

Dict: strongs - function


H7307 @ רוּח rûach roo'-akh From H7306; wind; by resemblance {breath} that {is} a sensible (or even violent) exhalation; figuratively {life} anger6 unsubstantiality; by extension a region of the sky; by resemblance {spirit} but only of a rational being (including its expression and functions): - {air} {anger} {blast} {breath} X {cool} {courage} {mind} X {quarter} X {side} spirit ({[-ual]}) {tempest} X {vain} ([whirl-]) wind (-y).

G1319 @ διδασκαλία didaskalia did-as-kal-ee'-ah From G1320; instruction (the function or the information): - doctrine learning teaching.

G2405 @ ἱερατεία hierateia hee-e-at-i'-ah From G2407; priestliness that is the sacerdotal function: - office of the priesthood priest´ s office.

G2407 @ ἱερατεύω hierateuō hee-er-at-yoo'-o Prolongation from G2409; to be a priest that is perform his functions: - execute the priest´ s office.

G2917 @ κρίμα krima kree'-mah From G2919; a decision (the function or the effect for or against [crime]): - avenge condemned condemnation damnation + go to law judgment.

G3008 @ λειτουργέω leitourgeō li-toorg-eh'-o From G3011; to be a public servant that is (by analogy) to perform religious or charitable functions (worship obey relieve): - minister.

G3009 @ λειτουργία leitourgia li-toorg-ee'-ah From G3008; public function (as priest [liturgy] or almsgiver): - ministration (-try) service.

G3010 @ λειτουργικός leitourgikos li-toorg-ik-os' From the same as G3008; functional publicly (liturgic) that is beneficent: - ministering.

G3011 @ λειτουργός leitourgos li-toorg-os' From a derivative of G2992 and G2041; a public servant that is a functionary in the Temple or Gospel or (generally) a worshipper (of God) or benefactor (of man): - minister (-ed).

G4234 @ πρᾶξις praxis prax'-is From G4238; practice that is (concretely) an act; by extension a function: - deed office work.

G4754 @ στρατεύομαι strateuomai strat-yoo'-om-ahee Middle voice from the base of G4756; to serve in a military campaign; figuratively to execute the apostolate (with its arduous duties and functions) to contend with carnal inclinations: - soldier (go to) war (-fare).