1Chronicles 26

geneva@1Chronicles:26:1 @ Concerning the divisions of the porters: Of the Korhites [was] Meshelemiah the son of Kore, of the sons of (note:)This Asaph was not the notable musician, but another of that name also called Ebiasaph in (1Ch_6:23, 1Ch_6:37, 1Ch_9:19) and also Jasaph.(:note) Asaph.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:2 @ And the sonnes of Meshelemiah, Zechariah the eldest, Iediael the seconde, Zebadiah the third, Iathniel the fourth,

geneva@1Chronicles:26:3 @ Elam the fift, Ichohanan the sixt, & Eliehoenai the seuenth.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:4 @ And the sonnes of Obed Edom, Shemaiah the eldest, Iehozabad the second, Ioah the third, and Sacar the fourth, and Nethaneel the fift,

geneva@1Chronicles:26:5 @ Ammiel the sixth, Issachar the seventh, Peulthai the eighth: for God (note:)In giving him many children.(:note) blessed him.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:6 @ Also unto Shemaiah his son were sons born, that (note:)Or, like their father's house, meaning, worthy men and valiant.(:note) ruled throughout the house of their father: for they [were] mighty men of valour.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:7 @ The sonnes of Shemaiah were Othni, and Rephael, and Obed, Elzabad and his brethren, strong men: Elihu also, and Semachiah.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:8 @ All these of the sons of Obededom: they and their sons and their brethren, able men for (note:)Fit to serve the office of the portership.(:note) strength for the service, [were] threescore and two of Obededom.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:9 @ And of Meshelemiah sonnes and brethren, eighteene mightie men.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:10 @ And of Hosah of the sonnes of Merari, the sonnes were Shuri the chiefe, and (though he was not the eldest, yet his father made him the chiefe)

geneva@1Chronicles:26:11 @ Helkiah the second, Tebaliah the third, & Zechariah the fourth: all the sonnes & the brethren of Hosa were thirteene.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:12 @ Among these [were] the divisions of the porters, [even] among the chief men, [having] wards one (note:)According to their turns as well the one as the other.(:note) against another, to minister in the house of the LORD.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:13 @ And they cast lottes both small and great for the house of their fathers, for euery gate.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:14 @ And the lot eastward fell to Shelemiah. Then for Zechariah his son, (note:)One expert and fit to keep that gate.(:note) a wise counsellor, they cast lots; and his lot came out northward.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:15 @ To Obededom southward; and to his sons the house of (note:)This was a house where they used to resort to consult things concerning the temple, as a convocation house.(:note) Asuppim.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:16 @ To Shuppim and Hosah [the lot came forth] westward, with the gate (note:)At which they used to cast out the filth of the city.(:note) Shallecheth, by the causeway of the going up, ward against ward.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:17 @ Eastward [were] six Levites, northward four a day, southward four a day, and toward Asuppim (note:)Meaning two one day and two another.(:note) two [and] two.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:18 @ At (note:)Which was a house in which they kept the instruments of the temple.(:note) Parbar westward, four at the causeway, [and] two at Parbar.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:19 @ These are the diuisions of the porters of the sonnes of Kore, and of the sonnes of Merari.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:20 @ And of the Leuites. Ahiiah was ouer the treasures of the house of God, and ouer the treasures of the dedicate things.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:21 @ Of the sonnes of Laadan the sonnes of the Gershunnites descending of Laadan, the chiefe fathers of Laadan were Gershunni & Iehieli.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:22 @ The sonnes of Iehieli were Zethan & Ioel his brother, appoynted ouer the treasures of the house of the Lord.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:23 @ Of the (note:)These also had charge over the treasures.(:note) Amramites, [and] the Izharites, the Hebronites, [and] the Uzzielites:

geneva@1Chronicles:26:24 @ And Shebuel the sonne of Gershom, the sonne of Moses, a ruler ouer the treasures.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:25 @ And of his brethren which came of Eliezer, was Rehabiah his sonne, & Ieshaiah his sonne, and Ioram his sonne, and Zichri his sonne, and Shelomith his sonne.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:26 @ Which Shelomith and his brethren [were] over all the treasures of the dedicated things, which David the king, and the chief fathers, the captains over thousands and hundreds, and the captains of the host, had (note:)According as the Lord commanded, (Num_31:28).(:note) dedicated.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:27 @ (For of the battels and of the spoyles they did dedicate to maintaine the house of the Lord)

geneva@1Chronicles:26:28 @ And al that Samuel the Seer had dedicate and Saul the sonne of Kish and Abner the sonne of Ner, & Ioab the sonne of Zeruiah, & whosoeuer had dedicate any thing, it was vnder the hand of Shelomith, and his brethren.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:29 @ Of the Izharites, Chenaniah and his sons [were] for the outward business (note:)Meaning of things that were out of the city.(:note) over Israel, for officers and judges.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:30 @ [And] of the Hebronites, Hashabiah and his brethren, men of valour, a thousand and seven hundred, [were] officers among them of Israel on this side Jordan westward in all the business of the LORD, and in the service of (note:)That is, for the king's house.(:note) the king.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:31 @ Among the Hebronites was Iediiah the chiefest, euen the Hebronites by his generations according to the families; in the fourtieth yere of the reigne of Dauid they were sought for: and there were founde among them men of actiuitie at Iazer in Gilead.

geneva@1Chronicles:26:32 @ And his brethren, men of valour, [were] two thousand and seven hundred chief fathers, whom king David made rulers over the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh, for every matter pertaining to (note:)Both in spiritual and temporal things.(:note) God, and affairs of the king.

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