
Dict: tcr - haste



- DELAY @ (A) HASTE The King's Business Requires- kjv@1Samuel:21:8 Salutations Hinder- kjv@2Kings:4:29 The Urgency of the Work Demands- kjv@2Chronicles:24:5 The Rashness of Delaying God's Messengers- kjv@2Chronicles:35:21; kjv@Psalms:119:60 Hastening to the Place of Prayer- kjv@Zechariah:8:21 Haste in Delivering the Message- kjv@Matthew:28:7; kjv@Luke:10:4 Haste in Giving the Invitation- kjv@Luke:14:21 Redeeming the Time, SPECIAL Zeal Enjoined, EARNESTNESS

(2) In Making Escape- kjv@Genesis:19:22; kjv@Exodus:12:11; kjv@2Samuel:15:14 (B) PROCRASTINATION, causes of Worldly Entanglements- kjv@Genesis:19:16 Family Cares- kjv@Matthew:8:21; kjv@Luke:9:61 Unbelief- kjv@Acts:17:32 Personal Convenience- kjv@Acts:24:25 Excuses, SELF


- JUSTIFICATION (C) DELAY, examples of fatal The Egyptians, in Attempting to Escape God's Judgments- kjv@Exodus:14:24,25 Israel, in Seeking to Enter the Promised Land- kjv@Numbers:14:40,41,44,45 Saul, in Repenting his Disobedience- kjv@1Samuel:15:24,25,26 Israel, in Repenting of Sin- kjv@Jeremiah:8:20 The Foolish Virgins, in Preparing for the Coming of the Bridegroom- kjv@Matthew:25:11,12 Judas, in Repenting his Betrayal of Christ- kjv@Matthew:27:3 Those Knocking at the Closed Door- kjv@Luke:13:25 Esau, in Repenting the Sale of his Birthright- kjv@Hebrews:12:17 Lost Opportunity, OPPORTUNITY