1Peter 2

rwp@1Peter:2:1 @{Putting away therefore} (\apothemenoi oun\). Second aorist middle participle of \apotithˆmi\, old and common verb, in metaphorical sense either to cleanse defilements (3:21; strkjv@James:1:21|) or to put off clothing (Romans:13:12; strkjv@Colossians:3:5ff.; strkjv@Ephesians:4:22|). Either sense suits here. Therefore (\oun\) because of the new birth (1:23|) and the new life demanded. {Wickedness} (\kakian\). This old word, from \kakos\ (evil), in the ancients meant vice of any kind and note \pƒsan\ (all) here. {Guile} (\dolon\). Old word (from \del“\, to catch with bait), deceit. {Hypocrisies} (\hupokriseis\). Singular (\hupokrisin\) in the best MSS. See strkjv@1:22| (\anupokriton\) and strkjv@Mark:7:6f.| for Christ's denunciation of hypocrites which the disciples did not understand, including Peter (Matthew:15:16ff.|). {Envies} (\phthonous\). Genuine here, not \phonous\ (murders), as B has it. For the word see strkjv@Matthew:27:18|. {Evil speakings} (\katalalias\). Late word (from \katalalos\, defamer, strkjv@Romans:1:30|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@2Corinthians:12:20|. "Backbitings." For verb see strkjv@2:12|.

rwp@1Peter:2:2 @{As newborn babes} (\h“s artigennˆta brephˆ\). \Brephos\, old word, originally unborn child (Luke:1:41-44|), then infant (Luke:2:12|), here figuratively, like \nˆpioi\. \Artigennˆta\ is a late and rare compound (Lucian, imperial inscription) from \arti\ and \genna“\, with evident allusion to \anagegennˆmenoi\ in strkjv@1:23|, probably meaning that they were recent converts, possibly slight proof that the Epistle written before Romans by Paul (Kuhl). {Long for} (\epipothˆsate\). First aorist (constative) active imperative of \epipothe“\, old verb for intense yearning (Phillipians:2:26|). {The spiritual milk which is without guile} (\to logikon adolon gala\). \Gala\ is old word for milk as in strkjv@1Corinthians:9:7| and as metaphor in strkjv@1Corinthians:3:2|. \Adolos\ is an old compound (here alone in N.T.) adjective (alpha privative and \dolos\ deceit), unadulterated milk which, alas, is so hard to get. \Logikon\ is an old adjective in \-ikos\, from \logos\ (reason, speech), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:12:1|, used here with allusion to \logou\ (1:23|) and \rˆma\ (1:25|), "the sincere milk of the word" ("the milk belonging to the word," either the milk which is the word or the milk contained in the word, that is Christ). Songs:Bigg holds. But in strkjv@Romans:12:1| Paul uses \logikon\ in the sense of "rational" or "spiritual," and that idea is possible here as Hort holds. In the Pelagia legend (Usener) we have the phrase \t“n logik“n probat“n tou Christou\ (the spiritual or rational sheep of Christ). {That ye may grow thereby} (\hina en aut“i auxˆthˆte\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist passive subjunctive of \auxan“\, old and common verb to grow. See this same metaphor in strkjv@Colossians:2:19; strkjv@Ephesians:4:15|. Peter uses the word of God as the food for growth, especially for babes in Christ, not emphasizing the distinction from solid food (\br“ma\) made in strkjv@1Corinthians:3:2; strkjv@Hebrews:5:13|. Salvation (\s“tˆrian\) here is final salvation.

rwp@1Peter:2:3 @{If ye have tasted} (\ei egeusasthe\). Condition of first class with \ei\ and first aorist middle indicative of \geu“\ in figurative sense as in strkjv@Hebrews:6:4f|. "A taste excites the appetite" (Bengel). {Gracious} (\chrˆstos\). Quotation from strkjv@Psalms:34:8|. The Hebrew for the LXX \chrˆstos\ is simply _tobh_ (good). Plato used the word for food also, and Peter carries out the metaphor in \gala\ (milk) as in strkjv@Luke:5:39|.

rwp@1Peter:2:4 @{Unto whom} (\pros hon\). The Lord, carrying on the imagery and language of the Psalm. {Coming} (\proserchomenoi\). Present middle participle masculine plural of \proserchomai\ (\proselthate\ in the Psalm) agreeing with the subject of \oikodomeisthe\. {A living stone} (\lithon z“nta\). Accusative case in apposition with \hon\ (whom, the Lord Christ). There is apparent an intentional contradiction between "living" and "stone." Cf. "living hope" in strkjv@1:3| and "living word" in strkjv@1:23|. {Rejected indeed of men} (\hupo anthr“p“n men apodedokimasmenon\). Perfect passive participle of \apodokimaz“\, old verb to repudiate after test (Luke:9:22|), in the accusative case agreeing with \lithon\. {But with God} (\para de the“i\). "By the side of God," as he looks at it, in contrast with the rejection "by men" (\hupo anthr“p“n\). {Elect} (\eklekton\). From strkjv@Isaiah:28:6| as in \entimon\ (precious, for which see strkjv@Luke:7:2|) rather than \dokimon\ (proved) expected after \apodedokimasmenon\ as meaning far more in God's sight, "a pre-eminence of position with" (Hort).

rwp@1Peter:2:5 @{Ye also as living stones} (\kai autoi h“s lithoi z“ntes\). Peter applies the metaphor about Christ as the living stone to the readers, "ye yourselves also." {Are built up a spiritual house} (\oikodomeisthe oikos pneumatikos\). Present passive indicative second person plural of \oikodome“\, the very verb used by Jesus to Peter in strkjv@Matthew:16:18| (\oikodomˆs“\) of building his church on the rock. If the metaphor of a house of living stones seems "violent" (Vincent), it should be remembered that Jesus employed the figure of a house of believers. Peter just carried it a bit farther and Paul uses a temple for believers in one place (1Corinthians:3:16|) and for the kingdom of God in general (Ephesians:2:22|), as does the author of Hebrews (Hebrews:3:6|). This "spiritual house" includes believers in the five Roman provinces of strkjv@1:1| and shows clearly how Peter understood the metaphor of Christ in strkjv@Matthew:16:18| to be not a local church, but the church general (the kingdom of Christ). {To be a holy priesthood} (\eis hierateuma hagion\). Late word (from \hierateu“\, to serve as priest, strkjv@Luke:1:8| alone in N.T.), in LXX (Exodus:19:6|), in N.T. only here and verse 9|, either the office of priest (Hort) or an order or body of priests. At any rate, Peter has the same idea of Rev strkjv@1:6| (\hiereis\, priests) that all believers are priests (Hebrews:4:16|) and can approach God directly. {To offer up} (\anenegkai\). First aorist active infinitive (of purpose here) of \anapher“\, the usual word for offering sacrifices (Hebrews:7:27|). Only these are "spiritual" (\pneumatikas\) as pictured also in strkjv@Hebrews:13:15f|. {Acceptable} (\euprosdektous\). Late (Plutarch) double compound verbal adjective (\eu, pros, dechomai\) as in strkjv@2Corinthians:6:2|.

rwp@1Peter:2:6 @{It is contained} (\periechei\). Present active (here intransitive, to contain, only N.T. example) of \periech“\, old verb, to surround, transitive in strkjv@Luke:5:9| to seize (only other N.T. example). The formula with \periechei\ is in Josephus (_Ant_. XI. 7). This Scripture (\en graphˆi\) is strkjv@Isaiah:28:16| with some changes. Peter had in verse 4| already quoted \eklekton\ and \entimon\. Now note \akrog“niaion\ (a chief corner stone), a word apparently invented by Isaiah (from \akros\, highest, and \g“niaios\, Attic word for corner stone). Paul in strkjv@Ephesians:2:20| uses the same word, making Christ the chief corner stone (the only other N.T. example). In Isaiah the metaphor is rather a foundation stone. Peter and Paul make it "the primary foundation stone at the structure" (W. W. Lloyd). {On him} (\ep' aut“i\). That is, "on it" (this corner stone, that is, Christ). {Shall not be put to shame} (\ou mˆ kataischunthˆi\). Strong negatives \ou mˆ\ with first aorist passive subjunctive of \kataischun“\, old verb, to put to shame (Romans:5:5|).

rwp@1Peter:2:7 @{The preciousness} (\hˆ timˆ\). Or "the honour." Explanation of \entimon\ and \ou mˆ kataischunthˆi\ and only true "for you which believe" (\tois pisteuousin\ ethical dative of articular present active participle of \pisteu“\ to believe). {But for such as disbelieve} (\apistousin de\). Dative present active participle again of \apiste“\, opposite of \pisteu“\ (Luke:24:11|). {Was made the head of the corner} (\egenˆthˆ eis kephalˆn g“nias\). This verse is from strkjv@Psalms:118:22| with evident allusion to strkjv@Isaiah:28:16| (\kephalˆn g“nias=akrog“niaion\). See strkjv@Matthew:21:42; strkjv@Mark:12:10; strkjv@Luke:20:17|, where Jesus himself quotes strkjv@Psalms:118:22| and applies the rejection of the stone by the builders (\hoi oikodomountes\, the experts) to the Sanhedrin's conduct toward him. Peter quoted it also (and applied it as Jesus had done) in his speech at the Beautiful Gate (Acts:4:11|). Here he quotes it again to the same purpose.

rwp@1Peter:2:8 @{And} (\kai\). Peter now quotes strkjv@Isaiah:8:14| and gives a new turn to the previous quotation. To the disbelieving, Christ was indeed "a stone of stumbling (\lithos proskommatos\) and rock of offence (\petra skandalou\)," quoted also by Paul in strkjv@Romans:9:32f.|, which see for discussion. \Proskomma\ (from \proskopt“\, to cut against) is an obstacle against which one strikes by accident, while \skandalon\ is a trap set to trip one, but both make one fall. Too much distinction need not be made between \lithos\ (a loose stone in the path) and \petra\ (a ledge rising out of the ground). {For they} (\hoi\). Causal use of the relative pronoun. {Stumble at the word, being disobedient} (\proskoptousin t“i log“i apeithountes\). Present active indicative of \proskopt“\ with dative case, \log“i\, and present active participle of \apeithe“\ (cf. \apistousin\ in strkjv@2:7|) as in strkjv@3:1|. \T“i log“i\ can be construed with \apeithountes\ (stumble, being disobedient to the word). {Whereunto also they were appointed} (\eis ho kai etethˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \tithˆmi\. See this idiom in strkjv@1Timothy:2:7|. "Their disobedience is not ordained, the penalty of their disobedience is" (Bigg). They rebelled against God and paid the penalty.

rwp@1Peter:2:9 @{But ye} (\humeis de\). In contrast with the disobedient ones. {An elect race} (\genos eklekton\). From strkjv@Isaiah:43:20|. The blood relation of the spiritual Israel (not the Jewish race) through the new birth (1:23|). {A royal priesthood} (\basileion hierateuma\). From strkjv@Exodus:19:6| (cf. strkjv@Revelation:1:6; strkjv@5:10|). The official in Christian churches is \presbuteros=episcopos\, not \hiereus\. We are all \hiereis\ (priests). Cf. strkjv@2:5|. {A holy nation} (\ethnos hagion\). Also from strkjv@Exodus:19:6|, but here applied, not to the national Israel, but to the spiritual Israel of believers (both Jews and Gentiles). {A people for God's own possession} (\laos eis peripoiˆsin\). The idea here occurs in strkjv@Exodus:19:5; strkjv@Deuteronomy:7:6; strkjv@14:2; strkjv@26:18|, where we have \laos periousios\ as in strkjv@Titus:2:14| (alone in the N.T.), and in strkjv@Malachi:3:17| we find \eis peripoiˆsin\ (for a possession). \Periousios laos\ is a people over and above the others and \peripoiˆsis\ is a possession in a special sense (Ephesians:1:14|). See Paul's use of \periepoiˆsato\ in strkjv@Acts:20:28|. The old rendering, "a peculiar people," had this idea of possession, for "peculiar" is from _pecus_ (Latin for flock). {That ye may shew forth} (\hop“s exaggeilˆte\). Purpose clause with \hop“s\, rather than \hina\, with the first aorist active subjunctive of \exaggell“\, old verb, to tell out, here alone in N.T. {The excellencies} (\tas aretas\). From strkjv@Isaiah:43:21|. Old word for any preeminence (moral, intellectual, military), often for "virtue," but not in that sense in the O.T. or the N.T. The word has the sense of moral worth in strkjv@2Peter:1:3,5; strkjv@Phillipians:4:8|; and the Apocrypha. In Isaiah (here quoted) it means praise and glory to God. Songs:also strkjv@Isaiah:42:12|. See strkjv@Acts:2:11| \ta megaleia tou theou\ (the mighty works of God). {Darkness} (\skotous\). Heathenism. {His marvellous light} (\to thaumaston autou ph“s\). Christianity. For \thaumaston\ (from \thaumaz“\) see strkjv@Matthew:21:42|. For the change from heathenism to Christianity see strkjv@Colossians:1:12; strkjv@Ephesians:5:8-14|.

rwp@1Peter:2:10 @{Which in time past} (\hoi pote\). "Who once upon a time." {No people} (\ou laos\). This phrase from strkjv@Hosea:2:23|. Note use of \ou\ (not \oudeis\) with \laos\ like Hebrew negative. {Which had not obtained mercy} (\hoi ouk eleˆmenoi\). Perfect passive articular participle of \elee“\ and the emphatic negative \ou\, with which compare Paul's use of strkjv@Hosea:1; 2| in strkjv@Romans:9:25|, which may have been known to Peter or not. {But now have obtained mercy} (\nun de eleˆthentes\). Change to first aorist passive participle from "the long antecedent state" to "the single event of conversion which ended it" (Hort).

rwp@1Peter:2:11 @{As sojourners and pilgrims} (\h“s paroikous kai parepidˆmous\). This combination from the LXX (Genesis:33:4; strkjv@Psalms:39:13|). See strkjv@1:1| for \parepidˆmos\ and strkjv@1:17| for \paroikia\ and strkjv@Ephesians:2:19| for \paroikos\ (only there and here in N.T., Christians whose fatherland is heaven). {To abstain from} (\apechesthai\). Present middle (direct) infinitive of \apech“\, old verb, to hold back from (1Thessalonians:4:3|). In indirect command (to keep on abstaining from) after \parakal“\ (I beseech). With the ablative case \t“n sarkik“n epithumi“n\, the grosser sins of the flesh (for \sarkikos\ see strkjv@1Corinthians:3:3|) like the list in strkjv@4:3|. {Which} (\haitines\). "Which very ones." Like Latin _quippe qui_. {War against the soul} (\strateuontai kata tˆs psuchˆs\). Present middle indicative of \strateu“\, to carry on a campaign (James:4:1|). See this struggle between the flesh and the spirit vividly pictured by Paul in strkjv@Galatians:5:16-24|.

rwp@1Peter:2:12 @{Seemly} (\kalˆn\). Predicate adjective with \anastrophˆn\, for which see strkjv@1:15,18|. The Gentiles are on the watch for slips in moral conduct by the Christians. {That} (\hina\). Final conjunction with \doxas“sin\ (they may glorify, first aorist active subjunctive of \doxaz“\, the purpose of the Christians about the Gentiles. {Wherein} (\en h“i\). "In what thing." {As evil-doers} (\h“s kakopoi“n\). As they did and do, old word (from \kakon\ and \poie“\, strkjv@John:18:30|), in N.T. only here and verse 14| in correct text. Heathen talk against us (\katalalousin\) gleefully. {By your good works} (\ek t“n kal“n erg“n\). "Out of (as a result of) your good (beautiful) deeds." {Which they behold} (\epopteuontes\). Present active participle of \epopteu“\, old verb (from, \epoptˆs\, overseer, spectator, strkjv@2Peter:1:16|), to be an overseer, to view carefully, in N.T. only here and strkjv@3:2|. {In the day of visitation} (\en hˆmerƒi episkopˆs\). From strkjv@Isaiah:10:33|. Cf. its use in strkjv@Luke:19:44|, which see for the word \episkopˆ\ (from \episkope“\, to inspect (Hebrews:12:15|). Clear echo here of strkjv@Matthew:5:16|.

rwp@1Peter:2:13 @{Be subject to} (\hupotagˆte\). Second aorist passive imperative second person plural of \hupotass“\, to subject to, as in strkjv@3:22|. {Every ordinance of man} (\pasˆi anthr“pinˆi ktisei\). Dative case of old and common word \ktisis\ (from \ktiz“\, to create, to found), act of creation (Romans:1:20|), a creature or creation (Romans:1:25|), all creation (Colossians:1:15|), an institution as here (in Pindar so). For \anthr“pinos\ (human) see strkjv@James:3:7|. Peter here approves no special kind of government, but he supports law and order as Paul does (Romans:13:1-8|) unless it steps in between God and man (Acts:4:20|). {For the Lord's sake} (\dia ton kurion\). For Jesus' sake. That is reason enough for the Christian not to be an anarchist (Matthew:22:21|). The heathen were keen to charge the Christians with any crime after Nero set the fashion. "It should not be forgotten that, in spite of the fine language of the philosophers, the really popular religions in Greece and Rome were forms of devil-worship, intimately blended with magic in all its grades" (Bigg). {As supreme} (\h“s huperechonti\). Dative singular of present active participle of \huperech“\, old verb (intransitive), to stand out above (to have it over), as in strkjv@Romans:13:1|. It is not the divine right of kings, but the fact of the king as the outstanding ruler.

rwp@1Peter:2:14 @{Unto governors} (\hˆgemosin\). Dative again of \hˆgem“n\, a leader (from \hˆgeomai\, to lead), old and common word (Matthew:10:18|). {As sent by him} (\h“s di' autou pempomenois\). Present passive participle of \pemp“\. \Di' autou\ is "by God," as Jesus made plain to Pilate; even Pilate received his authority ultimately "from above" (John:18:11|). {For vengeance on evil-doers} (\eis ekdikˆsin kakopoi“n\). Objective genitive with \ekdikˆsin\, for which see strkjv@Luke:18:7f|. {For praise to them that do well} (\epainon agathopoi“n\). Objective genitive again, \agathopoios\, a late word (Plutarch, Sirach) from \agathon\ and \poie“\ here only in N.T. Found in a magical papyrus.

rwp@1Peter:2:15 @{By well-doing} (\agathopoiountas\). Present active participle of \agathopoie“\, only in LXX and N.T. (Mark:3:4|). In accusative case agreeing with \humas\ understood, accusative of general reference with \phimoin\, present active infinitive (epexegetic infinitive after \to thelˆma tou theou\, the will of God), late and rare verb (from \phimos\ muzzle), as in strkjv@Matthew:22:12|. {The ignorance of foolish men} (\tˆn t“n aphron“n anthr“p“n agn“sian\). \Agn“sia\ is late and rare word (in the papyri) from alpha privative and \gn“sis\ (knowledge), in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Corinthians:15:24| (disgraceful ignorance in both instances). Note alliteration.

rwp@1Peter:2:16 @{As free} (\h“s eleutheroi\). Note nominative again connected with \hupotagˆte\ in verse 13|, not with \phimoin\ in verse 14| (a parenthesis in fact). For this ethical sense of \eleutheros\ see strkjv@Galatians:4:26|. {And not using your freedom} (\kai mˆ echontes tˆn eleutherian\). "And not holding your liberty" (present active participle of \ech“\, with usual negative \mˆ\ with participle. {For a cloke of wickedness} (\h“s epikalumma tˆs kakias\). \Epikalumma\ (from \epikalupt“\ strkjv@Romans:4:7|) is a rare word (Aristotle, LXX) for veil, here only in N.T. and in figurative sense for pretext to do wickedness under, a thing, alas, that sometimes happens. {But as bondservants of God} (\all' h“s theou douloi\). Paul's proud title. There is no such thing as absolute freedom (personal freedom), for that is anarchy. Cf. strkjv@Romans:6:22| "enslaved to God."

rwp@1Peter:2:17 @{Honour all men} (\pantas timˆsate\). Not with the same honour. Constative use of the aorist imperative. {Love the brotherhood} (\tˆn adelphotˆta agapƒte\). Present active imperative of \agapa“\, keep on doing it. Note the abstract \adelphotˆs\ (from \adelphos\, brother) in the collective sense, rare save in ecclesiastical literature, though in I Macc. strkjv@12:10; IV Macc. strkjv@10:3, and in late papyri. It is a word for all Christians. {Fear God} (\ton theon phobeisthe\). In both senses of reverence and dread, and keep it up (present middle imperative). {Honour the king} (\ton basilea timƒte\). Keep that up also. A fine motto in this verse.

rwp@1Peter:2:18 @{Servants} (\hoi oiketai\). Note article with the class as with \andres\ (3:7|), though not with \gunaikes\ (3:1|). \Oiketˆs\, old word from \oikos\ (house), means one in the same house with another (Latin _domesticus_), particularly house servants (slaves) in distinction from the general term \doulos\ (slave). "Ye domestics." See similar directions to Christian servants (slaves) in strkjv@Colossians:3:22-25; strkjv@Ephesians:6:5-7; strkjv@1Timothy:6:1f.; strkjv@Titus:2:9f|. \Oiketˆs\ in N.T. occurs only here, strkjv@Luke:16:13; strkjv@Acts:10:7; strkjv@Romans:14:4|. {Be in subjection} (\hupotassomenoi\). Present middle participle of \hupotass“\, common late compound to subject oneself to one (Luke:2:51|). Either the participle is here used as an imperative (so in strkjv@3:1,7|) as in strkjv@Romans:12:16f.|, or the imperative \este\ has to be supplied (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 945). {To your masters} (\tois despotais\). Dative case of \despotˆs\, old word for absolute owner in contrast with \doulos\. It is used also of God (Luke:2:29; strkjv@Acts:4:24,29|) and of Christ (2Peter:2:1; strkjv@Jude:1:4|). \Kurios\ has a wider meaning and not necessarily suggesting absolute power. {To the good and gentle} (\tois agathois kai epieikesin\). Dative case also with the article with class. For \epieikˆs\ see on ¯James:3:17|. There were slave-owners (masters) like this as there are housekeepers and employers of workmen today. This is no argument for slavery, but only a sidelight on a condition bad enough at its best. {To the froward} (\tois skoliois\). "To the crooked." Old word, also in strkjv@Luke:3:5; strkjv@Acts:2:40; strkjv@Phillipians:2:15|. Unfortunately there were slave-holders as there are employers today, like this group. The test of obedience comes precisely toward this group.

rwp@1Peter:2:19 @{For this is acceptable} (\touto gar charis\). "For this thing (neuter singular \touto\, obedience to crooked masters) is grace" (\charis\ is feminine, here "thanks" as in strkjv@Romans:7:25|). "Acceptable" calls for \euprosdekton\ (2:5|), which is not the text here. {If a man endureth griefs} (\ei huopherei tis lupas\). Condition of first class with \ei\ and present active indicative of \hupopher“\, old verb, to bear up under, in N.T. only here, strkjv@1Corinthians:10:13; strkjv@2Timothy:3:11|. Note plural of \lupˆ\ (grief). {For conscience toward God} (\dia suneidˆsin theou\). Suffering is not a blessing in and of itself, but, if one's duty to God is involved (Acts:4:20|), then one can meet it with gladness of heart. \Theou\ (God) is objective genitive. For \suneidˆsis\ (conscience) see on ¯Acts:23:1; strkjv@1Corinthians:8:7|. It occurs again in strkjv@1Peter:3:16|. {Suffering wrongfully} (\pasch“n adik“s\). Present active participle of \pasch“\ and the common adverb \adik“s\, unjustly, here alone in N.T. This is the whole point, made clear already by Jesus in strkjv@Matthew:5:10-12|, where Jesus has also "falsely" (\pseudomenoi\). See also strkjv@Luke:6:32-34|.

rwp@1Peter:2:20 @{For what glory} (\poion gar kleos\). Qualitative interrogative (what kind of glory). "What price glory?" \Kleos\ is old word from \kle“\ (\kale“\, to call), report, praise, glory, here only in N.T. {If ye shall take it patiently} (\ei hupomeneite\). First-class condition with \ei\ and future active indicative of \hupomen“\, for which see strkjv@James:1:12|. Same condition also in next sentence (\all' ei\, etc.). {When ye sin} (\hamartanontes\). Present active participle of \hamartan“\ (continued repetition). {And are buffeted for it} (\kai kolaphizomenoi\). Present passive participle of \kolaphiz“\, late word (from \kolaphos\ fist), only in N.T. (cf. strkjv@Matthew:26:67|) and ecclesiastical writers. Repeated action again. No posing as a martyr allowed here. Christians do sometimes deserve persecution, as Jesus implied (Matthew:5:10-12|). {When ye do well} (\agathopoiountes\). Present active participle of \agathopoie“\ as in verse 15|. {And suffer for it} (\kai paschontes\). Present active participle of \pasch“\ (verse 19|). No "for it" in the Greek here or in the previous sentence. {This is acceptable with God} (\touto charis para the“i\). "This thing (neuter) is thanks (verse 19|) by the side of (\para\) God (as God looks at it)."

rwp@1Peter:2:21 @{For hereunto were ye called} (\eis touto gar eklˆthˆte\). First aorist indicative of \kale“\, to call. They were called to suffer without flinching (Hort), if need be. {Because} (\hoti\). The fact that Christ suffered (\epathen\) lifts their suffering to a new plane. {Leaving you an example} (\humin hupolimpan“n hupogrammon\). Present active participle of the late Ionic verb \hupolimpan“\ (in the papyri) for the common \hupoleip“\, to leave behind (under), here only in N.T. \Hupogrammos\ is also a late and rare word (from \hupograph“\, to write under), a writing-copy for one to imitate, in II Macc. strkjv@2:28; Philo, Clement of Rome, here only in N.T. Clement of Alex. (_Strom_. V. 8. 49) uses it of the copy-head at the top of a child's exercise book for the child to imitate, including all the letters of the alphabet. The papyri give many examples of \hupographˆ\ and \hupograph“\ in the sense of copying a letter. {That ye should follow his steps} (\hina epakolouthˆsˆte tois ichnesin autou\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and first aorist active subjunctive of \epakolouthe“\, old verb, to follow closely upon, with the associative-instrumental (1Timothy:5:10,24|) or the locative here. \Ichnos\ is old word (from \hik“\, to go), tracks, footprints, in N.T. only here, strkjv@2Corinthians:12:18; strkjv@Romans:4:12|. Peter does not mean that Christ suffered only as an example (1:18|), but he did leave us his example for our copying (1John:2:6|).

rwp@1Peter:2:22 @{Who did no sin} (\hos hamartian ouk epoiˆsen\). Quotation from strkjv@Isaiah:53:9|. He has already expressed the sinlessness of Christ in strkjv@1:19|. The next clause is a combination of strkjv@Isaiah:53:9; strkjv@Zephaniah:3:13|. For "guile" (\dolos\) see verse 1|. {Was found} (\heurethˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \heurisk“\. Christ's guilelessness stood the test of scrutiny (Vincent), as Peter knew (Matthew:26:60; strkjv@John:18:38; strkjv@19:4,6|).

rwp@1Peter:2:23 @{When he was reviled} (\loidoroumenos\). Present passive participle of \loidore“\, old verb (from \loidoros\, reviler, strkjv@1Corinthians:5:11|) as in strkjv@John:9:28|. {Reviled not again} (\ouk anteloidorei\). Imperfect active (for repeated incidents) of \antiloidore“\, late and rare compound (Plutarch, Lucian, one papyrus example with compound following the simplex verb as here, Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_), here only in N.T. Idiomatic use of \anti\ (in turn, return, back). {Threatened not} (\ouk ˆpeilei\). Imperfect again (repeated acts) of \apeile“\, old compound (from \apeilˆ\, threat, strkjv@Acts:9:1|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:4:17|. {But committed himself} (\paredidou de\). Imperfect active again (kept on committing himself) of \paradid“mi\, to hand over, usually of one to a judge, but here not of another (as the Sanhedrin), but himself (supply \heauton\), for Jesus uses this very idea in strkjv@Luke:23:46| as he dies. Jesus thus handed himself and his cause over to the Father who judges righteously (\t“i krinonti dikai“s\, dative of present active articular participle of \krin“\).

rwp@1Peter:2:24 @{Who his own self} (\hos autos\). Intensive pronoun with the relative referring to Christ (note relatives also in verses 22,23|). {Bare our sins} (\anˆnegken tas hamartias hˆm“n\). Second aorist active indicative of \anapher“\, common verb of bringing sacrifice to the altar. Combination here of strkjv@Isaiah:53:12; strkjv@Deuteronomy:21:23|. Jesus is the perfect sin offering (Hebrews:9:28|). For Christ's body (\s“ma\) as the offering see strkjv@1Corinthians:11:24|. "Here St. Peter puts the Cross in the place of the altar" (Bigg). {Upon the tree} (\epi to xulon\). Not tree here as in strkjv@Luke:23:31|, originally just wood (1Corinthians:3:12|), then something made of wood, as a gibbet or cross. Songs:used by Peter for the Cross in strkjv@Acts:5:30; strkjv@10:39|; and by Paul in strkjv@Galatians:3:13| (quoting strkjv@Deuteronomy:21:23|). {Having died unto sins} (\tais hamartiais apogenomenoi\). Second aorist middle participle of \apoginomai\, old compound to get away from, with dative (as here) to die to anything, here only in N.T. {That we might live unto righteousness} (\hina tˆi dikaiosunˆi zˆs“men\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist active subjunctive of \za“\ with the dative (cf. strkjv@Romans:6:20|). Peter's idea here is like that of Paul in strkjv@Romans:6:1-23|, especially verses 2,10f.|). {By whose stripes ye were healed} (\hou t“i m“l“pi iathˆte\). From strkjv@Isaiah:53:5|. First aorist passive indicative of \iaomai\, common verb to heal (James:5:16|) and the instrumental case of \m“l“ps\, rare word (Aristotle, Plutarch) for bruise or bloody wound, here only in N.T. Cf. strkjv@1:18|. Writing to slaves who may have received such stripes, Peter's word is effective.

rwp@1Peter:2:25 @{For ye were going astray like sheep} (\ˆte gar h“s probata plan“menoi\). Brought from strkjv@Isaiah:53:6|, but changed to periphrastic imperfect indicative with \ˆte\ and present middle participle of \plana“\, to wander away. Recall the words of Jesus in strkjv@Luke:15:4-7|. {But are now returned} (\alla epestraphˆte\). Second aorist passive indicative of \epistreph“\, old verb, to turn, to return (Matthew:10:13|). {Unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls} (\epi ton poimena kai episkopon t“n psuch“n hum“n\). Jesus called himself the Good Shepherd (John:10:11|, and see also strkjv@Hebrews:13:20|). Here alone is Christ called our "Bishop" (overseer). See both ideas combined in strkjv@Ezekiel:34:11|. Philo calls God \Episcopos\. Jesus is also \Apostolos\ strkjv@Hebrews:3:1|) and he deserves all other titles of dignity that we can give him.

rwp@1Peter:2:4 gives ref to strkjv@Isaiah:28:6 for elect and proved. This verse does

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