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NINEVEH @ the capital of Assyria- kjv@Genesis:10:11; kjv@2Kings:19:36; kjv@Jonah:1:2; kjv@Jonah:3:3; kjv@Jonah:4:11; kjv@Nahum:1:1; kjv@Zephaniah:2:13 kjv@Matthew:12:41; kjv@Luke:11:32


NINEVEH - N>@ - (abode of Ninus), the capital of the ancient kingdom and empire of Assyria. The name appears to be compounded from that of an Assyrian deity "Nin," corresponding, it is conjectured, with the Greek Hercules, and occurring in the names of several Assyrian kings, as in "Ninus," the mythic founder, according to Greek tradition of the city. Nineveh is situated on the eastern bank of the river Tigris, 50 miles from its mouth and 250 miles north of Babylon. It is first mentioned in the Old Testament in connection with the primitive dispersement and migrations of the human race. Asshur, or according to the marginal reading, which is generally preferred, Nimrod is there described, kjv@Genesis:10:11) as extending his kingdom from the land of Shinar or Babylonia, in the south, to Assyria in the north and founding four cities, of which the most famous was Nineveh. Hence Assyria was subsequently known to the Jews as "the land of Nimrod," cf. kjv@Micah:5:6) and was believed to have been first peopled by a colony from Babylon. The kingdom of Assyria and of the Assyrians is referred to in the Old Testament as connected with the Jews at a very early period, as in kjv@Numbers:24:22-24) and Psal 83:8 But after the notice of the foundation of Nineveh in Genesis no further mention is made of the city until the time of the book of Jonah, or the eighth century B.C. In this book no mention is made of Assyria or the Assyrians, the king to whom the prophet was sent being termed the "king of Nineveh," and his subjects "the people of Nineveh." Assyria is first called a kingdom in the time of Menahem, about B.C. 770. Nahum (? B.C. 645) directs his prophecies against Nineveh; only once against the king of Assyria. ch. kjv@Nahum:3:18) In ( kjv@2Kings:19:36) and Isai 37:37 The city is first distinctly mentioned as the residence of the monarch. Sennacherib was slain there when worshipping in the temple of Nisroch his god. Zephaniah, about B.C. 630, couples the capital and the kingdom together, kjv@Zephaniah:2:13) and this is the last mention of Nineveh as an existing city. The destruction of Nineveh occurred B.C. 606. The city was then laid waste, its monuments destroyed and its inhabitants scattered or carried away into captivity. It never rose again from its ruins. This total disappearance of Nineveh is fully confirmed by the records of profane history. The political history of Nineveh is that of Assyria, of which a sketch has already been given. ASSYRIA, ASSHUR Previous to recent excavations and researches, the ruins which occupied the presumed site of Nineveh seemed to consist of mere shapeless heaps or mounds of earth and rubbish. Unlike the vast masses of brick masonry which mark the site of Babylon, they showed externally no signs of artificial construction, except perhaps here and there the traces of a rude wall of sun-dried bricks. Some of these mounds were of enormous dimensions, looking in the distance rather like natural elevations than the work of men’s hands. They differ greatly in form, size and height. Some are mere conical heaps, varying from 50 to 150 feet high; others have a broad flat summit, and very precipitous cliff-like sites furrowed by deep ravines worn by the winter rains. The principal ruins are

(1) The group immediately opposite Mosul, including the great mounds of Kouyunjik and Nebbi Yunus ;

(2) that near the junction of the Tigris and Zab comprising the mounds of Nimroud and Athur ;

(3) Khorsabad , about ten miles to the east of the former river;

(4) Shereef Khan , about 5 1/2 miles to the north Kouyunjik; and

(5) Selamiyah , three miles to the north of Nimroud. Discoveries.
The first traveller who carefully examined the supposed site of Nineveh was Mr. Rich formerly political agent for the East India Company at Bagdad; but his investigations were almost entirely confined to Kouyunjik and the surrounding mounds of which he made a survey in 1820. In 1843 M. Botta, the French consul at Mosul, fully explored the ruins. M. Botta’s discoveries at Khorsabad were followed by those of Mr. Layard at Nimroud and Kouyunjik, made between the years 1846 and 1850. (Since then very many and important discoveries have been made at Nineveh, more especially those by George Smith, of the British Museum. He has discovered not only the buildings, but the remains of fin ancient library written on stone tablets. These leaves or tablets were from an inch to 1 foot square, made of terra-cotta clay, on which when soft the inscriptions were written; the tablets were then hardened and placed upon the walls of the library rooms, so as to cover the walls. This royal library contained over 10,000 tablets. It was begun by Shalmaneser B.C. 860; his successors added to it, and Sardanapalus (B.C. 673) almost doubled it. Stories or subjects were begun on tablets, and continued on tablets of the same size sometimes to the number of one hundred. Some of the most interesting of these give accounts of the creation and of the deluge and all agree with or confirm the Bible.
ED.) Description of remains .
The Assyrian edifices were so nearly alike in general plan, construction an decoration that one description will suffice for all, They were built upon artificial mounds or platforms, varying in height, but generally from 30 to 50 feet above the level of the surrounding country, and solidly constructed of regular layers of sun-dried bricks, as at Nimroud, or consisting merely of earth and rubbish heaped up, as at Kouyunjik. This platform was probably faced with stone masonry, remains probable which were discovered at Nimroud, and broad flights of steps or inclined ways led up to its summit. Although only the general plan of the ground-floor can now be traced, it is evident that the palaces had several stories built of wood and sun-dried bricks, which, when the building was deserted and allowed to fall to decay, gradually buried the lower chambers with their ruins, and protected the sculptured slabs from the effects of the weather. The depth of soil and rubbish above the alabaster slabs varied from a few inches to about 20 feet. It is to this accumulation of rubbish above them that the bas-reliefs owe their extraordinary preservation. The portions of the edifices still remaining consist of halls, chambers and galleries, opening for the most part into large uncovered courts. The wall above the wainscoting of alabaster was plastered, and painted with figures and ornaments. The sculptured, with the exception of the human headed lions and bulls, were for the most part in low relief, The colossal figures usually represent the king, his attendants and the gods; the smaller sculptures, which either cover the whole face of the slab or are divided into two compartments by bands of inscriptions, represent battles sieges, the chase single combats with wild beasts, religious ceremonies, etc., etc. All refer to public or national events; the hunting-scenes evidently recording the prowess and personal valor of the king as the head of the people
"the mighty hunter before the Lord." The sculptures appear to have been painted, remains of color having been found on most of them. Thus decorated without and within, the Assyrian palaces must have displayed a barbaric magnificence, not, however, devoid of a certain grandeur and beauty which probably no ancient or modern edifice has exceeded. These great edifices, the depositories of the national records, appear to have been at the same time the abode of the king and the temple of the gods. Prophecies relating to Nineveh, and illustrations of the Old Testament . These are exclusively contained in the books of Nahum and Zephaniah. Nahum threatens the entire destruction of the city, so that it shall not rise again from its ruins. The city was to be partly destroyed by fire. kjv@Nahum:3:13 kjv@Nahum:3:16) The gateway in the northern wall of the Kouyunjik enclosure had been destroyed by fire as well as the palaces. The population was to be surprised when unprepared: "while they are drunk as drunkards they shall be devoured as stubble fully dry " kjv@Nahum:1:10) Diodorus states that the last and fatal assault was made when they were overcome with wine. The captivity of the inhabitants and their removal to distant provinces are predicted. kjv@Nahum:3:18) The fullest and the most vivid and poetical picture of Nineveh’s ruined and deserted condition is that given by Zephaniah, who probably lived to see its fall. kjv@Zephaniah:2:13-15) Site of the city .
much diversity of opinion exists as to the identification of the ruins which may be properly included within the site of ancient Nineveh. According to Sir H. Rawlinson and those who concur in his interpretation of the cuneiform characters, each group of mounds already mentioned represents a separate and distinct city. On the other hand it has been conjectured, with much probability, that these groups of mounds are not ruins of separate cities, but of fortified royal residences, each combining palaces, temples, propylaea, gardens and parks, and having its peculiar name; and that they all formed part of one great city built and added to at different periods, sad consisting of distinct quarters scattered over a very large and frequently very distant one from the other. Thus the city would be, as Layard says, in the form of a parallelogram 18 to 20 miles long by 12 to 14 wide; or, as Diodorus Siculus says, 55 miles in circumference. Writing and language .
The ruins of Nineveh have furnished a vast collection of inscriptions partly carved on marble or stone slabs and partly impressed upon bricks anti upon clay cylinders, or sixsided and eight-sided prisms, barrels and tablets, which, used for the purpose when still moist, were afterward baked in a furnace or kilo. Comp. kjv@Ezekiel:4:4) The character employed was the arrow-headed or cuneiform
so called from each letter being formed by marks or elements resembling an arrow-head or a wedge. These inscribed bricks are of the greatest value in restoring the royal dynasties. The most important inscription hitherto discovered in connection with biblical history is that upon a pair of colossal human-headed bulls from Kouyunjik, now in the British Museum, containing the records of Sennacherib, and describing, among other events, his wars with Hezekiah. It is accompanied by a series of bas-reliefs believed to represent the siege and capture of Lachish. A list of nineteen or twenty kings can already be compiled, and the annals of the greater number of them will probably be restored to the lost history of one of the most powerful empires of the ancient world. and of one which appears to have exercised perhaps greater influence than any other upon the subsequent condition and development of civilized man. The people of Nineveh spoke a Shemitic dialect, connected with the Hebrew and with the so called Chaldee of the books of Daniel and Ezra. This agrees with the testimony of the Old Testament.

NINEVITES - N>@ - the inhabitants of Nineveh. kjv@Luke:11:30)


Nineveh @ First mentioned in kjv@Genesis:10:11, which is rendered in the Revised Version, "He [i.e., Nimrod] went forth into Assyria and builded Nineveh." It is not again noticed till the days of Jonah, when it is described kjv@Jonah:3:3 kjv@Jonah:4:11) as a great and populous city, the flourishing capital of the Assyrian empire ( kjv@2Kings:19:36; kjv@Isaiah:37:37). The book of the prophet Nahum is almost exclusively taken up with prophetic denunciations against this city. Its ruin and utter desolation are foretold kjv@Nahum:1:14 kjv@Nahum:3:19, etc.). Zephaniah also (2:13-15) predicts its destruction along with the fall of the empire of which it was the capital. From this time there is no mention of it in Scripture till it is named in gospel history kjv@Matthew:12:41; kjv@Luke:11:32). This "exceeding great city" lay on the eastern or left bank of the river Tigris, along which it stretched for some 30 miles, having an average breadth of 10 miles or more from the river back toward the eastern hills. This whole extensive space is now one immense area of ruins. Occupying a central position on the great highway between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean, thus uniting the East and the West, wealth flowed into it from many sources, so that it became the greatest of all ancient cities. About B.C. 633 the Assyrian empire began to show signs of weakness, and Nineveh was attacked by the Medes, who subsequently, about B.C. 625, being joined by the Babylonians and Susianians, again attacked it, when it fell, and was razed to the ground. The Assyrian empire then came to an end, the Medes and Babylonians dividing its provinces between them. "After having ruled for more than six hundred years with hideous tyranny and violence, from the Caucasus and the Caspian to the Persian Gulf, and from beyond the Tigris to Asia Minor and Egypt, it vanished like a dream" kjv@Nahum:2:6-11). Its end was strange, sudden, tragic. It was God's doing, his judgement on Assyria's pride kjv@Isaiah:10:5-19). Forty years ago our knowledge of the great Assyrian empire and of its magnificent capital was almost wholly a blank. Vague memories had indeed survived of its power and greatness, but very little was definitely known about it. Other cities which had perished, as Palmyra, Persepolis, and Thebes, had left ruins to mark their sites and tell of their former greatness; but of this city, imperial Nineveh, not a single vestige seemed to remain, and the very place on which it had stood was only matter of conjecture. In fulfilment of prophecy, God made "an utter end of the place." It became a "desolation." In the days of the Greek historian Herodotus, B.C. 400, it had become a thing of the past; and when Xenophon the historian passed the place in the "Retreat of the Ten Thousand," the very memory of its name had been lost. It was buried out of sight, and no one knew its grave. It is never again to rise from its ruins. At length, after being lost for more than two thousand years, the city was disentombed. A little more than forty years ago the French consul at Mosul began to search the vast mounds that lay along the opposite bank of the river. The Arabs whom he employed in these excavations, to their great surprise, came upon the ruins of a building at the mound of Khorsabad, which, on further exploration, turned out to be the royal palace of Sargon, one of the Assyrian kings. They found their way into its extensive courts and chambers, and brought forth form its hidded depths many wonderful sculptures and other relics of those ancient times. The work of exploration has been carried on almost continuously by M. Botta, Sir Henry Layard, George Smith, and others, in the mounds of Nebi
- Yunus, Nimrud, Koyunjik, and Khorsabad, and a vast treasury of specimens of old Assyrian art has been exhumed. Palace after palace has been discovered, with their decorations and their sculptured slabs, revealing the life and manners of this ancient people, their arts of war and peace, the forms of their religion, the style of their architecture, and the magnificence of their monarchs. The streets of the city have been explored, the inscriptions on the bricks and tablets and sculptured figures have been read, and now the secrets of their history have been brought to light. One of the most remarkable of recent discoveries is that of the library of King Assur-bani-pal, or, as the Greek historians call him, Sardanapalos, the grandson of Sennacherib (q.v.). (
See ASNAPPER.) This library consists of about ten thousand flat bricks or tablets, all written over with Assyrian characters. They contain a record of the history, the laws, and the religion of Assyria, of the greatest value. These strange clay leaves found in the royal library form the most valuable of all the treasuries of the literature of the old world. The library contains also old Accadian documents, which are the oldest extant documents in the world, dating as far back as probably about the time of Abraham. (
See SARGON.) "The Assyrian royalty is, perhaps, the most luxurious of our century [reign of Assur-bani-pa]...Its victories and conquests, uninterrupted for one hundred years, have enriched it with the spoil of twenty peoples. Sargon has taken what remained to the Hittites; Sennacherib overcame Chaldea, and the treasures of Babylon were transferred to his coffers; Esarhaddon and Assur-bani-pal himself have pillaged Egypt and her great cities, Sais, Memphis, and Thebes of the hundred gates...Now foreign merchants flock into Nineveh, bringing with them the most valuable productions from all countries, gold and perfume from South Arabia and the Chaldean Sea, Egyptian linen and glass-work, carved enamels, goldsmiths' work, tin, silver, Phoenician purple; cedar wood from Lebanon, unassailable by worms; furs and iron from Asia Minor and Armenia" (Ancient Egypt and Assyria, by G. Maspero, page 271). The bas-reliefs, alabaster slabs, and sculptured monuments found in these recovered palaces serve in a remarkable manner to confirm the Old Testament history of the kings of Israel. The appearance of the ruins shows that the destruction of the city was due not only to the assailing foe but also to the flood and the fire, thus confirming the ancient prophecies concerning it. "The recent excavations," says Rawlinson, "have shown that fire was a great instrument in the destruction of the Nineveh palaces. Calcined alabaster, charred wood, and charcoal, colossal statues split through with heat, are met with in parts of the Nineveh mounds, and attest the veracity of prophecy." Nineveh in its glory was kjv@Jonah:3:4) an "exceeding great city of three days' journey", i.e., probably in circuit. This would give a circumference of about 60 miles. At the four corners of an irregular quadrangle are the ruins of Kouyunjik, Nimrud, Karamless and Khorsabad. These four great masses of ruins, with the whole area included within the parallelogram they form by lines drawn from the one to the other, are generally regarded as composing the whole ruins of Nineveh.



Nineveh strong_idH5210/strong_id @ Origin and antiquity of kjv@Genesis:10:11
Situated on the river Tigris kjv@Nahum:2:6 kjv@Nahum:2:8
The ancient capital of Assyria kjv@2Kings:19:36 kjv@Isaiah:37:37
Called the bloody city kjv@Nahum:3:1
Described as
Great kjv@Jonah:1:2 kjv@Jonah:3:2
Extensive kjv@Jonah:3:3
Rich kjv@Nahum:2:9
Strong kjv@Nahum:3:12
Commercial kjv@Nahum:3:16
Populous kjv@Jonah:4:11
Vile kjv@Nahum:1:14
Wicked kjv@Jonah:1:2
Idolatrous kjv@Nahum:1:14
Full of joy and carelessness kjv@Zephaniah:2:15
Full of lies and robbery kjv@Nahum:3:1
Full of witchcraft kjv@Nahum:3:4
Jonah sent to proclaim the destruction of kjv@Jonah:1:2 kjv@Jonah:3:1 kjv@Jonah:3:2 kjv@Jonah:3:4
Inhabitants of, repented at Jonah's preaching kjv@Jonah:3:5-9 kjv@Matthew:12:41 kjv@Luke:11:32
Destruction of, averted kjv@Jonah:3:10 kjv@Jonah:4:11
Predictions respecting
Coming up of the Babylonish armies against kjv@Nahum:2:1-4 kjv@Nahum:3:2
Destruction of its people kjv@Nahum:1:12 kjv@Nahum:3:3
Spoiling of its treasures kjv@Nahum:2:9
Destruction of its idols kjv@Nahum:1:14 kjv@Nahum:2:7
Degradation and contempt put on kjv@Nahum:3:5-7 kjv@Zephaniah:2:15
Utter destruction kjv@Nahum:1:8 kjv@Nahum:1:9
Complete desolation kjv@Zephaniah:2:13-15
Feebleness of its people kjv@Nahum:3:13
Being taken while people were drunk kjv@Nahum:1:10 kjv@Nahum:3:11
Captivity of its people kjv@Nahum:3:10



- Capitol of the Assyrian Empire kjv@Genesis:10:11-12
- Contained a population of upwards of one-hundred and twenty thousand people, when Jonah preached kjv@Jonah:4:11
- Extent of kjv@Jonah:3:4
- Sennacherib in kjv@2Kings:19:36-37; kjv@Isaiah:37:37-38
- Jonah preaches to kjv@Jonah:1:1-2; 3
- Nahum prophesies against kjv@Nahum:1; 2; 3
- Zephaniah foretells the desolation of kjv@Zephaniah:2:13-15



kjv@STRING:Nineveh <HITCHCOCK>@ handsome; agreeable - HITCHCOCK-N


NINEVEH @ the capital of Assyria- kjv@Genesis:10:11; kjv@2Kings:19:36; kjv@Jonah:1:2; kjv@Jonah:3:3; kjv@Jonah:4:11; kjv@Nahum:1:1; kjv@Zephaniah:2:13 kjv@Matthew:12:41; kjv@Luke:11:32


H71 <STRHEB>@ אבנה 'ăbânâh ab-aw-naw' Perhaps feminine of H68; stony; {Abanah} a river near Damascus: - Abana. Compare H549.

H81 <STRHEB>@ אבקה 'ăbâqâh ab-aw-kaw' Feminine of H80: - powder.

H84 <STRHEB>@ אברה 'ebrâh eb-raw' Feminine of H83: - {feather} wing.

H92 <STRHEB>@ אגדּה 'ăgûddâh ag-ood-daw' Feminine passive participle of an unused root (meaning to bind); a {band} bundle6 {knot} or arch: - {bunch} {burden} troop.

H1036 <STRHEB>@ בּית לעפרה bêyth leaphrâh bayth le-af-raw' From H1004 and the feminine of H6083 (with preposition interposed); house to (that {is} of) dust; {Beth-le-Aphrah} a place in Palestine: - house of Aphrah.

H1039 <STRHEB>@ בּית נמרה bêyth nimrâh bayth nim-raw' From H1004 and the feminine of H5246; house of (the) leopard; {Beth-Nimrah} a place east of the Jordan: - Beth-nimrah. Compare H5247.

H1062 <STRHEB>@ בּכרה בּכורה bekôrâh bekôrâh {bek-o-raw'} bek-o-raw' Feminine of H1060; the firstling of man or beast; abstractly primogeniture: - {birthright} firstborn (-ling).

H1063 <STRHEB>@ בּכּוּרה bikkûrâh bik-koo-raw' Feminine of H1061; the early fig: - firstripe (fruit).

H1064 <STRHEB>@ בּכורת bekôrath bek-o-rath' Feminine of H1062; primogeniture; {Bekorath} an Israelite: - Bechorath.

H1067 <STRHEB>@ בּכּירה bekîyrâh bek-ee-raw' Feminine from H1069; the eldest daughter: - firstborn.

H1072 <STRHEB>@ בּכרה bikrâh bik-raw' Feminine of H1070; a young she camel: - dromedary.

H1088 <STRHEB>@ בּלה bâlâh baw-law' Feminine of H1087; failure; {Balah} a place in Palestine: - Balah.

H1115 <STRHEB>@ בּלתּי biltîy bil-tee' Constructive feminine of H1086 (equivalent to H1097); properly a failure {of} that {is} (used only as a negative {particle} usually with prepositional prefix) {not} except6 {without} unless6 {besides} because {not} {until} etc.: - because {un[satiable]} {beside} {but} + {continual} {except} {from} {lest} {neither} no {more} {none} {not} {nothing} {save} that {no} without.

H1140 <STRHEB>@ בּניה binyâh bin-yaw' Feminine of H1129; a structure: - building.

H1172 <STRHEB>@ בּעלה ba‛ălâh bah-al-aw' Feminine of H1167; a mistress: - that {hath} mistress.

H1223 <STRHEB>@ בּצרה botsrâh bots-raw' Feminine from H1219; an {enclosure} that {is} sheepfold: - Bozrah.

H1226 <STRHEB>@ בּצּרת batstsôreth bats-tso'-reth Feminine intensive from H1219; restraint (of {rain}) that {is} drought: - {dearth} drought.

H1269 <STRHEB>@ בּרזותo birzôth beer-zoth' Probably feminine plural from an unused root (apparently meaning to pierce); holes; {Birzoth} an Israelite: - Birzavith [from the margin].

H1278 <STRHEB>@ בּריאה berîyh ber-ee-aw' Feminine from H1254; a {creation} that {is} a novelty: - new thing.

H1279 <STRHEB>@ בּריה biryâh beer-yaw' Feminine from H1262; food: - meat.

H1283 <STRHEB>@ בּריעה berîy‛âh ber-ee'-aw Apparently from the feminine of H7451 with prepositional prefix; in trouble; {Beriah} the name of four Israelites: - Beriah.

H1287 <STRHEB>@ בּרית bôrîyth bo-reeth' Feminine of H1253; vegetable alkali: - sope.

H1309 <STRHEB>@ בּשׂרה בּשׂורה beώôrâh beώôrâh {bes-o-raw'} bes-o-raw' Feminine from H1319; glad tidings; by implication reward for good news: - reward for tidings.

H1315 <STRHEB>@ בּשׂמת boώmath bos-math' Feminine of the second form of H1314; fragrance; {Bosmath} the name of a wife of {Esau} and of a dughter of Solomon: - {Bashemath} Basmath.

H1317 <STRHEB>@ בּשׁנה boshnâh bosh-naw' Feminine from H954; shamefulness: - shame.

H1323 <STRHEB>@ בּת bath bath From H1129 (as feminine of H1121); a daughter (used in the same wide sense as other terms of {relationship} literally and figuratively): - apple [of the {eye]} {branch} {company} {daughter} X {first} X {old} + {owl} {town} village.

H1327 <STRHEB>@ בּתּה battâh bat-taw' Feminine from an unused root (meaning to break in pieces); desolation: - desolate.

H1330 <STRHEB>@ בּתוּלה bethûlâh beth-oo-law' Feminine passive participle of an unused root meaning to separate; a virgin (from her privacy); sometimes (by continuation) a bride; also (figuratively) a city or state: - {maid} virgin.

H1344 <STRHEB>@ גּאה gê'âh gay-aw' Feminine from H1342; arrogance: - pride.

H1353 <STRHEB>@ גּאלּה gellâh gheh-ool-law' Feminine passive participle of H1350; redemption (including the right and the object); by implication relationship: - {kindred} {redeem} {redemption} right.

H1367 <STRHEB>@ גּבלה גּבוּלה gebûlâh gebûlâh {gheb-oo-law'} gheb-oo-law' Feminine of H1366; a {boundary} region: - {border} {bound} {coast} {landmark} place.

H1369 <STRHEB>@ גּבוּרה gebûrâh gheb-oo-raw' Feminine passive participle from the same as H1368; force (literally or figuratively); by implication {valor} victory: - {force} {mastery} {might} mighty ({act} {power}) {power} strength.

H1377 <STRHEB>@ גּבירה gebîyrâh gheb-ee-raw' Feminine of H1376; a mistress: - queen.

H1385 <STRHEB>@ גּבנה gebinâh gheb-ee-naw' Feminine from the same as H1384; curdled milk: - cheese.

H1389 <STRHEB>@ גּבעה gib‛âh ghib-aw' Feminine from the same as H1387; a hillock: - {hill} little hill.

H1404 <STRHEB>@ גּברת gebereth gheb-eh'-reth Feminine of H1376; mistress: - {lady} mistress.

H1418 <STRHEB>@ גּדוּדה gedûdâh ghed-oo-daw' Feminine participle passive of H1413; an incision: - cutting.

H1420 <STRHEB>@ גּדוּלּה גּדלּה גּדוּלה gedûlâh gedûllâh gedûllâh ghed-oo-law' (all three forms) Feminine of H1419; greatness; (concretely) mighty acts: - {dignity} great things ({-ness}) majesty.

H1422 <STRHEB>@ גּדּוּפה gedûphâh ghed-oo-faw' Feminine passive participle of H1442; a revilement: - taunt.

H1429 <STRHEB>@ גּדיּה gedîyâh ghed-ee-yaw' Feminine of H1423; a young female goat: - kid.

H1448 <STRHEB>@ גּדרה gedêrâh ghed-ay-raw' Feminine of H1447; inclosure (especially for flocks): - [sheep-]cote (fold) {hedge} wall.

H1465 <STRHEB>@ גּוה gêvâh gay-vaw' Feminine of H1460; the {back} that {is} (by extension) the person: - body.

H1473 <STRHEB>@ גּלה גּולה gôlâh gôlâh {go-law'} go-law' Active participle feminine of H1540; exile; concretely and {collectively} exiles: - (carried {away}) captive ({-ity}) removing.

H1492 <STRHEB>@ גּזּה gâzzah gaz-zaw' Feminine from H1494; a fleece: - fleece.

H1500 <STRHEB>@ גּזלה gezêlâh ghez-ay-law' Feminine of H1498 and meaning the same: - that (he had robbed) [which he took violently {away]} {spoil} violence.

H1508 <STRHEB>@ גּזרה gizrâh ghiz-raw' Feminine of H1506; the figure or person (as if cut out); also an inclosure (as separated): - {polishing} separate place.

H1525 <STRHEB>@ גּילת גּילה gîylâh gîylath {ghee-law'} ghee-lath' Feminine of H1524; joy: - {joy} rejoicing.

H1543 <STRHEB>@ גּלּה gûllâh gool-law' Feminine from H1556; a {fountain} bowl or globe (all as round): - {bowl} {pommel} spring.

H1546 <STRHEB>@ גּלוּת gâlûth gaw-looth' Feminine from H1540; captivity; concretely exiles (collectively): - (they that are carried away) captives (-ity.)

H1552 <STRHEB>@ גּלילה gelîylâh ghel-ee-law' Feminine of H1550; a circuit or region: - {border} {coast} country.

H1578 <STRHEB>@ גּמוּלה gemûlâh ghem-oo-law' Feminine of H1576; meaning the same: - {deed} {recompence} such a reward.

H1593 <STRHEB>@ גּנּה gannâh gan-naw' Feminine of H1588; a garden: - garden.

H1601 <STRHEB>@ גּעה gô‛âh go-aw' Feminine active participle of H1600; lowing; {Goah} a place near Jerusalem: - Goath.

H1614 <STRHEB>@ גּפרית gophrîyth gof-reeth' Probably feminine of H1613; properly cypress resin; by analogy sulphur (as equally inflammable): - brimstone.

H1621 <STRHEB>@ גּרגּרות gargerôth gar-gher-owth' Feminine plural from H1641; the throat (as used in rumination): - neck.

H1646 <STRHEB>@ גּרשׁה gerûshâh gher-oo-shaw' Feminine passive participle of H1644; (abstractly) dispossession: - exaction.

H1665 <STRHEB>@ גּתּית gittîyth ghit-teeth' Feminine of H1663; a Gittite harp: - Gittith.

H1700 <STRHEB>@ דּברה dibrâh dib-raw' Feminine of H1697; a {reason} suit or style: - {cause} {end} {estate} {order} regard.

H1702 <STRHEB>@ דּברה dôberâh do-ber-aw' Feminine active participle of H1696 in the sense of driving (compare H1699); a raft: - float.

H1710 <STRHEB>@ דּגה dâgâh daw-gaw' Feminine of {H1709} and meaning the same: - fish.

H1729 <STRHEB>@ דּוּגה dûgâh doo-gaw' Feminine from the same as H1728; properly {fishery} that {is} a hook for fishing: - fish [hook].

H1733 <STRHEB>@ דּודה dôdâh do-daw' Feminine of H1730; an aunt: - {aunt} father´ s {sister} uncle´ s wife.

H1776 <STRHEB>@ דּימונה dîymônâh dee-mo-naw' Feminine of H1775; {Dimonah} a place in Palestine: - Dimonah.

H1783 <STRHEB>@ דּינה dîynâh dee-naw' Feminine of H1779; justice; {Dinah} the daughter of Jacob: - Dinah.

H1827 <STRHEB>@ דּממה demâmâh dem-aw-maw' Feminine from H1826; quiet: - {calm} {silence} still.

H1829 <STRHEB>@ דּמנה dimnâh dim-naw' Feminine from the same as H1828; a dung heap; {Dimnah} a place in Palestine: - Dimnah.

H1832 <STRHEB>@ דּמעה dim‛âh dim-aw' Feminine of H1831; weeping: - tears.

H1844 <STRHEB>@ דּעה dê‛âh day-aw' Feminine of H1843; knowledge: - knowledge.

H1919 <STRHEB>@ הדסּה hădassâh had-as-saw' Feminine of H1918; Hadassah (or Esther): - Hadassah.

H1927 <STRHEB>@ הדרה hădârâh had-aw-raw' Feminine of H1926; decoration: - {beauty} honour.

H1931 <STRHEB>@ היא הוּא hû' hîy' {hoo} he The second form is the feminine beyond the Pentateuch; a primitive {word} the third person pronoun {singular} he (she or it); only expressed when emphatic or without a verb; also (intensively) {self} or (especially with the article) the same; sometimes (as demonstrative) this or that; occasionally (instead of copula) as or are: - {he} as for {her} him ({-self}) {it} the {same} she ({herself}) {such} that (. . . {it}) {these} {they} {this} {those} which ({is}) who.

H1940 <STRHEB>@ הודיּה hôdîyâh ho-dee-yaw' A form for the feminine of H3064; a Jewess: - Hodiah.

H1947 <STRHEB>@ הוללה hôlêlâh ho-lay-law' Feminine active participle of H1984; folly: - madness.

H1979 <STRHEB>@ הליכה hălîykâh hal-ee-kaw' Feminine of H1978; a walking; by implication a procession or {march} a caravan: - {company} {going} {walk} way.

H1997 <STRHEB>@ המונה hămônâh ham-o-naw' Feminine of H1995; multitude; {Hamonah} the same as H1996: - Hamonah.

H1999 <STRHEB>@ המוּלּה המלּה hămûlâh hămûllâh {ham-ool-law'} ham-ool-law' Feminine passive participle of an unused root meaning to rush (as rain with a windy roar); a sound: - {speech} tumult.

H107 <STRHEB>@ אגּרת 'iggereth ig-eh'-reth Feminine of H104; an epistle: - letter.

H155 <STRHEB>@ אדּרת 'addereth ad-deh'-reth Feminine of H117; something ample (as a large {vine} a wide dress); also the same as H145: - {garment} {glory} {goodly} {mantle} robe.

H160 <STRHEB>@ אהבה 'ahăbâh a-hab-aw' Feminine of H158 and meaning the same: - love.

H170 <STRHEB>@ אהלהּ אהלה 'ohŏlâh 'ohŏlâhh {o-hol-aw'} o-hol-aw' The first form is in form a feminine of {H168} but is in fact for the second form; from H168; her tent (that {is} idolatrous sanctuary); {Oholah} a symbolic name for Samaria: - Aholah.

H172 <STRHEB>@ אהליבהּ אהליבה 'ohŏlîybâh 'ohŏlîybâhh {o''-hol-ee-baw'} o''-hol-e-baw' (As with H170 the first form is in form a feminine of {H168} but is in fact for the second form); from H168; my tent (is) in her; {Oholibah} a symbolic name for Judah: - Aholibah.

H174 <STRHEB>@ אהלות אהלים 'ăhâlîymhâlôth {a-haw-leem'} a-haw-loth' (The second {form} which is {feminine} is used only in the plural); of foreign origin; aloe wood (that {is} sticks): - (tree of lign-) aloes.

H190 <STRHEB>@ אויה 'ôyâh o-yaw' Feminine of H188: - woe.

H2004 <STRHEB>@ הן hên hane Feminine plural from H1931; they (only used when emphatic): - X {in} such {like} (with) {them} {thereby} {therein} (more than) {they} {wherein} in {which} {whom} withal.

H2018 <STRHEB>@ הפכה hăphêkâh haf-ay-kaw' Feminine of H2016; destruction: - overthrow.

H2028 <STRHEB>@ הרגה hărêgâh har-ay-gaw' Feminine of H2027; slaughter: - slaughter.

H2063 <STRHEB>@ זאת zô'th zothe' Irregular feminine of H2089; this (often used adverbially): - hereby ({-in} {-with}) {it} {likewise} the one ({other} {same}) {she} so ({much}) such ({deed}) {that} {therefore} {these} this ({thing}) thus.

H2069 <STRHEB>@ זבדיהוּ זבדיה zebadyâh zebadyâhû {zeb-ad-yaw'} zeb-ad-yaw'-hoo From H2064 and H3050; Jah has given; {Zebadjah} the name of nine Israelites: - Zebadiah.

H2080 <STRHEB>@ זבידה zebîydâh zeb-ee-daw' Feminine from H2064; giving; {Zebidah} an Israelitess: - Zebudah.

H2120 <STRHEB>@ זחלת zôcheleth zo-kheh'-leth Feminine active participle of H2119; crawling (that {is} serpent); {Zocheleth} a boundary stone in Palestine: - Zoheleth.

H2129 <STRHEB>@ זיפה zîyphâh zee-faw' Feminine of H2128; a flowing; {Ziphah} an Israelite: - Ziphah.

H2148 <STRHEB>@ זכריהוּ זכריה zekaryâh zekaryâhû {zek-ar-yaw'} zek-ar-yaw'-hoo From H2142 and H3050; Jah has remembered; {Zecarjah} the name of twenty nine Israelites: - {Zachariah} Zechariah.

H2156 <STRHEB>@ זמר זמרה זמורה zemôrâh zemôrâh zemôr {zem-o-raw'} {zem-o-raw'} zem-ore' (Feminine) and (masculine): from H2168; a twig (as pruned): - {vine} {branch} slip.

H2158 <STRHEB>@ זמרה זמר זמיר zâmîyr zâmir zemirâh {zaw-meer'} {zaw-meer'} zem-ee-raw' (Feminine): from H2167; a song to be accompanied with instrumental music: - psalm ({-ist}) {singing} song.

H2160 <STRHEB>@ זמירה zemîyrâh zem-ee-raw' Feminine of H2158; song; {Zemirah} an Israelite: - Zemira.

H2185 <STRHEB>@ זנות zônôth zo-noth' Regarded by some as if from H2109 or an unused {root} and applied to military equipments; but evidently the feminine plural active participle of H2181; harlots: - armour.

H2201 <STRHEB>@ זעקה זעק zaaq ze‛âqâh {zah'-ak} zeh-aw-kaw' (Feminine): from H2199; a shriek or outcry: - cry (-ing).

H2209 <STRHEB>@ זקנה ziqnâh zik-naw' Feminine of H2205; old age: - old (age).

H2231 <STRHEB>@ זרמה zirmâh zir-maw' Feminine of H2230; a gushing of fluid (semen): - issue.

H2273 <STRHEB>@ חברה chabrâh khab-raw' (Chaldee); feminine of H2269; an associate: - other.

H2274 <STRHEB>@ חברה chebrâh kheb-raw' Feminine of H2267; association: - company.

H2278 <STRHEB>@ חברת chăbereth khab-eh'-reth Feminine of H2270; a consort: - companion.

H2279 <STRHEB>@ חברת chôbereth kho-beh'-reth Feminine active participle of H2266; a joint: - which {coupleth} coupling.

H2286 <STRHEB>@ חגבה חגבא chăgâbâ' chăgâbâh {khag-aw-baw'} khag-aw-baw' Feminine of H2285; locust; Chagaba or {Chagabah} one of the Nethinim: - {Hagaba} Hagabah.

H2294 <STRHEB>@ חגּית chaggîyth khag-gheeth' Feminine of H2291; festive; {Chaggith} a wife of David: - Haggith.

H2322 <STRHEB>@ חדשׁה chădâshâh khad-aw-shaw' Feminine of H2319; new; {Chadashah} a place in Palestine: - Hadashah.

H2327 <STRHEB>@ חובה chôbâh kho-baw' Feminine active participle of H2247; hiding place; {Chobah} a place in Syria: - Hobah.

H2346 <STRHEB>@ חומה chômâh kho-maw' Feminine active participle of an unused root apparently meaning to join; a wall of protection: - {wall} walled.

H2351 <STRHEB>@ חץ חוּץ chûts chûts {khoots} khoots (Both forms feminine in the plural); from an unused root meaning to sever; properly separate by a {wall} that {is} {outside} outdoors: - {abroad} {field} {forth} {highway} {more} out ({-side} {-ward}) {street} without.

H2393 <STRHEB>@ חזקה chezqâh khez-kaw' Feminine of H2391; prevailing power: - strength (-en {self}) (was) strong.

H2394 <STRHEB>@ חזקה chozqâh khoz-kaw' Feminine of H2392; vehemence (usually in a bad sense): - {force} {mightily} {repair} sharply.

H2401 <STRHEB>@ חטאה chăţâ'âh khat-aw-aw' Feminine of H2399; an {offence} or a sacrifice for it: - sin ({offering}) sinful.

H2405 <STRHEB>@ חטבה chăţûbâh khat-oo-baw' Feminine passive participle of H2404; properly a carving; hence a tapestry (as figured): - carved.

H2416 <STRHEB>@ חי chay khah'ee From H2421; alive; hence raw (flesh); fresh ({plant} {water} {year}) strong; also (as {noun} especially in the feminine singular and masculine plural) life (or living {thing}) whether literally or figuratively: - + {age} {alive} {appetite} (wild) {beast} {company} {congregation} life ({-time}) live ({-ly}) living ({creature} {thing}) {maintenance} + {merry} {multitude} + (be) {old} {quick} {raw} {running} {springing} troop.

H2430 <STRHEB>@ חילה chêylâh khay-law' Feminine of H2428; an intrenchment: - bulwark.

H2462 <STRHEB>@ חלבּה chelbâh khel-baw' Feminine of H2459; fertility: {Chelbah} a place in Palestine: - Helbah.

H2468 <STRHEB>@ חלדּה chûldâh khool-daw' Feminine of H2467; {Chuldah} an Israelitess: - Huldah.

H2476 <STRHEB>@ חלוּשׁה chălûshâh khal-oo-shaw' Feminine passive participle of H2522; defeat: - being overcome.

H2479 <STRHEB>@ חלחלה chalchâlâh khal-khaw-law' Feminine from the same as H2478; writhing (in childbirth); by implication terror: - ({great} much) pain.

H2484 <STRHEB>@ חליה chelyâh khel-yaw' Feminine of H2481; a trinket: - jewel.

H2513 <STRHEB>@ חלקה chelqâh khel-kaw' Feminine of H2506; properly smoothness; figuratively flattery; also an allotment: - {field} flattering ({-ry}) {ground} {parcel} {part} piece of land ({[ground]}) {plat} {portion} slippery {place} smooth (thing).

H2514 <STRHEB>@ חלקּה chălaqqâh kal-ak-kaw' Feminine from H2505; flattery: - flattery.

H2515 <STRHEB>@ חלקּה chălûqqâh khal-ook-kaw Feminine of H2512; a distribution: - division.

H2532 <STRHEB>@ חמדּה chemdâh khem-daw' Feminine of H2531; delight: - {desire} {goodly} {pleasant} precious.

H2545 <STRHEB>@ חמת חמות chămôth chămôth {kham-oth'} kham-oth' Feminine of H2524; a mother in law: - mother in law.

H2547 <STRHEB>@ חמטה chûmţâh khoom-taw' Feminine of H2546; low; {Chumtah} a place in Palestine: - Humtah.

H2613 <STRHEB>@ חנפה chănûphâh khan-oo-faw' Feminine from H2610; impiety: - profaneness.

H2624 <STRHEB>@ חסידה chăsîydâh khas-ee-daw' Feminine of H2623; the kind (maternal) {bird} that {is} a stork: - X {feather} stork.

H2675 <STRHEB>@ חצור חדתּה châtsôr chădattâh khaw-tsore' khad-at-taw' From H2674 and a Chaldaizing form of the feminine of H2319 (compare H2323); new {Chatsor} a place in Palestine: - {Hazor} Hadattah [as if two places].

H2693 <STRHEB>@ חצר גּדּה chătsar gaddâh khats-ar' gad-daw' From H2691 and a feminine of H1408; (the) village of (female) Fortune; Chatsar {Gaddah} a place in Palestine: - Hazar-gaddah.

H2698 <STRHEB>@ חצרות chătsêrôth khats-ay-roth' Feminine plural of H2691; yards; {Chatseroth} a place in Palestine: - Hazeroth.

H2708 <STRHEB>@ חקּה chûqqâh khook-kaw' Feminine of {H2706} and meaning substantially the same: - {appointed} {custom} {manner} {ordinance} {site} statute.

H2723 <STRHEB>@ חרבּה chorbâh khor-baw' Feminine of H2721; properly {drought} that {is} (by implication) a desolation: - decayed {place} desolate ({place} {-tion}) {destruction} (laid) waste (place).

H2724 <STRHEB>@ חרבה chârâbâh khaw-raw-baw' Feminine of H2720; a desert: - dry ({ground} land).

H2731 <STRHEB>@ חרדה chărâdâh khar-aw-daw' Feminine of H2730; {fear} anxiety: - {care} X {exceedingly} {fear} {quaking} trembling.

H2742 <STRHEB>@ חרץ חרוּץ chârûts chârûts {khaw-roots'} khaw-roots' Passive participle of H2782; properly incised or (active) incisive; hence (as noun masculine or feminine) a trench (as {dug}) gold (as {mined}) a threshing sledge (having sharp teeth); (figuratively) determination; also eager: - {decision} {diligent} (fine) {gold} pointed {things} {sharp} threshing {instrument} wall.

H2759 <STRHEB>@ חרישׁי chărîyshîy khar-ee-shee' From H2790 in the sense of silence; {quiet} that {is} sultry (as noun feminine the sirocco or hot east wind): - vehement.

H2811 <STRHEB>@ חשׁביהוּ חשׁביה chăshabyâh chăshabyâhû {khash-ab-yaw'} khash-ab-yaw'-hoo From H2803 and H3050; Jah has regarded; {Chashabjah} the name of nine Israelites: - Hashabiah.

H2812 <STRHEB>@ חשׁבנה chăshabnâh khash-ab-naw' Feminine of H2808; inventiveness; {Chashnah} an Israelite: - Hashabnah.

H2832 <STRHEB>@ חשׁמנה chashmônâh khash-mo-naw' Feminine of H2831; fertile; {Chasmonah} a place in the Desert: - Hashmonah.

H2858 <STRHEB>@ חתמת chôthemeth kho-the-meth Feminine active participle of H2856; a seal: - signet.

H2878 <STRHEB>@ טבחה ţibchâh tib-khaw' Feminine of H2874 and meaning the same: - {flesh} slaughter.

H2879 <STRHEB>@ טבּחה ţabbâchâh tab-baw-khaw' Feminine of H2876; a female cook: - cook.

H2893 <STRHEB>@ טהרה ţohŏrâh toh-or-aw' Feminine of H2892; ceremonial purification; moral purity: - X is {cleansed} {cleansing} purification (-fying).

H2896 <STRHEB>@ טוב ţôb tobe From H2895; good (as an adjective) in the widest sense; used likewise as a {noun} both in the masculine and the {feminine} the singular and the plural ({good} a good or good {thing} a good man or woman; the {good} goods or good {things} good men or {women}) also as an adverb (well): - {beautiful} {best} {better} {bountiful} {cheerful} at {ease} X fair ({word}) (be in) {favour} {fine} {glad} good ({deed} {-lier} {liest} {-ly} {-ness} {-s}) {graciously} {joyful} {kindly} {kindness} liketh ({best}) {loving} {merry} X {most} {pleasant} + {pleaseth} {pleasure} {precious} {prosperity} {ready} {sweet} {wealth} {welfare} (be) well ([-favoured]).

H2918 <STRHEB>@ טירה ţîyrâh tee-raw' Feminine of (an equivalent to) H2905; a wall; hence a fortress or a hamlet: - (goodly) {castle} {habitation} {palace} row.

H2966 <STRHEB>@ טרפה ţerêphâh ter-ay-faw' Feminine (collectively) of H2964; {prey} that {is} flocks devoured by animals: - {ravin} (that which was) torn (of {beasts} in pieces).

H2994 <STRHEB>@ יבמת yebêmeth yeb-ay'-meth Feminine participle of H2992; a sister-in-law: - brother´ s {wife} sister in law.

H219 <STRHEB>@ אורה 'ôrâh o-raw' Feminine of H216; {luminousness} that {is} (figuratively) prosperity; also a plant (as being bright): - herb light.

H269 <STRHEB>@ אחות 'âchôth aw-khoth' Irregular feminine of H251; a sister (used very widely (like {H250}) literally and figuratively): - (an-) {other} {sister} together.

H272 <STRHEB>@ אחזּה 'ăchûzzâh akh-ooz-zaw' Feminine passive participle of H270; something {seized} that {is} a possession (especially of land): - possession.

H281 <STRHEB>@ אחיּהוּ אחיּה 'ăchîyâhchîyâhû {akh-ee-yaw'} akh-ee-yaw'-hoo From H251 and H3050; brother (that {is} worshipper) of Jah; {Achijah} the name of nine Israelites: - {Ahiah} Ahijah.

H3011 <STRHEB>@ יגבּהה yogbehâh yog-beh-haw' Feminine from H1361; hillock; {Jogbehah} a place East of the Jordan: - Jogbehah.

H3024 <STRHEB>@ יגעה yegi‛âh yeg-ee-aw' Feminine of H3019; fatigue: - weariness.

H3040 <STRHEB>@ ידידה yedîydâh yed-ee-daw' Feminine of H3039; beloved; {Jedidah} an Israelitess: - Jedidah.

H3057 <STRHEB>@ יהדיּה yehûdîyâh yeh-hoo-dee-yaw' Feminine of H3064; {Jehudijah} a Jewess: - Jehudijah.

H3066 <STRHEB>@ יהוּדית yehûdîyth yeh-hoo-deeth' Feminine of H3064; the Jewish (used adverbially) language: - in the Jews´ language.

H3110 <STRHEB>@ יוחנן yôchânân yo-khaw-nawn' A form of H3076; {Jochanan} the name of nine Israelites: - Johanan.

H3127 <STRHEB>@ יונקת yôneqeth yo-neh'-keth Feminine of H3126; a sprout: - (tender) {branch} young twig.

H3132 <STRHEB>@ יועאלה yô‛ê'lâh yo-ay-law' Perhaps feminine active participle of H3276; furthermore; {Joelah} an Israelite: - Joelah.

H3159 <STRHEB>@ יזרעאלית yizre‛ê'lîyth yiz-reh-ay-leeth' Feminine of H3158; a Jezreelitess: - Jezreelitess.

H3173 <STRHEB>@ יחיד yâchîyd yaw-kheed' From H3161; properly {united} that {is} sole; by implication beloved; also lonely; (feminine) the life (as not to be replace): - {darling} {desolate} only ({child} {son}) solitary.

H3207 <STRHEB>@ ילדּה yaldâh yal-daw' Feminine of H3206; a lass: - {damsel} girl.

H3215 <STRHEB>@ יללה yelâlâh yel-aw-law' Feminine of H3214; a howling: - howling.

H3248 <STRHEB>@ יסוּדה yesûdâh yes-oo-daw' Feminine of H3246; a foundation: - foundation.

H3280 <STRHEB>@ יעלה ya‛ălâh yah-al-aw' Feminine of H3277: - roe.

H3284 <STRHEB>@ יענה ya‛ănâh yah-an-aw' Feminine of {H3283} and meaning the same: - + owl.

H3295 <STRHEB>@ יערה ya‛ărâh yah-ar-aw' Feminine of {H3293} and meaning the same: - [honey-] {comb} forest.

H3333 <STRHEB>@ יצקה yetsûqâh yets-oo-kaw' Passive participle feminine of H3332; poured {out} that {is} run into a mould: - when it was cast.

H3374 <STRHEB>@ יראה yirh yir-aw' Feminine of H3373; fear (also used as infinitive); morally reverence: - X {dreadful} X {exceedingly} fear (-fulness).

H3388 <STRHEB>@ ירוּשׁה ירוּשׁא yerûshâ' yerûshâh {yer-oo-shaw'} yer-oo-shaw' Feminine passive participle of H3423; possessed; Jerusha or {Jerushah} an Israelitess: - {Jerusha} Jerushah.

H3406 <STRHEB>@ ירמות ירימות ירימות yerîymôth yerêymôth yerêmôth (1) {yer-ee-mohth'} (2,3) yer-ay-mohth' Feminine plural from H7311; elevations; Jerimoth or {Jeremoth} the name of twelve Israelites: - {Jeremoth} {Jerimoth} and Ramoth [from the margin].

H3411 <STRHEB>@ ירכה yerêkâh yer-ay-kaw' Feminine of H3409; properly the flank; but used only {figuratively} the rear or recess: - {border} {coast} {part} {quarter} side.

H3414 <STRHEB>@ ירמיהוּ ירמיה yirmeyâh yirmeyâhû {yir-meh-yaw'} yir-meh-yaw'-hoo From H7311 and H3050; Jah will rise; {Jirmejah} the name of eight or nine Israelites: - Jeremiah.

H3444 <STRHEB>@ ישׁוּעה yeshû‛âh yesh-oo'-aw Feminine passive participle of H3467; something {saved} that {is} (abstractly) deliverance; hence {aid} {victory} prosperity: - {deliverance} {health} help ({-ing}) {salvation} {save} saving ({health}) welfare.

H3466 <STRHEB>@ ישׁנה yeshânâh yesh-aw-naw' Feminine of H3465; {Jeshanah} a place in Palestine: - Jeshanah.

H3482 <STRHEB>@ ישׂראלית yiώrelîyth yis-reh-ay-leeth' Feminine of H3481; a Jisreelitess or female descendant of Jisrael: - Israelitish.

H3483 <STRHEB>@ ישׁרה yishrâh yish-raw' Feminine of H3477; rectitude: - uprightness.

H3502 <STRHEB>@ יתרה yithrâh yith-raw' Feminine of H3499; properly {excellence} that {is} (by implication) wealth: - {abundance} riches.

H3508 <STRHEB>@ יתרת yôthereth yo-theh'-reth Feminine active participle of H3498; the lobe or flap of the liver (as if redundant or outhanging): - caul.

H3517 <STRHEB>@ כּבדת kebêdûth keb-ay-dooth' Feminine of H3515; difficulty: - X heavily.

H3520 <STRHEB>@ כּבוּדּה kebûddâh keb-ood-daw' Irregular feminine passive participle of H3513; weightiness; that {is} {magnificence} wealth: - {carriage} all {glorious} stately.

H3530 <STRHEB>@ כּברה kibrâh kib-raw' Feminine of H3528; properly {length} that {is} a measure (of uncertain dimension): - X little.

H3535 <STRHEB>@ כּבשׂה כּבשׂה kibώâh kabώâh {kib-saw'} kab-saw' Feminine of H3532; a ewe: - (ewe) lamb.

H3545 <STRHEB>@ כּהה kêhâh kay-haw' Feminine of H3544; properly a weakening; figuratively {alleviation} that {is} cure: - healing.

H3571 <STRHEB>@ כּוּשׁית kûshîyth koo-sheeth' Feminine of H3569; a Cushite woman: - Ethiopian.

H3629 <STRHEB>@ כּליה kilyâh kil-yaw' Feminine of H3627 (only in the plural); a kidney (as an essential organ); figuratively the mind (as the interior self): - {kidneys} reins.

H3668 <STRHEB>@ כּנענה kena‛ănâh ken-ah-an-aw' Feminine of H3667; {Kenaanah} the name of two Israelites: - Chenaanah.

H3672 <STRHEB>@ כּנּרת כּנּרות kinnerôth kinnereth {kin-ner-oth'} kin-neh'-reth Respectively plural and singular feminine from the same as H3658; perhaps harp shaped; Kinneroth or {Kinnereth} a place in Palestine: - {Chinnereth} {Chinneroth} Cinneroth.

H3690 <STRHEB>@ כּסלה kislâh kis-law' Feminine of H3689; in a good {sense} trust; in a bad {one} silliness: - {confidence} folly.

H3694 <STRHEB>@ כּסלּות kesûllôth kes-ool-loth' Feminine plural of passive participle of H3688; {fattened} {Kesulloth} a place in Palestine: - Chesulloth.

H3696 <STRHEB>@ כּסלת תּבר kisôlth tâbôr kis-loth' taw-bore' From the feminine plural of H3689 and H8396; flanks of Tabor; Kisloth {Tabor} a place in Palestine: - Chisloth-tabor.

H3706 <STRHEB>@ כּעת כּענת keeneth keeth {keh-eh'-neth} keh-eth' (Chaldee); feminine of H3705; thus (only in the formula and so forth): - at such a time.

H3712 <STRHEB>@ כּפּה kippâh kip-paw' Feminine of H3709; a leaf of a palm tree: - branch.

H3716 <STRHEB>@ כּפירה kephîyrâh kef-ee-raw' Feminine of H3715; the village (always with the article); {Kephirah} a place in Palestine: - Chephirah.

H3741 <STRHEB>@ כּרה kârâh kaw-raw' Feminine of H3733; a meadow: - cottage.

H3762 <STRHEB>@ כּרמלית karmelîyth kar-mel-eeth' Feminine of H3761; a Karmelitess or female inhabitant of Karmel: - Carmelitess.

H3773 <STRHEB>@ כּרתה kârûthâh kaw-rooth-aw' Passive participle feminine of H3772; something {cut} that {is} a hewn timber: - beam.

H3776 <STRHEB>@ כּשׂבּה kiώbâh kis-baw' Feminine of H3775; a young ewe: - lamb.

H3805 <STRHEB>@ כּתרת kôthereth ko-theh'-reth Feminine active participle of H3803; the capital of a column: - chapiter.

H3826 <STRHEB>@ לבּה libbâh lib-baw' Feminine of H3820; the heart: - heart.

H3852 <STRHEB>@ להבת להבה lehâbâh lahebeth {leh-aw-baw'} lah-eh'-beth Feminine of {H3851} and meaning the same: - flame ({-ming}) head [of a spear].

H3941 <STRHEB>@ לפּידות lappîydôth lap-pee-doth' Feminine plural of H3940; {Lappidoth} the husband of Deborah: - Lappidoth.

H3975 <STRHEB>@ מאוּרה merâh meh-oo-raw' Feminine passive participle of H215; something {lighted} that {is} an aperture; by implication a crevice or hole of a serpent: - den.

H3991 <STRHEB>@ מאפליהo maphêleyâh mah-af-ay-leh-yaw' Prolonged feminine of H3990; opaqueness: - darkness.

H3997 <STRHEB>@ מבואה mebô'âh meb-o-aw' Feminine of H3996; a haven: - entry.

H355 <STRHEB>@ איּלה 'ayâlâh ah-yaw-law' Feminine of H354; a doe or female deer: - hind.

H360 <STRHEB>@ אילוּת 'ĕyâlûth eh-yaw-looth' Feminine of H353; power; by implication protection: - strength.

H396 <STRHEB>@ אכילה 'ăkîylâh ak-ee-law' Feminine from H398; something {eatable} that {is} food: - meat.

H4034 <STRHEB>@ מגורה megôrâh meg-o-raw' Feminine of H4032; affright: - fear.

H4035 <STRHEB>@ מגוּרה megûrâh meg-oo-raw' Feminine of H4032 or of H4033; a fright; also a granary: - {barn} fear.

H4060 <STRHEB>@ מדּה middâh mid-daw' Feminine of H4055; properly {extension} that {is} height or breadth; also a measure (including its standard); hence a portion (as measured) or a vestment; specifically tribute (as measured): - {garment} measure ({-ing} {meteyard} {piece} {size} (great) {stature} {tribute} wide.

H4087 <STRHEB>@ מדמנה madmênâh mad-may-naw' Feminine from the same as H1828; a dunghill: - dunghill.

H4120 <STRHEB>@ מהרה mehêrâh meh-hay-raw' Feminine of H4118; properly a hurry; hence (adverbially) promptly: - {hastily} {quickly} {shortly} {soon} make (with) speed ({-ily}) swiftly.

H4133 <STRHEB>@ מוטה môţâh mo-taw' Feminine of H4132; a pole; by implication an ox bow; hence a yoke (either literally or figuratively): - {bands} {heavy} {staves} yoke.

H4142 <STRHEB>@ מסבּה מוּסבּה mûsabbâh mûsabbâh {moo-sab-baw'} moo-sab-baw' Feminine of H4141; a {reversal} that {is} the backside (of a {gem}) fold (of a double leaved {door}) transmutation (of a name): - being {changed} {inclosed} be {set} turning.

H4145 <STRHEB>@ מוּסדה mûsâdâh moo-saw-daw' Feminine of H4143; a foundation; figuratively an appointment: - {foundation} grounded. Compare H4328.

H4146 <STRHEB>@ מסדה מוסדה môsâdâh môsâdâh {mo-saw-daw'} mo-saw-daw' Feminine of H4144; a foundation: - foundation.

H4149 <STRHEB>@ מסרות מוסרה môsêrâh môserôth {mo-say-raw'} mo-ser-othe' Feminine of H4147; correction or corrections; Moserah or {Moseroth} a place in the Desert: - {Mosera} Moseroth.

H4154 <STRHEB>@ מוּעדת mû‛edeth moo-eh'-deth Feminine passive participle of H4571; properly made to {slip} that {is} dislocated: - out of joint.

H4163 <STRHEB>@ מוצאה môtsâ'âh mo-tsaw-aw' Feminine of H4161; a family descent; also a sewer (compare H6675): - draught house; going forth.

H4169 <STRHEB>@ מוקדהo môqedâh mo-ked-aw' Feminine of H4168; fuel: - burning.

H4181 <STRHEB>@ מורשׁה môrâshâh mo-raw-shaw' Feminine of H4180; a possession: - {heritage} {inheritance} possession.

H4189 <STRHEB>@ מושׁכה môshekâh mo-shek-aw' Active participle feminine of H4900; something {drawing} that {is} (figuratively) a cord: - band.

H4238 <STRHEB>@ מחזיאות machăzîyth makh-az-ee-oth' Feminine plural from H2372; visions; {Machazioth} an Israelite: - Mahazioth.

H4246 <STRHEB>@ מחלה mechôlâh mekh-o-law' Feminine of H4234; a dance: - {company} dances (-cing).

H4283 <STRHEB>@ מחרתם מחרת mochŏrâth mochŏrâthâm {mokh-or-awth'} mokh-or-aw-thawm' Feminine from the same as H4279; the morrow or (adverbially) tomorrow: - {morrow} next day.

H4317 <STRHEB>@ מיכאל mîykâ'êl me-kaw-ale' From H4310 and (the prefixed derivation from) H3588 and H410; who (is) like God?; {Mikael} the name of an archangel and of nine Israelites: - Michael.

H4328 <STRHEB>@ מיסּדהo meyûssâdâh meh-yoos-saw-daw' Properly feminine passive participle of H3245; something {founded} that {is} a foundation: - foundation.

H4350 <STRHEB>@ מכנה מכונה mekônâh mekônâh {mek-o-naw'} mek-o-naw' Feminine of H4349; a {pedestal} also a spot: - base.

H4365 <STRHEB>@ מכמרת מכמרת mikmereth mikmôreth {mik-meh'-reth} mik-mo'-reth Feminine of H4364; a (fisher´ s) net: - {drag} net.

H4373 <STRHEB>@ מכסה miksâh mik-saw' Feminine of H4371; an enumeration; by implication a valuation: - {number} worth.

H4384 <STRHEB>@ מכשׁלה makshêlâh mak-shay-law' Feminine from H3782; a {stumblingblock} but only figuratively ({fall} enticement (idol)): - {ruin} stumbling-block.

H4395 <STRHEB>@ מלאה melê'âh mel-ay-aw' Feminine of H4392; something {fulfilled} that {is} abundance (of produce): - (first of ripe) {fruit} fulness.

H4396 <STRHEB>@ מלּאה millû'âh mil-loo-aw' Feminine of H4394; a {filling} that {is} setting (of gems): - {inclosing} setting.

H4410 <STRHEB>@ מלוּכה melûkâh mel-oo-kaw' Feminine passive participle of H4427; something {ruled} that {is} a realm: - {kingdom} king´ {s} X royal.

H4412 <STRHEB>@ מלוּנה melûnâh mel-oo-naw' Feminine from H3885; a {hut} a hammock: - {cottage} lodge.

H4436 <STRHEB>@ מלכּה malkâh mal-kaw' Feminine of H4428; a queen: - queen.

H4447 <STRHEB>@ מלכת môleketh mo-leh'-keth Feminine active participle of H4427; queen; {Moleketh} an {Israelitess} (including the article): - Hammoleketh [includ. the article.]

H4466 <STRHEB>@ ממכּרת mimkereth mim-keh'-reth Feminine of H4465; a sale: - + sold as.

H4475 <STRHEB>@ ממשׁלה memshâlâh mem-shaw-law' Feminine of H4474; rule; also (concretely in plural) a realm or a ruler: - {dominion} {government} {power} to rule.

H4496 <STRHEB>@ מנחה מנוּחה menûchâh menûchâh {men-oo-khaw'} men-oo-khaw' Feminine of H4495; repose or (adverbially) peacefully; figuratively consolation (specifically matrimony); hence (concretely) an abode: - {comfortable} {ease} {quiet} rest (-ing {place}) still.

H4499 <STRHEB>@ מנסה מנוּסה menûsâh menûsâh {men-oo-saw'} men-oo-saw' Feminine of H4498; retreat: - {fleeing} flight.

H4501 <STRHEB>@ מנרה מנורה menôrâh menôrâh {men-o-raw'} men-o-raw' Feminine of H4500 (in the original sense of H5216); a chandelier: - candlestick.

H4559 <STRHEB>@ מספּרת mispereth mis-peh'-reth Feminine of H4457; enumeration; {Mispereth} an Israelite: - Mispereth. Compare H4458.

H4579 <STRHEB>@ מעה mê‛âh may-aw' Feminine of H4578; the {belly} that {is} (figuratively) interior: - gravel.

H4585 <STRHEB>@ מענה מעונה me‛ônâh me‛ônâh {meh-o-naw'} meh-o-naw' Feminine of {H4583} and meaning the same: - {den} {habitation} (dwelling) {place} refuge.

H4609 <STRHEB>@ מעלה ma‛ălâh mah-al-aw' Feminine of H4608; {elevation} that {is} the act (literally a journey to a higher {place} figuratively a thought {arising}) or (concretely) the condition (literally a step or grade {mark} figuratively a superiority of station); specifically a climactic progression (in certain Psalms): - things that come {up} (high) {degree} {deal} go {up} {stair} {step} story.

H4630 <STRHEB>@ מערהo ma‛ărâh mah-ar-aw' Feminine of H4629; an open spot: - army [from the margin].

H4634 <STRHEB>@ מערכה ma‛ărâkâh mah-ar-aw-kaw' Feminine of H4633; an arrangement; concretely a pile; specifically a military array: - {army} {fight} be set in {order} ordered {place} {rank} row.

H4675 <STRHEB>@ מצּבה מצּבה matstsâbâh mitstsâbâh {mats-tsaw-baw'} mits-tsaw-baw' Feminine of H4673; a military guard: - {army} garrison.

H4676 <STRHEB>@ מצּבה matstsêbâh mats-tsay-baw' Feminine (causative) participle of H5324; something {stationed} that {is} a column or (memorial stone); by analogy an idol: - {garrison} (standing) {image} pillar.

H4681 <STRHEB>@ מצה môtsâh mo-tsaw' Active participle feminine of H4680; drained; {Motsah} a place in Palestine: - Mozah.

H4691 <STRHEB>@ מצקה מצוּקה metsûqâh metsûqâh {mets-oo-kaw'} mets-oo-kaw' Feminine of H4690; {narrowness} that {is} (figuratively) trouble: - {anguish} distress.

H4694 <STRHEB>@ מצרה מצוּרה metsûrâh metsûrâh {mets-oo-raw'} mets-oo-raw' Feminine of H4692; a hemming {in} that {is} (objectively) a mound (of {siege}) or (subjectively) a rampart (of {protection}) (abstractly) fortification: - fenced (city6) {fort} {munition} strong hold.

H4704 <STRHEB>@ מצּעירה mitstse‛îyrâh mits-tseh-ee-raw' Feminine of H4705; properly littleness; concretely diminutive: - little.

H4709 <STRHEB>@ מצפּה mitspâh mits-paw' Feminine of H4708; {Mitspah} the name of two places in Palestine. (This seems rather to be only an orthographical variation of H4708 whenin pause´ .): - Mitspah. [This seems rather to be only an orthographical variationof H4708 when in pause.]

H4722 <STRHEB>@ מקהלת maqhêlôth mak-hay-loth' Plural of H4721 (feminine); assemblies; {Makheloth} a place in the Desert: - Makheloth.

H4724 <STRHEB>@ מקוה miqvâh mik-vaw' Feminine of H4723; a {collection} that {is} (of water) a reservoir: - ditch.

H4730 <STRHEB>@ מקטרת miqţereth mik-teh'-reth Feminine of H4729; something to fume (incense) {in} that {is} a coal pan: - censer.

H4732 <STRHEB>@ מקלות miqlôth mik-lohth' Plural of (feminine) H4731; rods; {Mikloth} a place in the Desert: - Mikloth.

H4736 <STRHEB>@ מקנה miqnâh mik-naw' Feminine of H4735; properly a {buying} that {is} acquisition; concretely a piece of property (land or living); also the sum paid: - (he that is) {bought} {possession} {piece} purchase.

H4749 <STRHEB>@ מקשׁה miqshâh mik-shaw' Feminine of H4748; rounded {work} that {is} moulded by hammering (repousse): - beaten (out of one {piece} {work}) {upright} whole piece.

H4755 <STRHEB>@ מרא mârâ' maw-raw' For H4751 feminine; bitter; {Mara} a symbolical name of Naomi: - Mara.

H4759 <STRHEB>@ מראה marh mar-aw' Feminine of H4758; a vision; also (causatively) a mirror: - looking {glass} vision.

H4760 <STRHEB>@ מראה mûrh moor-aw' Apparently feminine passive causative participle of H7200; something {conspicuous} that {is} the craw of a bird (from its prominence): - crop.

H4785 <STRHEB>@ מרה mârâh maw-raw' The same as H4751 feminine; bitter; {Marah} a place in the Desert: - Marah.

H4794 <STRHEB>@ מרצה מרוּצה merûtsâh merûtsâh {mer-oo-tsaw'} mer-oo-tsaw' Feminine of H4793; a race (the {act}) whether the manner or the progress: - {course} running. Compare H4835.

H4796 <STRHEB>@ מרות mârôth maw-rohth' Plural of H4751 feminine; bitter springs; {Maroth} a place in Palestine: - Maroth.

H4818 <STRHEB>@ מרכּבה merkâbâh mer-kaw-baw' Feminine of H4817; a chariot: - chariot. See also H1024.

H4841 <STRHEB>@ מרקחה merqâchâh mer-kaw-khaw' Feminine of H4840; abstractly a seasoning (with spicery); concretely an unguent kettle (for preparing spiced oil): - pot of {ointment} X well.

H4850 <STRHEB>@ מרתים merâthayim mer-aw-thah'-yim Dual of H4751 feminine; double bitterness; {Merathajim} an epithet of Babylon: - Merathaim.

H4859 <STRHEB>@ משּׁאה mashshâ'âh mash-shaw-aw' Feminine of H4855; a loan: - X any {[-thing]} debt.

H4917 <STRHEB>@ משׁלחת mishlachath mish-lakh'-ath Feminine of H4916; a {mission} that {is} (abstractly and favorable) {release} or (concretely and unfavorable) an army: - {discharge} sending.

H4922 <STRHEB>@ משׁלּמת meshûllemeth mesh-ool-leh'-meth Feminine of H4918; {Meshullemeth} an Israelitess: - Meshullemeth.

H4928 <STRHEB>@ משׁמעת mishmaath mish-mah'-ath Feminine of H4926; {audience} that {is} the royal court; also {obedience} that {is} (concretely) a subject: - {bidding} {guard} obey.

H4930 <STRHEB>@ משׂמרה maώmerâh mas-mer-aw' For H4548 feminine; a peg: - nail.

H4931 <STRHEB>@ משׁמרת mishmereth mish-meh'-reth Feminine of H4929; {watch} that {is} the act (custody) or (concretely) the {sentry} the post; objectively {preservation} or (concretely) safe; figuratively {observance} that {is} (abstractly) {duty} or (objectively) a usage or party: - {charge} {keep} to be {kept} {office} {ordinance} {safeguard} {ward} watch.

H4938 <STRHEB>@ משׁענת משׁענה mish‛ênâh misheneth {mish-ay-naw'} mish-eh'-neth Feminine of H4937; support ({abstractly}) that {is} (figuratively) sustenance or (concretely) a walking stick: - staff.

H4949 <STRHEB>@ משׁקלת משׁקלת mishqeleth mishqôleth {mish-keh'-leth} mish-ko'-leth Feminine of H4948 or H4947; a {weight} that {is} a plummet (with line attached): - plummet.

H4979 <STRHEB>@ מתּנה mattânâh mat-taw-naw' Feminine of H4976; a present; specifically (in a good sense) a sacrificial {offering} (in a bad sense) a bribe: - gift.

H4989 <STRHEB>@ מתקה mithqâh mith-kaw' Feminine of H4987; sweetness; {Mithkah} a place in the Desert: - Mithcah.

H4991 <STRHEB>@ מתּת mattâth mat-tawth' Feminine of H4976 abbreviated; a present: - {gift} reward.

H402 <STRHEB>@ אכלה 'ôklâh ok-law' Feminine of H401; food: - {consume} {devour} {eat} {food} meat.

H424 <STRHEB>@ אלה 'êlâh ay-law' Feminine of H352; an oak or other strong tree: - {elm} {oak} teil tree

H447 <STRHEB>@ אליאל 'ĕlîyl el-ee-ale' From H410 repeated; God of (his) God; {Eliel} the name of nine Israelites: - Eliel.

H490 <STRHEB>@ אלמנה 'almânâh al-maw-naw' Feminine of H488; a widow; also a desolate place: - desolate house ({palace}) widow.

H491 <STRHEB>@ אלמנוּת 'almânûth al-maw-nooth' Feminine of H488; concretely a widow; abstractly widowhood: - {widow} widowhood.

H5022 <STRHEB>@ נבות nâbôth naw-both' Feminine plural from the same as H5011; fruits; {Naboth} an Israelite: - Naboth.

H5031 <STRHEB>@ נביאה nebîyh neb-ee-yaw' Feminine of H5030; a prophetess or (generally) inspired woman; by implication a poetess; by association a prophet's wife: - prophetess.

H5032 <STRHEB>@ נבית נביות nebâyôth nebâyôth {neb-aw-yoth'} neb-aw-yoth' Feminine plural from H5107; fruitfulnesses; {Nebajoth} a son of {Ishmael} and the country settled by him: - {Nebaioth} Nebajoth.

H5039 <STRHEB>@ נבלה nebâlâh neb-aw-law' Feminine of H5036; {foolishness} that {is} (morally) wickedness; concretely a crime; by extension punishment: - {folly} {vile} villany.

H5054 <STRHEB>@ נגהה negôhâh neg-o-haw' Feminine of H5051; splendor: - brightness.

H5082 <STRHEB>@ נדיבה nedîybâh ned-ee-baw' Feminine of H5081; properly {nobility} that {is} reputation: - soul.

H5093 <STRHEB>@ נהיה nihyâh nih-yaw' Feminine of H5092; lamentation: - doleful.

H5100 <STRHEB>@ נהמה nehâmâh neh-haw-maw' Feminine of H5099; snarling: - {disquietness} roaring.

H5119 <STRHEB>@ נוחה nôchâh no-khaw' Feminine of H5118; quietude; {Nochah} an Israelite: - Nohah.

H5133 <STRHEB>@ נצה נוצה nôtsâh nôtsâh {no-tsaw'} no-tsaw' Feminine active participle of H5327 in the sense of flying; a pinion (or wing feather); often (collectively) plumage: - feather ({-s}) ostrich.

H5154 <STRHEB>@ נחשׁה נחוּשׁה nechûshâh nechûshâh {nekh-oo-shaw'} nekh-oo-shaw' Feminine of H5153; copper: - {brass} steel. Compare H5176.

H5206 <STRHEB>@ נידה nîydâh nee-daw' Feminine of H5205; {removal} that {is} exile: - removed.

H5210 <STRHEB>@ נינוה nîynevêh nee-nev-ay' Of foreign origin; {Nineveh} the capital of Assyria: - Nineveh.

H5229 <STRHEB>@ נכחה nekôchâh nek-o-khaw' Feminine of H5228; properly straight {forwardness} that {is} (figuratively) {integrity} or (concretely) a truth: - {equity} right ({thing}) uprightness.

H5244 <STRHEB>@ נמלה nemâlâh nem-aw-law' Feminine from H5243; an ant (probably from its almost bisected form): - ant.

H5252 <STRHEB>@ נסבּה nesibbâh nes-ib-baw' Feminine participle passive of H5437; properly an {environment} that {is} circumstance or turn of affairs: - cause.

H5279 <STRHEB>@ נעמה na‛ămâh nah-am-aw' Feminine of H5277; pleasantness; {Naamah} the name of an antediluvian {woman} of an {Ammonitess} and of a place in Palestine: - Naamah.

H5291 <STRHEB>@ נערה na‛ărâh nah-ar-aw' Feminine of H5288; a girl (from infancy to adolescence): - {damsel} maid ({-en}) young (woman).

H5328 <STRHEB>@ נצּה nitstsâh nits-tsaw' Feminine of H5322; a blossom: - flower.

H5351 <STRHEB>@ נקדּה neqûddâh nek-ood-daw' Feminine of H5348; a boss: - stud.

H5353 <STRHEB>@ נקודא neqôdâ' nek-o-daw' Feminine of H5348 (in the figuratively sense of marked); distinction; {Nekoda} a Temple Servant: - Nekoda.

H5360 <STRHEB>@ נקמה neqâmâh nek-aw-maw' Feminine of H5359; {avengement} whether the act or the passion: - + {avenge} revenge ({-ing}) vengeance.

H5379 <STRHEB>@ נשּׂאת niώώê'th nis-sayth' Passive participle feminine of H5375; something {taken} that {is} a present: - gift.

H5385 <STRHEB>@ נשׂאה נשׂוּאה neώû'âh neώû'âh {nes-oo-aw'} nes-oo-aw' Feminine passive participle of H5375; something {borne} that {is} a load: - carriage.

H5389 <STRHEB>@ נשׁין nâshîyn naw-sheen' (Chaldee); irregular plural feminine of H606: - women.

H5459 <STRHEB>@ סגלּה segûllâh seg-ool-law' Feminine passive participle of an unused root meaning to shut up; wealth (as closely shut up): - {jewel} peculiar ({treasure}) proper {good} special.

H5484 <STRHEB>@ סוּסה sûsâh soo-saw' Feminine of H5483; a mare: - company of horses.

H5507 <STRHEB>@ סחרה sôchêrâh so-khay-raw' Properly active participle feminine of H5503; something surrounding the {person} that {is} a shield: - buckler.

H5521 <STRHEB>@ סכּה sûkkâh sook-kaw' Feminine of H5520; a hut or lair: - {booth} {cottage} {covert} {pavilion} {tabernacle} tent.

H5522 <STRHEB>@ סכּוּת sikkûth sik-kooth' Feminine of H5519; an (idolatrous) booth: - tabernacle.

H5550 <STRHEB>@ סוללה סללה sôlelâh sôlelâh {so-lel-aw'} so-lel-aw' Active participle feminine of {H5549} but used passively; a military {mound} that {is} rampart of besiegers: - {bank} mount.

H5578 <STRHEB>@ סנסנּה sansannâh san-san-naw' Feminine of a form of H5577; a bough; {Sansannah} a place in Palestine: - Sansannah.

H5589 <STRHEB>@ סעפּה seappâh seh-ap-paw' Feminine of H5585; a twig: - bough. Compare H5634.

H5618 <STRHEB>@ ספרת sôphereth so-feh'-reth Feminine active participle of H5608; a scribe (properly female); {Sophereth} a temple servant: - Sophereth.

H5645 <STRHEB>@ עב ‛âb awb Masculine and feminine; from H5743; properly an {envelope} that {is} darkness (or {density} ); specifically a (scud) cloud; also a copse: - {clay} (thick) {cloud} X {thick} thicket. Compare H5672.

H5678 <STRHEB>@ עברה ‛ebrâh eb-raw' Feminine of H5676; an outburst of passion: - {anger} {rage} wrath.

H5684 <STRHEB>@ עברנה ‛ebrônâh eb-roe-naw' Feminine of H5683; {Ebronah} a place in the Desert: - Ebronah.

H5697 <STRHEB>@ עגלה ‛eglâh eg-law' Feminine of H5695; a (female) {calf} especially one nearly grown (that {is} a heifer): - {calf} {cow} heifer.

H5712 <STRHEB>@ עדה ‛êdâh ay-daw' Feminine of H5707 in the original sense of fixture; a stated assemblage (specifically a {concourse} or generally a family or crowd): - {assembly} {company} {congregation} {multitude} {people} swarm. Compare H5713.

H5713 <STRHEB>@ עדה ‛êdâh ay-daw' Feminine of H5707 in its technical sense; testimony: - {testimony} witness. Compare H5712.

H5715 <STRHEB>@ עדוּת ‛êdûth ay-dooth' Feminine of H5707; testimony: - {testimony} witness.

H5723 <STRHEB>@ עדיתים ‛ădîythayim ad-ee-thah'-yim Dual of a feminine of H5706; double prey; {Adithajim} a place in Palestine: - Adithaim.

H5777 <STRHEB>@ עפרת עופרת ‛ôphereth ‛ôphereth {o-feh'-reth} o-feh'-reth Feminine participle active of H6080; lead (from its dusty color): - lead.

H5798 <STRHEB>@ עזּה עזּא ‛ûzzâ' ‛ûzzâh {ooz-zaw'} ooz-zaw' Feminine of H5797; strength; Uzza or {Uzzah} the name of five Israelites: - {Uzza} Uzzah.

H5804 <STRHEB>@ עזּה ‛azzâh az-zaw' Feminine of H5794; strong; {Azzah} a place in Palestine: - {Azzah} Gaza.

H5805 <STRHEB>@ עזוּבה ‛ăzûbâh az-oo-baw' Feminine passive participle of H5800; desertion (of inhabitants): - forsaking.

H5822 <STRHEB>@ עזניּה ‛oznîyâh oz-nee-yaw' Probably feminine of H5797; probably the sea eagle (from its strength): - ospray.

H5833 <STRHEB>@ עזרת עזרה ‛ezrâhezrâth {ez-raw'} ez-rawth' Feminine of H5828; aid: - help ({-ed} -er).

H5838 <STRHEB>@ עזריהוּ עזריה ‛ăzaryâh ‛ăzaryâhû {az-ar-yaw'} az-ar-yaw'-hoo From H5826 and H3050; Jah has helped; {Azarjah} the name of nineteen Israelites: - Azariah.

H5876 <STRHEB>@ עין חדּה ‛êyn chaddâh ane khad-daw' From H5869 and the feminine of a derivative from H2300; fountain of sharpness; {En-Chaddah} a place in Palestine: - En-haddah.

H5890 <STRHEB>@ עיפה ‛êyphâh ay-faw' Feminine from H5774; obscurity (as if from covering): - darkness.

H5915 <STRHEB>@ עכסה ‛aksâh ak-saw' Feminine of H5914; anklet; {Aksah} an Israelitess: - Achsah.

H5925 <STRHEB>@ עלּא ‛ûllâ' ool-law' Feminine of H5923; burden; {Ulla} an Israelite: - Ulla.

H5930 <STRHEB>@ עולה עלה ‛ôlâh ‛ôlâh {o-law'} o-law' Feminine active participle of H5927; a step or (collectively {stairs} as ascending); usually a holocaust (as going up in smoke): - {ascent} burnt offering ({sacrifice}) go up to. See also H5766.

H5931 <STRHEB>@ עלּה ‛illâh il-law' (Chaldee); feminine from a root corresponding to H5927; a pretext (as arising artificially): - occasion.

H5936 <STRHEB>@ עלוּקה ‛ălûqâh al-oo-kaw' Feminine passive participle of an unused root meaning to suck; the leech: - horse-leech.

H5939 <STRHEB>@ עלטה ‛ălâţâh al-aw-taw' Feminine from an unused root meaning to cover; dusk: - {dark} twilight.

H5944 <STRHEB>@ עליּה ‛ălîyâh al-ee-yaw' Feminine from H5927; something {lofty} that {is} a stair way; also a second story room (or even one on the roof); figuratively the sky: - {ascent} (upper) {chamber} going {up} {loft} parlour.

H5955 <STRHEB>@ עללה ‛ôlêlâh o-lay-law' Feminine active participle of H5953; only in plural gleanings; by extension gleaning time: - (gleaning) (of the) grapes6grapegleanings.

H5959 <STRHEB>@ עלמה ‛almâh al-maw' Feminine of H5958; a lass (as veiled or private): - {damsel} {maid} virgin.

H5985 <STRHEB>@ עמּונית ‛ammônîyth am-mo-neeth' Feminine of H5984; an Ammonitess: - Ammonite (-ss).

H530 <STRHEB>@ אמנה אמוּנה 'ĕmûnâhmûnâh {em-oo-naw'} em-oo-naw' Feminine of H529; literally firmness; figuratively security; moral fidelity: - faith ({-ful} {-ly} {-ness} {[man]}) set {office} {stability} {steady} {truly} {truth} verily.

H545 <STRHEB>@ אמנה 'omnâh om-naw' Feminine of H544 (in the specific sense of training); tutelage: - brought up.

H546 <STRHEB>@ אמנה 'omnâh om-naw' Feminine of H544 (in its usual sense); adverbially surely: - indeed.

H547 <STRHEB>@ אמנה 'ômenâh o-me-naw' Feminine active participle of H544 (in the original sense of supporting); a column: - pillar.

H548 <STRHEB>@ אמנה 'ămânâh am-aw-naw' Feminine of H543; something {fixed} that {is} a {covenant} an allowance: - certain {portion} sure.

H565 <STRHEB>@ אמרה אמרה 'imrâh 'emrâh {im-raw'} em-raw' The second form is the feminine of {H561} and meaning the same: - {commandment} {speech} word.

H568 <STRHEB>@ אמריהוּ אמריה 'ămaryâhmaryâhû {am-ar-yaw'} am-ar-yaw'-hoo From H559 and H3050; Jah has said (that {is} promised); {Amarjah} the name of nine Israelites: - Amariah.

H581 <STRHEB>@ אנּין אנּוּן 'innûn 'innîyn {in-noon'} in-neen' (Chaldee); the second form is the feminine of the first form; corresponding to H1992; they: - X {are} {them} these.

H591 <STRHEB>@ אניּה 'onîyâh on-ee-yaw' Feminine of H590; a ship: - ship ([-men]).

H6037 <STRHEB>@ ענוה ‛anvâh an-vaw' Feminine of H6035; mildness (royal); also (concretely) oppressed: - {gentleness} meekness.

H6053 <STRHEB>@ עננה ‛ănânâh an-aw-naw' Feminine of H6051; cloudiness: - cloud.

H6084 <STRHEB>@ עפרה ‛ophrâh of-raw' Feminine of H6082; female fawn; {Ophrah} the name of an Israelite and of two places in Palestine: - Ophrah.

H6097 <STRHEB>@ עצה ‛êtsâh ay-tsaw' Feminine of H6086; timber: - trees.

H6103 <STRHEB>@ עצלה ‛atslâh ats-law' Feminine of H6102; (as abstraction) indolence: - slothfulness.

H6109 <STRHEB>@ עצמה ‛otsmâh ots-maw' Feminine of H6108; powerfulness; by extension numerousness: - {abundance} strength.

H6110 <STRHEB>@ עצּמה ‛atstsûmâh ats-tsoo-maw' Feminine of H6099; a {bulwark} that {is} (figuratively) argument: - strong.

H6122 <STRHEB>@ עקבה ‛oqbâh ok-baw' Feminine of an unused form from H6117 meaning a trick; trickery: - subtilty.

H6161 <STRHEB>@ ערבּה ‛ărûbbâh ar-oob-baw' Feminine passive participle of H6048 in the sense of a bargain or exchange; something given as {security} that {is} (literally) a token (of safety) or (metaphorically) a bondsman: - {pledge} surety.

H6169 <STRHEB>@ ערה ‛ârâh aw-raw' Feminine from H6168; a naked (that {is} level) plot: - paper reed.

H6170 <STRHEB>@ ערגה ערוּגה ‛ărûgâh ‛ărûgâh {ar-oo-gaw'} ar-oo-gaw' Feminine passive participle of H6165; something piled up (as if (figuratively) raised by mental {aspiration}) that {is} a parterre: - {bed} furrow.

H6190 <STRHEB>@ ערלה ‛orlâh or-law' Feminine of H6189; the prepuce: - {foreskin} + uncircumcised.

H6195 <STRHEB>@ ערמה ‛ormâh or-maw' Feminine of H6193; trickery; or (in a good sense) discretion: - {guile} {prudence} {subtilty} {wilily} wisdom.

H6204 <STRHEB>@ ערפּה ‛orpâh or-paw' Feminine of H6203; mane; {Orpah} a Moabitess: - Orpah.

H6224 <STRHEB>@ עשׂירי ‛ăώîyrîy as-ee-ree' From H6235; tenth; by abbreviation tenth month or (feminine) part: - tenth (participle).

H6234 <STRHEB>@ עשׁקה ‛oshqâh osh-kaw' Feminine of H6233; anguish: - oppressed.

H6240 <STRHEB>@ עשׂר ‛âώâr aw-sawr' For H6235; ten (only in {combination}) that {is} the teens; also (ordinal) a teenth: - {[eigh-} {fif-} {four-} {nine-} {seven-} {six-} thir-] teen ({-th}) + eleven ({-th}) + sixscore {thousand} + twelve (-th).

H6264 <STRHEB>@ עתיד ‛âthîyd aw-theed' From H6257; prepared; by implication skilful; feminine plural the future; also treasure: - things that shall {come} {ready} treasures.

H6285 <STRHEB>@ פּאה pê'âh pay-aw' Feminine of H6311; properly mouth in a figurative {sense} that {is} direction6 {region} extremity: - {corner} {end} {quarter} side.

H6345 <STRHEB>@ פּחדּה pachdâh pakh-daw' Feminine of H6343; alarm (that {is} awe): - fear.

H6366 <STRHEB>@ פּיּה פּיה pêyâh pîyâh {pay-aw'} pee-yaw' Feminine of H6310; an edge: - (two-) edge (-d).

H6367 <STRHEB>@ פּי החרת pîy hachirôth pee hah-khee-roth' From H6310 and the feminine plural of a noun (from the same root as {H2356}) with the article interposed; mouth of the gorges; {Pi-ha-Chiroth} a place in Egypt. (Found in without the pi.): - Pi-hahiroth. [In Num. H14 : H19 without Pi-.]

H6380 <STRHEB>@ פּכרת צביים pôkereth tsebâyîym po-keh'-reth tseb-aw-yeem' From the active participle (of the same form as the first word) feminine of an unused root (meaning to entrap) and plural of H6643; trap of gazelles; Pokereth {Tsebajim} one of the servants of Solomon: - Pochereth of Zebaim.

H6413 <STRHEB>@ פּלטה פּליטה pelêyţâh pelêţâh {pel-ay-taw'} pel-ay-taw' Feminine of H6412; deliverance; concretely an escaped portion: - {deliverance} (that is) escape ({-d}) remnant.

H6415 <STRHEB>@ פּלילה pelîylâh pel-ee-law' Feminine of H6414; justice: - judgment.

H6417 <STRHEB>@ פּליליּה pelîylîyâh pel-ee-lee-yaw' Feminine of H6416; judicature: - judgment.

H6438 <STRHEB>@ פּנּה pinnâh pin-naw' Feminine of H6434; an angle; by implication a pinnacle; figuratively a chieftain: - {bulwark} {chief} {corner} {stay} tower.

H6444 <STRHEB>@ פּננּה peninnâh pen-in-naw' Probably feminine from H6443 contracted; {Peninnah} an Israelitess: - Peninnah.

H6468 <STRHEB>@ פּעלּה pe‛ûllâh peh-ool-law' Feminine passive participle of H6466; (abstractly) work: - {labour} {reward} {wages} work.

H6486 <STRHEB>@ פּקדּה peqûddâh pek-ood-daw' Feminine passive participle of H6485; visitation (in many {senses} chiefly official): - {account} (that have the) {charge} {custody} that which . . . laid {up} {numbers} office ({-r}) {ordering} {oversight} + {prison} {reckoning} visitation.

H6506 <STRHEB>@ פּרדּה pirdâh pir-daw' Feminine of H6505; a she mule: - mule.

H6507 <STRHEB>@ פּרדה perûdâh per-oo-daw' Feminine passive participle of H6504; something {separated} that {is} a kernel: - seed.

H6510 <STRHEB>@ פּרה pârâh paw-raw' Feminine of H6499; a heifer: - {cow} {heifer} kine.

H6532 <STRHEB>@ פּרכת pôreketh po-reh'-keth Feminine active participle of the same as H6531; a {separatrix} that {is} (the sacred) screen: - vail.

H6541 <STRHEB>@ פּרסה parsâh par-saw' Feminine of H6538; a claw or split hoof: - {claw} [cloven-] {footed} hoof.

H6546 <STRHEB>@ פּרעה par‛âh par-aw' Feminine of H6545 (in the sense of beginning); leadership (plural concretely leaders): - + {avenging} revenge.

H6594 <STRHEB>@ פּשׁתּה pishtâh pish-taw' Feminine of H6593; flax; by implication a wick: - {flax} tow.

H6637 <STRHEB>@ צבבה tsôbêbâh tso-bay-baw' Feminine active participle of the same as H6632; the canopier (with the article); {Tsobebah} an Israelitess: - Zobebah.

H6646 <STRHEB>@ צביּה tsebîyâh tseb-ee-yaw' Feminine of H6643; a female gazelle: - roe.

H6659 <STRHEB>@ צדוק tsâdôq tsaw-doke' From H6663; just; {Tsadok} the name of eight or nine Israelites: - Zadok.

H6675 <STRHEB>@ צאה צואה tsô'âh tsô'âh {tso-aw'} tso-aw' Feminine of H6674; excrement; generally dirt; figuratively pollution: - {dung} filth (-iness). Marg. for H2716.

H6699 <STRHEB>@ צוּרה tsûrâh tsoo-raw' Feminine of H6697; a rock (); also a form (as if pressed out): - {form} rock.

H6707 <STRHEB>@ צחיחה tsechîychâh tsekh-ee-khaw' Feminine of H6706; a parched {region} that {is} the desert: - dry land.

H6720 <STRHEB>@ צדה צידה tsêydâh tsêdâh {tsay-daw'} tsay-daw' Feminine of H6718; food: - {meat} {provision} {venison} victuals.

H6727 <STRHEB>@ צחא ציחא tsîychâ' tsichâ' {tsee-kahw'} tsee-khaw' As if feminine of H6704; drought; {Tsicha} the name of two Nethinim: - Ziha.

H6733 <STRHEB>@ ציצה tsîytsâh tsee-tsaw' Feminine of H6731; a flower: - flower.

H6734 <STRHEB>@ ציצת tsîytsith tsee-tseeth' Feminine of H6731; a floral or wing like {projection} that {is} a fore lock of {hair} a tassel: - {fringe} lock.

H6741 <STRHEB>@ צלּה tsillâh tsil-law' Feminine of H6738; {Tsillah} an antediluvian woman: - Zillah.

H6758 <STRHEB>@ צלמנה tsalmônâh tsal-mo-naw' Feminine of H6757; shadiness; {Tsalmonah} a palce in the Desert: - Zalmonah.

H6769 <STRHEB>@ צלּתי tsillethay tsil-leth-ah'ee From the feminine of H6738; shady; {Tsillethai} the anme of two Israelites: - Zilthai.

H6773 <STRHEB>@ צמאה tsimh tsim-aw' Feminine of H6772; thirst (figuratively of libidinousnes): - thirst.

H6793 <STRHEB>@ צנּה tsinnâh tsin-naw' Feminine of H6791; a hook (as pointed); also a (large) shield (as if guarding by prickliness); also cold (as piercing): - {buckler} {cold} {hook} {shield} target.

H6807 <STRHEB>@ צעדה tse‛âdâh tseh-aw-daw' Feminine of H6806; a march; (concretely) an (ornamental) ankle chain: - {going} ornament of the legs.

H6812 <STRHEB>@ צעירה tse‛îyrâh tseh-ee-raw' Feiminine of H6810; smallness (of {age}) that {is} juvenility: - youth.

H6843 <STRHEB>@ צפירה tsephîyrâh tsef-ee-raw' Feminine formed like H6842; a crown (as encircling the head); also a turn of affairs (that {is} mishap): - {diadem} morning.

H6849 <STRHEB>@ צפעה tsephi‛âh tsef-ee-aw' Feminine from the same as H6848; an outcast thing: - issue.

H6855 <STRHEB>@ צפּרה tsippôrâh tsip-po-raw' Feminine of H6833; bird; {tsipporah} Moses´ wife: - Zipporah.

H6869 <STRHEB>@ צרה tsârâh tsaw-raw' Feminine of H6862; tightness (that {is} figuratively trouble); transitively a female rival: - {adversary} {adversity} {affliction} {anguish} {distress} {tribulation} trouble.

H6870 <STRHEB>@ צרוּיה tserûyâh tser-oo-yaw' Feminine participle passive from the same as H6875; wounded; {Tserujah} an Israelitess: - Zeruiah.

H6871 <STRHEB>@ צרוּעה tserû‛âh tser-oo-aw' Feminine passive participle of H6879; leprous; {Tseruah} an Israelitess: - Zeruah.

H6900 <STRHEB>@ קברה קבוּרה qebûrâh qebûrâh {keb-oo-raw'} keb-oo-raw' Feminine passive participle of H6912; sepulture; (concretely) a sepulchre: - {burial} burying {place} {grave} sepulchre.

H6910 <STRHEB>@ קבצה qebûtsâh keb-oo-tsaw' Feminine passive participle of H6908; a hoard: - X gather.

H6914 <STRHEB>@ קברות התּאוה qibrôth hattavâh kib-roth' hat-tah-av-aw' From the feminine plural of H6913 and H8378 with the article inteposed; graves of the longing; Kibroth hat {Taavh} a place in the Desert: - Kibroth-hattaavah.

H6926 <STRHEB>@ קדמה qidmâh kid-maw' Feminine of H6924; the forward part (or relatively) East (often adverbially on the East or in front): - east (-ward).

H6948 <STRHEB>@ קדשׁה qedêshâh ked-ay-shaw' Feminine of H6945; a female devotee (that {is} prostitute): - {harlot} whore.

H6953 <STRHEB>@ קהלת qôheleth ko-heh'-leth Feminine of active participle from H6950; a (female) assembler (that {is} lecturer); abstractly preaching (used as anom de plume´ {} Koheleth): - preacher.

H6977 <STRHEB>@ קוצּה qevûtstsâh kev-oots-tsaw' Feminine passive participle of H6972 in its original sense; a forelock (as shorn): - lock.

H6989 <STRHEB>@ קטוּרה qeţûrâh ket-oo-raw' Feminine passive participle of H6999; perfumed; {Keturah} a wife of Abraham: - Keturah.

H627 <STRHEB>@ אספּה 'ăsûppâh as-up-paw' Feminine of H624; a collection of (learned) men (only in the plural): - assembly.

H642 <STRHEB>@ אפדּה 'êphûddâh ay-food-daw' Feminine of H646; a girding on (of the ephod); hence generally a plating (of metal): - {ephod} ornament.

H653 <STRHEB>@ אפלה 'ăphêlâh af-ay-law' Feminine of H651; {duskiness} figuratively misfortune; concretely concealment: - {dark} {darkness} {gloominess} X thick.

H664 <STRHEB>@ אפקה 'ăphêqâh af-ay-kaw' Feminine of H663; fortress; {Aphekah} a place in Palestine: - Aphekah.

H698 <STRHEB>@ ארבה 'orŏbâh or-ob-aw' Feminine of H696 (only in the plural); ambuscades: - spoils.

H699 <STRHEB>@ ארבּה 'ărubbâh ar-oob-baw' Feminine participle passive of H693 (as if for lurking); a lattice; (by implication) a {window} dove cot (because of the pigeon {holes}) chimney (with its apertures for {smoke}) sluice (with openings for water): - {chimney} window.

H7054 <STRHEB>@ קמה qâmâh kaw-maw' Feminine of active participle of H6965; something that {rises} that {is} a stalk of grain: - (standing) {corn} grown {up} stalk.

H7071 <STRHEB>@ קנה qânâh kaw-naw' Feminine of H7070; reediness; {Kanah} the name of a stream and of a place in Palestine: - Kanah.

H7098 <STRHEB>@ קצה qâtsâh kaw-tsaw' Feminine of H7097; a termination (used like H7097): - {coast} {corner} (selv-) {edge} {lowest} (uttermost) part.

H7135 <STRHEB>@ קרה qârâh kaw-raw' Feminine of H7119; coolness: - cold.

H7155 <STRHEB>@ קרית חצות qiryath chûtsôth keer-yath' khoo-tsoth' From H7151 and the feminine plural of H2351; city of streets; Kirjath {Chutsoth} a place in Moab: - Kirjath-huzoth.

H7158 <STRHEB>@ קרית ספר קרית סנּה qiryath sannâh qiryath sêpher keer-yath' {san-naw'} keer-yath' say'-fer From H7151 and a simpler feminine from the same as {H5577} or (for the second form) H5612; city of {branches} or of a book; Kirjath Sannah or Kirjath {Sepher} a place in Palestine: - {Kirjath-sannah} Kirjath-sepher.

H7208 <STRHEB>@ ראוּמה remâh reh-oo-maw' Feminine passive participle of H7213; raised; {Reumah} a Syrian woman: - Reumah.

H7222 <STRHEB>@ ראשׁה rô'shâh ro-shaw' Feminine of H7218; the head: - head [-stone].

H7237 <STRHEB>@ רבּה rabbâh rab-baw' Feminine of H7227; great; {Rabbah} the name of two places in {Palestine} East and West: - {Rabbah} Rabbath.

H7269 <STRHEB>@ רגזה rogzâh rog-zaw' Feminine of H7267; trepidation: - trembling.

H7277 <STRHEB>@ רגמה rigmâh rig-maw' Feminine of the same as H7276; a pile (of {stones}) that {is} (figuratively) a throng: - council.

H7309 <STRHEB>@ רוחה revâchâh rev-aw-khaw' Feminine of H7305; relief: - {breathing} respite.

H7317 <STRHEB>@ רומה rômâh ro-maw' Feminine of H7315; {elation} that {is} (adverbially) proudly: - haughtily.

H7319 <STRHEB>@ רוממה rômemâh ro-mem-aw' Feminine active participle of H7426; {exaltation} that {is} praise: - high.

H7361 <STRHEB>@ רחמה rachămâh rakh-am-aw' Feminine of H7356; a maiden: - damsel.

H7367 <STRHEB>@ רחצה rachtsâh rakh-tsaw' Feminine of H7366; a bathing place: - washing.

H7396 <STRHEB>@ רכבּה rikbâh rik-baw' Feminine of H7393; a chariot (collectively): - chariots.

H7397 <STRHEB>@ רכה rêkâh ray-kaw' Probably feminine from H7401; softness; {Rekah} a place in Palestine: - Rechah.

H7404 <STRHEB>@ רכלּה rekûllâh rek-ool-law' Feminine passive participle of H7402; trade (as peddled): - {merchandise} traffic.

H7413 <STRHEB>@ רמה râmâh raw-maw' Feminine active participle of H7311; a height (as a seat of idolatry): - high place.

H7451 <STRHEB>@ רעה רע rarâ‛âh {rah} raw-aw' From H7489; bad or (as noun) evil (naturally or morally). This includes the second (feminine) form; as adjective or noun: - {adversity} {affliction} {bad} {calamity} + displease ({-ure}) {distress} evil ({[-favouredness]} {man} {thing}) + {exceedingly} X {great} grief ({-vous}) {harm} {heavy} hurt ({-ful}) ill ({favoured}) + {mark} {mischief} ({-vous}) {misery} naught ({-ty}) {noisome} + not {please} sad ({-ly}) {sore} {sorrow} {trouble} {vex} wicked ({-ly} {-ness} {one}) worse (-st) {wretchedness} wrong. [Including feminine ra´ ah; as adjective or noun.]

H7464 <STRHEB>@ רעה rê‛âh ray'-aw Feminine of H7453; a female associate: - {companion} fellow.

H7474 <STRHEB>@ רעיה rayâh rah-yaw' Feminine of H7453; a female associate: - love.

H7479 <STRHEB>@ רעלה ra‛ălâh rah-al-aw' Feminine of H7478; a long veil (as fluttering): - muffler.

H7483 <STRHEB>@ רעמה ramâh rah-maw' Feminine of H7482; the mane of a horse (as quivering in the wind): - thunder.

H7499 <STRHEB>@ רפאה rephû'âh ref-oo-aw' Feminine passive participle of H7495; a medicament: - heal {[-ed]} medicine.

H7531 <STRHEB>@ רצפּה ritspâh rits-paw' Feminine of H7529; a hot stone; also a tessellated pavement: - live {coal} pavement.

H7541 <STRHEB>@ רקּה raqqâh rak-kaw' Feminine of H7534; properly {thinness} that {is} the side of the head: - temple.

H7548 <STRHEB>@ רקּחה raqqâchâh rak-kaw-khaw' Feminine of H7547; a female perfumer: - confectioner.

H7564 <STRHEB>@ רשׁעה rish‛âh rish-aw' Feminine of H7562; wrong (especially moral): - {fault} wickedly (-ness).

H7575 <STRHEB>@ רתמה rithmâh rith-maw' Feminine of H7574; {Rithmah} a place in the Desert: - Rithmah.

H7577 <STRHEB>@ רתקה rethûqâh reth-oo-kaw' Feminine passive participle of H7576; something {fastened} that {is} a chain: - chain.

H7608 <STRHEB>@ שׁארה sharâh shah-ar-aw' Feminine of H7607; female kindred by blood: - near kinswomen.

H7621 <STRHEB>@ שׁבוּעה shebû‛âh sheb-oo-aw' Feminine passive participle of H7650; properly something {sworn} that {is} an oath: - {curse} {oath} X sworn.

H7633 <STRHEB>@ שׁביה shibyâh shib-yaw' Feminine of H7628; exile (abstractly or concretely and collectively): - captives (-ity).

H7634 <STRHEB>@ שׁביה shobyâh shob-yaw' Feminine of the same as H7629; captivation; {Shobjah} an Israelite: - Shachia [from the margin].

H7639 <STRHEB>@ שׂבכה ώebâkâh seb-aw-kaw' Feminine of H7638; a net {work} that {is} (in hunting) a {snare} (in architecture) a ballustrade; also a reticulated ornament to a pillar: - {checker} {lattice} {network} {snare} wreath (-enwork).

H7653 <STRHEB>@ שׂבעה ώib‛âh sib-aw' Feminine of H7647; satiety: - fulness.

H7654 <STRHEB>@ שׂבעה ώob‛âh sob-aw' Feminine of H7648; satiety: - (to have) {enough} X till . . . be {full} [un-] {satiable} {satisfy} X sufficiently.

H7754 <STRHEB>@ שׂוכה שׂוך ώôk ώôkâh {soke} so-kaw' The second form being feminine; from H7753; a branch (as interleaved): - bough.

H7756 <STRHEB>@ שׂוּכתי ώûkâthîy soo-kaw-thee' Probably patronymic from a name corresponding to H7754 (feminine); a Sukathite or descendant of an unknown Israelite named Sukah: - Suchathite.

H7775 <STRHEB>@ שׁועה shav‛âh shav-aw' Feminine of H7773; a hallooing: - crying.

H7848 <STRHEB>@ שׁטּים שׁטּה shiţţâh shiţţîym {shit-taw'} shit-teem' Feminine of a derivative (the second form being only in the {plural} meaning the sticks of wood) from the same as H7850; the acacia (from its scourging thorns): - {shittah} shittim. See also H1029.

H7872 <STRHEB>@ שׂיבה ώêybâh say-baw' Feminine of H7869; old age: - (be) gray ({grey} {hoar} -y) hairs ({head} {-ed}) old age.

H7881 <STRHEB>@ שׂיחה ώîychâh see-khaw' Feminine of H7879; reflection; by extension devotion: - {meditation} prayer.

H7892 <STRHEB>@ שׁירה שׁיר shîyr shîyrâh {sheer} shee-raw' The second form being feminine; from H7891; a song; abstractly singing: - musical ({-ick}) X sing ({-er} {-ing}) song.

H7905 <STRHEB>@ שׂכּה ώûkkâh sook-kaw' Feminine of H7900 in the sense of H7899; a dart (as pointed like a thorn): - barbed iron.

H7914 <STRHEB>@ שׂכיּה ώekîyâh sek-ee-yaw' Feminine from the same as H7906; a conspicuous object: - picture.

H7917 <STRHEB>@ שׂכירה ώekîyrâh sek-ee-raw' Feminine of H7916; a hiring: - that is hired.

H7929 <STRHEB>@ שׁכמה shikmâh shik-maw' Feminine of H7926; the shoulder bone: - shoulder blade.

H7935 <STRHEB>@ שׁכניהוּ שׁכניה shekanyâh shekanyâhû {shek-an-yaw'} shek-an-yaw'-hoo From H7931 and H3050; Jah has dwelt; {Shekanjah} the name of nine Israelites: - {Shecaniah} Shechaniah.

H7976 <STRHEB>@ שׁלּחה shillûchâh shil-loo-kahw' Feminine of H7964; a shoot: - branch.

H7986 <STRHEB>@ שׁלּטת shalleţeth shal-leh'-teth Feminine from H7980; a vixen: - imperious.

H7988 <STRHEB>@ שׁליה shilyâh shil-yaw' Feminine from H7953; a foetus or babe (as extruded in birth): - young one.

H7992 <STRHEB>@ שׁלישׁי shelîyshîy shel-ee-shee' Ordinal from H7969; third; feminine a third (part); by extension a third ({day} year or time); specifically a third story cell): - third ({part} {rank} {time}) three (years old).

H724 <STRHEB>@ ארכה ארוּכה 'ărûkâhrûkâh {ar-oo-kaw'} ar-oo-kaw' Feminine passive participle of H748 (in the sense of restoring to soundness); wholeness (literally or figuratively): - {health} made {up} perfected.

H731 <STRHEB>@ ארזה 'arzâh ar-zaw' Feminine of H730; cedar wainscoting: - cedar work.

H736 <STRHEB>@ ארחה 'ôrchâh o-rekh-aw' Feminine active participle of H732; a caravan: - (travelling) company.

H737 <STRHEB>@ ארחה 'ărûchâh ar-oo-khaw' Feminine passive participle of H732 (in the sense of appointing); a ration of food: - {allowance} {diet} {dinner} victuals.

H762 <STRHEB>@ ארמית 'ărâmîyth ar-aw-meeth' Feminine of H761; (only adverbially) in Aramaean: - in the Syrian language ({tongue}) in Syriack.

H773 <STRHEB>@ ארעית 'ar‛îyth arh-eeth' (Chaldee); feminine of H772; the bottom: - bottom.

H794 <STRHEB>@ אשׁדה 'ăshêdâh ash-ay-daw' Feminine of H793; a ravine: - springs.

H797 <STRHEB>@ אשׁדּודית 'ashdôdîyth ash-do-deeth' Feminine of H796; (only adverbially) in the language of Ashdod: - in the speech of Ashdod.

H800 <STRHEB>@ אשּׁה 'eshshâh esh-shaw' Feminine of H784; fire: - fire.

H8011 <STRHEB>@ שׁלּמה shillûmâh shil-loo-maw' Feminine of H7966; retribution: - reward.

H8013 <STRHEB>@ שׁלמות shelômôth shel-o-moth' Feminine plural of H7965; pacifications; {Shelomoth} the name of two Israelites: - Shelomith [from the {margin]} Shelomoth. Compare H8019.

H8018 <STRHEB>@ שׁלמיהוּ שׁלמיה shelemyâh shelemyâhû {shel-em-yaw'} shel-em-yaw'-hoo From H8002 and H3050; thank offering of Jah; {Shelemjah} the name of nine Israelites: - Shelemiah.

H8030 <STRHEB>@ שׁלשׁה shilshâh shil-shaw' Feminine from the same as H8028; triplication; {Shilshah} an Israelite: - Shilshah.

H8031 <STRHEB>@ שׁלשׁה shâlishâh shaw-lee-shaw' Feminine from H8027; trebled land; {Shalishah} a place in Palestine: - Shalisha.

H8052 <STRHEB>@ שׁמוּעה shemû‛âh shem-oo-aw' Feminine passive participle of H8074; something {heard} that {is} an announcement: - {bruit} {doctrine} {fame} {mentioned} {news} {report} {rumor} tidings.

H8067 <STRHEB>@ שׁמינית shemîynîyth shem-ee-neeth' Feminine of H8066; probably an eight stringed lyre: - Sheminith.

H8071 <STRHEB>@ שׂמלה ώimlâh sim-law' Perhaps by permutation for the feminine of H5566 (through the idea of a cover assuming the shape of the object beneath); a {dress} especially a mantle: - {apparel} cloth ({-es} {-ing}) {garment} raiment. Compare H8008.

H8077 <STRHEB>@ שׁממה שׁממה shemâmâh shimâmâh {shem-aw-maw'} shee-mam-aw' Feminine of H8076; devastation; figuratively astonishment: - ({laid} X most) desolate ({-ion}) waste.

H8093 <STRHEB>@ שׁמעה shim‛âh shim-aw' Feminine of H8088; annunciation; {Shimah} an Israelite: - Shimeah.

H8100 <STRHEB>@ שׁמעת shim‛âth shim-awth' Feminine of H8088; annunciation; {Shimath} an Ammonitess: - Shimath.

H8103 <STRHEB>@ שׁמצה shimtsâh shim-tsaw' Feminine of H8102; scornful whispering (of hostile spectators): - shame.

H8108 <STRHEB>@ שׁמרה shomrâh shom-raw' Feminine of an unused noun from H8104 meaning a guard; watchfulness: - watch.

H8109 <STRHEB>@ שׁמרה shemûrâh shem-oo-raw' Feminine of passive participle of H8104; something {guarded} that {is} an eye lid: - waking.

H8116 <STRHEB>@ שׁמרית shimrîyth shim-reeth' Feminine of H8113; female guard; {Shimrith} a Moabitess: - Shimrith.

H8141 <STRHEB>@ שׁנה שׁנה shâneh shânâh {shaw-neh'} shaw-naw' (The first form being in plural {only} the second form being feminine); from H8138; a year (as a revolution of time): - + whole {age} X {long} + {old} year (X -ly).

H8147 <STRHEB>@ שׁתּים שׁנים shenayim shettayim {shen-ah'-yim} shet-tah'-yim (The first form being dual of H8145; the second form being feminine); two; also (as ordinal) twofold: - {both} {couple} {double} {second} {twain} + {twelfth} + {twelve} + twenty (sixscore) {thousand} {twice} two.

H8161 <STRHEB>@ שׁעטה sha‛ăţâh shah'-at-aw Feminine from an unused root meaning to stamp; a clatter (of hoofs): - stamping.

H8166 <STRHEB>@ שׂעירה ώe‛îyrâh seh-ee-raw' Feminine of H8163; a she goat: - kid.

H8183 <STRHEB>@ שׂערה ώe‛ârâh seh-aw-raw' Feminine of H8178; a hurricane: - {storm} tempest.

H8184 <STRHEB>@ שׂעור שׂער שׂעורה שׂערה ώe‛ôrâh ώe‛ôrâh ώe‛ôr ώe‛ôr (1,2) {seh-o-raw'} (3,4) seh-ore' (The feminine form meaning the plant and the masculine form meaning the grain (second form)); from H8175 in the sense of roughness; barley (as villose): - barley.

H8185 <STRHEB>@ שׂערה ώa‛ărâh sah-ar-aw' Feminine of H8181; hairiness: - hair.

H8186 <STRHEB>@ שׁעררת שׁעריריּה שׁערוּרהo sha‛ărûrâh sha‛ărîyrîyâh sha‛ărûrith (shah-ar-) oo-raw' ee-ree-yaw' oo-reeth' Feminine from H8176 in the sense of H8175; something fearful: - horrible thing.

H8198 <STRHEB>@ שׁפחה shiphchâh shif-khaw' Feminine from an unused root meaning to spread out (as a family; see H4940); a female slave (as a member of the household): - ({bond-} hand-) maid ({-en} {-servant}) {wench} {bondwoman} womanservant.

H8212 <STRHEB>@ שׁפכה shophkâh shof-kaw' Feminine of a derivative from H8210; a pipe (for pouring {forth} for example {wine}) that {is} the penis: - privy member.

H8218 <STRHEB>@ שׁפלה shiphlâh shif-law' Feminine of H8216; depression: - low place.

H8224 <STRHEB>@ שׂפמות ώiphmôth sif-moth' Feminine plural of H8221; {Siphmoth} a place in Palestine: - Siphmoth.

H8229 <STRHEB>@ שׁפעה shiph‛âh shif-aw' Feminine of H8228; copiousness: - {abundance} {company} multitude.

H8256 <STRHEB>@ שׁקמה שׁקם shâqâm shiqmâh {shaw-kawm'} shik-maw' (The second form is feminine); of uncertain derivation; a sycamore (usually the tree): - sycamore ({fruit} tree).

H8282 <STRHEB>@ שׂרה ώârâh saw-raw' Feminine of H8269; a {mistress} that {is} female noble: - {lady} {princess} queen.

H8284 <STRHEB>@ שׁרה shârâh shaw-raw' Probably feminine of H7791; a fortification (literally or figuratively). (sing is by mistake for H7891.): - sing [by mistake for {H7891]} wall.

H8292 <STRHEB>@ שׁריקה שׁרוּקהo sherûqâh sherîyqâh {sher-oo-kaw'} sher-ee-kaw' (The second form is by permutation); feminine passive participle of H8319; a whistling (in scorn); by analogy a piping: - {bleating} hissing.

H8304 <STRHEB>@ שׂריהוּ שׂריה ώerâyâh ώerâyâhû {ser-aw-yaw'} ser-aw-yaw'-hoo From H8280 and H3050; Jah has prevailed; {Serajah} the name of nine Israelites: - Seraiah.

H8321 <STRHEB>@ שׂרקה שׂורק שׂרק ώôrêq ώôrêq ώôrêqâh {so-rake'} {so-rake'} so-ray-kaw' (The third form is feminine); from H8319 in the sense of redness (compare H8320); a vine stock (properly one yielding purple {grapes} the richest variety): - choice ({-st} noble) wine. Compare H8291.

H8345 <STRHEB>@ שׁשּׁי shishshîy shish-shee' From H8337; {sixth} ordinal or (feminine) fractional: - sixth (part).

H8360 <STRHEB>@ שׁתיּה shethîyâh sheth-ee-yaw' Feminine of H8358; potation: - drinking.

H8372 <STRHEB>@ תּאה תּא tâ' tâ'âh {taw} taw-aw' (The second form being feminine and used in ); from (the base of) H8376; a room (as circumscribed): - (little) chamber.

H8384 <STRHEB>@ תּאנה תּאן ten tenâh {teh-ane'} teh-ay-naw' The second form being singular and feminine; perhaps of foreign derivation; the fig (tree or fruit): - fig (tree).

H8394 <STRHEB>@ תּובנה תּבוּנה תּבוּןo tâbûn tebûnâh tôbûnâh {taw-boon'} {teb-oo-naw'} to-boo-naw' The second and third forms being feminine; from H995; intelligence; by implication an argument; by extension caprice: - {discretion} {reason} {skilfulness} {understanding} wisdom.

H8415 <STRHEB>@ תּהם תּהום tehôm tehôm {teh-home'} teh-home' (Usually feminine) from H1949; an abyss (as a surging mass of {water}) especially the deep (the main sea or the subterranean water supply): - deep ({place}) depth.

H8417 <STRHEB>@ תּהלה tohŏlâh to-hol-aw' Feminine of an unused noun (apparently from H1984) meaning bluster; {braggadocio} that {is} (by implication) fatuity: - folly.

H8441 <STRHEB>@ תּעבה תּועבה tô‛êbah tô‛êbah {to-ay-baw'} to-ay-baw' Feminine active participle of H8581; properly something disgusting ({morally}) that {is} (as noun) an abhorrence; especially idolatry or (concretely) an idol: - abominable ({custom} {thing}) abomination.

H8442 <STRHEB>@ תּועה tô‛âh to-aw' Feminine active participle of H8582; {mistake} that {is} (morally) {impiety} or (political) injury: - {error} hinder.

H8452 <STRHEB>@ תּורה tôrâh to-raw' Probably feminine of H8448; a custom: - manner.

H8482 <STRHEB>@ תּחתּי tachtîy takh-tee' From H8478; lowermost; as noun (feminine plural) the depths (figuratively a {pit} the womb): - low ({parts} {-er} -er {parts} {-est}) nether (part).

H8498 <STRHEB>@ תּכוּנה tekûnâh tek-oo-naw' Feminine passive participle of H8505; {adjustment} that {is} structure; by implication equipage: - {fashion} store.

H8521 <STRHEB>@ תּל חרשׁא têl charshâ' tale khar-shaw' From H8510 and the feminine of H2798; mound of workmanship; {Tel-Charsha} a place in Babylon: - {Tel-haresha} Tel-harsa.

H8530 <STRHEB>@ תּלפּיּה talpîyâh tal-pee-yaw' Feminine from an unused root meaning to tower; something {tall} that {is} (plural collectively) slenderness: - armoury.

H8538 <STRHEB>@ תּמּה tûmmâh toom-maw' Feminine of H8537; innocence: - integrity.

H8561 <STRHEB>@ תּמּרה תּמּר timmôr timmôrâh {tim-more'} tim-mo-raw' (The first is plural {only} while the second is {feminine} singular and plural); from the same root as H8558; (architecturally) a palm like pilaster (that {is} umbellate): - palm tree.

H8568 <STRHEB>@ תּנּה tannâh tan-naw' Probably feminine of H8565; a female jackal: - dragon.

H8575 <STRHEB>@ תּנחוּמה תּנחם תּנחוּם tanchûm tanchûm tanchûmâh {tan-khoom'} {tan-khoom'} tan-khoo-maw' The third form is feminine; from H5162; {compassion} solace: - {comfort} consolation.

H8576 <STRHEB>@ תּנחמת tanchûmeth tan-khoo'-meth For H8575 (feminine); {Tanchumeth} an Israelite: - Tanhumeth.

H8588 <STRHEB>@ תּענגה תּענג תּענוּג ta‛ănûg ta‛ănûg ta‛ănûgâh {tah-an-oog'} {tah-an-oog'} tah-an-oog-aw' The third form being feminine; from H6026; luxury: - {delicate} {delight} pleasant.

H8648 <STRHEB>@ תּרתּין תּרין terêyn tartêyn {ter-ane'} tar-tane' {(Chaldee}) the secend form is feminine; corresponding to H8147; two: - {second} + {twelve} two.

H8672 <STRHEB>@ תּשׁעה תּשׁע têshatish‛âh {tay'-shah} tish-aw' The second form is the masculine of the first; perhaps from H8159 through the idea of a turn to the next or full number ten; nine or (ordinal) ninth: - nine (+ {-teen} + {-teenth} -th).

H8673 <STRHEB>@ תּשׁעים tish‛îym tish-eem' Multiple from H8672; ninety: - ninety.

H802 <STRHEB>@ נשׁים אשּׁה 'ishshâh nâshîym {ish-shaw'} naw-sheem' The first form is the feminine of H376 or H582; the second form is an irregular plural; a woman (used in the same wide sense as H582).: - {[adulter]ess} {each} {every} {female} X {many} + {none} {one} + {together} {wife} woman. Often unexpressed in English.

H803 <STRHEB>@ אשׁוּיה 'ăshûyâh ash-oo-yah' Feminine passive participle from an unused root meaning to found; foundation: - foundation.

H809 <STRHEB>@ אשׁישׁה 'ăshîyshâh ash-ee-shaw' Feminine of H808; something closely pressed {together} that {is} a cake of raisins or other comfits: - flagon.

H819 <STRHEB>@ אשׁמה 'ashmâh ash-maw' Feminine of H817; {guiltiness} a {fault} the presentation of a sin offering: - {offend} {sin} (cause of) trespass ({-ing} offering).

H821 <STRHEB>@ אשׁמרת אשׁמוּרה אשׁמרה 'ashmûrâh 'ashmûrâh 'ashmôreth {ash-moo-raw'} {ash-moo-raw'} ash-mo'-reth (Feminine) from H8104; a night watch: - watch.

H827 <STRHEB>@ אשׁפּה 'ashpâh ash-paw' Perhaps (feminine) from the same as H825 (in the sense of covering); a quiver or arrow case: - quiver.

H881 <STRHEB>@ בּארות berôth be-ay-rohth' Feminine plural of H875; wells; {Beeroth} a place in Palestine: - Beeroth.

H885 <STRHEB>@ בּארת בּני־יעקן berôth benêy-ya‛ăqan be-ay-roth' be-nay' yah-a-can' From the feminine plural of {H875} and the plural contraction of {H1121} and H3292; wells of (the) sons of Jaakan; Beeroth {Bene-Jaakan} a place in the Desert: - Beeroth of the children of Jaakan.

H890 <STRHEB>@ בּאשׁה bo'shâh bosh-aw' Feminine of H889; stink weed or any other noxious or useless plant: - cockle.

H892 <STRHEB>@ בּבה bâbâh baw-baw' Feminine active participle of an unused root meaning to hollow out; something hollowed (as a {gate}) that {is} the pupil of the eye: - apple [of the eye].

H900 <STRHEB>@ בּגדות bôgedôth bohg-ed-ohth Feminine plural active participle of H898; treacheries: - treacherous.

H934 <STRHEB>@ בּהרת bôhereth bo-heh'-reth Feminine active participle of the same as H925; a whitish spot on the skin: - bright spot.

H939 <STRHEB>@ בּוּזה bûzâh boo-zaw' Feminine passive participle of H936; something scorned; an object of contempt: - despised.

H950 <STRHEB>@ בּוּקה bûqâh boo-kaw' Feminine passive participle of an unused root (meaning to be hollow); emptiness (as adjective): - empty.

H955 <STRHEB>@ בּוּשׁה bûshâh boo-shaw' Feminine participle passive of H954; shame: - shame.

H961 <STRHEB>@ בּזּה bizzâh biz-zaw' Feminine of H957; booty: - {prey} spoil.

H979 <STRHEB>@ בּחרים בּחוּרות בּחרות bechûrôth bechûrôth bechûrîym (1,2) {bekh-oo-rothe'} (3) bekh-oo-reem' Feminine plural of H970; also (masculine plural); youth (collectively and abstractly): - young {men} youth.

H985 <STRHEB>@ בּטחה biţchâh bit-khaw' Feminine of H984; trust: - confidence.

H987 <STRHEB>@ בּטּחות baţţûchôth bat-too-khoth' Feminine plural from H982; security: - secure.

H996 <STRHEB>@ בּין bêyn bane (Sometimes in the plural masculine or feminine); properly the constructively contracted form of an otherwise unused noun from H995; a distinction; but used only as a {preposition} between (repeated before each {noun} often with other particles); also as a {conjugation} either... or: - {among} {asunder} {at} between (-twixt . . . {and}) + from (the {widest}) X {in} out {of} whether (it be... {or}) within.

G79 <STRGRK>@ ἀδελφή adelphē ad-el-fay' Feminine of G80; a sister (natural or ecclesiastical): - sister.

G1079 <STRGRK>@ γενετή genetē ghen-et-ay' Feminine of a presumed derivative of the base of G1074; birth: - birth.

G1134 <STRGRK>@ γυναικεῖος gunaikeios goo-nahee-ki'-os From G1135; feminine: - wife.

G1181 <STRGRK>@ δεκάτη dekatē dek-at'-ay Feminine of G1182; a tenth that is as a percentage or (technically) tithe: - tenth (part) tithe.

G1188 <STRGRK>@ δεξιός dexios dex-ee-os' From G1209; the right side or (feminine) hand (as that which usually takes): - right (hand side).

G1219 <STRGRK>@ δημόσιος dēmosios day-mos'-ee-os From G1218; public; (feminine singular dative as adverb) in public: - common openly publickly.

G1399 <STRGRK>@ δούλη doulē doo'-lay Feminine of G1401; a female slave (involuntarily or voluntarily): - handmaid (-en).

G1409 <STRGRK>@ Δρούσιλλα Drousilla droo'-sil-lah A feminine diminutive of Drusus (a Roman name); Drusilla a member of the Herodian family: - Drusilla.

G1636 <STRGRK>@ ἐλαία elaia el-ah'-yah Feminine of a presumed derivative from an obsolete primary; an olive (the tree or the fruit): - olive (berry tree).

G1674 <STRGRK>@ Ἑλληνίς Hellēnis hel-lay-nis' Feminine of G1672; a Grecian (that is non-Jewish) woman: - Greek.

G1711 <STRGRK>@ ἐμπορία emporia em-por-ee'-ah Feminine from G1713; traffic: - merchandise.

G1747 <STRGRK>@ ἐνέδρα enedra en-ed'-rah Feminine from G1722 and the base of G1476; an ambuscade that is (figuratively) murderous purpose: - lay wait. See also G1749.

G1767 <STRGRK>@ ἐννέα ennea en-neh'-ah A primary number; nine: - nine.

G1768 <STRGRK>@ ἐννενηκονταεννέα ennenēkontaennea en-nen-ay-kon-tah-en-neh'-ah From a (tenth) multiple of G1767 and G1767 itself; ninety nine: - ninety and nine.

G1824 <STRGRK>@ ἐξαύτης exautēs ex-ow'-tace From G1537 and the genitive singular feminine of G846 (G5610 being understood); from that hour that is instantly: - by and by immediately presently straightway.

G1966 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιοῦσα epiousa ep-ee-oo'-sah Feminine singular participle of a compound of G1909 and εἷμι heimi (to go); supervening that is (G2250 or G3571 being expressed or implied) the ensuing day or night: - following next.

G1967 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιούσιος epiousios ep-ee-oo'-see-os Perhaps from the same as G1966; to-morrow's; but more probably from G1909 and a derivative of the present participle feminine of G1510; for subsistence that is needful: - daily.

G2073 <STRGRK>@ ἑσπέρα hespera hes-per'-ah Feminine of an adjective ἑσπερός hesperos (evening); the eve (G5610 being implied): - evening (-tide).

G2105 <STRGRK>@ εὐδία eudia yoo-dee'-ah Feminine from G2095 and the alternate of G2203 (as the god of the weather); a clear sky that is fine weather: - fair weather.

G2189 <STRGRK>@ ἔχθρα echthra ekh'-thrah Feminine of G2190; hostility; by implication a reason for opposition: - enmity hatred.

G2202 <STRGRK>@ ζευκτηρία zeuktēria dzyook-tay-ree'-ah Feminine of a derivative (at the second stage) from the same as G2218; a fastening (tiller rope): - band.

G2250 <STRGRK>@ ἡμέρα hēmera hay-mer'-ah Feminine (with G5610 implied) of a derivative of ἧμαι hēmai (to sit; akin to the base of G1476) meaning tame that is gentle; day that is (literally) the time space between dawn and dark or the whole 24 hours (but several days were usually reckoned by the Jews as inclusive of the parts of both extremes); figuratively a period (always defined more or less clearly by the context): - age + alway (mid-) day (by day [-ly]) + for ever judgment (day) time while years.

G2271 <STRGRK>@ ἡσυχία hēsuchia hay-soo-khee'-ah Feminine of G2272; (as noun) stillness that is desistance from bustle or language: - quietness silence.

G2287 <STRGRK>@ θανατήφορος thanatēphoros than-at-ay'-for-os From (the feminine form of) G2288 and G5342; death bearing that is fatal: - deadly.

G2299 <STRGRK>@ θεά thea theh-ah' Feminine of G2316; a female deity: - goddess.

G2449 <STRGRK>@ Ἰουδαία Ioudaia ee-oo-dah'-yah Feminine of G2453 (with G1093 implied); the Judaean land (that is judaea) a region of Palestine: - Juda.

G2456 <STRGRK>@ Ἰουλία Ioulia ee-oo-lee'-ah Feminine of the same as G2457; Julia a Christian woman: - Julia.

G2489 <STRGRK>@ Ἰωάννα Iōanna ee-o-an'-nah Feminine of the same as G2491; Joanna a Christian: - Joanna.

G2562 <STRGRK>@ καλάμη kalamē kal-am'-ay Feminine of G2563; a stalk of grain that is (collectively) stubble: - stubble.

G2651 <STRGRK>@ καταμόνας katamonas kat-am-on'-as From G2596 and the accusative plural feminine of G3441 (with G5561 implied); according to sole places that is (adverbially) separately: - alone.

G2762 <STRGRK>@ κεραία keraia ker-ah'-yah Feminine of a presumed derivative of the base of G2768; something horn like that is (specifically) the apex of a Hebrew letter (figuratively the least particle): - tittle.

G2803 <STRGRK>@ Κλαυδία Klaudia klow-dee'-ah Feminine of G2804; Claudia a Christian woman: - Claudia.

G2857 <STRGRK>@ Κολοσσαί Kolossai kol-os-sah'ee Apparently feminine plural of κολοσσός kolossos (colossal); Colossae a place in Asia Minor: - Colosse.

G2926 <STRGRK>@ κρυπτή kruptē kroop-tay' Feminine of G2927; a hidden place that is cellar (crypt): - secret.

G2959 <STRGRK>@ Κυρία Kuria koo-ree'-ah Feminine of G2962; Cyria a Christian woman: - lady.

G3070 <STRGRK>@ Λυδία Ludia loo-dee'-ah Properly feminine of Λύδιος Ludios (of foreign origin; a Lydian in Asia Minor); Lydia a Christian woman: - Lydia.

G3094 <STRGRK>@ Μαγδαληνή Magdalēnē mag-dal-ay-nay' Feminine of a derivative of G3093; a female Magdalene that is inhabitant of Magdala: - Magdalene.

G3102 <STRGRK>@ μαθήτρια mathētria math-ay'-tree-ah Feminine from G3101; a female pupil: - disciple.

G3112 <STRGRK>@ μακράν makran mak-ran' Feminine accusative singular of G3117 (G3598 being implied); at a distance (literally or figuratively): - (a-) far (off) good (great) way off.

G3162 <STRGRK>@ μάχαιρα machaira makh'-ahee-rah Probably feminine of a presumed derivative of G3163; a knife that is dirk; figuratively war judicial punishment: - sword.

G3310 <STRGRK>@ μερίς meris mer-ece' Feminine of G3313; a portion that is province6 share or (abstractly) participation: - part (X -akers).

G3367 <STRGRK>@ μηδείς μηδεμία μηδέν mēdeis mēdemia mēden may-dice' may -dem-ee'-ah may-den' The masculine feminine irregular (second form) and neuter (third form) from G3361 and G1520; not even one (man woman thing): - any (man thing) no (man) none not (at all any man a whit) nothing + without delay.

G3391 <STRGRK>@ μία mia mee'-ah Irregular feminine of G1520; one or first: - a (certain) + agree first one X other.

G3428 <STRGRK>@ μοιχαλίς moichalis moy-khal-is' A prolonged form of the feminine of G3432; an adulteress (literally or figuratively): - adulteress (-ous -y).

G3535 <STRGRK>@ Νινευΐ́ Nineui nin-yoo-ee' Of Hebrew origin [H5210]; Ninevi (that is Nineveh) the capital of Assyria: - Nineve.

G3536 <STRGRK>@ Νινευΐ́της Nineuitēs nin-yoo-ee'-tace From G3535; a Ninevite that is inhabitant of Nineveh: - of Nineve Ninevite.

G3542 <STRGRK>@ νομή nomē nom-ah' Feminine from the same as G3551; pasture that is (the act) feeding (figuratively spreading of a gangrene) or (the food) pasturage: - X eat pasture.

G3561 <STRGRK>@ νουμηνία noumēnia noo-may-nee'-ah Feminine of a compound of G3501 and G3376 (as noun by implication of G2250); the festival of new moon: - new moon.

G3588 <STRGRK>@ ὁ ἡ τό ho hē to ho hay to The masculine feminine (second) and neuter (third) forms in all their inflections; the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied at others omitted in English idiom): - the this that one he she it etc.

G3592 <STRGRK>@ ὅδε ἥδε τόδε hode hēde tode hod'-eh hay'-deh tod'-e The masculine feminine (second) and neuter (third) forms. From G3588 and G1161; the same that is this or that one (plural these or those); often used as personal pronoun: - he she such these thus.

G3619 <STRGRK>@ οἰκοδομή oikodomē oy-kod-om-ay' Feminine (abstraction) of a compound of G3624 and the base of G1430; architecture that is (concretely) a structure; figuratively confirmation: - building edify (-ication -ing).

G3625 <STRGRK>@ οἰκουμένη oikoumenē oy-kou-men'-ay Feminine participle present passive of G3611 (as noun by implication of G1093); land that is the (terrene part of the) globe; specifically the Roman empire: - earth world.

G3714 <STRGRK>@ ὀρεινός oreinos or-i-nos' From G3735; mountainous that is (feminine by implication of G5561) the Highlands (of Judaea): - hill country.

G3753 <STRGRK>@ ὅτε ο ̔́τε η ̔́τε το τε hote ho te hē te tō te hot'-eh ho6t'-eh hay'-the tot'-eh From G3739 and G5037; at which (thing) too that is when: - after (that) as soon as that when while. Second form also feminine third form also neuter and fourth form simply the article G3588 followed by G5037; so written (in some editions) to distinguish them from G3752 and G5119.

G3760 <STRGRK>@ οὐδαμῶς oudamōs oo-dam-oce' Adverb from (the feminine) of G3762; by no means: - not.

G3762 <STRGRK>@ οὐδείς oudeis oo-dice' Including the feminine οὐδεμία oudemia oo-dem-ee'-ah and the neuter οὐδέν ouden oo-den' From G3761 and G1520; not even one (man woman or thing) that is none6 nobody nothing: - any (man) aught man neither any (thing) never (man) no (man) none (+ of these things) not (any at all -thing) nought.

G3776 <STRGRK>@ οὐσία ousia oo-see'-ah From the feminine of G5607; substance that is property (possessions): - goods substance.

G3778 <STRGRK>@ οὗτος οὗτοι αὕτη αὕται houtos houtoi hautē hautai hoo'-tos hoo'-toy how'-tay how'-tahee Including the nominative masculine plural (second form) nominative feminine signular (third form) and the nominate feminine plural (fourth form). From the article G3588 and G846; the he (she or it) that is this or that (often with the article repeated): - he (it was that) hereof it she such as the same these they this (man same woman) which who.

G3798 <STRGRK>@ ὄψίος opsios op'-see-os From G3796; late; feminine (as noun) afternoon (early eve) or nightfall (later eve): - even (-ing [-tide]).

G3814 <STRGRK>@ παιδίσκη paidiskē pahee-dis'-kay Feminine diminutive of G3816; a girl that is (specifically) a female slave or servant: - bondmaid (-woman) damsel maid (-en).

G3818 <STRGRK>@ Πακατιανή Pakatianē pak-at-ee-an-ay' Feminine of an adjective of uncertain derivation; Pacatianian a section of Phrygia: - Pacatiana.

G3917 <STRGRK>@ πάρδαλις pardalis par'-dal-is Feminine of πάρδος pardos (a panther); a leopard: - leopard.

G3965 <STRGRK>@ πατριά patria pat-ree-ah' As if feminine of a derivative of G3962; paternal descent that is (concretely) a group of families or a whole race (nation): - family kindred lineage.

G3979 <STRGRK>@ πεζῇ pezē ped-zay' Dative feminine of a derivative of G4228 (as adverb); foot wise that is by walking: - a- (on) foot.

G3994 <STRGRK>@ πενθερά penthera pen-ther-ah' Feminine of G3995; a wife's mother: - mother in law wife´ s mother.

G4005 <STRGRK>@ πεντηκοστή pentēkostē pen-tay-kos-tay' Feminine of G4004; fiftieth (G2250 being implied) from Passover that is the festival of pentecost: - Pentecost.

G4030 <STRGRK>@ περικεφαλαία perikephalaia per-ee-kef-al-ah'-yah Feminine of a compound of G4012 and G2776; encirclement of the head that is a helmet: - helmet.

G4041 <STRGRK>@ περιούσιος periousios per-ee-oo'-see-os From the present participle feminine of a compound of G4012 and G1510; being beyond usual that is special (one´ s own): - peculiar.

G4073 <STRGRK>@ πέτρα petra pet'-ra Feminine of the same as G4074; a (mass of) rock (literally or figuratively): - rock.

G4080 <STRGRK>@ πηλίκος pēlikos pay-lee'-kos A quantitative form (the feminine) of the base of G4225; how much (as indefinite) that is in size or (figuratively) dignity: - how great (large).

G4106 <STRGRK>@ πλάνη planē plan'-ay Feminine of G4108 (as abstraction); objectively fraudulence; subjectively a straying from orthodoxy or piety: - deceit to deceive delusion error.

G4113 <STRGRK>@ πλατεῖα plateia plat-i'-ah Feminine of G4116; a wide plat or place that is open square: - street.

G4204 <STRGRK>@ πόρνη pornē por'-nay Feminine of G4205; a strumpet; figuratively an idolater: - harlot whore.

G4211 <STRGRK>@ πορφυρόπωλις porphuropōlis por-foo-rop'-o-lis Feminine of a compound of G4209 and G4453; a female trader in purple cloth: - seller of purple.

G4247 <STRGRK>@ πρεσβύτις presbutis pres-boo'-tis Feminine of G4246; an old woman: - aged woman.

G4251 <STRGRK>@ Πρίσκα Priska pris'-kah Of Latin origin; feminine of Priscus ancient; Priska a Christian woman: - Prisca. See also G4252.

G4287 <STRGRK>@ προθέσμιος prothesmios proth-es'-mee-os From G4253 and a derivative of G5087; fixed beforehand that is (feminine with G2250 implied) a designated day: - time appointed.

G4368 <STRGRK>@ προστάτις prostatis pros-tat'-is Feminine of a derivative of G4291; a patroness that is assistant: - succourer.

G4398 <STRGRK>@ προφῆτις prophētis prof-ay'-tis Feminine of G4396; a female foreteller or an inspired woman: - prophetess.

G4403 <STRGRK>@ πρύμνα prumna proom'-nah Feminine of πρυμνύς prumnus (hindmost); the stern of a ship: - hinder part stern.

G4405 <STRGRK>@ πρωΐ́α prōia pro-ee'-ah Feminine of a derivative of G4404 as noun; day dawn: - early morning.

G4408 <STRGRK>@ πρώρα prōra pro'-ra Feminine of a presumed derivation of G4253 as noun; the prow that is forward part of a vessel: - forepart (-ship).

G4519 <STRGRK>@ σαβαώθ sabaōth sab-ah-owth' Of Hebrew origin ([H6635] in feminine plural); armies; sabaoth (that is tsebaoth) a military epithet of God: - sabaoth.

G4539 <STRGRK>@ Σαλώμη Salōmē sal-o'-may Probably of Hebrew origin (feminine from [H7965]); Salome (that is Shelomah) an Israelitess: - Salome.

G4542 <STRGRK>@ Σαμαρεῖτις Samareitis sam-ar-i'-tis Feminine of G4541; a Samaritess that is woman of Samaria: - of Samaria.

G4551 <STRGRK>@ Σαπφείρη Sappheirē sap-fi'-ray Feminine of G4552; Sapphire an Israelitess: - Sapphira.

G4613 <STRGRK>@ Σίμων Simōn see'-mone Of Hebrew origin [H8095]; Simon (that is Shimon) the name of nine Israelites: - Simon. Compare G4826.

G4641 <STRGRK>@ σκληροκαρδία sklērokardia sklay-rok-ar-dee'-ah Feminine of a compound of G4642 and G2588; hard heartedness that is (specifically) destitution of (spiritual) perception: - hardness of heart.

G4677 <STRGRK>@ Σουσάννα Sousanna soo-san'-nah Of Hebrew origin [H7799] (feminine); lily; Susannah (that is Shoshannah) an Israelitess: - Susanna.

G4743 <STRGRK>@ στιγμή stigmē stig-may' Feminine of G4742; a point of time that is an instant: - moment.

G4756 <STRGRK>@ στρατία stratia strat-ee'-ah Feminine of a derivative of στρατός stratos (an army; from the base of G4766 as encamped); camp likeness that is an army that is (figuratively) the angels the celestial luminaries: - host.

G4949 <STRGRK>@ Συροφοίνισσα Surophoinissa soo-rof-oy'-nis-sah Feminine of a compound of G4948 and the same as G5403; a Syro-Phaenician woman that is a female native of Phaenicia in Syria: - Syrophenician.

G4974 <STRGRK>@ σφυρόν sphuron sfoo-ron' Neuter of a presumed derivative probably of the same as σφαῖρα sphaira (a ball sphere; compare the feminine σφῦρα sphura a hammer); the ankle (as globular): - ancle bone.

G4981 <STRGRK>@ σχολή scholē schol-ay' Probably feminine of a presumed derivative of the alternate of G2192; properly loitering (as a withholding of oneself from work) or leisure that is (by implication) a school (as vacation from physical employment): - school.

G4991 <STRGRK>@ σωτηρία sōtēria so-tay-ree'-ah Feminine of a derivative of G4990 as (properly abstract) noun; rescue or safety (physically or morally): - deliver health salvation save saving.

G5016 <STRGRK>@ ταραχή tarachē tar-akh-ay' Feminine from G5015; disturbance that is (of water) roiling or (of a mob) sedition: - trouble (-ing).

G5025 <STRGRK>@ ταύταις ταύτας tautais tautas tow'-taheece tow'-tas Dative and accusative feminine plural respectively of G3778; (to or with or by etc.) these: - hence that then these those.

G5026 <STRGRK>@ ταύτῃ ταύτην ταύτης tautē tautēn tautēs tow-'tay tow'-tane tow'-tace Dative accusative and genitive case respectively of the feminine singular of G3778; (towards or of) this: - her + hereof it that + thereby the (same) this (same).

G5027 <STRGRK>@ ταφή taphē taf-ay' feminine from G2290; burial (the act): - X bury.

G5082 <STRGRK>@ τηλικοῦτος τηλικαύτη tēlikoutos tēlikautē tay-lik-oo'-tos tay-lik-ow'-tay) Masculine and feminine; from a compound of G3588 with G2245 and G3778; such as this that is (in [figuratively] magnitude) so vast: - so great so mighty.

G5402 <STRGRK>@ Φοίβη Phoibē foy'-bay Feminine of Φοῖβος Phoibos (bright; probably akin to the base of G5457); Phaebe a Christian woman: - Phebe.

G5503 <STRGRK>@ χήρα chēra khay'-rah Feminine of a presumed derivation apparently from the base of G5490 through the idea of deficiency; a widow (as lacking a husband) literally or figuratively: - widow.

G5514 <STRGRK>@ Χλόη Chloē khlo'-ay Feminine of apparently a primary word; green; Chloe a Christian female: - Chloe.

G5521 <STRGRK>@ χολή cholē khol-ay' Feminine of an equivalent perhaps akin to the same as G5514 (from the greenish hue); gall or bile that is (by analogy) poison or an anodyne (wormwood poppy etc.): - gall.

G5561 <STRGRK>@ χώρα chōra kho'-rah Feminine of a derivative of the base of G5490 through the idea of empty expanse; room that is a space of territory (more or less extensive; often including its inhabitants): - coast county fields grounds land region. Compare G5117.

G5607 <STRGRK>@ ὤν οὖσα ὄν ōn ousa on oan oo'-sah on The feminine the neuter and the present participle of G1510; being: - be come have.

G646 <STRGRK>@ ἀποστασία apostasia ap-os-tas-ee'-ah Feminine of the same as G647; defection from truth (properly the state) (apostasy): - falling away forsake.

G938 <STRGRK>@ βασίλισσα basilissa bas-il'-is-sah Feminine from G936; a queen: - queen.