1Timothy 5

rwp@1Timothy:5:1 @{Rebuke not an elder} (\presbuter“i mˆ epiplˆxˆis\). Dative case \presbuter“i\ used in the usual sense of an older man, not a minister (bishop as in strkjv@3:2|) as is shown by "as a father." First aorist (ingressive) active subjunctive with negative \mˆ\ (prohibition against committing the act) of \epiplˆss“\, to strike upon, old verb, but here only in N.T. and in figurative sense with words rather than with fists. Respect for age is what is here commanded, an item appropriate to the present time. {The younger men as brethren} (\ne“terous h“s adelphous\). Comparative adjective \ne“teros\ from \neos\ (young). No article, "younger men." Wise words for the young minister to know how to conduct himself with old men (reverence) and young men (fellowship, but not stooping to folly with them).

rwp@1Timothy:5:2 @{The elder women as mothers} (\presbuteras h“s mˆteras\). Anarthrous again, "older women as mothers." Respect and reverence once more. {The younger as sisters, in all purity} (\ne“teras h“s adelphas en pasˆi hagniƒi\). Anarthrous also and comparative form as in verse 1|. See strkjv@4:12| for \hagnia\. No sort of behavior will so easily make or mar the young preacher as his conduct with young women.

rwp@1Timothy:5:3 @{That are widows indeed} (\tas ont“s chˆras\). For \ont“s\ (actually, really), see strkjv@Luke:23:47; strkjv@1Corinthians:14:25|; and verse 5|. For widows (\chˆra\) see strkjv@Mark:12:40,42; strkjv@Acts:6:1; strkjv@1Corinthians:7:8|. Parry notes that in verses 3-8| Paul discusses widows who are in distress and 9-16| those who are in the employment of the local church for certain work. Evidently, as in Acts strkjv@6:1-6|, so here in Ephesus there had arisen some trouble over the widows in the church. Both for individual cases of need and as a class Timothy is to show proper respect (\timƒ\, keep on honouring) the widows.

rwp@1Timothy:5:4 @{Grandchildren} (\ekgona\). Old word from \ekginomai\, here only in N.T. {Let them learn} (\manthanet“san\). The children and grandchildren of a widow. Present active imperative third person plural of \manthan“\. "Let them keep on learning." {First} (\pr“ton\). Adverb, first before anything else. No "corban" business here. No acts of "piety" toward God will make up for impiety towards parents. {To shew piety} (\eusebein\). Present active infinitive with \manthanet“san\ and old verb, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:17:23|. From \eusebˆs\ (\eu, sebomai\), pious, dutiful. {Their own family} (\ton idion oikon\). "Their own household." Filial piety is primary unless parents interfere with duty to Christ (Luke:14:26|). {To requite} (\amoibas apodidonai\). Present active infinitive of \apodid“mi\, to give back, old and common verb (Romans:2:6|), to keep on giving back. \Amoibas\ (from \ameibomai\, to requite like for like) is old and common word, but here only in N.T. {Their parents} (\tois progonois\). Dative case of old and common word \progonos\ (from \proginomai\, to come before), "ancestor." In N.T. only here and strkjv@2Timothy:1:3|. See strkjv@2:3| for "acceptable" (\apodekton\).

rwp@1Timothy:5:5 @{Desolate} (\memon“menˆ\). Perfect passive participle of \mono“\ (from \monos\), "left alone," old verb, here alone in N.T. Without husband, children, or other close kin. {Hath her hope set on God} (\ˆlpiken epi theon\). Perfect active indicative of \elpiz“\, "hath placed her hope (and keeps it) on God." Text doubtful whether God (\theon\) or Lord (\Kurion\). {Continues} (\prosmenei\). See on ¯1:3|. With dative case here. {Night and day} (\nuktos kai hˆmeras\). "By night and by day" (genitive, not accusative). Paul does not say that she should pray "all night and day."

rwp@1Timothy:5:6 @{She that giveth herself to pleasure} (\hˆ spatal“sa\). Present active participle of \splatala“\, late verb (Polybius) from \spatalˆ\ (riotous, luxurious living). In N.T. only here and strkjv@James:5:5|.

rwp@1Timothy:5:7 @{That they may be without reproach} (\hina anepilˆmptoi “sin\). See strkjv@3:2| for \anepilˆmptos\. Final clause with \hina\ and present subjunctive.

rwp@1Timothy:5:8 @{Provideth not for his own} (\t“n idi“n ou pronoei\). Condition of first class with \ei\ and present active (or middle \pronoeitai\) indicative of \pronoe“\, old verb, to think beforehand. Pauline word in N.T. only here, strkjv@2Corinthians:8:21; strkjv@Romans:12:7|. With genitive case. {He hath denied the faith} (\tˆn pistin ˆrnˆtai\). Perfect middle indicative of old verb \arneomai\. His act of impiety belies (Titus:1:16|) his claim to the faith (Revelation:2:13|). {Worse than an unbeliever} (\apistou cheir“n\). Ablative case of \apistou\ after the comparative \cheir“n\. Who makes no profession of piety.

rwp@1Timothy:5:9 @{Let none be enrolled as a widow} (\chˆra katalegesth“\). Present passive imperative of \kataleg“\, old verb, to set down in an official list, only here in N.T. "Let a widow be enrolled," the negative coming later, "having become of no less than sixty years" (\mˆ elatton et“n hexˆkonta gegonuia\). Second perfect active participle of \ginomai\. For the case of \et“n\, see strkjv@Luke:2:42|. This list of genuine widows (verses 3,5|) apparently had some kind of church work to do (care for the sick, the orphans, etc.). {The wife of one man} (\henos andros gunˆ\). Widows on this list must not be married a second time. This interpretation is not so clear for strkjv@3:2,12; strkjv@Titus:1:6|.

rwp@1Timothy:5:10 @{If she hath brought up children} (\ei eteknotrophˆsen\). Condition of first class. Late and rare word (Aristotle, Epictetus), first aorist active indicative of \teknotrophe“\ (\teknotrophos\, from \teknon, treph“\), here only in N.T. Qualification for her work as leader. {If she hath used hospitality to strangers} (\ei exenodochˆsen\). First aorist again and same condition. Late form (Dio Cassius) of old verb \xenodoke“\ (Herodotus), to welcome strangers (\xenous dechomai\). Only here in N.T. Hospitality another qualification for such leadership (3:2|). {If she hath washed the saints' feet} (\ei hagi“n podas enipsen\). Same condition and tense of \nipt“\ (old form \niz“\), common in N.T. (John:13:5|). Proof of her hospitality, not of its being a church ordinance. {If she hath relieved the afflicted} (\ei thlibomenois epˆrkesen\). Same condition and tense of \eparke“\, to give sufficient aid, old word, in N.T. only here and verse 16|. Experience that qualified her for eleemosynary work. {If she hath diligently followed} (\ei epˆkolouthˆsen\). Same condition and tense of \epakolouthe“\, old verb, to follow close upon (\epi\). Songs:here, verse 24; strkjv@1Peter:2:21|. In a word such a widow must show her qualifications for leadership as with bishops and deacons.

rwp@1Timothy:5:11 @{But younger widows refuse} (\ne“teras de chˆras paraitou\). Present middle imperative as in strkjv@4:7|. "Beg off from." They lack experience as above and they have other ambitions. {When they have waxed wanton} (\hotan katastrˆnias“sin\). First aorist (ingressive) active subjunctive of \katastrˆnia“\, late compound (only here and Ignatius), to feel the impulse of sexual desire, but simplex \strˆnia“\ (Revelation:18:7,9|). Souter renders it here "exercise youthful vigour against Christ" (\tou Christou\, genitive case after \kata\ in composition).

rwp@1Timothy:5:12 @{Condemnation} (\krima\). See strkjv@3:6|. {They have rejected} (\ˆthetˆsan\). First aorist passive of \athete“\, late verb (first in LXX and Polybius), to reject, set aside (from \athetos\). See strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:8; strkjv@Galatians:2:21|. {Their first faith} (\tˆn pr“tˆn pistin\). "Their first pledge" (promise, contract) to Christ. It is like breaking the marriage contract. Evidently one of the pledges on joining the order of widows was not to marry. Parry suggests a kind of ordination as with deacons and bishops (technical use of \krima\ and \pistis\).

rwp@1Timothy:5:13 @{And withal} (\hama de kai\). See strkjv@Philemon:1:22| for this very phrase, "and at the same time also." Such young enrolled widows have other perils also. {They learn to be idle} (\argai manthanousin\). There is no \einai\ (to be) in the Greek. This very idiom without \einai\ after \manthan“\ occurs in Plato and Dio Chrysostom, though unusual. \Argai\ (idle) is old adjective (\a\ privative and \ergon\, without work). See strkjv@Matthew:20:3; strkjv@Titus:1:12|. {Going about} (\perierchomenai\). Present middle participle of \perierchomai\, old compound verb. See strkjv@Acts:19:13| of strollers. {From house to house} (\tas oikias\). Literally "the houses," "wandering around the houses." Vivid picture of idle tattlers and gossipers. {But tattlers also} (\alla kai phluaroi\). Old word from \phlu“\ (to boil up, to throw up bubbles, like blowing soap bubbles). Only here in N.T. \Phluare“\ in strkjv@3John:1:10| only in N.T. {And busybodies} (\kai periergoi\). Old word (from \peri, ergon\), busy about trifles to the neglect of important matters. In N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:19:19|. See strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:11| for \periergazomai\. {Things which they ought not} (\ta mˆ deonta\). "The not necessary things," and, as a result, often harmful. See strkjv@Titus:1:11| \ha mˆ dei\ (which things are not necessary).

rwp@1Timothy:5:14 @{I desire} (\boulomai\). See strkjv@2:8|. {The younger widows} (\ne“teras\). No article and no word for widows, though that is clearly the idea. \Ne“teras\ is accusative of general reference with \gamein\ (to marry) the object (present infinitive active) of \boulomai\. {Bear children} (\teknogonein\). A compound verb here only in N.T. and nowhere else save in Anthol. See \teknogonia\ in strkjv@2:15|. {Rule the household} (\oikodespotein\). Late verb from \oikodespotˆs\ (Mark:14:14|), twice in the papyri, only here in N.T. Note that the wife is here put as ruler of the household, proper recognition of her influence, "new and improved position" (Liddon). {Occasion} (\aphormˆn\). Old word (\apo, hormˆ\), a base to rush from, Pauline use in strkjv@2Corinthians:5:12; strkjv@11:12; strkjv@Galatians:5:13|. {To the adversary} (\t“i antikeimen“i\). Dative case of the articular participle of \antikeimai\, a Pauline idiom (Phillipians:1:28|). {Reviling} (\loidorias\). Old word (from \loidore“\), in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Peter:3:9|. Genitive case with \charin\.

rwp@1Timothy:5:15 @{Are turned aside} (\exetrapˆsan\). Second aorist (effective) passive indicative of \ektrep“\. See strkjv@1:6|. {After Satan} (\opis“ tou Satanƒ\). "Behind Satan." Late use of \opis“\ (behind) as a preposition. Used by Jesus of disciples coming behind (after) him (Matthew:16:24|).

rwp@1Timothy:5:16 @{That believeth} (\pistˆ\). "Believing woman." {Hath widows} (\echei chˆras\). The "any believing woman" is one of the household-rulers of verse 14|. The "widows" here are the widows dependent on her and who are considered as candidates to be enrolled in the list. {Let her relieve them} (\eparkeit“ autais\). For this verb (imperative present active) see verse 10|. {Let not be burdened} (\mˆ bareisth“\). Present passive imperative (in prohibition \mˆ\) of \bare“\, old verb (\baros\, burden), Pauline word (2Corinthians:1:8|). {That are widows indeed} (\tais ont“s chˆrais\). Dative case with \eparkesˆi\ (first aorist active subjunctive with \hina\, final clause). See verse 3| for this use of \ont“s\ with \chˆrais\ "the qualified and enrolled widows." Cf. verse 9|.

rwp@1Timothy:5:17 @{The elders that rule well} (\hoi kal“s proest“tes presbuteroi\). See verse 1| for ordinary sense of \presbuteros\ for "older man." But here of position in same sense as \episkopos\ (3:2|) as in strkjv@Titus:1:5| = \episkopos\ in verse 7|. Cf. Luke's use of \presbuteros\ (Acts:20:17|) = Paul's \episkopous\ (Acts:20:28|). \Proest“tes\ is second perfect active participle of \proistˆmi\ (intransitive use) for which see strkjv@3:4|. {Let be counted worthy} (\axiousth“san\). Present passive imperative of \axio“\, to deem worthy (2Thessalonians:1:11|). With genitive case here. {Of double honour} (\diplˆs timˆs\). Old and common contract adjective (\diploos\, two-fold, in opposition to \haploos\, single fold). But why "of double honour"? See strkjv@6:1| for "of all honour." White suggests "remuneration" rather than "honour" for \timˆs\ (a common use for price or pay). Liddon proposes "honorarium" (both honour and pay and so "double"). Wetstein gives numerous examples of soldiers receiving double pay for unusual services. Some suggest twice the pay given the enrolled widows. {Especially those who labour in word and teaching} (\malista hoi kopi“ntes en log“i kai didaskaliƒi\). Either those who work hard or toil (usual meaning of \kopia“\, strkjv@2Timothy:2:6|) in preaching and teaching (most probable meaning. See verse 18|) or those who teach and preach and not merely preside (a doubtful distinction in "elders" at this time). See strkjv@Titus:1:8f|. See both \kopia“\ and \proistamai\ used for same men (elders) in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:12| and the use of \kopia“\ in strkjv@1Corinthians:15:10; strkjv@16:16|.

rwp@1Timothy:5:18 @{Thou shalt not muzzle} (\ou phim“seis\). Prohibition by \ou\ and future (volitive) indicative of \phimo“\ (from \phimos\, muzzle), old word, quoted also in strkjv@1Corinthians:9:9| as here from strkjv@Deuteronomy:25:4|, and for the same purpose, to show the preacher's right to pay for his work. See strkjv@1Corinthians:9:9| for \alo“nta\ ({when he treadeth out the corn}). {The labourer is worthy of his hire} (\axios ho ergatˆs tou misthou autou\). These words occur in precisely this form in strkjv@Luke:10:7|. It appears also in strkjv@Matthew:10:10| with \tˆs trophˆs\ (food) instead of \tou misthou\. In strkjv@1Corinthians:9:14| Paul has the sense of it and says: "so also the Lord ordained," clearly meaning that Jesus had so said. It only remains to tell whether Paul here is quoting an unwritten saying of Jesus as he did in strkjv@Acts:20:35| or even the Gospel of Luke or Q (the Logia of Jesus). There is no way to decide this question. If Luke wrote his Gospel before A.D. 62 as is quite possible and Acts by A.D. 63, he could refer to the Gospel. It is not clear whether Scripture is here meant to apply to this quotation from the Lord Jesus. For \ergatˆs\ (labourer) see strkjv@Phillipians:3:2|.

rwp@1Timothy:5:19 @{Against an elder} (\kata presbuterou\). In the official sense of verses 17f|. {Receive not} (\mˆ paradechou\). Present middle imperative with \mˆ\ (prohibition) of \paradechomai\, to receive, to entertain. Old verb. See strkjv@Acts:22:18|. {Accusation} (\katˆgorian\). Old word (from \katˆgoros\). In N.T. only here, strkjv@Titus:1:6; strkjv@John:18:29| in critical text. {Except} (\ektos ei mˆ\). For this double construction see strkjv@1Corinthians:14:5; strkjv@15:2|. {At the mouth of} (\epi\). Idiomatic use of \epi\ (upon the basis of) as in strkjv@2Corinthians:13:1|.

rwp@1Timothy:5:20 @{Them that sin} (\tous hamartanontas\). The elders who continue to sin (present active participle). {In the sight of all} (\en“pion pant“n\). "In the eye of (\ho en opi “n\, the one who is in the eye of, then combined = \en“pion\) all" the elders (or even of the church). See next verse 21| and strkjv@Galatians:1:20|. Public rebuke when a clear case, not promiscuous gossip. {May be in fear} (\phobon ech“sin\). Present active subjunctive with \hina\ (final clause), "may keep on having fear" (of exposure). Possibly, "the rest of the elders."

rwp@1Timothy:5:21 @{The elect angels} (\t“n eklekt“n aggel“n\). For this triad of God, Christ, angels, see strkjv@Luke:9:26|. "Elect" in the sense of the "holy" angels who kept their own principality (Jude:1:6|) and who did not sin (2Peter:2:4|). Paul shows his interest in angels in strkjv@1Corinthians:4:9; strkjv@11:10|. {Observe} (\phulaxˆis\). First aorist active subjunctive of \phulass“\, to guard, to keep (Romans:2:26|). Subfinal use of \hina\. {Without prejudice} (\ch“ris prokrimatos\). Late and rare word (from \prokin“\, to judge beforehand), three times in the papyri, here only in N.T. "Without prejudgment." {By partiality} (\kata prosklisin\). Late word from \prosklin“\, to incline towards one (Acts:5:36|), only here in N.T.

rwp@1Timothy:5:22 @{Lay hands hastily} (\cheiras tache“s epitithei\). Present active imperative of \epitithˆmi\ in the sense of approval (ordination) as in strkjv@Acts:6:6; strkjv@13:3|. But it is not clear whether it is the case of ministers just ordained as in strkjv@4:14| (\epithesis\), or of warning against hasty ordination of untried men, or the recognition and restoration of deposed ministers (verse 20|) as suits the context. The prohibition suits either situation, or both. {Be partakers of other men's sins} (\koin“nei hamartiais allotriais\). Present active imperative of \koin“ne“\ (from \koin“nos\, partner) with \mˆ\ in prohibition with associative instrumental case as in strkjv@2John:1:11; strkjv@Romans:12:13|. On \allotrios\ (belonging to another) see strkjv@Romans:14:4|. {Keep thyself pure} (\seauton hagnon tˆrei\). "Keep on keeping thyself pure." Present active imperative of \tˆre“\.

rwp@1Timothy:5:23 @{Be no longer a drinker of water} (\mˆketi hudropotei\). Present active imperative (prohibition) of \hudropote“\, old verb (from \hudropotˆs\, water drinker, \hud“r, pin“\), here only in N.T. Not complete asceticism, but only the need of some wine urged in Timothy's peculiar physical condition (a sort of medical prescription for this case). {But use a little wine} (\alla ain“i olig“i chr“\). Present middle imperative of \chraomai\ with instrumental case. The emphasis is on \olig“i\ (a little). {For thy stomach's sake} (\dia ton stomachon\). Old word from \stoma\ (mouth). In Homer throat, opening of the stomach (Aristotle), stomach in Plutarch. Here only in N.T. Our word "stomach." {Thine often infirmities} (\tas puknas sou astheneias\). \Puknos\ is old word, dense, frequent. In N.T. only here, strkjv@Luke:5:33; strkjv@Acts:24:26|. \Astheneias\ = weaknesses, lack of strength (Romans:8:26|). Timothy was clearly a semi-invalid.

rwp@1Timothy:5:24 @{Evident} (\prodˆloi\). "Openly plain," "plain before all." Old word, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Hebrews:7:24|. {Going before unto judgment} (\proagousai eis krisin\). See strkjv@1:18| for \proag“\. The sins are so plain that they receive instant condemnation. {And some men also they follow after} (\tisin de kai epakolouthousin\). Associative instrumental case \tisin\ with \epakolouthousin\ for which verb see verse 10|, "dog their steps" (Parry) like strkjv@1Peter:2:21|, not clearly manifest at first, but come out plainly at last. How true that is of secret sins.

rwp@1Timothy:5:25 @{Such as are otherwise} (\ta all“s echonta\). "Those (deeds, \erga\) which have it otherwise." That is good deeds not clearly manifest. {Cannot be hid} (\krubˆnai ou dunantai\). Second aorist passive infinitive of \krupt“\. There is comfort here for modest preachers and other believers whose good deeds are not known and not blazoned forth. They will come out in the end. See strkjv@Matthew:5:14-16|.

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