

Dict: torrey - ph


Pharisees, the @ A sect of the Jews kjv@Acts:15:5
The strictest observers of the Mosaic ritual kjv@Acts:26:5
By descent, especially esteemed kjv@Acts:23:6
Character of
Zealous of the law kjv@Acts:15:5 kjv@Philippians:3:5
Zealous of tradition kjv@Mark:7:3 kjv@Mark:7:5-8 kjv@Galatians:1:14
Outwardly moral kjv@Luke:18:11 kjv@Philippians:3:5 kjv@Philippians:3:6
Rigid in fasting kjv@Luke:5:33 kjv@Luke:18:12
Active in proselytising kjv@Matthew:23:15
Self-righteous kjv@Luke:16:15 kjv@Luke:18:9
Avaricious kjv@Matthew:23:14 kjv@Luke:16:14
Ambitious of precedence kjv@Matthew:23:6
Fond of public salutations kjv@Matthew:23:7
Fond of distinguished titles kjv@Matthew:23:7-10
Particular in paying all dues kjv@Matthew:23:23
Oppressive kjv@Matthew:23:4
Cruel in persecuting kjv@Acts:9:1 kjv@Acts:9:2
Believed in the resurrection &:c kjv@Acts:23:8
Made broad their phylacteries kjv@Matthew:23:5
Their opinions, a standard for others kjv@John:7:48
Many priest and Levites were of kjv@John:1:19 kjv@John:1:24
Many rulers, lawyers, and scribes were of kjv@John:3:1 kjv@Acts:5:34 kjv@Acts:23:9
Had disciples kjv@Luke:5:33 kjv@Acts:22:3
Some came to John for baptism kjv@Matthew:3:7
As a body, rejected John's baptism kjv@Luke:7:30
Often invited by kjv@Luke:7:36 kjv@Luke:11:37
Condemned by, for associating with sinners kjv@Matthew:9:11 kjv@Luke:7:39 kjv@Luke:15:1 kjv@Luke:15:2
Asked for signs by kjv@Matthew:12:38 kjv@Matthew:16:1
Tempted by, with questions about the law kjv@Matthew:19:3 kjv@Matthew:22:15 kjv@Matthew:22:16 kjv@Matthew:22:35
Watched by, for evil kjv@Luke:6:7
Offended, by his doctrine kjv@Matthew:15:12 kjv@Matthew:21:45 kjv@Luke:16:14
Declared the imaginary righteousness of, to be insufficient for salvation kjv@Matthew:5:20
Declared the doctrines of, to be hypocrisy kjv@Matthew:16:6 kjv@Matthew:16:11 kjv@Matthew:16:12 kjv@Luke:12:1
Denounced woes against kjv@Matthew:23:13-33
Called, and evil and adulterous generation kjv@Matthew:12:39
Called, serpents and generation of vipers kjv@Matthew:23:33
Called fools and blind guides kjv@Matthew:23:17 kjv@Matthew:23:24
Compared, to whited sepulchres kjv@Matthew:23:27
Compared, to graves that appear not kjv@Luke:11:44
Left Judea for a time on account of kjv@John:4:1-3
Imputed Christ's miracles to Satan's power kjv@Matthew:9:34 kjv@Matthew:12:24
Sent officers to apprehend Christ kjv@John:7:32 kjv@John:7:45
Often sought to destroy Christ kjv@Matthew:12:14 kjv@Matthew:21:46 kjv@John:11:47 kjv@John:11:53 kjv@John:11:57

Philistines @ Descended from Casluhim kjv@Genesis:10:13 kjv@Genesis:10:14
Originally dwelt in the land of Caphtor kjv@Jeremiah:47:4 kjv@Amos:9:7
Conquered the Avims and took from them the west coast of Canaan kjv@Deuteronomy:2:23
The Caphtorims kjv@Deuteronomy:2:23
The Cherethites kjv@1Samuel:30:14 kjv@Zephaniah:2:5
Country of
Called Philistia kjv@Psalms:87:4 kjv@Psalms:108:9
Divided into five sates of lordships kjv@Joshua:13:3 kjv@Judges:3:3 kjv@1Samuel:6:16
Had many flourishing cities kjv@1Samuel:6:17
Given by God to the Israelites kjv@Joshua:13:2 kjv@Joshua:13:3 kjv@Joshua:15:45 kjv@Joshua:15:47
Were a great people and governed by kings in the patriarchal age kjv@Genesis:21:22 kjv@Genesis:21:34 kjv@Genesis:26:8
Character of
Proud kjv@Zechariah:9:6
Idolatrous kjv@Judges:16:23 kjv@1Samuel:5:2
Superstitious kjv@Isaiah:2:6
Warlike kjv@1Samuel:17:1 kjv@1Samuel:28:1
Men of great strength and stature amongst kjv@1Samuel:17:4-7 kjv@2Samuel:21:16 kjv@2Samuel:21:18-20
Some of, left to prove Israel kjv@Judges:3:1-3
Always confederated with the enemies of Israel kjv@Psalms:83:7 kjv@Isaiah:9:11 kjv@Isaiah:9:12
Shamgar slew six hundred of, and delivered Israel kjv@Judges:3:31
Oppressed Israel after the death of Jair for eighteen years kjv@Judges:10:7 kjv@Judges:10:8
Oppressed Israel after the death of Abdon forty years kjv@Judges:13:1
Promised as a deliverer from kjv@Judges:13:5
Intermarried with kjv@Judges:14:1 kjv@Judges:14:10
Slew thirty, near Askelon kjv@Judges:14:19
Burned vineyards &:c of kjv@Judges:15:3-5
Slew many for burning his wife kjv@Judges:15:7 kjv@Judges:15:8
Slew a thousand with the jawbone of an ass kjv@Judges:15:15 kjv@Judges:15:16
Blinded and imprisoned by kjv@Judges:16:21
Pulled down the house of Dagon and destroyed immense numbers of kjv@Judges:16:29 kjv@Judges:16:30
Defeated Israel at Ebenezer kjv@1Samuel:4:1 kjv@1Samuel:4:2
Defeated Israel and took the ark kjv@1Samuel:4:3-11
Put the ark into Dagon's house kjv@1Samuel:5:1-4
Plagued for retaining the ark kjv@1Samuel:5:6-12
Sent back the ark and were healed kjv@1Samuel:6:1-18
Miraculously routed at Mizpeh kjv@1Samuel:7:7-14
Jonathan smote a garrison of, at Geba and provoked them kjv@1Samuel:13:3 kjv@1Samuel:13:4
Invaded the land of Israel with a great army kjv@1Samuel:13:5 kjv@1Samuel:13:17-23
Jonathan and his armour-bearer smote a garrison of, at the passages kjv@1Samuel:14:1-14
Miraculously discomfited kjv@1Samuel:14:15-23
Saul constantly at war with kjv@1Samuel:14:52
Defied Israel by their champion kjv@1Samuel:17:4-10
Defeated Israel at Ephesdammim and pursued to Ekron kjv@1Samuel:17:1 kjv@1Samuel:17:52
Slew Goliath the champion of kjv@1Samuel:17:40-50
Procured Saul's daughter for and hundred foreskins of kjv@1Samuel:18:25-27
Often defeated during Saul's reign kjv@1Samuel:19:8 kjv@1Samuel:23:1-5
Fled to, for safety kjv@1Samuel:27:1-7
Gained the confidence of Achish king of kjv@1Samuel:28:2 kjv@1Samuel:29:9
Distrusted by kjv@1Samuel:29:2-7
Often defeated in the course of his reign kjv@2Samuel:5:17-23 kjv@2Samuel:8:1 kjv@2Samuel:21:15-22 kjv@2Samuel:23:8-12
Had a guard composed of kjv@2Samuel:8:18 kjv@Ezekiel:25:16 kjv@Zephaniah:2:5
Gathered all their armies to Aphek against Israel kjv@1Samuel:28:1 kjv@1Samuel:29:1
Ziklag a town of, taken and plundered by the Amalekites kjv@1Samuel:30:1 kjv@1Samuel:30:2 kjv@1Samuel:30:16
Israel defeated by, and Saul slain kjv@1Samuel:31:1-10
Besieged in Gibbethon by Nadab kjv@1Kings:15:27
Sent by God against Jehoram kjv@2Chronicles:21:16 kjv@2Chronicles:21:17
Defeated by Uzziah kjv@2Chronicles:26:6 kjv@2Chronicles:26:7
Distressed Judah under Ahaz kjv@2Chronicles:28:18 kjv@2Chronicles:28:19
Defeated by Hezekiah kjv@2Kings:18:8
Israel condemned for imitating kjv@Judges:10:6 kjv@Amos:6:2 kjv@Amos:9:7
Prophecies respecting
Union with Syria against Israel kjv@Isaiah:9:11 kjv@Isaiah:9:12
Punishment with other nations kjv@Jeremiah:25:20
Dismay at ruin of Tyre kjv@Zechariah:9:3 kjv@Zechariah:9:5
Base men to be their rulers kjv@Zechariah:9:6
Hatred and revenge against Israel to be fully recompensed kjv@Ezekiel:25:15-17 kjv@Amos:1:6-8
Utter destruction by Pharaoh king of Egypt kjv@Jeremiah:47:1-4 kjv@Zephaniah:2:5 kjv@Zephaniah:2:6
Destruction and desolation of their cities kjv@Jeremiah:47:5 kjv@Zephaniah:2:4
Their country to be a future possession to Israel kjv@Obadiah:1:19 kjv@Zephaniah:2:7
To help in Israel's restoration kjv@Isaiah:11:14