1Peter 5

orthjbc@1Peter:5:1 @ Therefore, I give this word of chozek to the Zekenim (note:)Elders--see Shemot strkjv@12:21(:note) among you--I, as a fellow Zaken Elder and as an 'Eidus Witness of the sivlot sufferings of Moshiach, of the Chevlei haMoshiach, and also as a partaker of the Kavod about to be unveiled;

orthjbc@1Peter:5:2 @ Exercise the avodas hakodesh of Ro'eh (note:)Shepherd(:note) on behalf of the 'Eder Hashem Flock of G-d [Yirmeyah strkjv@13:17] among you, serving as Mashgichim Ruchaniyim Spiritual Overseers, not unwillingly, for the sake of dishonest gelt, but willingly, eagerly, in conformity with Hashem,

orthjbc@1Peter:5:3 @ not as domineering the ones assigned by Hashem to your oversight, but being a mofet (note:)example(:note) for the tzon flock.

orthjbc@1Peter:5:4 @ After the Sar haRo'im (note:)Chief of Shepherds(:note) has been manifested [1:20], you will receive the unfading 'ateret haKavod crown of Glory.

orthjbc@1Peter:5:5 @ Likewise, bochrim (note:)young men(:note), be submissive to the Zekenim Elders and clothe yourselves in the kaftan of anavah humility toward one another, because IM LALETZIM HU YALITZ V'LA'ANAYIM YITEN CHEN "Indeed Hashem scorns the scorners, but gives grace to the humble"--MISHLE strkjv@3:34.

orthjbc@1Peter:5:6 @ Therefore, be humbled under the mighty hand of Hashem, that you may be exalted in due time.

orthjbc@1Peter:5:7 @ HASHLECH AL Hashem Y'HAVECHA V'HU Y'CHALKELECHA (note:)"Cast your care on Hashem and he will sustain you"--TEHILLIM strkjv@55:23(:note), because Hashem is concerned about you. YOUR ADVERSARY HASATAN SAMMA'EL

orthjbc@1Peter:5:8 @ Watch and be one characterized by zililut da'as (note:)sober-mindedness(:note), for your adversary Hasatan Samma'el, walks around like a roaring arye lion, seeking whom to swallow.

orthjbc@1Peter:5:9 @ Oppose him, firm in emunah, knowing that in Olah Hazeh, the same Chevlei [Moshiach] are to be laid upon your agudah (note:)brotherhood(:note), the achim in Moshiach.

orthjbc@1Peter:5:10 @ Now the Elohei Kol haChesed (note:)the G-d of all Grace(:note), the one having bestowed upon you the keri'ah calling into his eternal kavod in Moshiach Yehoshua, will himself, after you have suffered tzoros for a little while, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you.

orthjbc@1Peter:5:11 @ Lo hakavod v'haoz l'olemei olamim. Omein.

orthjbc@1Peter:5:12 @ To you, through Sila haAch haNe'eman (note:)the Faithful Brother in Moshiach(:note), as such I regard him, I have written you briefly, a word of chizuk, encouraging you and giving edut testimony that this is the true Chen v'Chesed Hashem in which you stand.

orthjbc@1Peter:5:13 @ Your coequal Nivcharah (note:)Chosen One(:note), she in Babel, sends "Shalom" greetings to you. A FINAL SHALOM FROM TWO AUTHORS OF THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BRIT CHADASHA Also Markos, beni, sends "Shalom" greetings.

orthjbc@1Peter:5:14 @ Greet one another with a neshikat ahavah (note:)kiss of agap(:note). Shalom to all of you, the ones in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

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