
Dict: all - Zoba



ZOBA, OR ZOBAH - Z>@ - (station), the name of a portion of Syria which formed a separate kingdom in the time of the Jewish monarchs Saul, David and Solomon. It probably was eastward of Coele
- Syria, and extended thence northeast and east toward, if not even to, the Euphrates. We first hear of Zobah in the time of Saul, when we find it mentioned as a separate country, governed apparently by a number of kings who owned no common head or chief. ( kjv@1Samuel:14:47) Some forty years later than this we find Zobah under a single ruler Hadadezer son of Rehob. He had wars with Toi king of Hamath, (2 Samuel kjv@8:10) and held various petty Syrian princes as vassals under his yoke. (2 Samuel 10:19) David, (2 Samuel kjv@8:3) attacked Hadadezer in the early part of his reign, defeated his army, and took from him a thousand chariots, seven hundred (seven thousand,) ( kjv@1Chronicles:18:4) horsemen and 20,000 footmen. Hadadezer’s allies, the Syrians of Damascus, were defeated in a great battle. The wealth of Zobah is very apparent in the narrative of this campaign. A man of Zobah, Rezon son of Eliadah, made himself master of Damascus where he proved a fierce adversary to Israel all through the reign of Solomon. (Kings:11:23-25) Solomon also was, it would seem engaged in a war with Zobah itself. ( kjv@2Chronicles:8:3) This is the last that we hear of Zobah in Scripture. The name however, is found at a later date in the inscriptions of Assyria, where the kingdom of Zobah seems to intervene between Hamath and Damascus.


Zobah @ =Aram
- Zobah, kjv@Psalms:60, title), a Syrian province or kingdom to the south of Coele
- Syria, and extending from the eastern slopes of Lebanon north and east toward the Euphrates. Saul and David had war with the kings of Zobah ( kjv@1Samuel:14:47; kjv@2Samuel:8:3 kjv@2Samuel:10:6).






- Also called ZOBA; ARAM


- A kingdom in the north of Palestine kjv@1Samuel:14:47
- Conquest of, by David kjv@2Samuel:8:3-8 kjv@2Samuel:8:12 kjv@1Kings:11:23-24; kjv@1Chronicles:18:2-9
- Its inhabitants mercenaries of the Ammonites against David kjv@2Samuel:10:6-19; kjv@1Chronicles:19:6-19
- David writes a psalm after the conquest of, see the title of Psalms:60
- Invaded by Solomon kjv@2Chronicles:8:3



kjv@STRING:Hamath-zobah <HITCHCOCK>@ the heat, or the wall, of an army - HITCHCOCK-H



H2578 <STRHEB>@ חמת צובה chămath tsôbâh kham-ath' tso-baw' From H2574 and H6678; Chamath of Tsobah; Chamath Tsobah; probably the same as H2574: - Hamath-Zobah.

H6678 <STRHEB>@ צבה צובה צובא tsôbâ' tsôbâh tsôbâh {tso-baw'} {tso-baw'} tso-baw' From an unused root meaning to station; a station; Zoba or {Zobah} a region of Syria: - {Zoba} Zobah.

H760 <STRHEB>@ ארם צובה 'ăram tsôbâh ar-am' tso-baw' From H758 and H6678; Aram of Tsoba (or Coele-syria): - Aram-zobah.