,26 Saving Souls from Death- kjv@James:5:20 Zeal for Souls, EARNESTNESS (J) SOUL

- WINNERS, special references to the work done by Displays the Highest Wisdom- kjv@Proverbs:11:30 Win a Radiant Crown- kjv@Daniel:12:3 Trained by Christ in a New Calling- kjv@Matthew:4:19; kjv@Mark:1:17; kjv@Luke:5:10 Sacrifice Personal Rights and Privileges- kjv@1Corinthians:9:19,20 Snatch Men as Brands from the Burning- kjv@James:5:20; Jude:23 Spiritual Harvest, REAPING Zeal for Souls, EARNESTNESS Promises to Workers, PROMISES, DIVINE

WORKS, EVIL, CONDEMNED @ kjv@John:7:7; kjv@John:8:41; kjv@Galatians:5:19; kjv@James:3:16; kjv@2Peter:2:8; Jude:15 Sin, SIN Evil Activity, ACTIVITY, EVIL

WORKS OF CHRIST, MIGHTY @ kjv@Matthew:11:2,20; kjv@Matthew:13:54; kjv@Mark:6:2,14; kjv@Luke:19:37; kjv@John:5:36; kjv@John:9:4; kjv@John:10:25 kjv@John:10:38; kjv@John:14:11; kjv@John:15:24 Miracles, MIRACLES


(1) General References to- kjv@Psalms:8:3; kjv@Psalms:19:1; kjv@Psalms:26:7; kjv@Psalms:40:5; kjv@Psalms:111:4; kjv@Psalms:139:14; kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:11; kjv@Revelation:15:3 Wonders, WONDERS OF GOD

(2) Spoken of as Great Things- kjv@Deuteronomy:10:21; kjv@1Samuel:12:24; kjv@Job:5:9; kjv@Psalms:126:2; kjv@Mark:3:8; kjv@Mark:5:19

(3) Referred to as "The Lord's Doings"- kjv@Genesis:24:50; kjv@1Samuel:3:11; kjv@Psalms:118:23; kjv@Psalms:126:3; kjv@Isaiah:28:21; kjv@Isaiah:29:14; kjv@Matthew:21:42 Wonders, WONDERS OF GOD

WORKS PROVE @ kjv@Matthew:5:16; kjv@Luke:10:37; kjv@John:5:36; kjv@James:2:18; kjv@1Peter:2:12 Miracles Testify, MIRACLES TESTIFY



Works, Covenant of @ entered into by God with Adam as the representative of the human race (comp. kjv@Genesis:9:11-12 kjv@Genesis:17:1-21), so styled because perfect obedience was its condition, thus distinguishing it from the covenant of grace. (

Works, Good @ The old objection against the doctrine of salvation by grace, that it does away with the necessity of good works, and lowers the sense of their importance Romans:6), although it has been answered a thousand times, is still alleged by many. They say if men are not saved by works, then works are not necessary. If the most moral of men are saved in the same way as the very chief of sinners, then good works are of no moment. And more than this, if the grace of God is most clearly displayed in the salvation of the vilest of men, then the worse men are the better. The objection has no validity. The gospel of salvation by grace shows that good works are necessary. It is true, unchangeably true, that without holiness no man shall see the Lord. "Neither adulterers, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards" shall inherit the kingdom of God. Works are "good" only when,

(1) they spring from the principle of love to God. The moral character of an act is determined by the moral principle that prompts it. Faith and love in the heart are the essential elements of all true obedience. Hence good works only spring from a believing heart, can only be wrought by one reconciled to God kjv@Ephesians:2:10; kjv@James:2:18:22).

(2.) Good works have the glory of God as their object; and

(3) they have the revealed will of God as their only rule kjv@Deuteronomy:12:32; kjv@Revelation:22:18-19). Good works are an expression of gratitude in the believer's heart kjv@John:14:15 kjv@John:14:23 kjv@Galatians:5:6). They are the fruits of the Spirit kjv@Titus:2:10-12), and thus spring from grace, which they illustrate and strengthen in the heart. Good works of the most sincere believers are all imperfect, yet like their persons they are accepted through the mediation of Jesus Christ kjv@Colossians:3:17), and so are rewarded; they have no merit intrinsically, but are rewarded wholly of grace.



Works, Good @ Christ, an example of kjv@John:10:32 kjv@Acts:10:38
Good fruits kjv@James:3:17
Fruits meet for repentance kjv@Matthew:3:8
Fruits of righteousness kjv@Philippians:1:11
Works and labours of love kjv@Hebrews:6:10
Are by Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God kjv@Philippians:1:11
They alone, who abide in Christ can perform kjv@John:15:4 kjv@John:15:5
Wrought by God in us kjv@Isaiah:26:12 kjv@Philippians:2:13
The Scripture designed to lead us to kjv@2Timothy:3:16 kjv@2Timothy:3:17 kjv@James:1:25
To be performed in Christ's name kjv@Colossians:3:17
Heavenly wisdom is full of kjv@James:3:17
Justification unattainable by kjv@Romans:3:20 kjv@Galatians:2:16
Salvation unattainable by kjv@Ephesians:2:8 kjv@Ephesians:2:9 kjv@2Timothy:1:9 kjv@Titus:3:5
Created in Christ to kjv@Ephesians:2:10
Exhorted to put on kjv@Colossians:3:12-14
Are full of kjv@Acts:9:36
Are zealous of kjv@Titus:2:14
Should be furnished to all kjv@2Timothy:3:17
Should be rich in kjv@1Timothy:6:18
Should be careful to maintain kjv@Titus:3:8 kjv@Titus:3:14
Should be established in kjv@2Thessalonians:2:17
Should be fruitful in kjv@Colossians:1:10
Should be perfect in kjv@Hebrews:13:21
Should be prepared to all kjv@2Timothy:2:21
Should abound to all kjv@2Corinthians:9:8
Should be ready to all kjv@Titus:3:1
Should manifest, with meekness kjv@James:3:13
Should provoke each other kjv@Hebrews:10:24
Should avoid ostentation in kjv@Matthew:6:1-18
Bring to the light their kjv@John:3:21
Followed into rest by their kjv@Revelation:14:13
Holy women should manifest kjv@1Timothy:2:10 kjv@1Timothy:5:10
God remembers kjv@Nehemiah:13:14 kjv@Hebrews:6:9 kjv@Hebrews:6:10
Shall be brought into the judgment kjv@Ecclesiastes:12:14 kjv@2Corinthians:5:10
In the judgment, will be an evidence of faith kjv@Matthew:25:34-40 kjv@James:2:14-20
Ministers should
Be patterns of kjv@Titus:2:7
Exhort to kjv@1Timothy:6:17 kjv@1Timothy:6:18 kjv@Titus:3:1 kjv@Titus:3:8 kjv@Titus:3:14
God is glorified by kjv@John:15:8
Designed to lead others to glorify God kjv@Matthew:5:16 kjv@1Peter:2:12
A blessing attends kjv@James:1:25
The wicked reprobate to kjv@Titus:1:16
Illustrated kjv@John:15:5





- GOOD .Jesus an example of kjv@John:10:32; kjv@Acts:10:38 .Holy women should manifest kjv@1Timothy:2:10; kjv@1Timothy:5:10 .God remembers kjv@Nehemiah:13:14; with_Hebrews:6:9-10 .Will be brought into judgment kjv@Ecclesiastes:12:14; with_2Corinthians:5:10 .In the judgment, will be an evidence of faith kjv@Matthew:25:34-40; with_James:2:14-20 .Servants should be patterns of kjv@Titus:2:7 .Servants should exhort to kjv@Titus:3:1 kjv@Titus:3:1Timothy:6:17-18; 8, 14 .God is glorified by kjv@John:15:8 .Designed to lead others to glorify God kjv@Matthew:5:16; kjv@1Peter:2:12 .A blessing attends kjv@James:1:25 .Of the righteous, are manifest kjv@1Timothy:5:25 .Parables relating to .The talents kjv@Matthew:25:14-29 .The pounds kjv@Luke:19:12-27 .The laborer's in the vineyard kjv@Matthew:20:11-15 .The two sons kjv@Matthew:21:28-31 .The barren fig tree kjv@Luke:13:6-9

- UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO kjv@Deuteronomy:6:25; kjv@Deuteronomy:24:13; kjv@Nehemiah:5:19; kjv@Nehemiah:13:14; kjv@Job:30:25; kjv@Psalms:37:3; kjv@Psalms:90:17; kjv@Psalms:106:30-31; kjv@Jeremiah:22:15-16; kjv@Ezekiel:14:14 kjv@Ezekiel:14:20 kjv@Ezekiel:18:5-9; kjv@Matthew:3:8; kjv@Matthew:6:1-4; kjv@Matthew:10:42; kjv@Matthew:18:5; kjv@Matthew:19:16-21; kjv@Matthew:25:34-46; kjv@Mark:10:17; kjv@Luke:10:25; kjv@John:3:21; kjv@John:15:2-8 kjv@John:15:14 kjv@Acts:10:4 kjv@Acts:10:38 kjv@Romans:2:13; kjv@1Corinthians:3:6-9; kjv@2Corinthians:9:8; kjv@Galatians:6:4; kjv@Ephesians:2:10; kjv@Philippians:1:11; kjv@Philippians:2:13; kjv@Colossians:1:10; kjv@Colossians:3:12-14 kjv@Colossians:3:17 kjv@1Thessalonians:1:3 kjv@1Thessalonians:1:7, 8; kjv@2Thessalonians:2:17; kjv@1Timothy:2:10; kjv@1Timothy:5:9-10; kjv@1Timothy:6:18-19; kjv@2Timothy:2:21; kjv@2Timothy:3:16-17; kjv@2Timothy:3:1-2 kjv@2Timothy:3:Titus:2:14; 8, 14; kjv@Hebrews:6:10; kjv@Hebrews:10:24; kjv@Hebrews:13:21; kjv@Hebrews:3:13 kjv@Hebrews:3:James:1:22-27; 17, 18; kjv@Revelation:14:13; kjv@Revelation:22:14

- INSUFFICIENCY OF, FOR SALVATION kjv@Psalms:49:7-8; kjv@Psalms:127:1-2; kjv@Ecclesiastes:1:14; kjv@Isaiah:43:26; kjv@Isaiah:57:12; kjv@Isaiah:64:6; kjv@Ezekiel:7:19; kjv@Ezekiel:33:12-19; kjv@Daniel:9:18; kjv@Matthew:5:20; kjv@Luke:17:7-10; kjv@Luke:18:9-14; kjv@Acts:13:39; kjv@Romans:3:20-31; kjv@Romans:4:1-22; kjv@Romans:9:16 kjv@Romans:9:Romans:8:3; 31, 32; kjv@Romans:11:6; kjv@Galatians:2:16 kjv@Galatians:2:1Corinthians:13:1-3; 19, 21; kjv@1Corinthians:3:1-29; kjv@1Corinthians:5:2-4 kjv@1Corinthians:5:1Corinthians:4:9-11; 6, 18; kjv@1Corinthians:6:15; kjv@Ephesians:2:8-9; kjv@Philippians:3:3-9; kjv@Colossians:2:20-23; kjv@2Timothy:1:9; kjv@Titus:3:4-5; kjv@Hebrews:4:3-10; kjv@Hebrews:6:1-2; kjv@Hebrews:9:1-14; kjv@James:2:10-11

- OF GOD .



kjv@STRING:Asiel <HITCHCOCK>@ the work of God - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Harosheth <HITCHCOCK>@ a forest; agriculture; workmanship; deafness; silence - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Harsha <HITCHCOCK>@ workmanship; a wood - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Maaseiah <HITCHCOCK>@ the work of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Obed <HITCHCOCK>@ a servant; workman - HITCHCOCK-O

kjv@STRING:Peulthai <HITCHCOCK>@ my works - HITCHCOCK-P



(1) Examples of Helpful- kjv@2Chronicles:28:15; kjv@Job:29:15,16; kjv@Proverbs:31:20; kjv@Isaiah:21:14; kjv@Isaiah:50:4 kjv@Matthew:25:35; kjv@Luke:10:34; kjv@1Corinthians:16:15,16; kjv@2Corinthians:1:11; kjv@Philippians:4:3

(2) Various Forms of, to which Men are Called Working with God- kjv@Haggai:2:4 Immediate Service- kjv@Matthew:21:28 Individual Tasks- kjv@Mark:13:34 Abundant Labours- kjv@1Corinthians:15:58 In the Field of their Own Lives- kjv@Philippians:2:12 In Evangelizing the World- kjv@2Timothy:4:5

(3) Required According to Ability- kjv@Matthew:25:22,23; kjv@Mark:14:8; kjv@Luke:12:48; kjv@1Peter:4:11

(4) Wrought in Cooperation with God kjv@1Samuel:14:45; kjv@Mark:16:20; kjv@1Corinthians:3:9; kjv@2Corinthians:6:1

(5) Willingness, an Essential Element in- kjv@Judges:5:2; kjv@Judges:8:25; kjv@Nehemiah:11:2; kjv@Psalms:110:3; kjv@Isaiah:1:19 kjv@2Corinthians:8:3; kjv@1Thessalonians:2:8 Obedience, OBEDIENCE

(6) Should be Carried to Completion- kjv@Zechariah:4:9; kjv@John:4:34; kjv@John:17:4; kjv@John:19:30; kjv@Acts:20:24; kjv@2Timothy:4:7 Perseverance, STEADFASTNESS (B) SERVICE, SPIRITUAL

(1) God Demands- kjv@Exodus:23:25; kjv@Deuteronomy:10:12; kjv@Joshua:24:14; kjv@1Chronicles:28:9; kjv@Psalms:2:11; kjv@Psalms:100:2 kjv@1Corinthians:15:58; kjv@Ephesians:6:7; kjv@Hebrews:12:28

(2) To be Rendered to Christ- kjv@John:12:26; kjv@1Corinthians:7:22; kjv@Ephesians:6:6; kjv@Philippians:1:1; kjv@Colossians:3:24

(3) The Duty of Serving Men It Ennobles Life- kjv@Mark:10:43,44 It Exemplifies Neighbourliness- kjv@Luke:10:36,37 It is Christlike- kjv@John:13:14 It Demonstrates Love- kjv@John:21:16 It Lightens Life's Burdens- kjv@Galatians:6:2,10

(4) Performed in Humility- kjv@Matthew:10:42; kjv@John:12:3; kjv@Acts:20:18,19 (C) UNDIVIDED SERVICE, required by the Lord- kjv@1Samuel:7:3; kjv@2Chronicles:15:15; kjv@Matthew:4:10; kjv@Luke:16:13 (D) IMMEDIATE SERVICE, examples of prompt response to the call of duty Elisha- kjv@1Kings:19:20 Peter and Andrew- kjv@Mark:1:18 Peter's Mother-inlaw kjv@Luke:4:39 Zacchaeus- kjv@Luke:19:6 Paul after his Conversion- kjv@Acts:9:20; kjv@Acts:10:29 Paul and Silas in Responding to the Macedonian Call- kjv@Acts:16:10; Gal kjv@Acts:1:16 Willingness, WORK AND WORKERS, RELIGIOUS (E) JOY IN SERVICE, found by the faithful- kjv@Nehemiah:12:43; kjv@Psalms:40:8; kjv@Psalms:100:2; kjv@Psalms:126:5,6; kjv@Luke:10:17; kjv@John:4:36; kjv@Acts:11:23 (F) CHRIST AS SERVANT, of men- kjv@Matthew:20:28; kjv@Luke:22:27; kjv@John:13:4,5; kjv@Philippians:2:7 (G) WORKS, GOOD

(1) Enjoined Glorify God- kjv@Matthew:5:16; kjv@Colossians:1:10 Enriched Life- kjv@1Timothy:6:18 Furnish a Pattern for Imitation- kjv@Titus:2:7; kjv@Titus:2:14; kjv@Titus:3:8 Tend to Summons Others to their Tasks- kjv@Hebrews:10:24 Demonstrate the Reality of Faith- kjv@James:2:17,18; kjv@1Peter:2:12 Requirements, REQUIREMENTS, DIVINE & REQUIREMENTS, DIVINE Righteousness, RIGHTEOUSNESS

(2) Examples of- kjv@Nehemiah:13:14; kjv@Matthew:25:35,36; kjv@Matthew:26:7,8,10; kjv@Acts:9:36; kjv@1Thessalonians:1:3; kjv@Revelation:2:2 Righteousness

(3), RIGHTEOUSNESS Obedience


(3) Insufficient to Secure Salvation- kjv@Matthew:7:22,23; kjv@Romans:3:20; kjv@Romans:9:32; kjv@Romans:11:6; Gal kjv@Romans:2:16; kjv@Ephesians:2:8,9 kjv@2Timothy:1:9; kjv@Titus:3:4,5 Faith, FAITH Grace


(4) Special Commands Concerning Doing Good- kjv@Psalms:34:14; kjv@Psalms:37:3,27; kjv@Luke:6:35; kjv@Romans:13:13; Gal kjv@Romans:6:10; kjv@1Timothy:6:18 kjv@Hebrews:13:16; kjv@James:4:17; kjv@1Peter:2:15; kjv@1Peter:3:11,17 (H) LABOURERS, SPIRITUAL, general references to Prayer for the Increase of- kjv@Matthew:9:37,38; kjv@Matthew:20:8 Great Opportunity Afforded to- kjv@John:4:35,36; kjv@1Corinthians:3:9 Worthy of Reward- kjv@1Timothy:5:17,18 (I) WORKERS, PERSONAL, character of service rendered by Bringing the Helpless to Christ- kjv@Mark:2:3 Winning Members of their own Household- kjv@John:1:41,42 Recommending Christ to Personal Friends- kjv@John:1:45 Inspiring other Workers- kjv@Acts:11:25,26 Saving Souls from Death- kjv@James:5:20 Zeal for Souls, EARNESTNESS (J) SOULWINNERS, special references to the work done by Displays the Highest Wisdom kjv@Proverbs:11:30 Win a Radiant Crown- kjv@Daniel:12:3 Trained by Christ in a New Calling- kjv@Matthew:4:19; kjv@Mark:1:17; kjv@Luke:5:10 Sacrifice Personal Rights and Privileges- kjv@1Corinthians:9:19,20 Snatch Men as Brands from the Burning- kjv@James:5:20; Jude:23 Spiritual Harvest, REAPING Zeal for Souls, EARNESTNESS Promises to Workers, PROMISES, DIVINE

WORKS, EVIL, CONDEMNED @ kjv@John:7:7; kjv@John:8:41; kjv@Galatians:5:19; kjv@James:3:16; kjv@2Peter:2:8; Jude:15 Sin, SIN Evil Activity, ACTIVITY, EVIL

WORKS OF CHRIST, MIGHTY @ kjv@Matthew:11:2,20; kjv@Matthew:13:54; kjv@Mark:6:2,14; kjv@Luke:19:37; kjv@John:5:36; kjv@John:9:4; kjv@John:10:25 kjv@John:10:38; kjv@John:14:11; kjv@John:15:24 Miracles, MIRACLES


(1) General References to- kjv@Psalms:8:3; kjv@Psalms:19:1; kjv@Psalms:26:7; kjv@Psalms:40:5; kjv@Psalms:111:4; kjv@Psalms:139:14; kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:11; kjv@Revelation:15:3 Wonders, WONDERS OF GOD

(2) Spoken of as Great Things- kjv@Deuteronomy:10:21; kjv@1Samuel:12:24; kjv@Job:5:9; kjv@Psalms:126:2; kjv@Mark:3:8; kjv@Mark:5:19

(3) Referred to as "The Lord's Doings"- kjv@Genesis:24:50; kjv@1Samuel:3:11; kjv@Psalms:118:23; kjv@Psalms:126:3; kjv@Isaiah:28:21; kjv@Isaiah:29:14; kjv@Matthew:21:42 Wonders, WONDERS OF GOD

WORKS PROVE @ kjv@Matthew:5:16; kjv@Luke:10:37; kjv@John:5:36; kjv@James:2:18; kjv@1Peter:2:12 Miracles Testify, MIRACLES TESTIFY


H1202 <STRHEB>@ בּעשׂיה ba‛ăώêyâh bah-as-ay-yaw' From H6213 and H3050 with prepositional prefix; in (the) work of Jah; {Baasejah} an Israelite: - Baaseiah.

H1696 <STRHEB>@ דּבר dâbar daw-bar' A primitive root; perhaps properly to arrange; but used figuratively (of words) to speak; rarely (in a destructive sense) to subdue: - {answer} {appoint} {bid} {command} {commune} {declare} {destroy} {give} {name} {promise} {pronounce} {rehearse} {say} {speak} be {spokesman} {subdue} {talk} {teach} {tell} {think} use {[entreaties]} {utter} X {well} X work.

H1697 <STRHEB>@ דּבר dâbâr daw-bawr' From H1696; a word; by implication a matter (as spoken of) of thing; adverbially a cause: - {act} {advice} {affair} {answer} X any such ({thing}) + because {of} {book} {business} {care} {case} {cause} certain {rate} + {chronicles} {commandment} X commune ({-ication}) + concern {[-ing]} + {confer} {counsel} + {dearth} {decree} {deed} X {disease} {due} {duty} {effect} + {eloquent} {errand} [evil favoured-] {ness} + {glory} + {harm} {hurt} + {iniquity} + {judgment} {language} + {lying} {manner} {matter} {message} [no] {thing} {oracle} X {ought} X {parts} + {pertaining} + {please} {portion} + {power} {promise} {provision} {purpose} {question} {rate} {reason} {report} {request} X (as hast) {said} {sake} {saying} {sentence} + {sign} + {so} some {[uncleanness]} somewhat to {say} + {song} {speech} X {spoken} {talk} {task} + {that} X there {done} thing ({concerning}) {thought} + {thus} {tidings} what {[-soever]} + {wherewith} {which} {word} work.

H2355 <STRHEB>@ חור chôr khore The same as H2353; white linen: - network. Compare H2715.

H2359 <STRHEB>@ חוּרי chûrîy khoo-ree' Probably from H2353; linen worker; {Churi} an Israelite: - Huri.

H2707 <STRHEB>@ חקה châqâh khaw-kaw' A primitive root; to carve; by implication to delineate; also to intrench: - carved {work} {portrayed} set a print.

H2790 <STRHEB>@ חרשׁ chârash khaw-rash' A primitive root; to {scratch} that {is} (by implication) to {engrave} plough; hence (from the use of tools) to fabricate (of any material); figuratively to devise (in a bad sense); hence (from the idea of secrecy) to be {silent} to let alone; hence (by implication) to be deaf (as an accompaniment of dumbness): - X {altogether} {cease} {conceal} be {deaf} {devise} {ear} {graven} {imagine} leave off {speaking} hold {peace} plow ({-er} {-man}) be {quiet} {rest} practise {secretly} keep {silence} be {silent} speak not a {word} be {still} hold {tongue} worker.

H2796 <STRHEB>@ חרשׁ chârâsh khaw-rawsh' From H2790; a fabricator of any material: - {artificer} (+) {carpenter} {craftsman} {engraver} {maker} + {mason} {skilful} (+) {smith} {worker} {workman} such as wrought.

H2799 <STRHEB>@ חרשׁת chărôsheth khar-o'-sheth From H2790; mechanical work: - {carving} cutting.

H2803 <STRHEB>@ חשׁב châshab khaw-shab' A primitive root; properly to plait or {interpenetrate} that {is} (literally) to weave or (generally) to fabricate; figuratively to plot or contrive (usually in a malicious sense); hence (from the mental effort) to {think} regard6 {value} compute: - (make) account ({of}) {conceive} {consider} {count} cunning ({man} {work} {workman}) {devise} {esteem} find {out} {forecast} {hold} {imagine} {impute} {invent} be {like} {mean} {purpose} reckon (-ing be {made}) {regard} think.

H3018 <STRHEB>@ יגיע yegîyayeg-ee'-ah From H3021; toil; hence a {work} produce6 property (as the result of labor): - {labour} work.

H3027 <STRHEB>@ יד yâd yawd A primitive word; a hand (the open one (indicating {power} means6 {direction} {etc.}) in distinction from {H3709} the closed one); used (as {noun} {adverb} etc.) in a great variety of {applications} both literally and {figuratively} both proximate and remote: - (+ be) {able} X {about} + {armholes} {at} {axletree} because {of} {beside} {border} X {bounty} + {broad} [broken-] {handed} X {by} {charge} {coast} + {consecrate} + {creditor} {custody} {debt} {dominion} X {enough} + {fellowship} {force} X {from} hand {[-staves} -y {work]} X {he} {himself} X {in} {labour} + {large} {ledge} [left-] {handed} {means} X {mine} {ministry} {near} X {of} X {order} {ordinance} X {our} {parts} {pain} {power} X {presumptuously} {service} {side} {sore} {state} {stay} draw with {strength} {stroke} + {swear} {terror} X {thee} X by {them} X {them-selves} X thine {own} X {thou} {through} X {throwing} + {thumb} {times} X {to} X {under} X {us} X wait {on} [way-] {side} {where} + {wide} X with ({him} {me} {you}) {work} + {yield} X your-selves.

H3336 <STRHEB>@ יצר yêtser yay'-tser From H3335; a form; figuratively conception (that {is} purpose): - {frame} thing {framed} {imagination} {mind} work.

H4174 <STRHEB>@ מורד môrâd mo-rawd' From H3381; a descent; architecturally an ornamental {appendage} perhaps a festoon: - going {down} steep {place} thin work.

H4284 <STRHEB>@ מחשׁבת מחשׁבה machăshâbâh machăshebeth {makh-ash-aw-baw'} makh-ash-eh'-beth From H2803; a {contrivance} that {is} (concretely) a {texture} {machine} or (abstractly) {intention} plan (whether {bad} a plot; or {good} advice): - cunning ({work}) curious {work} device ({-sed}) {imagination} {invented} {means} {purpose} thought.

H4399 <STRHEB>@ מלאכה melâ'kâh mel-aw-kaw' From the same as H4397; properly {deputyship} that {is} ministry; generally employment (never servile) or work (abstractly or concretely); also property (as the result of labor): - {business} + {cattle} + {industrious} {occupation} (+ {-pied}) + {officer} thing ({made}) {use} (manner of) work ({[-man]} -manship).

H4404 <STRHEB>@ מלבּן malbên mal-bane' From H3835 (denominatively); a brickkiln: - brickwork.

H4566 <STRHEB>@ מעבּד mabâd mah-bawd' From H5647; an act: - work.

H4567 <STRHEB>@ מעבד mabâd mah-bawd' (Chaldee); corresponding to H4566; an act: - work.

H4611 <STRHEB>@ מעלל ma‛ălâl mah-al-awl' From H5953; an act (good or bad): - {doing} {endeavour} {invention} work.

H4639 <STRHEB>@ מעשׂה ma‛ăώeh mah-as-eh' From H6213; an action (good or bad); generally a transaction; abstractly activity; by implication a product (specifically a poem) or (generally) property: - {act} {art} + {bakemeat} {business} {deed} do ({-ing}) {labour} thing {made} ware of {making} {occupation} thing {offered} {operation} {possession} X {well} ({[handy-} {needle-} net-]) {work} ({-ing} {-manship}) wrought.

H4641 <STRHEB>@ מעשׂיהוּ מעשׂיה ma‛ăώêyâh ma‛ăώêyâhû {mah-as-ay-yaw'} mah-as-ay-yaw'-hoo From H4639 and H3050; work of Jah; {Maasejah} the name of sixteen Israelites: - Masseiah.

H4652 <STRHEB>@ מפלאה miphlâ'âh mif-law-aw' From H6381; a miracle: - wondrous work.

H4659 <STRHEB>@ מפעלה מפעל miph‛âl miph‛âlâh {mif-awl'} mif-aw-law' From H6466; a performance: - work.

H4749 <STRHEB>@ מקשׁה miqshâh mik-shaw' Feminine of H4748; rounded {work} that {is} moulded by hammering (repousse): - beaten (out of one {piece} {work}) {upright} whole piece.

H5065 <STRHEB>@ נגשׂ nâgaώ naw-gas' A primitive root; to drive (an {animal} a {workman} a {debtor} an army); by implication to {tax} {harass} tyrannize: - {distress} {driver} exact ({-or}) oppress ({-or}) X raiser of {taxes} taskmaster.

H5647 <STRHEB>@ עבד ‛âbad aw-bad' A primitive root; to work (in any sense); by implication to {serve} {till} (causatively) {enslave} etc.: - X {be} keep in {bondage} be {bondmen} {bond-service} {compel} {do} {dress} {ear} {execute} + {husbandman} {keep} labour (-ing {man}) bring to {pass} (cause {to} make to) serve ({-ing} {self}) ({be} become) servant ({-s}) do (use) {service} till ({-er}) transgress [from {margin]} (set a) {work} be {wrought} worshipper.

H5648 <STRHEB>@ עבד ‛ăbad ab-ad' (Chaldee); corresponding to H5647; to {do} make6 {prepare} {keep} etc.: - X {cut} {do} {execute} go {on} {make} {move} work.

H5652 <STRHEB>@ עבד ‛ăbâd ab-awd' From H5647; a deed: - work.

H5653 <STRHEB>@ עבדּא ‛abdâ' ab-daw' From H5647; work; {Abda} the name of two Israelites: - Abda.

H5654 <STRHEB>@ עבד אדום ‛ôbêddôm o-bade' ed-ome' From the active participle of H5647 and H123; worker of Edom; {Obed-Edom} the name of five Israelites: - Obed-edom.

H5656 <STRHEB>@ עבודה עבדה ‛ăbôdâh ‛ăbôdâh {ab-o-daw'} ab-o-daw' From H5647; work of any kind: - {act} {bondage} + {bondservant} {effect} {labour} ministering ({-try}) {office} service ({-ile} {-itude}) {tillage} {use} {work} X wrought.

H5673 <STRHEB>@ עבידה ‛ăbîydâh ab-ee-daw' (Chaldee); from H5648; labor or business: - {affairs} {service} work.

H5908 <STRHEB>@ עכּבישׁ ‛akkâbîysh ak-kaw-beesh' Probably from an unused root in the literal sense of entangling; a spider (as weaving a network): - spider.

H5927 <STRHEB>@ עלה ‛âlâh aw-law' A primitive root; to {ascend} intransitively (be high) or active (mount); used in a great variety of {senses} primary and {secondary} literally and figuratively: - arise (up). (cause to) ascend {up} at {once} break [the day] ({up}) bring ({up}) (cause to) {burn} carry {up} cast {up} + {shew} climb ({up}) (cause {to} make to) come ({up}) cut {off} {dawn} {depart} {exalt} {excel} {fall} fetch {up} get {up} (make to) go ({away} {up}) grow ({over}) {increase} {lay} {leap} {levy} lift (self) {up} {light} [make] {up} X {mention} mount {up} {offer} make to {pay} + {perfect} {prefer} put ({on}) {raise} {recover} {restore} (make to) rise ({up}) {scale} set ({up}) shoot forth ({up}) (begin to) spring ({up}) stir {up} take away ({up}) work.

H5948 <STRHEB>@ עליל ‛ălîyl al-eel' From H5953 in the sense of completing; probably a crucible (as working over the metal): - furnace.

H5949 <STRHEB>@ עללה עלילה ‛ălîylâh ‛ălilâh {al-ee-law'} al-ee-law' From H5953 in the sense of effecting; an exploit (of {God}) or a performance (of {man} often in a bad sense); by implication an opportunity: - act ({-ion}) {deed} {doing} {invention} {occasion} work.

H5950 <STRHEB>@ עליליּה ‛ălîylîyâh al-ee-lee-yaw' From H5949; (miraculous) execution: - work.

H5953 <STRHEB>@ עלל ‛âlal aw-lal' A primitive root; to effect thoroughly; specifically to glean (also figuratively); by implication (in a bad sense) to {overdo} that {is} {maltreat} be saucy {to} {pain} impose (also literally): - {abuse} {affect} X {child} {defile} {do} {glean} {mock} {practise} {throughly} work (wonderfully).

H5998 <STRHEB>@ עמל ‛âmal aw-mal' A primitive root; to {toil} that {is} work severely and with irksomeness: - [take] labour (in).

H542 <STRHEB>@ אמן 'âmân aw-mawn' From H539 (in the sense of training); an expert: - cunning workman.

H6001 <STRHEB>@ עמל ‛âmêl aw-male' From H5998; toiling; concretely a laborer; figuratively sorrowful: - that {laboureth} that is a {misery} had taken {[labour]} {wicked} workman.

H6092 <STRHEB>@ עצב ‛âtsêb aw-tsabe' From H6087; a (hired) workman: - labour.

H6213 <STRHEB>@ עשׂה ‛âώâh aw-saw' A primitive root; to do or {make} in the broadest sense and widest application: - {accomplish} {advance} {appoint} {apt} be {at} {become} {bear} {bestow} bring {forth} {bruise} be {busy} X {certainly} have the charge {of} {commit} deal ({with}) {deck} + {displease} {do} (ready) dress ({-ed}) (put in) execute ({-ion}) {exercise} {fashion} + {feast} [fight-] ing {man} + {finish} {fit} {fly} {follow} {fulfil} {furnish} {gather} {get} go {about} {govern} {grant} {great} + {hinder} hold ([a {feast]}) X {indeed} + be {industrious} + {journey} {keep} {labour} {maintain} {make} be {meet} {observe} be {occupied} {offer} + {officer} {pare} bring (come) to {pass} {perform} {practise} {prepare} {procure} {provide} {put} {requite} X {sacrifice} {serve} {set} {shew} X {sin} {spend} X {surely} {take} X {thoroughly} {trim} X {very} + {vex} be [warr-] {ior} work ({-man}) {yield} use.

H6381 <STRHEB>@ פּלא pâlâ' paw-law' A primitive root; properly perhaps to {separate} that {is} distinguish (literally or figuratively); by implication to be (causatively make) {great} {difficult} wonderful: - {accomplish} (arise . . . {too} be too) {hard} {hidden} things too {high} ({be} {do} do {a} shew) marvelous ({-ly} {-els} {things} {work}) {miracles} {perform} {separate} make {singular} ({be} {great} make) wonderful ({-ers} {-ly} {things} {works}) wondrous ({things} {works} -ly).

H6466 <STRHEB>@ פּעל pâ‛al paw-al' A primitive root; to do or make (systematically and {habitually}) especially to practise: - {commit} [evil-] do ({-er}) make ({-r}) {ordain} work ({-er}) wrought.

H6467 <STRHEB>@ פּעל pô‛al po'-al From H6466; an act or work (concretely): - {act} {deed} {do} {getting} {maker} work.

H6468 <STRHEB>@ פּעלּה pe‛ûllâh peh-ool-law' Feminine passive participle of H6466; (abstractly) work: - {labour} {reward} {wages} work.

H6603 <STRHEB>@ פּתּח פּתּוּח pittûach pittûach {pit-too'-akh} pit-too'-akh Passive participle of H6605; sculpture (in low or high relief or even intaglio): - carved (work) ({are} en-) grave ({-ing} -n).

H6816 <STRHEB>@ צעצע tsatsûatsah-tsoo'-ah From an unused root meaning to bestrew with carvings; sculpture: - image [work].

H7194 <STRHEB>@ קשׁר qâshar kaw-shar' A primitive root; to {tie} physically ({gird} confine6 compact) or mentally (in {love} league): - bind ({up}) (make a) conspire ({-acy} {-ator}) join {together} {knit} {stronger} work [treason].

H7551 <STRHEB>@ רקם râqam raw-kam' A primitive root; to variegate {color} that {is} embroider; by implication to fabricate: - {embroiderer} {needlework} curiously work.

H7553 <STRHEB>@ רקמה riqmâh rik-maw' From H7551; variegation of color; specifically embroidery: - broidered ({work}) divers {colours} (raiment of) needlework (on both sides).

H7568 <STRHEB>@ רשׁת resheth reh'-sheth From H3423; a net (as catching animals): - net [-work].

H7639 <STRHEB>@ שׂבכה ώebâkâh seb-aw-kaw' Feminine of H7638; a net {work} that {is} (in hunting) a {snare} (in architecture) a ballustrade; also a reticulated ornament to a pillar: - {checker} {lattice} {network} {snare} wreath (-enwork).

H7760 <STRHEB>@ שׂים שׂוּם ώûm ώîym {soom} seem A primitive root; to put (used in a great variety of {applications} {literally} {figuratively} inferentially and elliptically): - X any {wise} {appoint} {bring} call [a {name]} {care} cast {in} {change} {charge} {commit} {consider} {convey} {determine} + {disguise} {dispose} {do} {get} {give} heap {up} {hold} {impute} lay ({down} {up}) {leave} {look} make ({out}) {mark} + {name} X {on} {ordain} {order} + {paint} {place} {preserve} {purpose} put ({on}) + {regard} {rehearse} {reward} (cause to) set ({on} {up}) {shew} + {stedfastly} {take} X {tell} + tread {down} ([over-]) {turn} X {wholly} work.

H731 <STRHEB>@ ארזה 'arzâh ar-zaw' Feminine of H730; cedar wainscoting: - cedar work.

H8454 <STRHEB>@ תּשׁיּה תּוּשׁיּה tûshîyâh tûshîyâh {too-shee-yaw'} too-shee-yaw' From an unused root probably meaning to substantiate; support or (by implication) {ability} that {is} (direct) {help} (in purpose) an {undertaking} (intellectual) understanding: - {enterprise} that which (thing as it) {is} {substance} (sound) {wisdom} working.

H8521 <STRHEB>@ תּל חרשׁא têl charshâ' tale khar-shaw' From H8510 and the feminine of H2798; mound of workmanship; {Tel-Charsha} a place in Babylon: - {Tel-haresha} Tel-harsa.

G14 <STRGRK>@ ἀγαθοεργέω agathoergeō ag-ath-er-gheh'-o From G18 and G2041; to work good: - do good.

G1092 <STRGRK>@ γεωργός geōrgos gheh-ore-gos' From G1093 and the base of G2041; a land worker that is farmer: - husbandman.

G1217 <STRGRK>@ δημιουργός dēmiourgos day-me-oor-gos' From G1218 and G2041; a worker for the people that is mechanic (spoken of the Creator): - maker.

G1411 <STRGRK>@ δύναμις dunamis doo'-nam-is From G1410; force (literally or figuratively); specifically miraculous power (usually by implication a miracle itself): - ability abundance meaning might (-ily -y -y deed) (worker of) miracle (-s) power strength violence mighty (wonderful) work.

G1753 <STRGRK>@ ἐνέργεια energeia en-erg'-i-ah From G1756; efficiency (energy): - operation strong (effectual) working.

G1754 <STRGRK>@ ἐνεργέω energeō en-erg-eh'-o From G1756; to be active efficient: - do (be) effectual (fervent) be mighty in shew forth self work (effectually in).

G1755 <STRGRK>@ ἐνέργημα energēma en-erg'-ay-mah From G1754; an effect: - operation working.

G2038 <STRGRK>@ ἐργάζομαι ergazomai er-gad'-zom-ahee Middle voice from G2041; to toil (as a task occupation etc.) (by implication) effect be engaged in or with etc.: - commit do labor for minister about trade (by) work.

G2039 <STRGRK>@ ἐργασία ergasia er-gas-ee'-ah From G2040; occupation; by implication profit pains: - craft diligence gain work.

G2040 <STRGRK>@ ἐργάτης ergatēs er-gat'-ace From G2041; a toiler; figuratively a teacher: - labourer worker (-men).

G2041 <STRGRK>@ ἔργον ergon er'-gon From ἔργω ergō (a primary but obsolete word; to work); toil (as an effort or occupation); by implication an act: - deed doing labour work.

G2110 <STRGRK>@ εὐεργέτης euergetēs yoo-erg-et'-ace From G2095 and the base of G2041; a worker of good that is (specifically) a philanthropist: - benefactor.

G2418 <STRGRK>@ ἱερουργέω hierourgeō hee-er-oorg-eh'-o From a compound of G2411 and the base of G2041; to be a temple worker that is officiate as a priest (figuratively): - minister.

G2480 <STRGRK>@ ἰσχύω ischuō is-khoo'-o From G2479; to have (or exercise) force (literally or figuratively): - beable avail can do ([-not]) could be good might prevail be of strength be whole + much work.

G2716 <STRGRK>@ κατεργάζομαι katergazomai kat-er-gad'-zom-ahee From G2596 and G2038; to work fully that is accomplish; by implication to finish fashion: - cause do (deed) perform work (out).

G2872 <STRGRK>@ κοπιάω kopiaō kop-ee-ah'-o From a derivative of G2873; to feel fatigue; by implication to work hard: - (bestow) labour toil be wearied.

G289 <STRGRK>@ ἀμπελουργός ampelourgos am-pel-oor-gos' From G288 and G2041; a vine worker that is pruner: - vine-dresser.

G3056 <STRGRK>@ λόγος logos log'-os From G3004; something said (including the thought); by implication a topic (subject of discourse) also reasoning (the mental faculty) or motive; by extension a computation; specifically (with the article in John) the Divine Expression (that is Christ): - account cause communication X concerning doctrine fame X have to do intent matter mouth preaching question reason + reckon remove say (-ing) shew X speaker speech talk thing + none of these things move me tidings treatise utterance word work.

G3167 <STRGRK>@ μεγαλεῖος megaleios meg-al-i'-os From G3173; magnificent that is (neuter plural as noun) a conspicuous favor or (subjectively) perfection: - great things wonderful works.

G3411 <STRGRK>@ μισθωτός misthōtos mis-tho-tos' From G3409; a wage worker (good or bad): - hired servant hireling.

G3433 <STRGRK>@ μόλις molis mol'-is Probably by a variation for G3425; with difficulty: - hardly scarce (-ly) + with much work.

G3835 <STRGRK>@ πανοῦργος panourgos pan-oor'-gos From G3956 and G2041; all working that is adroit (shrewd): - crafty.

G4020 <STRGRK>@ περιεργάζομαι periergazomai per-ee-er-gad'-zom-ahee From G4012 and G2038; to work all around that is bustle about (meddle): - be a busybody.

G4021 <STRGRK>@ περίεργος periergos per-ee'-er-gos From G4012 and G2041; working all around that is officious (meddlesome neuter plural magic): - busybody curious arts.

G4160 <STRGRK>@ ποιέω poieō poy-eh'-o Apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary; to make or do (in a very wide application more or less direct): - abide + agree appoint X avenge + band together be bear + bewray bring (forth) cast out cause commit + content continue deal + without any delay (would) do (-ing) execute exercise fulfil gain give have hold X journeying keep + lay wait + lighten the ship make X mean + none of these things move me observe ordain perform provide + have purged purpose put + raising up X secure shew X shoot out spend take tarry + transgress the law work yield. Compare G4238.

G4161 <STRGRK>@ ποίημα poiēma poy'-ay-mah From G4160; a product that is fabric (literally or figuratively): - thing that is made workmanship.

G4229 <STRGRK>@ πρᾶγμα pragma prag'-mah From G4238; a deed; by implication an affair; by extension an object (material): - business matter thing work.

G4234 <STRGRK>@ πρᾶξις praxis prax'-is From G4238; practice that is (concretely) an act; by extension a function: - deed office work.

G4333 <STRGRK>@ προσεργάζομαι prosergazomai pros-er-gad'-zom-ahee From G4314 and G2038; to work additionally that is (by implication) acquire besides: - gain.

G4553 <STRGRK>@ σαργάνη sarganē sar-gan'-ay Apparently of Hebrew origin [H8276]; a basket (as interwoven or wicker work): - basket.

G4903 <STRGRK>@ συνεργέω sunergeō soon-erg-eh'-o From G4904; to be a fellow worker that is co-operate: - help (work) with work (-er) together.

G4904 <STRGRK>@ συνεργός sunergos soon-er-gos' From a presumed compound of G4862 and the base of G2041; a co-laborer that is coadjutor: - companion in labour (fellow-) helper (-labourer -worker) labourer together with workfellow.

G4981 <STRGRK>@ σχολή scholē schol-ay' Probably feminine of a presumed derivative of the alternate of G2192; properly loitering (as a withholding of oneself from work) or leisure that is (by implication) a school (as vacation from physical employment): - school.

G5471 <STRGRK>@ χαλκεύς chalkeus khalk-yooce' From G5475; a copper worker or brazier: - coppersmith.

G695 <STRGRK>@ ἀργυροκόπος argurokopos ar-goo-rok-op'-os From G696 and G2875; a beater (that is worker) of silver: - silversmith.

G831 <STRGRK>@ αὐθεντέω authenteō ow-then-teh'-o From a compound of G846 and ἕντης hentēs (obsolete; a worker); to act of oneself that is (figuratively) dominate: - usurp authority over.