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GOVERNOR - G>@ - In the Authorized Version this one English word is the representative of no less than ten Hebrew and four Greek words. The chief of a tribe or family. A ruler in his capacity of lawgiver and dispenser of justice. A ruler consider especially as having power over the property and persons of his subjects. kjv@Genesis:24:2; kjv@Joshua:12:2; kjv@Psalms:100:20) The "governors of the people," in ( kjv@2Chronicles:23:20) appear to have been the king’s body-guard; cf. ( kjv@2Kings:11:19) A prominent personage, whatever his capacity. It is applied to a king as the military and civil chief of his people, (2 Samuel kjv@5:2; 6:21; kjv@1Chronicles:29:22) to the general of an army, ( kjv@2Chronicles:32:21) and to the head of a tribe. ( kjv@2Chronicles:19:11) It denotes an officer of high rank in the palace, the lord high chamberlain. ( kjv@2Chronicles:28:7) It is applied in (Kings:10:15) to the petty chieftains who were tributary to Solomon, ( kjv@2Chronicles:9:14) to the military commander of the Syrians, (Kings:20:24) the Assyrians, ( kjv@2Kings:18:24 kjv@2Kings:23:8) the Chaldeans, kjv@Jeremiah:51:23) and the Medes. kjv@Jeremiah:51:38) Under the Persian viceroys, during the Babylonian captivity, the land of the Hebrews appears to have been portioned out among "governors" (pachoth) inferior in rank to the satraps, kjv@Ezra:8:30) like the other provinces which were under the dominion of the Persian king. kjv@Nehemiah:2:7-9) It is impossible to determine the precise limits of their authority or the functions which they had to perform. It appears from kjv@Ezra:6:8) that these governors were intrusted with the collection of the king’s taxes; and from kjv@Nehemiah:5:18 kjv@Nehemiah:12:26) that they were supported by a contribution levied upon the people, which was technically termed "the bread of the governor" comp. kjv@Ezra:4:14) They were probably assisted in discharging their official duties by A council. kjv@Ezra:4:7 kjv@Ezra:6:6) The "governor" beyond the river had a judgment-seat beyond Jerusalem, from which probably he administered justice when making a progress through his province. kjv@Nehemiah:3:7) At the time of Christ Judea was a Roman province, governed by a procurator (governor) appointed by Rome.


Governor @

(1.) Heb. nagid, a prominent, conspicuous person, whatever his capacity: as, chief of the royal palace ( kjv@2Chronicals:28:7; comp. kjvKings:4:6), chief of the temple ( kjv@1Chronicles:9:11; kjv@Jeremiah:20:1), the leader of the Aaronites ( kjv@1Chronicles:12:27), keeper of the sacred treasury (26:24), captain of the army (13:1), the king ( kjv@1Samuel:9:16), the Messiah kjv@Daniel:9:25).

(2.) Heb. nasi, raised; exalted. Used to denote the chiefs of families kjv@Numbers:3:24 kjv@Numbers:3:30, 32, 35); also of tribes (2:3; kjv@7:2; 3:32). These dignities appear to have been elective, not hereditary.

(3.) Heb. pakid, an officer or magistrate. It is used of the delegate of the high priest ( kjv@2Chronicals:24:11), the Levites kjv@Nehemiah:11:22), a military commander ( kjv@2Kings:25:19), Joseph's officers in Egypt kjv@Genesis:41:34).

(4.) Heb. shallit, one who has power, who rules kjv@Genesis:42:6; kjv@Ezra:4:20; kjv@Ecclesiastes:8:8; kjv@Daniel:2:15 kjv@Daniel:5:29).

(5.) Heb. aluph, literally one put over a thousand, i.e., a clan or a subdivision of a tribe. Used of the "dukes" of Edom Genesis:36), and of the Jewish chiefs kjv@Zechariah:9:7).

(6.) Heb. moshel, one who rules, holds dominion. Used of many classes of rulers kjv@Genesis:3:16 kjv@Genesis:24:2 kjv@Genesis:45:8 ; kjv@Psalms:105:20); of the Messiah kjv@Micah:5:2); of God ( kjv@1Chronicles:29:12; kjv@Psalms:103:19).

(7.) Heb. sar, a ruler or chief; a word of very general use. It is used of the chief baker of Pharaoh kjv@Genesis:40:16); of the chief butler (40:2, etc.
See also kjv@Genesis:47:6; kjv@Exodus:1:11; kjv@Daniel:1:7; kjv@Judges:10:18; kjvKings:22:26; 20:15; kjv@2Kings:1:9; kjv@2Samuel:24:2). It is used also of angels, guardian angels kjv@Daniel:10:13 kjv@Daniel:10:20, 21; 12:1; 10:13; 8:25).

(8.) Pehah, whence pasha, i.e., friend of the king; adjutant; governor of a province ( kjv@2Kings:18:24; kjv@Isaiah:36:9; kjv@Jeremiah:51:57; kjv@Ezekiel:23:6 kjv@Ezekiel:23:23 kjv@Daniel:3:2; kjv@Esther:3:12), or a perfect kjv@Nehemiah:3:7 kjv@Nehemiah:5:14; kjv@Ezra:5:3; kjv@Haggai:1:1). This is a foreign word, Assyrian, which was early adopted into the Hebrew idiom (kjvKings:10:15).

(9.) The Chaldean word segan is applied to the governors of the Babylonian satrapies kjv@Daniel:3:2 kjv@Daniel:3:27 kjv@Daniel:6:7); the prefects over the Magi (2:48). The corresponding Hebrew word segan is used of provincial rulers kjv@Jeremiah:51:23 kjv@Jeremiah:51:28, 57); also of chiefs and rulers of the people of Jerusalem kjv@Ezra:9:2; kjv@Nehemiah:2:16 kjv@Nehemiah:4:14 kjv@Nehemiah:4:19 kjv@Nehemiah:5:7 ,17; kjv@7:5; 12:40). In the New Testament there are also different Greek words rendered thus.

(1.) Meaning an ethnarch ( kjv@2Corinthians:11:32), which was an office distinct from military command, with considerable latitude of application.

(2.) The procurator of Judea under the Romans kjv@Matthew:27:2). (Comp. kjv@Luke:2:2, where the verb from which the Greek word so rendered is derived is used.)

(3.) Steward kjv@Galatians:4:2).

(4.) Governor of the feast kjv@John:2:9), who appears here to have been merely an intimate friend of the bridegroom, and to have presided at the marriage banquet in his stead.

(5.) A director, i.e., helmsman; Lat. gubernator, kjv@James:3:4).







kjv@STRING:Tetrarch <HITCHCOCK>@ governor of a fourth part - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Tirshatha <HITCHCOCK>@ a governor - HITCHCOCK-T



H2710 <STRHEB>@ חקק châqaq khaw-kak' A primitive root; properly to {hack} that {is} engrave ( to be a scribe simply); by implication to enact (laws being cut in stone or metal tablets in primitive times) or (generally) prescribe: - {appoint} {decree} {governor} {grave} {lawgiver} {note} {pourtray} {print} set.

H2951 <STRHEB>@ טפסר ţiphsar tif-sar' Of foreign derivation; a military governor: - captain.

H323 <STRHEB>@ אחשׁדּרפּן 'ăchashdarpan akh-ash-dar-pan' Of Persian derivation; a satrap or governor of a main province (of Persia): - lieutenant.

H4910 <STRHEB>@ משׁל mâshal maw-shal' A primitive root; to rule: - ({have} make to have) {dominion} {governor} X {indeed} {reign} ({bear} cause {to} have) rule ({-ing} {-r}) have power.

H441 <STRHEB>@ אלּף אלּוּף 'alûph 'allûph {al-loof'} al-loof' From H502; familiar; a {friend} also gentle; hence a bullock (as being tame; {applied} although {masculine} to a cow); and so a chieftain (as notable like neat cattle): - {captain} {duke} (chief) {friend} {governor} {guide} ox.

H5057 <STRHEB>@ נגד נגיד nâgîyd nâgid {naw-gheed'} naw-gheed' From H5046; a commander (as occupying the {front}) {civil} military or religious; generally (abstract {plural}) honorable themes: - {captain} {chief} excellent {thing} (chief) {governor} {leader} {noble} {prince} (chief) ruler.

H5387 <STRHEB>@ נשׂא נשׂיא nâώîy' nâώi' {naw-see'} naw-see' From H5375; properly an exalted {one} that {is} a king or sheik; also a rising mist: - {captain} {chief} {cloud} {governor} {prince} {ruler} vapour.

H5460 <STRHEB>@ סגן segan seg-an' (Chaldee); corresponding to H5461: - governor.

H6346 <STRHEB>@ פּחה pechâh peh-khaw' Of foreign origin; a prefect (of a city or small district): - {captain} {deputy} governor.

H6347 <STRHEB>@ פּחה pechâh peh-khaw' (Chaldee); corresponding to H6346: - {captain} governor.

H6496 <STRHEB>@ פּקיד pâqîyd paw-keed' From H6485; a superintendent ({civil} military or religious): - which had the {charge} {governor} {office} {overseer} [that] was set.

H7989 <STRHEB>@ שׁלּיט shallîyţ shal-leet' From H7980; potent; concretely a prince or warrior: - {governor} {mighty} that hath {power} ruler.

H8269 <STRHEB>@ שׂר ώar sar From H8323; a head person (of any rank or class): - captain (that had {rule}) chief ({captain}) {general} {governor} {keeper} {lord} ([-task-]) {master} prince ({-ipal}) {ruler} steward.

H8660 <STRHEB>@ תּרשׁתא tirshâthâ' teer-shaw-thaw' Of foreign derivation; the title of a Persian deputy or governor: - Tirshatha.

G1481 <STRGRK>@ ἐθνάρχης ethnarchēs eth-nar'-khace From G1484 and G746; the governor [not king] of a district: - ethnarch.

G1885 <STRGRK>@ ἐπαρχία eparchia ep-ar-khee'-ah From a compound of G1909 and G757 (meaning a governor of a district eparch); a special region of government that is a Roman praefecture: - province.

G2116 <STRGRK>@ εὐθύνω euthunō yoo-thoo'-no From G2117; to straighten (level); technically to steer: - governor make straight.

G2230 <STRGRK>@ ἡγεμονεύω hēgemoneuō hayg-em-on-yoo'-o From G2232; to act as ruler: - be governor.

G2232 <STRGRK>@ ἡγεμών hēgemōn hayg-em-ohn' From G2233; a leader that is chief person (or figuratively place) of a province: - governor prince ruler.

G2233 <STRGRK>@ ἡγέομαι hēgeomai hayg-eh'-om-ahee Middle voice of a (presumed) strengthened form of G71; to lead that is command (with official authority); figuratively to deem that is consider: - account (be) chief count esteem governor judge have the rule over suppose think.

G3078 <STRGRK>@ Λυσανίας Lusanias loo-san-ee'-as From G3080 and ἀνία ania (trouble); grief dispelling; Lysanias a governor of Abilene: - Lysanias.

G3623 <STRGRK>@ οἰκονόμος oikonomos oy-kon-om'-os From G3624 and the base of G3551; a house distributor (that is manager) or overseer that is an employee in that capacity; by extension a fiscal agent (treasurer); figuratively a preacher (of the Gospel): - chamberlain governor steward.

G4232 <STRGRK>@ πραιτώριον praitōrion prahee-to'-ree-on Of Latin origin; the praetorium or governor´ s court room (sometimes including the whole edifice and camp): - (common judgment) hall (of judgment) palace praetorium.

G4755 <STRGRK>@ στρατηγός stratēgos strat-ay-gos' From the base of G4756 and G71 or G2233; a general that is (by implication or analogy) a (military) governor (praetor) the chief (praefect) of the (Levitical) temple wardens: - captain magistrate.

G755 <STRGRK>@ ἀρχιτρίκλινος architriklinos ar-khee-tree'-klee-nos From G746 and a compound of G5140 and G2827 (a dinner bed because composed of three couches); director of the entertainment: - governor (ruler) of the feast.