
Dict: all - lion



LION - L>@ - "The most powerful, daring and impressive of all carnivorous animals, the most magnificent in aspect and awful in voice." At present lions do not exist in Palestine; but they must in ancient times have been numerous. The lion of Palestine was in all probability the Asiatic variety, described by Aristotle and Pliny as distinguished by its short and curly mane, and by being shorter and rounder in shape, like the sculptured lion found at Arban. It was less daring than the longer named species, but when driven by hunger it not only ventured to attack the flocks in the desert in presence of the shepherd, ( kjv@1Samuel:17:34; kjv@Isaiah:31:4) but laid waste towns and villages, ( kjv@2Kings:17:25-26; kjv@Proverbs:22:13 kjv@Proverbs:26:13) and devoured men. (Kings:13:24; 20:36) Among the Hebrews, and throughout the Old Testament, the lion was the achievement of the princely tribe of Judah, while in the closing book of the canon it received a deeper significance as the emblem of him who "prevailed to open the book and loose the seven seals thereof." kjv@Revelation:5:5) On the other hand its fierceness and cruelty rendered it an appropriate metaphor for a fierce and malignant enemy. kjv@Psalms:7:2 kjv@Psalms:22:21 kjv@Psalms:57:4 ; kjv@2Timothy:4:17) and hence for the arch-fiend himself. ( kjv@1Peter:5:8)


Lions @ the most powerful of all carnivorous animals. Although not now found in Palestine, they must have been in ancient times very numerous there. They had their lairs in the forests kjv@Jeremiah:5:6 kjv@Jeremiah:12:8; kjv@Amos:3:4), in the caves of the mountains (Cant. kjv@4:8; Nahum:2:12), and in the canebrakes on the banks of the Jordan kjv@Jeremiah:49:19 kjv@Jeremiah:50:44; kjv@Zechariah:11:3). No fewer than at least six different words are used in the Old Testament for the lion.

(1.) Gor (i.e., a "suckling"), the lion's whelp kjv@Genesis:49:9; kjv@Jeremiah:51:38, etc.).

(2.) Kephir (i.e., "shaggy"), the young lion kjv@Judges:14:5; kjv@Job:4:10; kjv@Psalms:91:13 kjv@Psalms:104:21), a term which is also used figuratively of cruel enemies kjv@Psalms:34:10 kjv@Psalms:35:17 kjv@Psalms:58:6 ; kjv@Jeremiah:2:15).

(3.) 'Ari (i.e., the "puller" in pieces), denoting the lion in general, without reference to age or sex kjv@Numbers:23:24; kjv@2Samuel:17:10, etc.).

(4.) Shahal (the "roarer"), the mature lion kjv@Job:4:10; kjv@Psalms:91:13; kjv@Proverbs:26:13; kjv@Hosea:5:14).

(5.) Laish, so called from its strength and bravery kjv@Job:4:11; kjv@Proverbs:30:30; kjv@Isaiah:30:6). The capital of Northern Dan received its name from this word.

(6.) Labi, from a root meaning "to roar," a grown lion or lioness kjv@Genesis:49:9; kjv@Numbers:23:24 kjv@Numbers:24:9; kjv@Ezekiel:19:2; kjv@Nahum:2:11). The lion of Palestine was properly of the Asiatic variety, distinguished from the African variety, which is larger. Yet it not only attacked flocks in the presence of the shepherd, but also laid waste towns and villages ( kjv@2Kings:17:25-26) and devoured men (kjvKings:13:24-25). Shepherds sometimes, single-handed, encountered lions and slew them ( kjv@1Samuel:17:34-35; kjv@Amos:3:12). Samson seized a young lion with his hands and "rent him as he would have rent a kid" kjv@Judges:14:5-6). The strength kjv@Judges:14:18), courage ( kjv@2Samuel:17:10), and ferocity kjv@Genesis:49:9) of the lion were proverbial.



Lion, the @ Canaan infested by kjv@2Kings:17:25 kjv@2Kings:17:26
Described as
Superior in strength kjv@Judges:14:18 kjv@Proverbs:30:30
Active kjv@Deuteronomy:33:22
Courageous kjv@2Samuel:17:10
Fearless even of man kjv@Isaiah:31:4 kjv@Nahum:2:11
Fierce kjv@Job:10:16 kjv@Job:28:8
Voracious kjv@Psalms:17:12
Majestic in movement kjv@Proverbs:30:29 kjv@Proverbs:30:30
Greatness of its teeth alluded to kjv@Psalms:58:6 kjv@Joel:1:6
God's power exhibited in restraining kjv@1Kings:13:28 kjv@Daniel:6:22 kjv@Daniel:6:27
God provides for kjv@Job:38:39 kjv@Psalms:104:21 kjv@Psalms:104:28
Lurks for its prey kjv@Psalms:10:9
Roars when seeking prey kjv@Psalms:104:21 kjv@Isaiah:31:4
Rends its prey kjv@Deuteronomy:33:20 kjv@Psalms:7:2
Often carries its prey to its den kjv@Nahum:2:12
Conceals itself by day kjv@Psalms:104:22
Often perishes for lack of food kjv@Job:4:11
Forests kjv@Jeremiah:5:6
Thickets kjv@Jeremiah:4:7
Mountains kjv@Songs:4:8
Deserts kjv@Isaiah:30:6
Attacks the sheepfolds kjv@1Samuel:17:34 kjv@Amos:3:12 kjv@Micah:5:8
Attacks and destroys men kjv@1Kings:13:24 kjv@1Kings:20:36
Universal terror caused by roaring of kjv@Jeremiah:2:15 kjv@Amos:3:8
Criminals often thrown to kjv@Daniel:6:7 kjv@Daniel:6:16 kjv@Daniel:6:24
Hunting of, alluded to kjv@Job:10:16
Slain by
Samson kjv@Judges:14:5 kjv@Judges:14:6
David kjv@1Samuel:17:35 kjv@1Samuel:17:36
Benaiah kjv@2Samuel:23:20
A swarm of bees found in the carcass of, by Samson kjv@Judges:14:8
Disobedient prophet slain by kjv@1Kings:13:24 kjv@1Kings:13:26
Of Israel kjv@Numbers:24:9
Of the tribe of Judah kjv@Genesis:49:9
Of the tribe of Gad kjv@Deuteronomy:33:20
Of Christ kjv@Revelation:5:5
Of God in protecting his church kjv@Isaiah:31:4
Of God in executing judgments kjv@Isaiah:38:13 kjv@Lamentations:3:10 kjv@Hosea:5:14 kjv@Hosea:13:8
Of boldness of saints kjv@Proverbs:28:1
Of brave men kjv@2Samuel:1:23 kjv@2Samuel:23:20
Of cruel and powerful enemies kjv@Isaiah:5:29 kjv@Jeremiah:49:19 kjv@Jeremiah:51:38
Of persecutors kjv@Psalms:22:13 kjv@2Timothy:4:17
Of the devil kjv@1Peter:5:8
Of imaginary fears of the slothful kjv@Proverbs:22:13 kjv@Proverbs:26:13
(Tamed,) of the natural man subdued by grace kjv@Isaiah:11:7 kjv@Isaiah:65:25
(Roaring of,) of a king's wrath kjv@Proverbs:19:12 kjv@Proverbs:20:2



- King of beasts kjv@Micah:5:8
- Fierceness of kjv@Job:4:10; kjv@Job:28:8; kjv@Psalms:7:2; kjv@Proverbs:22:13; kjv@Jeremiah:2:15; kjv@Jeremiah:49:19; kjv@Jeremiah:50:44; kjv@Hosea:13:8
- The roaring of kjv@Psalms:22:13; kjv@Proverbs:20:2
- Strength of kjv@Proverbs:30:30; kjv@Isaiah:38:13; kjv@Joel:1:6
- Instincts of, in taking prey kjv@Psalms:10:9; kjv@Psalms:17:12; kjv@Lamentations:3:10; kjv@Amos:3:4; kjv@Nahum:2:12
- Lair of, in the jungles kjv@Jeremiah:4:7; kjv@Jeremiah:25:38
- The bases in the temple ornamented by mouldings of kjv@1Kings:7:29 kjv@1Kings:7:36
- Twelve statues of, on the stairs leading to Solomon's throne kjv@1Kings:10:19-20
- Samson's riddle concerning kjv@Judges:14:14 kjv@Judges:14:18
- Proverb of kjv@Ecclesiastes:9:4
- Parable of kjv@Ezekiel:19:1-9
- Kept in captivity Daniel:6
- Sent as judgment upon the Samaritans kjv@2Kings:17:25-26
- Killed by .Samson kjv@Judges:14:5-9 .David kjv@1Samuel:17:34-36 .Benaiah kjv@2Samuel:23:20 .Saints kjv@Hebrews:11:33
- Disobedient prophet killed by kjv@1Kings:13:24-28
- An unnamed person killed by kjv@1Kings:20:36
- Used for the torture of criminals kjv@Daniel:6:16-24; kjv@Daniel:7:12; kjv@2Timothy:4:17

- FIGURATIVE .Of a ruler's anger kjv@Proverbs:19:12; kjv@Jeremiah:5:6; kjv@Jeremiah:50:17; kjv@Hosea:5:14 .Of Satan kjv@1Peter:5:8 .Of divine judgments kjv@Isaiah:15:9

- SYMBOLICAL kjv@Genesis:49:9; kjv@Isaiah:29:1 .Margin) kjv@Ezekiel:1:10; kjv@Ezekiel:10:14; kjv@Daniel:7:4; kjv@Revelation:4:7; kjv@Revelation:5:5; kjv@Revelation:9:8 kjv@Revelation:9:17 kjv@Revelation:13:2



kjv@STRING:Ariel <HITCHCOCK>@ altar; light or lion of God - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Arimathea <HITCHCOCK>@ a lion dead to the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Beth-lebaoth <HITCHCOCK>@ house of lionesses - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Beth-nimrah <HITCHCOCK>@ house of rebellion - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Chephirah <HITCHCOCK>@ a little lioness - HITCHCOCK-C

kjv@STRING:Chilion <HITCHCOCK>@ finished; complete; perfect - HITCHCOCK-C

kjv@STRING:Kithlish <HITCHCOCK>@ it is a wall; the company of a lioness - HITCHCOCK-K


kjv@STRING:Meribbaal <HITCHCOCK>@ he that resists Baal; rebellion - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Miriam <HITCHCOCK>@ rebellion - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Nimrod <HITCHCOCK>@ rebellion -N(but probably an unknown Assyrian word) - HITCHCOCK

kjv@STRING:Sur <HITCHCOCK>@ that withdraws or departs; rebellion - HITCHCOCK-S



H1034 <STRHEB>@ בּית לבאות bêyth lebâ'ôth bayth leb-aw-oth' From H1004 and the plural of H3833; house of lionesses; {Beth-Lebaoth} a place in Palestine: - Beth-lebaoth. Compare H3822.

H1482 <STRHEB>@ גּר גּוּר gûr gûr {goor} goor Perhaps from H1481; a cub (as still abiding in the {lair}) especially of the lion: - {whelp} young one.

H3630 <STRHEB>@ כּליון kilyôn kil-yone' A form of H3631; {Kiljon} an Israelite: - Chilion.

H3715 <STRHEB>@ כּפיר kephîyr kef-eer' From H3722; a village (as covered in by walls); also a young lion (perhaps as covered with a mane): - (young) {lion} village. Compare H3723.

H3822 <STRHEB>@ לבאות lebâ'ôth leb-aw-oth' Plural of H3833; lionesses; {Lebaoth} a place in Palestine: - Lebaoth. See also H1034.

H3833 <STRHEB>@ לבאות לבאים לביּא לביא lâbîy' lebîyâ' lebâ'îym lebâ'ôth law-bee' leb-ee-yaw' leb-aw-eem' (-oth') From an unused root meaning to roar; a lion (properly a lioness as the fiercer (although not a roarer; compare H738)): - ({great} {old} stout) {lion} {lioness} young [lion].

H3918 <STRHEB>@ לישׁ layish lah'-yish From H3888 in the sense of crushing; a lion (from his destructive blows): - (old) lion.

H4776 <STRHEB>@ מרד merad mer-ad' (Chaldee); from a root corresponding to H4775; rebellion: - rebellion.

H4777 <STRHEB>@ מרד mered meh'-red From H4775; rebellion: - rebellion.

H4805 <STRHEB>@ מרי merîy mer-ee' From H4784; {bitterness} that {is} (figuratively) rebellion; concretely {bitter} or rebellious: - {bitter} (most) rebel ({-ion} -lious).

H4810 <STRHEB>@ מרי בעל merîy baal mer-ee' bah'-al From H4805 and H1168; rebellion of (that {is} against) Baal; {Meri-Baal} an epithet of Gideon: - Meri-baal. Compare H4807.

H4811 <STRHEB>@ מריה merâyâh mer-aw-yaw' From H4784; rebellion; {Merajah} an Israelite: - Meraiah. Compare H3236.

H454 <STRHEB>@ אליועיני אליהועיני 'elyehô‛êynay 'elyô‛êynay {el-ye-ho-ay-nah'ee} el-yo-ay-nah'ee From H413 and H3068 and H5869; towards Jehovah (are) my eyes; Eljehoenai or {Eljoenai} the name of seven Israelites: - {Elihoenai} Elionai.

H5287 <STRHEB>@ נער nâ‛ar naw-ar' A primitive root (probably identical with {H5286} through the idea of the rustling of {mane} which usually accompanies the lion´ s roar); to tumble about: - shake ({off} {out} {self}) {overthrow} toss up and down.

H5520 <STRHEB>@ סך sôk soke From H5526; a hut (as of entwined boughs); also a lair: - {covert} {den} {pavilion} tabernacle.

H5521 <STRHEB>@ סכּה sûkkâh sook-kaw' Feminine of H5520; a hut or lair: - {booth} {cottage} {covert} {pavilion} {tabernacle} tent.

H5627 <STRHEB>@ סרה sârâh saw-raw' From H5493; {apostasy} crime; figuratively remission: - X {continual} {rebellion} revolt ({[-ed]}) turn {away} wrong.

H6588 <STRHEB>@ פּשׁע peshapeh'-shah From H6586; a revolt ({national} moral or religious): - {rebellion} {sin} {transgression} trespassive

H6898 <STRHEB>@ קבּה qûbbâh koob-baw' From H6895; a pavilion (as a domed cavity): - tent.

H643 <STRHEB>@ אפּדן 'appeden ap-peh'-den Apparently of foreign derivation; a pavilion or palace tent: - palace.

H690 <STRHEB>@ ארא 'ărâ' ar-aw' Probably for H738; lion; {Ara} an Israelite: - Ara.

H7233 <STRHEB>@ רבבה rebâbâh reb-aw-baw From H7231; abundance (in {number}) that {is} (specifically) a myriad (whether definite or indefinite): - {many} {million} X {multiply} ten thousand.

H7826 <STRHEB>@ שׁחל shachal shakh'-al From an unused root probably meaning to roar; a lion (from his characteristic roar): - (fierce) lion.

H7830 <STRHEB>@ שׁחץ shachats shakh'-ats From an unused root apparently meaning to strut; haughtiness (as evinced by the attitude): - X {lion} pride.

H738 <STRHEB>@ אריה ארי 'ărîy 'aryêh {ar-ee'} ar-yay' From H717 (in the sense of violence); a lion: - (young) {lion} + pierce [from the margin].

H739 <STRHEB>@ אראל אריאל 'ărîylril {ar-ee-ale'} ar-ee-ale' From H738 and H410; lion of {God} that {is} heroic: - lionlike men.

H744 <STRHEB>@ אריה 'aryêh ar-yay' (Chaldee); corresponding to H738: - lion.

H745 <STRHEB>@ אריה 'aryêh ar-yay' The same as H738; lion; {Arjeh} an Israelite: - Arieh.

H8237 <STRHEB>@ שׁפרוּרo shaphrûr shaf-roor' From H8231; {splendid} that {is} a tapestry or canopy: - royal pavilion.

H8350 <STRHEB>@ שׁשׁר shâshar shaw-shar' Perhaps from the base of H8324 in the sense of that of H8320; red ochre (from its piercing color): - vermillion.

H849 <STRHEB>@ אשׁתּדּוּר 'eshtaddûr esh-tad-dure' (Chaldee); from H7712 (in a bad sense); rebellion: - sedition.

G1058 <STRGRK>@ Γαλλίων Galliōn gal-lee'-own Of Latin origin; Gallion (that is Gallio) a Roman officer: - Gallio

G2098 <STRGRK>@ εὐαγγέλιον euaggelion yoo-ang-ghel'-ee-on From the same as G2097; a good message that is the gospel: - gospel.

G2566 <STRGRK>@ καλλίον kallion kal-lee'-on Neuter of the (irregular) compound of G2570; (adverbially) better than many: - very well.

G3023 <STRGRK>@ λεών leōn leh-ohn' A primary word; a lion: - lion.

G3400 <STRGRK>@ μίλιον milion mil'-ee-on Of Latin origin; a thousand paces that is a mile: - mile.

G4079 <STRGRK>@ πηδάλιον pēdalion pay-dal'-ee-on Neuter of a (presumed) derivative of πηδόν pēdon (the blade of an oar; from the same as G3976); a pedal that is helm: - rudder.

G4259 <STRGRK>@ προαύλιον proaulion pro-ow'-lee-on Neuter of a presumed compound of G4253 and G833; a fore-court that is vestibule (alley way): - porch.

G4547 <STRGRK>@ σανδάλιον sandalion san-dal'-ee-on Neuter of a derivative of σάνδαλον sandalon (a sandal; of uncertain origin); a slipper or sole pad: - sandal.

G4824 <STRGRK>@ συμβούλιον sumboulion soom-boo'-lee-on Neuter of a presumed derivative of G4825; advisement; specifically a deliberative body that is the provincial assessors or lay court: - consultation counsel council.

G5165 <STRGRK>@ τρύβλιον trublion troob'-lee-on Neuter of a presumed derivation of uncertain affinity; a bowl: - dish.

G5175 <STRGRK>@ Τρωγύλλιον Trōgullion tro-gool'-lee-on Of uncertain derivation; Trogyllium a place in Asia Minor: - Trogyllium.

G5416 <STRGRK>@ φραγέλλιον phragellion frag-el'-le-on Neuter of a derivative from the base of G5417; a whip that is Roman lash as a public punishment: - scourge.

G975 <STRGRK>@ βιβλίον biblion bib-lee'-on A diminutive of G976; a roll: - bill book scroll writing.