
Dict: all - gib


GIBEAH @ a city of Benjamin- kjv@Judges:19:12; kjv@Judges:20:13; kjv@1Samuel:10:26; kjv@2Samuel:6:3; kjv@Isaiah:10:29

GIBEON @ a city of the Hivites- kjv@Joshua:9:3; kjv@Joshua:10:12; kjv@Joshua:18:25; kjv@Joshua:21:17; kjv@1Kings:3:4; kjv@1Chronicles:14:16; kjv@Isaiah:28:21


GIBBAR - G>@ - (gigantic), the father of some who returned with Zerubbabel from Babylon. kjv@Ezra:2:20)

GIBBETHON - G>@ - (a hill), a town allotted to the tribe of Dan, kjv@Joshua:19:44) and afterwards given with its "suburbs" to the Kohathite Levites. ch. kjv@Joshua:21:23)

GIBEA - G>@ - (a hill). Sheva "the father of Macbenah" and "father of Gibea" is mentioned with other names, unmistakably those of places and not persons, among the descendants of Judah. ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:49) comp. 1Chr 2:42 This would seem to point out Gibea.

GIBEAH - G>@ - a word employed in the Bible to denote a hill. Like most words of this kind it gave its name to several towns and places in Palestine, which would doubtless be generally on or near a hill. They are
Gibeah, a city in the mountain district of Judah, named with Maon and the southern Carmel, kjv@Joshua:15:57) and comp. 1Chr 2:49 etc. Gibeah of Benjamin first appears in the tragical story of the Levite and his concubine. kjv@Judges:19:20) It was then a "city," with the usual open street or square, kjv@Judges:19:15-17 kjv@Judges:19:20) and containing 700 "chosen men," ch. kjv@Judges:20:15) probably the same whose skill as slingers is preserved in the next verse. In many particulars Gibeah agrees very closely with Tuleil-el
- Ful , a conspicuous eminence just four mlles north of Jerusalem, to the right of the road. We next meet with Glbeah of Benjamin during the Philistine wars of Saul and Jonathan. ( kjv@1Samuel:13:15-16) It now bears its full title. As "Gibeah of Benjamin" this place is referred to in (2 Samuel 23:29) (comp. 1Chr 11:31), and as "Gibeah" it is mentioned by Hosea, kjv@Hosea:5:8 kjv@Hosea:9:9 kjv@Hosea:10:9 ) but it does not again appear in the history. It is, however, almost without doubt identical with Gibeah of Saul. This is not mentioned as Saul’s city till after his anointing, ( kjv@1Samuel:10:26) when is said to have gone "home" to Gibeah. In the subsequent narrative the town bears its full name. ch ( kjv@1Samuel:11:4) Gibeah in Kirjath-jearim was no doubt a hill in that city, and the place in which the ark remained from the time of its return by the Philistines till its removal by David. (2 Samuel kjv@6:3-4) comp. kjv@1Samuel:7:1-2 Gibeah in the field, named only in kjv@Judges:20:31) as the place to which one of the "highways" led from Gibeah of Benjamin. It is probably the same as Geba. The "meadows of Gaba" (Authorized Version Gibeah), kjv@Judges:20:33) have no connection with the "field," the Hebrew word being entirely different.

GIBEATH - G>@ - probably the same as, GIBEAH OF BENJAMIN, THE LAND OF. kjv@Joshua:18:28)

GIBEON - G>@ - (hill city), one of the four , cities of the Hivites, the inhabitants of which made a league with Joshua, kjv@Joshua:9:3-15) and thus escaped the fate of Jericho and Ai. Comp. ch. kjv@Joshua:11:19) Gibeon lay within the territory of Benjamin, ch. kjv@Joshua:18:25) and with its "suburbs" was allotted to the priests, ch. kjv@Joshua:21:17) of whom it became afterwards a principal station. It retains its ancient name almost intact, el
- Jib . Its distance from Jerusalem by the main road is about 6 1/2 miles; but there is a more direct road reducing it to five miles.

GIBEONITES, THE - G>@ - the people of Gibeon, and perhaps also of the three cities associated with Gibeon, kjv@Joshua:9:17)
Hivites; and who, on the discover of the stratagem by which they had obtained the protection of the Israelites, were condemned to be perpetual bondmen, hewers of wood and drawers of water for the congregation and for the house of God and altar of Jehovah. kjv@Joshua:9:23 kjv@Joshua:9:27) Saul appears to have broken this covenant, and in a fit of enthusiasm or patriotism to have killed some and devised a general massacre of the rest. (2 Samuel 21:1-2,5) This was expiated many years after by giving up seven men of Saul’s descendants to the Gibeonites, who hung them or crucified them "before Jehovah"
as a kind of sacrifice
in Gibeah, Saul’s own town. ch. (2 Samuel 21:4-6,9)



Gibbethon @ a height, a city of the Philistines in the territory of Dan, given to the Kohathites kjv@Joshua:19:44 kjv@Joshua:21:23). Nadab the king of Israel, while besieging it, was slain under its walls by Baasha, one of his own officers (kjvKings:15:27). It was in the possession of the Philistines after the secession of the ten tribes ( kjv@2Chronicals:11:13-14).

Gibeah @ a hill or hill-town, "of Benjamin" ( kjv@1Samuel:13:15), better known as "Gibeah of Saul" (11:4; kjv@Isaiah:10:29). It was here that the terrible outrage was committed on the Levite's concubine which led to the almost utter extirpation of the tribe of Benjamin kjv@Judges:19; 20), only six hundred men surviving after a succession of disastrous battles. This was the birthplace of Saul, and continued to be his residence after he became king ( kjv@1Samuel:10:26 kjv@1Samuel:11:4 kjv@1Samuel:15:34 ). It was reckoned among the ancient sanctuaries of Palestine (10:26; 15:34; 23:19; 26:1; kjv@2Samuel:21:6-10), and hence it is called "Gibeah of God" ( kjv@1Samuel:10:5, R.V. marg.). It has been identified with the modern Tell el
- Ful (i.e., "hill of the bean"), about 3 miles north of Jerusalem.

Gibeah of Judah @ kjv@Joshua:15:57), a city in the mountains of Judah, the modern Jeba, on a hill in the Wady Musurr, about 7 1/2 miles west-south-west of Bethlehem.

Gibeah of Phinehas @ kjv@Joshua:15:57, R.V. marg.), a city on Mount Ephraim which had been given to Phinehas (24:33 "hill," A.V.; R.V. marg. and Heb., "Gibeah."). Here Eleazar the son of Aaron was buried. It has been identified with the modern Khurbet Jibia, 5 miles north of Guphna towards Shechem.

Gibeah-haaraloth @ kjv@Joshua:5:3, marg.), hill of the foreskins, a place at Gilgal where those who had been born in the wilderness were circumcised. All the others, i.e., those who were under twenty years old at the time of the sentence at Kadesh, had already been circumcised.

Gibeon @ hill-city, "one of the royal cities, greater than Ai, and all the men thereof were mighty" kjv@Joshua:10:2). Its inhabitants were Hivites (11:19). It lay within the territory of Benjamin, and became a priest-city (18:25; 21:17). Here the tabernacle was set up after the destruction of Nob, and here it remained many years till the temple was built by Solomon. It is represented by the modern el
- Jib, to the south-west of Ai, and about 5 1/2 miles north-north-west of Jerusalem. A deputation of the Gibeonites, with their allies from three other cities Joshua:9;17), visited the camp at Gilgal, and by false representations induced Joshua to enter into a league with them, although the Israelites had been specially warned against any league with the inhabitants of Canaan kjv@Exodus:23:32 kjv@Exodus:34:12; kjv@Numbers:33:55; kjv@Deuteronomy:7:2). The deception practised on Joshua was detected three days later; but the oath rashly sworn "by Jehovah God of Israel" was kept, and the lives of the Gibeonites were spared. They were, however, made "bondmen" to the sanctuary kjv@Joshua:9:23). The most remarkable incident connected with this city was the victory Joshua gained over the kings of Palestine kjv@Joshua:10:16-27). The battle here fought has been regarded as "one of the most important in the history of the world." The kings of southern Canaan entered into a confederacy against Gibeon (because it had entered into a league with Joshua) under the leadership of Adoni-zedec, king of Jerusalem, and marched upon Gibeon with the view of taking possession of it. The Gibeonites entreated Joshua to come to their aid with the utmost speed. His army came suddenly upon that of the Amorite kings as it lay encamped before the city. It was completely routed, and only broken remnants of their great host found refuge in the fenced cities. The five confederate kings who led the army were taken prisoners, and put to death at Makkedah (q.v.). This eventful battle of Beth-horon sealed the fate of all the cities of Southern Palestine. Among the Amarna tablets is a letter from Adoni-zedec (q.v.) to the king of Egypt, written probably at Makkedah after the defeat, showing that the kings contemplated flight into Egypt. This place is again brought into notice as the scene of a battle between the army of Ish-bosheth under Abner and that of David led by Joab. At the suggestion of Abner, to spare the effusion of blood twelve men on either side were chosen to decide the battle. The issue was unexpected; for each of the men slew his fellow, and thus they all perished. The two armies then engaged in battle, in which Abner and his host were routed and put to flight ( kjv@2Samuel:2:12-17). This battle led to a virtual truce between Judah and Israel, Judah, under David, increasing in power; and Israel, under Ish-bosheth, continually losing ground. Soon after the death of Absalom and David's restoration to his throne his kingdom was visited by a grievous famine, which was found to be a punishment for Saul's violation ( kjv@2Samuel:21:2 kjv@2Samuel:21:5) of the covenant with the Gibeonites kjv@Joshua:9:3-27). The Gibeonites demanded blood for the wrong that had been done to them, and accordingly David gave up to them the two sons of Rizpah (q.v.) and the five sons of Michal, and these the Gibeonites took and hanged or crucified "in the hill before the Lord" ( kjv@2Samuel:21:9); and there the bodies hung for six months (21:10), and all the while Rizpah watched over the blackening corpses and "suffered neither the birds of the air to rest on them by day, nor the beasts of the field by night." David afterwards removed the bones of Saul and Jonathan at Jabeshgilead (21:12-13). Here, "at the great stone," Amasa was put to death by Joab ( kjv@2Samuel:20:5-10). To the altar of burnt-offering which was at Gibeon, Joab (kjvKings:2:28-34), who had taken the side of Adonijah, fled for sanctuary in the beginning of Solomon's reign, and was there also slain by the hand of Benaiah. Soon after he came to the throne, Solomon paid a visit of state to Gibeon, there to offer sacrifices (kjvKings:3:4; kjv@2Chronicals:1:3). On this occasion the Lord appeared to him in a memorable dream, recorded in kjvKings:3:5-15; kjv@2Chronicals:1:7-12. When the temple was built "all the men of Israel assembled themselves" to king Solomon, and brought up from Gibeon the tabernacle and "all the holy vessels that were in the tabernacle" to Jerusalem, where they remained till they were carried away by Nebuchadnezzar ( kjv@2Kings:24:13).



Gibeonites @ Descended from the Hivites and Amorites kjv@Joshua:9:3 kjv@Joshua:9:7 kjv@2Samuel:21:2
A mighty and warlike people kjv@Joshua:10:2
Cities of kjv@Joshua:9:17
Deceived by kjv@Joshua:9:4-13
Made a league with kjv@Joshua:9:15
Spared on account of their oath kjv@Joshua:9:18 kjv@Joshua:9:19
Appointed, hewers of wood, &:c kjv@Joshua:9:20-27
Attacked by the kings of Canaan kjv@Joshua:10:1-5
Delivered by Israel kjv@Joshua:10:6-10
Saul sought to destroy kjv@2Samuel:21:2
Israel plagued for Saul's cruelty to kjv@2Samuel:21:1
Effected the destruction of the remnant of Saul's house kjv@2Samuel:21:4-9
The office of the Nethinim probably originated in kjv@1Chronicles:9:2
Part of, returned from the captivity kjv@Nehemiah:7:25



- General scriptures concerning kjv@Ezra:2:20

- A city of the tribe of Dan kjv@Joshua:19:44
- Allotted to the Levites kjv@Joshua:21:23
- Besieged by Israel, while in possession of Philistines kjv@1Kings:15:27; kjv@1Kings:16:15-17

- A descendant of Judah kjv@1Chronicles:2:49


-1. OF JUDAH kjv@Joshua:15:57

-2. OF SAUL .Also called GIBEAH OF BENJAMIN .The people's wickedness kjv@Judges:19:12-30; kjv@Hosea:9:9; kjv@Hosea:10:9 .Destroyed by the Israelites Judges:20 .The city of Saul kjv@1Samuel:10:26; kjv@1Samuel:15:34; kjv@1Samuel:22:6 .The ark of the covenant conveyed to, by the Philistines kjv@1Samuel:7:1; kjv@2Samuel:6:3 .Deserted kjv@Isaiah:10:29

-3. Another town in Benjamin, also called GIBEATH, in kjv@Joshua:18:28

-4. GIBEAH IN THE FIELD kjv@Judges:20:31 .Probably identical with GEBA


-1. A city of the Hivites kjv@Joshua:9:3 kjv@Joshua:9:17 kjv@2Samuel:21:2 .The people of, adroitly draw Joshua into a treaty Joshua:9 .Made servants by the Israelites, when their sharp practice was discovered kjv@Joshua:9:27 .The sun stands still over, during Joshua's battle with the five confederated kings kjv@Joshua:10:12-14 .Allotted to Benjamin kjv@Joshua:18:25 .Assigned to the Aaronites kjv@Joshua:21:17 .The tabernacle located at kjv@1Kings:3:4; kjv@1Chronicles:16:39; kjv@2Chronicles:1:2 kjv@2Chronicles:1:2Chronicles:21:29; 3, 13 .Smitten by David kjv@1Chronicles:14:16 .Seven sons of Saul killed at, to avenge the inhabitants of kjv@2Samuel:21:1-9 .Solomon worships at, and offers sacrifices kjv@1Kings:3:4 .Has the dream concerning righteousness kjv@1Kings:3:5; kjv@1Kings:9:2 .Abner slays Asahel at kjv@2Samuel:3:30 .Ishmael, the son of Nethaniah, defeated at, by Johanan kjv@Jeremiah:41:11-16

-2. Pool of kjv@2Samuel:2:13; kjv@Jeremiah:41:12



kjv@STRING:Gibbar <HITCHCOCK>@ strong, manly - HITCHCOCK-G

kjv@STRING:Gibbethon <HITCHCOCK>@ a back; a high house - HITCHCOCK-G


kjv@STRING:Gibeon <HITCHCOCK>@ hill; cup; thing lifted up - HITCHCOCK-G


GIBEAH @ a city of Benjamin- kjv@Judges:19:12; kjv@Judges:20:13; kjv@1Samuel:10:26; kjv@2Samuel:6:3; kjv@Isaiah:10:29

GIBEON @ a city of the Hivites- kjv@Joshua:9:3; kjv@Joshua:10:12; kjv@Joshua:18:25; kjv@Joshua:21:17; kjv@1Kings:3:4; kjv@1Chronicles:14:16; kjv@Isaiah:28:21


H25 <STRHEB>@ אבי גבעון 'ăbîy gib‛ôn ab-ee' ghib-one' From H1 and H1391; father (that is founder) of Gibon; {Abi-Gibon} perhaps an Israelite: - father of Gibeon.

H1368 <STRHEB>@ גּבּר גּבּור gibbôr gibbôr {ghib-bore'} ghib-bore' Intensive from the same as H1397; powerful; by implication {warrior} tyrant: - {champion} {chief} X {excel} {giant} {man} mighty ({man} {one}) strong ({man}) valiant man.

H1371 <STRHEB>@ גּבּח gibbêach ghib-bay'-akh From an unused root meaning to be high (in the forehead); bald in the forehead: - forehead bald.

H1382 <STRHEB>@ גּבלי giblîy ghib-lee' Patrial from H1380; a {Gebalite} or inhabitant of Gebal: - {Giblites} stone-squarer.

H1384 <STRHEB>@ גּבּן gibbên gib-bane' From an unused root meaning to be arched or contracted; hunch backed: - crookbackt.

H1387 <STRHEB>@ גּבע gebagheh'-bah From the same as {H1375} a hillock; {Geba} a place in Palestine: - {Gaba} {Geba} Gibeah.

H1388 <STRHEB>@ גּבעא gib‛â' ghib-aw' By permutation for H1389; a hill; {Giba} a place in Palestine: - Gibeah.

H1389 <STRHEB>@ גּבעה gib‛âh ghib-aw' Feminine from the same as H1387; a hillock: - {hill} little hill.

H1390 <STRHEB>@ גּבעה gib‛âh ghib-aw' The same as H1389; Gibah; the name of three places in Palestine: - {Gibeah} the hill.

H1391 <STRHEB>@ גּבעון gib‛ôn ghib-ohn' From the same as H1387; hilly; {Gibon} a place in Palestine: - Gibeon.

H1392 <STRHEB>@ גּבעל gib‛ôl ghib-ole' Prolonged H1375; the calyx of a flower: - bolled.

H1393 <STRHEB>@ גּבעני gib‛ônîy ghib-o-nee' Patrial from H1391; a {Gibonite} or inhabitant of Gibon: - Gibeonite.

H1394 <STRHEB>@ גּבעת gibath ghib-ath' From the same as H1375; hilliness; Gibath: - Gibeath.

H1395 <STRHEB>@ גּבעתי gib‛âthîy ghib-aw-thee' Patrial from H1390; a {Gibathite} or inhabitant of Gibath: - Gibeathite.

H1401 <STRHEB>@ גּבּר gibbâr ghib-bawr' (Chaldee); intensive of H1400; {valiant} or warrior: - mighty.

H1402 <STRHEB>@ גּבּר gibbâr ghib-bawr' Intensive of H1399; {Gibbar} an Israelite: - Gibbar.

H1405 <STRHEB>@ גּבּתון gibbethôn ghib-beth-one' Intensive of H1389; a hilly spot; {Gibbethon} a place in Palestine: - Gibbethon.

H3932 <STRHEB>@ לעג lâ‛ag law-ag' A primitive root; to deride; by implication (as if imitating a foreigner) to speak unintelligibly: - have in {derision} laugh (to {scorn}) mock ({on}) stammering.

H4424 <STRHEB>@ מלטיה melaţyâh mel-at-yaw' From H4423 and H3050; (whom) Jah has delivered; {Melatjah} a Gibeonite: - Melatiah.

H8148 <STRHEB>@ שׁנינה shenîynâh shen-ee-naw' From H8150; something {pointed} that {is} a gibe: - {byword} taunt.

H8518 <STRHEB>@ תּלה tâlâh taw-law' A primitive root; to suspend (especially to gibbet): - hang (up).