
Dict: all - defile




(1) Of Sin- kjv@Isaiah:24:5; kjv@Isaiah:59:3; kjv@Ezekiel:22:4; kjv@Ezekiel:28:18; kjv@Ezekiel:43:8; kjv@Mark:7:23; kjv@Hebrews:12:15 kjv@James:3:6

(2) Ceremonial- kjv@Leviticus:11:43; kjv@Leviticus:15:2; kjv@John:18:28 Ceremonialism, RELIGION (B) FILTHINESS, Moral- kjv@Ezra:9:11; kjv@Psalms:53:3; kjv@Matthew:23:27; kjv@Romans:6:19; kjv@Ephesians:5:4; kjv@James:1:21; kjv@2Peter:2:10 Lasciviousness, IMPURITY (C) POLLUTIONS

(1) Ceremonial under the Mosaic Law- kjv@Leviticus:7:21; kjv@Leviticus:15:11; kjv@Leviticus:21:1; kjv@Numbers:8:6; kjv@Deuteronomy:21:23

(2) Of the Heathen- kjv@Leviticus:18:24; kjv@Leviticus:20:23; kjv@Deuteronomy:18:12; kjv@2Peter:2:7 Land Polluted, CANAAN, LAND OF

(3) Of God's House- kjv@2Chronicles:33:7; kjv@2Chronicles:36:14; kjv@Jeremiah:7:30; kjv@Ezekiel:8:16; kjv@Ezekiel:44:7; kjv@Zephaniah:3:4; kjv@John:2:14 Sacrilege, IRREVERENCE & IRREVERENCE (D) CLEANSING Select Reading Psalm 51- Psalms:51:1-19

(1) Ceremonial- kjv@Exodus:30:20; kjv@Exodus:40:12; kjv@Leviticus:14:8; kjv@Leviticus:16:26; kjv@Leviticus:22:6; kjv@Numbers:19:7; kjv@Hebrews:9:10

(2) Spiritual, Enjoined- kjv@Isaiah:1:16; kjv@Jeremiah:4:14; kjv@Acts:22:16; kjv@1Corinthians:5:7; kjv@2Corinthians:7:1; kjv@2Timothy:2:21 kjv@James:4:8; kjv@1John:3:3 Holiness

(3), HOLINESS Righteousness

(4), RIGHTEOUSNESS Sanctification


(3) Spiritual, Promised- kjv@Psalms:65:3; kjv@Isaiah:1:18; kjv@Ezekiel:36:25; kjv@Zechariah:13:1; kjv@Malachi:3:3; kjv@Ephesians:5:25,26 kjv@Titus:3:5; kjv@Hebrews:9:14; kjv@1John:1:7; kjv@Revelation:1:5 Blood of Christ, CHRIST JESUS Pardon Promised, SALVATION Word Purifies, BIBLE, THE; THE WORD OF GOD

(4) The Desire for- kjv@Psalms:19:12; kjv@Psalms:51:2,7; kjv@Psalms:79:9; kjv@John:13:9 Spiritual Thirst, DESIRE Spiritual Desire, DESIRE

(5) Examples of Spiritual- kjv@Isaiah:6:7; kjv@Zechariah:3:4; kjv@John:15:3; kjv@1Corinthians:6:11; kjv@Revelation:7:14 Sin Forgiven, SIN (E) Washing ceremonial- kjv@Leviticus:6:27; kjv@Leviticus:13:54; kjv@Leviticus:14:8; kjv@Leviticus:16:28; kjv@Numbers:31:24; kjv@2Chronicles:4:6
of Feet. SEE Social Customs, SOCIAL LIFE





Defilement @ Forbidden to the Jews kjv@Leviticus:11:44 kjv@Leviticus:11:45
Things liable to ceremonial
The person kjv@Leviticus:5:3
Garments kjv@Leviticus:13:59
Furniture, &:c kjv@Leviticus:15:9 kjv@Leviticus:15:10 kjv@Numbers:19:14 kjv@Numbers:19:15
Houses kjv@Leviticus:14:44
The land kjv@Leviticus:18:25 kjv@Deuteronomy:21:23
The sanctuary kjv@Leviticus:20:3 kjv@Zephaniah:3:4
Ceremonial caused by
Eating unclean things kjv@Leviticus:11:8 kjv@Acts:10:11 kjv@Acts:10:14
Eating things that died kjv@Leviticus:17:15
Touching a dead body or a bone kjv@Numbers:9:6 kjv@Numbers:9:7 kjv@Numbers:19:11 kjv@Numbers:19:16
Touching a grave kjv@Numbers:19:16
Touching a dead beast kjv@Leviticus:5:2 kjv@Leviticus:11:24-28
Being alone with a dead body kjv@Numbers:19:14
Mourning for the dead kjv@Leviticus:21:1-3
Having a leprosy kjv@Leviticus:13:3 kjv@Leviticus:13:11 kjv@Numbers:5:2 kjv@Numbers:5:3
Having an issue, &:c kjv@Leviticus:15:2 kjv@Numbers:5:2
Touching anything defiled by an issue, &:c kjv@Leviticus:15:5-11
Going into a leprous house kjv@Leviticus:14:46
Sacrificing the red heifer kjv@Numbers:19:7
Burning the red heifer kjv@Numbers:19:8
Gathering the ashes of the red heifer kjv@Numbers:19:10
Touching an unclean person kjv@Numbers:19:22
Child bearing kjv@Leviticus:12:2
Causes of, improperly enlarged by tradition kjv@Mark:7:2 kjv@Matthew:15:20
Moral, caused by
Following the sins of the heathen kjv@Leviticus:18:24
Seeking after wizards kjv@Leviticus:19:31
Giving children to Molech kjv@Leviticus:20:3
Making and serving idols kjv@Ezekiel:20:17 kjv@Ezekiel:20:18 kjv@Ezekiel:22:3 kjv@Ezekiel:22:4 kjv@Ezekiel:23:7
Blood shedding kjv@Isaiah:59:3
Moral, punished kjv@Leviticus:18:24 kjv@Leviticus:18:25 kjv@Leviticus:18:28 kjv@Leviticus:18:29
Those under, removed from the camp kjv@Numbers:5:3 kjv@Numbers:5:4 kjv@Deuteronomy:23:14
To decide in all cases of kjv@Leviticus:10:10 kjv@Leviticus:13:3
Specially required to avoid kjv@Leviticus:21:1-6 kjv@Leviticus:21:11 kjv@Leviticus:21:12
Not to eat holy things while under kjv@Leviticus:22:2 kjv@Leviticus:22:4-6
Punished for eating of the holy things while under kjv@Leviticus:22:3
Cleansed by legal offerings kjv@Numbers:19:18 kjv@Numbers:19:19 kjv@Hebrews:9:13
Neglecting purification from, punished by cutting off kjv@Numbers:19:13 kjv@Numbers:19:20
Ceremonial, abolished under the gospel kjv@Acts:10:15 kjv@Romans:14:14 kjv@Colossians:2:20-22
Of sin kjv@Matthew:15:11 kjv@Matthew:15:18 kjv@Jude:1:8
Of unholy doctrines kjv@1Corinthians:3:16 kjv@1Corinthians:3:17



- Laws relating to kjv@Leviticus:7:18-21; kjv@Leviticus:11:43; kjv@Leviticus:22:2-7
- Caused by .Leprosy kjv@Leviticus:13:3-44-46; 14; kjv@Leviticus:22:4-7 .Gonorrhea kjv@Leviticus:15:1-15; kjv@Leviticus:22:4 .Copulation kjv@Leviticus:15:17 .Spermatorrhea kjv@Leviticus:15:16-17 .Childbirth kjv@Leviticus:12:2-8; kjv@Luke:2:22 .Menses kjv@Leviticus:15:19-33; kjv@2Samuel:11:4 .Touching the dead kjv@Numbers:19:11-22; kjv@Numbers:31:19-20 .Touching the carcass of any ceremonially unclean animal kjv@Leviticus:11:39-40; kjv@Leviticus:17:15-16; kjv@Leviticus:22:8 .Touching carcass of an unclean thing kjv@Leviticus:11:8 kjv@Leviticus:11:Leviticus:5:2-13; 24-28, 31-38; kjv@Leviticus:14:46-57; kjv@Leviticus:15:5-11; kjv@Deuteronomy:23:10-11 .Killing in battle kjv@Numbers:31:19-20
- Contact with sinners falsely supposed to cause kjv@John:18:28
- Of priests kjv@Leviticus:16:26-28; kjv@Numbers:19:7-10; kjv@Ezekiel:44:25-26
- Egyptian usage, concerning kjv@Genesis:43:32



kjv@STRING:Igal <HITCHCOCK>@ redeemed; defiled - HITCHCOCK-I

kjv@STRING:Igeal <HITCHCOCK>@ a redeemer; redeemed; defiled - HITCHCOCK-I




(1) Of Sin- kjv@Isaiah:24:5; kjv@Isaiah:59:3; kjv@Ezekiel:22:4; kjv@Ezekiel:28:18; kjv@Ezekiel:43:8; kjv@Mark:7:23; kjv@Hebrews:12:15 kjv@James:3:6

(2) Ceremonial- kjv@Leviticus:11:43; kjv@Leviticus:15:2; kjv@John:18:28 Ceremonialism, RELIGION (B) FILTHINESS, Moral- kjv@Ezra:9:11; kjv@Psalms:53:3; kjv@Matthew:23:27; kjv@Romans:6:19; kjv@Ephesians:5:4; kjv@James:1:21; kjv@2Peter:2:10 Lasciviousness, IMPURITY (C) POLLUTIONS

(1) Ceremonial under the Mosaic Law- kjv@Leviticus:7:21; kjv@Leviticus:15:11; kjv@Leviticus:21:1; kjv@Numbers:8:6; kjv@Deuteronomy:21:23

(2) Of the Heathen- kjv@Leviticus:18:24; kjv@Leviticus:20:23; kjv@Deuteronomy:18:12; kjv@2Peter:2:7 Land Polluted, CANAAN, LAND OF

(3) Of God's House- kjv@2Chronicles:33:7; kjv@2Chronicles:36:14; kjv@Jeremiah:7:30; kjv@Ezekiel:8:16; kjv@Ezekiel:44:7; kjv@Zephaniah:3:4; kjv@John:2:14 Sacrilege, IRREVERENCE & IRREVERENCE (D) CLEANSING Select Reading Psalm 51- Psalms:51:1-19

(1) Ceremonial- kjv@Exodus:30:20; kjv@Exodus:40:12; kjv@Leviticus:14:8; kjv@Leviticus:16:26; kjv@Leviticus:22:6; kjv@Numbers:19:7; kjv@Hebrews:9:10

(2) Spiritual, Enjoined- kjv@Isaiah:1:16; kjv@Jeremiah:4:14; kjv@Acts:22:16; kjv@1Corinthians:5:7; kjv@2Corinthians:7:1; kjv@2Timothy:2:21 kjv@James:4:8; kjv@1John:3:3 Holiness

(3), HOLINESS Righteousness

(4), RIGHTEOUSNESS Sanctification


(3) Spiritual, Promised- kjv@Psalms:65:3; kjv@Isaiah:1:18; kjv@Ezekiel:36:25; kjv@Zechariah:13:1; kjv@Malachi:3:3; kjv@Ephesians:5:25,26 kjv@Titus:3:5; kjv@Hebrews:9:14; kjv@1John:1:7; kjv@Revelation:1:5 Blood of Christ, CHRIST JESUS Pardon Promised, SALVATION Word Purifies, BIBLE, THE; THE WORD OF GOD

(4) The Desire for- kjv@Psalms:19:12; kjv@Psalms:51:2,7; kjv@Psalms:79:9; kjv@John:13:9 Spiritual Thirst, DESIRE Spiritual Desire, DESIRE

(5) Examples of Spiritual- kjv@Isaiah:6:7; kjv@Zechariah:3:4; kjv@John:15:3; kjv@1Corinthians:6:11; kjv@Revelation:7:14 Sin Forgiven, SIN (E) Washing ceremonial- kjv@Leviticus:6:27; kjv@Leviticus:13:54; kjv@Leviticus:14:8; kjv@Leviticus:16:28; kjv@Numbers:31:24; kjv@2Chronicles:4:6
of Feet. SEE Social Customs, SOCIAL LIFE


H1351 <STRHEB>@ גּאל gâ'al gaw-al' A primitive {root} (rather identical with {H1350} through the idea of {freeing} that {is} repudiating); to soil or (figuratively) desecrate: - {defile} {pollute} stain.

H1352 <STRHEB>@ גּאל gô'el go'-el From H1351; profanation: - defile.

H2490 <STRHEB>@ חלל châlal khaw-lal' A primitive root (compare H2470); properly to {bore} that {is} (by implication) to {wound} to dissolve; figuratively to profane (a {person} place or {thing}) to break (one´ s {word}) to begin (as if by an opening-wedge); denominatively (from H2485) to play (the flute): - begin (X men {began}) {defile} X {break} {defile} X eat (as common {things}) X {first} X gather the grape {thereof} X take {inheritance} {pipe} player on {instruments} {pollute} (cast as) profane ({self}) {prostitute} slay ({slain}) {sorrow} {stain} wound.

H2610 <STRHEB>@ חנף chânêph khaw-nafe' A primitive root; to {soil} especially in a moral sense: - {corrupt} {defile} X {greatly} {pollute} profane.

H2930 <STRHEB>@ טמא ţâmê' taw-may' A primitive root; to be {foul} especially in a ceremonial or moral sense (contaminated): - defile ({self}) pollute ({self}) be ({make} make {self} pronounce) {unclean} X utterly.

H2931 <STRHEB>@ טמא ţâmê' taw-may' From H2930; foul in a religious sense: - {defiled} + {infamous} polluted ({-tion}) unclean.

H2933 <STRHEB>@ טמה ţâmâh taw-maw' A collateral form of H2930; to be impure in a religious sense: - be {defiled} be reputed vile.

H2936 <STRHEB>@ טנף ţânaph taw-naf' A primitive root; to soil: - defile.

H5953 <STRHEB>@ עלל ‛âlal aw-lal' A primitive root; to effect thoroughly; specifically to glean (also figuratively); by implication (in a bad sense) to {overdo} that {is} {maltreat} be saucy {to} {pain} impose (also literally): - {abuse} {affect} X {child} {defile} {do} {glean} {mock} {practise} {throughly} work (wonderfully).

H6031 <STRHEB>@ ענה ‛ânâh aw-naw' A primitive root (possibly rather identical with H6030 through the idea of looking down or browbeating); to depress literally or {figuratively} transitively or intransitively (in various applications). (sing is by mistake for H6030.): - abase {self} afflict ({-ion} {self}) answer [by mistake for {H6030]} chasten {self} deal hardly {with} {defile} {exercise} {force} {gentleness} humble ({self}) {hurt} {ravish} sing [by mistake for {H6030]} speak [by mistake for {H6030]} submit {self} {weaken} X in any wise.

H6942 <STRHEB>@ קדשׁ qâdash kaw-dash' A primitive root; to be (causatively {make} pronounce or observe as) clean (ceremonially or morally): - {appoint} {bid} {consecrate} {dedicate} {defile} {hallow} ({be} keep) holy ({-er} {place}) {keep} {prepare} {proclaim} {purify} sanctify (-ied {one} {self}) X wholly.

H8535 <STRHEB>@ תּם tâm tawm From H8552; complete; usually (morally) pious; specifically {gentle} dear: - coupled {together} {perfect} {plain} {undefiled} upright.

H8549 <STRHEB>@ תּמים tâmîym taw-meem' From H8552; entire ({literally} figuratively or morally); also (as noun) {integrity} truth: - without {blemish} {complete} {full} {perfect} sincerely ({-ity}) {sound} without {spot} {undefiled} upright ({-ly}) whole.

G2839 <STRGRK>@ κοινός koinos koy-nos' Probably from G4862; common that is (literally) shared by all or several or (ceremonially) profane: - common defiled unclean unholy.

G2840 <STRGRK>@ κοινόω koinoō koy-no'-o From G2839; to make (or consider) profane (ceremonially): - call common defile pollute unclean.

G234 <STRGRK>@ ἀλίσγεμα alisgema al-is'-ghem-ah From ἀλισγέω alisgeō (to soil); (ceremonial) defilement: - pollution.

G283 <STRGRK>@ ἀμίαντος amiantos am-ee'-an-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of G3392; unsoiled that is (figuratively) pure: - undefiled.

G3392 <STRGRK>@ μιαίνω miainō me-ah'ee-no Perhaps a primary verb; to sully or taint that is contaminate (ceremonially or morally): - defile.

G3435 <STRGRK>@ μολύνω molunō mol-oo'-no Probably from G3189; to soil (figuratively): - defile.

G3741 <STRGRK>@ ὅσιος hosios hos'-ee-os Of uncertain affinity; properly right (by intrinsic or divine character; thus distinguished from G1342 which refers rather to human statutes and relations; from G2413 which denotes formal consecration; and from G40 which relates to purity from defilement) that is hallowed (pious sacred sure): - holy mercy shalt be.

G4695 <STRGRK>@ σπιλόω spiloō spee-lo'-o From G4696; to stain or soil (literally or figuratively): - defile spot.

G5351 <STRGRK>@ φθείρω phtheirō fthi'-ro Probably strengthened from φθίω phthiō (to pine or waste): properly to shrivel or wither that is to spoil (by any process) or (genitive) to ruin (especially figuratively by moral influences to deprave): - corrupt (self) defile destroy.

G733 <STRGRK>@ ἀρσενοκοίτης arsenokoitēs ar-sen-ok-oy'-tace From G730 and G2845; a sodomite: - abuser of (that defile) self with mankind.